• Published 19th Sep 2015
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Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Music Taste

Luke was at a table over at the cafe, showing Pipsqueak some really cool bands from his homeworld that he should listen to, and how he did it was letting Pip listen to his iPod. Pip was liking these songs, and then the human was more proud of himself that he was spreading the magic of rock to a lucky soul, along with really good tunes from really awesome bands that Luke considered the best there were ever created.

"This is amazing Luke!" Pip said, bopping his head front and back repeatedly. "Thank you for listening to some of these amazing songs."

The human gave a proud chuckle and said "No problem Pip. Although I would like to point out that some of my songs on there are.... not really meant for kids, and you should listen to them with your parents. Or at least try your best not to say any bad words, and consult with your parents first."

"Okay, I just wish that I can keep these songs." Pip said

"Well, if there was a computer in Equestria and if I can burn discs, I would be more than happy to give them to you." Luke said "Do you have computers here in Equestria?"

"What's a computer?"

"Right. I thought so. Anyway, it's kind of a long explanation. It's a type of device that is widely popular among the human race, like if you were going to mail someone, you can just send it on the computer through something called email."


"Hmm-mm. It's very useful for if you are busy to write a letter to the post office personally, and it's a good way to talk with friends through long distances."

"Wow, your world sounds so cool." Pip said

"Well, I wouldn't totally say that. I might have mentioned that there is no magic at all in my world. This place on the other hand, does, and it's way more cool here than in my home. I'm actually quite happy with my new life in Equestria. It's everything I could ever ask for in my life. It's my...."

"Definition of heaven?" said Twilight with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

"Exactly! yes! But of course, I still have a family back home, and they probably miss me so much." and he began thinking about his parents and old friends, feeling quite sentimental."

"Oh, don't worry, honey." said Sapphire Shores. "Celestia and Luna is definitely working on something to help you go back to home sweet home." and she sang the last part of that sentence, making Luke cringe again. looking back at her, and putting his hand on his forehead, he looked quite irritated."

Sapphire realized her mistake, and said "sorry, about that. It just happens. It's my musical talent."

"I concur." said Rarity.

"pfft. I can hardly imagine." Luke muttered sarcastically.

Pip heard the human with his remark, and with concern, he asked him "Are you alright Luke? It sounds like you got up on the wrong side of the bed."

"What? no. Of course not." Luke lied with a shrug. "I'm perfectly fine. Just the only living human in Equestria having a life as dandy and happy as can be." and he took another sip of his root beer.

"Did you take your pills, Luke?" Rainbow asked him curiously

"Of course. I always do." Luke boldly replied, tapping his fingers on the table, almost like a piano.

"Okay. It just sounded like you were mad about something."

"Don't worry, Pip. I'm not." Luke lied again. "Anyway, would you like to listen to more songs or see if I can get DJ Pon-3 can burn any discs from my iPod some I can give them to you to listen to?"

"That would be delightful." Pip said. "When will you get them for me?"

"I'll try to do it as soon as I can, in the meantime, I gotta go with the others to the boutique."

"Perfect. It must be a real honor for you to meet Sapphire Shores herself."

In his head, Luke rudely thought "yeah, an honor for her to make my life hell." But he still kept those negative thoughts and feelings to himself so he wouldn't make a scene in front of his closest acquaintances.

"Yeah, I can hardly believe that I am meeting a human in Equestria that is almost a star like me."

"Well, I don't really care about the fame, asapphire." Luke pointed out to her calmly. "I just want to spend time with all my friends and spend a good life in Equestria, or if Celestia and Luna already found a way to take me back home, that is."

The pop star made a friendly, warm smile at him, and gently placed her hoof on his shoulder. "That's wonderful, and I think everypony around here likes you, too."

"Not all of them." Luke said "There's Spoiled Rich, and that Chimera I encountered almost a month ago."

"Well, there are only a few that don't like you." Said Twilight. "I mean there will always be somepony that won't like you in some way, but you can't let that bring you down, right?"

"Right." Then he noticed Sapphire's hoof on his shoulder, and swiped it like a fly or a bee was buzzing around him. "I don't like to be touched, thank you very much." Luke said with a small huff. "Please, I wish you would respect my personal space."

Sapphire didn't really know what to think about this and she said "okay, sorry. I didn't know that you didn't like to be touched, honest."

"Just please don't do it again, okay?"

"Of course. I'll keep my hooves off the merchandise."

"Thank you."

Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, and the others knew by that little outburst, something was definitely bothering this human right now. It wasn't really like Luke at all to act this way,

"Well, why don't we go meet on the boutique?" Said Applejack.


"Well Pip, I'll see you soon okay. And don't worry, I'll give you some discs with all the bands on it, okay?"

"Alright. See you later, Luke." Pip said in his cheerful demeanor and happily trotted all the way back home. They all went to the boutique with Luke reluctantly following behind. All he cared about was just not dealing with a pop star like Sapphire Shores right now.

While entering inside, there were four other ponies, all of them were mares just looking around the boutique at the really nice outfits Rarity was creating for them. When they noticed Sapphire Shores, all four went in front of her, and greeted her.

