• Published 19th Sep 2015
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Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Elands of the East

The next day had passed, and everyone was getting up and all showering one at a time. King Zuma couldn't help but pay a little visit on the whole group, mostly to see his daughter again as the reason. "Good morning, my friends." he said in his humble voice. "Did you all get a good night sleep yesterday?"

Luke smiled and cleared his throat while brushing his long hair, and he said: "We did, your highness." and he pulled his handsome hair back behind his neck, and wagged it a little. "I am really liking this Zebrican trip, your majesty."

King Zuma smiled gratefully. "I am quite happy to hear that, young Luke. Tell me, where do you think you will go next?" Luke smiled, and thought of the eland village that he heard about. "I suppose it is something very exciting today." he added encouragingly.

"Oh Yeah. We're going to see King Imari and his eland tribe that your daughter told us about."

"Ah, a very good choice." Said Zuma. "I have known Imari for a long time, when I was a foal and he was a calf."

"What's he like?" Asked Larry

"He is a wonderful eland." Said Okove. "You will love him."

"Yes. He is a very welcoming bull eland to any outsider. Well, almost any outsider." Zuma added.

"What does he not welcome?" Asked Spike

"Hippos." Said the three family members. That kind of answer wouldn't surprise them all since they had a run-in with a hippo yesterday and the day before. "Being highly territorial creatures," said Zecora "they would not care if they hurt any other culture's features."

"Wouldn't surprise me." said Applejack. "That hippo that Luke fought was a nasty piece of work there. Reckon we don't encounter a dangerous varmint like that again."

"You should have seen Kilano and his horde of buffalo and minotaurs against Babatunde and his fellow buffalo." said Rainbow Dash. "Those guys were pretty nasty, too."

"Kilano?" said Zuma. "We would have helped Babatunde and the subjects of Blackhorn if we had heard in time."

"There was no need to." said Twilight Sparkle. "Luke and his lightsaber pretty much forced them all to retreat, and it was the last time we'll see Kilano and his minions."

Fluttershy made a cute giggle out of herself. "You should have seen they were when they saw Luke's sword."

"Yes, they were a bunch of sniveling cowards on the inside of their muscular and terrifying appearance." Rarity added.

"They didn't stand a chance against us." Lyra added. "We all beat them in the end, and the best part? No casualties and we didn't even get hurt."

"Ha! Those buffalo and Minotaurs were playthings compared to other enemies we fought over the years." said Rainbow Dash. "We defeated changelings, evil ponies, but those guys we fought were comparable to them."

"As long as you all didn't get hurt. I am happy." said Zuma. "Kilano is certainly a dangerous bull to reckon with. I'm glad that this was the last time that cutthroat will terrorize the peaceful town of Blackhorn again."

"That's what I'm hoping to, king Zuma." said Luke. He couldn't help but activate his lightsaber again to show his green blade. "With this, Kilano will know never to mess, harass, or terrorize the city of Blackhorn ever again." and he deactivated it once more, and clung it to the left side of his belt where it belongs. "So yeah, the village where this king Imari lives is where we'll go next on this trip."

"Wonderful. I am aware you know what you are doing, but please be careful out there. The hippos, crocodiles, Kilano, and other dangerous animals were only the beginning. The grasslands in the Zebrican savanna can be dangerous if you only trend lightly, which you should not do."

"With my lightsaber, my dad's gun, and Discord's chaotic nature and unpredictability, nothing can possibly stop us from enjoying this cool trip." and he cracked both his knuckles, first his left hand, and then his right. "I am prepared for anything that will get in my way, and in my friends way."

"I love your style, Luke." said Lyra.


"Would you all love some breakfast before you make your way into the trip for Eleena?"

"Is that the name of the city?" asked Fluttershy

"Oh yes. It is a wonderful and prosperous city to visit in." Okove said. "Many friendly faces around at every corner of the streets and shops and restaurants, and fresh food at the bazaars."

"Hmm. I'm curious, but I don't want to go there on an empty stomach." said Applejack patting her belly three times. "I'm hungrier than a groundhog that just woke up from a great nap through the winter." and her belly was heard growling again.

