• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 4,733 Views, 201 Comments

Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Little Camping Trip

Two days later, Luke was still being happy in Ponyville. At the moment, he was listening to a little Black Sabbath on his iPod touch, relaxing on the couch with his arms on the back of his head. It was a good thing that there were electronics and chargeable wires in Equestria, because he would not know what to do without his iPod, for music was so important to him in his life.

A skunk got up on his lap, taking a rest. The claws were rather ticklish when they were touching around his thighs, it was almost like a cat doing the same thing.

"Aww, you like it up at my lap, Stripetail?" Luke said to the critter, smiling. The skunk looked at him and chittered happily in reply. Gently stroking his back, Luke enjoyed the skunk's company, even if it is a skunk, but he knows that skunks spray for if they are scared, and Stripetail here was anything but.

Then the human went back to listening to Children of the Grave, tapping his fingers on the couch cushion, like a rather odd drum set. As he listened and listened, he began to feel more proud of himself for singing a rockin' track to his new friends. They all loved him and his vocal range. He just wishes he can go and do it again, but he thought to himself "who knows? Maybe another opportunity will come to me."

He took a little sip of root beer with some ice, and let out a breath from the being. Of feeling refreshed.

As he looked around, he noticed a little conflict between two rats. Concerned, his smile turned into a small frown, wanting to know what that little skirmish was about. "Hey, Stripetail, can you please get off my lap?" He said politely to the mustelid

The skunk nodded with a little chirp and lept off his lap like he told him to. Link paused his device, took out his earbuds, and went to see what this little problem was for. He could hear angry chittering and squeaking of the two feuding rats.

"Hey hey hey, what is going on, here?" Luke intervened.

Both rats then stopped their feuding and looked at the human, then they both tried to explain why they were fighting, but of course, Luke could not understand a word from both the rodents.

"Uhhh, I don't know how to talk to animals, remember?" Luke said with a nervous smile.

"What's wrong?" Fluttershy asked, coming from upstairs.

"Ah, Fluttershy. I need your help."

"Sure, what is it, Luke?"

"These two little guys are fighting over something, so maybe you can help me resolve this?"

"Of course." Fluttershy said sweetly. "There is nothing I would like more to make peace between two animals."

Luke smiled again "good." He said.

"Now, what seems to be the problem, Igor and Abby?"

Then one gave his side of the story, and then the female.

"Ah, I see."

"What did they say?"

"They both want the last cheese cube I have given them, but they don't want to share it with one another."

"Ah. Well. Why don't you just give one of them another cheese cube?"

"Good idea." Fluttershy turned to the rat pair and asked them "if I give Abby a cheese cube, will that make you both happy? After all, you ate most of the other cheese, Igor."

The two rodents squeaked happily.

Fluttershy giggled "alright, alright. Camambere, or cheddar?" The rats both made small squeaking in reply to her "okay, cheddar it is." Then she went to the kitchen and got the female rat a cheddar cheese cube, then they stopped fighting, and both were happy

"Well that did the trick." Luke Remarked

"Of course."

Then the human opened his iPod screen again, more than ready to listen to his music again. He sat back down on the couch, and then Stripetail the skunk got up on his lap again for a rest.

"Aww, that's so cute. Stripetail really likes you." Fluttershy said softly. She spoke to the skunk, "do you like being on Luke's lap, sweetie?" The skunk chittered in return."

"He won't spray me, will he?"

"Of course not. You know that he only sprays when scared, right?"

"I do. Oh! And Fluttershy, i- well, well- i-" the human stammered, almost like either he didn't know exactly what to say to the sweet yellow pegasus, or he is uncomfortable to even say a word about it


"I wanted to... give you some flowers I bought a little earlier today from Roseluck." Luke finally replied to her.

Fluttershy then said "aww, that's so sweet."

"Here, let me get them for you." Then he went upstairs to wear he put them when he came back to the cottage and held them. He gave her a small bouquet of chrysanthemums with a blend of roses. "Here you go. It's the least I can do."

"They are beautiful." Then she smelt them "they smell lovely. Thank you so much, Luke." Then she hugged him.

The human smiled and replied "you're welcome. It's a little something to you for being kind to me." Then they broke

"I like it."

Luke was more than glad to hear that. Then he went back to listening to Black Sabbath. After a few songs, he decided to take a little break from it. There was quiet around the cottage that Luke could hear the sound of Harry the grizzly bear breathing in his little nap, he wondered if there would be anything happening sooner or later to break this silence.

