• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 4,732 Views, 201 Comments

Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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One Flu Over Ponyville

Luke was more than happy to get up on this fine day, and the morning over Equestria was as beautiful as it always is during this time of day. He felt like making himself a sandwich as his breakfast, and a usual iced root beer in a glass to go with it. Although something was rather odd. Normally, Fluttershy would be up before he would be, and she would always be the one to serve him some breakfast just the way he loves it.

Well, at least some of the other animals were wide and awake. After he had his decent egg sandwich, he texted a few of his closest friends and family back home to say hello, and that he misses them, but he is doing just fine.

All of a sudden, when he was finished, Angel was heard hopping down the stairs, squeaking at the top of his lungs, and immediately stopped in front of Luke, jumping and pawing at his hairy legs. By the looks of this rabbit, he knew something was up, even if both of them have their differences.

"Whoa whoa, slow down there, turbo." Luke said. "What's wrong?"

Then the white rabbit pointed upstairs with a little white finger, in an expression of worry and panic, and bolted back up the stairway in the speed of light.

raising an eyebrow of confusion, Luke walked back upstairs and saw Angel standing in front of the doorway in front of Fluttershy's room, waiting for him.

When Luke got a good eye of him, the rabbit went inside, and it was almost like Alice in Wonderland with this chase.

Except of course, Angel doesn't have a pocket watch with him, or is wearing a red suit like in the story.

Promptly heading inside, the human saw Angel, next to Fluttershy, who was still laying on her bed, and he heard a soft, adorable moaning noise from her.

"Fluttershy, you okay?" Luke asked, slowly walking up to her to see what the problem was.

"Luke?" Said her sweet, high-pitched voice. "Is-is that you?" Then she made a small cough.

"Of course it's me." Luke replied. He got a look and saw that she was looking rather pale, as if she was feeling under the weather "whoa." Luke noticed with his eyes a little wife. "What's wrong?"

"I... I have a cold, nothing to worry about." She replied with a small squeak. Then she made an adorable sneeze.

"Oh hell. Is there anything I can do to help? Medicine warm milk, that sort of thing?"

The sick pegasus made a smile of gratitude and said "no thank you Luke. All I need is plenty of bed rest."

"You sure about that?"

"Oh, of course. Thank you so much for your kindness. But maybe some warm milk would be nice."

"Gotcha." Then he went down to the kitchen and fixed up a small cup of the beverage Fluttershy requested. He was very careful not to spill the big jug onto the little cup, but he managed to get some of it without a single drop spilled.

Carefully going upstairs, he gebtly offered his friend the milk, and it made her smile warmly. "Thank you, Luke." And she took a big, yet slow sip of her drink.

"Anything for my best friend." The human remarked warmly. Then he gently patted her back under the covers. "Just let me know if you need anything else."

"Of course. I will do that."

"Okay. Get well soon, sunshine." Then Luke promptly got up and then offered "would you like to listen to my iPod just in case you get bored?"

Thinking about it, she said "okay. Maybe some music will help with this bug inside of me.

"Now if you need to change a song or if you don't like it, uh.... Angel, can you be her hands since her hooves are too big for the buttons?"

Angel promptly nodded a yes to him and hopped on the bed next to Fluttershy.

"Thank you, Luke, and thank you, Angel." Then Luke gave her his music player and some headphones.

"Now, if it's too loud or not loud enough, just have Angel press on these buttons right here. The upper button will turn it up, while the lower button will turn it down."

"Wonderful." Then Luke went out of the room, and the yellow pegasus began listening to some of Luke's tunes, and Angel promptly helped her.

After he took a shower, Luke suddenly had a thought and said to himself "I might expect the others coming over so they can ask her to hang out, so I might as well spread the word that Fluttershy is too sick."

The human promptly put on a new set of clothes that had a blue color shirt and having a Just Do It logo from Nike.

"Fluttershy, are your friends coming over or are yoy supposed to hang out with them today?"

"What?" Of course she was busy listening to music to hear what he said. Pulling one earmuff out, she asked what he said, then he repeated. "Oh, well, not really."

"Well, just in case if they come over, i'll tell them you would be too sick for if they want to hang out with you. And of course, if you want then here to help you get better than that's okay."

She smiled at him once more in gratitude. "Thanks Luke." Then she continued listening to her music before she Said "be safe out there."

"I will." Then Luke told the animals what he was doing and then he promptly went out of the cottage. In Ponyville, It was at it always is. Or so it looks like it. Walking through town, he saw a few mares were also as sick as Fluttershy was. He saw Stormy Wind trying her best to stay in altitude, but she immediately landed on the ground, face-first.

