• Published 19th Sep 2015
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Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Helping a Creature in Need

These dances that these brothers were performing really amazed Luke, and his friends, and the sound of drums beating was heard as the Zeezu brothers kept dancing and prancing around to the groove. When the song was over, there was a tremendous round of applause from the crowd, and they all gave praise to it. “That was awesome!” Said Luke. “Bravo! Bravo!” He continued clapping his hands with enthusiasm, and wished that the Zeezu brothers would do another song to dance to.

“My, That was so amazing.” Said Fluttershy. “I never seen a dance like that.” Then she stopped clapping her hooves. “I’m really glad we came here to Eleena.”

“You’re telling me.” Said Twilight. “That was some quality entertainment there. Now this can be something to write on for if I create a book about elands and their culture. As a matter of fact. I’ll write that down on my notes now.” Then she pulled out a pen and a notebook to put down observation sentences.

Spike rolled his eyes with a smirk. “Oh Twilight,” He Said. “I know you!re excited, but come on. Enjoy the show. Besides, you already got so many notes on rhino, buffalo, zebra, and eland down on your pad already.”

“I know, Spike.” Said Twilight as she finished writing things down with her magic. “Who knows what other interesting things will turn up?” Then the sound of African drums and kalimba were heard again, and it sounded a little faster than before.

These brothers were certainly a talented group to show everyone in this city. “How do you all like the show, my friedns?” Asked Imari

“I love it!” Said Luke. “I love how the drums sound.”

“Look at them go.” Said Larry. “They must have had a long time to practice this dancing, have they?”

“Oh yes, Lawrence. The Zeezu brothers had spent many years practicing and dancing through classes and lessons since they were calves. They are truly gifted on the art of tribal dance.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more, my king.” Said Rarity. “Not to mention those garments they are all wearing while dancing. Just look at those patterns on their robes, and that fine jewelry they are all wearing on their necks.”

“It’s so fun!” Said Pinkie Pie. “I wish I can join them on that stage. As a matter of fact, I will." then she took it upon herself to join those dancers on the stage. Despite some of the bodyguards restraining her from doing such an action, she was dancing along with the Zeezu brothers, and they were all happy to have another dancer with them.

"Oh, let Pinkie Pie have her fun." said Twilight with a smirk.

"Yep, she's just being herself." Applejack added with a small chuckle. Pinkie just enjoyed the dancing with the eland brothers, and it was a blast for her, and she thinks life is like a big party to her.

“So Luke, how long will you and your friends stay in Zebrica?” Asked Imari.

“About four more days, my king.” The human replied. “That’s why I want to see as much fun things to do in Zebrica as possible before I leave after the final day.”

“Don’t worry, Luke. We will do many things considered fun.” Said Zecora. “Whether on a rainy day, or under the sun.”

“that’s all I needed to hear.”

“I wonder if we will see more animals in more safaris.” Said Fluttershy. “ I really want to see more animals, some I have never seen before, too.”

“You’ll get the chance, Fluttershy.” Said Imari. “All animals of Zebrica are unique and interesting in their own way.”

“Well, one animal I want to see if the Honey Badger. I hear those guys are so tough and they are invincible to snake bites.” Said Rainbow Dash. “I think that animal is totally cool.”

“I know. I was thinking we could look for one of those guys.” Said Larry.

“You should exercise caution when you see the honey badger on your next safari.” Said Okove. “They might be smaller than lions, leopards, and cheetahs, but they can have a rather fierce attitude on their side.”

“We’ll keep that in mind.” Said Twilight. “And the last thing I want is to be attacked by a hippo or a crocodile when near the rivers and lakes, like water we see with the impalas drinking at the lake.”

“Just watch your step, and trend carefully on your walk, and you will be just fine.” Said Starlight Glimmer. “I’m sure the lesser we can do is have Fluttershy talk to the. Like she did with that cobra.”

“Here here.” Bon Bon agreed.

They all continued watching the dance, and when it was over, another uproar of cheering from the crowd was heard again. The brothers and Pinkie bowed down a thank you to all of the, then the pink mare went back to her friends. “That was fun!” She exclaimed.

“Did you all enjoy that performance?” Asked the king

“Yeah.” They all replied to him.

