• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 4,733 Views, 201 Comments

Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Around the Campfire (Edited)

The evening was coming, and the firewood was ready to be caught on fire in the middle of the camp site, Luke was having a good time with his new friends on this little camping trip. As of now, be was listening to a band called Leatherwolf on his iPod while looking around the area curiously.

"hey, Luke." said Cloudchaser, who gently tapped him on the shoulder, accidentally startling him mildly. "Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you, buddy."

"Nah, it's cool." The human replied on his easy-going attitude. He paused his iPod so he can hear what Cloudchaser was about to say to him. "Anyway, what's up?"

Cloudchaser's mouth turned into a smile again when she said "Me and Flitter were wondering if you were going to tell us a scary story. And.... Maybe a campfire song?"

"Yeah, I think you would do an amazing campfire song." The younger sister agreed.

"I have made a decision on what story to tell, and what song to sing to all you guys."

The sisters both smiled "what's that?" They said in unison, feeling more than curious to know.

"Well, for the song, it's called Ghost Riders in the Sky by famous music legend Johnny Cash" then he looked at Thunderlane and Rumble bringing the firewood. "For the story." Then he suddenly made an evil smile when he said "it's a surprise."

"Ooh. I like that." Said Cloudchaser. "I think it would sounds really scary."

Flitter agreed with her big sister and added "Way scarier than Rainbow Dash would tell anypony."

"Well, here's another thing: what would Fluttershy think? I don't wanna scar her for years to come? I would never want to do that to her."

"Oh. We understand." Said Flitter.

"Well, I did talk to Fluttershy about it, and she will not be scared by it..... Much, anyway. But she might change her mind after hearing what I will tell you all later on, and I might make her cry afterwards."

"Luke, if she said she won' be scared, then don't worry about it," Cloudchaser reassured him. "I totally think you should go with your story whatever it is."

The human smiled "yeah." He said a with a change of heart. "I guess I should tell it. After all, it's a real page-turner, I can tell you both that."

"We can only imagine." Said Flitter. "Definitely can't wait to hear it."

"Glad you are interested." Then he got off from the log "I'm gonna go stretch myself and go for a little stroll around the perimeter."

"That's cool." Cloudchaser remarked.

Luke went up to Twilight and the others and addressed them "listen guys, I'm gonna go for a little walk around the area if you need me." He stretched his arms and legs. "Anything to keep my legs from going to sleep."

"Sure Luke." Said Twilight. "Just don't go too far. You'll never know what's out there."

"No worries. I won't go far." The human replied "I'll be back in time for the scary stories and my campfire song to perform tonight."

"Aw yeah!" Rainbow said with enthusiasm "I would love to hear it."

"So would I, Rainbow." Said Luke with a larger smile formed out of his lips.

Then the peculiar human went for his little walk around the area, but not too far from his friends like he promised them. He had a glimpse of a couple of woodland creatures, such as raccoon, beavers, squirrels, chipmunks, and many others, especially some trout and salmon in a nearby river. Luke smiled at how peaceful everything was. It was so serene and calm being out in the great outdoors. Then he heard s sudden bear roar on the other side of the river, and he saw it was an American black bear. Although it probably has a different type of name, it was the same creature, and probably a little bigger than his homeworld counterpart.

The beast was just eating some sniffing the shore waters, and picked up a large sockeye salmon from below him.

Luke was a little worried that the bear might come up to him, and haul him to shreds to the point where not even his own parents would recognize what was left of him, but the bear didn't, so the human was safe. This was reminding him of the times of how he and his old friends were camping on the outskirts of Bend in his uncle's trailer.

Perhaps it wasn't exactly like it, but it was still fun, even in Equestria. Luke saw the bear eat the upper half of the fish' body with the lower half dropping on the ground. "Oh hell." Luke thought. "I really hate to be that fishy."

Next he saw a few wolves coming up to the bear, possibly to steal his food, like he had seen on Animal Planet and Nat Geo Wild on TV. As he expected, the black bear aggressively drove them off, gritting his canines. The wolf pair knew that taking a large bear like him would be suicide, considering the fact that bears are more powerful than wolves (unless different it was the smallest species, which is the Asian sun bear.) So they went off back into the trees behind them.

