• Published 19th Sep 2015
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Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Starting Over Again

"So an entire race actually disappeared?" said Rainbow Dash

"Yep." Luke replied. While walking along the road in Ponyville with his friends, and Sapphire Shores, along with her dancer posse. "The dwarves, or Dwemer as they are also called. They used the tools on the heart of Lorkhan to try and become gods themselves."

"And you said they were master architects and crafters?" said Twilight, rather fascinated by the fictional Dwemer race in the Elder Scrolls series.

"They built robots like guardians, dwarven mechanical spiders, and gigantic dwarven centurions as their big guns. I just hope I am not boring you guys by taking to you about this stuff."

The others disagreed with him. "Absolutley not, Luke." said Sapphire. "that is..." but before she could sing a note again, she covered her mouth, stopping herself from doing so, remember how Luke doing want to hear her voice. "Sorry." she said. "What I mean to say is, they sound quite interesting."

"thanks." Luke said flatly. "The Dwemer were a really cool, yet a cruel race."

"What do you mean?" asked Fluttershy. "What did they do that was so evil?"

"it's a rather long, yet fascinating story, but I'll shorten it out for you, another race of elf called the Snow Elves, were in danger of becoming extinct in Skyrim from the Nords, and most of them decided to take shelter with a Dwarves in their underground homes. However, it came at a price."

"What's that?" asked Rumble curiously

"The Dwemer tricked the snow elves by giving them a toxic mushroom from Blackreach, and made them permanetely blind, and losing their sanity, thus becoming the Dwemer's slaves. They slowly turned into hideous monsters over the centuries called the Falmer, or the betrayed in their tongue"

His friends and Sapphire gasped. "That's horrible!" said Spike. "How could they do that to an endangered race?"

"Like I said before, Spike. The Dwemer were a cruel and conniving race."

"I should say so." said Rainbow. "I think they deserved what they have got when they all disappeared."

"You're not wrong, Rainbow. Still, many Elder Scrolls fans like me are wondering what happened to them, or where they are. At least some kind of clue."

"So, they are all gone? Did they all just vanished from their world?"

"All of them, ans one." Luke said in a bold voice.

"Only one left?" said Applejack. "Who is he or she?"

"it's a funny name." Luke chuckled. "His name is... Yagrum Bagarn."

Then the cyan pegasus and Pinkie Pie made a small laugh in an outburst.

"That is a very funny name." Pinkie chuckled.

"Well, how did he survive the disappearance?"

"Yagrum was in another dimension when that happen, therefore, he wasn't on Tamriel."

Everypony and Spike went "Ohh."

"Now I understand." Spike said. "Are there any other dwemer living on that world?"

"As far as I know of, not really. Yagrum Bagarn came back from the outer realm and saw that his people were gone. He searched all across Tamriel for any other survivors besides himself, and in the Dwarven city ruins, but no luck. Finally, he returned to Red Mountain where his race disappeared in the first place, only to be infected with a contagious virus called Corprus disease, and he had to be quarantined ever since because of that."

"Gosh." said Lyra. "That is so interesting. Do you think they might tell you what happened in the next Elder Scrolls game?"

"Honestly, Lyra, I have no idea, because they are not planning on making another game at the moment. But, I can at least hope that the Dwemer come back to Tamriel, or if i truly find out what happened to that lost race."

"Wouldn't blame you." said Rarity. "They do sound like an interesting race, despite them enslaving another, and trying to use improper use of a god's heart."

Luke made a chuckle. Then the human was thinking some things over and felt some guilt building up inside of him. "Guys, look, I'm really sorry if I was behaving like a real jackass back there."

"Don't say that, Luke." Fluttershy said with a gasp, covering her mouth in shock. "you are definitely nothing like that."

"And can you please watch your language?" Thunderlane said, covering Rumble's ears. "There are kids present."

"Thunderlane!" He groaned. "I've heard that word before."

