• Published 19th Sep 2015
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Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Stripeless Desert

Rights for the Song go to Namco

The Stripeless desert was a place of harsh environment, with hardly any water or oasis to be seen in the vast desert sands. Many dunes of golden sand were covering much of this place, with a couple of dead trees scattered around, and everyone kept a sharp eye out for any snakes or scorpions that might pop out of the sand, for they were common animals of the desert environment.

Everyone was having hoods over there heads so they can be covered from any possible sandstorms. Luckily, Anugypt wasn't too far away from where they were walking now. With all honesty, Luke felt like he looked like Boko Haram agent or soldier, or an Al Queda agent with this hood, and it made him feel ashamed to have this kind of Bedouin hood like this. Still, it would help him keep from getting sand in his eyes, or in his mouth, nose, or ears.

The sun was scorching in the sky, but everyone remembered to get themselves some extra water before going on this trip.

All through the journey, there were interesting sights in this peculiar landscape, such as a couple of ruined temples that looked Egyptian, and some pyramids in a Sudanese type of style.

Of course, they saw many animals like the infamous dromedary camel, and Luke pointed to a herd of them at the southeast side of where he and his friends were. There had to be fifty camels in this group of humped herbivores, and they looked mighty going down liens of sand dunes in the wind.

“How do they do it?” Said Pinkie

“Do what?” Asked Bon Bon

“How do camels survive out here without water?”

“The hump on their backs is to help store water in then, and helps them from dying of thirst.” Said Luke. “They can go up to weeks without having water thanks to those humps.” He looked at the herd again, and those camels were making low, grunting noises as they continued walking on their journey for god-knows-what.

“Well, moving along now.” Said Okove. “The sun can be a harsh object out here in the Stripleless Desert.”

“Ugh! And I thought the humidity in the swamp was bad enough, but, this wasteland takes the case!” Said Rarity before wiping her face of sweat.

“Ah come on.” Said Larry. “To be fair, humidity is way worse than dry heat. Out here, you can easily cool off in the shade, but you can still sweat in very humid places.”

“You ain’t wrong, Larry.” Said Rainbow Dash. “The Everefree forest can get humid in the summer. Absolutely brutal.”

“Heh, you should have seen Big Macintosh when he was there last summer.” Said Applejack. “He was sweating like an apple fritter right out of the oven!” She and the other five elements of Harmony laughed with her.

Fluttershy was the first to speak after that, and she said: “yeah, poor Big Mac. Still, he got a ice dip in that refreshing pool next to the tree of harmony.”

Pinkie Pie couldn’t help but gasp, and she asked Fluttershy: “He didn’t go in the mirror pool, did he?! That pool is bad news! I thought we sealed it?!”

“Pinkie, Calm down.” Said Twilight. “It’s. It the mirror pool, besides, after we put the rock over the cavern entrance, I sealed it with my magic to keep anypony from moving it.”

“Oh yeah, right,” the pink mare remembered.

“Should we be on the lookout for any bandits?” Asked Luke. “I’ve heard of bedouins before in my world.”

“Yes we should.” Said Zecora. “Bandits and bedouins can be a problem out here in the Stripless Desert, especially by night.”

“And you still got your lightsaber, right?” Said Discord.

“Yes. Just in case.”

“And I still have my gun with me.” Larry added. “ no bandit or Bedouin will get the best out of us as long as I have this on my side.”

After a long walk in these golden fields of sand, they were all getting a little tired, and their legs were becoming a little sore. Howmthey all just needed to look for an oasis in these parts of this land for some shade and to get some more water if needed. Looking high and low, Rainbow Dash was in the sky about hundreds of feet high, and she was looking down on her, finding no luck in an oasis close to her and her friends.

She came back down after looking deeper. “Anything, Dash?” Asked Lyra

“Nope. Zippo.”

“Oh great, we’re in the middle of nowhere.” Said Discord.

“No we’re not.” Okove argued. “Anugypt is not far from where we are now.” He wiped a few drops of sweat from his face. “We just have to keep moving onward.”

“But i’m So hot!” Said Fluttershy. “It is almost like an oven out here.”

“Come on, Fluttershy.” Said Twilight. “We still got some water left in us.”

“I know. As a matter of fact, I better take a sip.” Then, she began drinking her liquid down her throat with no hesitation. Lyra, Bon Bon, Luke, And Twilight followed after, and took. It sips of their waters. “That was so refreshing.” The yellow Pegasus remarked after she was done. “Much better.”

“Totally.” Bon Bon agreed with her. “I hope we can get all the way to Anugypt with the water we have.”

“Same here, Bon Bon. I can really use some more water once we get there.” Lyra panted.

“Well, I can assure you, Neighro is a city with a large, winding river that many jackals and zebras like to take a swim in if needed.” Said Okove. “It will all be worth it once we get over to that beautiful city that we call a desert jewel.”

