• Published 19th Sep 2015
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Home is where True Peace and Love Is - MetalBrony823

A Tale about a young human named Luke Smith who was an ordinary guy until he got sucked into Equestria, and makes new Friends with a group of colorful ponies

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An Act So Certifiable

Luke was getting ready for his big match with Sogozi, the leader of these Mangani primates, and he was wearing nothing but a wide cloth around his waists. He was feeling more nervous than he ever was in his entire life, but he wanted to Defend Fluttershy's honor.

After he was done, he had a stern look on his face, looking at Sogozi preparing himself with his match against him.

Boy, did that ape look as tough as a full-grown square-lipped rhino, but Luke knows that if he gets severely injured or maimed, his father and close friends would sustain his injuries and cuts.

Just then, Fluttershy, Twilight, Spike, and the others came up to him. "Luke, you can't do this." Said Twilight. "That monster will kill you."

"He looks so terrifying." Said Rainbow. "You know he's waaaaay stronger than you, don't ya?"

"Yes, I know." Luke said. "But no one hurts my friend's feelings and gets away with it."

Fluttershy stepped up to him with a begging look on her face, and she said: "please, Luke. I know you just want to help me, but you don't have to do this."

"It's not just about that." The young human sighed. "It's about what the Mangani think about the zebras and other creatures other than themselves."

"We understand what you mean, buddy." Larry remarked. "But, if you got seriously injured from this, your mom will bury me alive and dance on my grave."

"You're father speaks wisely." Said Zecora. "Taking on a full-grown Mangani would be suicide, so just pleaseisten to us and throw this aside."

Luke was silent, but he ultimately said: "I will do this, and no one is going to stop me from doing so."

He then walked out of them, and cracked his knuckles to show how tough he was with the Mangali leader. The beast didn't look scared, he just stood there looking tough with a blank look on his face.

Luke just glared at the brute from a distance.

"You will need my help, Luke." Said N'dugo. "At least in a tag-team."

"Thanks, but I need to do this alone, N'dugo."

"Are you sure there's no talking you out of this?"

"I'm sure of it, Lyra."

Then the match was about to begin. Many Mangani gathered around the arena to watch the upcoming fight.

Luke felt more nervous about to take on the Mangani by himself, but be kept his cool the whole time.

The sound of heavy tribal drums were heard, and some of these primates began making gorilla sounds. Twilight, and the others looked so worried and scared about what will happen next, and Fluttershy just felt like fainting.

The human and the chief Mangani slowly circled around one another. "You do not have to do this, little one."

"Yes I do. You mess with my friends, and you mess with me."

"I see. Prepare yourself."

It was silent for a moment, but then, Sogozi jumped a great height in the air, and his teeth was showing.

Luke then made a jump himself, and readied a punch. He hit the center of the chief's face, but it had almost little affect.

Sogozi made a small grunt of pain, gritting his teeth. The human began punching him in the stomach multiple times over and over again.

Despite his good effort, this guy was strong and powerful, and threw Luke against a tree, almost knocking him out cold.

Luke's father and friends gasped in horror.

"Don't worry Luke, we'll help you!" Fluttershy was about to step up and help him with this fight, but he was stopped by N'dugo with his meaty arm.

"No!" Said the ape. "This is Luke's battle."

"Ohh, I can't watch."

Luke immediately got back on his feet, and wiped his face with his left arm. "Not bad, but I suffered worse pain."

"Hmm, you are brave challenging me." Said Sogozi. "I do commend you for your bravery."

"You can't break me that easily." Luke replied. He charged at Sogozi with a yell and in a fast run, and he was rolling around the ground with him into the bushes.

The chief punched Luke in the left side of his face, making his vision a little blurry, but he quickly recovered and gave Sogozu and uppercut with his legs together.

It was getting more fierce so the battle went on. Luke was dodging as much swings from the ape's arm, and he climbed on Sogozi's back, then hit the top of his head with his left elbow, causing a mild concussion on the chief's head, making him fall on his back.

"How do you like that?" Luke said.

"Ugh. Really clever, but you will have to be more clever than that." Then the human found himself being flipped by Sogozi with his two arms, landing flat on his back.

There was a loud sound of cheering and grunts from the Mangani around him.

Sogozi looked on at his subjects, and pounded his chest with his fist like a gorilla would do.

Luke quietly got back up and picked up a large branch, and hit Sogozi from behind his head with it.

The chief staggered forward a few steps and tried to hit Luke with his right arm with a punch, but the human was fast, and slid under him in between the ape's legs, then he was behind Sogozi

Releasing a powerful kick to his groin, Luke landed an elbow dive on the ape's back, making him yell some more, and he was punching his face left and ride a dozen times.

"Yeah Luke!" Said Rainbow Dash, cheering on for his bravery and cleverness.

Sogozi then kicked Luke in the chest with his right leg, and the human tumbled backwards in a reverse somersault. Spitting out a few drops of dirt from his mouth, Luke got back up, and found himself pounded in the face three times, but he dodged the fourth punch, and swiped his left arm with his right leg.