"Good, because we have prepared a delicious breakfast for you all before you have awoken from your slumber." said the zebra king. They all followed him through the corridors and settled in the dining room they have all eaten before. The long dinner table was filled with many fruits, rice, and other non-meat dishes, looking quite delicious and scrumptious.

The fruits consisted of many types of melons, lychee fruits, bananas, and other types beyond imagining. The rice looked especially delicious with the carrot cubes, celery pieces, and okra bits blended with tomato paste in it for the flavoring. The drinks were water, lemonade, and the infamous hibiscus beverage: Jus de Bissap with crushed ice in the drink to make it cold for an extended period of time.

They all took their seats in the usual spots they were in before on the first breakfast, except for Pinkie Pie's plate, there was a large tower of waffles with whipped cream and fruits like blueberries, and cherries on top of it. The pink earth pony smiled, knowing she was in heaven this morning. She promptly took a seat, and began chomping away on the Belgian-style waffles like there was no tomorrow at all like Pac-Man eating all those yellow dots in the video game.

For Pinkie Pie, it took about at least ten seconds to eat all of those waffles all by herself. King Zuma, Okove, and some of the guards were really surprised to see how a pony with a small stomach can eat all of those by herself

"How can you possibly eat all of those waffles?" said King Zuma

"That's just Pinkie Pie." said Bon Bon. "She's unpredictable."

"That's me!" she sung in agreement. Then she let out a loud burp so loud, it made the whole castle shook like an earthquake. "Oops, excuse me." she said before covering her mouth innocently. They all just laughed and excused her for that little action.

"Everyone else dug in to their breakfast dishes, and thought it was as delicious as it should be. Luke himself had some jus de bissap to drink, and still thought it was one of the best beverages he had ever tasted in his life, and he might consider it one of his new favorite beverages along with root beer, lemonade, coco-cola, and diet coke together. Yes, he really loved the taste of the juiced hibiscus flowers turned into this delicious beverage.

The jollof rice was also very good to Luke's taste buds, like yesterday, and the day before that. As a matter of fact, everyone loved the taste of the jollof rice on their plates, even though they were not really a breakfast dish to be speaking.

It took around twenty minutes, and after everyone was done eating, they were about to go out and see the eland village of Eleena, which might be a long walk from where they were standing. The village was on the other side of a large lake that was almost seven miles long, called lake Zetoria.

Of course, it was a really good thing that there was a ferry that would get them all across the river. There were other ways to get to that town, but this was a short cut, and it was also a safari boat tour as well. Who doesn't like going on a safari boat tour after all?

Luke was glad to go on this little ferry ride, and look around at this beautiful lake. He saw a striped hyena eating a wildebeest carcass, and a couple of Ruppell's vultures were eating out of the body as well, cawing in their harsh call. For the hyena, he didn't mind the extra company, but he would lash out to any vulture that was getting in it's way with his teeth that could crush a foal's skull

"Ugh. Just look at that hyena eating that poor thing." Rarity said in mild disgust. "Granted, he is only trying to survive in these conditions in nature, but still."

"Just look away, Rarity." said Twilight. "I know it's a little.. queasy, but the hyena is only trying to eat."

"At least someone understands." said Luke. "I get that you don't really like that kind of stuff, Rarity, but come on."

"Just ignore her, Luke." said Fluttershy. "She was just being honest."

Luke smiled at the yellow pegasus. "I know that, Flutters."


"I'm really excited and eager to see how these elands live out here." Fluttershy remarked. "I have heard about them, but I never seen them up close before."

"I have." said Larry. "They are huge, well, the bulls are huge from what I heard. When I say huge, i mean giant compared to other antelope in the world."

Okove chuckled and said "You are certainly not wrong, Lawrence. Bull eland are large in size, especially the dangling dewlap from their necks. Despite their size, they are quite gentle in their hearts, and very open to pretty much any creature that would want to set foot into their village, especially you Luke. I know King Imari, and the other eland will like you when we arrive.

"Hey guys, look at this!" Rainbow called out. They all went to the left side of the boat, which was where she was standing, and they all noticed a heard of impala drinking water from the lake. A crocodile was seen stalking them without those antelope knowing it was their. "Oh, this should be cool."

