• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 4,733 Views, 201 Comments

Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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First Thanksgiving in a Equestria Part 3

At the really long dinner table, everyone was happy to have their food, which included mashed potatoes, stuffing, rolls, and of course, the veggie turkey as a substitute for the real one.

Luke would prefer real turkey with lots of salt on it, but the veggie turkey was just as good.

He got to sit with his parents and closest friends to keep him company. Fluttershy of course, was the one sitting closest to him.

The dessert for this little occasion was apple and pumpkin pie, and Luke absolutely loved the taste of pumpkin pie.

His corn was really good and ate through it quite fast. Fast or not, he wanted to savor the flavor so he can fully enjoy it.

"Whoa, take it easy, Luke." Brad said. "You might chock on the kernels if you're not careful."

"It's just like Luke. He can est like a full grown horse." Robert remarked with a chuckle. "Some people are what they are."

"Grandpa." Luke said, feeling a little embarrassed. "Not in front of my friends." Then he took anotherbite of his veggie turkey. Just then, he realized what he just did and looked at how much he has eaten. "Oh come on, i'm really hungry."

"It's mighty alright, Luke." Said Big Mac. "Applejack already ate two whole meals." Then he let out a hearty chuckle.

"I wonder if there are more."

"Wow, Applejack, you can eat like ten bags of candy without getting sick." Said Pinkie.

"Oh that's silly." She protested.

"Nope, remember when yoy were a little filly and you ate five whole trays of apple fritters?" Granny Smith said

"Well that was a long time ago."

"It was mighty impressive, AJ." Big Mac noted. "Nothing to be ashamed of, sis. It's kind of a hereditary type of thing in the family."

"He's right." Said Applebloom. "We have a really big family after all."

"We can all see that." Said Larry. "Boy this veggie turkey is sp good." Then the father wiped his face with a napkin. "I honestly wish that we could all have had this a long time ago."

"It wouldn't really be a tradition, Larry." Said Louise. "It's customary to eat real turkey. Not saying I would ever kill one that is."

"We know you wouldn't" said Twilight. "That would be a little barbaric and unsanitary." Then she took a sip of her apple cider.

"So princess, how long have you ruled over this place?" Asked Uncle Ted,

"It has been quite a long time, I cannot say." Said Celestia. "I have been in Equestria since... forever."

"Celestial and Luna are immortal." Luke said. His family and friends from earth were rather intrigued to hear that,

"Are you like goddesses or something?" Asked Jacob.

"Well, I wouldn't really say that." Luna remarked. "Allicorns like us are a rare type of pony that can be born in a very unpredictable time."

"Yes. We kind of lost track of how long we ruled here. But I can assure you that we have been princess' for as long as one thousand years or more."

"A whole millennia?" Said Robert. "Well I'll be. How are you two rulers able to live such a really long time?"

"Well, it is a rather long, yet fascinating story." Celestia said. "It may have been a thousand years ago, but me and my sister can remember it like it was just yesterday."

"Indeed, it was the happiest day of our lives just to become allicorns and eventually rulers of this land." Luna added. "Me and my sister were just earth ponies when this happened, but we had to stop a war between dragons and ponies, then that is when we became full Allicorns."

"We honestly didn't expect something like this to happen, but we were happy nonetheless." Celestial said. "Let me tell you all, it was never easy baby steps to become the beloved rulers you all know us as today."

"Wow. You two had everything you ever wanted." Said Elise. "So what are the dragons like here?"

"Let's... just say that most of them are not nice and can be really greedy with gems and gold to guard upon." Twilight said. "But not Spike. He is a wonderful baby dragon with a big heart."

"Oh yes, Spikeks absolutely a sweetheart." Fluttershy added. "He is always there for us when we need him and a wonderful little helper."

The baby dragon flushed at the compliments and praise he was receiving. "Ah stop it, you guys." He said bashfully. "I just what I can to help my friends and family here, that's all."

