• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 4,732 Views, 201 Comments

Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Discord's Jealousy

At Cloudsdale, within the Wonderbolt academy, Luke was just signing autographs to his new fans from the city in the sky, looking quite bold and happy. There was quite a long line of Wonderbolts and regular Pegasus ponies just eager to have his signature.

"Okay, thank you so much for watching my performance." Luke said to a Pegasus mare named Sun Shower.

She smiled and made an "eek!" Said as she saw the signature on her paper. "Thank you so much, Luke. You are awesome!" Then she went off hovering her wings, kissing the paper with his signature. The human was happy to see this new fan happy

Rainbow Dash was taking the honors of being Luke's bodyguard to make sure nopony would try and hover all over him to the point where it was invading his personal space. "Alright. Give him some space, everypony." Said Rainbow Dash.

It wasn't just her, Spitfire and Soarin were also making sure that that Luke wouldn't get tackled by his fans to the point where they would tear off his clothes. "Back up!" Soarin said, pushing back a couple of Pegasus ponies "Get back!"

"You heard him, back it up, chief! Single-file line!" Spitfire barked thereafter. Thanks to her voice, every Pegasus who did not get an autograph yet got back into an orderly line like a military school roll-call.

It was just then the line was almost enpty, and Luke finally gave the last autograph to a yellow pegasus colt. "Oh thank you, thank, thank you so much!" He said cheerfully. "I want to be like you when I grow up, mr. Luke!" Then he hovered away.

"Good luck, kid!" Luke called out proudly. "Make me proud someday!" Then the line was empty of the new fans in the Wonderbolt Academy. The human was already a little tired from all that signing that his arm was starting to feel a little sore, throbbing a little.

Fluttershy walked up to him, and said "congratulations, Luke. I am so proud of you." Then she hugged him gently yet tightly

The human was happy to hear that from the very first friend he made in Equestria when he got transported to the majestic land. "Thanks, Fluttershy." He said, gently stroking her mane. He turned his attention to Rainbow and the three main Wonderbolts. "And Thank you guys for helping me with this."

"No problem, Luke." Said Spitfire. "You did so awesome."

"Amazingly awesome!" Rainbow added

Fleetfoot then added "totally rocked the stage dude!"

'We look forward to seeing you perform again. Let us know if you are doing another concert. We can always use more entertainment like that." Then the three Wonderbra winked at him.

"Well, we gotta go back to training our comrades and recruits." Said Spitfire. "And hopefully, Bulk Biceps will get through a ring this time." She rolled her eyes in irritation."

"Oh come on, Spitfire." Said Soarin. "At least he is trying, we gotta give him credit for that."

The orange pegasus smiled. "Yeah you're right." Then she went back to Luke and his two friends. "Well, see ya around, Luke. Keep on rocking and stay safe, alright?"


She made one final wink at him and all three went out of the auditorium, leaving Luke alone with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. "So, whatcha wanna do next?" asked Rainbow Dash

"Well... I think i'm a little warn out from that last performance." Luke replied, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "I kinda rocked a little too hard back there."

Both the pegasus mares laughed at his modesty. "That's okay, Luke." said Fluttershy. "I understand."

"Yeah. I honestly thought you could have done an encore, but I respect your decision because you're my buddy." Rainbow remarked, gently bumping her hoof on his left arm. Luke smiled at her niceness. "Even a rockstar like you needs a break and shouldn't work himself to the bone all the time."

Luke smiled "Thanks Rainbow. One thing I learned is that being a metal-head or a rocker like myself is never easy." They all laughed again. "Well, I suppose I can look at the Cloudsdale Colosseum since it's the most famous landmark in the city.

"Okay, that sounds good."

"Wonderful." Fluttershy said. Then they all went out of the Wonderbolt academy to look at this Colosseum in the middle of the city. As they were walking down the cloudy streets, some of the pegasus ponies looked at Luke, and recognized him as the mysterious human who rocked the Wonderbolt academy. Many of the pegasus ponies smiled looking at him, and politely waved at the human.

Luke himself was feeling rather grateful, already starting to feel like a celebrity, not just in Ponyville, but in Cloudsdale as well. "Looks like you're getting some recognition, huh?" asked Rainbow Dash, noticing the pegasus ponies greeting and waving at Luke.

"I know. I'm flattered."

"I think you did a great job, Luke. I can not really blame them for giving you recognition." said Fluttershy. "Or, I think you are starting to get recognition, are you?"

"Well for now, it's a small crowd, but someday, I will get even more and more recognition, like the size of a stadium during a football game."

"Speaking of stadium, here we are." said Rainbow Dash. Luke was in awe seeing the beauty of this enormous stadium entirely made of clouds with some flags in rows on top of the circled building. It kind of reminded him of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy, except this one was in top shape, and not in ruins.

He looked around at the place with awe with his mouth slightly agape. "This is so cool. Freaking awesome."

"It's big, isn't it?" said Rainbow

"This is one of the place for if they want to host the Equestria games, and of course, any Wonderbolt special event." Fluttershy said.

"Wow. This reminds me of a Colosseum we have in our home world." Luke thought with a sense of deja vu.

"You have a colosseum?" asked Rainbow Dash. "That's awesome!"

"Yep. It's in a city called Rome, in a country called Italy. However, it doesn't really look... ship-shaped compared to this one?"

Both Rainbow and Fluttershy looked at each other with confused looks in their eyes, and then looked back to him. "What do you mean?"

"The Colosseum in my world is still standing, but's over thousands and thousands of years old, and hasn't been used in events ever since. Now the place lies in ruins with a part of the building chipped off."

