• Published 19th Nov 2011
  • 3,729 Views, 22 Comments

Night of the Shy (Revamp) - Raefire

Fluttershy is possessed by the evil magic entity that transformed Princess Luna.

  • ...

Chap. 07: In Aridium Mare

Night of the Shy (Revamp)
by Raefire



Ochre Pie's eyes studied the pink pony with a stunned disbelief. “P-P-Pinkamena?”

“DAD!” Half of Pinkie's hair poofed back up into its normal curliness as she dashed across the short distance between her and the elder pony, tackling him, the two breaking out in joyful tears.

“Oh, my sweet Pinkamena! Oh, thank the stars! I can't tell you how good it is to see you again!”

“Does – Does that mean you forgive me, Dad?” Pinkie looked at her father expectantly.

“Honey...” He hugged her extremely tightly. “We forgave you the moment that door slammed shut.”

Her heart felt almost completely whole again. A massive weight seemed to lift off her.

For the first time in days, a genuinely genuine smile appeared on Pinkie's face. She returned her father's embrace with one just as tight, nuzzling his face while tears streamed down her cheeks. “Dad...”

“Save your tears, sweetheart... You think I'm crying now? Wait 'till your mother sees you walk in.” He dislodged himself from her. “Now come along. I want to meet your friends.” He stared at her, slight confusion piercing through his watered-up gaze. “And may I ask, why are you all the way out here?”

Pinkie looked down. She was not liking the whiplash of moods the current climate was taking her on. “It – It's a long story, Dad. Some of it still hurts. But first off: Does Newgate have a decent hospital?”

“'Decent'? I'd say it's pretty darn good, if you ask me. Not as modern as the ones you're probably used to, but it gets the job done.” Ochre looked at the medical car of the train. “Pinkie, just what is going on?”

“We have a few friends who need to be in a hospital for a while longer.”

He raised his eyebrow. “How – How many?”

“Oh, about five or six.”

He raised the eyebrow further. “And how many other uninjured?”

“Um...A double dozen... Maybe thirty. Somewhere between the two. I think. I'm not completely sure.”

The instant his eyes caught hers glancing sadly at the sky, the eyebrow dropped and his voice softened to that of a concerned father. “Does this have anything to do with the sun not rising for two days?”

“Oh, it has everything to do with that...” she growled ferociously, her tone taking the elder pony aback.

“I... I see. Well, let's make sure your injured friends are dealt with first. It just so happens Inky and Blinky are doctors now. Luna almighty, be prepared for Blinky. She took it the hardest when you left.”

Pinkie managed another smile back at him. “Thanks for the warning, Dad. But honestly? After everything I've seen, getting attacked with hugs and tears is not gonna rattle me. Not one bit.”

Ochre didn't press any more questions, even though he had many. It was rather obvious the turmoil his daughter was in. He didn't need to be a doctor to recognize the lost glaze in her eyes. She had witnessed something horrible, and recently. That was not a matter to force from anypony. It was better she explain it on her own timetable. He nodded. “Get everypony ready. I'll come back with Pewter and the girls.” Heading back to the municipal elevator, he signaled to its operators far below. The contraption slowly descended, letting off a scream of old, rusted gears and pulley wheels grinding against ancient cables.

“Oh, my ears!” Rarity threw her hooves up to block out the noise. “What an infernal racket!”

“I'm with you there, sister,” muttered Gilda, covering her ears.

“Oh, please,” Trixie scoffed. “That is nothing compared to an orphanage full of shrieking infants.”

“Well, that's nice. Mind going to one and collecting all the drool, so we can grease those gears up?” snapped the griffon – drawing chuckles from the others and an indignant huff from the blue unicorn.

“Alright, girls, knock it off,” Twilight sighed, stepping past them and hopping up back onto the train. “You heard Pinkie's father. Let's get everypony off this train and ready to go by the time he returns.” The group nodded, following her back to the passenger and medical cars.

A short while later, exactly thirty ponies were waiting by the elevator. Pinkie, Twilight and company headed up the front of the herd, along with the five injured and the three accompanying nurses from the train's medical car. They all waited as the elevator began to squeal all over again.

