• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 4,733 Views, 201 Comments

Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Talk Between Worlds (Edited)

Luke was now at the cafe in Ponyville. He was still a little nervous being in town as some of the ponies were still kind of staring at him because he was a human. He looked at the menu for anything that he would want to munch on to fill his empty stomach.

"Everything okay, Luke?" Asked Twilight, noticing his nervousness.

"What? Oh yeah, yeah. I'm just fine." He looked at the ponies walking past him from a semi-far distance. "They are kind of staring at me." He moved his face close to her ear and whispered "I don't want them to think I am a monster."

"Oh nonsense, darling." Said Rarity.

"Just stick with us and you will be just fine." Said Fluttershy.

"I know. I know." Luke said. He looked at the menu and saw that there wasn't anything like burgers or steak or ribs because the ponies are herbivores after all. So, he decided to take a salad with no cheese in any way as lunch.

"What will you eat, Luke?" Asked Applejack.

"I'm just going to eat salad right now. And I think I'm just going to hold the cheese. Then he stuck his tongue out and made a face of disgust. "Blehh. God, I really hate cheese." He said

"Why not?" Asked Rainbow. "What do you have against cheese?"

"Well.... I really don't hate it entirely, I really like it on burgers, pizza, and some crackers, but plain cheese, I just can't stand." Luke replied

"We understand your opinion. Everypony has their own sense of taste in food." Said Twilight.

"Right. I can be a little picky when it comes to food sometimes"

"Well, enough of that, do you think that your parents know that you just disappeared?" Asked Spike

"My dad doesn't really speak to me and my mom anymore, they got divorced. All in all, my mom would definitely freak and have a nervous breakdown when she realizes I am missing. In fact, I think she notices that I'm gone right now."

"May I take your or...der?" The waiter said in front of the group, noticing Luke.

"I mean you no harm sir, I promise you." Luke said to him

The waiter cleared his throat and replied "very well, have you made your decision at least?"

"Yep, I'll just have a salad with no cheese of any type on it whatsoever. And maybe a glass of water would be nice."

"Very good, sir. And Princess Twilight, Spike, and the elements, have you made your decision?"

"Oh, we're not hungry, Silverware." Fluttershy said

"We already ate something." Said Applejack

"Very well." The waiter turned back to the human and said "your food will be ready in a few short minutes."

"So tell us, what do you think of Equestria so far?" Asked Twilight curiously

"To be honest, it's a pretty peaceful and cool place. Pure happiness, joy, the air feels good, so serene and peaceful, and absolutely nothing to worry about. Back home was peaceful too, but not as peaceful as this world."

"That's good." Said Fluttershy. "What is it like on your world?"

"It's..... Complicated, and a very long story to tell you all. Besides, I would probably bore you all to death anyway."

"Oh don't be silly." Said Applejack. "There has to be something mighty fascinating in your world."

"Oh there is, Applejack. I just don't feel like talking about it do much right now. I need to learn more about this world."

"Okay." Said Rainbow Dash. "We can appreciate that."

"Right. We'll tell you some facts about Equestria later. For now, you should think of a place you cou;d stay for a while."

"That sounds perfect." Luke nodded

"Your salad sir." Said the waiter gently putting the plate in front of the human. The salad looked really appetizing to him and really delicious.

"Merci." Luke said to him

"De rien, monsieur." The waiter replied to him kindly

Luke then ate the salad he ordered and it was unlike any other salad he had ever had before in his life. After he was done eating,me gave a little yet long burp. "Excuse me, sorry."

"Oh it's fine, Sugarcube." Said Applejack with a smile.

"How was the salad?" Asked Rarity

"It was..... Pretty delicious. Way better than what my mom makes me." Luke said

The others laughed. "Good to hear." Said Twilight. "Say, why don't we introduce you to some of our other friends in Ponyville? What do you say, girls, Spike?"

"Oh yes. He really should meet the other ponies that live here." Fluttershy concurred.

"I can show him my beautiful boutique." Rarity said with an idea.

"That sounds awesome." Said Luke. "But..... Do you think that is a good idea? I feel like Frankenstein to some of them." He covered his face

"Well I have not idea what a 'Frankenstein' is, but I'm sure you are nothing like it. They will like you, dude." Said Rainbow

"Yeah, come with us." Spike added

"Well, I guess I can give it a try, but I still want to know what this world is, and I want to know more about Equestria. Not to mention you want to know more about me."

"We do." Said Fluttershy with a cute smile. "Why don't we go to the park and talk about it?"

"That sounds nice. Maybe a stroll in the park would relax me." Luke said

"Okay. We'll explain there." Twilight agreed. Luke followed them all to the park, and looked around the houses again.

