• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 4,732 Views, 201 Comments

Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Evil Mare Spoiled Rich

Another four days have passed and Luke was having a nice time spending some of his day with Cloudchaser and Flitter who were all looming within the music store. There were so many types of instruments ranging from guitars to saxophones to drum sets to synthesizers as far as both pony and human eyes can see.

"We're so glad you're hanging out with us, Luke." Said Cloudchaser. "We are always looking for extra company."

The human smiled warmly at the older pegasus sister, and replied kindly "no problem, Cloudchaser. I'm always up to hanging with cool friends like you guys."

"So, Rumble told us that you were a special guest in his class a couple days ago."

"Yep, I was. Cheerilee asked me if I wanted to be a guest of honor and tell them about my version of earth, and I said yes. So what else did Rumble say?"

"He said you were really cool and really awesome." Cloudchaser remarked. "He and the other kids loved you and how you told them about certain animals and about Africa."

Luke was proud of himself to here that. He was happy to hear the kids were happy to have them at their school. He was glad that Cheerilee asked him to be a guest of honor for her. "That's awesome. I was a little nervous that I would bore them stiff till they all died from it."

The two sisters laughed. "Oh Luke, you're funny." Said Flitter. "And don't worry, they all loved it."

"Matter of fact, if there was one thing that Rumble loves for sure, that would be animals."


"And yeah, Flitter's right, you are funny." She chuckled

"Well I'm not really a comedian to say the least, my dad is. He knows some magic tricks and some jokes more than I do."

"Do you have a sense of humor at least?" Flitter asked him

"Oh yeah, of course. But......" he paused like he was trying to put words in a way that they would both 8nderstand because it sounded complicated for certain minds. "It can be a little dark at times, I sometimes have a dark sense of humor."

Both the sisters looked at eachother with slight confusion. "Like how?" Said Cloudchaser puzzled.

"It's complicated, and besides you wouldn't want to hear it it involves blood and gore in some cases.

The they both perfectly understood what he meant now.


"No no no, don't be sorry. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Yeah, let's just forget we brought it up." Flitter suggested.

"Agreed." Then they all continued sightseeing around the interior. One thing that caught Luke's eyes was a golden Les Paul that reminded him of Slash and Joe Perry's signature ones. They were a little too steep for some pockets, but it was alright, because he had the guitar Discord gave him from his first litter concert performing for his friends, so he didn't care about it so much. At least a guy can dream.

Despite this, he gently stroke the guitar body down, and wondered if there was a parallel Slash in Equestria. "Are you finding everything alright, dear?" asked a regal voice, startling the human. "Oh gosh, I am so sorry, I did not mean to scare you." It was a female earth pony with gray fur and a long, beautiful black mane for her hair with a fancy collar around her neck. Her cutie mark was a bass or a cello of some kind.

"It's fine. Anyway, i'm just lookin' around, thank you." he cleared his throat.

"I believe we haven't met before, my name is Octavia, Octavia Melody at your service."

"Nice to meet you, Octavia. Name's Luke, Luke Smith."

"I've heard about you, and from the princess saying you are an amazing performer."

"Even if it involves metal and rock?"

"Oh yes of course. Maybe as long as it's not that genre.... what do you call it? Scream metal?"

"Screamo, yeah, I'm not a big fan of that either."


"So, I take it by your cutie mark, you play the bass or the cello?"

"Bass, thank you." She looked at her cutie mark proudly. "It is a rather amazing talent for moi."

"Yeah, totally." Said another voice. There was another earth pony mare but with white fur and a blue mane and tail. She wore cool shades over her eyes and had a musical note for a cutie mark.

"And who might you be?"

"Vinyl Scratch, and I take it you're Luke, right?"

"That's me."

"Awesome. Dude, I heard about how you rocked out a few times to Fluttershy and her friends."

"Oh well, it was just a small performance." Luke flustered again.

"Yeah, you should totally hear him some time, he is really good." Said Cloudchaser. "He is so awesome when he sings and shreds on guitar." She made a few sounds that sounded like a guitar solo with her tongue."

"Well, I don't know if I would do that right now, mostly when I feel like it."

"Oh, perfectly understandable." Said Octavia. "Absolutely no problem, Luke."

"Good. So, do you and Vinyl know each other?"

"Yeah, we share the same house togetherness yo." Vinyl replied while wrapping her arm around Octavia's shoulders and pulling her close to herself. The more classy pony was a little irritated by this, but she was happy, nonetheless.

"Indeed. Although we can have our ups and downs, we can get last them."

"Here here. We would sometimes work with mixing orchestra stuff with some of my wubs and dubstep sounds."

"Dubstep eh, well.... I hope you don't mind me saying this Octavia, but Dubstep is not really my kind of forte. It's just my opinion, ad I hope you understand."

Vinyl smiled at him, and replied "that's okay, dude. We all have our own tastes in music. And I love rock n roll and metal too, as a matter of fact, I love all music."


"So, do you think you can perform for us some time? I love a good concert."

"Oh yes, indeed." Octavia concurred. "I myself, am also eager to hear a new talent from anywhere."

Luke was happy to hear it and replied "I will. Maybe like at a club or a small stage somewhere on town."

"Say no more, me and Vinyl would be more than happy to help you with that. Isn't that right, Vinyl?"


"Well, we should probably get back to work, a music shop does not run itself you know?"

They all laughed. "Agreed."

"Nice meeting you, Luke." Octavia concluded before she went back to work

"Yeah, see ya soon, and try to think about performing on stage some time."

