• Published 19th Sep 2015
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Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Hippo's Revenge

Later on in the day, Luke was still hanging out with his friends in the city where Zecora was born in within Zebrica. The young lady was feeling quite proud of himself for Helping the Emela-Ntouka family: Ethan, Emily, and Bongo for King Dakari and his rhino subjects.

Now the three creatures and the horned mammals were friends and on really food terms.

King Dakari was quite pleased by how this turned out. He has certainly misjudged the three Emela-Ntouka family members and decided that they will be more than welcome to visit Ivoire any time they want to.

As of now, Luke was getting ready to go swimming at a safe lake not far from the village, for he had his swimming trunks on, and so did his father.

Everyone else was just naked since it was normal for nudity to happen in this world. Pinkie Pie, on the other hand, overdid it for herself. She had a large float for her in the shape of a dragon and had a diving mask and a snorkel, and some flip flops on her hind-feet.

"Pinkie, is all that swimming geese really necessary for y'all?" Applejack asked her

"Of course it is, silly." Said the Pink pony. "I just love swimming! It will be fun-a-fun fun!" and she began bouncing for joy like she would normally do."

"I know this is a very safe side of the river, but we should still be careful." said Zecora. "Especially if you, Pinkie Pie, are going to be very cheerful."

"She's not wrong." Luke agreed with her. "This is crocodile country alright. I mean, crocodiles are a common sight in Zebrica, right?"

"Oh yes." said Okove. "You certainly must be careful in the rivers, lakes, and ponds here. You'll never know when a crocodile will rise up from the waters, and gobble up your face whole." Everyone got a horrified look on their face, and Okove was worried that he might have caused an uproar with what he just said, and he ultimately added: "But you all know what you are doing. After all, Luke, you and your father have weapons with you in case they do attack us."

"You got it, Okove." said Larry boldly. "No Crocodile will try and ruin our day like this." and he cocked his magnum to show how much he wanted to spend fun with his son and friends together. "And we go Fluttershy's stare to help calm them down, since last time me and my son were attacked by crocodiles, she wasn't with us."

"Right. If she was with me, I wouldn't have to kill them." Luke said, feeling the guilt from before again.

"Oh Luke, i told you." said Larry. "Our lives were on the line back there, and we were just trying to stand up to ourselves."

"Your dad's right, Luke." said Rainbow Dash. "If you guys didn't kill those crocs, you would have been chow for them."

“We all do things we regret doing.” Said Starlight Glimmer. “But you were just trying to do the right thing and stay alive. And we know you would never kill somepony out of pleasure or wickedness.”

"I know, I know." said Luke, remembering the encounter quite well like a dark, terrible nightmare. Sure, those beasts looked quite ferocious, but they are still animals, and only fulfill their part in the circle of life in their everlasting quest for survival in this world. For now, he just decided not to let the guilt get to him. After all, he was in a place similar to where he wanted to go as one of his biggest dreams. "You guys are right. Those crocodiles didn't give me and my dad a choice anyway."

"There you go." said Applejack. "Besides, at least it wasn't a hippo."

"That's true. Otherwise, me and dad would have been in really big trouble. I mean, yeah, hippos wouldn't stand a chance against lightsabers since they can cut through anything. It would only take one slice with this baby to kill something, if it was in the right place."

"Which is?" asked Pinkie

"You know, the heart and the brain since they are the two most important parts of your body. After all, you need to keep yourself alive, as long as their is blood flowing." said Luke.

"That is so true." Fluttershy agreed with him.

“They are vital organs after all.” Starlight pointed out. “Definitely need those to stay alive.”

Fluttershy cleared her throat and said "Well, come on, The last thing I want is to think of these kind of things. They make me unhappy."

"Agreed." said Everyone else, minus Discord

"Well... they do kinda make me happy, to be most fair with you all." said the Master of Chaos. "But of course, that is just my opinion."

"Oh shut up, Discord." said Spike in an exasperated voice.

"Now now, I was just being honest."

"Alright, come on. The cool waters await for us all." said Luke

They all agreed with him, and looked for this peculiar, small lake for the public to take a dip in. It was only about half a mile from the city, and it looked so beautiful and sparkling in the waters. One opposites sides of it, there were two canals that led to the great Zebonga river. The waters were also surrounded by the tall grass and cattails surrounding both the lake and the canals leading to the river.

