• Published 19th Sep 2015
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Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Zebrican Beach Time

It was the second-to-last day on the trip in Zebrica, and Luke was feeling a little bummed, but he did miss Ponyville a little, and he was happy to go back there in two days from now. Still, there was a large beach in Lake Zetoria, about twenty miles from where Agbaje was, and it was the largest lake in Zebrica, like how Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa. This place was a really nice spot to go swimming in and enjoy swimming with fish and other harmless wildlife, and the place even had their own penguins over at the gigantic lake. It looked way bigger than Lake Superior in the United States back home, and it certainly felt like an ocean by what everyone heard from the Zebrican inhabitants.

It was a good thing that Larry brought himself a pair of swimming trunks for both him and his son with him just in case. His own suit was a plain black color and Luke's was a color of green with some palm trees imprinted on it.

Bot was everyone getting ready for this fun time at a beach-like place. Lake Zetoria was quite a hotspot for the tourists and inhabitants alike, and for those good reasons listed. The train to pick them all up to Zetoria will be at Agbaje station very soon, and Luke and his friends made sure they had everything they needed to go.

While waiting at the train station, Luke noticed a gigantic bird looking around for food on the ground, and it looked like somewhat of a crane or a heron, except it's beak was not at long.

It's wings were spotted and it had a brpad-feathery neck, and it walked with a majestic type of walk and pecked at the ground a few times.

Another extinguishing feature it had was a small line of feathers from it's head, and it was like a Crest on it's noggin. It looked like he was three feet tall and it's neck was long.

"Wow. A kori bustard." Luke muttered to himself, trying to get a closer mock at the bird with a pair of binoculars. This truly was a Magnificent type of bird for him to see.

"What's that, Luke?" Pinkie asked, obviously hearing what he had muttered. She looked at the bustard, and her eyes widened with a small gasp. "Ooh. That's a pretty bird."

The others heard what she said and they looked to where this creature was. Everyone else were just as amazed as Luke and Pinkie Pie.

"Gorgeous." Rarity remarked. "Toy are absolutely right, Pinkie Pie. It is a beautiful bird."

"What kind of bird is that?" Asked Bon Bon.

"A kori bustard." Fluttershy recognized it. "So incredible."

"A what?" Asked Lyra

"A kori bustard." Luke said. "These are one of the largest flying birds in my world." Then he pointed out to it with his left finger. "It likes to spend time on the ground most of it's life, and it likes to eat insects, small mammals, and snakes."

The bird began to puff out it's neck in a mating display and it almost looked like a sage grouse with it's neck puffed out like that. "What the hay is it doing?" Asked Rainbow Dash

"Ah, it's just displaying it's feathers on his neck. It's mating season and it's trying to woo a girlfriend with his neck." Luke explained to her. "Probably not always successful."

It was just then the train arrived and the next stop was Lake Zetoria, exactly where the gang had to go next. "All aboard!" Saif the zebra conductor. "All aboard to Lake Zetoria."

"Whoop! That's us." Said Discord. Everyone was obliged to get on the train, and it was just then the bird flew away, showing off it's beautiful wings.

"You know, Luke," Said Fluttershy. "I think I know a perfect job for you."

"What's that, Fluttershy?" Asked Luke curiously as he was preparing to listen to his iPod.

"I think a zookeeper would be a good career for you." The yellow pegasus answered in a cheerful voice.

"A zookeeper?"

"Of course. You really love animals and you would do anything to help them out as much as I do."

"She has a point, Luke." Said the father. "You've always been fascinated with animals since you were a little kid. I haven't forgotten about the time me and your mom bought a zoobook magazine when you were four years old."

Luke did remember that time when his parents got him those magazines when he was just a boy, and he was so happy to get them when he was around that age.

He always loved those kind of books, and how he would always go to the zoo with his parents once in a whole before they got divorced all those years ago. "Maybe. Still I am young and I still don't know what i should do in my life."