"I will." Then Vinyl Scratch went off with her closest friend and roommate. "So, what about you two? Find anything awesome?"

"Eh, not really. We're just looking after all." Flitter replied


Luke smirked "right. Well, wanna get a drink or something?"



Then they all went out of the store, and were about to go get an iced cold drink from a restaurant or a small stall that might sell them. However, they were halted when a voice stopped them.

"Excuse me." Said a regal mare's voice. A rather high-class looking mare that was also an earth pony, and had a purple mane with a diamond ring as a cutie mark. Luke was a little confused, but Cloudchaser and Flitter were not so happy to see her somehow.

With a slightly irritated tone of voice, Flitter said "hello, Spoiled Rich."

"Ah, Cloudchaser and Flitter." The mare had a change of demeanor when she sarcastically said "what a surprise, then looked face to face with Luke. "I beg your pardon...... Sir, but are you the one they called a human?"

"Uhhh, yeah, what can I help you with?" The human was feeling a little uncomfortable by this.

The mare cleared her throat and regally replied "My name is Spoiled Rich, Diamond Tiara's mother."

He suddenly remembered hearing about Diamond's mother when he was teaching at the school the other day. "So you're the one she told me about."

"Indeed. Well, I wanted to tell you to please stay away from my daughter." Of course, this sounded like a rude warning from a pompous pony like herself

In a confused voice, Luke said "why do you want me to stay away from her? I haven't done anything wrong."

"Perhaps, but I would rather prefer if she did not hang out with low lives and ragamuffins such as yourself."

"Hey, don't call him that!" Said Cloudchaser. "Luke is cool."

"Luke, hmm? So he has a name."

"You're darn right he has a name." Flitter stepped in.

Spoiled was not intimidated by this little posse. "Tut tut, you two, let us not make things ugly."

"Things got ugly when you came here you hypocrite." Cloudchaser insulted.

"What is your problem, Madame?" Luke asked

"I want Diamond Tiara to live the correct life, and I can assure you, interacting with a hairless ape like you is not one of them."

"I'm a human!" Luke retorted


"Look, I can assure you I am not a lowlife, I had good grades on school, and I help out animals if need be."

"Oh how quaint, helping little filthy creatures such as animals."

Luke was starting to become a little angry by this rude mare's prejudice remarks. "Please, I have autism, and.... I am sensitive."

"Autism? So that would make you a retard then?"

Both Cloudchaser and Flitter gasped at what she had just called him "how dare call Luke that!" Said Flitter

"Will you get the hell out of here before we kick your ass?" Cloudchaser was more than ready to take her on.

"Do you really think I am scared of brute force?" Spoiled Rich remarked. "You probably couldn't injure me even if you wanted to."

Luke did not like this mare one little bit. He couldn't believe a pony would call him that derogatory word for people like him. Then he walked up and her and took a breath. "Spoiled Rich, please. Let us not resort to insulting? If you want me to stay away from your daughter I understand."

"Well, I am glad you decided to see things my way, human."

"Wait, I think someone just dropped a bit on the ground." Then Spoiled Rich looked at the ground looking for the coin with eagerness and excitement.

"Where is it?" She said

"Right here!" Without warning her, Luke gave her an elbow uppercut to her face, knocking her away and performed a painful punch while grabbing her mane, and then landed another one before Cloudchaser and Flitter intervened.

"Luke, stop!" Flitter exclaimed.

"Don't you ever call me a retard again you Botox-faced bitch!" Luke shouted at Spoiled. The mare was covering her face from the pain, and it revealed to be slightly bloody with much of it coming out of her nose.

"Oh my face." She moaned. Her face was also a little bruised too, and her mouth was in slight pain. Lastly a bad, black eye was showing on her right one. "How dare you." She said to the human, spitting out a tooth from her mouth

"That's what you get for calling me a retard!"

Then Spoiled Rich just stormed off, probably going home or the doctor to help with her face.

The human noticed that he attracted some n wanted attention and some ponies were staring at him with disbelief. "Uh oh." He thought. "Guys I.... I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Luke. She deserved it." Said Flitter

"Yeah. We can perfectly understand that, but still, you should just ignore their type." Cloudchaser added.

"I know, but she made me."

"We understand. Come on, let's help you cool off and get that drink you want."

"I think that's a good idea, Cloudchaser." Then he looked at the staring ponies again, and said "I'm so sorry you all had to see that, but she called me a retard. Please don't hate me and try to understand. Can you all forgive me?"

Many of them nodded their heads and Flitter said "it's okay, Luke. They understand it was just an outburst."

"Good. I just hope they will not be forever afraid of me."

"No, they won't." Cloudchaser said "it's okay. Come on, let's go." Then they all walked to a cafe or a restaurant to buy themselves a drink. "So, you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I kinda been called worse than that word anyway. Besides, I kind of gave her what she deserved, so we're even. My only worry is that she kit sue my pants off for everything I have."

"Don't worry, just tell Fluttershy and maybe she can help you, and maybe even princess Celestia and Luna, they have more power then Spoiled and her family

"Excellent point. So, yeah, I'll be okay. A drink will just be the trick to cool me off."

The sisters smiled. "Good" said Flitter

"Yeah nothing like a refreshing drink to forget about your worries."

"Agreed. Hakuna Matata."

"What?" Both Cloudchaser and Flitter said in unison.

"It means no worries and no problems."

Then they both understood it..... Kind of.

Author's Note:

Sure Spoiled Rich is kind of a bigot mare, but calling me a retard? That is just lowdown of her. Hopefully she will get her rightful comeuppance, besides punching her on the face like that.

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