• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 4,732 Views, 201 Comments

Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Trying to Calm Down

Luke was just right in front of the cottage, and was still a little pissed about Sapphire Shores, her dancers, and how she was asking him to do a song with her. He had an ice cream on a waffle cone in a soft serve fashion, but it was just about gone, it looked like there was only one or two bites left, then he decided to scarf the whole thing down. Despite how good it was, it didn't really help soothe his anger

Honestly, Luke never felt so insulted about someone with his most hated music genre asking a hard core rockstar like him to do a song with him.

Making a small growl, he said to himself "my god, I need some root beer." Then he promptly got himself some ice and got a root beer out. Meanwhile, many animals were both concerned and confused for the human.

Then he promptly sat down on the couch and listened to For the Love of God by Steve Vai to calm him down.

"Hopefully this should help me out with my stress. Merde! (Shit!)" Then he just lite Ned in on the nice guise tune of Steve Vai, and it was slowly starting to relax him in a kind of meditation.

Another thing he did was look up many types of animals on his smartphone, since he loves them just as much as Fluttershy does.

In the middle part of the song, he felt something lick his knee, and was immediately startled.

It was only Linus the lion, looking rather concerned about him. He made a small roar at him, not in a threatening way of course, but trying to ask him if he was alright.

Unfortunately, Luke could not understand him like Fluttershy would. However he just said "i'm sorry, Linus. It's just that Sapphire Shores is hogging up all the attention. A popstar like her asking me to do a song with her?" He took another sip of his root beer. "Hell, I would never do a song with a pop star with electronic sounds that are so-called music if we were the last living creatures on earth."

The other animals looked on at him, then Angel Suddenly realized what was happening and bounced his eyebrows a couple times woth a very smug face.

"Oh who asked you?! Don't rub it in." He said to the rabbit. Then Angel Bunny hopped away with that smug look on his face. Looking at the others and worried he might have scared them, he said to all of them. "Sorry guys. I'm just peeved right now." Then he took another sip of his drink.

Linus couldn't help but try and sit next to him on the couch, and gently rubbed his gigantic head against the human's right side.

Luke made a small smirk, and stroked the lion's mane, making him do a happy growl with every touch.

It wasn't long before Tyson the white tiger came up to him and licked his leg, wanting the attention too. How could Luke possibly resist an adorable white tiger's face, especially this one. He then petted Tyson's pelt, and both big cats were happy to enjoy this.

Still listening to the song, he felt Harry the grizzly bear gently rubbing his shoulders with his mighty paws. Turns out he was massaging him to help relieve his stress even faster. "Thanks, Harry."

And the grizzly made a small happy growl in return.

Just then two wolf brothers, Remus and Sirius, were more than happy to come up to Luke and have a little fun with the, like a let dog would do. It was almost as if Luke's anger and hatred had completely gone away, thanks to the help of these animals.

"Thanks guys." And they all happily made sounds of gratitude. "Listen, I... I just don't like pop music, especially today's pop music." And he paused the song from moment. "I mean, I have seen stars like her in my world, and they all sound horrible, just noise and not real music, Ariana Grande, Kesha, Rhinahna, Britney Spears, they were all so horrible I cannot bear to listen to something so.... annoying."

And then he thought of how scared and concerned Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, Twilight, and the others when he just lashed out at them like a rabid Rhodesian Ridgeback dog. And of course, he thought of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who were also a little scared by his anger.

Not only them but Cloudchaser, Flitter, Bon Bon, Thunderlane and his brother Rumble were almost as scared as his friends at the boutique. "Oh, I just hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings." He muttered to himself. "Anyway guys, I just need to cool off if that's okay with you."

All the other animals replied with animal noises again, saying they understand how Luke felt. The human went to his bedroom and decided to just wear his champion's boxers and took his clothes off of him.

While listening deep into the song, he began to feel the calm, relaxing sensation of Steve Vai doing his magnificent skills on that axe. He slowly began to go deep into his mind, like this was a meditation method to relieve his stress, but of course it was almost like that.

When the song was over, he still felt some type of negative emotions swirling in him, but he was not as angry as before. Another thing he tried to do was listen to Poets of the Fall. This underrated Finnish rock band was known for creating such beautiful, symphonic masterpieces.

While taking a sip, he saw that he ran out of root beer and decided to get himself some more, along with a few more ice cubes.