Rushing to her aid, Luke helped her up, and she sounded rather stuffy in her nose. "Oh, hi Luke." she said in a stuffy tone of voice. "How are you?"

"I was about to ask you the sand thing to you, Stormy Wind. Are you feeling sick too?"

"Yeah but- ah- achoo!" she sneezed. Luckily, the human dodged the mucus by dodging like they did in the Matrix. "Sorry. This flu is kinda spreading like Wildfire." she sniffled again.

"Is everyone getting this virus called Hay Fever?"

"I honestly don't know." The Pegasus mare admitted. Then a male, wavy-haired Pegasus stallion came on the ground, looming just as sick as she was.

"Whoa, Feather Bang, you too?"

"Afraid so, Luke." The stallion replied. "We don't know how it came to us, but it's highly contagious."

"Can't you guys see a doctor or a nurse?"

"We're trying, but apparently, it's packed with ponies as sick as we are." Compass Star then wiped a few drops of mucus from his nose.

Boy, this sounded like troubling news for Luke and all of Ponyville. Was this some kind of plague? Then a sudden thought came to him. He remembered reading about the deathly bubonic plague that wiped out half of Europe back in the Middle Ages, also known as the Black Death

"Oh no, don't tell me Equestria's having a plague too." He muttered, he began to panic and then asked them "is there anyone here who is not sick?"

"I honestly don't know." Said Compass Star with a sneeze. "Is Fluttershy sick, too?"

"Sadly, yes. I found her laying in bed this morning, looking paler than a white bone." Luke remarked. "She said that all she needs is a little bed rest."

"That sounds like a good idea. You know, maybe one or maybe a few ponies with Hay Fever is one thing, but the whole town?" Said Stormy Wind

"I know. This is starting to get a little serious. Well, I hope you get better, soon guys."

"Thanks, Luke." Said both Pegasus ponies. Then they both flew off and tried their best to stay in altitude once again, but of course, they were struggling again, and landed on the ground a few times.

While walking down the streets, he saw more and more sick ponies walking and flying around him. Becoming a little more scared, it looked like a zombie apocalypse was breaking out in Ponyville like World War Z or I Am Legend or The Last of Us.

He noticed Cheerilee, Roseluck, and Lilac Daisy walking together, moaning and sniffing their stuffy noses. "You guys have the Hay Fever too?" Luke asked them

"Yes." Said Roseluck in irritation

"This is just so weird." Lilac noted. After she mad a big sneeze, she said "Yesterday we were doing just fine, but today, it just came to us all like a bug was flying around."

Cheerilee coughed a few times and noted "I just hope this goes away real soon. I feel terrible, more terrible than a weasel on a rainy day."

"Have you tried bed rest to help? And warm showers can help with that too. That's what I would use whenever I feel sick."

"That sounds like a cough- achoo! A great idea. Maybe that should help wme th this flu."

And Luke continued going through town, and decided to pay Twilight a visit to see if she was under the weather as well. Knocking on her front door, Luke waiter for an answer, and then it opened to reveal Spike. "Oh Luke, fancy meeting you hear." He said with a smile

"Spike, have you noticed what is happening on in Ponyville?" Luke asked very slowly

"Of course. It's like Zombie-ville." The baby dragon said.

"Can I see Twilight?"

"Sure, but I might as well warn you, she's... not feeling so well."

Making a small growl, Luke said "I was afraid of that." Walking upstairs to her bedroom, there she was, resting on her bed, coughing a few times nonchalantly. "Twilight, is that you?" He asked her

Slowly turning her head, she immediately recognized him. "Luke? You're feeling okay?" She asked

"Well yeah, I feel like a million bucks if you ask me. First Fluttershy, and now you? What can we do about this outbreak before it kills someone?"

"Don't worry, Twilight said with a a small cough. "Hay Fever won't kill you. It just makes you feel horrible."

"Hallelujah for me, good thing I can't get that."

"same with me because I'm a dragon not a pony." Spike said.

Twilight made a small giggle "oh Spike."

"So is there anything I can do for you?"

"No it's okay, Spike." She replied with a warm smile, gently touching his face. "I just need a little rest to make me feel better."

"You should try taking a warm shower for that as well, it always helps me whenever I feel sick." Luke reminded

"Good idea." Twilight said. "So is Fluttershy sick as well?"


"I wonder if the rest of our friends are sick, too."

