• Published 19th Sep 2015
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Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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Bringing Metal to Zebrica

Honestly, out of all the concerts he did in Equestria, or in this magical world, Luke was feeling a little more nervous than he felt in the past concerts he did while living in this world. Not really because of so many eland coming to see what he is capable of in the art of heavy metal, he has performed for his friends countless times before, he can handle that. No, what he was worried about what the eland in this city would think, like he would be worried they would accuse him of dark sorcery, necromancy, or witchcraft with the song and the lyrics he will sing to all of them. Still, at least if they do accuse him of being a warlock or a dark wizard, his friends could at least back him up if he tells them he wouldn't commit wizardry.

As of now, Luke was readying his signature guitar, and the stage was all set for him to perform.

It looked all easy-peasy for him to manage, and he was tuning his guitar to the right pitch. After that was done. He gulped, and hoped that this will go perfectly okay for him and the eland. Discord appeared in front of him, possibly to check on him and see if he was ready for this big performance.

"The Zeezu brothers are ready for dancing whenever you are ready." Said the Master of Chaos. "Are you all set?"

"Yep. I just hope the eland out there don't mistake me for a monster or a necromancer because of this style of the music I am about to perform for them."

"Pish posh." Said Discord. "You will be absolutely fine out there. You are an amazing artist, in music sense of course. Besides, there will be Zebrican music playing along with it, so that should he very flattering for these good eland out there behind the curtain."

Luke was thinking in his thoughts again, and said: "yeah, That's true. Plus, the Zeezu brothers will dance along the music as icing on the cake."

"I wouldn't say the C word put loud, especially in front of Pinkie Pie."

"Right. She can be quite a sucker when it comes to candy and sweets." Luke agreed. "Besides, she has a cake detector in her."

"Anyway, you might want to get on out there. Wouldn't want to keep all those fans waiting."

"Gotcha." Then the curtain opened and the Zeezu brothers stood next to him.

"This is a really good idea." Said one of the eland bulls.

"Yes, this should be really interesting."

"Thanks guys." Luke smiled. "you remembered the dance I asked you to do, right?"

"Of course." said the second brother. "We perfectly remember dance as our sole purpose in life."

"Good." As the curtain opened, there was a sound of applause and cheering. Luke looked at King Imari, who was sitting on a throne, who smiled and winked at him good luck.

Fluttershy, her friends, and Discord smiled and waited anxiously for Luke to perform on his guitar and sing this song.

"Ahem. Hello Eleena. I am here to rock your horns off." Luke announced. "I hope you all enjoy this, and the music. Ready Zeezu brothers?"

"Ready." Said the eland brothers in unison. They sounded very enthusiastic to perform once again, for they really adore their fans in this beautiful and glorious city.

"Awesome. Alright everyone, prepared to have your mind blown." With a last sudden thought, Luke was thinking if he should really do this, and ultimately, with his mind made up, he decided to play his guitar in a rhythmic tune, and the sound of the tribal drums played.

Rights for the song go to Skinflint

It was so far, so good for Luke, the rhythm in the guitar was a nice tune as usual. Not long after, many eland were enjoying the sound of his music, along with watching the Zeezu brothers dance to the groove.

During the intro, the drums were a nice touch to fit the mood of this.

As he played through the song, it was getting heavier. It was sort of like an Iron Maiden thing where in some songs: they would be changing rhythm in some parts of them.

Much to Luke's amazement and happiness, he was glad to see pretty much all the eland in the audience enjoying the tune he was playing.

"Come, let me hear you scream!" Said Luke.

An uproar of cheering was heard amongst the crowd, and it was going better than he thought it would.

Of course, his friends were the most supportive of this since they were his closest cronies in this world. It didn't surprise him his father was the one most supportive and cheering the loudest for him.

Luke felt his confidence boosting inside of him more in more with every minute he was playing this song.

He was shredding on the guitar solo as usual, and the Zeezu brothers were dancing in a more faster pace than before.

King Imari hinself thought that the lyrics he was hearing were interesting and it sounded like a page-turning story. He even began tapping his right hind-hoof to the. est of this heavy metal tune.

After the song was over, there was silence for a moment, and Luke began to feel very nervous. It was as if there was a freeze in time, stopping all creatures and their movement.

Just then, the sound of heavy applause was heard amongst the whole crowd in front of him.

Luke felt proud of himself once again for performing for his loyal fans, old and new fans alike. The Zeezu brothers went around him and they bowed their heads to the whole crowd to show appreciation for their loving cheers.

"Thank you!" Said Luke. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." He bowed his head to show thanks, and kissed at the whole adoring crowd.

He then saw Fluttershy coming on stage to congratulate him for yet another amazing and awesome performance by his truly.

"That was truly magical." Said the yellow pegasus. "It was like a story that you told through your song."

"Yep. I wanted to amaze the crowd and get them in the right spirit." Said Luke." He looked on at the crowd again, and added: "And it really worked."