“Perfect. No one can ever get enough of the Zeezu brothers. Everyone loves to watch them dance with their talented legs.”

“Father! Father!” Screamed a kid’s voice. It was an eland calf, who hurried over to the eland king like there was an emergency he should tell him about. “Father, Thank the gods I found you. You have to help me!”

“Nene, What is it, son?” Asked Imari.

“My brother, Keke, is being chased by a large pride of lions outside of Eleena. We were playing. In the fields and they suddenly ambushed us!”

Imari gasped “What? Where is he?”

“You go across the southern fields over there, and he is trying to evade those lions as long as he can. You have to help me!”

“I’ll help you, your highness.” Abioye stepped up boldly. “I am one of the fastest runners in the city. Maybe I can save Keke before he is lion food.”

“Go ahead.”

“Wait, you might need my help!” Luke stepped up. “I want to help you out.”

“You do?” Asked Abioye

“Yeah. Fluttershy, can you help me?”

“Of course. The least I can do is help talk to those lions.” Said the yellow Pegasus.

“Here, climb on my back, Luke.” The human did as the eland bull told him to do, and climbed on his back. It felt a little weird, for it was certainly not like riding on a mere horse. That was for sure.

“Okay. Let’s go.” Said Luke. Just like that, Abioye went off with astonishing speed, and Luke realized that he wasn’t kidding when he called himself one of the fastest eland. Fluttershy followed them while flying as fast as she could.

While riding on Abioye, Luke felt like he was riding on a roller coaster, although not as fast, and he held on to the bull's horns behind him

"Try not to hold on by horns so hard, alright?" Abioye said.

"Sorry Abioye." Like said. "This is just kind of fun."

"Glad you're enjoying it, my friend." About a mile away from the city, they spotted Keke being chased by a large pride of lions, probably up to twenty, thirty, or even forty or fifty of them.

"Help me!" Said the calf in desperstion.

"We're coming, Keke!" Said Abioye. "Don't stop running!"

Puke suddenly jumped off of the eland bull and activated his lightsaber. The lions set back a few steps, obviously puzzled by the green color of this blade.

One lioness charged in front of him, but Luke waved his lightsaber at her to prevent her from coming closer to him by swiping him with her claws or biting him with her sharp teeth.

Some males, who were considerably larger than the females charged at Luke as well. But he scared them away with the lightsaber as well

"Get back, big boy!" Luke warned one Male getting close to him. "Back I say!

Meanwhile, Abioye was attacking with his long deadly horns at any lion that was trying to claw or bite him. It was a rather regal and impressive display, for he managed to push back a small number of those big cats, probably up to two, or three of them, back. He also kicked at some lions who were trying to attack him from behind while he was distracted trying to shoo away his enemies at the front of him.

The sound of roaring continued as they were trying so hard to maul at the two. It was when Fluttershy came to their aid, and she stopped in front of the male lion who was the largest, hence he was the alpha male of this whole pride. She had a bold look on her face, and she used her stare on each of these lions. The alpha male caught glimpse of her eyes, and stopped dead in his tracks, and he was right in front of her, towering over her height.

"Now, I know you are all hungry," said Fluttershy. "But that baby eland was terrified, and he was just playing! Look, i know you are all following instincts and you just want to eat, but why him?"

The Lion made a small growl, and it was obviously in a language only Fluttershy can understand. Then he blinked twice at her.

"Oh. I see." said Fluttershy.

"What did he say?" Luke asked curiously.

"He said that they haven't found any food in three days, and they are all very hungry." Fluttershy answered him. "Well, I really wish I could...." then she had a thought. "Discord." The master of chaos appeared out of nowhere again, and had that smug look on his face again. "Can you please conjure a large pile of meat for all these lions to eat?"

"No problemo." then he snapped his finger and a large pile of meat was falling on the ground. It was more than the lions could ever want, and then some. These big cats were more than happy to have their own buffet of different kinds of meat. "There, I suppose everyone is more than happy."

"But what about other predators who want all of this?" asked Luke

"Well, I know it sounds harsh, but we need to let animals hunt food themselves, even if it is not successful." said Fluttershy. "I don't want them to forget about hunting because of this."