"Hey, Applejack." Called a voice that sounded lie a little girl. There was an orange pegasus filly, a yellow earth filly, and a white unicorn filly. "We were wondering if- Aaaaahhh!" She screamed as the yellow one noticed Luke

"Monster!" They all exclaimed

Luke was cautious and was ready for anything that might happen like them charging at him in full speed. "No no no." He said to the three. "I'm not a monster, I'm not a monster."

"Calm down, Applebloom." Said Applejack. "He is not a monster."

"Yes, Sweetie Belle." Rarity referred to the unicorn filly

"Cool your jets Scootaloo." Said Rainbow to the orange filly. "He is actually really nice."

"Oh. Are you?" Asked the white filly.

"Yeah. I would never hurt an animal." Luke replied. "I am a very friendly guy. Please don't be scared of me."

"Oh. Sorry, sir." Said the yellow earth filly

"It's fine. It's fine." Luke replied calmly. "I kind of expected something like that to happen anyway. So, who are you?"

"I'm Applebloom."

"I'm Sweetie Belle."

"The name's Scootaloo. And we are....."

In a loud voice, they all exclaimed "The Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Luke covered his ears from the noise for he had some sensitive hearing.

"Oh well, nice to meet you girls. The name's Luke. Luke Smith, but you can just call me Luke, because it's my first name."

"Well nice to meet you Luke." Said Scootaloo

"So, what are you exactly?" Asked Applebloom

"Where did you come from" said Sweetie Belle. "And what do you eat?"

Fluttershy chuckled "alright alright. You can ask him later. Luke still needs to know what Equestria is, okay? Maybe you'll meet him again some other time."

"Okay, we got a meeting at our clubhouse anyway. It was really nice meeting you, Luke. "Said Sweetie Belle

"Yeah, see you soon, Luke." Said Applebloom

"Come on, girls." Said Scootaloo. They all ran to the fields at the same direction that Applejack's farm was.

"They are so adorable." Luke thought. "Really really cute."

"Well, let's keep going." Said Twilight, then they continued to the park.


The park was really beautiful. The birds singing and flying, and the fountain spraying so e sparkling water, Luke never saw such beauty of a park like this.

"Oh, here's a spot we can talk at." Said Pinkie.

They all stopped at a small field and sat underneath at willow tree. "So, tell us, Luke." Said Twilight. "What are you?"

"I sort of made a deal about at after I eat something and I kept my word, so what the heck?" Luke said. "I.... I am a human, I might have told you. I.... I'm a member of the primate family. You know, gorillas, chimpanzees, lemurs, monkeys?"

"Right." Said Rarity.

"Take a look at my hand for example." Luke showed his entire left hand to the creatures to show what he means. "Now, see any similarities to a gorilla or orangutan hand to a human one?"
"Oh, I do." Said Pinkie

"It is shaped like a gorilla." Said Applejack

"Definitely primate-like." Rarity added

"So, what are many humans like?" Asked Fluttershy curiously. "What do they like to eat, and what do they like to talk about?"

"What do you want to know exactly?" Luke asked

"A lot of things." Said Rainbow. ,

"Well I don't know if I can tell you everything. Just because I am the only human in Equestria right now, doesn't mean I know everything."

"Oh we know." Said Twilight. "No pony knows everything, not even Celestia and Luna."

"Who are they?"

"Who are they?" Asked Rarity, shocked at seeing him not knowing of their co-rulers. "They are the princess' and rulers of Equestria."

"They are alicorns, which are like a combo of a pegasus like me and a unicorn like Rarity" Fluttershy added.

"Princess' huh? That's really neat." Luke said. "So many humans like me are very nice and kind type of animals. Well, there are some humans that are not good at all, but I would rather prefer if we didn't talk about it."

"Okay. Fine with us." Said Pinkie Pie

"Humans are.... omnivores. Like bears and pigs, we eat both vegetation and....." he cleared his throat. "Meat. But please, Don't worry. I will never eat you guys, and besides I would never kill an animal than eat it, because that would be too evil of me."

The others sighed with relief, and were happy to hear that Luke will never eat them. "That's good." Said Rainbow.

"I do love animals, and I would love to do anything to take care of them." Luke continued. "I'm like a zoologist and know alot about different species more than a lot of my kind do, but that would be a little off topic. The point is many humans like me are good."

"That's really awesome." Said Rainbow.

"What is it like in your world and where did you live?" Asked Fluttershy

"Well, i live in a country called the United States of America. Many people call the country the land of the free and the home of the brave. One of the states I lived in was called 'Oregon' in the city of 'Bend'. It's a very nice middle sized town, and very peaceful with almost ninety-thousand people in it."

"Wow." They all said in amazement

"That's wonderful." Said Twilight

"Ninety-thousand is still quite a large number for humans to live in" said Fluttershy.