"Yoy can say that again." Said Twilight. "They all love you, Luke. You're already gaining quite a reputation in Eleena."

"Indeed he is, princess." Said King Imari. "It was like no other talented performance I have ever seen before in my entire life. I have heard of heavy metal, but I did not know how amazing and musical it really was."

"I thought he did pretty amazing." Said Abioye with his fatherly smile. "Perhaps he can perform another song for us. I love the sound of his guitar."

"Luke! Luke! Luke!" Keke and Nene chanted his name. The other concertgoers joined the top calves, and Luke was touched that these new fans want to hear him play another song.

It was exactly what he decided to do for all of them, and his friends.

"Come on, Luke." Said Zecora. "Do play for us some more."

"Please. I am really starting to like heavy metal." Okove added.

Luke chuckled again, and he said at last: "alright. Alright. I'll play an encore for you guys. Might as well give my fans what they want." And he looked at the Zeezu brothers. "What do you dancers say? You want to help me with this again?"

"Of course!" Said the third brother. "We certainly love pleasing the crowd like this."

"These are your fans, too." Luke said.

"Yes." Said the first brother. "We can please them all once more. It is always a good idea to give all of them what they want instead of of rejecting their wishes."

"True that." Luke agreed. "Okay. Get in places fellas, we have another performance to do." then the eland brothers cheered and went back in place behind him.

Rights for the Song also go to Skinflint

This song also started our slow, but then, there was a breakdown after the instrumental intro.

All of the Zeezu brothers were dancing in a slow pace and elegantly going "heh! Heh! Heh!" Every few seconds.

This song sounded rather interesting too, for the guitar still sounded heavy to the beat of this.

Not only did the song pick up pace, but the Zeezus began dancing a little more aggressively to the beat, tapping their hooves on the stage, and prancing while moving their legs left and right before hitting the rock.

Another type of dande they did was doing a wave, like where if rhendiest brother jumped, the second would follow after, and so on and so forth for the rest of the dancer.

The solo in this song was also mindblowing doe everyone to listen too, and Spike had the pleasure of shredding his own air guitar to the music.

It suddenly became a little slow again, and the eland brothers were back to their mild dancing, except with their hooves stomping on the stage at their cue.

Everyone couldn't get enough of Luke's amazing guitar playing and aggressive vocals during this performance.

This seemed like a rather long song, and the rest was instrumental, but nonetheless, it was a rather harmonious tune for everyone to hear.

Luke played out in the song a few more times, and after he stopped, he heard the sound of applause and cheering again. He bowed his head again to show his gratitude to all his loving fans.

"Thank you all for your cheers!" Said Luke. "Of course, let's give credit and a shout out to the Zeezu brothers here for helping me."

And the cheering turned to the eland performers for their elegant and graceful dancing

"Thank you guys for helping me out."

"No, thank you, Luke." Said the first brother. "For being kind to entertain all of these eland and our glorious king."

After Luke got down from the stage, he was greeted by his friends, along with the king and Abioye.

"Well. That was a very inspiring performance you have given to all of us." Said Imari. "I am proud of you, Luke."

"Yes. You were good on that guitar of yours." Abioye added.

"See? I told you Luke was an amazing musician." Said Rainbow. "He really knows how to rock."

"It was a performance like no other." Said Okove. "I am really glad you brought Luke here on your visit, Zecora."

"I knew you would all like him." Said Zecora. "He is a very good and valuable friend till the end."

"Luke is one of a kind." Said Spike, flapping his wings in joy. This caused him to hover in the air in excitement. "He's cool, talented, smart."

"Kind." Fluttershy added.

"He is like a guitar wizard." Said Lyra. "He was born to rock."

"Oh. You guys are going to make me blush." Luke said.

"Well, I got it on video, buddy." Said Larry. He pulled out his smartphone, and showed everyone the videos he had captured, and it captured a rather silly side of Luke, but most of it was good. "Look at you, Luke. You're like a real rock star. I bet Ozzy Osbourne would he so proud of you for this."

"I know. I wish Ozzy would have been here to watch me. Well, I don't know about you guys, but I feel like going back to the zebra village."

"You read my mind, Luke." Said Applejack. "I need a break from all this. Nothing against you eland."

"Of course, you are all probably tired and need to have a rest."

"Exactly." Said Bon Bon.

"Come on guys." Said Starlight Glimmer. "Let's go back to the village."

They all said their byes to Imari, his children, and Abioye.

"It was nice meeting all of you." Said Fluttershy."

"Yes, Fluttershy. At hope to see you and the rest of you next time. Feel free to drop by on our beautiful city as you all please." Said Imari.

"And good luck on the rest of your visit in Mama Zebrica." Said Abioye.

Then Luke and his friends went back on the boat back to the village and were more than happy to relax in the guestroom after such an interesting day with a large group if Eland.

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