• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 4,733 Views, 201 Comments

Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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The One Who Stops the Flow of Rivers

This monster, or whatever this thing was, looked very terrifying and formidable for Twilight, Applejack, and the others to fight head-on. It had a long neck as wide as a tree trunk, and Luke prepared his lightsaber, as his father with his magnum pistol. The creature barred it's rather sharp, toothpick-like teeth glowing a yellow color. When Luke was about to slice it at the neck, Fluttershy stopped him by getting in-between him and This mysterious leviathan. "Wait!" she shouted.

Luke thought he recognized this kind of monster before. He remembered reading about African cryptids before in a book, and this creature reminded him of this monster that could possibly live in Cameroon or central Africa called: The Mokele-Mbembe, one of the dark continent's most dangerous cryptids.

The others steadied themselves from attacking, and knew what she might do with this creature. The yellow pegasus turned around, and the leviathan-like animal made a small rumbling that made the ground mildly shake like a small earthquake. It was growling at her, and it snapped his jaws at her, but it missed. "Excuse me!" she scolded him. "How dare you try and eat me! I just wanted to be friends with you!" the creature stopped his growling, for she was giving him the stare. has met his match against her is what it looked like, and it slowly backed away a few steps. "Look, we mean you no harm." Fluttershy reasoned with it. "We just wanted to look around the swamp and see what we can find."

Just then, the creature made a small howl at Fluttershy that reminded Luke of a silt-strider from the Elder Scrolls series. A rather spine-tingling, but majestic type of small howl. Then this creature made another small howl, then another.

"Oh. I see. You were just curious." Fluttershy said. "What are you?"

"That is the Mokele-Mbembe." said Zecora. "It is also known as: the one who stops the flow of rivers."

"I knew it!" Luke exclaimed with joy. "I was right!"

"Wait, you know about this creature?" said Okove.

"Well, there is information about this big guy." said the human. "In my world, he is a creature that is described in Cryptozoology, like I have shown you guys the Maryland Goatman many months ago when I first arrived in Equestria."

"Oh yeah. I remember you showing us that." said Pinkie Pie.

"So this guy is a creature that might or might not be real in your world?" said Applejack.

"Yep. I've seen a few illustrations of this guy fighting a small group of hippos." Luke said. "But it doesn't surprise me that it lives in a world like this."

"Well, you certainly know how to do your homework my boy."

Luke flustered. "Well, I'm not in school anymore, but I still plan to go to college." then he put his lightsaber away. "When I heard about this guy, it is in a language called the Lingala, that he's called: the one who stops the flow of the rivers too. The natives around that area where he supposedly lives believe his is a god or a deity.

"Hmm. That is what the other natives around here in the swamp believe, too." said Zecora. "Although it is a good idea to be careful when this kind of creature is around you."

The Mokele-Mbembe got a glimpse at Spike, and lowered his head towards him. The creature began sniffing his small body, and made a small growl, then licked all around him. "Oh, yuck!" Spike exclaimed in disgust.

"Oh come on, Spike." said Twilight. "That's kind of cute. Maybe he is taking a liking to you like that frog a few days before."

"Yeah. I guess so." all of a sudden, the Mokele-mbembe nuzzled his head against his small body like cat demanding attention from it's owner.

"Aww, isn't that cute." said Fluttershy. "he has taken a liking to you, Spike."

"So this big guy was just curious is all?" asked Larry

"Yes. He just wanted to say hello." Fluttershy replied. "I wonder if there are other Mokele-Mbembe like him." Just then the intriguing leviathan bowed his head in sadness. "Oh, what's the matter?" she asked the creature. The dinosaur-like beast made a small whimper, and another howl. Fluttershy gasped, and she said: "You poor thing." then she hugged his head gently.

"What did he say?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"He's one of the last of his kind." said the yellow pegasus mare, feeling like shedding a few tears of sadness. "He only has his girlfriend left."

The others began to feel sorry for this dinosaur-like leviathan. "He must be alone." said Lyra. "Especially if he and his mate is the last of their kind. I can imagine how alone he must be."

"Or his mate." Lyra dded.

"Well, maybe once they fool around together," said Luke. "Maybe they might produce babies together."

"Fool around?" said Spike. "What do you mean fool around?"

"It's... complicated." said Twilight." You'll understand when you're a little older, like a teenager maybe." Unfortunately, the baby dragon still didn't understand what he meant, but decided to just go with what Twilight said. "And yeah, that must be sad how he is one of the last of the Mokele-Mbembe. What happened to the rest of them anyway?"

