• Published 19th Sep 2015
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Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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True Reformation (Edited)

Iron Will suddenly felt more calm and relaxed, thanks to these animals he was interacting with, and felt something new when it comes to these different types of creatures, even thought he didn’t really consider them as tough as he is. Still, the Minotaur was feeling quite better about himself.

Looking at Spike again, he wondered if he should apologize to him for accidentally hurting his feelings like that a little while back.

Luke and Fluttershy were a big help and tried to make as much animals in the shelter as happy as possible with all the food, water, and toys to keep them from getting bored. Iron Will has been trying to do the same thing as these two have, and he was doing rather well for the first time.

“Twilight, Starlight, And a couple of the other friends decided to John them in an attempt to encourage Iron Will and boost his confidence.

“Oh my.” Said Rarity. “Do you think all these animals need a bath to you? Or is it just me?”

“I’m pretty sure it’s just you.” Applejack joked at her. “Kinda critical with animals, aren’t you Rarity?”

“Oh ha ha, very funny.” Rarity Said sarcastically. “I just heard of the germs and bacteria that can crawl on your skin, so do ‘t come crying to me when you grow I’ll of those germs.”

“Ah Rarity. Dramatic as ever.” Applejack remarked. “You’ll be fine, i’ll Do this with the animals at the farm all the time.”

“Oh, right.”

For little Spike, he was still slowly starting to feel a little better, and wondered if he should talk Iron Will again after this week as finished. Pip was playing with some of the smaller animals like the pigs and goats and other types of small livestock and birds while the rest just watched at the progress.

Yes, Iron Will was certainly feeling quite comfy and relaxed in this state right now. He even had the pleasure of gently letting a small fox with his hand very gently, making the canine squeak happily. “Oh, that is kinda.. adorable.” He admitted as he continued petting it.

“He likes you.” Luke says. “Just keep treating him nicely, and you have made yourself a New Friend.”

The Minotaur smiled with hope on his face. “Good. But how come I feel more calm around these little guys?”

“Because,” Fluttershy began to explain. “It’s a really calming se relaxing experience, with animals around, it’s like your probably all just disappear.”

“Heh, well you’re not exactly wrong there, Fluttershy.” Twilight Said.

“Yeah, it’s a very experience.” Spike agreed. “Although Angel Bunny hates me and wants nothing to do with me.”

“Oh that's not true, Spike.” Fluttershy doubted. “Angel doesn’t hate you.”

“Ho ho yes he does.”

“No, he just... thinks the whole world revolves around him, but he forgets that he can’t always get everything his way.”

“Angel is a spoiled rabbit.” Luke remarked.

“Well... spoiled is kind of a strong word.”

“No he’s right.” Spike pointed. “You just need to be more firm on him, and show him that you mean business with discipline.”

“I always discipline him whenever he misbehaves.” The yellow Pegasus defended.

“Well. If you like, I can do a little brute force on that puny bunny, that should get him to stop walking all over you.”

“No no no. Brute force is not the answer.” Fluttershy Said. “All I need to do is just put my hoof down.”

“That’s our Fluttershy.” Said Applejack proudly. After at least thirty minutes, the owner of the shelter thanked all of the participants for their help around the place, especially Iron Will, and the Minotaur felt more proud of himself than ever before. He began thinking that maybe he can do this if he keeps up these good deeds and all that. They all exited the shelter and the snow stopped falling on the ground, and Iron Will felt his spine creep down from the plummeting temperatures that just dropped to probably ten degrees.

The Minotaur made shivering noises from his teeth and said "Brr, Iron Will sure knows how cold it can be this time of year. I knew I should have brought more than a scarf with me."

"I thought the fur on you keeps you warm?" Luke asked. "Well... on the legs anyway?"

"Yes, but I'm not a yak or a highland cow."

"That's a very fair point." the human remarked. "Need a coat?"

Sighing in defeat, Iron Will admitted by flatly saying "Please."

Fluttershy gave him yet another warm smile, and said “Of course. I’ll get you a nice, cozy jacket for you to wear, and i’ll Make sure it has a fleece in it.”