“And there is so much to do in the city. Anugypt is a country of beauty, and Neighro is the heart of it all.” Zecora added.

Just then, Luke got an idea, and snapped his left finger. “Say Discord, I got a solution that might help us in the road.”

The Master Of Chaos perked his ears like a dog who’s owner just called it’s name. “And what might that solution be, dear boy?” He Asked

“Why don’t you conjure a gigantic block of ice that we can relax from, and use that as a shade? It might help us, and we can even use it as a board to lay on and relax.”

“Hmm, That does sound rather unusual.” Said Rarity. “But, Maybe we should give it a try. This horrible hot weather is starting to get to my mind.”

“I think it’s a wonderful idea.” Said Fluttershy.

“Well, Very well. I suppose it is the least I can do for all my good friends here.” Then with a snap of a finger, Discord co juried a gigantic block of ice as big as a small house. Everyone took shade behind this thing.

Spike relaxed his back on the block and it felt so good in this hot weather. Of course, out here, it wouldn’t be long before the ice will melt into water, so everyone enjoyed this block of ice for as long as it will last.

“This was a really good idea, Luke.” Said Zecora. “I cannot believe we didn’t think of that before. This ice cube is giving me a feeling that I adore.”

“Oh yes.” Fluttershy agreed. “I have never been so refreshed like this before.

“Say, Maybe we can make little ice cubes out of this one when we’re done with it and put it in our drinks.” Larry suggested.

“Another good idea!” Lyra exclaimed. “Oh yeah, this hits the spot.” As everyone continued to enjoy the relaxing, refreshing shade. Luke put his arms behind his back, and he looked at the sun in the other side of the ice block, and then the ice cube.

Just then, when he sat back down on the sand, he felt something sniffing, then licking his hand like a flypaper. He looked to the right, and he was startled to see a Stripes hyena with it’s dog-like face, and it took a step back, feeling a little startled itself. Luke didn’t know what to say about this, and was thinking if he should pull out his lightsaber against this hyena.

“Hello.” He Said flatly. He slowly reached his right hand over to the animal again, and it began licking his finger again. Luke suddenly remembered about researching about striped hyenas being easily tamed, and how the ancient Egyptians would use them as hunting animals for food.

The striped hyena looked really majestic and had a narrow mane running down it’s back, all the way down to it’s tail. He slowly bent down on his knees to make better contact with the animal, and the beast began licking his cheeks like a dog.

“Luke, we heard a scream!” Said Fluttersh. She and everyone else were coming to check on him and see if he’s alright, and when they saw the hyena, they looked surprised, “oh my goodness,” She Said

“Whoa!” Rainbow Said.

“Are you crazy, Luke?” Said Larry. He was about to pull his gun out and shoot the hyena to try and protect his son. “Alright, Luke. Stand back” he said, about to cock his magnum. Larry was suddenly stopped by Discord.

“Easy. I think this hyena means us no harm.”

His father was a little reluctant at first, thanks to paternal instincts, but he knows Luke has a lightsaber on hi.pm in case something goes wrong.

“It’s okay guys.” Said Luke. “It’s only a striped hyena. They can be tamed easily on my world.”

“Oh indeed.” Said Zecora. “The Jackalians, Khajiit And Minotaurs out here like to have them as their own pets, and use them to hunt for meat.” Said Zecora.

Just then, the striped hyena began nuzzling Luke’s face, and began to like the melting block of ice. “Ah, of course. I guess he wanted to take shelter here, too.”

“I wouldn’t blame him for it.” Twilight remarked. Just then, from behind the block, four more hyenas appeared, looking a little smaller than the one Luke was interacting with right now, and began to come around the black of ice, too.”

“Oh look,” Said Fluttershy. “He has a family.”

This small group was three adults and one cub with them, very eager to relax with the ice block. Matter of fact, they all began to kick it, and rub their bodies against it to enjoy the soothing cold object.

“Ah, they just want shelter here.” Said Luke.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but asked the alpha of this family: “Are you just thirsty? And you just want a little shade?”

The hyenas all made a laughing sound in reply, and nodded their heads a yes to her in reply, then they began licking the thing some more to stay hydrated.

“Well, it won’t last forever.” Said Larry. “Of course, we should still get some ice cubes for us to Neighro.”

“Absolutely.” Said Pinkie Pie. She pulled out a pickax from her mane, and hit an edge of this block. Small bunches of ice was cracking, and everyone got as much Alice cubes as they can, but luckily, the block did not collapse, for it was gigantic.

“Got the cubes. Come on.” Said Luke. They all continued their journey to Anugypt and the striped hyenas stayed next to the block to keep themselves cool until it melts into cold water.

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