They could hear the voices long before their owners could be seen. “Dear, I understand why you have the girls with you, but what in Equestria possessed you to drag me out of the house?

“Trust me, Pewter. You'll thank me for this.”

“Thank you? I'll thank you when we get that fruit harvested! You may be the official greeter of visitors, but I could give a rat's flank about some total stranger –” Pewter Pie's jaw dropped upon the opening of the elevator doors and the sight of the pink pony standing in front of her.

“Uh... Heh,” blushed Pinkie. “Hi, Mom.”

“PINKIE!” Blinky Pie, clad in her doctor's coat, bounded out and clasped her sister in a huge hug.

Pinkie smiled. “Hey, Sis. Missed you, too. Help them first?” she asked, gesturing at the injured.

“Oh!” Blinky snapped into doctor mode. “Right! Let's get these patients indoors! Inkie, help me!”

The sisters and their staff moved swiftly. Ochre and Pewter stepped out of the way, watching the stretchers roll onto the elevator. The younger Pie sisters nodded to Pinkie as the elevator descended.

Pewter turned back to her lone daughter. The silver mare's lip trembled, and she squinted, adjusting her glasses multiple times, unsure if she was seeing a prank. “Pinkamena Diane Pie... is that really you?”

Pinkie stepped towards her, lifting her face up and smiling at her. “It is, Mom.”

Pewter embraced her, somehow avoiding an explosion of tears. “Oh my stars, it's been so long, little one! Just... Just look how much you've grown! Oh, my darling... My little Pinkie...All grown up!”

“Told you it'd be worth your time, honey,” chided Ochre lightly.

Confusion suddenly broke across Pewter's face as she studied the crowd behind Pinkie and analyzed her daughter's conflicted eyes. “We never get this many visitors out here. What's happened, sweetie?”

Pinkie turned sullen and angry again. “A lot.”


Cloudsdale. The pride of the Pegasi. Second only to Canterlot on the scale of absolute grandness. A triumph of equine engineering and architectural skill. Strong marble columns moulded over light but surprisingly supportive clouds made the weather-making headquarters for Equestria truly beautiful.

The civilians had fled after Nightmare's arrival, but the most dedicated weather factory workers stayed behind. A very large and strong contingent of the Royal Air Guard planted their hooves as well, many actually disobeying orders to aid Canterlot. They were hopeful that General Spur, a Cloudsdale native himself, would understand later. Defenses were set up and fortified – especially after Canterlot fell, and a number of the retreating pegasi Guards decided not to head to their designated rendezvous point.

They were wrapping a shield of storm clouds around the city when the first red-eyed cockatrice arrived.

Nopony knew it was happening at first. All they noticed was that the shield was not moving. It wasn't until their fellow equines fell from the air, encased in stone, that they knew an attack was underway. The solo enemy bird dodged spears and soldiers, outmanoeuvring rookie Guards and matching the experienced ones. Eventually, without losing any more equines, one Guard managed to silence the cockatrice with a well-placed spear through its chest. It fell like a rock, squawking in pain all the way. Before it hit the ground, it passed by the main attack force – a massive flock of cockatrice, angered at the sight of their cousin. The flock split up and ascended, breaking up through the clouds and attacking.

The pegasi were more than ready. The cockatrice had the greater numbers, but the equine defenders were better organized and had far, far more at stake. Spears, swords, wing blades, hoof blades, their own teeth; lightning, brutal winds and spears of ice from the storm shield – the pegasi furiously used everything in their arsenal to defend their home. They fought as their ancestors had: Proud, unrelenting and vicious. For a while, more cockatrice bodies rained down from the sky than did calcified pegasi.

Thirty minutes into the fighting, however, another massive flock of cockatrice arrived. The swarm of birds blotted out the only visible light left, and soon turned the tide of the battle. With their lightning attacks the only illumination left, the pegasi struggled to see their superiorly eyesighted enemies – and the slaughter began. Within another thirty minutes, it was over. Only the civilian pegasi remained alive.