"That is quite old." said Fluttershy

"It is. However, it is still used as a tourist attraction for both Rome and Italy. Thousands from across my world would go there to see and visit this landmark and look at its beauty."

"Sounds amazing." Said Fluttershy.

"I sometimes wish I can come over there too. Of course Italy is not in Africa, my favorite place, it's still pretty cool to visit. But still, I woukd consider Africa my top place to visit above anywhere else."

Just then a certain Drancequus appeared from below the cloud they were on, startling then instantly. "Here's Johnny!" Said Discord teasingly. Rainbow groaned irritation as he laughed while emerging from the cloudy floor. "Oh you should have seen your faces!" He laughed

"Discord, must you always do that?" Said Fluttershy in an irritated quiet voice.

"Yes." Discord teased. Fluttershy was not amused, and she raised an eyebrow to show it. "Oh come now, Fluttershy. I was just joking."

"Well that almost killed us!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Oh you are such a baby Rainbow!" Discord shrugged with a devious chuckle. Angered, Rainbow Dash was about to charge him, but before she could touch him, Discord snapped his finger to the other side of the gang, just in time before she could have even touch him.

"Calm down, Rainbow Dash." Said Fluttershy. "Discord was just playing a joke."

"Yes, Rainbow." Discord added. "It was just a harmless joke."

The cyan pegasus wasn't so angry anymore, but still irritated by this prankster's practical joke. It was Discord, the Master of Chaos who used to be an evil villain after all, no one could blame him, not even Luke or Fluttershy.

"Ah, and hello again, Luke." the master of Chaos noticed the human

"What's up?"

"Nothing much, just thought I drop by and say hello to all of you." the master of chaos turned his attention to Fluttershy "I was wondering if you would like to go look at the fire mantas in my world tomorrow?"

"Oh! well... that does sound fun, but... Luke and I were planing on helping out at the Ponyville Animal festival tomorrow." Discord's face turned from a smile to a big frown in an instant hearing that. "Luke said he really wanted to help out with the animal care."

"Yep. It's gonna be so awesome. There's even a live music performance, which I will be attending of course. Oh I can hardly imagine how much they would want me to sing and play guitar tomorrow."

"It will be so awesome!"

"Hellyeah!" Luke made his rock pose with the devil horn gesture.

"Oh. That's wonderful news." Said Discord, trying to sound happy and cheerful, but it sounded a little week. In his head, he was thinking "is he tying to steal the very best friend I ever made?" Then he felt a touch of anger about to rise up in him, but he still kept that cheerful face on him so no one would notice ihow he really felt.

"I know!" Said Rainbow. "Now he'll make it more fun tomorrow rocking out!"

"And you're more than welcome to come help out, Discord." Fluttershy."

"Well I wish I could, Fluttershy, but I am on a tight schedule." Then he conjured a piece of paper, and he held it in his hand. He read out "fill entire house with garbage, mess with Princess Celestia and Luna by pulling pranks, make it snow in dragon land, I'm booked solid." Then he ripped the note into tiny pieces."

"Oh. I understand." Said Fluttershy in a cheerful manner."

"Well, I need to go, I need to dirty the dishes."

"Don't you clean dishes?" Luke asked curiously

"Nope, in my home, everything you would normally do every day, me and the other inhabitants there do exactly the opposite."

"Do they?" Asked Rainbow with a raised eyebrow.

Discord was a little silent, and it looked like he was about to say yes to that question but he made a sigh of giving up and confessed "no, mostly me who would make things dirty in my own house."

"Right. We'll see you soon, Discord, and we're still on for our Tuesday tea, right?"

"Of cours, of course, I am always there for Tuesday tea whenever possible." And he muttered "without Luke."

"What's that?"

"Nothing! Nothing at all." He lied. Then he snapped his finger and he was gone.

"Well I think we've seen enough of this beautiful city." Luke said

"Me too, let's go home." Then they all exited the colosseum to go back to the balloon where it will take them back to Ponyville on the ground.

Meanwhile, Discord was back at his own home, in the chaotic dimension, one of the most freaky and unusual places to ever exist. He went inside and his house was as it always how he liked it, filthy and unpresentable, with everything working all upside-down like

Discord, who was rejected by Fluttershy about coming to see the fire manta creatures, was not happy one little bit. He was feeling the jealousy rise and rise up to a higher boiling point.

"Honestly, what does that 'cool' Luke think he is?" Then he began putting dust bunnies all over the floor while grumbling. "Stealing the fey best friend I ever made? Fluttershy is everything to me." Then he remembered at the agrand Galloping Gallop. "Well I admit I did go a little overboard with a Tree Hugger, but that human lives with Fluttershy like a college roommate now.

After he was done with the floors, he went to dirty the dishes at the kitchen sink, with lots of stains added on them with some cuts on the side.

"I can really imagine what Fluttershy is saying about Luke right now." Then he said in a mock voice "Oh Luke, you are so amazing and talented. Luke you are absolutely one of a kind with that guitar, and a natural with animals." then he gave a loud "bah!"

It was just then he had an idea, a very awful and selfish idea. A grinch smile formed on his face, showing his teeth.

"Well, I suppose I can go there, and I will make sure that Luke's day will be a day that he will not forget."

Then he cackled like an evil maniac throughout this messed up dimension, but suddenly stopped when he got a cough in his throat.

Author's Note:

Man, oh man. Looks like Luke will face the chaotic fury of Discord the next day for Ponyville Animal Day. How will this go? Find out on the next chapter.

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