"Right. It would tamper with the laws of nature." Luke agreed with her. Just then, a herd of wildebeest had arrived and there were a large number of them, up to thousands, or even ten-thousands in the numbers. Now, it really turned into a buffet for these lions here.

"I think you guys might be getting more of this." said Discord. Some of the other lions, but not all of them, went off to catch a couple of wildebeest for them to hunt while the others stayed behind to ear the other meat that Discord had given them.

Meanwhile, Keke saw the whole thing from a safe distance. He figured it would be a little safe for him to see what just happened and how Luke, Abioye, Fluttershy, And Discord did to save his backside from being Lion chow. “Wow. What just happened?” He Asked

“We saved you.” Said Luke boldly.

“Thanks to the one and only: me.” Discord boasted. I saved you from those lions who were trying to eat you.”

The calf noticed the other lions eating the carcasses and meat chunks to clench their hunger for a long while, probably a whole month of two. At least lions can last longer than humans and ponies can.

“Don’t worry, Keke.” Said Fluttershy. “They won’t hurt you. All they were doing was looking for some food, that’s all. I’m sure they will leave you alone now.”

“They will?” Keke Asked.

“Yes.” Said Abioye with a warm smile. “I am so glad you are doing alright.”

Without warning, the alpha male lion went up to Fluttershy, and began to lick her face, like she was Siegfried or Roy, except she didn’t get hurt. “Oh, you are such an adorable lion, are ‘t you.” Said Fluttershy. Yes you are, yes you are.”

Oh the big cat was simply enjoying a nice belly rub from the yellow Pegasus, and he let out a small roar of joy having his belly being touch ped like this. Luke couldn’t help but join in on the fun with this.

Many of these lions cuddled around Luke and he was really enjoying it himself.

“Now this is what lion taming should be like.” He Said.

“Very extraordinary.” Said Abioye in awe. “I am really surprised that you managed to tame all these lions by yourself, Fluttershy. How did you even accomplish this magnificent feat?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say tame.” Said Fluttershy in her honest voice. “I only made friends with them. Sometimes, you have to show a little kindness to some type of creatures. Dangerous or not.”

“Words never said true than that, Fluttershy.” Said Luke while snuggling one of the males. “You are such a big boy.” He playfully patted his back

“Well, come on. We should return to town and tell everyone that Keke is alright.” Abioye suggested. They all bid farewell to the lion pride, and went back to Eleena to tell Imari that his son was alright and unharmed. The lions stayed behind and continued eating their gift from a Fluttershy.

Imari saw Keke, and he couldn’t be any more happy to see his son not hurt by those big cats. “Keke!” He Said.

“Father!” The calf exclaimed in joy and happiness. He ran up to the king, and his brother joined him in a family hug with him.

“I never thought I would see you again.”

“I”m okay, father.” Said Keke.

“What about you, Nene? Are you hurt?”

“No, father. I wasn’t harmed at all.”

“Good. I will start keeping a close eye on you two so you won’t get hurt anymore.” Imari looked at Fluttershy, Abioye, Luke, and Discord with a face of gratitude. “Thank you all for hoping my son. If not for you, he would not have survived.”

“It was nothing to it, your highness.” Said Luke.

“And they won’t bother you or this specify anymore.” Fluttershy added. “I was glad to help your son out. Those lions were only hungry.”

“I know, dear one.” Said Abioye. “All those lions were dough was trying to search for food. It is like I have heard: survival of the fittest, even in Zebrica.”

“Well, I suppose we should reward you for saving my son.” Said Imari. “And you are absolutely right, those lions are not monsters, just animals trying to survive in the world.”

“At least you all understand what they want.” Said Twilight. “How else are they going to eat.”

“And don’t worry, we didn’t kill any lions out there.” Luke remarked. “I’m not one to do bloodshed.”

“I think I know you enough that you would not kill in cold blood.” Said Abioye.

“Yes, Luke is such a darling and a gentleman. Always kind, always honest, and a very capable human being.” Said Rarity. Luke flushed from hearing those kind compliments from her. “Here’s why don’t you have some hibiscus tea?” She then conjured am iced glass of hibiscus juice for him to drink.”

“Thanks.” Then he began drinking the jus de bissap.

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