• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 4,733 Views, 201 Comments

Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Capital of Equestria (Part 2)

Luke was enjoying a nice cup of coffee, sitting with Rarity, Fancypants, and Fleur de Lis. The other three sitting with him were having tea instead of coffee. Apparently, Tea seams to be more popular in Equestria than Coffee would be, sort of like Great Britain and India.

"So do tell us, Luke, how did you come to Equestria?" Fancy Pants asked the human. "It sounds like a real page-turner."

"Ho Ho, it is a page-turner, Fancy Pants." Luke began telling the tale of how he came to be in Equestria, and why he came here from the shooting star. "That Discord heard me, and granted me my wish."

"Hmm, leave it to the master of chaos to travel to different dimensions and mess with the laws of physics."

"That guy really gets around."

"I agree, mon ami." Said Fleur De Lis. "Zis is really fascinating information, Luke."

Luke flustered. Then after they were done with their drinks, all four continued walking down the road so the human could go sightseeing some more. Some ponies looked at Luke like he was a little lower on the pyramid than they were.

Many of the townsfolk were really friendly towards Luke, and all greeted him by saying "Hi, or salutations" along with waving their arms at him in a friendly gesture.

"Do you like everything so far, darling?" Rarity asked.

"Yep. Definitely a beautiful city." Luke replied.

"Beautiful indeed." Said a different stallion's voice. The human looked and ad saw a pair of rich-looking ponies, looking quite sophisticated in fashion. "And what might you be, creature?" Said the stallion in a somewhat rude tone of voice.

"Umm, I'm a human." The human replied uncomfortably.

Rarity had a look of disgust. "Jet Set and Upper Crust? What are you two heathens doing here?" She said in a voice that sounded like disgust or annoyance. Has she had any bad experience with these two snooty ponies?

"Never mind us, Rarity. Just passing through the capital of Equestria as usual." Said the mare. "And it is always a pelasure to run in to Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis."

"Even though they mingle with the commoners." Said the stallion rudely. The pair made a snobbish laugh that sounded like a spoiled rich person would do at a country club while playing mini-golf.

"Oh tais toi (Shut up) you pompous imbeciles!" Fleur said.

"Anywho, we have saw you, primate and we thought we should look at you." Said Jet Set. "Hmm, quite an unusual looking creature, especially a peasant such as yourself."

"Hey, I'm not a peasant." Luke countered.

"Either way, just try and stay out of our way." Said Upper Crust. "We wouldn't want a grubby primate like you to ruin our entrance."

"How dare you!" Rarity said.

"It's alright, Rarity. At least I'm handsome, unlike you pair of toffs who are only just hicks pretending to be they are better than everyone else."

The snotty couple gasped and everypony around them went "Ohhh! Burn!"

Not willing to take this, Jet Set and Upper Crust angrily shrugged off and walked away with a huff. "Bravo Luke, quite a good comeback." Said Fancy Pants.

"You really showed them how to back off." Fleur added

"Learned it from my dad. He was always good with insults and comebacks."

"You're father taught you well, Luke." Rarity remarked. "Shall we continue then?"

"Let's shall." Luke replied. "And can we look at the castle, I really want to see what's inside. I would like to see Princess Celestia and Lrincess Luna again."

"You also met the princess'?" Fleur said with surprise "c'est incroyable."

"Oh yes, you had quite an honor meeting our leaders for the first time." Said Fancy Pants. "How did you meet them?"

The human cleared his threat and replied "they both wanted to meet and see me for the first time. They said they were really curious about me and how I came here to Equestria in the first place."

"I would not blame them, you are a really interesting type of human." Rarity said.

"Oh i'm not that interesting of a human being." Luke said modestly. "So Raroty, have you met those two rude folk before?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Rarity admitted. "Those two are quite a nasty piece of work. They even called my friends ruffians a long time ago. They didn't think I was sophisticated enough to be in this beautiful city."

"What? Rarity, yoy are by far one of the most sophisticated ponies I know. Don't ever question that."