"What is it?" asked Spike

"That crocodile is about to seek it's prize, and those antelope don't even suspect a thing! Haha!" and she handed Twilight the binoculars.

"Man, I want some of those, too." Luke complained.

"No problem." said Discord. He snapped his finger, and everyone else got some binoculars to see the soon-to come event, and waited for either the impala to go away while they have a chance, or see if the Crocodile can snatch one of them in time before they noticed.

It took a few minutes of silence, and it felt like time had stopped all of a sudden. Finally, the crocodile, fast as a snake, latched onto a drinking impala, gripping its teeth around the neck.

Quite a surprising and startling sight, the other impala ran off while they still can. The poor one who got itself bit in the neck by this crocodile wasn't so lucky.

Another thing it did was roll around the struggling prey. "What's it doing?" Asked Lyra

"He's performing the death roll." said Luke. "It's a technique that crocodiles use to tear off someone's piece of flesh or limb off, and subdue their prey.

A loud snap was heard, for the crocodile ripped the antelope's head off.

Rarity gasped and fainted on the spot seeing such a grotesque sight like this. The crocodile was munching on the carcass and crushing the bones.

"Good nelly." Applejack said.

"I can't watch!" Sisd Bon Bon, then she threw the binoculars into the water in an irrational way.

"Oh, the poor thing." Said Fluttershy sympathetically. Despite her feeling quite sorry for that impala, she was looking on it this little hunt. "Well, at least the crocodile is not hungry anymore."

"I think that impala was more like a snack." Said Luke.

"He is right. Crocodiles here are powerful to take down even a hippo with all their strength and might." Said Zecora. "But do not worry, it is life, and a very interesting story."

"I know." Said Fluttershy. Then she looked at the horizon where the boat was taking them to, and they can see a very prosperous and fairing city right in front of them all.

It was a little bigger than Blackhorn ever was, and there were docks with a couple of more ships.

"Here we are." Said Okove. "Welcome to Eleena."

Luke and all his cronies were absolutely impressed by how this city looked to their eyes. The elands looked so majestic, bull, cow, and calf alike. Even though this was a little on the outskirts of the beautiful city in front of them, it looked really promising.

"Wow, look at this place." Said Twilight. "This looks like an interesting culture that these eland have."

"Just don't try and make a fool of yourself, Twilight." Discord teased her with a smug look on his face.

"Hey! I would never do that." Twilight said. "I know very well to respect other creatures' personal space."

"He's nuet joking with ya, Twilight." Said Luke. They all set foot off the boat, and many eland faces were looking at the group.

Many of the eland antelopes were friendly and greeted them warmly.

This place might be better than Luke might expect it to be, and when they set foot in the city borders, it looked absolutely big.

"Wow. That's just... wow." Said Larry.

"I know. Look at how big this city is." Lyra added.

"Those docks over there are part of the city, but they plan to be more independent from Eleena." Said Okove. "That port is called 'Malingi Port.' A good place for trade and fishing."

Not only were there eland, but a number of zebras, kudu, rhinos, and buffalo were walking around the streets of the city.

It told Luke that they were right about this city being a very friendly place and flattering center for commune.

Restaurants, stores, plazas, and other buildings were surrounding them.

"Come on." Said Zecora. "We surely cannot laze on."

"Oh boy, I can't wait to see what this place is like." Said Fluttershy.

"Same here, Fluttershy." Said Luke. They all followed Zecora, and as they were going down some streets, they all began seeing some eland statues made out of pure gold.

"My oh my." Said Twilight. "Look at these statues here."

"These eland know how to decorate a beautiful city like this." Rarity noted in awe. “These statues must be at least twenty-four karat gold.”

“So Zecora, how are we going to find the king here?” Asked Luke curiously.

“Not to worry, Luke.” Said Zecora. “I have been good friends with Imari for a long time, for he is a very close friend of mine.”

“Well I hope is is as friendly and gregarious as you say he is.” Said Spike. “Look at all these zebras in a city founded by eland here.”

“Hello.” Said a Bull walking up to them. He was bulky was a common eland for Luke could recognize the horns on his head, and the lack of white stripes on his back. He had a dangling dewlap hanging from his neck, and his horns looked sharp, along it his size easily towering the ponies. “Welcome to Eleena, the pride of eland, and a nice tourist attraction for every creature to enjoy. Can I- Zecora?” He recognized the female zebra.

