• Published 19th Sep 2015
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Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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All a Misunderstanding

Going through a little path through the Zebrican savanna, Luke and his father were looking specifically for the Emela Ntouka that the rhino king had told them about. This monster could be more dangerous than they thought he would be, so it was a good idea they brought their weapons out with them, since this monster has allegedly killed a few of the king's soldiers recently. Dakari couldn't afford to lose any more soldiers on his side, or any other from his kind within the city.

Both humans went to look for any footprints of where this beast might have gone to. Luke suddenly remembered the stories and information about the Emela-Ntouka being a semi-aquatic animal like a hippopotamus would be like. Then he suddenly spotted a nearby lake nearer than he thought it would be

"Hmm, Luke, you know about these kind of.... what do you call these like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster again?" said Larry


"Yeah, exactly! Do you know know about about this guy?"

Brainstorming in his head, Luke was thinking if he was in the right kind of territory this monster would be in, and he ultimately said "Usually, people in the Lingala tribe would say he lives in semi-aquatic environment like hippos or crocodiles would be like. Now that I see a large lake in front of us, I guess we'll find it here maybe."

"Hmm. I got your back, son." and the father, patting Luke's back, readying his magnum in case something dangerous comes out and jump-scares them. "For our sake, I hope he's not like a vampire. Or that Naandi bear we heard about."

"No, I think he's just like any other animal, but we'll have to find out, if he's even here. Just keep your wits about you dad. Use that gun wisely."

"I always do." Then the two looked around at their surroundings curiously, and cautiously at anything they can find. It was a little quiet, ans a lion roaring in the distance, since their roar can be heard from miles away. It was a rather nice thing to hear, for it sounded so cool and majestic.

"At least it's not a lion doing all of these kind of problems." Larry suggested

"Totally. I would hate to kill one of those animals. They're too cool to kill or hunt. Sometimes I wish that I can just find the man who killed Cecil the Lion, and make him him suffer, and leave him in anguish."

"I know Luke, but don't let that get to you." said his dad. "You shouldn't really worry about what you can and cannot fix in the world."

"Right. We just need to focus on what is happening now."

"There you go." And they went back to look for this Emela-Ntouka creature. It was looking a little mangrove like a swamp with some cattails being seen on the shorelinesm, and a bunch of beautiful birds in the waters like Egyptian geese, coots, moorhens, swans, and over types of birds in this lake

A saddle-bill stork was seen hovering over the shore waters and it landed it's feet below, possibly looking for fish. It was a female one, and Luke could tell, because it had yellow eyes, and the males had beady or brown eyes on their heads. All of a sudden, in the mangrove brush, Luke heard rustling in the bushes, and he was cautious.

His father kept close to him, and waited for something to pop up at them to attack. All of a sudden, something popped up out of the water, and it had sharp teeth. It was a gigantic crocodile that almost got Luke in his jaws, and the human fell back on the ground. Crawling back in fast speed, the Crocodile was trying to eat him, but then a few gunshots were heard, and the beast suddenly fell dead, thanks to his dead, still aiming his gun at the creature

"Whew, thanks dad, you saved me back there." then Larry helped his son back on his feet.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine." and they both had a good long look at the dead crocodile. It looked larger than an average crocodile would be like back home on Earth. It's jaws looked more dangerous, lethal and formidable than the normal ones, sharper than knives.

Just then, another crocodile came out of the water and charged at the two humans at full speed, with his mouth wide open while snarling. This time, however, Luke ignited his lightsaber and at the very last second, he sliced at the creature's head, killing it instantly, leaving burn marks over his mouth and jaws.

"Nice slice, buddy." said Larry in admiration.

"Thanks. Apparently these rivers can be dangerous." Luke remarked. "Maybe we're in the right place to find this monster?"


Luke looked back at the dead crocodiles and felt remorse for killing those gigantic reptiles, and he stopped to look back, feeling guilty about killing them in the first place. It didn't take long for Larry to look back, and notice Luke looking at the dead crocodiles. "Hey," he said. "I know they are animals, son, but you had to do it, our lives were on the line, and they would have killed us if we had not killed them."

"I know dad, but still. They didn't really deserve to be killed like this. I mean, I don't really wish to take life, even dangerous lives like crocodiles."