The bear went back to his business, eating the last bit of the salmon he caught. After that was done, the bear made a loud belch that half of the woods could hear it like a lion's roar, then he smacked his lips, wagging his head in a crazy fashion for a few seconds, possibly to wipe off the dirt from his body. "Luke?" Said a voice. The human looked back and it was Lyra and Bon Bon.

"Oh hey guys. What's up?"

"Nothing." Lyra replied. "We just just wanted to join you, that's all."

"Of course. Feel free to join me." Then he went back to looking at the bear, who was still sitting there under the evening sky.

"Good." Said Bon Bon happily. "Ooh, is that a bear?" She noticed the majestic looking beast."

"Yep. I just saw him eating a salmon"

"That's intriguing. What else did you see?"

"Well a couple of wolves just came and was trying to steal his food, but he scared him off." He made a chuckle.

Lyra and Bon Bon laughed after. "Must have been funny." Said Lyra.

"It was."

"So the Campfire is all set up so we can light it later."

"Good. And speaking of campfires, can you believe how ridiculous Rarity's tent looks that way. I mean, it's like a castle."

"I know, right? " said Bon Bon. "Does she even know when to pack anything useful?"

"Applejack did say that she camping is not her cup of tea." Lyra joked.

"That would make sense, since she can be full of herself. Believe me, I have seen how much of a drama queen she can be." Luke agreed.

Lyra and Bon Bon laughed again. "Tell us about it." Then all three made a small gasp, seeing the bear coming up to them across the river waters, possibly to take a look at the human obviously.

Luke protected Lyra and Bon Bon just on case he would try to swipe his mighty claws at them. The beast muzzled the human, smelling him to know what he was like. All of a sudden, he stood on his hind-legs, like most bears would do. He then did a little roar at them, possibly about to attack them.

All three screamed when Fluttershy came to their aid, and went up to the bear. The beast mildly growled at her, and then Fluttershy petted him. All of sudden, like magic, the bear was much more calm, and rubbed his head against Fluttershy's hoof. "Oh who's a good bear." She played. "Who's a good bear?"

The black bear then growled in a rather happy sound instead of an aggressive one. He began to feel much more relaxed and calm-minded, and got back on all fours. Luke and the two friends never felt so relieved before in their lives.

"It's okay, he's a human. A really nice human." the yellow pegasus said to the black bear

The bear than approached Luke and Lyra and Bon Bon, but this time, in a more peaceful approach. Than the bear nuzzled the human with his mighty nose around his chest and arm, and then licked his hand.

"Are you alright, Luke?" Fluttershy

"Yeah. Thanks to you."

then the bear made a long, but small grunt to him.

"He's says he was sorry that he was trying to attack you, Lyra and Bon Bon. He was just scared and didn't know better. He thought to were just some kind of monster." The human scrolled his eyes on slight annoyance. He did kind of expect that to happen to him, even with animals.

Nonetheless, he smiled at the bear when he turned his attention back to him. "Ah, it's okay, big guy." Luke said to the creature with a smile. Then he hugged the beast's face, making the it snuggle with him, or call it a bear hug to say the least.

"Oh look, he already likes you." Lyra said.

The human chuckled. "I know. I can tell. So what's your name, big fella?"

It made another grunt at him. Fluttershy translated for him "he said his name was Wilbur."

"Ah. Nice name. Thanks for saving our butts, Fluttershy. I don't know what we would do without you."

"Oh what are friends for?" Fluttershy asked, flushing a blood crimson red on her cheeks. "So how long have you been watching watching Wilbur?"

Luke was remembering the moment when he first saw the bear already near the waters when he entered the area. "For as long as I can imagine. And, there were a couple of grey wolves wanting to take a sockeye salmon from him."

Wilbur rolled his eyes in slight annoyance, then the spoke bear once more.

"He said the wolves deserved to be scared off for trying to steal my lunch. They were asking for it." The yellow translated "I just showed them who was boss around here, that's all."

"Ah, perfectly understandable. Hey, at least it wasn't a coyote, huh? Those guys are more like thieves than wolves are." The bear laughed with him

"That is true." Fluttershy agreed with a giggle. "So, have you found anything else interesting, Luke?"

"Oh yeah. Dozens. Badgers, foxes, beavers, skunks, and other stuff, not to mention seeing Canterlot Castle from this angle." Then they all looked at where the capital city was in their point of view.

"Don't you ever get tired of this view? Because I know I don't." Lyra remarked

"Never had, never will." Bon Bon agreed with her best friend.