"Well... I wished that you didn't." Thunderlane tried to defend himself. "Ah, who am I kidding."

"The point is, I just don't like pop music, the electronic sounds and all. It's... just my opinion, that's all." Luke noted. "I just lost myself for a second back there."

"It's okay, darling." said Rarity. "You don't have to listen to her music if you do not want to."

"I know."

"And Sweetie Belle says she rather prefers show tunes other than Sapphire Shore's Music. Oh! No offense darling."

"No offense taken, honey." said the pony of pop. "And I am totally okay if you do not like my music. It's not like I am a music dictator, telling everypony who they can or cannot listen to."

"Thank god." Luke muttered to himself.

"And is there something you would like to say to Sapphire Shores and her dancers, Luke?" Twilight said with a mildly stern look on her face. Spike was also having the almost exact same face as she was towards the human.

Luke sighed He didn't really want to, but he still remembered his fathers words. "Sapphire, and dancers, I- I-"

"Yes, sweetheart?" asked Foxxy Trot.

The human let out a sigh before he finally said "I'm sorry if I exploded and insulted you guys back there, especially when I called you all talentless W's and all of that." he looked away from them in shame a little, and back to his closest friends. "I understand if you guys don't want to be friends with me anymore because of what I just did."

Every one of his friends gave him a sympathetic look. "It's okay, Luke." said Fluttershy, pulling him close to her. "We all do and say things we regret."

"But I accidentally... turned into a small cuss-bomb for a second there." Luke admitted.

"It's okay, Luke." said Sapphire warmly. "They are absolutely right, and we all say things we regret."

Then Ocean Breeze and Foxxy Trot went up went to him with a warm smile as well. "Yeah, we forgive you." said Ocean Breeze.

"Alright." Luke said.

"Yes, you just need to think about what to say before you actually say it."

"That's kind of what my mom always said to me if I would lash out at anyone."

"You're ma's right, Sugarcube." Said Applejack. "Just try and think over what yer gonna say before you actually do say it, that's all."

While back in the Boutique with his friends, Luke was trying his absolute best to control his absolute best (for real this time.) of course, he was still feeling quite relent about this, and only did this for his father's and his friends sake and he wanted to keep his positive image. If there was one thing Luke was certain, he didn't want to look like a total jerk to everypony he ever knew.

He was sitting in the same spot where he was before, right before he absolutely lost himself back there, that is.

Rarity went back to showing Sapphire and her dancers the outfits she made for them on a next Equestrian tour in the future.

"Well Luke?" Said Rarity

"Well what?"

"What do you think of my new line set of clothes for Sapphire and her group?" Rarity clarrified with an eager smile.

"Ohh, that. It looks... dazzling to say the least, and shiny to go with it."

It was exactly what Rarity wanted tl hear pur of him. "Oh thank you so much darling. That opinion meets so much to me."

I wasn't really honest enough. I mean, I would like to be more honest but i'll let this slide for your sake. Luke thought to himself in his thinking space. He wasn't really a fashionsta like the white unicorn was, but he did think they looked absolutely amazing.

"Ooh, they really look absolutely fascinating, honey." Said Sapphire Shores with an intrigued look on her face. The other dancers were thinking jus the same way as their boss was. It ranged from an ancient Egyptian style dresses and tiaras. Another was like Halloween style suits sort of similar to Michael Jackson's Thriller.

The human began to think how kinda silly it would be if they were all dancing the thriller like MJ did when he was still alive. Michael Jackson was one of the many pop artists Luke can very much tolerate, along with some 80's pop bands back in the day.

The last one consisted of scaly unitards as if it almost looked like dragon skin. It began to concern Luke and he asked "Rarity, that's not really dragon skin, right?"

Rarity made a chuckle. "No, of course not. Why would you even think that?"

"It just looks so... lifelike in my eyes."

"Nah, it's okay, Luke." Spike said. "They're just leather with fake scales. Rarity is quite a designer."