Larry patted his son's right shoulder to comfort him. "Come on, everything will be okay."

"Alright." Luke said flatly, then they both continued the search for the Emela-Ntouka. It wasn't really over yet, for there was more rustling in the cattails and tall grass.

It was too quiet and it felt eerie. All of a sudden, something came charging towards the both, and the ground was shaking with every step this thing took. It went past them in the speed of light. It was a large triceratops-like creautre, except it was mammalian, and it had green skin, and no frills over his head, and he had a large, gigantic horn on his nose, looking like an Elasmotherium, except it was thinner than that extinct rhino's horn.

It's ears looked a little similar to an elephants ear, but they were fall smaller, yet still a little floppy like pig's ears would be. This giant was bigger than a rhino, but definitely smaller than an elephant would be like, and it had a large, long, and thick tail at the end of his body. This was exactly what Luke have heard about this ctyptid in his homeworld.

That creature looks like he can kill anything with that one, long horn on the tip of his nose. It made a grunt, and he was ready to charge at them again.

"Tell me that's the guy." said Larry

"Yeah, that's the Emela-Ntouka." Luke said, igniting his lightsaber once more.

"Go away, trespassers!" Said the Emela-Ntouka in a menacing, and tough tone of voice. "This is my home!"

"Easy big guy." Said Luke. "We just want to-" but then he was cut off by the beast charging at him and his dad again. The force was strong it made both of them stumble to the ground, with Larry setting his gun off by accident.

"Look. Why are you attacking those rhinos in Ivoire city?" Luke asked, trying to reason with the behemoth.

"I just wanted for them to leave me alone, and they thought I was a monster." Said the beast.

"Father?" Said a kid's voice. The two looked at who said that, and it revealed to be another adult Emela-Ntouka, and a smaller one as well, like.... a calf. The second full-grown one was a little smaller than the first one, and a much smaller horn with a brighter green color on its skin.

The baby had a very small horn on his nose and was an even more l lighter green then the other two.

"Get back, Bongo." Said the Male one. "These albino apes are dangerous."

"A family?" Luke muttered to himself. "Wait. Please." Then he put his lightsaber away.

"Luke, what the hell are you doing?" Larry quietly screamed at him.

"Just trust me, dad, and don't shoot either." To the three Emela-Ntouka's, Luke said: "please, I just want to talk."

The Male one wasn't so sure, but he looked at his family for approval. Both of them nodded a yes to him, and ultimately said "Very well. Why are you here?"

"We've been told to come find you and see why you have been attacking the city of Ivoire, the home of the rhinos, and their king Dakari."

"Hmph. They have started it. He would send out his soldiers to attack my family and thinks we are nothing but mindless monsters."

"Have you... tried making an approach at them?" Luke asked

"Well... yes," said the female one. "But many creatures judge us before they know us since they call us 'elephant killers', but we are just trying to survive out here."

"Yeah, dad says that we're better off alone since no one in the world likes us."

Both Luke and Larry couldn't help but feel sorry for the family. "Oh." Luke muttered. "I think you guys just might have got off on the wrong foot."

"What do you mean?" Asked the Male

"You always get negative responses to animals you meet because of your name and looks, but looks don't matter."

"That is true, but rest assure. I wouldn't mean to kill those rhinos, I was just protecting my family and to live in peace."

"I understand, mister....."

"Ethan. My name is Ethan." Said the Male one.

"I'm Emily." Said the female

"And I'm Bongo." Said the calf in a cheerful tone.

"You know what, Luke, you're right. Maybe we've been told wrong about these guys."

"Yep. You guys just need a more gentle approach and a confidence boost. You guys are smarter than crocodiles."

"Oh ho, those brutes I can definitely handle since it's their natural instinct." Said Ethan

"Maybe we should make Dakari understand that they got it wrong about you all."

"I don't know. I can imagine them impaling us with their horns.' Said Edgar.

"If they won't listen to you, they'll listen to me." Luke said.

The family was a little reluctant, but they ultimately agreed to go with Luke and his dad to Ivoire and settle this dispute.

Luke was right about one thing: if everyone will not be reasonable with these interesting creatures, they'll at least listen to him and his father.

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