• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 4,733 Views, 201 Comments

Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Snowy Day

Ah the snow has finally arrived in Equestria at last. The frozen crystals of water were falling from the clouds covering the hole sky. Yes, it was about to turn into a winter wonderland for all of the ponies living in Ponyville, and Canterlot. For Luke, it was one of Luke’s favorite times of year. The earth was like a big, blanket of snow covering it, and nothing could really be done in the farm fields, for crops like corn, wheat, apples, tomato, or citrus plants wouldn’t be Apple to grow in this kind of weather. Still, it was quite alright, food was still plentiful through trade and many inhabitants were storing extra food for the winter, kind of like how a squirrel would be storing nuts in it’s tree while hibernating through the season

Looking around at his surroundings, he saw many fun things like the Cutie Mark Crusaders snowball fighting next, he saw a couple of Pegasus ponies doing the same thing, it were doing it in the sky.

Luke honestly didn’t know what exactly to do first, for it all just looks so fun. Not only that, but there were many ponies creating snow angels just for kicks. “Hmmm.” Luke thought, tapping his chin with his finger while going deep into his thinking space. “What to do, what to do.” He kept on jabbing his chin with his first finger for a little while, and finally, he thought of something. “A-ha! I got it.” He said, with a snap of his finger.

“Thought about what you want to do, Luke?” Asked Fluttershy

“I believe I have. I decided to give the ice skating on the frozen lake a chance first.” Then he ran across the snowy grounds, and tripped one time. He did ‘t care if he got his face planted into the ground, he was having too much fun to even notice it.

“Goodness, you really should be more careful.” Fluttershy said.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy. I know exactly what i’m doing.”

“Well you kind of sound like Rainbow Dash right now.” Twilight said modestly.

“Oh come on.” Luke shrugged off. “If I was like a Rainbow Dash, I would be flaunting endlessly about how cool and awesome I am, and think I am better than everybody else to go with that.” Then he had a sudden realization “Oh! No offense Rainbow.”

“None taken. I can’t help if I am such an awesome pony to be with.” Turns out, she was showing a point about her flaunting. “Well.... you all get what I mean.”

“Oh we get it alright, Rainbow Dash.” Spike smirked. “We all get what you mean.” And they all had a good laugh. “I’ll just be careful not to get in the water and not get cold.” And he tightened the scarf around his neck. His mouth was completely covered, but not like how a burglar would duct tape his mouth shut.

Twilight made a small giggle. “Oh Spike, don’t be silly. I’ve known you long enough to be careful while ice skating on the frozen lake.” Then she pulled him close for a side-hug.

The baby dragon couldn’t help but smile gratefully at her. “Twilight, stop it.” He bashfully muttered. “You’re kinda embarrassing me there.” But of course, this only made a twilight hug him a little tighter than before.

Finally, when they reached the Now frozen lake, many ponies were already having fun on it as well. Still, it wouldn’t stop Luke from having fun on it himself. “Can I get some skates, please?” He asked Rarity.

The white unicorn smiled joyously and promptly said “I would be glad to, sweetie.” Then she used magic from her horn to conjure a pair of skates, perfect for Luke’s feet to fit in. “Et voila! Ice skates a la mode.” And she promptly gave it to him.

“Merci.” Luke replied with great gratitude. He sat on the cold, snowy ground and tied the laces that kept his shoes strapped on. “Here we go. Now I just get on the ice rink, and then have some fun.” He muttered to himself.

At first, he thought that he nailed it, but then he couldn’t keep his balance, and instantly fell face first on the ice like a pancake. “Ow.”

“You okay, Sugarcube?” Asked Applejack.

Getting back on his feet, Luke said, “Just fine Applejack, thank you.” And he tried to keep his balance on the skates, and he fell on the icy lake once again, face first once more. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie couldn’t help but laugh.

“Oh shut up.” Luke said in annoyance.

“Don’t listen to them.” Said Fluttershy. “Just keep trying, and you will be a pro at it in no time.” And she gently helped Luke back up to his feet.

“Gotcha. I can do this.” He said. “I can do this.” And he tried moving his skates around, while he was at it, he tried to do it in a circle like everypony else was doing, but sometimes he would fall and tumble.

Still. At least nopony was laughing at him or making fun of him whatsoever, except Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, it Lukew as okay with it, because they were not as mature as themrest of their friends were.

“Whoo! Come on, Luke! You gotta try this!” Lyra called out, having the time of her life. The green unicorn was skating like a pro on the ice, and the same with Bon Bon.

“You can do it!” Bon Bon cheered him on.

“I’m trying guys, i’m trying.” And he was trying so hard to keep his balance like he was walking on a tightrope over a bed of hot coal in a circus. Still, at least it wasn’t anything like that.

“Ummm Luke, you haven’t really ice skated before, have you?” Asked Fluttershy, hovering next to him.

At first, Luke was being a little defensive, but ultimately, he made a sigh of defeat, and replied “not even once, no.” And he bowed his head in complete shame.

However, he felt his chin gently being pulled up and saw that sweet, warm smile on her cute little face. “It’s okay, Luke.” She said warmly. “You don’t have to be embarrassed about that. You just need a little practice.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Lincoln made another sigh. “Can you help me?”