"Not compared to the largest cities in America, but that's not very important. I might have told you this before, but we live on a planet called Earth like this world is called."

"What other countries or continents are there on your Earth?" Asked Applejack.

"Well, there are seven continents: North America which is where the United States are, South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, and Antarctica."

"Kind of funny names if you ask me. Well, Africa sounds a little funny. Africa Africa Africa." Rainbow said in a fast pace. "He he, sounds fun to say."

Luke chuckled. "Alright alright, that's enough, Rainbow." He said. "Anyway, I think it's your turn to tell me: What is it like in Equestria?"

"Well, Equestria doesn't just have ponies, there are also buffalo, sheep, cows, goats, and other creatures that are not related to ponies."

"What kind of ponies are there in particular?" Luke asked curiously

"Well you got pegasi ponies like Rainbow and Fluttershy, then you have unicorns like Rarity, and then Earth ponies like Applejack and pinkie." Twilight answered

"Oh, I thought those body parts struck me somehow." Luke said, remembering the definition of a pegasus and a unicorn in his homeworld. "I have read about them, they..... they are just a myth and not real in my world."

"What?" They all exclaimed

"Not real?" Said Rarity. "Outrageous!"

"Is magic also a myth in your world?" Asked Pinkie

Luke gulped and closed his eyes. "Yes. My world is kind of a boring place, and I always want to see something exciting and.... not boring, you know? A place more like this one."

"We can understand." said Fluttershy.

"Yeah, it does sound kind of boring in your home." Said Rainbow

"Well, enough of that, I am an Alicorn, a rare species of pony that are only born once in a while." Twilight continued. "As you can tell, I have wings and one horn. I used to be just a unicorn, but that's not very important right now. Celestia and Luna are also alicorns too."

"Really? Are there other alicorns at least?" Asked Luke

"Well, there's my sister in law, Princess Cadence who lives in the Crystal Empire north of here who is married to my older brother Shining Armor." Twilight answered.


"I am a savior of the Crystal Empire." Spike pointed

"You are?" Luke said with his eyes open.

"Oh yes, Spike has saved the Crystal Empire from certain destruction, twice." Said Fluttershy

"That's so cool. So are you a hero to the ponies of the place, Spike?"

"Yep. They all call me Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious."

"Neat." He got back up from the grass, and cleared his throat. "Well, do you think you know a way of how I can get back home?" He asked curiously. "Not that I don't like this world, it is so amazing and magical, but I got a family and-"

"Oh we understand." Said Applejack

"And..... no. I'm terrible sorry." Said Twilight sadly

"Alright. I kind of thought so. Well, do you know a place where I can stay at least? I can just sleep in a dumpster or-"

"A dumpster?" Said Rainbow. "That's crazy!"

"Yeah, why would you say that?" Said Pinkie

"I don't know. I just wouldn't think you would let me stay with you for a little while. That's all. Just a thought." Luke replied

"Well of course you can stay at my cottage. You are more than welcome to come stay with me for as long as you want." Said Fluttershy

"And my Boutique. " said Rarity.

"We have a guest room in the castle if you would like." Twilight added.

"Or my family's farm." Said Applejack

"Or Sugarcube Corner." Pinkie leaped

Luke smiled at their kindness. "Thank you for offering, but I can only stay at one place. Can I Just Think About It, please?"

"Oh of course you can." Said Fluttershy respecting his choice.

"I should probably tell you that you probably wouldn't want to be in my house." Said Rainbow Dash. "Not that I don't want you to be in it, it's just that it is made out of clouds and only pegasus ponies can walk on clouds."

"Oh i understand. So I guess your place wouldn't work out for me."


"Right, well can you show me the rest of Ponyville? I'm a little curious about this place and I have a big curiosity." Luke said

"Sure. We'll show you around." Said Rarity.

Luke smiled. He walked with the group back to town to show him around the place to make him more comfortable.

"So Luke, I wonder, you really love animals?" Flutterhsy asked

"Of course. Why do you ask, Fluttershy?"

"Because in my cottage, I have many animal friends that live in and out of it that you could interact with." Fluttershy reminded

Luke made a small gasp. "Really? I would love to do that. I just hope they are really friendly and not bite me."

"Oh they won't bite you. They love everything." Fluttershy said.


"You should also look at my boutique and maybe I can make an outfit you want for you." Said Rarity

"I don't know if that's such a good idea. It's just that your more of designing clothes for ponies and not humans."

"Sure I have never created a human ensemble before, but I might be able to do that when I get a look at your clothes."

"What? Please don't, Rarity." Luke covered his shirt with an embarrassed look on his cheeks.

