• Published 19th Sep 2015
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Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Human Education Part 1

Another day has passed since Luke had the camping trip with his new friends. Oh, he had so much fun with them, especially the campfire stories and the Johnny Cash song he just sung on h following night. Right now, he was sitting on a bench on a street listening to "Big River" by Van Halen.

He felt more proud of himself for singing to his adoring fans once again. He shed he can go back in time on the night before, and play an encore to them all.

Nevertheless, he was happy with it either way. He realized that if he kept this up, then someday he might get more publicity and popularity, thanks to the word of mouth. Luke could not wait to perform to bigger audiences, but until then, he decided to wait when the time was right. Besides, he also wanted to be with his new friends and spend time with them as well.

When the song was over, he was about to play some Poets of the Fall, when he felt somepony gently tap him when he was not looking at it. The he gave a small yelp, since he was a little jumpy when it came to this. "What? What? What?" While he took his headphones out, he looked to and fro, and finally, he was face to face with a dark purple mare.

"Oh, sorry. I did not mean to scare you." She said.

"No no, it's alright." Luke replied to her kindly. "Probably needed a break from my iPod, anyway." The he put his music player and headphones in his left pocket.

"Good. So, you are Luke, right?"


"I am so sorry to bother you, but I wanted to meet you personally if that's alright with you."

"No of course. I need someone to talk to anyway."

She smiled. "Wonderful. Well, my name is Cheerilee, I'm a school teacher. It is que a pleasure to meet you, Luke."

"Ah, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom told me some things about you." The human remembered.

"Did they now?"

"Yeah, they say you are the coolest and sweetest teacher ever."

Cheerilee flushed at the compliment. "Oh well, you know. I am brilliant teacher who loves children." She said

"I can see that, I mean, by the look on your cutie mark, you are definitely made to be a teacher for a living."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

It was a little silent to the point where there was a slight awkward silence, except for the birds chirping in the trees around them. Finally, Cheerilee said at last "so, I was wondering if you would like to come to my school and show some of the kids where you are from."

Luke's eyes widened with surprised. This, indeed, sounded like an honorable opportunity for him to teach some children about his homeworld, and get to know them more. Of course, he didn't want to.... Challenge them like in the episode "Megan's New Teacher" from Drake and Josh, and didn't want to be like that.

"Really? That sounds awesome. What do you want me to do, exactly?"

"Well, you can show them what it's like in your world, and what it has. You would be an honored gust for me and everypony that I will be teaching."

"That's awesome. Well.... I don't know if I have anything to show them about my world." He remembered. This world probably doesn't have the screens and sideshows like in his world, he thought.

"Well, what about your music player, or what do you call it?"

"My iPod? Yeah, that's one thing. I'm a type of guy that likes to show things to people. And, what if they don't believe me?"

"Nonsense, sweetie, they will believe every word you say."

Luke smiled with relief. "Good." Then he remembered something. "Oh yeah, I got my cellphone that still works even in a different world. Maybe I can show them pictures."

"Wonderful! So will you do it?"

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the better, Cheerilee. When do you want me to do it?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Perfect. I'll tell Fluttershy about it, and remind myself to come to your school."

"Great. See you soon, Luke. I look forward to seeing you in my classroom tomorrow." Then, she was off down the road.

"Bye, Cheerilee." Luke called. "Being a guest as a speaker on a school with children? Such a wonderful opportunity. He could tell the kids about what his home is like, and what Africa looks like with the animals, and even some history from the earth's past. Of course, he does not want to teach them boring old math like calculus, algorithms and logarithms. He couldn't think of any person who does not hate math.

On one note, he was only starting to know some of Equestria's history, and maybe he should just stick with his homeworld that he should tell about.

"Ah, who am I kidding?" He thought with a chuckle. "I'm a guest. Cheerilee is a really nice woman. She'll understand." He made another chuckle "at least i don't have to teach them any damn math."

The next thing he thought was being with Pipsqueak, Rumble, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle since they go to the same school. Ponyville elementary was the only children's school anyway, hence it's name.

He did feel something like a touch of nervousness in his stomach. "Wait, I sang to audiences in school and in Equestria a couple of times, why would I be scared of this?" He thought. "If I can sing to an audience, I should be okay teaching kids too. After all, they are just kids."

Then he got off the bench and stretched his arms and shook his leg to keep it from falling asleep on him so he wouldn't have to limp on the way back to the cottage. Oh, they would be a real pain on the ass for him.

He looked around and saw Derpy again. "Oh, hey, Derpy." He said to her. The cross-eyed pegasus looked at him and smiled instantly.

"Oh, hi, Luke." She said.

"You taking a day off from work?"

"Yep. It's my day off. In fact, my boss told me not to come until.... A week from now."

