• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 4,732 Views, 201 Comments

Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Winter has Come

Ah December, it was the very first day of the month of the year for both Earth and Equestria. Luke was preparing himself for the winter weather that will come. All of the leaves have completely fallen to the ground, and the birds are flying south for the winter like in Luke's homeworld.

It was said that the pegasus ponies were ordered to make it snow all over Ponyville and Canterlot the next day after this one, and Luke had a jacket for him just in case. Rarity was more than happy to give him a leather jacket that looked cool, and had a white fleece in it to keep him warm.

Meanwhile, The human was raking all the leaves near the cottage, and putting them in a pile. It wasn't that easy, but not that hard either. He felt like getting himself some hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows in them, the traditional day to spend a snowy winter. As a matter of fact, he felt like going to get some right now as soon as he was done with his leaf raking.

When he was finished, and got his warm, delicious beverage, he noticed Fluttershy being a little cold, shivering. "Oh, you cold, Fluttershy?"

"A- a little." she said, still shaking. "Winter is just around the corner." Then she took a sip of her own hot cocoa. Luke took the liberty of taking off his fleece coat and blanketing Fluttershy with it. "Aw, thank you, Luke." she said, feeling ever so grateful for that little deed.

“Anything fri you, Fluttershy.” Luke said with a warm smile on his Human face. “So correct me if I’m wrong, but the Pegasus ponies are going to bring in snow clouds from Cloudsdale and make it snow across Equestria, right?”

“hmm-mm. It’s time for winter to come back here in Equestria, and all the birds to go south for the winter.”

“Cool.” And he took yet another sip of his hot drink. “I wonder what fun things we can do for the winter. Is there ice skating involved or skiing or snowboarding?”

“Oh yes. It is so much fun with the snow around.” Fluttershy said. “Of course, some of my reptile and amphibian friends hibernate in the winter.”

“Oh, it’s because they’re cold-blooded animals, right?”

“Yes. Oh and Harry the best is getting ready for hibernation, too.” Speaking of the devil, Harry was walking around and held a blanket in one arm, and a teddy bear in another. He was also wearing a classic nightcap like Wee Willy Winky would wear in the fairytale.

"Ah, preparing yourself for winter, I see?" Luke noticed.

The large grizzly bear nodded a yes with a big smile, and gave out a big yawn. "And he made his way outside and a large hole to sleep in so he can hibernate the rest of the season. That Harry was quite a heavy sleeper and already went into his own dream world with honey and fish in a matter of minutes.

"So when do you think the snow will come here again?"

"I would say... tomorrow morning." she speculated her best guess. "Probably because of Rainbow Dash." and they both had a good chuckle about it."

"True that. When it comes to the fastest pony in Equestria, anything is possible." Luke agreed. And he began to relax and unwind on the couch while listening to usual heavy metal bands on his iPod. Then he took one earbud out and asked her "So what do you think of my family and closest friends?"

"They all seem very nice. Yeah, they are wonderful humans. Although I am curious on what caused your parents to get divorced." Then a sudden thought just went into her head. "What? Why would I even ask that? Oh, way to go, Fluttershy! You might make Luke sad again.

"Well... it's a rather long story to say the least and... I don't really like to talk about it."

"Oh! I am so sorry." she said, worried that she might have offended him. "I forgot about that." And she kinda turned away from him in shame in embarrassment.

"Flutters, it's okay." Luke said, giving her a reassuring smile. "Really, it's not that big a deal."

"You sure?"

"I am positive." and he took another sip of his cocoa. "besides, it's all in the past. I know I can't just go back in time and try and prevent that from happening. But to shorten things out, my parents... got married unhappily." he had a look of uncertainty of my face. "Let's just say my mom wants nothing to do with my dad anymore."

"Well, I'm not going to ask why since you don't want to talk about it."

Luke gave her another warm smile. "Thanks, Flutters. That means a lot. Well, I forgot to ask you, what are your parents like? And do you have any siblings?"

"Oh, my parents are the sweetest ponies I know. And for siblings, I do have a younger brother. His name's Zephyr Breeze, and... He is one to shirk at things, and he can be lazy."

"Ah. Kinda reminds me of myself when I was in middle school and high school." Luke said.

"Really?" Fluttershy giggled. "Oh well, you were a teenager, and that's common for teenagers to do."

"Does he weasel out of things that he is supposed to do?"

"Oh yes. He does that many times, and he can be quite crafty." Fluttershy said. "But, he is trying to do things on his own now."

"That's good."

"And... he likes to flirt with Rainbow Dash."

"Ha! And she doesn't like him back, right?"