But even the civilians were not so willing to give up. Mayor Cloudshift managed to use the city's rainbow pools to blind and defeat a few cockatrice in an attempt to make a dash for freedom – but he was quickly overrun and subdued, dragged to the city square along with the others.

Thrown into the circle of his compatriots, the Mayor proceeded to grab a fallen soldier's shield and spear, brandishing it menacingly. “Come on! You killed all our soldiers! Why not kill us, too?!?”

He was answered by a blade through his throat from underneath. Nightmare Shy rose up through the clouds below, carrying him impaled on his wing. “Well, they have to save at least one kill for me, you know...” She shook his limp body off her wing and whirled to face the factory workers. “You pegasi disgust me. At least the one I'm inhabiting had the sense to keep her hooves on the ground and barely get involved with your blasphemy. But as much as the notion of weather control makes me want to vomit, at times it does have its...benefits. So I'll make this simple: You can either start making the weather to my exact instructions – my friends here will see to that – or you can all refuse, and die.”

The ponies barely moved, snorting in defiance.

“So be it.” Nightmare Shy collected the body, nodded at the cockatrice, spread her wings, and flew off.

Seconds later, Cloudsdale's city square had a brand new set of magnificent statues.


The situation was explained on the way to the Newgate Hospital, so everypony knew what was going on. The injured were split up into three neighbouring rooms. Granny Smith and Apple Bloom were put in the first room, Big Macintosh staying with them. Zecora and the brown pegasus were put into the second room. General Spur was placed into the third room. Inkie Pie and the three Appleloosan nurses stayed to check on the new patients. Twilight and company, along with her brother and Colonel Nuntia, stayed to talk with the injured General. The rest of the crowd followed Ochre, Pewter and Blinky back to the Pie family home, assured that it was more than capable of housing everypony who had arrived.

Two hours later, the seven ponies and griffon crammed into General Spur's room found themselves waiting. Furious lightning, nearly on the scale of Princess Luna's ability, had started raging when they entered the hospital. But now... nothing. General Spur sighed, his bandaged wings folding together a bit. “So that's it... I hope that doesn't mean Cloudsdale has fallen – but in all likelihood, it probably does.”

Gilda hung her head, her wings folding slightly. “Hope Dash's folks got out of there.”

“Speaking of, my shift's over, so I think it's time we all got out of here,” piped up Inkie Pie, walking into the room with the Appleloosan nurse. “Let's give all our patients some space and peace and quiet.”

“They can stay if they want, Dr. Pie. The last thing I'll have is peace and quiet. And how have I not been released yet?” The General practically growled his question. “I've come out victorious fighting in far worse condition than this, you know. My soldiers are waiting for me at the rendezvous point.”

Inkie conversed with the Appleloosan nurse. For a discussion so quiet, it appeared to be rather spirited. It ended with Inkie shaking her head. “Sorry. Cosmic Sparkle's healing spell may have helped close your wounds, and the nurse patched you up wonderfully – but you've still got some bones that need to spend more time mending. I'm pretty sure crawling everywhere doesn't help one much on a battlefield.”

He snorted. “Oh, you'd be surprised...”

“Stay where you are, General,” Twilight interrupted forcefully. “That's an order.”

“Buck... As you say, Your Highness.”

“Don't worry, General.” Inkie smiled. “You should be good to in a day or so. Thank that healing spell.”

“That's little consolation. Hoofington and Trottingham will probably be taken by then, at this rate.”

Hearing the name of her adopted hometown, Trixie recoiled. “Oh no...The Canterlot refugees...”

“And some of the refugees from Ponyville, last I heard,” added Major Armour.

Twilight turned to the other soldiers. “Colonel Nuntia: You will go to the rendezvous point, let our soldiers know of the General's status, and prepare them for any further actions deemed necessary for the defence of Equestria. Along with said defence, one of your other top priorities is to locate and safely rescue Rarity's sister Sweetie Belle – and any other citizens, should you receive word of more such kidnappings.” Her voice softened slightly. “Let the troops know that I and my friends would all gladly be there fighting alongside them, were it not for this mission that Princess Celestia gave us.”