One was a skinny yet tall mare with a large orange mane in an Afro type of hairstyle said "Welcme back, darling, I hope you had a safe travel back home."

"Foxxy, I am always on the right track when I am on the road to my destination" and they all laughed with her, except Luke of course. The human didn't even snicker and just rolled his eyes in disgust and irritation.

Then the backup dancers saw Luke and were more than happy to see him. "Ah, this must be the one we heard about." Said the Afro mare, and she proudly walked up to him to introduce herself. "I'm Foxxy Trot. And you must be.... Lincoln, right?"

"Luke, thank you. Remember my name." He said, not very amused with a raised eyebrow in irritation. "Luke Smith to be exact."

"Sorry, so sorry." Said Foxxy.

Then another mare in a workout shirt and pants went up to him and said "I'm Blue Cutie, very nice to meet a human in Equestria for the first time."

"Hmm-mm." Was all Luke replied.

Then another one in a large blue mane and a pink coat said "Sweet Conshell is my name."

"Nice to meet you." The human replied in a huff.

Finally, a mare with a blue mane in a headband and a yellow workout unitard walked up to him last, and seemed the one most excited to meet Equestria's only human. "And I am Ocean Breeze. It is such an honor to meet you, Luke." And she tried to shake his hand with both hooves to be nice and friendly, but Luke swiftly moved his hand away from her by raising it out of her reach in the air.

"Backup now. Sorry, but you cannot touch me." Luke said. "I'm not the.. touching type of human being to say."

Ocean Breeze was a little bummed to hear that, and said "oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know, honest."

"It's fine. It's fine." Luke said. "So, why are we here anyway?"

"Well, like we said, we wanted to meet you and get to know ya better, Luke." Sapphire reminded. "And we want to the all to you about something."

"Oh boy." Like sighed.

"Come along, we'll go upstairs." Said Pinkie. And they all went upstairs to the designing room and Luke had a seat on a nice chair while the others sat down on the floor in random spots.

The human let out a sigh, and said "alright, Sapphire Shores, what do you want to talk about?"

"Well, I heard that-"

But then a barge in the door was heard, spooking them all. It revealed to be the cutie mark crusaders. Applebloom, and Scootaloo were rather hyped to see her, but Sweetie Belle was in her calm demeanor.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Said Applebloom.

"Sapphire Shores!" Scootaloo said with a bounce of joy. Both fillies ran up to her, wanting an autograph from her obviously. Then a large security stallion came in, and had shades and a tuxedo, looking quite tough with a goatee to go with that.

Intervening, the mane-less stallion gently pushed them back "hey hey hey! Please! Please!" He said "if you want to have an autograph from Sapphire Shores, then please wait patiently outside." And he was gently pushing them away from her "come on, back up, out you go."

Both crusaders were bummed, Ans Sweetie Belle. Probably because she is not a big fan of Sapphire Shores either. "Alright, come on girls." Said Applebloom, walking downstairs with the orange pegasus filly."

"I am so sorry about that, Miss Shores. They are just really big fans and admirers of you."

The pop star chuckled and said "that's quite alright, Sweetie Belle, I'll give them an autograph as soon as I am finished.

Sweetie smiled. "Thanks." When she was gone, Luke still didn't look very happy or unhappy either, like a neutral face to say the least.

"Go on." The human said with a raised eyebrow.

"Right then, I heard that you have an amazing gift for musical talent, and I was rather curious about you, Luke. Your friends here told us about the concerts you would perform and they say you are incredible in music."

"Guilty as charged." Luke flustered slightly.

"Since I got back from the world tour in Equestria, I thought why not lay a visit to this handsome young man."

It made Luke fluster even more to be called handsome, even if it is from a pop star. "Hmm. Many ponies around here call me interesting because I am the only living human here. It is sort of like I am a Dwemer that didn't disappear from the effects of the Heart of Lorkhan after tapping Keening and Sunder on them.

All of them had a confused look on there face. "what is a Dwemer?" Spike asked "and who's Lorkhan?"

"It's nothing. It's just from the video game series called the Elder Scrolls."

And they all went "ohhh." And "I get it." To go with it

"Now, the point is, I can be a very interesting guy." And he took a sip of his lemonade that Rarity fetched him.

Sapphire made another small laugh. "And why I'm here is because Rarity has created a new line of dance clothes for me and my girls."

"They look absolutely beautiful and astounding." Said Ocean Breeze. "It will be very good for our next tour someday."

"I doubt that, probably looks cheesy or something." He muttered.

"What's that?"

"Nothing nothing. Just thinking out loud to myself, no biggie." Then he crossed his arms acting as innocent as possible for them all.

"Oh yes, here I will show you the, right now. Voila!" And they all looked in awe at what appears to be a tiger themed dance suit for Sapphire and the dancers to wear. Luke however, stuck his tongue out in disgust.

"What do you think?"

And they all, minus the human, gave compliments saying how much they lied how it looked.

Finally Luke didn't know if he could hold these negative emotions within himself any longer, and made yet another huff, and decided to listen to his headphones to calm him down.