“Abioye?” Zecora recognized him. They both smiled and began hugging one another while laughing in joy. “It is so good to see you old friend! I honestly thought that the last time e met would be the end.”

“I concur. I never thought I would see you again, Zecora.” Said The eland. “Welcome back to Zebrica.” And they hugged again. He looked over at the group. “And who might you all be?”

“Greetings. I am princess-“

“Twilight Sparkle?” Asked Abioye.

“Yes. That’s right. How did you know my name?”

“You are the talk of Equestria, princess.” Said Abioye. “Many Equestrian tourists who come here talk about you more than enough times, and before you know it, word of mouth is happening! Hahahaha!”

“Wow. Looks like you’re getting more recognition outside of Equestria already, Twi.” Said Spike.

“I know. And who might you be?”

“Abioye. I was a good friend of Zecora a long time ago before she moved away.” And he looked at the zebra again. “We were friedns since childhood, and we were always a great team.”

“I’m... deeply sorry for moving away like that. I wanted to start a better, new life, That’s all. Do not fret. I never forgot about you when I left. I remember all the laughs, the good times we had together, everything we did in the past.”

“Good.” The eland bull smiled. “As for you all, I know who you are. The other elements of harmony: Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, And Pinkie Pie. Ami correct?”

“Yes. You are absolutely correct.” Said the yellow Pegasus.

“I believe I do not know who you two mares are.” The eland was referring to Lyra and Bon Bon.

“Right. My name’s Lyra.”

“And i’m Bon Bon.”

“Besties!” They both Said in unison.

“A pleasure to meet you.” Then he looked at Starlight Glimmer next. “And who might you be, little mares.”

“Starlight Glimmer.” She replied.

“Hmm, you look... rather similar to Twilight. Are you not sisters?”

“Sisters?” Said Twilight and Starlight in confusion. They looked at eahother in confusion, and blinked two times before saying “We’re not sisters.”

“Oh. My apologies. You both look a little similar, the marks on your flanks, you manes, your coats of fur, both of you having horns. It’s a rather confusing mixture.”

“Come on.” Said Twilight in an irritated voice. “We don’t really look that alike.”

Starlight looked at er again, and asked “do we?”

“Well.... why don’t you come with me, Zecora. King Imari will be more than happy to you again after all this time.”

“A wonderful idea. I can already imagine how much he misses me, dear.” They all followed the eland bull to a palace where down a flight of stairs, came a large giant eland bull with long horns, twelve stripes on his back, and dreadlocks running down his mane.

Zecora smiled, recognizing that peculiar bull anywhere. It was the king himself, and when he saw Zecora, he was absolutely surprised to see her face again. He walked down, and went up to her. “Zecora.” He Said in a very low, calming voice. “Is that really you?”

“Hello, your majesty.” She bowed to him. They embraced for a hug, and chuckled.

“It has been far too long.” Said The eland king. “I always had a feeling you would come back home someday.”

“Well... this is only a visit, Imari.” Said Zecora. “I am deeply sorry.”

“I understand. I still give you a welcome back to Zebrica.” He looked on at Luke and his friends, looking quite eager to meet him. Imari went up to Luke, easily towering over his height. And sniffed his head with his nose curiously. “Who are you exactly?” He Asked the young man

“My name is Luke Smith, but you can just call me Luke. And yeah, I am not from here. I came from another world, but i’m getting tired of telling this story over and over again.” And he bowed on one knee to show some respect to Imari. ‘Forgive me for not bowing, your majesty.”

Imari chuckled. “That is quite alright. Luke. You see, like an interesting little man. Can you tell me what you are?”

“Hmm-mm. I’m a human, and tenchincally, i’m in the primate family.”

“You do have a peculiar look that says you are a primate.” Said The king.”just look at those hands you have.”

“Yeah. I’m not an ape, a different species from those kind of primates,mane more intelligent of course.”

Imari could not help but laugh. “I like you already, human. I give you and all your friends welcome to Eleena, our beautiful city.” Luke smiled, and knew that he was going to have a good time today.

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