• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 4,732 Views, 201 Comments

Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Little Bonk on the Head

Everypony was not as concerned for Luke about him beating Spoiled Rich to a pulp for calling him a retard. As a matter of fact, many of them believed that she deserved it, after all, Nopony doesn't really like her gigantic ego and narcissistic personality, which was why Diamond Tiara was a bully to the kids at schools.

But that was all behind Luke now, for he was continuing at the here and now in his life. For sure, Luke thought he was going to get in deep trouble for beating a self-absorbed mare who thinks she is better than everypony else, but it turns out, he only got a gentle talking to.

And sure, Fluttershy was okay, but what of the rest of his new friends? Along with Cloudchaser and Flitter, for they were sole witnesses to that incident when it happened the day before. As of now, he was watching funny YouTube videos on his smartphone, the goats screaming like humans compilation to be exact. If there was one thing Luke could never get enough of, that would be animals doing silly, cute, or weird things on the Internet such as the sneezing panda or talking dogs for instance.

While doing that, he was drinking some lemonade with ice while relaxing on the couch. Fluttershy then noticed his snickering, and wondered what he was chuckling about.

"Uhh, Luke." She said really quietly. Of course, the sound of her voice was so quiet that he could not hear or notice her looking at these funny videos. Then she gently tapped on his shoulder.

"Oh, Sorry, Fluttershy. What's up?"

"It's okay. Umm, I was wondering what yoy were laughing ablut?"

"I was watching a compilation of goats screaming like humans would, with a few sheep in it. Haha, it's do freaking hilarious!"

"Compilation?" Fluttershy asked curiously. He remembered that Equestria probably doesn't have smartphones or Samsung galaxy phones like many humans in his homeworld.

Luke cleared his throat and remarked "it's like a clip of videos mashed together like a PB&J sandwich, and you can watch all those videos at once like a montage."

Fluttershy then said "that's rather intriguing. Do you think we can watch it together?"


"And maybe my animals friends can join us?"

"Absolutely!" Then they all gathered around Luke's phone so they can watch the screaming goats compilation. All through the video, and they all laughed their heads off, and the loudest one ever was at the end of the video with the baby black lamb with a low voice. "See? I told you it was funny."

Fluttershy giggled. "Oh yes, and it was so adorable, too." she agreed. "Is this a really popular video on your internet?"

"Yep! it's a viral video to be exact. There are two things the internet can never get enough of, music videos from both rock and metal, and pop, and animals doing very cute or silly things, this is one of those things."

"Oh my. I can imagine how many people have watched it." said Fluttershy in amazement. "Although I wonder, did they have sore throats?"

"No no no, of course not. They were fine. I think it was just how they sound, don't you worry."

"Good." All of a sudden, Fluttershy remembered something important. "Oh! I almost forgot that today is pet play day."

"Pet play day?"

"Yes, it's where I bring Angel Bunny to the park to spend time with them, and my closest friends do the same thing with their pets."

"That's nice. Does sound like fun."

"It is. How much do you guys participate in it?"

"Oh every once in a while. We would always give them the best attention and as much fun we can give them all. They all love it, well, maybe not Opal so much."

"She's Rarity's cat, right?"


"I thought so. You don't suppose I can join you guys?"

Fluttershy's smile grew bigger. "That would be wonderful, thank you, Luke."

"Ah, what are friends for?" Luke slightly flushed. "So when is it?"

"A little later on in a number of hours. I could always use some help with Angel Bunny. For a small bunny, he can be quite a handful for his size."

Luke rolled his eyes in slight irritation. "I can only imagine why." then he looked at Angel, and the bunny waved at him in a more friendly gesture. Turns out Angel is starting to warm up to the peculiar human, and didn't have that much distaste in him anymore. Then, all of a sudden, Fluttershy's cutie mark was glowing in a peculiar type of light, like a car blinker.

The human was a little confused and began to panic a little.

"What's happening?"

"It's okay, my cutie mark is just calling me to Twilight's castle to solve a friendship problem. I am very sorry, but I am afraid we might have to do the pet event another time."

"Oh, that's okay. Go ahead and fix whatever the problem is. I'll be fine."

Fluttershy smiled.

"In the meantime, do y want me to feed the others for you since you will be gone?"

"No, I'll be back to he,p you with that. I won't be gone long, I promise. Maybe in time for dinner."

"That's cool."

"Well, I'll let you know about what the friendship problem is, and I will be on my way. In the meantime, why don't you do something fun with Spike or your other funny friends?"

Luke thought about it, and replied "I'll try. But what if the animals need some attention?"

"Oh-ho, don't worry, they will be just fine. Isn't that right all my critter friends?" All the animals replied yes to her. Saying they will be just fine. "Good. Well I might as well be off, and don't worry, I will let you know what the problem is when I get to the castle."