It was almost he had completely forgotten about why he was so furious in the first place. Yes, the thoughts of Sapphire Shores were slipping away in an instant. He went back up to his bedroom, and drank the second root beer in an instant, and then he went back downstairs in the kitchen to repeat what he did try third time. It was just so good and delicious, he just wish that the drink would never go away.

Oh he grew up with Root beer when he was a child, especially Barq's root beer brand, and A&W as well. It was probably a little too much sugar, but then he thought "oh come on, it's not alcohol, I would never drink an evil so-called drink like alcohol." He shrugged with a loud "pfft."

As he went back upstairs, he was still trying to let go of his stress comepletely, and decided to talk to his dad about this. Pulling out his phone, he dialed his dad's phone number, and waited for him to answer.

Finally, he heard his voice when he said "Hey Luke, it's dad."

"Hey dad. Listen, I want to talk to you about something."

"Sure, what's up?"

He gave out a little sigh, but he finally said "Dad, I just met a pop singer who asked to do a song with me. A performer who plays my least favorite music in the universe! Then she hogs all my friends, along with her backup dancers."

"Whoa whoa whoa." said Larry on the other line. "Calm down, buddy. Why would she do that to you? You are a really good singer and a rock star. I even remember you singing in the Jack and the Beanstalk play on the third grade as the giant. You were really amazing."

"Right, but that has nothing to do with this. She probably wants to plot some secret shit on me, like knowing my darkest secrets so in case she wants to steal my credit and get me out of the picture."

"No, that's crazy talk." His dad said on the other line. "Have you even met her?"


"And what did she say?"

"She said she really loved my music and how she heard about my amazing skills, which are better than hers, by the way."

"Well, what's wrong with that?"

"Well, it's fine if she likes what she heard about me, then that's okay, but she asked me if I wanted to do a song with her."

"Oh. Come on Luke, remember what me and your mom told you that you can't just judge them without getting to know them first."

"Yes, and I met her."

"I don't think you have met her enough to know him somehow." Said Larry. "And, I think your jealous of her."

"What? Dad, I'm not jealous. I just don't like.... how she is getting the attention by signing autographs, and being adored."

"Yep, that's jealousy, Luke."

"I am not jealous!" Luke defended himself. "It's just. Look dad, I just need to cool off and think things over, okay. I'm sorry if I yelled at you like that, but I need some time to relax myself."

"It's okay buddy.' Said Larry. "And try listening to your iPod. Music is the best medicine."

"Excellent point." Luke agreed. "Bye dad. Love you."

"I love you too, bye." Then Luke hung up and plugged his phone back into the charger. He decided to listen to Bob Marley on his iPod to calm his nerves. After all, who wouldn't be so relaxed to hear this late music legends great tunes?"

Getting himself a root beer for the fourth time, he let out a loud burp. "Why can't we roam our land." He sang to himself while listening to Rebel Music.

He just crossed his arms behind his head and relaxed himself listening to Bob do his magic. When the song was over, he was suddenly becoming more... calm, and almost forgotten about what he was even furious about, until....

"Luke?" Said a familiar voice he knew. It was Fluttershy, who just happened to open her front door, since this was her house.

"Where are you, Sugarcube?" Called Applejack's voice. He knew exactly why they were all here, and gave out a small sigh while having another sip of root beer. He was unable to evade them like this and he decided to go out without a fight. At least, try to relax, for he was sure that Sapphire Shores and her dancers were with them.

"Please, sugar." called Sapphire's voice from downstairs. "We just wanna talk to you."

"Yeah, please, be reasonable." said Ocean Breeze.

Then the human decided to come outside of his bedroom and just face the music, literally. Even he still wished he would strangle her to death so he would never have to hear her voice again. Honestly, he didn't know if he was going to calm down anytime soon since a singer of his least favorite music genre was in the cottage now.

Walking out of the room, and slowly heading downstairs, he already bumped into Fluttershy by accident. "Oh my god, I am so sorry, I didn't see you there."

"Luke, it's okay." said the yellow pegasus. "We were looking all over for you."

"I know."

"Please, come downstairs. We just want to talk to you."

"Do I have to be be around Sapphire Shores and her dancer posse to do do?" he asked.

"Please?" she begged.