"They used to be a common sight in ancient times." said Okove. "But, that was the prehistoric times in Zebrica. This kind of creature shouldn't even be here. No offense."

The Mokele-Mbembe made yet another small growl in reply. "He says that he's starting to wish that was true." Fluttershy clarified. "Do you think you can show us your mate?" Then the legendary creature made a few more grunts, small howling, and small growls to her. Fluttershy made a gasp, and she exclaimed: "That's terrible! Where is she?"

"What'd he say?" said Discord.

"She is captured by a group of poachers who want to sell her thick hide."

Everyone gasped in shock. If there was one thing that Luke hated in the world more than Nazis, the Klu Klux Klan, and Spanish, it was poaching. A small amount of anger built up inside of him, and he felt like finding these poachers and slicing them into little chunks of meat, that not even their own mothers would recognize them. "Poachers. I know what kind of people they are. Scum and lowlifes that only care about making money." he said

"You said it, Luke." said Rainbow Dash. She pounded her hooves together to show how tough she was about this. "I'm ready to kick some poacher butt."

"As am I." said Rarity

"I can never stand poachers." said Fluttershy. A gigantic rage built up inside of her, like she was about to turn into the Incredible Hulk. "I will make sure that those mean poachers pay for what they had just did!!" she exclaimed in fury.

"You go, girl." said Discord.

"Where are they?" asked Starlight Glimmer

Then the Mokele-Mbembe gave out a few more growls, and pointed his head to the northwest direction from where he was. "he said that they went over there when they abducted his wife." Fluttershy translated for her friends.

"Come on, we got no time to lose." said Zecora.

"You might want to stay out of sight. I wouldn't want you to be spotted by them." Fluttershy told him

The Mokele-Mbembe nodded his head and slowly went back underwater. Fluttershy, Twilight, Starlight, and the others rushed to where the poachers have gone to. After running three miles, they saw a light from where they were, and it appeared to be a campsite.

Everyone ducked behind a couple of bushes. Applejack peeked over and tried to make out what that place was. She gasped at what she saw. "Rainbow, you might wanna have a look at this." The cyan pegasus peeked over next to her friend, and she made a bigger gasp.

"It's freaking Caballeron!" she shouted quietly. "Of course he's the one behind all this!"

"Shh! Keep it down!" said Twilight, pulling Rainbow down. The rest peeked over to see who it was, and it revealed to be a small band of no-good stallions. The leader looked like a right-hand man for a very evil villain, and his henchmen looked like a stereotypical type of hit-men for this guy. He had a brown coat and had a white collared shirt with a five o'clock shadow on his face, and his cutie mark was a golden horse skull

"You know this guy?" asked Larry

"He's Daring Do's arch-nemesis." Rainbow said. "And we've met him and his goons a few times before."

"They are mean." said Fluttershy. "They have always been a thorn on Daring Do's side as she is to them all."

"Oh yes. We have heard of this scum." said Okove. "He has been here before, and arrested countless times in our home. He has been permanently exiled from Zebrica, but apparently, he and his friends always sneak in to try and find treasures or other illegal activities."

"and look!" Starlight pointed to a large creature in a cage that was way to small for it. "That must be the other Mokele-Mbembe." Fluttershy's anger was coming back to her again. It really pained her to see a poor creature in prison like this.

"I got an idea." said Luke. "While you guys are busy fighting that guy and his baddies, i can break that dinosaur out of the cage, and we can finish them all off together, and reunite her with her mate."

"Good luck." said Discord. "Those are iron bars that thing is held up in."

"Need I remind you that a lightsaber can cut through metal?"

"Oh. Right."

"No problem. We know how to handle this guy." said Rainbow Dash. She quietly got out of the bushes and approached them. "Hey! Caballeron. Remember me?"

The bad stallions looked at her, ready for a fight. "Ah, Rainbow Dash." said the leader. "What a pleasant surprise. Don't you ever learn to give up or stay out of our plans?" his voice sounded like a Spanish, Latin American accent of some kind. "You cannot just leave well enough alone?"

"Not if you're still causing trouble all over the world, i won't. Let that Mokele-Mbembe go!"

"Never!" said Caballeron. "We are going to sell it for money."

"Not if we have anything to say about it, scoundrel!" said Zecora. She and the others stepped up next to Rainbow Dash while Luke and his father quietly sneaked over to the cage.

"Don't worry," Luke whispered to it. "We'll get you out of there."

"Well, since you're here, we can finally have out revenge on you for foiling our previous plans." said the henchman with the glasses over his eyes in a German accent.