"Ph, that's sweet. Thank you, Luke." Then she gave him a hug to show him gratitude. Luke was touched by this gesture, and it felt like a living marshmallow was gebtly squeezing him. They went in front of the castle, the guards used their feathers to prevent them from going any further.

"Halt! Who goes there?" Said one of the guards.

"It is quite alright, sirs." Said Rarity. He is with me."

"And surely you must recognize me and my dear friend Fleur de Lis." Fancy Pants added.

"Ah, yes. You three we recognize, not the.... stranger." Said the other guard.

"This is my good friend, Luke." Said Rarity

"Don't worry, I know the princess'." The human noted.

Both guards looked at each other. "Oh, why didn't you say so?" The the first guard. "This changes everything."

"Yeah, if he is friends with Rarity and Canterlot's most famous ponies, then it must be true. Very well, go ahead in." It was exactly what Luke wanted to hear. Both guards opened the door and the four were inside.

"Thank you so much, kind soldiers." Said Fleur De Lis. She kissed one of the guards on his cheek, making him chuckle and flush a tomato red.

"No problem, miss De Lis." Said the guard in reply. "Always a pleasure for Equestria's most famous model."

Then the four happily entered the castle. "Enjoy your visit up the castle tower, folks." the second guard concluded before he and his friend closed the doubled doors behind the group. Luke was absolutely amazed by how the interior looked. So elegant, so old-fashioned, and more. It felt like he was visiting Buckingham Palace in London or Les Invalides in Paris. From what he read, none of those places looked as wonderful as this place was.

"Marvelous, ain't it?" said Fancy Pants

"Very." Luke agreed. "This is cool."

"Princess Celestia and Luna would be more than delighted to see you, Luke." Rarity said.

"Do I have to be invited or something like that?"

"Oh I'm sure you can be an exception." said Rarity. "You already met them before in Ponyville, and they would love you as a visitor."

"True. I already met them before. I just don't know if I am an... honored guest here."

"Of course you would be an honored guest, Luke." said Rarity.

"And of course you well be with us, two prominent figures in Canterlot, old chap. Minus the princess' of course." Fancy Pants added. "Isn't that right, ma cherie?"

"Oh ho ho, right you are, Fancy." Fleur agreed.

"Do follow us, Luke. The princess' would be more than happy to see you here." The human followed the three upstairs, and was quite impressed by the stain-glass windows. Each one as he climbed from stairway to another had many. One had a mosaic that represented Celestia raising the sun, and the next one represented Luna raising the moon.

When they stopped at two large doors in front of them. This had to be the throne room where the princess' sit and reside in. Luke was feeling all the more eager to be in this cool place. He also hoped he won't get in trouble just because he wasn't invited or announced that he could come, or that Rarity will get in trouble either.

Rarity was the element of Generosity after all, and she has close ties with the co-rulers of Equestria. Luke decided that he shouldn't have too much of a problem with the princess'. When the doors flew open, the human was even more amazed seeing more stain-glass windows that had Twilight, her friends, and by the looks of them, they looked like last events they all had together saving Equestria and what not.

"Well, here we are." Sang Fancy Pants. "Celestia and Luna's humble throne room."

"It's so amazing." Luke thought to himself. In front of him was a long red carpet like Queen Elizabeth or the king of Swaziland would have in his castle (if Mswati III ever has one that is) and he followed it down the long throne room with the other three.

There they were, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, sitting on their thrones together as one. There was also a white stallion with blonde hair, something like a Prince Charming type of pony. At the end of the carpet. The three ponies bowed to her in respect, then Luke followed suit.

"Ah, Luke, how good to see you again, my dear." Said Celestia in her warm, motherly voice. Luke was more than glad to hear that from her mouth.

"So am I, Luke." Luna added. "It's nice of you to visit us on our castle."

"Hmm." Said a stallion's voice. "So you're the hairless ape I heard about." It was the white stallion, in a same type of rude voice as Upper Crust and Jet Set had when they first met him. Celestia and Luna glared at him.

"Prince Blueblood." Said Celestia firmly. "How dare you address our guest in that such a tone."