Twilight giggled at his modesty. "Oh Spike." She said with a smirk. "Anyway, there is another dragon named Ember, who is now a dragon lord and is nothing like the ones back in her home either."

"Where are your mommy and daddy, Spike?" Asked Aidan, one of Luke's cousin's who was nine years old.

"Aidan." Aunt Maggie gently scolded him. "It's not really nice to just ask someone that. It's a little rude."

"Oh, sorry mommy."

"No it's alright, Aidan." Spike clarified. "I honestly don't know what happened. But don't worry, I do have all the family I need right here, Twilight and her friends." Then the Mane six, Lyra, Bon Bon, Cloudchaser. flitter, Pip, Thunderlane, and Rumble all gave him a hug to show how much they all loved him and the things he does for them.

The baby dragon also gave a special hug to princess Ceslestia since she was the one who reared up as an egg. "Thanks, Spike." Said the princess of the sun warmly.

Then they all Continued eating their dinner and then finally, when that was taken care of, they moved on to the dessert dishes. Half of them were munching on pumpkin pie while the other half was eating on apple pie.

It all tasted so delicious that some of the guests mouths were watering with the strong flavors of the pastries.

While eating, Larry wiped his face and asked his son "so Luke, do you think you can show us how amazing you are on the guitar after we're all finished here?"

Everyone else in the table agreed with him and egged Luke on to do a performance on this special occasion. "Come on Luke, do it for your fans!" Cloudchaser urged him with a very eager smile.

"Yeah, remember the time you played in my band with me as the vocalist?" Brad said, wrapping his arm around his shoulder. "And the open mic you would do every lunch when we were in high school? You were a natural on the mic."

"Guilty as charged." Luke flustered. "I suppose I can show you guys my awesome skills once again, and show my family and closest friends on earth what I am capable of." Then veryone cheered

"We thought you would accept it." Said Big Mac

"Yep, we all got a state prepared for you to jam on for all of us." Applejack added.

"Oh, and here is your guitar, too." Said Fluttershy. "I know that you'll need it." The human was touched by her usual kindness once again.

"Thanks, Flutters."

And the eating continued on for one hour, and the sun was just about setting over the horizon. "Princess Luna, don't you gotta raise the moon up like you always do?" Asked Sweetie Belle curiously

"Of course. It is my duty to lift the moon into the sky, but I only have a few more hours until my duty calls, sweetie."


"You want to know something funny, Luke?" Celestia asked the human with a smirk.

"What's that, princess?"

"Starlight Glimmer switched our cutie marks for twenty four hours and switched roles for one day."

This made Luke slut out his orange juice and cough a little. "Wait, what? You're pulling my leg, Celestia. He fasted a peculiar side-long look at the purple unicorn who wiped pumpkin spice crumbs off her face.

"Nope, she's right." Said Starlight Glimmer after taking a sip. "I actually did that. At first I was a little unsure about it, but I knew my gut was right to do so."

"Why would you even do that?" Asked Rainbow Dash

"Me and Celestia weren't getting along so well, and the cutie map called Starlight Glimmer to us to help reconcile our relationship." Luna explained. "And let me tell you all, it was definitely not easy, that was a promise."

The princess of the sun giggled at that statement. "It was rather lonely for me, and I didn't even get enough sleep that night."

"And I incidentally didn't smile for the camera at a foal's school so they couldn't go on a field trip." Luna added

"Oh my god." Luke remarked in disbelief.

"And I was stressed that I saw Nightmare Moon, and an evil version of Celestia herself called Day Breaker." Starlight said.

"Day Breaker?" Luke thought to himself. Then he muttered "Now there is something I would love to see. I wonder what Celestia's evil self would look like."

"No you wouldn't darling." said Rarity, hearing what he was thinking out loud. "What I know, is that it would definitely not be a good sign."

"Yes, the last thing I would want to see is princess Celestia herself turn completely evil like Luna did as Nightmare Moon." Fluttershy agreed.

"Well at least a guy can dream, right?" Luke asked. Then they all laughed.