"Maybe too good." Luke muttered. Just then the security guard, Magnum Goatee heard a buzzing on his walkie talkie.

"Hello." He said in a gruff and tough voice. "Oh, mr Toity. Yep, uh huh. Sapphire is still on for that appointment latter on in Canterlot. Perfect, ciao."

"Who was that?" Flitter asked

"Hoity Toity." Said Magnum Goatee. "He still wants to know if you are still gong to show up at his appointment, Sapphire."

"Of course. Let me just finish a few things in Ponyville. Besides, it's not till six thirty in the evening, Magnun."

"Gotcha. I'll let him know that girl."

Then the tough stallion went outside to have a talk with Hoity Toity with his walkie talkie again, and the door was shut as he left the room.

Luke drank a sip of water that Rarity made him and asked, "so, when do you do a next tour?"

"Four months from now. For now, I got to take it easy on my voice, and unwind for the moment. I wouldn't want to permanently damage my vocal chords, wouldn't we?"

"Hmph. It kinda happen to one of my favorite singers of all time, Steven Tyler."

"What band does he perform with?"

"Aerosmith. These guys are one of the greatest and well-known rock bands in my home world. Steven Tyler has one of the greatest rock voices ever, and kinda... looks like a lady."

"A lady?" Said Rainbow, about ready to guffaw at that statement.

"Yeah, that was kind of a popular thing back in those days. The hair metal bands and the mullets, and the crazy fashion senses people had back then. To be honest, I kinda wish I was born in that era."

"That does sound interesting." Twilight remarked. Looking at Sapphire. She said to her. "His world is rather quite fascinating. Except, no magic." She made a small, nervous chuckle."

"No magic?" Said Sapphire and all the dancers in shock. "Wow, Luke. How can you live in a world like that?"

"Well, it's not completely boring" Luke modestly admitted. "I mean, the bands in it are really cool, so are many landscapes beyond beauty. Of course the history of my country is very interesting once you get hooked on it."

"I should say so." Said Oxean Breeze with her usual smile. "You're earth kind of sounds so fascinating."

"Not as Fascinating as Equestria. Trust me, you guys would not like it so much in my home world." Then he took another sip of his water.

"Hmm. Well now that this is settled, why don't I get to know you a little more, sweetie." Sapphire suggested,

"Well, alright."

"An excellent idea, my dear Sapphire." Said Rarity in agreement.

"Right." Luke said flatly. "So how is this going to work?"

"Well, we decided that you can just have a little walk with Sapphire Shores around Ponyville, and maybe even get something to eat while you are at it." Lyra noted. "What do you think?"

"Does this sound like a good plan to you?"

Thinking deep in his thoughts, he was silent for a little moment, and finally, he asked her "You really want to be my friend, Sapphire Shores?"

"Of course. I love meeting new faces, even if they are from another world."

"Okay." Luke remarked. " so you guys coming with or staying here?"

"We can come with you if you like." Said Fluttershy, in an eager voice. "At least just in case you need us."

"And to stop you from causing another scene." Rainbow muttered. Then she felt Twilight's elbow jabbing her hard on her right side "Ow! What was that for?"

"Not helping, Rainbow." Said Twilight, gritting her teeth in irritation


"Yeah, we can get something to eat while having a little stroll around town." Sapphire suggested. "You hungry, honey?"

"Well... I haven't eaten a lot today, so why not?"

"Fantastic!" At first Luke was a little unsure about this, and then he finally had his kind made up, and he addressed to the others by saying "you guys can go on without us."

The others looked quite surprised by his decision. "Are you sure?" Asked Cloudchaser. "Because we always got your bCk if you need us."

"Thanks, Cloud, but I think we'll be just fine." Luke noted, waving his hair back behind his head. "My dad was right, I shouldn't be really too quick to judge. So for now, I reserve judgement."

The pony of pop and her dancers smiled big and wide to hear that. "Thank you, Luke." Said Blue Cutie with great gratitude. "This will be so much fun."