The Minotaur made a big smile of gratitude. “Thanks, Flutters.” And they all went to Rarity's Boutique, and of course, Since Rarity owned the place, Fluttershy got a ninety percent discount for just three bits for a coat.

“Wait, I just remembered, I don’t have gigantic coats made for Minotaurs. Not to worry though, I can easily sew one.”

“How long will it take, Rarity?” Asked Iron Will.

“Patience airon Will, Patience.” Rarity Said. “You cannot rush art.”

“Alright. I’ll wait.” Then Iron Will waited around the fireplace trying to warm up from all the freezing temperatures outside. It took a rather long time, probably up to fifteen or twenty minutes, but when it was done, Rarity came back downstairs with a large leather jacket with a white fleece within. “Voila! Perfection.” Rarity sang with a French accent.

The Minotaur tried it on and it fit him well. “Ooh, stylish and functional.” He remarked. “Iron Will like.”

“It makes you look cool, too.” Rainbow pointed.

“Yeah, this is perfect for me.” And he made a few poses, showing off his incredibly large biceps again. “I bet it’s a lady magnet.”

“Don’t get too ahead of yourself, partner.” Said Starlight Glimmer. “We still have some work to do.”

“I know that.”

And when Iron Willstepped back outside with that jacket on, he felt so much more warmer and cozier than ever before thanks to the fleece within the jacket. Now that this was all settled, they can all help Iron Will be a better Minotaur.

“So where do we go next?” Asked Applejack.

“Hmm, I honestly don’t know about what to do next.” Luke said. “We tried many things to help him be a better creature.”

“Yes, and I think he is making great progress.” Fluttershy remarked.

“Oh, if it isn’t the Elements Of Harmony.” Said a peculiar voice. They all looked and it was Spoiled Rich wearing a fur coat and a fur hat on her head. Her husband, Filthy Rich was with her also with a fur coat, and a pair of boots. “And Luke, what a nice surprise.”

The Human just gave her a stern and disdainful look on his face with his eyes narrowed in hatred. “Spoiled.” He Said flatly, And he turned his head away from her, trying to ignore this pompous and pretentious mare.

“And who is this brute?”

“Brute? I ain’t no brute! I am Iron Will! That’s my name, and training ponies is my game!” And he flexed his muscles yet again.

“Well... that is certainly a catchprase.” Filthy Rich said uncomfortably.

“Hmph, i’m Pretty sure he teaches them how to be ruffians.”

“Oh shut up Spoiled.” Rainbow Said. “Nopony Asked you."

“Tut tut, Rainbow Dash.” Said Spoiled Rich. “Why So hostile on me? I deeply admire your efforts in saving Equestria countless times.”

“Yeah, Well you’re the reason why your daughter has been bullying my sister!” Rainbow pointed.

“What? I was only trying to have her follow the old traditions of my family.”

“The most hated family in Equestria as a matter of fact.” Her husband muttered.

“What did you say?!”

“Nothing! Nothing at all, sweetie pie.”

Spoiled just gave him a suspicious look on her face. “Look, I was only trying to show her ways in life over Equestria by trying to beat the little blank flank from Trottingham.” She obviously referred to Pip.

“You cannot talk about Pip like that!” Fluttershy defended.

“I can talk about anypony however I Please. And besides, it’s not like anyone is here to stop me.”

“Remember what happened last time you went too rash?” Luke reminded. He cracked his knuckles loudly at her with a fierce, intimidating look on his face, showing some of his teeth.

Spoiled Rich did absolutely remember the last time Luke beat her up a little, and gulped. “I swear to you, Luke. If you hit me, and I will sue you for everything you have.”

“Good luck with that.” Luke muttered sarcastically. “And I have a lightsaber.” Then he ignited it. “I swear to god I am not afraid to cut your head off with this.”

“Easy there, Luke.” Twilight intervened. “Please, let’s not be too hasty now. I know you would never do that.”

“Honey.” Filthy warned her. “Do not make me rat you out to Princess Celestia again.”

“Oh you’re bluffing, Filthy.”

“Try me. I did it once, and I can do it again.”

Looking in her husband’s eyes, she realized he was not bluffing after all, and made a sigh. “Very well. I suppose we have an important meeting to go to with Cheerilee about the school board.”