Without hesitation, the Mangani began charging at him on all fours, going in an incredibly fast speed, but Luke side-stepped at the last minute he was about to touch him like a bull.

Picking up the same large branch he had before, he hit Sogozi on his back, making the branch snap like a twig would do if broken.

Applejack, Fluttershy, Spike, Discord, Okove, and their friends and family were surprised at seeing how well Luke was doing in this fight.

Larry was so proud at Luke for going out like this for this long, and smiled. "Well done, Luke." He muttered to himself.

Luke charged at Sogozi again, and the ape was grabbing his small hands with his big black ones. They were both rolling around in the dirt like a loose wheel going down the road.

The leader of these apes eventually triumphed over this with his brute strength, and held Luke down on the ground.

He was about to poud him with his fists like a chef beating down a dough of pizza, but Luke bit Sogozi's right hand to break free, making him grunt in pain.

Before the ape could pound him into dust, Luke got behind him, and wrapped his arms around the brute's neck, trying to choke him, and it was like riding on a bull a little for Sogozi was roaring and trying to throw him off.

Despite the leader's best efforts, Like held on tightly like a collar around a dog's neck. "You are a persistent little human, aren't you?" Said Sogozi.

"Ask anyone!" Like replied, still holding on tight. "I mean it when I say: no one hurts Fluttershy emotionally, or physically!"

Just then, after holding on for five minutes, Sogozi suddenly slammed him on the ground with a loud thud, right on his back.

Luke's vision turned black for a moment. And then he was picked up by the leader's left arm.

He felt himself in a headlock, and felt his torso being grabbed by the ape's right arm.

Trying so hard to break free, Luke knew he couldn't break free from this beast.

"Kogoda?" Asked Sogozi.

That word hit Luke, and he has heard it from the Tarzan novel. "Surrender." Was the meaning of that word the leader just asked him.

He was running out of energy in himself. This fight was making him exhausted in every second this fight continued

Of course, Luke knew that this wasn't how he wanted to spend this cool vacation, but he wanted to defend his friend's honor, the very first friend he ever made in this world.

At last, left with no other option, he ultimately said: "Kogoda." Then the weight behind him came off instantly. Panting, and grunting in soreness, Luke was actually feeling glad he threw in the towel like that.

Fluttershy, his father,Pinkie Pie, Zecora, and the others came to Luke's aid to see if he was alright.

"Oh Luke. Are you okay?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Ah! Be gentle." The young human grunted. "I'm fine. Just a little sore." Larry carried him by his right side. Hanging on to his son. "I did it for you, Fluttershy."

"Oh, Luke." Twilight sighed. "I know you meant well."

"I hope you know how lucky you are to survive this." Said Lyra. "But, I'm just glad you're okay."

"And, I do commend you for taking on the chief of the Mangani in a fisticuffs like that." Aaid Discord. "Though, I was sure you were going to win."

The ponies just looked at him telling him: "really?"

"Okay, I had my doubts." The Master of chaos admitted. "But, with all to respect, you fought pretty well against him."

"Indeed. You had wits and quick thinking right on your side." Said Okove. "And Lyra speaks the truth when she says that you are quite lucky to survive a fight with Sogozi himself."

"Not even a lot of Mangani who challenged him were... not so fortunate." Said N'dugo.

"Oh you poor thing." Said Rarity. "We better bandage you back to health."

They all looked at the chief Mangani, who looked a little tired himself, gently clasping his throat.

Fluttershy immediately got angry, and a grat range built up inside of her. She rushed up to Sogozi, gritting her teeth, growling like an angry lion.

"You should be ashamed of yourself!" She said in rage. Sogozi felt surprised being scolded and yelled at like that. "You nearly killed my friend in your fight!"

Sogozi didn't say anything back to her, he just kept panting of exhaustion.

"Luke is my best friend, and no one tries to kill him and get away with it! You have gone too far, and now, you are going to have to deal with me!"

The adorable yellow pegasus closed her face around Sogozi's ape-like face. The ape never looked so scared in all Jo's entire life. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and her other friends looked surprised that she was yelling at this ale like that (even though she has done the same thing to s large, red dragon before.)

It didn't take long, but Applejack stepped up to the gigantic ape as well. "Y'all are a no-good varmint! I should kick in the unmentionables right now!"

"Now now, ponies." Said Sogozi

"Guys, ah!" Luke grunted in mild pain once more. "He won fair and square. I- I'm sorry if I did this in the first place."

"Easy, Luke." Said Spike. "You're hurt. Wouldn't wanna make your pain worse."

"I'll be okay, Spike."

"Are your bones broken? Asked the baby dragon.

"Honestly i.... don't know." Said Luke. "My legs don't feel broken. Just sore."

"Well," said Sogozi. "I have to admit this from myself. You fought well, Luke." He felt a small pain around his chest. "You were rather brave fighting me like this."

"You could have killed me, you know?"