Then a Fluttershy went off, and Luke was alone with the animals inside the cottage. For a moment, he was a little nervous around Harry, Linus the Lion, and Tyler the white tiger, but turns out, they all still liked him and had nothing to worry about.

"Hey, you guys want to see the sneezing panda video? It's really cute and funny!" All the critters chattered one another, and were rather curious about this sneezing panda video that is very popular on Luke's home world.

They all there'd around Luke, and watched the video. Of course after the first few seconds, they wondered if anything will ever happen, and then when the baby panda sneezed and scared his mother, they were all laughing their heads.

Even Angel bunny was having a gut attack from all the laughter. At the time, they all watched it over and over again until they got bored with it, but still, they thought it was really hilarious.

After that, they watched many other animals doing goofy things like a dog on helium, or a pig playing a guitar, so on and so forth.

At the train station, Fluttershy, and her best friends were ready to depart to their destination. "So what is this problem?"

"It is in Griffonstone, but... I don't know if it's right." She gulped. Rainbow held he close to her.

"Don't worry, Flutters." She said. "It's better bow, and Gilda has changed. Trust me, it is a better place." She winked at her. True to her words, if Rainbow Dash has been to the griffon capital, then Fluttershy believes her.

"Yeah, Sugarcube." Said Applejack. "I'm retry sure we will be mighty fine."

"I know. You're right."

Then the conductor came out and shouted "All Aboard!" Then all six entered the train "have a good time, Fluttershy,"

"I'll try."

"Bye Luke." The other five said. Then the train was off to Griffonstone. Luke was alone, but Fluttershy will he back soon, and so will her best friends.

He thought of what she said before about hanging with Spike to pass the time. Maybe he can show him all those funny animal videos like he had shown the animals back at the cottage.

He went to Twilight's castle, and knocked at the double, gigantic doors, with the sound of rumbling with every small pounding

It took a little while, but they both opened and it revealed to be Spike, as he would expect it to be "oh hey, Luke. How's it going?"

"Bonjour, Spike. I am magnifique."

"That'a good. So y know at Fluttershy, Twilight, and their friends are on their way to Griffnstone, and I was wondering if I could spend some time with you, if you don't mind of course."

"Oh sure! Come on in. Me, Big Mac, and Discord were going to play on our guys day out,"

"Guys day out huh? Like what?"

"Well, playing a real board game called Dungeons and Drancequus."

The human stepped inside and the doors closed. "So when will they be here?"

"In a little while. I was about to go ask them if they would want to play our game. At first, it was just a regular board game, but thanks to Discord, it looks real!"

Luke was even more impressed "ooh, c'etait fantastique." He remarked. "So can I join in on the fun?"

"Of course, we can always have an extra player to join us."

"Parfait! Thank you so much."

"De rien. (You're welcome.)" he replied. They both walked down the hallway and Spike was sorting a few rugs out of place, and getting some stains off. "Ugh, wouldn't want that to be there." He muttered, and sprayed them with a spritzer bottle. "There, good as new."

Luke then noticed a club-like weapon and felt like fooling around with it. "So, what can I be in the game?"

"You can be whatever you want?"

"Awesome! That is just great!" There was a loud "Clang!" And Luke jumped with fright. He wondered what it was, then he noticed Spike laughing foolishly, and had stars around his head

"Ooh? Can I have some more gems?" Spike laughed before collapsing on the floor with a thud. Luke could not be,I'd've what just happened. He realized that he accidentally conked Spike with the club while he wasn't paying attention.

The human immediately dropped the object and knelt down to Spike's level. He moved his ear close to his chests and sighed on relief that he was still alive, but knocked out.

"Spike, can you hear me? Please wake up." Luke begged.

Then Spike's eyes opened and and began to garble some gibberish. Luke couldn't really understand what he was saying, and expected him to get right back up into the swing on things. However when he did get up, he was just crawling and not walking or running.

To make thins more unusual, Spike put his thumb in his mouth sucking it.

Luke was starting to understand what was happening and what was wrong with him "oh perfect." He thought to himself. "I think I made Spike into a real baby dragon, but what is it called exactly? And.... Is it permanent?" Then he was pacing to and fro while Spike was watching on, giggling like an infant. "If Twilight finds out, she will kill me, and bury me alive. Oh what the hell am I going to do?"

He was thinking of any idea and made a decision. He remembered seeing Nurse Redheart on one of the first days he was here, maybe she knows a doctor that would know a solution to the problem. He was determined and picked up Spike to show them.

"Come on, buddy. Up you get." He sighed "god, I hope this isn't permanent. Then he imagined the horrors of changing a baby Dragon's diaper. Oh the horror of it. "Oh fuck no." He muttered. "We're definitely taking you to see a doctor." The he went out the door to see Nurse Redheart at the hospital.

Author's Note:

Oh dear, Luke accidentally knocked Spike out and made him think he is an actual baby with the mind of an actual infant. How will this end? What will he do? Find out on the next chapter.

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