“Better.” Filthy Rich smiled. “I am so very sorry about my wife. I’ll put a leash on her next time she does something like this again.”

“No hard feelings, Filthy.” Said Applejack. “We know very well who to blame about this.” Then the couple went down the road to the school.

“Sorry about her, Pip.”

“Nah, it’s alright. I’ve been called worse names in me life.” The colt replied. “Words can’t really hurt me, i’m too tough for insults.”

“Ooh, that's my boy. You got some real toughness in ya.” Iron Will remarked proudly with a hearty laugh.

“Well, you did ‘t even hurt her for insulting you, Iron Will.” Bon Bon admired. “You did a very good job holding back your anger.”

“I... I did.” He realized. “She was giving ole Iron Will a hard time, and I just rebuffed it.” And he made a funny victory pose in triumph. “You know, i’m Really getting the hang of this.”

Luke smiled and said “glad to hear that. That mare is a nuisance to ponies everywhere. That hag is like the wicked witch of Ponyville.”

“Yeah, you can say that again.” Pinkie agreed.

“So you actually best her up before?” Iron Will Asked him curiously.

“Mildly. Yeah.” The Human replied. “I just punched and kicked her a little to cause a little bleeding from her nose and mouth.” And he felt a small touch of proudness within himself. “Heh, I even remember how sorry her face looked when I was finished with her. Kinda funny with how I handled her.”

“Oh Luke, you don’t mean that.” Fluttershy doubted.

“Well, she called me a retard, and she didn’t like me because i’m a Human. She kinda broke my spirit when she said that to me.”

“We understand.” Said Starlight. “But it will get you in trouble if you’re not careful.”

“I know, but sometimes, it does feel so good. Besides, you all hate how pompous Spoiled Rich acts to ponies she deems as below the pyramid.”

“Perhaps.” Said Lyra. “But still, it’s best to just ignore their type and just walk away.”

“I never thought I Say this, But she’s right. It might make things worse.” The blue Minotaur Said. “I know what you’re all thinking: you are all wondering I never thought Iron Will would say something like that before. or That doesn’t sound like the Iron Will we know of. But it’s true.”

“It’s good. It shows you really can change.” Fluttershy admired.

Iron Will paused for a moment and realized he was right. Talking like that against senseless violence like that sounded like he was making great progress on trying to change. Maybe he doesn’t need to use violence for everything at all. Besides, being called a brute kinda made him feel like being in somepony else’ shoes.

“This is Wonderful!” Said Twilight. “I think we did it.” And they all cheered in the success of changing Iron Will into a better Minotaur. “We should celebrate with hot cocoa.”

“Oh! Can we make that with marshmallows? Iron Will loves marshmallows.”

“Of course.” Said Fluttershy. They all had some hot cocoa at Sugarcube Corner, And everyone enjoyed it.

Iron Will suddenly looked over at Spike, and realized he still might be hurt by what he said. “Still feel like apologizing to him, Iron Will?” Luke asked, noticing what he was looking at.

“I do.”

“Don’t worry. Just go to him and tell him you’re sorry.”


“And remember, tell him you really mean it and show how sorry you are.”

“Gotcha.” The Minotaur took a deep breath and went over to the baby dragon l who stopped drinking his cocoa, and looked up at the Minotaur. “Spike,” He Said, clearing his throat. “I am very sorry for accidentally hurting you. I never mean to hurt your feelings, honest, and I just want you to know how sorry I am.” And he bowed his bull head in shame. “If you can't forgive me for what I unintentionally said, or won’t be my friend, Iron Will understands completely.”

At first, the baby dragon didn’t say anything at first, but then he smiled and said “It’s okay, I understand.” Then he gave the big lug a hug. “I forgive you.”

Iron Will then smiled being embraced like that. He never been hugged like that before, and now he understood what friendship meant to him. Then he felt all the other ponies coming in for a hug, and it turns out, he just made new friends after all.

Luke smiled and was proud of the Minotaur for changing his bullying ways. Turns out Hearth’s Warming innthe coming days will turn out great for Iron Will.

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