Many waddling birds were seen floating by. A fish eagle was just sitting on a lone tree branch with her mate, who was smaller than her. "Wow, look at this view." Luke said

"I know. It's so beautiful." said Fluttershy. "Is the water murky below?"

"Oh no." said Okove. "We have been keeping this part clean for a long time for the public to swim in. But, it does not mean you are one-hundred percent safe from crocodiles, hippos, or tigerfish. But still, as long as you got a light sword, a firearm, and... a master of chaos respectively, we will be just fine."

"Memo received." said Rarity. "I can always use a cold, refreshing dip under the glamorous sun."

They all walked into the pool, and Luke was the first to set his toes in the liquid. It felt so nice, and a little cold. It was a perfect temperature for him to cool off under the hot, Zebrican sun. Everyone else decided to just enjoy this water and get wet like there was no tomorrow at all.

They weren't alone of course, for a couple of other zebras from the village were enjoying themselves, for this was technically a community lake. Still, it would be fun. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash had the pleasure of playing catch with a beach ball while enjoying their time.

"Marco!" Applejack called out

Rarity then sprung out of the water yelling: "Polo" in a sing-song tone. Like even got a glimpse of animals trying trying to cool off as well, such as warthogs, crested porcupines, mongoose, And other creatures.

This water was certainly refreshing for them, was certainly not murky belowmthe surface. Some small fish and snails were seen underwater like cichlids or guppies minding their own business. The sun was shining over the lake waters and there were logs covered in moss within it.

Not only that, but a small number of water bugs were seen swimming and they had really menacing-looking pinchers as their mouths. Despite their somewhat scary appearance, they did not bite apple, or any of his friends while swimming.

Luke was searching for intriguing animals or thigh that are out of sight from everyone else like treasures, or surprises. His father helped him out, but they both had not found anything nice or useful yet.

Just then, Luke froze when he saw a large tigerfish looking at him with his sharp teeth, which looked like rows of daggers. Wanting to panic, Luke knew that if this fish smelt fear, it will attack immediately.

He pulled out his lightsaber and readied himself for the dangerous fish to charge at him. Waving his lightsaber around a little bit, Luke saw it coming and it had it’s mouth wide open to get a good bite of his flesh.

Nonetheless, Luke repented, and slice at the fish horizontally. The dead creature floated about the waters and it was just then one free dish eagles swooped down on it and grasped it with it’s talons.

Everyone around Luke and his father were very intrigued and surprised by that little hunting technique the fish eagle had just done.

“Did you see that?” Spike noticed. “Somepony should have gotten this on film.”

“I Know! I could have written it down in my notes.” Twilight agreed with him.

“Are you Alright, Luke?” Fluttershy asked him

“Just fine, thank you.”

All of a sudden, rustling in the bushes were heard again, and out of the cattails came a large hippo looking quite angry. “Ah-Ha! There you are you little freak!” It shouted in anger.

“Wait,” Luke realized something. “You Again?!”

“That’s right, twerp.” Said The hippo. “We ain’t finished with our business just yet. Not until i bite you in half!” The hippo shwoednhs menacing, large incisors in his mouth,mans made a loud roar. He was about to charge at him, and his father, but then Fluttershy stopped him with her stare.

“stop right where you are!” She ordered. The hippo stopped and sat on his hind-legs. “Who do you think you are trying to ruin our vacation? You are a mean bully who is so insecure about his behavior.”

The hippo didn’t really say anything, for he was too afraid to say or do anything.

“Now, I want you to leave and don’t ever make me catch you trying to hurt anyone again! Domy Understand me?”

The hippo smiled and didn’t: “Oh yes, of course” he looked quite nervous and then this brutengave a nervous smile and ran away from them with the ground shaking at every step he took.”

“Wow Fluttershy. You Should have come with us when we were looking for Ethan and his family

“Thank you.” She flushed. “Don’t worry we’re safe.”Then they all continued enjoying the poolside.

“Oh Bon Bon. Isn’t this great?” Lyrs asked her best friend.

“Yes. These waters really smooth my soul.” Bon Bon agreed with her.

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