"Hmm. That's cool. So how are things?"

"Oh well, you know, been walking around and such, eating lots of muffins as possible. Oh! And I was hanging with Doctor Whooves a lot of times."

"Doctor Whooves, huh?"

"Yeah, he is awesome at making cool stuff and shock thingies. He can even step inside a circle with spinning lines.

"Like.... Time travel?"

"Yep. So,etching like that." Then she made a funny face while sticking her tongue out adorably. Luke was wondering if this sounded like the infamous Doctor Who the TV show. Are there any things in this world that were allusions to his own?

"That's cool. Well, I am going to be a guest for Cheerilee at her school tomorrow."

"Really? What are you going to talk about?"

"My world, and what it's like in it"

"Ooh, that sounds exciting."

"It does."

"Say, do you want a muffin?" Then, Derpy pulled out a muffin basket from behind her.

"Sure, what kind?"


Luke made a small gasp "blueberry? I love blueberry!" Then Derpy was more than happy to give him a free muffin from the basket.

The human took a bite and his eyes widened. "Oh my god, this is so good." He said. Then ate it a couple more times before saying "well, I better go. Fluttershy probably needs me taking care of her animal friends."

"Okay. Bye, Luke." Then Derpy flew off

"See you Derpy, and.... Oh, watch out for that stall!" He called out.

Before she looked, Derpy accidentally bumped into a carrot cart, with stars floating around her head from he dizziness.

The human smirked and went back to the cottage.

The next day, Luke was outside the door that led to the classroom inside the schoolhouse. He had a few butterflies, but got over them and let them flew out.

"Okay, class, quiet." Cheerilee sang from the other side. "Now, I have a special treat from you. He is the human from the other world you might have seen in town. Let me go get him." Then Cheerilee went out the door and smiled at the human "alright Luke, come on inside, sweetie."

"Awesome." Then the human promptly went inside, and the crusaders, Pip, and Rumble were more than happy to see him again. The other students were more than eager themselves to know some things about himself. He saw all those smiling faces, blinking once every few seconds, the he stood at the chair he will sit in front of them

"Now, I would like to introduce you to Luke Smith. The human I told you about."

The children all cheered and applauded for him. "Thank you. Thank you, thank you." He said. "You're all too kind." Then they stopped.

"Now, Luke, why don't you meet some of my students and get to know the, better."

"good idea." the he looked around, and went over from desk to desk to ask the children their names, one at a time. "Very nice to meet you all. even though i already met you girls, Pip and Rumble.

"perfect, now, Luke here will tell us about his world and what it is like in it. Would any of you like to hear what he has to say?"

Then they cheer again.

"Alright. Good. Now, Luke, what can you tell us about your home?" It's called Earth, like this place is called. However, it is different than what Equestria is." He cleared his throat. "There are many cool places in my home world. All of the, have their own touch of beauty within. The place I am from is called the United States of America, or USA for short. I live on a city called Bend in the state of Oregon."

"What is it like on your home?"

"It's a thriving, calm place to be in, surrounded by woodland and forests. It has a few theaters and clubs, and lots of restaurants and woodland wildlife. Bears, deer, elk, raccoons, beavers, badgers, tree frogs, bald eagles, and more. I have lived on it for years and it is one of the best places to live on my world.

"That sounds wonderful." Said Cheerilee.

"Any questions on that now?"

There was some set of hooves up already. Then Luke pointed to Teacher's Pet. "Does it snow there?"

"Oh yes. It always snows there during winter. It's so beautiful when it snows in Bend."

Then he pointed to a rather dimwit red looking colt and he said in a slurry voice "duh, what kind of a monster are you again?"

"He's not a monster." Said Applebloom.

"No it's alright. I kind of expected that. Anyway, I am a human. That is what species i am known as. Now, the continent I am from is called North America."

"How many continents are there, Luke?" Asked Pip

"Seven. North and South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Antarctica, and Australia, or another name for the last one is sometimes know as Oceania because it has lots of scattered islands. My favorite place in particular is Africa. You see, it is like Zebrica. How many of you are familiar with it?"

They all raised their hooves, making him happy.

"Awesome. You all know that Zecora is from Zebrica, right?"

"Yeah." They all replied.

"Well, Africa is kind of like Zebrica, except humans are the dominant species, not the zebras. It has all those animals like the lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, lemurs, grey parrots, and others."

They all murmured with interest.

"What makes you like Africa o of all the seven continents?" Cheerilee asked him

"The animals, and the cultures. All of those animals are cool. Of course I love all animals, but Africa has some that can be real page turners in books about animals. Plus, it is the birthplace of all humans."

"Ooh." Said the children.

"Very fascinating. So, what kind of music is there in your world?"