"Right you are, Hausser." said the leader. "Get them boys!" then an all-out battle commenced between both sides. While the fighting ensued, Luke pulled out his lightsaber, ignited it, and began slicing at the thick, iron bars. Just then, something caught Luke's arm, one of the henchmen was on to Luke and trying to subdue him. Despite that, Luke kicked him in the face, throwing him off-course with a loud grunt.

"who the hell are you?" said the leader, noticing Luke and his father.

"Two humans you're gonna wish you have never met in the first place!" Luke said. He slashed his lightsaber at more iron bars, and the creature was free from the infernal cage. The female Mokele-Mbembe looked rather mad that these stallions put her in a prison like this, and now, she will have her revenge.

"Uh-oh." said another one of the henchmen. "The creature is lose!" it sounded like a Russian accent from him.

"Just great!" said another henchman. Then they all ran away in fear, except for the leader.

"Gah! Curse you, creature!" said Caballeron in fury and anger. "That monster was going to make me and my boys a fortune!"

Luke sneered at him. "No one tries to trap a poor creature like that and gets away with it! Can't always get what you want, Svoloch!" He then pointed his lightsaber at the leader, and the stallion charged. Luke slashed at him with his sword three times, two horizontal and one vertical, but he missed.

Caballeron kicked Luke in the face, but Luke recovered quickly, and returned the favor by pulling his mane, and punching him in the face four times. Giving Luke a kick to the stomach, he was about to finish Luke off by stomping on him to death, but then a gunshot was heard, and the leader of the bandits screamed in agony, and tumbled off of him.

It revealed that Larry shot him in the right eye before he could finish off his son.

"Gah! What was that?!" said Caballeron, covering where his right eye used to be. A small amount of blood was pouring out of his socket, looking at Luke's father with rage and hatred.

"Never heard of a gun before, partner?" said Larry with a smug look on his face, blowing at the end of his magnum like a gunslinger.

Caballeron didn't say anything, but growled in hatred. "This is not over, Rainbow Dash!" he shouted at last. "I will have my revenge against you!" then he ran off into the swamp. The good guys have won this battle, and the female Mokele-Mbembe made a small rumble of happiness.

"Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked her. The female nodded a yes to her in reply with a rather adorable smile on her face. "Well, your mate was looking for you."

Letting out a small yelp of happiness, the female leviathan was more than eager to meet her soulmate again after what she had been through. "Come on, girl." said Applejack. "We'll take you to him." Then the female followed the group to the lake where they met the male Mokele-Mbembe before, and they waited for him to arrive.

Waiting for three minutes, the male creature submerged once again and he was more than happy to see his own wife again. They both hugged one another and nuzzled their face against one another. It was a really touching sight for Luke and his friends to see, and they both howled into the sky with joy.

Both of them looked at the group after they were done howling, and they both nuzzled against Fluttershy as a thank you gift, and the same for everyone else, starting with Luke. Their skin felt really slippery like wet bread dough, or a wet pole, or cement on a rainy day.

They all made yet another pair of new friends in this Zebrican vacation. Twilight herself was even thinking of writing down her notes on a book about Equestrian monsters or creatures for the eyes of Equestria to read one day. "Hey Twilight," said Fluttershy. "I think it's best if you didn't write notes about these two."


"Well, we wouldn't want ponies like Caballeron to capture them for trade again, wouldn't we?" said Lyra.

Twilight had a sudden realization and she said: "I think your right." then she looked at the two Mokele-Mbembe again. "I wouldn't want put them both in danger because of me."

"Well, at least they know who we are, now." said Spike.

"You're right, Spike." then she hugged him.

"Well, it was wonderful seeing you two lovebirds." said Zecora. "We all hope to see you again." then the two leviathans bowed their heads with a smile at them both and slowly went back into the large lake.

Everyone was feeling terrific about themselves, saving a very rare creature from Caballeron and his band of thieves like that, and even increase a chance of those species surviving in Zebrica one day. "I think we should tell the Equestrian Society of Rare creatures about those animals. They can help protect the species." Fluttershy suggested.

"Perfect idea, Fluttershy." said Luke. "Maybe when we get back, we can tell them about this creature. Oh, be careful who you talk to though."

Fluttershy made a small chuckle. "I will."

"Well, that was quite an adventure." said Okove. "Saving a pair of legendary leviathans like that from a group of poachers like that."

"Right. Well, I suppose we have had enough of this swamp." said Discord. "Everyone agreed with him, and decided to head back to the village, and Luke could hardly wait for another adventure on the next day in his Zebrican vacation with his friends.

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