“Of course.” Then she gently licked him up from his butt, and stood on his feet again, trying to keep perfect balance in himself again. “Okay. Now just relax and let go of your worries.” She said.

The human took a small breath, and slowly moved forward, and it was so far so good, and used the skates to slowly turn around and join the circle, and so far, it felt like he was getting the hang of it. Fluttershy decided to join him in the process.

Both of them were having a blast skating together. Of course, Luke didn't really want to do something like be a very flexible figure skater because he thought it would be gay and not manly. That, and he didn't want to risk breaking a bone unintentionally.

Finally, their other friends decided to join in on the fun, too. "You getting the hang of it now?" The yellow pegasus asked him with an eager smile

"I.... I really am." Luke replied, feeling more confident than he ever did before on those skates. He even had the pleasure of doing a spin that spelt swag all over it. "Thanks for helping me, Fluttershy."

"No problem."

All of a sudden, Pip, who was also having the time of his life, heard a small crackling noise right under him. Below, the ice was starting to break under him, and it could mean that he could fall in the freezing water, and get a cold from it.

Luke noticed it and immediately went over to his aid. With a quick spurt of speed, he immediately picked Pip up before he could fall into the water below the ice, and it was in the neck of time that he saved him.

"You okay, Pip?" The human asked, gebtly putting the colt back down.

"Yes, thanks to you, Luke." Pip replied with gratitude.

"No problem, kiddo." Luke said. "But I wonder what happened. What caused the ice to almost break right under you?"

Just then. The master of chaos himself appeared out of nowhere, floating on midair. "Hello." He sang. Discord had that mischievous smile on his face while resting his chin onto his hands.

"Discord." Luke said, not looking very amused. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Moi?" Said Discord in mock offense "i'm not doing anything. I assure you. Just having some fun on Equestria's first snow day of the year." Then he poofed up a leotard and his own skates, and did it in a rather graceful and flexible fashion.

"Well, you almost made me fall into the water." Pip said with a pout.

"Oh come now, Pip my boy." The master of chaos took the liberty of patting the colt's brown mane like a dog. "I was just having some fun. Besides, it's not like it was a lake of lava or fire."

All of them gave him an unamused look with an eyebrow raised on all their faces. "Come on Discord, can you not try and prank everyone all willy-nilly like that?" Luke said. "Someone can get hurt if you're not careful."

"Get someone hurt?" Then he let out a hearty, mocking chuckle. "I would never dream of doing something like that. Tell me my friends, have I ever tried to hurt somepony before?"

"You really want our honest opinions, Discord?" Said Cloudchaser. "You were evil back then, so.... pretty much."

"That's the point, that was then. This is here and now." Discord said.

"Even though yoy can still prank some ponies once in a while?"

"Can toy blame me? I'm the master of chaos."

"Well, as long as nopony actually gets hurt." Twilight said. "Just please be more mindful, okay?"

"Not a problem, princess Twilight." He bowed to her in respecy. Then, just for kicks, he snapped his finger and a small spot of glue appeared on the lake, and a filly instantly stopped over, but her skating shoes stayed in place, and she was flying into a big pile of snow.

The tricky god of chaos couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably at the little prank he just did.

"Well, at least he's not trying to kill anypony."

"Oh, don't say that, Spike." Fluttershy said. "Discord woukd never dream of killing anypony."

"Yes! Take it from my dear closest friend." Said he, giving her an uncomfortable hug. The yellow pegasus couldn't help, but giggle nervous

"Well anyway, wanna go snowboarding with us?" Asked Thunderlane.

"That would be nice. I love snowboarding!" Luke said bodly. Then he went to a somewhat large hill near town, and Discord conjured a snowboard from his homeworld. It was rather coop looking, for it had a burning skull at the center of both sides.

"Thanks Discord." Luke said "wait, you didn't trap this with something, did you?"

"No. I assure you. It is just a normal snowboard for you yo try out." Said the master of chaos.

"I don't think he's lying." Said Applejack. "Yep. He's telling the truth."

"Oh that's right, you can tell if somepony's lying or telling the truth, right?" Asked Pinkie Pie

"You know it." Applejack said proudly. "They don't call me the Element of Honesty for nothin', you know?" Then Luke readied his snowboard and was about to race down the snowy hill with Thunderlane, Rumble, Cloudchaser, and Flitter all at once. He narrowed his eyes at the valley below and he immediately went down the snow. Oh, how fun this was for the human.

"This is awesome, dudes!" Luke exclaimed while having the time of his life. Sure, he was no Shaun White, but he was a rather adept shredder on that snowboard. Fluttershy, and the others were impressively watching on how he was handling it, and how his hair was flowing through the motion.

"Wow, look at him go." Spike said. "He's like a pro on that thing. I wonder if he ever did this before."

"Yeah, look at how awesome he is on that snowboard." Pinkie said with an eager smile.

Rarity was just as amazed as the others were. "Just simply look at those displays he is showing us."

"He's obviously did snowboarding before he came here." said Rainbow Dash

"You know, I think I do remember him saying that it snows a lot in Bend during the Winter." Fluttershy said.

"He does have quite some skill on that thing." Discord agreed, and they all continued watching Luke, Cloudchaser, Flitter, Rumble, and Thunderlane have a blast while snowboarding.

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