"Ah, Rarity and Fleur De Lis." The white stallion walked up to them, and tried to kiss the, on their hooves, but both the mares were disgusted by his freshness, and swiped their hooves away from his mouth. In a grudge full voice, the stallion said to the British stallion "Fancy Pants."

"Blueblood." Fancy Pants spat.

"It is so wonderful to see you beautiful mare's again, it has been such a long time."

"Not long enough." Said Fleur De Lis sarcastically.

"Yes, and I have told you countless times that we will never be one."

"But we should." Said Blueblood. "We could be one in a million together, Rarity. Think about it."

Rarity thought what this snobbish stallion said, and answered "no!"

"Anywho, mysterious.... thing. My name is Prince Blueblood."

"Uhhh... charmed." Luke didn't know what to think of this. It was starting to become a little awkward. It sounded like Blueblood was Rarity's ex-boyfriend to say. The way Blueblood was trying to make a move on Rarity was like a rude jock boyfriend in high school that had a girlfriend that he only viewed as property, nothing more.

"Charmed indeed." Said Blueblood. "And what might you be?"

"This is Luke. He is a human, and do not call him creature you self-absorbed fool."

"Who are you calling self absorbed, you haughty windbag?!" Blueblood said

"Enough!" Luna interrupted before a fight could be broken out. "Blueblood, we think you should leave our presence."

"Yes, you are sounding quite rude to Luke already." Celestia said

"With pelasure. I have no interest in being in a room with this... animal." Then he let out a huff and exited the room. Before he exited, he said "enjoy you're stay in Canterlot, human. Just try and stay out of my way, just try it."

Luke didn't say a word to him, feeling more awkward than before. Blueblood exited the room with the door closing heard echoing.

"I am really sorry about that, Luke. Prince Blueblood thinks he is better than Everypony else." Celestia said "please forgive us."

"No, it's alright. I've been called worse anyway. And he's not wrong, humans are in the animal family after all."

"Zat's a good point. A point very well taken, Luke." Said Fleur.

"So, why was he hear?"

"He's... our nephew."

"Oh, that explains a lot since you call him prince and looking a little different than some other ponies around here."

"Indeed. He think everypony who is not him is a ruffian, but deep down, he is a ruffian himself." Rarity remarked.

Fancy Pants, with a tone of irritation said "But don't let that ego maniac get on your nerves. He is like that to nearly everypony, praddling on about how amazing he is, oh the fool is just so exceedingly arrogant, strutting about his looks."

"Hmm. Well, enough of that.' Luke said

"Right, so what brings you here to Canterlot, Sweetie?" Celestia asked

"Rarity invited me to visit the city with her, and I agreed. I wanted to see more places in Equestria and what there is on this world."

"We are really flattered." Said Luna. "We can both appreciate that."

"And is it alright if I am in here, even if I wasn't invited or announced to both of you?"

"Don't worry, you're just fine." Celestia remarked with a wink. "How would you like a little tour on the rest of the castle?"

"I would love that."

"Brilliant. And we can show you where Twilight and Spike stayed in before they moved to Ponyville." Luna added.

"Sure thing. I'm a very curious guy. Oh, and I don't want to run into Blueblood again."

"Oh, you do not need to worry, dear." Said Rarity. "Prince Blueblood would not even bother trying to interact with you, or other ponies he would look down upon he thinks are inferior to him.

"Yes, you'll be just fine."

Luke smiled "okay."

"We'll come on, let us show you around the castle. You will be truly amazed by our beautiful, humble home." Celestia noted.

"Oh, and after you are done, why don't we stop by Sassy Saddles for a visit in my Canterlot Boutique? I have not talked to her for quite a while now."

"Perfect! So you guys are staying behind then?"

"Of course. But don't worry, we'll be waiting for you when you are done, good chap.in the mean time, we might have a little talk in the parlor downstairs."

Then Luke went with the princess' so they can begin the tour.

Author's Note:

I hope you all don't mind, but I am going to make a third part chapter for Luke in Canterlot. I hope you all don't mind.

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