Fluttershy was happy to see the castle on the other side of the mountain from this angle near Ponyville. "I could not Free more you." She sighed. Then she handed the bear with some raspberries "here you go, Wilbur. So,e nice berries for you."

The bear made a happy growl and began eating the berries.

"So, would you like to come back? It's getting a little late, you know?" Said Lyra.

"Yeah. I guess." Luke agreed with her, then they all went back to the camp, with Wilbur following them. "Whoa, Fluttershy, is this a good idea if he comes with us?"

"Don't worry, he will be just fine. And besides, if he misbehaves, then I will show him discipline"


It was nighttime, the crickets were chirping randomly all around the campers, the campfire was crackling, and sizzling under the moonlight.

"This was a really good set of firewood you guys have found," said Applejack to Thunderlane and his younger brother.

"Thanks, it's the least me and my bro can to, AJ." Then he turned to face the human, roasting a marshmallow with a stick over the fire. "So, Luke, are you gonna tell scary stories to us?"

"Yep. Cloudchaser and Flitter told you, did they?"

"I know." Thunderlane replied. "What will it be about?"

"That is a surprise."

"Oh okay."

"We can wait. For now I'm hungry." Said Rumble. Then they all had s'mores, the camping classic.

"That's a really good s'mores I have." Said Pip with his mouth open before gulping the first bite down. "This is genius." They all laughed with him after he finished.

"How are your s'mores, sweetie?" Rarity asked. Luke wanted to know if she was talking to him in particular, or someone else. "Yes, Luke. I was referring to you." She giggled

"Good. C'est delicieux." Then the human ate the last bite of his own s'mores, wiping his face with a napkin after. "That was good."

"I know. Really good." Said Pinkie. "Almost as good as a a field with a million s'mores!" She bounced in excitement, and are a size of ten s-mores in her mouth, making it large and wide, making the human rather impressed sin her uncanny skills.

"So, is my guitar ready for later?" Luke asked to any one of his friends

"Yep, it's all set for you." Spike replied with two thumbs up next to his face.


"So, who wants to tell their first scary story?" Asked Twilight

"I will go." Said Rainbow. Then she stood on a rock, more than ready to freak all her friends out. Luke rolled his eyes mildly and scoffed

"Now, it is a story about the Headless Horse."

Then she went on and on about a headless horse that would haunt anypony it could scare upon. It was a little terrifying to the others, but not Luke, who went "pfft. Lame." While hanging on a rock.

"Then he engulfed everypony in sight!" Then everypony screamed in terror, minus a Luke of course. Then their demeanor changed from scared to happy.

"That was a good story." Said Twilight.

"Hmm, I heard better." Luke said.

"You think you can do better, Luke?" Said Rainbow "let's see you try."

"With pleasure." The human replied to her. Then he went up to her place to tell his story. "Now, this is a true story. This a tale of the Beast of Bray Road."

Then they all bad a confused look on their face. "Bray road?" Rainbow scoffed "haha! What kind of a monster is that?"

"Let me finish. It all takes place in a place called Elkhorn Wisconsin. Legend has it of a monster that was stalking a place called Bray Road, mostly at night. It was depicted as a werewolf if you are familiar with one"

"A werewolf?" Said Cloudchaser. "That's cool."

"Yeah, I love werewolves." Pip added

"So, me and my family were out camping near the area when I was a kid. Later that night, I heard some sticks breaking and went outside my tent to check it out. I walked many feet away from the tent and I saw a creature half human half wolf. It looked like a normal wolf, except it was way bigger, and it stood on it's hind legs. I saw it eating a doggy carcass, with blood covering his mouth."

They all gasped, even Rainbow.

"I wanted to scream, but I knew it wasn't the best idea. So I stood still and kept quiet for a while. I backed away slowly, but then I accidentally stepped on a twig, then he saw me."

"Did it eat you?" Asked Pinkie. Everyone had an annoyed look.

"Come on, Pinkie. If it did eat me, I wouldn't be here right now."

"Ohhhh, right,"

"So anyway, it had really sharp teeth like a wolf wood have, and had grayish-brown fur all over it's body, and yellow, demonic eyes. It got up on it's hind-legs up to eight feet tall, and I just wanted to go back to my parents, I just wanted it to be a bad dream, but it wasn't. He started to slowly walk towards me, and then sniffed me, right above my hair. Then I realized that since I was vulnerable, I would be easy pray for the beast. It bared it's teeth, and swiped his claws at me, but he missed and I ran away."