"Oh don't be coy." Said Twilight. “I think that would be a perfect career for you. Besides, we all seen how well you handle animals with Fluttershy.”

“That would be fun to do.” Spike added. “Maybe The perfect job for you.”

“Good point, but still, I just need to think about what I should do in my life for a living.” Luke Said. “Besides, I still got some time to think.”

“Oh we know that,” Said Applejack. “Nopony’s forcing ya to change one bit.” And she looked out the window for anything exciting outside.

“I know that. I never said you guys were.”

“Well, Lake Zetoria will be a wondrous spot to visit and have fun in.” Said Okove. “It is a perfect getaway for zebras who want to get away from the scorching rays of the sun that is shining down on these very fields of grass.”

“I can’t wait to see those adorable little penguins that live around the lake. They are just so cute!”

“And I can’t wait to swim with a school of sharks.” Discord added. “Mmmm, maybe I should scare a couple of tourists that are swimming just for kicks.”

“Absolutely not, Discord.” Fluttershy Said.

“Oh, you heard me?”

“Yes.” Fluttershy replied. “I have a good sense of hearing, Discod, and you know it.”

“Alright alright, I promise, I won’t play shark at all the pool goers.” The Master Of Chaos vowed to her. “Besides, I just hope that this lake is not very far from Agbaje. I singly cannot Wait a long time on the train.”

“Oh, it will not be long, Discord.” Said Zecora. “Trains are faster than the fastest horse.” She peeked out the window and saw a flock of twenty ostriches running through the fields together. “Behold the speed of an ostrich.” She showed her friends the gigantic birds and how they were behaving. “They are absolutely not sweet and innocent like a little partridge.”

“You mean they’re dangerous?” Asked Rainbow Dash

“If you are not careful,” Said Okove. “Then yes,”

“Wouldn’t want to be chased by those birds.” Luke remarked. “They can totally run faster than humans. That’s for sure. And look at the claws at the end of their two feet.”

“They don’t look sharp.” Said Twilight.

“It’s not the sharpness that counts, it’s how fast they move and how fast they can run into you while charging.”

“Good point, Luke.” Said Spike. “They can probably stomp on you with their feet.”

“Hey, look at those birds.” Said Lyra. They all looked over to the right side of the train and saw a couple of ground hornbills hanging out together in peace and harmony.

“What are those things?” Asked Spike

“Ground hornbills.mthey are like toucans a little, but they are their own species and their beaks are a little more curvy. As their name implies, they like to be on the ground most of the time.”

“Wow. I can see why you love Africa so much.” Said Fluttershy. “They must have animals as beautiful as the ones here.”

After about ten minutes of more looming out the windows, the train stopped and there was the lake on the right of the tracks. They were all there and got ready to get out of this train and have fun in the lake.

As soon as everyone got off, everyone sss so amazed and intrigued by how enormous and beautiful this lake looked. The waters were sparkling under the sun and a flock of geese passed through to the right, honking and hissing as they were passing by.

Of course, it wouldn’t really be a lake without it being surrounded by cattails, green grass, and other plants surrounding the waters. Many semi-aquatic birds were bathing in the lake and some animals like warthogs, wildebeest, and many others were coming to get a drink from it.

“Oh my god.” Luke Said.

“It’s so beautiful out here.” Said Fluttershy. “So incredibly wonderful.”

“Guys glad I suggested Zebrica?” Luke Asked

“Of course we’re glad.” Said Rarity. “I simply admire the scenery and fashion from the tribes here in Zebrica. It is quite an honor to be here in these lands.”

“And it feels so good to visit my old home again.” Zecora added. “It’s like a bear guiding hikers over the mountain.”

“Good. Glad you all like it.” Said Luke.

Looking over at the lake, they saw a large colony of penguins that represented African penguins or mallegenic penguins, at least a species that looked similar to those two species of the flightless birds. These penguins were waddling about the wide, open beach and there were many swimmers around here: eland, kudu, bongos, zebras, Buffalo, and even pony swimmers.

