• Published 19th Sep 2015
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Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Rarity's Second Boutique

Luke was having a marvelous time being given the tour of Celestia and Luna's castle. The first thing they showed him was Twilight Sparkle's old room when she was still Celestia's faithful student at that time

"Before it was cleaned up months ago, it was quite dusty with some cobwebs after Twilight and Spike moved to Ponyville together." Celestia noted

Luke looked around at the books, and noticed the telescope upstairs. More than curious, he hurriedly went upstairs and peeped his eye through the telescope. What he was seeing was quite beautiful, just looking at the stars and planets in outer space. It was almost like he was visiting an astronomy tower.

"Having fun, Luke?" Asked Luna

"Yeah, this is so awesome!" Luke replied before being done with the large telescope. "I can't believe Twilight and Spike left this all behind. What do you do with this place now?"

"One of Twilight's old friends, Moon Dancer, is using this place now, and she is quite intrigued with all of this." Said Celestia.

"Moon Dacer is also quite the scholar like Twilight is." Luna noted.

"Hmm. So, what else s there on the castle?" The human asked curiously. "I feel like seeing more stuff around here."

"Well, there is also the dungeon, but I don't think you would want to see that. It's..... not the happiest place in all Canterlot." Said Celestia. "But if you want to, then that's fine."

"Of course I want to see the dungeon. I like some dark and scary stuff."

"I see." Said Luna "very well, come with us."


"And besides, we do not have a lot of prisoners in our dungeon." Said Celestia. "We have very little to no crime at all here on Canterlot."

Luke was relieved to hear that. "I can't imagine why." He thought. The dungeon was a little dark. But brighter than any other dungeon on the world. Rows of yellow torches were aligned on both the walls. It turned out that it looked peaceful and quiet, and there were hardly any prisoners in the cells. The ones ina few cells didn't give Luke any trouble and kept to themselves.

Another place they decided to show Luke was the castle library, Twilight's favorite part of the palace since she is a bookworm. Next was the guest room, which was the tallest tower in the castle, then th princess' own bedrooms they would sleep in. Honestly, Luke was a little jealous that the princess' roms looked nicer than his own back home, and wished it did look nice as these ones. The high-society life was really elagant and graceful. But Luke decided not to care.

Throughout the tour, Luke looked at the castle gardens, then the ballroom for big events like parties or festivals or events. The garden looked really beautiful with all the flowers blooming all around them, and a few deer prancing past him like Bambi. The experience was truly magical for him, and he kind of got the feeling from the Wizard of Oz, except the flowers weren't trying to put him in a permanent sleep like the poppies from the movie were to the protagonists.

Another feeling was from Beauty and the Beast, and he kind of felt like Belle. As they went back inside, a Phoenix appeared with a loud squawk echoing the halls, and landing on Celestia's hoof. The human was really amazed by this creature. "Wow, what is that?" He asked

"This is my pet, Philomena, and she's a Phoenix."

"A Phoenix?" Luke said with his eyes wide open. "I have heard about the Phoenix in my world, but they are only myths and fairy tails and make-believe stuff."

"Really? I am surprised that your home doesn't have these beautiful creatures." Said Luna.

"I know, that's what makes my home world kind of boring and all that." Said Luke. Then the bird lowered her head and nudged her head on his chest. "Oh you're so cool. Is the Phoenix immortal like it says on my world?"

"They most certainly are. You see, Luke, a Phoenix must always shed it's feathers and look like it is dying, but after it burns out, it rises up from the ashes, good as new. All of these are a normal life cycle of a Phoenix." Then Philomena perched on Luke's arm, gently piercing her claws on his skin. It felt really warm like the outside of a cup of hot coffee. It would make sense since the Phoenix is associated with fire and flames.

After a little while, the Phoenix flew off back into her cage in Celestia's bedroom. Turns out there was nothing left to show Luke, and it looked just about done.

"Well Luke, that's it. Me and my sister hope you have a wonderful stay in Canterlot." Said Luna warmly. "And let us know if anything is bothering you."