The Colonel bowed. “At once, your Highness. Fortifying Hoofington and Trottingham shall be our first actions.” She looked over at Trixie, nodding. “There is more than one Hoofington citizen here, Miss Trixie. I will make sure it is defended with pride.” Her comment drew a return nod of gratitude.

“Major Armour: You will be the liason between the Colonel and General Spur. When the General is fully healed, take him to the rendezvous point – or whatever location the troops have moved to.”

Shining Armour saluted. “Understood, my Princess.” He hugged Twilight. “Stay safe, Twiley. Colonel – let's get you to the rendezvous.” With a flash of his horn, he teleported out, taking Colonel Nuntia.

“Dr. Pie, please take my friends into the hall. I wish to speak to General Spur alone for a moment.”

Inkie obliged, gesturing. “You heard her. Come on, girls.” The group shuffled out, closing the door.

General Spur snorted. “Well, you certainly have the barking orders part of leadership down.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Thanks, General. I just have a few questions.”

“Go on.” He scowled. “I've got two days, apparently.”

“Uh – Where is the rendezvous point? That seems something I should be privy to.”

“Just outside of Las Pegasus. Quarter-day fly for us winged equines.”

“And did you learn anything while you were being beaten by Nightmare?”

He furrowed his brow. “Not really. Except for one very interesting tidbit...”

Twilight's ears perked. “What?”

'I will be reunited with my child.' That's what Nightmare said after asking me about Discord's statue.”

“C – Child? Discord is Nightmare's child?”

“Makes sense, if it's true. We first thought Discord had escaped when Luna was corrupted. Still, it only confirms what we already guessed about Nightmare's intentions. Not much help, that revelation.”

“That's the last question I have for you, General. Princess Luna and Prince Blueblood told me what it was really like during Nightmare Moon... If we are to possibly face the 'real' Discord in the near future, then I must know how he acted back then – and just how you and the Princesses defeated him.”

The black pegasus' eyes sunk. “I was hoping you wouldn't ask me that.”

“W – Was it really that bad?”

He raised his head at her, making eye contact – and for the first time in her life, Twilight saw in the normally stoic General's face more pain and sadness than she and all of her friends had experienced. Suddenly, he truly seemed as old as he actually was. It was a rather unnerving sight for her, to say the least. He cocked his head off to his left. “My saddlebag. Second inner back pocket, third row down.”

Confused, she opened the nearby saddlebag and searched exactly where he'd mentioned – resulting in her extracting a very tightly wound scroll – a scroll that oddly seemed to be pulsing with magic.

“A copy of the full account of everything that happened, as noted by everypony involved. Take it.” General Spur smirked. “Don't unroll it here. Enchanted paper – a far longer scroll than you'd expect.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “...You keep a copy with you, General?”

“I'm over a thousand years old, your Highness. My body hasn't fully realized it yet, but my mind is beginning to. I don't have the power of the Flame of Limbo to keep my memories bright. Only the worst moments of the past still shine. As heartbreaking as it is to read much of that account, many other moments let me vividly remember friends long passed, and the better times we had. Having it near has helped keep my own heart's Fire of Friendship alive.” His smile dropped. “DON'T. LOSE. IT. Luna knows what Nightmare's decided to do to the Canterlot Archives. It may be the only copy left now.”

“I won't.” Twilight placed the scroll in her saddlebag. “If there's one thing I'll tell Celestia when we get her and Luna restored, it's that we all should know the truth of the past – and never forget it, no matter how horrible. The public knows how Equestria was founded, we know about the Saving of the Dragons, the Mad Princess... But it's strange how the public doesn't know much about the recent past.”

“Those recent incidents caused Celestia severe personal pain, your Highness. They caused us all severe pain... Nothing makes one want to hide from the truth more than a broken heart. I find it more than understandable why she wanted to keep the truth from you until you actually became Princess. Just to let you know, I protested whitewashing the public record at the meeting Blueblood no doubt told you of. But I was overruled. Maybe once you acquire the Royal Memories, you'll understand the reasoning. Sometimes, I know I'm lucky. I've forgotten some of the horrors. But the Princesses... They remember everything.”