"Yeah, we can talk about many things." Said Foxxy Trot."

"And hang out a little together." Ocean Breeze added.

"Alright Luke, we'll see you over at the cafe." Said Twilight. "Come on Everypony, zesty cucumber sandwiches, tea, and biscuits are on us." Then they all left the boutique so Luke can be alone with this pop star and her dance posse.

A little silent again, Sapphire said "So what kind of bands do you like to hear? It sounds like these are really cool bands. Oh! Like this guy." She pointed at Luke's Zakk Wylde t-shirt, and the other dancers agreed with her.

"Zakk Wylde, that's this guy, is one of my favorite guitarists of all time. This guy is absolutely insane. He can play guitar, sing, and play piano."

"That's wonderful. Can you play the piano, Luke?" Said Ocean Breeze curiously. "And we heard that you can play guitar."

"I'm... not as good on the piano as I am on the guitar, that's for sure. Yet again, I am a fast learner. So learning a piano shouldn't be too hard." Then he cracked both his knuckles to try and be a south and manly as possible.

"So Luke,"

"Yes, Sapphire?"

"Who inspired you to be a singer?"

"Oh, it's so hard to chose. There are so many. Zakk Wylde here." He pointed his shirt again. "My all time favorite band would have to be Guns N' Roses. Those guys are definitely my favorite. They kinda broke up,years ago, but now they recently kinda got bac, together."

"Really?" Said Ocean Breeze in astonishment. "Who is the guitarist?"

"There were two. The lead guitarist' name was Slash, and the rhythm guitarist was named Izzy Stradlin."

"Slash huh? That's a very cool name." Said Sapphire. "Why is he called that?"

"Because he had been know to... slash through the stage while performing his songs. He's another one of my favorite guitarist. He wasn't in the band since 1996, he left Guns N Roses three months after I was born."

"Why did he quit?" Asked Foxxy.

"He had... differences with Axl Rose, the lead singer. They had a big feud with one another for years, and haven't spoken to each other since. However, one day, right on my birthday, it was announced that Slash and Axl Reconciled at last, and he was officially back in GnR."

"Good, good. Have they created a new album together?"

" it yet, it I really hope that they do create new music someday. These guys are one of the biggest bands in my world, and a reunion was one of the biggest hopes for any music fans."

"Can we listen to them?"

"Well no, I want to save some battery power on my iPod."


"Uh-huh. It's my personal music player for everywhere I go." Luke clarified.

"Hmm. So honey, about this Axl Rose, how does he sing?"

"Some people don't like it, but I very much love it." Then he cleared his threat and sang in a raspy voice "Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls all pretty! I want you please take me home!" Then he repeated the first chorus and did it in more soul "yeah!"

"Ooh, that is quite a nice voice you have there, sweetie." Sapphire congratulated him. "I can see why everypony loves you so much."

"Ah, you're going to turn my fade into a red tomato." Luke flustered a little. Then she and her friends made a small laugh.

"Talented and funny." Said Ocean Breeze. "You are really amusing Luke. I like you already."

"Same with me, honey." Sapphire added. Then the other backup dancers followed on after them, and Luke began to think maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all, and perhaps he was wrong about her, and felt a little bad about how he treated her and her dancers.

"I... guess I was kinda wrong about you, Sapphire. I was kinda thinking you would want to steal all the spotlights from me and hogging them for yourself."

"Don't worry, baby." Said the pony of pop. "I would never do anything crazy like that. Anypony who is a friend of Rarity is a friend of mine." Then she made a wink at him.

"Do you all really forgive me for my outburst then?"

"Yes." They all replied in unison.

"Come on, let's meet up with the others on the cafe. Me and my gals still hav quite a bit of time before we see Hoity Toity tonight."

"Alright." Then Luke went with the girls and began to think, maybe this could work, and a new friendship might form between these two, even if they have different genres of music.

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