"These will make a perfect line for you, Sapphire. I know it will help you accomplish the tour." Said Rarity "well Luke, what do you think?"

All of them looked at him, but immediately saw that he had earbuds in both ears with a faint sound of rock or metal being heard.

"Luke?" Rainbow tried to get his attention. "Luke! Hello?" And she went up to him and waved her hoof at him to snap him out of his thinking while listening to the music.

"What? Sorry." Luke said, acting innocent once more. Then he took both earbuds out of his ear.

"Luke, you have been acting a little... rude lately." Fluttershy said. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I mean-" not being able to hide anything anymore, he mildly lashed out by saying "look, Rarity, It's that talentless whore, okay?!" He was obviously pointing to Sapphire with his first finger

They all gasped at what he just said. "Luke! Such language!" Fluttershy remarked, covering her mouth hearing what Luke just said in complete shock.

"Excuse me?" Said Sapphire, feeling rather confused and a liter frightened but that little outburst.

"You heard me!" Luke said. "Pop music is my least favorite genre of music, alright? Today's pop music is nothing but a load of garbage and feces.

The dancers gasped in offense hearing that.

"Luke, please calm down." Twilight said.

"Yeah Luke, you're boiling like a steamed vegetable." Spike added on agreement

He was trying to calm down, but every time he sees Sapphire, it wouldn't work.

It was just then the security stallion came in barging. "What's going on here?" He asked

"Yeah Luke, what is going on?" Said Applejack with concern.

Sighing, Luke said in defeat "I told you I don't like pop. I just don't like ten kind of music it is."

"Honey?" Sapphire said. She tried to put her hoof on his shoulder again to console him, but the human angrily swatting it away from him.

"I said don't touch me!" He lashed.

"All I am asking is if you would like to do a song with me, that's all? I just thought it would be a great honor to sing with a new talented voice and-"

"Forget it!" Luke said "I don't want to hear it, goddamnit!" And then he stormed out of the room with a small growl. Everyone in the room was worried and concerned about the human, and just wanted him to be happy.

Meanwhile, while noticing him leaving, the crusaders looked on at Luke in a foul mood. "Luke, what's the matter?" Asked Scootaloo.

"Nothing. I'm fine. I just need to be alone." He said. "Just a little quiet time alone, thank you." And he began storming out into the streets in Ponyville

"Luke, wait!" Said a voice. It was Lyra, with Bon Bon running after him. Cloudchaser, Flitter, Thunderlane, and Rumble also went after him as well. "Luke, what's wrong?" Asked the mint green unicorn.

"It's nothing, Lyra." Luke sighed. "It's just Sapphire Shores, she asks me to do a pop song even though I am a hardcore rock fan? What the hell, man?"

"Whoa whoa whoa, Luke." Said Cloudchaser, stopping him by placing her hooves on his shoulders. "I don't understand, what do you have against Sapphire Shores?"

"It's not really her personally, it's the type of music she is, the electronic music and drum machines and all that stuff. It's not my style." Placing his hand on his forehead again, he remarked "look, I just need to cool off."

"Oh come on, Luke. I get that you don't like Sapphire Shore's music, but me and Rumble are not big fans of it either."

"Yeah, she's a really nice pony." Rumble added

"Besides, I am pretty sure she just wanted to be friends with you." Said Flitter

"And we all have different music tastes, right? That is what Lyra always told me when I first met her." Bon Bon added

"She's right. Being a music expert, I have come across many music genres, and I love the, all." Said the green unicorn. "I mean, you can't just try and brush Sapphire off when she wants to know you, and it hurts other ponies that you judge them without even knowing them first."

"Yeah, it can really hurt them that way." Cloudchaser agreed. "You should really try to know her and don't be quick to judge about her."

"I don't have to know what she is like, Cloudchaser." Luke retorted "I have seen what pop divas like her are like, eccentric, and think they are better than everyone else and think rock and metal are stupid. And I hate it when they play their so-called music, but it's just noise. And... I'm worried that she is taking away everything that is important to me."

"Why would she do that?" Said Bon Bon with a very confused look on her face.

"I.... I don't know." Luke admitted. "She just wants to put rock to shame and say that Pip music is way better now."

"No she doesn't." Said Flitter. "It really sounds like she wants to be your friend."

"She says that, but I don't buy it."

"Come on Luke, don't be ridiculous." Said Lyra. "She would never do try and take advantage of anypony."

Making a small growl, Luke said "look, I just need some time alone and... a little bit of ice cream would be nice. And then he went off to the ice cream shop and decided to just go back home to the cottage to think things over.

Meanwhile, the others looked on at him with concern like Twilight and the others back in the boutique. Clearly he was in a really angry mood right now.

"Will he be okay?" Asked Rumble

"We'll check on him later to see if he is not mad anymore." Said Thunderlane

"Good idea." Said Cloudchaser.

Author's Note:

Luke admitted that he hates Sapphire Shores and Pop at last, and he let his anger get the best of him, will he cool off? Will he resolve this little conflict? Find out on the next chapter

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