• Published 19th Sep 2015
  • 4,732 Views, 201 Comments

Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Trying to Change Iron Will Again (Edited)

After that lunch, Fluttershy was more than happy to show Iron Will the minotaur out in Ponyville to see what else there is to help him be a better minotaur.

Poor little Spike was still feeling a little bit bummed about who his parents exactly are.

Twilight was carrying the rather sad baby dragon on her back because she knew he wouldn't really feel like walking in this state. She and her friends would always check on him every ten minutes to see if he was alright.

For now, Spike was slowly starting to feel better about Iron Will unintentionally hurting his feelings back there.

The Minotaur himself was starting to feel a little bit guilty about making Spike glum like that, and decided not to speak with him at the moment out of fear that he would make it worse for himself.

"Fluttershy, does Spike hate me for what I said? Iron Will didn't mean to crush his spirit like that."

"Oh you didn't crush his spirit." The yellow pegasus doubted him. "I know you weren't really trying to hurt him."

"She's right." Luke agreed. "All you need is a little more practice, that's all."

"But of course you did make fun of that colt for his obesity by playing the tuba following him like that."

"Yeah, that wasn't very nice." Pinkie said.

"I said I was sorry, aright?" Iron Will stated. "I even bought him two apples as a gift to him."

"And that was a nice way to make it up to him for that mean prank." Lyra explained. "It was the least you can do for him."

"Right. Besides, I just thought it would be kinda funny for that."

"To be honest, it was kinda funny, especially the way he fell when you got him off balance." Luke admitted with a smirk.

"Luke," Twilight gave him a mildly firm look on her face. "How would you feel if somepony do that to you?"

"I know, I know, terrible. I'm sorry."

And the yellow pegasus had that smile back on her face. "It's okay, I forgive you."

"So anyway, there's Granny Smith on the sidewalk, do you think you can help hr across the street?" Twilight suggested.


The blue minotaur cleared his throat and went up to Granny Smith. "Hello ma'am. I understand you need some help across the street. Would you like some assistance with that? Old Iron Will will be more than happy to escort a puny weakling like you across the street."

"Ehh! Wrong." Rainbow said. "Good ponies don't call somepony else a puny weakling."

"Oh sorry." He cleared his throat again and said "My apologies miss, what I mean to call you was little lady."

Granny Smith made an adorable smile and said "thank you, sonny. That's very sweet of you." Then the Minotaur tried to hold her hoof, and Granny had a look of pain on her face, that Iron Will sure has a tight grip on her hoof.

“Ah! Too... tight!” Granny strained.

“Oops! Sorry ma’am.” The Minotaur noticed. “Maybe I should escort you that way and make sure there is no trouble.”

“Sure, you do that.”

Then Granny began moving her incredibly slow legs across the street, and she was shaking a little. Not out of fear of course, but becasue She was just old, which would as a common ailment for the elderly.

She was moving a little slower than then Minotaur can imagine. Still, he couldn’t just try and speed it up, for he knew he would accidentally hurt her again, like he did with her hoof while holding it. Iron Will just made sure nothing bad or dangerous was coming her way like a runaway coach, or a parasprite invasion, although it very seems likely that a swarm would appear in Ponyville anytime soon.

Granny Smith was in the middle of the road, halfway there to the other side, and Iron Will was starting to grow impatient, and made a small gruff from his bull nose while rolling his eyes in irritation. “Oh come on.” He muttered. “Can you go any faster, lady?”

“What’s that dearie?” Granny Asked him

“Nothing! Just mumbling to myself.” The minotare blared. “You’re doing great, Granny Smith.”

The elderly pony smiled at him and continued onward. It was at this moment she was about to fully make it, when she stopped with a sudden thought. “Oh! I forgot to tell Cheerilee about Applebloom’s perfect attendance record. I knew I should have created a trophy for her. Or... was it a medal?”

Then Iron Will became extremely irritated, and felt like blowing a fuse with anger, and gritted his teeth. He cracked his knuckles, and with Granny Smith being oblivious to this, she was walking to the school with Iron Will trying to bash her to a pulp with his meaty fists.