At last, Fluttershy then said his name, making him jump with slight fright.

"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry."

"No, it's fine." Luke said "it was just quiet for a moment there, and I was just waiting for something to happen. No worries, you just caught me by surprise."

"Good. I just wanted to ask you something, if that's okay with you."

"Sure, what?"

"I was curious about your device, how long have you had it?"

"Oh I had my iPod for quite a number of years. I always carry it with me because music means everything to me. I mean, I have no idea what I would without it."

"Where did you get it?" The yellow pegasus asked curiously

"Oh my mom got it to me as a Christmas present."

Fluttershy raised one eyebrow and asked "what is Christmas?"

Luke made a shocked gasp and realized that there was no Christmas in Equestria probably. "Oh, it's not in this world, huh?"

"Not that I would know of."

Luke thought right, and said "well, Christmas is the most important holiday of the world. It's the one time of the year where people gather around and have a little sharing with it. Playing in the snow in December, eating delicious food at a dinner table, having something called a Christmas tree where you put ornaments and lights on it, and a star on top, and put some lights around your house if you like, and on Christmas morning, you open Christmas presents where you get cool stuff like the iPod, video games, and other things you want as presents, and stockings on the fireplace where you can find candy on them."

"Oh, that sounds like Hearth's Warming."

"Hearth's Warming? What's that?"

"It is like this Christmas."

"What's the difference?"

"Well, on Hearth's Warming, it is the day we celebrate the formation of Equestria and how earth, unicorn, and pegasus ponies became friends."

"Wow. That's cool."

"And how it helped us fight off against the evil wendigos."

"Wendigos? I heard of those."

"Really? Do you celebrate Christmas to fight them off too?"

"Well, no. These ones are a little different than the Wendigos in Equestria are. What kind of monsters are they in Equestria?"

Fluttershy didn't like to talk about it so much, but she decided to be brave and tell Luke anyway since he is one of the nicest creatures she had met. It was a little silent to the point where the only thing heard was Harry breathing again, until Fluttershy answered "they are evil monsters that are like ponies, but they are ghosts and feed off of hatred from ponies that feud with one another, until...." She gulped. "To the point where the wendigos freeze them to death."

Luke was a little surprised by this "wow that's.... That's dark." He remarked

Fluttershy felt a chill running down her spine just thinking of those cold-hearted beasts again. "Very dark." She said. Then she calmed down and kept her cool and asked him "so, what are the Wendigos in your world?"

Luke was trying to find a best explanation to say as simple as possible. "This one is way more intriguing." He worried that what he say might traumatized Fluttershy, and said "I don't know. I might scar you for a lifetime to come." Then he slightly turned away from her with his arms crossed, filled with uncertainty.

"Oh, Luke. You won't traumatize me." She softly placed her hoof on his shoulder.

The human felt a small shiver down his spine from the feeling. How could he possibly say no to Fluttershy? He took a little breath and said "okay, I hope this doesn't scare you so much." Then he began; "my world's version of a Wendigo is supposed to be a monster, an evil spirit from many Native American tribes that devours human flesh. It is also said that it is just a monster that has some human characteristics."

Fluttershy was a little terrified by what this was. "What does it look like?" She asked

"Well, the descriptions of this demon vary, but the mist depicted one is an evil, gigantic, horrible gaunt creature, half man and half deer, with his mouth dripping with blood. His rib age and his heart can be seen on it's chest with no skin covering it."

Fluttershy was feeling more horrified. "Oh my goodness." She said with a shutter. "That sounds so terrifying,"

"But don't worry, it's not real, they are only mythology."

The yellow pegasus' demeanor changed from scared to relief in an instant. "That's good to hear" she sighed.

What she did not know was that Luke didn't tell her that it is also a creature that might or might not exist, for he did it to not make her cry or become traumatized. If there was one thing for sure, Luke would hate seeing Fluttershy cry.

"So, enough of that," Luke said.

"Good idea." She agreed with him

"So, Luke, I was wondering if you could help me count the newborn bunnies, and maybe help the, adapt to their new life."

"Baby rabbits were born?"

"Oh yes, just yesterday. Oh, they look like the cutest little this you have ever seen."

Luke smiled, and was curious to see those little rabbits himself. "I would love to help you."

Fluttershy's smile grew even bigger. "Good. I could use the help I can get."

Then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get that." Luke said. He answered it and it was Rainbow Dash.

"Hi, Luke." She said

"Hey, Rainbow." Luke replied. "What's up?

"Is Fluttershy here?'