"Hmm, I'm beginning to wonder that myself. Is it a plague? Or what is it?"

"I honestly don't know."

"Well, something screwy is going on here, that's for damn sure."

Spike and a look of agreement on his face. "Maybe you're right, Luke."

"Oh, it's probably nothing. Just a little bug going around." Twilight theorized.

Feeling skeptical about her response, Luke countered it by saying "well, maybe I should look for the others to see if they're sick or not."

"Okay." Then she began pulling the covers over her purple body.

"Come on, Spike. We gotta get to the bottom of this."

"Right! Looks like it's up to us to find a cure for the town's Hay Fever problem." Spike promptly noted with a head nod. Looking around town again, both drsgonnand human were very uncomfortable walking around a town infested with ill ponies dwelling within like rats.

"Just look at this place." Luke said

"Yeah, I would really hate to be all of these guys." The baby dragon agreed. The first stop they went to was Sugarcube Corner, and as they had feared Pinkie was Sick

Making a small cough with a thermometer in her mouth, Pinkie Pie said "I don't know, hit it feels like I have very berry fever." She giggled, but she gagged at the feeling of her sore throat.

"Look at you Pinkie. You look horrible, no offense."

"Nope, that's okay." She replied, trying to sound as happy and cheerful, even if she is under the weather. "I'd stay away from me if I were you, wouldn't want to get you guys sick, wouldn't I?"

"Well that doesn't matter me, because I'm immune. Give me all the germs you got."

"Okay Spike, don't get so cocky. Don't let your guard down. You'll never know if you can get sick or not, whether it's Hay Fever, chickenpox, small pox, any one of them."

"I'll be fine." He shrugged.

Nodding his head in irritation, Luke looked back at Pinkie. "Get well soon, Pinkie. Just hang tough."

"Thanks Luke!" She said cheerfully. As Luke and Spike went back outside, and went to Rarity's boutique. Turns out, she was feeling ill, too.

"Oh Rarity, not you too!" Spike said. "You can't get sick! You're too perfect!"

"Don't worry, Spikey-poo." Said the white unicorn. "I will be just fine. Nothing like a nap to cure your body system." Then she patted the baby dragon's head affectionately.

"Rarity." Said a filly' voice. It was Sweetie Belle. "Do you know where the ice cream is?" Then she made a cute sneeze.

"Just look in the freezer. And you really should be in bed, little sister."

"I know, I know."

Going back outside yet again, Luke and Spike were immediately stopped. They heard a stallion say their names, it was Thunderlane, wearing white masks to covering their mouths so he wouldn't get sick. Cloudchaser, Flitter, Lyra, Bon Bon, Rumble, and Pipsqueak were with them too.

"Oh Luke. Thank goodness you are not sick." Said Lyra. "This Hay Fever infestation is getting out of control."

"Yeah, everypony is like a zombie walking." Bon Bon added,

"I just hope they don't bite our skulls and eat out brains." Rumble said in worriment.

"Yeah, I love my brain." Pip added.

"Don't worry you guys." Said Cloudchaser. "They would never do that, and they're not really zombies, they just look like them."

"Yeah, it's really nothing to worry about." Flitter added.

"I don't know about that." Said Luke in a skeptical voice. "A whole town infected with a sickness? What could this mean?"

"Yeah, I'm beginning to wonder that myself." Said Thunderlane. "What are we gonna do?"

Thinking. Luke said "I want to see if Applejack, her family, and Rainbow Dash are doing okay first. Drops anyone know how to cure all of this Hay Fever madness?"

All of them sadly replied "nope." And it was exactly what Luke was afraid of. "And the doctors don't really know a cure for Hay Fever." Said Lyra.

"Hmm..." thinking in his thoughts again, Luke had an idea "maybe the doctors might now be able to help with this, but I know someone who can help out."

Not really knowing what Luke was talking about, they all recognized who he was referring to. "Zecora!" They all said in unison

"Yeah, she's a potion and elixir master. Maybe she will know what to do. Looks like it's up to us to safe Ponyville!"

His friends all said "Yeah" in enthusiasm, and felt like a team already.

"We might as well be careful, Zecora lives in the Everfree Forest after all." Pip noted.

"Right. Oh, I know, I'll get my light saber from the cottage so that way I can slice and dice some monsters that would want to kill or eat us mercilessly."

Author's Note:

A Hay Fever Outbreak? How will this end? Will Luke and the remaking ponies who are not sick along with Spike save the day? Find out on the next chapter

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