"Sounds like he really wanted to eat you." Said Twilight.

"Oh ho, he did. He wanted me next on the menu. I ran and ran as fast as I could, but the monster was too fast for me. i kept on trying to get away until I slipped and tripped on the ground. It had me right where it wanted me, but before he could try and kill me, my dad came to my rescue and fired a gunshot."

"Did it die?" Asked Spike

"Oh no. It ran away with great speed. My dad comforted me and me and my family went back home to Bend. I have never forgotten the look on it's face since that night. This beast has been known to kill and eat people. Just ask the residents of Elkhorn.

They were all scared and petrified of this unusual creature. "Wow... I.... I don't even know what to say." Fluttershy expressed.

"Me neither. A werewolf like that? I thought they were just a myth." Said Twilight

"Most of them are, Twilight," Luke replied "but this one is much real. This guy is definitely not a creature you should cross paths with, unless you want him to eat all your innards. Believe me, this creature does exist. It lives on, within the areas of Bray Road" Then he pulled o his guitar "now who wants to hear me do a campfire song?"

Their demeanor went from deathly afraid to happy and cheerful, and excited to hear the human sing some more.

Luke chuckled "Okay okay. Now the song I'm gonna play is called Ghost Riders in the Sky by Johnny Cash. I know i told some of you this, but I am telling this to anyone I didn't tell. This is a classic campfire song that has been sung for generations. Are you ready to hear me?"

They all cheered for him. "Of course. We would be more than delighted to hear it." Fluttershy said

The human smiled. "Okay. One, two. One two three four."

Rights for this song go to Johnny Cash

When he was finished, they all cheered for him again. "That was amazing!" said Rainbow. "You did it again, Luke." she fave him a gently hoof punch to the arm

"I love how you made your voice as deep as Big Mac." Applejack remarked


Luke was feeling proud of himself again "Thank you. Thank you all for your kindness and cheers. I hope you all enjoyed the song." then he put the guitar away.

They all noticed that the campfire was almost out. "Hmm, i think we should go to bed now." said Spike.

"Wait, guys. Do you all have any other stories or songs that you want to share?" Luke asked any of his friends.

"Nah. Well, some of us did have our own stories, but you just beat all of us in a best scary story. And Campfire songs." Applejack remarked.

"Yeah, I don't think my story is as scary as yours." said Pinkie Pie.

"What's yours about, Pinkie?"

"Pony-eating cakes coming to life and eating people."

The human scoffed. "That doesn't sound so scary. I have seen and hear things more traumatizing than that."

"Oh goodness, I can tell." said Fluttershy. "You must really know a lot about monsters like you know about animals."

"I do."

The baby dragon made a more louder yawn this time. "I desperately need to recharge my batteries. Then he fell asleep, straight on the leg since he is a baby dragon.

"You read our mind, Spike." said Cloudchaser. "I'm gonna go hit the sack." then she yawned and went to her tent with Flitter. "Very nice job, Luke." she said before she went in.

"Thanks." In his mind he thought "I did it again."

"Very awesome job, Luke." said Lyra.

"Normally, I am not a country girl, but I simply adored what you did." Rarity added. Then she gave him a small kiss on his cheek, then she went into her ridiculous tent with Sweetie Belle. then finally, Fluttershy and Luke went into their own tent.

"You did absolutely wonderful. An amazing vocal range for singing." Fluttershy complimented

"Thank you, Fluttershy. I am quite a gifted singer."

"I know. You sing absolutely wonderfully." she said. "Oh if only everypony can hear your amazing talent for singing. Oh, and playing guitar, too. That is even better."

"If there is any other opportunity for me to sing and play guitar, I will try and be there at any given moment."

The yellow pegasus yawned and went into her sleeping bag to cozy up inside. "Goodnight, Luke." then she rolled over

"Goodnight." then the human took off his clothes with only his underwear and fell asleep within his sleeping bag, next to Fluttershy. This has definitely been one of the best camping trips he has ever had in his life

Author's Note:

The Bray Road beast is definitely a legend in American times. And so, Luke did an amazing performance with his vocal and guitar skills again. What will happen next? find out on the next chapter. Sorry if this was not perfect by the way.

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