"Every type as the ones here, rock, pop, hip-hop, metal, reggae, that sort of thing. My favorite type of music is rock and metal, like classic rock for example. I do like all music, except for today's pop music."

"Yes, Applebloom, do you have a question?"

"No, I just wanted to tell all of you, Luke is an amazing musician." She replied

They all looked more curious."

"Really? You can sing?" Said Cheerilee.

"Do you think you can sing for us?" Asked Diamond Tiara. "I would love to hear what you sound like." They were all as excited as she was.

Luke chuckled. "I don't know if I would want to. I usually just do it when I am in the right mood to do so."

The other kids begged. "Please?" Said Silver Spoon. "We want to hear you."

"Alright look, I'll tell you a little later, but right now I want to tell you guys about my home."

They all understood and decided to be patient and listen to what he has to say about Earth.

"Thank you all. Now, as I was saying, I love rock and metal as my favorite music genre. I grew up with it." Then he put some details on the bands who influenced him like Guns N Roses, White Lion, Tesla, Metallica, Scorpions, owe sort of bands. This is actually turning out well so far. All the kids were interested about this information and Luke himself. "Any other questions?"

Then he pointed to Featherweight. "What kind of books do they have in it?"

"Ah, now hat is so sing interesting. We have all types of books like fantasy, adventure, horror, gory, any the of genre you all have in Equestria."


"So, what are other humans like?" Asked Diamond Tiara.

"Like any other pony here. There are good humans, and some bad ones, but most of them are good." Then he thought of the terrorists and decided not to go as far as that, because he didn't want the, to worry so much about it.

So he continued on an on about many details and random facts about his home. Turns out this will turn out rather well. All of the children are curious and loved hearing what he had to say.

"Now in my country, we were only around for a few hundred years."

"How did America come to be as your home?" Asked Pip

"Well, that is a very interesting story." Luke replied. "We were originally a colony from a country in Europe called England in a group of islands called Great Britain. They..... We're not really nice to us at that time to say the least. They treated us very unfairly and taxed us with tea."

"And you fought back?" Asked Scootaloo, realizing where it was going.

"Yep. You see, in my country, we don't have kings and queens..... Anymore, anyway. Our leaders are president and the congress of out country. So, this man rose up against Britain back then, his name was George Washington. He was our very first president we have ever had.

"Was he a good human?" Asked Cheerilee.

"Oh yes. He was a great man, who wanted to free the people from British tyranny. He had all the good qualities of being a president, and was a great general for the Americans. Although he wasn't president before, he was a leader."

The students were amazed by this, especially this George Washington character.

"Of course, he didn't go off on an easy start against them. This war was called the American Revolution. And it was a key figure to America's creation. Like I said, we weren't doing so well in the war at first, because many of the soldiers were a little inexperienced."

"How did you win?" Asked Applebloom

"Well, we weren't alone. There was another country that itself and England were at eachother's throats back then for hundreds of years. This was another European country called France."

The kids were becoming more and more curious. And wondered what kind of countries they were like.

"What kind of a country is France?" Asked Pip

"Well, it is one of the greatest countries on the world, and they speak this language" he cleared his throat, and began in French. "Bonjour, Je parle Française. Je m'appelle Luke. Êtes-vous prêt à se rendre?"

The kids were highly amazed by this. "They speak Fancy?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

"Well, in my world, it's called French. What is this Fancy you speak of?"

"The language Prench ponies speak." Pip replied

"Ah. Okay. So anyway, France is America's oldest ally since it was created, and we have fought side by side on other wars in history. I deeply thank them for that."

"Ah, that sounds like they mean a lot to your home." Said Silver Spoon.

Luke smiled. "They are."

Then a hoof was raised up. "Yes, Diamond Tiara, did you have a question?"

"Oh yes." She replied. "What were you saying in French?"

"I said, Hello, I am speaking French. My name is Luke. Are you ready to surrender?

they all laughed a little at the last part he translated. "Surrender?" Said Scootaloo. "Haha. You're funny."

"I know. I know. .Anyway, France gave us support to crush the British, with protection and weapons on both land and sea. One of the generals was named..... It's a funny one kinda: Marquis De Lafayette.

Mild snickering was heard from some of the students. "That is kinda funny." Said Rumble. "But yet, it does sound kind of cool."

"Right. Now this guy was only seventeen years old, and he was like a son to George Washington."

"Aww." They all said.

"Thanks to France, we became the country me and m people live on today. And they gave us a present called the Statue of Liberty in a city called anew York, marking our freedom."

"That's amazing." Said Applebloom. They all agreed with her.

"Yes, quite marvelous." Cheerilee agreed. "That is definitely a page turner.

"It is." Then he told the, about other European countries back in the day. The kids and Cheerilee never lost their fascination with him.

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