"Yes Luke, but don't dwell on it too much, it might go to your head." Twilight warned lightly.

"Don't worry, Twilight. I'm too good for that."

"Good. Then Starlight solved our problem afterwards."

"You must have felt pretty guilty there, Starlight." Luke remarked

"I was, but I'm fine now. I learned that sometimes, your gut is right, even if you don't expect it to be. I did learn from my mentor herself." then she looked over at Twilight herself.

"That's awesome." Then they all finished their dessert, all of the family members giving a loud burp. The female members were rather disgusted by this since they are girls, after all, but they tolerated it."

"Right at the table, Larry?"

"Come on, Louise. It's a special day for us."

"I know."

"Well now that we have eaten, let's hear Luke with his special performance, everypony." Shining announced. Then they all chanted his name in enthusiasm

"Alright, alright. Let me get myself ready for the song." Luke chuckled. Then they all went in front of the stage, and Luke went to the back to hook up his guitar and microphone so that they can all hear them do his song. Everyone, not even the grandparents can hardly wait to hear him perform an amazing song.

Discord created small spotlights pointing directly at the stage. At first, Luke was feeling a little nervous, but it is just his close friends and family watching him. Luke took a deep breath and promptly went on stage, with his guitar promptly in hand. "Hello everyone. Before I play I want to thank all of my friends and family for being here today."

They all applauded at him for that statement.


Rights for the Song go to Poets of the Fall

During his guitar playing, both Luke's parents never felt so proud to hear him play on the guitar so beautifully like this before. His closest friends all cheered and whistled for him during his performance.

Luke himself felt so proud that he can get to perform in front of his closest friends and family back home. He just felt the musical magic rushing through him again.

The part that everyone loved was the solo. After that, it fell back into a silent acoustic sounds again. When it was all over, a tremendous uproar of cheering was heard throughout the ground below the stage. Luke's closest friends and family all congratulated him on his amazing act.

"They were right, Luke, that was amazing!" said Larry proudly.

"I'm so proud of you, Luke." Louise added, giving him a great big hug.

"Ah, mom." Luke lightly groaned. "You're kinda embarrassing me a little."


"Let's hear it for Luke!" Fluttershy cheered." then yet another sound of cheering was heard, and all chanted his name.

"Alright alright. Thank you all for coming here, my family. And of course, thank you Fluttershy for coming up with all this for me." The yellow pegasus blushed a tomato red on her cheeks, and felt so proud of herself again.

"You are quite welcome Luke. I would do anything for my best human friend." then she hugged him tightly.

"Well, I guess that's over, I guess we might as well go back home now." said Larry. "Discord you can get us back home, can you?"

"Nothing is impossible for moi." the master of chaos boasted. "I'll be ready when all you humans are."

Then his parents went up to him. "Are you sure you don't want to come back home with us?" asked Louise.

Luke thought about it and looked back at his Equestrian friends, and they smiled at him. "I'm positive mom. I'm happy her. But don't forget you guys are more than welcome to come and visit here from time to time. Right Discord?"

"Got that right, mon ami. If any of you would like to see him again, feel free to call on me yet again. I ain't no stranger to all of you. I always stop by your world from time to time myself."

Both parents didn't like it, but they wanted their son to be happy too. "We understand Luke. If you're happy, then we're happy." said Larry. Then they all hugged him, and his Equestrian friends went "Aww" to that heartwarming sight.

"See you guys later." Luke said

"Bye Luke!" they all said in unison to him. Then Discord brought them back to their homeworld.

"Are you okay, Luke?" asked Fluttershy

"Oh yeah. Why?"

"Just asking." Lyra remarked. "Will you be alright if you might go back home?"

"You know what Lyra. I am home."

"Oh Luke, you have no idea how long I have waited for you to say that." said Fluttershy.

"Well, we better clean everythin' up around here." said Applejack. "We could always use an extra set of hooves, and hands of course." And so they all cleaned up the tables and the messes made int his celebration which was now over. Luke was so happy to see his family again, and this time, it won't be their last goodbye.

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