“Thank you, General. That is all. I will apply your training to the utmost extent on our mission. You get your rest. I'm sure Colonel Nuntia and my brother won't let too much happen while you're still here.”

The General saluted, cringing a bit from the pain that knifed through him. “Be safe, my Princess.”

She saluted back before opening the door and joining her friends. “Dr. Pie, please show us the way.”


There was not a single place on the ground that wasn't damp. No matter where she lay, Sweetie Belle could not find a single dry patch. She gave up and plopped down as close as she could to the burning torch just outside her cell, brushing aside some skulls and bones that would have freaked her out if she hadn't just seen ponies and Diamond Dogs slaughtering each other mere hours ago. The torch was the only source of heat and light in the entire dungeon, and she huddled underneath it, succeeding somewhat in her attempts to not shiver. Her eyes soaked from crying, she looked around blankly, as if there was anything to see beyond the moldy, moss-covered walls that faded into an mass of darkness.

She knew she wasn't forgotten. It just felt like she had been. She hoped her parents were okay, wherever they'd fled to. As scared as she was of being trapped in the dungeon forever, what made it worse was how she didn't know the fate of anypony she knew, except her sister. And all she knew about her sister was that Rarity had escaped from Ponyville, and was in Appleloosa. Or had been in Appleloosa. Rarity was probably running now. Running to some other town out further than she had ever traveled before. Running with her friends...

Her friends. That worried Sweetie Belle the most. Scootaloo had escaped – but to where? And the last time she had seen Apple Bloom...

No. Sweetie cringed. No, she couldn't think that. The fire had burned through the bones in the cage. Apple Bloom had gotten out. She had saved her grandmother. She was all right. She had to be all right.

But fire burned through flesh faster than it burned through bone...

“Deep in thought, are we?”

The filly jumped, suddenly realizing light had flooded into the chambers. She focused on Nightmare Shy just as the door to the dungeon shut, dropping the world back into a sea of almost nothing. Only sharp red eyes and a very faint outline of the possessed pony were visible in the dim, flickering light.

“Didn't even realize it had gotten brighter in here. You really are slow on the uptake, aren't you?”

The captive young unicorn said nothing. She simply glared while her eyes re-adjusted to the darkness.

“You know you're not even looking at me, right?”

Again, Sweetie Belle said nothing.

“Quiet one, eh? Maybe you're hungry.”

A slot at the bottom of her cell door opened, and a plate slid over to her with a grating screech. Sweetie looked down at the offering – and recoiled in horror upon seeing the meat. “No! That's disgusting!”

“What? It's just chicken.” A toothy grin broke the blackness. “That used to be named Elizabeak.”

Far more more horrified now, Sweetie violently smacked the plate away. It clanged loudly to the ground somewhere in the indiscernible distance. “No! Never in a million years, you monster!”

“Well, you don't have to be rude about it. Jeez... Did you even look at the salad I made on the side?”

“Go away...” growled Sweetie, her voice half shaking in fear, half enraged. “Just...Go away!”

“Aye, and there's the rub, my little pony... For that's what I've been trying to get you pathetic equines to do for a billion years, after your kind indiscriminately erased mine off the face of this planet. Almost.”

There was no way Sweetie could have heard that right. That couldn't be true. There was no way.

“Yes... Let it sink in to that slow brain of yours, Sweetie Belle... I'm over a billion years old. I'm sure that's quite hard to believe now, despite the fact that you all blindly believed your precious Princesses were immortal until I proved that wrong. And oh, how I gloriously proved that line of thought wrong.”

Despite being utterly scared, Sweetie Belle knew she had to be brave. If her sister AND Scootaloo could stand up to Nightmare, she could, too. “Well – well, it – It doesn't matter! With all this hate and fighting you're spreading, the Windigos will come freeze us all! Even you wouldn't survive that!”

An awkward, uncomfortably long silence followed. For a moment, Sweetie thought she had won.