Letting out a reluctant sigh, Luke said "Okay, but just for your guys' sake." The yellow pegasus smiled and was very grateful to hear that. "Just let me get my root beer and I'll be right down."

"Okay." Then after Luke got his beverage, he sighed again and walked downstairs and there they were, their friends, Sapphire Shores, and all her backup dancers were there, and of course, her security guard. It irked Luke seeing her and her dancer posse again, but he wanted to make Fluttershy happy, and tried to take his fathers advice while on the phone.

Sitting on the couch again, Luke waited for at least someone to say something. "Okay, Sapphire. Let's talk." he said to the pony of pop.

"Luke, you kinda gave me a little bit of a scare back there at the Boutique." she replied in concern. "What's the matter? Why are you acting all huffy all of a sudden."

"I told you." Luke said flatly. "I hate pop music, alright? There I said it."

"Why did you come with me and Fluttershy then, darling?" Rarity asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well... Fluttershy was coming with you, so I figured why not come with her since she is the very first friend I made in all of Equestria. Secondly, I didn't want to make myself look bad or a complete jerk in front of my friends."

"No offense, Luke, but you already did." Rainbow said

"No one asked you!" Luke barked at her, and realized what he did. "Sorry. Anyway, i just didn't want to hear Sapphire Shore's music because it is probably unbearable to hear for me. I mean, don't we all have our music tastes?"

"Yes." Said Applejack. "Of course we all have our tastes in music, but you can't just do something like cuss out what yer feeling."

"Fine, but I doubt that she," he pointed his finger at her again "Sapphire Shores would like rock or metal."

"Actually, I very much tolerate it." She admitted.

"Pfft, yeah right."

"No really." Said Ocean Breeze. "We may not be gigantic rock fans like you, Luke, but we do listen to it."

Luke looked at the others with a skeptical look on his face. "She is telling the truth." Said Spike. "We talked to her about it, and they actually do like it."

"Fine, but she is ruining true music."

"Oh Luke honestly." Said Bon Bon. "Have you even heard of her music?"

"Well... no, unless you count as Sapphire Shining right next to my eardrums until I go deaf."

"Nope, that's doesn't count." Pinkie noted,

"Come on, you are being a little too judgemental around her." Said Lyra. "And... I think you are jealous of her."

"Yeah That was what me and Flitter were thinking too."

"Jealous?" Luke scoffed. "I just don't like the way she was getting the attention in Ponyville. It was kinda... stealing my spotlight."

"That's jealousy, Luke." Said Twilight. "I am certain it's jealousy."

Luke made a small growl in denial at her. "Okay fine, I have never heard of her music, but I intend to keep it that way. Then she asks me to do a crappy pop song with her? That was just unbelievable! I would never degrade myself by performing in my least favorite genre of music."

"She was just asking you, honey." Said Foxxy Trott. "She wasn't trying to offend you or anything." The others made words of agreement with her.

"Either way. The answer is hell no. I would rather die than do a pop song with her.'

"It doesn't have to be a pop song." Said Ocean Breeze. "If you want it to be completely rock-sounding, then we can make that happen."

"Yeah, honeybunch. We can work something out."

Sighing again, Luke took another sip of his root beer.

"How many of those did you have?" Twilight asked him m curiously

"This is my fourth one."

"Fourth?!" Rarity said "that's not good. You really should drink more water."

"I'm sorry okay, but this is what helps me when I am troubled. Besides, at least I am not drinking any alcohol."

"Yes, but still. It's not very good for you." Fluttershy pointed.


"Come on, honey, I really want us to be friends."

"So do we." Ocean Breeze added in a mildly begging type of voice.

Letting out a sigh, Luke said "Look, I was just trying to cool off cause you know what they say out of sight, out of mind."

"Please Luke, just give her a chance. They really want to be your friends."

"How do you know she's not lying?"

"Because I sensed it in her." Applejack noted. "I swear, just take it from me, she is not lying. We promise you."

Still very relent about this, Luke was silent, but he finally said "well, I suppose we can go back to the boutique and tr this again."

The others smiled to hear that.

"Were you guys really worried about me?" He asked them

"Of course we were." Fluttershy said. "You are our friends it's what friends do."

Luke was flattered by Fluttershy's kind words again, and said "thanks."

"What are friends for?" She said.

Still very relent, he decided to heed his dad's words about not judging someone before getting to know them first.

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