"Okay." Then the princess' escorted Luke back to Rarity, Fancy Pants, and Fleur De Lis in the foyer. "I'll see you soon, you're majesties."

"Have fun, Luke." Celestia concluded in her motherly voice.

Then the human went with the three ponies and exited the castle with the double doors shutting behind them with a loud thud. "How did it go, Luke?" Asked Rarity curiously.

"It was good. A really nice place this castle."

"Very nice indeed." Fancy Pants agreed.

"Well now zat you are done, how would you like to go see ze Canterlot boutique like Rarity said she would show you." Said Fleur.

"Of course." It was not a very long walk, somewhere like one or two miles, and then, there they were, Rarity's second boutique in Canterlot. It looked quite bigger than the home one in Ponyville. Looked fancier, too. Luke was more than eager to step inside and look at the dresses and outfits within. Rarity herself was more than eager to meet Sassy Saddles again, wondering how the shop is doing with this mare in charge

"Well, here we are." Rarity sang in a beautiful voice. "My very own Boutique in Canterlot."

The human was rather impressed by the exterior, now he couldn't wait to see the interior. "This looks homey." he thought. Out loud, he said "I wonder if it is busy."

"Oh her boutique is always busy in Canterlot. Everypony can never get enough of her styles and clothing." Fancy Pants remarked.

"Oui, Rarity does create the most beautiful dresses, and they are quite elegant, ne c'est pas?" Fleur added. "Her outfits are so beautiful that it can make a grown stallion cry." Luke chuckled at what she said

Rarity herself was quite flattered to hear these compliments two of the most prominent figures in Equestria. "You both are too kind." she said with flattery. "Well, I shouldn't keep you waiting, Luke." then he followed her inside the shop, with Fancy pants and Fleur following behind them.

Fancy Pants was right, this place is quite busy with a lot of shoppers. Many mares and stallions were looking at many outfits and accessories left and right, along with a line at the counter. "Rarity, how wonderful to see you again, my dear." Luke looked and it was blue unicorn mayor who's bosynand face were shaped like Luna and Cadence in some way.

Then the blue unicorn noticed Luke. And looked at him curiously. "Sassy Saddles my darling. How wonderful it is to see you again, too." Rarity replied. Then both the unicorns hugged one another.

"And who might this new friend of your be?"

"This is Luke, Luke Smith. Do not be alarmed by him though, he is a very nice gentleman, who came from another world."

"Yeah, it's true." Said Luke. "Take Rarity's word for it."

"Oui, Luke is a real sweetie, Sassy." Said Fleur

The blue unicorn mare warmly smiled at him "well nice to meet you, Luke I am Sassy Saddles, the pony in charge of the boutique in Canterlot." The. She shook her hoof with his hand

"The pleasure's all mine."

"And of course, it is always a pleasure to have you Fancy pants and Fleur De Lis in here as well. I give you all welcome."

"No need for the formalities." Said Fancy Pants. "The pleasure is all mine and Fleur's." then the stallion gently kissed Sassy's hoof like a gentleman would do in a fancy gesture. Fancy was quite a real charmer when it comes to the ladies, especially Rarity.

"So, Sassy Saddles, I was curious, and I wanted to come inside here to check it out with my friends here."

"Of course. Why don't we have a talk?" Sassy said with great flattery.

"But what about the customers?" Rarity asked

"I am not the only employee, Rarity. Remember?"

"Oh. Right. I forgot about that." Then Luke got settled inside the shop, and sat with his friends and Sassy Saddles in the back room for employees only. Normally, that would be against the rules, but this is Rarity's second boutique shop in existence, and she had no problem with it at all. Sassy was only the second-in-charge for the Canterlot boutique since Rarity does not live there so she would keep an eye on the place.

On the room, Luke and Sassy Saddles were having a good conversation with each other, such as what he thought of this beautiful city in Equestria. "To be honest, some of the habitants here are... pompous in my opinion." Luke said modestly

Sassy chortled "I agree. Some of the ponies living here in Canterlot think they are better than everypony else, and above the law."