But it was short-lived, as seconds later an uproarious laugh from Nightmare Shy pierced the dank dungeon air. The laugh continued for a very long while, and sent chills down Sweetie Belle's spine. “Oh... Oh, that was a good one. You are quite amusing, little one. I take it you went to school, right?”


“And you learned all about Windigos, right?”


“Tell me: What else are Windigos known for, besides feeding off hate and bringing endless winter?”

“Um... They're supposed to be cannibalistic, and can – possess... ponies– ” Sweetie's eyes widened in even more disbelieving, terrified shock. She backed herself all the way up against the wall of her cell.

“Oh, I do so admire how you can just wrap the truth around a myth. Technically, it's not lying, but it still serves the purpose of getting everypony to not believe it really happened.” Another toothy sneer briefly joined the glowing red eyes in the ink. “You should be very glad I don't have the power over weather anymore. I almost won that time. But no, once again, you ponies just had to ruin everything...” The red eyes floated around the corner. “Oh, and that wasn't Elizabeak. It was actually a piece of the – former – Mayor of Cloudsdale. Cockatrice captured the city earlier today. I think I'll send the dragons after Hoofington next. Word is the evacuees from Canterlot and Ponyville are all shacked up there.”

“P...Ponyville?” Whatever bravery Sweetie Belle had found, she felt it all slowly seeping back into fear.

“Don't be surprised if the next dish I bring you happens to be your parents. Blackened unicorn... What a delicacy!” Another chilling laugh preceded the nightmare pegasus extinguishing the torch and leaving.

Now swathed in total darkness, Sweetie fell to the damp ground, unable to stop herself from shivering.


As it turned out, the new Pie family farm was some distance away from the hospital, near the edge of the cliff Newgate was built on. On the long walk through the village, a few curious citizens poked their heads out to watch the newcomers as they strolled past their houses. Though understandable, it was still rather unnerving. “Don't worry about these folks,” said Inkie Pie, seeing the discomfort in the group. “Like Mom said, we don't get a lot of visitors out here to Newgate. Usually when a train comes out here, it's mostly a skeleton crew with supplies and stuff to trade. And to be frank, we kind of like it that way. Blessing or curse, Pinkie, you stormin' out led us right to where we fit in the most. No more of that stressful rock farming – now we just run a regular farm. It's nice, calm and quiet for the most part, aside from a few rows the neighbour kids get into every now and then. Works for us, though. Don't get me wrong, sis – we loved your parties, but we honestly just never were the type to be social like you.”

Pinkie said nothing – instead, she simply smirked, not really wanting to respond to her sister. The initial shock of joy at seeing her family again had worn off, and though her spirits were raised significantly, overall it was simply not enough to overcome everything else that had happened to her recently.

Sensing the conflict swirling in her friend, Twilight decided to save her by letting her own curiosity run. “So, Dr. Pie, with being so far away from the rest of Equestria, how does this town function?”

“Oh, aside from the supplies I mentioned, we're mostly self-sustaining. Almost everypony has a farm here, and the town consumes the majority of the produce grown on them. Power for some of the more advanced machinery – like, say, the X-ray machines in the hospital – comes from geothermal energy.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Geo-what now?”

Trixie scoffed. “Geothermal energy. They find a naturally occuring area of hydrothermal convection, dig deep into the ground, capture the water rising to the surface and convert it into steam, which powers a generator. It's really almost a magic in itself, when you really think about it.” She suddenly realized all eyes were on her. “...You're all wondering how Trixie knew that, aren't you? Well, my parents were stunt ponies in a Las Pegasus act until retiring. My mother coordinated all the water stunts. Her cutie mark is water, and she knows everything having to do with it.” Her voice trailed off on its own fancy, almost as if she'd forgotten the others were right next to her. “I got my cutie mark doing a magic trick involving water for her birthday. She loved it. I'm her 'little sea pony.' Still calls me that when I visit. Always told me how good I was at everything I did. Probably when she shouldn't have, in hindsight.”

“Your parents were stunt ponies – and you didn't get along with Rainbow Dash?” asked Gilda.