"Yes." Said Fluttershy in a distance, then she went to greet her lifelong friend "hello, Rainbow Dash."

"Hey, Flutters. Hey, I wanted to give you an invite."

"To what? Oh, that's right, the camping trip." The yellow pegasus remembered.

The human was a little puzzled "camping trip?"

"Oh yes, we were planning on going camping with Applejack, Rarity, their sisters, Scootaloo, Pinkie, and our other friends.


"And we were wondering if you would like to join us." Rainbow added.

Luke felt touched and flattered "well, that's nice of you, but what about the animals here?"

"Oh don't worry, it's just for the night, they'll be fine."

"Well, okay. When should we go?"

"In a few hours." Rainbow said. "And think of any scary stories from your world, or any campfire songs, I would like to hear more singing from you."

This made the human more proud of his talent. "Well, I suppose I can do that." He lightly flustered.

"Yay! I can't wait to hear it." Rainbow cheered

"And for a scary story, god, there are so many of them I just can describe them."

"Give us as much as you like."

"I know. But, i'm worried it might traumatized Fluttershy."

"Oh, I understand." Rainbow remarked. She was a little bummed out, for scary stories were one of her favorite things about camping.

"I don't mind." Fluttershy said

"You don't?" Said the human and cyan pegasus in unison.

"Of course not. I realize it's fun to be scared at times."

"That's true. But, what if you get nightmares?"

Fluttershy giggled "don't worry, I will be just fine, as long as you and my friends are with me."

"Good." The human remarked with a warm smile.

"So, be sure to meet us as the woods outside of Ponyville later."

"Got it."

Then Rainbow bid farewell and left. After that was done, Luke and Fluttershy went to tend to the newborn bunnies she told him about, and got a few baby bottles with milk in them to feed them with.

Later on, Luke was out in the woods with Fluttershy and her friends. "Thank you so much for going camping with us, Luke." Twilight said

"Wouldn't of missed it."

The human was wearing his jacket to keep him warm, and had a bag of food for him and the others to eat. "So you think you're gonna tell us some scary stories?" Spike asked

"Or campfire songs?" Pinkie added with her big smile

"I might tell you some scary stories, and definitely a campfire song."

"What will it be about?" Asked Applejack

"Well, it's a timeless classic called 'Ghost Riders in the Sky' but i'll tell you about it later on, okay?"

The others were rather curious about this particular song. "That's quite alright with me, darling. I can wait for tonight."

"Me too." Said Twilight.

"Thanks, guys. And, who else will be with us?"

"Big Mac, Cloudchaser, Flitter, Thunderlane, Rumble, Lyra, Bon Bon, Big Mac, Pip, and the crusaders." Rainbow listed.

"That's quite a lot of other campers."

"I know. But that's okay, it's good to share that kind of fun with other friends."

Luke smirked "true."

"So, have you been camping before?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Oh yeah, many times with my friends back home. We would go out to the woods near Bend and sit by the campfire while looking for Bigfoot."

"That monster you told us about?"


"And did you find him?" Spike asked

"Nope. But I do know he is out there somewhere."

They walked a little further down the trail, and finally, there were two campsites close to each other. One tent was large in one, and another was normal sized at the second one.

"Wow, who made a tent like this?"

"Rarity." They all, sans Rarity, replied

"She knows how to make a tent alright." Applejack remarked "sometimes she would forget to pack real supplies."

"Oh ha ha, really funny, Applejack, but I know deep inside you are all jealous."

When they made it, the other campers saw Luke and the cohorts coming down. They were all happy to see them. "Hey, Luke!" Said Cloudchaser. "Glad you can be with us."

"Of course. Wouldn't have missed it for the better."

"We'll all have so much fun together. I know we will." Said Flitter

"I can't imagine why."

"So, anything new happening?" Asked Thunderlane.

"Not really. Just same old things."

They all laughed. "So, wanna help us with the fire later?" Asked Rumble

"Sure. Well, I don't know how to make one, but I do have matches in here if you would like."

"That's good." Said Pip.

"Well, now that we are all here, why don't we set up camp?" Rainbow said

"Good idea." Said Twilight.

"I call the firewood!" Said Lyra

"I call the rocks!" Bon Bon said

"And I will call the smores." Pip said.

Then they all went to work on setting up camp.

Author's Note:

This might turn out to be a fun camping trip for Luke and the others, especially if it is in another world for him. How will this camping trip conclud? Will they get eateb by bears? How will he song "Ghost Riders in the Sky?" Find out on the next chapter on this camping trip.

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