“Iron Will!” Fluttershy And Luke scolded.

“Goddammit, Iron!” Luke said. “Are you crazy!?”


“Well you were going to smash my own Granny like an ant! I should have the mind to kick your face until next week!”

“Calm down, AJ.” Rainbow Said. “At least we are trying to help him out.”

“Look Iron Will, do you wanna be a better Minotaur or don’t you?”

“Of course Iron Will wants to be a better Minotaur.” And he flexed his muscles. “That’s what Iron Will definitely wants.”

“Then try and control yourself for Christsakes.” Luke remarked, becoming a little impatient with repeating these steps to help Iron Will out.

Rainbow Dash gently patted his back for comfort. “Don’t waste your time, Luke. Once a bully, always a bully.”

“Bully!?” The Minotaur Said in offense, Then he grabbed her cheeks with his hands. “Why don’t you come closer to my face and say that?!”

“Alright! Alright! Shut the hell ho! Both of you!” Luke exclaimed in stress. “My god. Can you please just go through one day without disliking each other?”

“Well he started it.” Rainbow Said

“I don’t care who started it, okay?! I’ll finish it!”

“Luke, please calm down.” Spike Said. “Please.”

The Human took a breath, deep and long. “Sorry. You guys are right, we just need a little more practice.”

“Right, we’re not giving up.” Fluttershy Said. “You are right. We just need a little more practice with him.”

“Yeah, we’ll be at this for as long as it takes.” Cloudchaser added.

“Granny Smith, I am very sorry for trying to clobber you like that. Iron Will is just trying to learn how to control his anger.”

“That’s Alright deary. I know you wouldn’t really try and clobber me like that on purpose.” Granny Smith reassured. “Besides, Big Mac would never allow you to do that anyway.”

“Nope.” Said the red stallion in agreement. “She is family to me, Applebloom, and Applejack.”

“So come on, let’s just move on.” Luke said. And they all tried other things, like teaching the brute to give out more compliments and how to treat other ponies nicely.

Over the course of time, he was progressing slowly, and not getting as angry or aggressive as before. It was certainly an improvement for him and everyone was pleased with the recent results.

Iron Will was doing many things like helping another elderly pony carry his groceries back home, and try to volunteer at the local animal shelter with Luke and Fluttershy.

Being around these animals made him more.... calm and relaxing like they would to to everyone else. It took a little while, but Iron Will felt a little “connected with all these critters like the dogs, cats, and other types of animals from many sorts. “You know, this isn’t so bad. I never thought I would do this for weak little animals.”

“Oh they’re not weak.” Said Fluttershy. “All of them are strong in mind.” And a raccoon went on Iron Will’s shoulder, gently licking his face like a dog or cat would do.

“Yeah, animals can really soothe a soul once you get used to it. You feel connected or one with Mother Nature.”

“You ain’t wrong, Luke.” Iron Will agreed with the Human. “I do feel more calm and... happy around these guys, and I thought it was just a hippy thing.”

“Nah, that’s just a dumb stereotype. Anyone can love animals if they want to.” Luke said.

“Yes, it is an amazing experience.” Fluttershy agreed.

“It’s... actually working.” Twilight Said. “Can you believe it, Spike? Iron Will might change like Starlight and Discord.”

“Yeah, it’s going way more better than how you changed me. At least... it’s not catastrophic.” Starlight admitted sheepishly. “Anyway, this is going rather nicely.”

“I think we just made ourselves a new friend.” Said Flitter.

“Same here.” Pip agreed. “I think we have just turned over s new Minotaur underneath him. Just a couple more lessons and he will be a perfectly changed Minotaur.”

“Ooh, I can imagine a Welcome to the Pony Family party!” Pinkie Said.

“Maybe friends is all he needs after all.” Pip Said to himself. The young colt was feeling happy with these results and watched as the Minotaur was interacting with more animals in the shelter.

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