"They should realize the laws apply to everyone, just the 'common rabble' as they would call it." They all laughed with him.

"Exactly, exactly." Rarity agreed. "It might only get them in to trouble some day." The. She looked at the two celebrities. "And I am glad you Fancy Pants, and Fleur are not like those self-centered ponies."

"Right you are, my dear." Said Fancy Pants. "Even celebrities living the good life like ourselves have our limits."

"If only some ponies would see that, but apparently, you cannot convince some ponies in the world that their mane is on fire." Fleur remarked. They all laughed with her.

"Especially that ego-maniac, Prince Blueblood" Luke remembered.

Sassy had a look of disdain hearing that name. "Ugh, yes, do not get me started on him." She said. "I cannot stand that narcissistic stallion, he does not know how to treat a lady properly, and only treats them as a trophy of some kind."

"I know how that feels, really I do." Rarity said. She remembered the time at the grand galloping gala when she and Prince Blueblood bonded together, but realized that the prince was not who she thought he was. In reality, he was rude, self-absorbed, and insensitive at the same time.

Rarity decided not to think about it since it was not a good time for her at all. She even wished she would just forget about that awful night with that ego-maniac.

"So, did Prince Blueblood give you any trouble, Luke?"

"Well, not so much." Luke replied modestly. "He did call me a hairless ape, but that's it. No biggie. And the princess' were there so that was probably another reason why he didn't give me so much of a hard time, because he didn't want his special privileges taken away by his aunt Celestia."

"Oh I can imagine. Blueblood may be rude. But he does fear Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Ore than anything else. I myself would not want to face their wrath."

"Wouldn't blame you, Sassy. One thing that would scare me is getting in trouble with a leader of a country." Luke agreed. "Not saying I would want to."

"yes, yes. of course. Well, I sure hope he gets his rightful comeuppance."

"I'm there with you." Luke agreed.

"Perhaps someday, justice will be done for him. I will be waiting for that when that pig finally gets what he deserves." Fleur remarked

"I will drink to that." Rarity agreed. Then Luke and Sassy had a nice conversation about what he just did in Canterlot with Rarity, Fancy, and Fleur. Sassy was really impressed and a little jealous when he said he got a personal tour of the castle.

"The princess' were more than happy to show Luke the interior and the decor." Rarity explained. "And he loved it."

"I cannot imagine it. Honestly Luke, I am a little jealous." Said Sassy Saddles. "It sounded like an honor of a lifetime being given a tour of the castle. Oh how it would be my lifelong dream to see inside the castle."

"Maybe someday, that will come to you, you just don't know when it will hit you."

"Cannot argue with that, chap." Said Fancy. "Some things happen unexpectedly, like we never know what will hit us."

Then Sassy asked him about his homeworld, and Luke explained some interesting stuff about his definition of Earth, and how he came to Equestria in the first place. For Sassy, it was a real page turner, and she was quite fascinated by this intriguing experience.

"Well, that was rather random." She said

"And honestly, I didn't think my wish would come true."

"It's like Fancy Pants said before, some things happen by coincidence and never know when it will come. Well, I should probably get back to work now, the boutique needs me to run the business."

"Okay. Nice meeting you, Sassy."

"Anytime Luke. Do pay a visit here again sometime soon." Sassy Saddles replied. Then Luke, Rwrity, Fancy Pants, and Fleur exited the building and all decided to look for something to eat, for their stomachs were growling.

Then Rarity had a thought. "Luke, I think I know a place where you would love to eat at."

"What's that?"

"A restaurant called the Tasty Treat. It is a place with exotic food, and run by two ponies we know, Saffron Masala, and Coriander Cumin run the place together. The food over there is quite Devine and exquisite."

"She is not wrong, they have the best curry and spices served with greens." Said Fancy Pants.

Luke noticed that the names sounded like the Indian spices, and it might be an Indian type of restaurant. Perhaps he should try something new in his life. "That sounds good. Sure. That would be nice."

Then all four went off to the Indian restaurant so the human could try their food.

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