“Oh look at them,” Said Fluttershy. “These penguins are so cute.”

“Oh yes. The Zebrican penguins.” Said Okove. “Rather curious birds and referred to as pests by a number of communities.”

“Come on,” Said Rainbow Dash. “How can a bunch of cute penguins be considered pests?” Okove pointed over to the beach, and there wasa penguin digging in one of coolers on the sand, poking his head inside.

“They’re obviously hungry and looking for food.” Said Spike.

“And they have a tendency to walk on sandcastles.” Okove added.

“Can’t be as bad as getting attacked by a hippo.” Applejack remarked.

“A fair point.” Said Zecora. “Still, it is always good to be careful.”

“What about the crocodiles?” Asked Twilight. “What if they come here in the lake?”

“Not to worry.” Said Zecora. “The lake has an underwater fence to keep away any crocodiles, bull sharks, and other dangerous beasts from trying to eat any swimmers that it would want to eat.

Luke then took off his shirt, leaving his upper body exposed, and Larry did the same thing, and put their shirts in a bag to know where they were after they were done swimming. “Well come on,” Said Pinkie Pie. “Beach party!”

And they they all went to the beach to have some watery fun. The waters of the lake were not so cold, and it was a good temperature to swim in on this warm day in Zebrica. Luke was trying to get a glimpse of any underwater animal that might be lurking below him, and enjoyed swimming inside the lake while doing so.

Of course, anither fun thing he did was hang out with some penguins and swim with them, and he was having a blast with this experience. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were playing the game: Marco Polo, And had a beach ball with them to Play some catch.

“Marco!” Rainbow called

“Polo!” Pinkie replied.

Rarity was just bathing under the sun and didn’t really feel like swimming right now, and had a tanning mirror with her while sunbathing. “This is certainly a paradise for a mare like moi. Such bliss, such relaxation.”

Discord couldn’t help but pull a prank by putting a bunch of chips on her tummy, slowly and quietly. While she was sleeping, Rarity felt something ticklish on her tummy and awoke to see a flock of seagulls squawking and chirping as they were all sitting on her stomach and eating the chips. Rarity immediately freaked out and got out of her reclining chair. “Ha Ha Ha! Oh I love this prank.” Discord Said mischievously.

Poor Rarity was just screaming and trying to thwart off many seagulls as possible. “Get away from me you winged vermin! Go find somewhere else to eat!” But the seagulls didn’t listen and chased after her.

Larry couldn’t help but laugh at what just happened right now. “Hah! Poor Rarity.” Then He took a sip of sprite and hopped in the pool. Fluttershy was having a blast herself and interacted with the many penguins herself as she was swimming, and even talked with them, having nice conversations.

Over the course of time, there was the sound of the penguins braying like donkeys once in a while, but it didn’t bother everyone too much. Spike was relaxing on an inflatable bed above water and had a glass of lemonade as he looked at the sky. He felt something ticklish rubbing against his right side, and he saw a penguin coming up to him. “Hello.” He Said.

Before he knew it, Spike felt the penguin hop on him, and walk all over his face.

“Hey! Get off me!” Spike said, pulling the bird away. Despite him swiping it off, the left funk got back on him, and a couple of more penguins joined in. “Oh come on!” He shouted in irritation.

Twilight giggled, seeing what was going on with her little brother right now. “Oh Spike.” She Said. All of a sudden, she saw a fish eagle swooping down next to her, and picked up a trout from the lake, flying all the way back to it’s nest. “Oh my.” She Said. “That was amazing.

Inside the lake was very diverse, many cichlids, catfish, trout, bass, and a couple of harmless eels lived in this gigantic lake. Another thing that amazed Luke was seeing a manatee in this place, and he never really saw a manatee up close before. It was over five feet long, and it was very chubby and broad with his adorable face.

The young human couldn’t help but gently let it, and the beast was liking it. Manatees were rather unusual animals in the kingdom, but interesting at the same time, and this one went down below to feed on kelp, and seaweed that it can find.

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