"Of course not." Fluttershy doubted him. "She even called him annoying to her when she does that to her. He can be... fresh to her at times."

"Ooh." Luke made a small smirk on his face. “If there is one thing I learned about true love, it’s never be fresh with a girl in any way.”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but giggle at what the human just said. “I agree. One time, Zephyr tried to her again, and she zapped him with a storm cloud.”

Luke made a small laugh and replied “Ha! I would hate to be in his shoes right now.”

“Of course you would.”

It was rather quiet for a moment, and both nonchalantly took sips of their hot chocolate. Finally, Luke remarked his opinion by saying “I just hope they don’t make too much snow that it would force us to remain here and not come outside.”

“No, I wouldn’t worry about that. The Pegasus ponies in Cloudsdale would never allow that to happen. Although... there have been a few incidents where the cloud machine would go on the fritz, and accidentally create too much snow to the point where we would get snowed in.”


“ it I’m sure that it won’t happen any time soon. It’s very rare for Ponyville to get snowed in.l

“Good. Here, let me ready the fireplace.” Then the Human went over and made a warm, toasty fire to keep him and Fluttershy cozy and not suffer from hypothermia. The cracklings flames looked really beautiful, and burning hot. “Et voila!”

“Perfect. Oh this will be so much fun. We can sit and relax by the fire together, and so fun things like snowball fighting and ice skating, and enjoy Hearth’s Warming when it comes in a few weeks.”

“And don’t forget the decorations.”

“Yes! Exactly.”

“Well, would you like my help feeding the animals again?”

She smiled again. “That would be great.” And both of them stood upright, and went to work on helping all the critters and animals around the cottage once again. As usual, they started with the ones outside, and then the ones who lived inside.

Luke even brought out an electric heater to keep many animals in their homes cozy and not suffer from too much of the freezing cold weather. Not only a heater, but there were also some blankets to help keep them warm too.

After that was all taken care of, Luke brought in an electric heater for inside the cottage too if needed. Of course, some animals like Harry the bear would be hibernating to not get hungry over the winter, and not go really short on food when the snow comes.

“Well, that’s done.” Luke said boldly, rubbing his hand in satisfaction.

“Wonderful. Oh! I just remembered.” She said. It was just so suddenly when the door was heard being knocked three times. “Oh, it’s her.” She opened it and it revealed to be Rainbow Dash.

“Fluttershy, I knew you would be home.” Said the cyan Pegasus mare.

“Come on in, Rainbow Dash.”

“W’sup Rainbow?” Luke greeted her.

“Not much. I came here to give Tank here a good place to sleep for hibernating through the season.”

Luke couldn’t help but go up to the green tortoise and said “Hey Tank. You going to hibernate for the winter, too?” And he gently stroked his head.

The tortoise was loving his gentle touch and smile, then nodded a yes to him in reply.

“Of course I can help you find a good home for Tank, Rainbow.” Fluttershy boldly Said.

“Awesome!” Rainbow Said. Then they went to the back to create a perfect hole for Tank to be in his long, peaceful sleep. When it was done, Rainbow Asked “Can I have some hot chocolate, too?”

“No problem. With marshmallows?” Luke said

“You know it, Luke!”

And Rainbow joined them in their time together around the warm fire.

The next morning, Luke got out of bed and went downstairs to fetch himself some breakfast. He was wearing pajama pants for it was getting cold on the cottage.

He got the usual, a sandwich with lettuce, tomato, and mustard and a root beer as his drink. Luke promptly looked outside through the window and it looked white.

After eating his breakfast, he opened the front door and saw many drops of snow falling on the ground. Yes, winter has truly arrived in Equestria. The human couldn’t help but take the liberty of creating a snowman with a smiley face on the head.

“Ha! Perfect!l then he took a picture of it with his phone while humming the theme song for Frosty the Snowman. “Ha! This will make an awesome Christmas card.” And he saved it in his files.

Fluttershy saw him and said “Goodness Luke, aren’t you worried about getting a cold?”

“Nah, it’s alright. I was just coming back inside anyway.l

“Perfect.” Then she noticed his creation. “Oooh, that’s a beautiful snowma you built. Did you make that yourself?”

“I certainly did. Honestly, it’s not the best but i gave it all I got.”

“That’s okay. I think it looks beautiful.”

“Thanks. So you want to go play with the others in the snow later?”

“Of course! It will be so much fun. But first I should take a shower and feed the animals their breakfast.”

“That’s cool.”

Both of them went back inside and were feeding the animals their breakfasts now. This should be a very fun winter for Luke and his friends Alright.

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