"I wouldn't have actually killed you, child." The ape admitted. He then spat out a tooth from his mouth, covered in blood.

"Ha! You lost a tooth!" Rainbow taunted.

"I thought you said the other Mangani weren't lucky when they fought your leader?"

"that was different." Said N'dugo. "Those were when they challenged him for power."

"Yes. And you did not want leadership." Sogozi added. "Besides. I knew you would not last a whole thirty minutes against me anyway."

"Actually, he lasted about... twenty-three minutes against you." Said Pinkie Pie. "And thirteen seconds!"

"Bring in a medical group." The chief ordered.

Just then a group of paramedic apes came and say Luke on an ambulance bed.

"Ow! Not so hard!" And he looked at Sogozi. "I don't get it. Why help me out like this?"

"Because." Saof the chief. "You have courage in yourself, boy. And we Mangani have a code: always admire the bravery in all creatures."

"Unless they perform evil deeds in hubris." N'dugo added.

"Alright." Then they rushed Luke to a medical hospital. After a while, he rested on the bed, and an x-ray was scanning over his body.

He didn't look broken at all, but he had some bruises on him. And some sores. "Goodness Luke, I'm just glad you're okay." Said Fluttershy. Then she gently hugged his left side

"I'm sorry, you guys." And he looked at his father. "I understand if you're disappointed in me, dad."

Larry looked a little disappointed in him at first, but he ultimately smiled proudly. "I'm just glad you're okay. Luke." And he patted his right leg. "Besides. You four real well out there, and hard too. I'm proud of you, my son."

"Yeah, you should have seen yourself when you were fighting him." Said Rainbow Dash. "You didn't back down no matter how strong you were."

"And you were very brave against Sogozi." Said Bon Bon.

"Although it was stupid of you to do that, but still, you pulled through." Lyra added.

"Thanks guys." Said Luke. Then he was given a watermelon juice r next to him, and when he drank it, he thought it tasted so delicious. It felt nice for him to be given a beverage like this.

"And, I suppose I may have misjudged zebras." Sogozi admitted. "Perhaps there is more than meets the eye." And he looked at Zecora. "I welcome you back to my home, Zecora."

"Thank you." The female zebra went up to the young human and said to him: "it is a good thing you are alright, Luke. Either you are very strong and capable, or this was a fluke."

"I wonder if it was Lady Luck on my side or something else. Maybe even god has actually given me strength to fight him."

"Whoever that god might be, he made the right decision to protect you and your body."

"You can say that again." Luke agreed with her. "Anyway, is there anything else you can tell me about the city of Kerchak, chief?"

"There are so many things to tell you about." Said Sogozi. "For instance, we have been here since thousands of years."


"Yes. We started out as a typical village. But then, we progressed our society over the centuries. It was a long struggle through time, but we managed to be the dominant species of these rainforests."

"Wow. Fascinating." Said Twilight, writing down facts about the Mangani in a book called: "Mangani, Super Apes" on it.

"Why so secretive?" Asked Rarity curiously.

"It is not that we want to be secretive." Said a doctor. "It is only that: we are a little afraid of the outside world."

"We worry that we will abandon our old traditions if we do too much contact with the other creatures that inhabit Zebrica, the eland, kudu, zebras, and others."

"Even though you tend to- ah! Socialize with gorillas?"

"That's different." Said Sogozi. "Gorillas are... lesser beings than us. We do have our differences, mind you."

"Well, there's nothing wrong with the other creatures in or out of Silverback forest." Said Starlight Glimmer. "Who knows? You and maybe rhinos or zebras might have some things you have in common."

"Such as?" Asked the nurse.

Starlight was thinking in her head, and she ultimately said: "you have a love for music, and love to dance and sing songs."

"that is true. We always sing and dance to praise to the gods above."

"Akut, the god of fatherhood, and Wiifala, the goddess of peace, all of those deities always protect us." Said N'dugo. "We would always perform dances and songs to appease them."

"Oh, you see?" Said Starlight. "You might have some stuff in common."

Sogozi had a thinking face on him, and he ultimately replied: "we will talk about this some more."

"So, how is he, doctor?" Asked Fluttershy.

"He will be just fine. He only had a few scrapes on Jo's back, and bruising around his arms, but he will most certainly live and sustain from his injuries."

The yellow pegasus signed in big relief. "Oh, thank goodness. Can you walk, Luke?"

"Yeah. I can walk."

The human slowly got back up, grunting in a light pain, but he was pulling through with this."

"Oh, That's my boy." Said Larry. "Always tough like his grandpa was."

"So, can I have some more watermelon juice?"

"Of course."

As the doctor went to give Luke a refill in his drink, Twilight asked the chief. "Can we see the rest of your town, sir?"

"Well.... because you are a princess," said Sogozi. "We will give you a little tour of Kerchak."

"Don't do it without me." Luke said

"We won't." Said Fluttershy.

"So tell me human, where are you from?"

"It's a really long story, sir." Luke replied.

"I see. We will talk on our little walk."

"Good idea."

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