"Oh no, she's not going to make you take it off." Said Pinkie Pie. "She'll still measure you just with your clothes on. Although it is no shame of not having your clothes off anyway."

"Well it is for a human if in public. Of course many of you go without clothes all the time, but for a human, it is quite different." Luke explained. "In my world, it's against the law to be naked in public."

"Really? That's odd." Said Rainbow.

"To you maybe, but not many humans think that the way you do."

"Oh! Here's Sugarcube Corner" said Pinkie. "Here's where I live."

Luke felt like he was a cowboy when he pushed the old fashion front door, and he walked in front of the cashier stand. Then somepony walked in after Pinkie rang the bell. "Hello, how can we- Oh! Who might this be, Pinkie Pie?" Asked an orange earth stallion, and a smaller blue Earth mare with him as if they were a married couple

"Mr and Mrs Cake, hello. We want you to meet somepony." Pinkie greeted. "Luke, this is Mr. and Mrs. Cake, the owners of the shop."

"Hello." Said Luke

"Oh, well nice to meet you, Luke." Said Mr. Cake. "We hope we are not being rude but what are you exactly?"

"Yes, and where did you come from?" Mrs Cake added

"Well, I'm a human and I came here from a shooting star, and it's a rather long story. So you make cakes, cupcakes, and other desserts with Pinkie Pie?"

"Oh yes. Pinkie is such a great help to us in the shop. She knows how to help run a business and throw a party." Mrs. Cake answered

Luke noticed something nibbling on his shoe. He looked down and saw a small large eyed alligator, with no teeth. "Huh? Oh, hey little fella." Luke said to the gator.

"Oh, this is Gummy, my pet alligator. He is a real charmer, aren't you Gummy?" The small alligator just did a slow blink to her in response. "Right!"

Then Luke felt Gummy trying to put his paw on his shirt

"Oh look, he likes you." Said Fluttershy.

"Would you like to hold him, Luke?" Pinkie asked. "He won't bite. Actually he might but it won't hurt because he has no teeth."

"Okay." Pinkie gave him the alligator and he held him in his arms. The texture of the skin was not what Luke expected, it was a little more softer than he would expect it to be, and thought that it would be as hard as a rock. The alligator then nugded him on his chin with affection.

"He does like you." Rainbow laughed.

"He does." Luke said with a smile. Then after a moment, he slowly gave the gator back to his owner. "Thanks, Pinkie."

"No problem." Pinkie replied

"Well it was nice meeting you Luke." Said Mr. Cake

"Feel free to visit us when you feel le it, and maybe introduce you to our babies when they are not sleeping."

"Okay. It was nice meeting you Mr. and Mrs. Cake." Luke replied to them. "See you later."

"Come back soon." Said Mr. Cake before the others exited the dessert shop.


It was not far when they reached the cottage. Before they all entered, Fluttershy said to Luke. "Now, they might be a little scared if you when we come in here, but don't worry, they will like you."

"Okay, Fluttershy. I'll keep that in mind."

They all entered and Luke saw animals as far as his eyes can see. It ranged from squirrells, chipmunks, and mice to porcupines, raccoons, beavers, bears, pigs, goats, and many more. Many of them were a little stunned, frozen on the spot when they saw Luke.

"Hello, everyone." Fluttershy announced. "This is Luke. He's a human from another world, now please be nice to him." She and Luke walked up to the center of the cottage while the others stayed in front of the door. "This is Harry." She referred to the large grizzly bear. "Mr Prickles." She referred to the first porcupine. She introduced him to many more animals so on and so forth and finally she stopped when she introduced him to her rabbit friend. "And this is Angel." The rabbit didn't really look really happy and looked a little grouchy. Then he just hopped away.

Turns out Angel doesn't really like him very much, but the other animals however, we're getting along with him just fine. The large bear bent his head close to Luke's face and then sniffed it. Then he licked his face with his large tongue making him laugh.

"Hey cut it out." Luke laughed. Many ferrets mice, rats and other small animals around the floor circled around his legs like a bunch of cats. Some birds like finches and Blue jays perched on his shoulders while singing.

Luke really loved what he was experiencing. He was a little nervous at first but it turns out it went better than he expected. He was really enjoying this experience and treatment that almost all the animals are giving him

"They like you already." Fluttershy said happily with a smile.

"I know." Luke said.

"Alright, everyone. Let's give him some space, please." Then the animals back up for him to move.

"I think I know where i might want to stay for a while, but yet again, I still need to think of where I should stay since there is so much out there." Luke remarked

"Well, let me show you my boutique next, darling." Said Rarity. Then they all, minus the animals of course, went back to town to look at Rarity's house this time. Fluttershy said bye to her critter friends before she left with the others to let them know she will be back.

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