“The most I ever interacted with Miss Dash amounted to conjuring a thundercloud and zapping her on the flank with a bolt of lightning, Miss Gilda. I did not have the chance to tell her of my upbringing.”

“Oh...I see.” Gilda chuckled. “Not exactly the first time Dash ever got shocked by one of those things.”

“You're not worried about your parents?” asked Rarity, remembering all her family had yet to be found.

“What? Me, Trixie? Worried about my parents? Heavens, no. I mean, as their daughter, I am worried - but only as much as I can be worried about them. They can take care of themselves. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it they ended up in the middle of the battle. They have an, um...interesting relationship.”

“They like it rough, eh?”

“Gilda!” scolded Rarity. “Ugh, really! At least show some decorum!”

Trixie smirked. “It's quite all right, Miss Rarity... I did grow up in Las Pegasus, after all.”

“Still... I'd like to see some notion of class preserv-” Rarity stopped mid-sentence as her, Trixie, and Twilight's horns started glowing. “What in Equestria... Twilight, darling, are you doing any magic?”

“Nope. Trixie, you?”

The blue unicorn shook her head.

Twilight frowned. “Then what–” She suddenly realized they were not very far from the cliff's edge. And instantly, she didn't need to remember any of her reading to reach her conclusion. “The desert...”

“...What about the desert?” asked Applejack.

“Those sands are soaked with some kind of ancient magic,” cut in Inkie. “More of a curse, really – a horrible spell. Its energy infects slowly, like a disease. Can't see or sense it much – even unicorns have trouble detecting it. We know that around the ruins, the curse's energy is so great, it kills if one hangs around too long and lets it seep into their body. It dissipates out of the body with distance, though.”

“Oh, great!” Gilda threw up her claws. “So we're running from an ancient magical being trying to kill us, and there's more ancient magic up ahead that could possibly kill us! Wonderful, just wonderful!”

“You tell us this information with total certainty.” Twilight cocked her head. “What happened?”

Their tour guide closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “We thought the desert's magic was harmless, until some pegasus who fancied herself Daring Do – Somepony Craft, I forget her name – found her way here. Disappeared out there with her unicorn assistant, saying they were looking for treasure in the ruins. She came back about three weeks later, carrying his dead body. Crash-landed right in front of Blinky and I, gasping for help. Her mane and the hair on her tail had fallen out, she was bleeding from practically every pore of her body... It was terrible. We were able to keep her alive long enough for her to warn us about the magic. Died in Blinky's hooves... Heck of a way for us to earn our cutie marks.”

“How long ago did that incident happen?”

“About a year after Pinkie left and we moved to Newgate. Why?”

“That long ago? And you never sent a message to Canterlot informing Princess Celestia of it?!?”

“Does that really matter now, Twilight?” interrupted Pinkie. “Be happy that we know about it at all!”

Twilight blanched. “...You're right. My apologies, Dr. Pie. Please, continue showing us to the farm.”

“Of course, Your Highness. But for the record – we did send a notice to Canterlot. It's how we got the funds to build the hospital.” Inkie turned left, moving away from the cliffside. “This way, everypony.”

The crowd turned and followed her – but Inkie's revelation gave Twilight pause. Princess Celestia had been told – and none of the incident had been put into the public record? “Why on Equestria would s–”

“Twi? You comin'?”

“Uh – Yeah, yeah... Be right there, Applejack!”



The combatants whirled around viciously, shaking the ground beneath their feet with every violent crash against the cave walls. Fire and gems spewed through the air in every direction upon each strike.

But as quickly as it began, the fight was over – the instigator overpowered and outnumbered.

“You come here to show us THIS? That you just sacrificed years of peace – for some disproportionate revenge against an equine and her friends who merely disturbed your sleep for a few minutes?”

“I did! We tower over these lands and all it creatures – yet tiny, insignificant beasts whom we can step on with ease are the ones who rule us? Tell me, friends – where is the true disproportion there?”

“Young fool! The being you seek to assist is the very same being who nearly destroyed our race thousands of years ago! We would not be here, were it not for those you deem so insignificant!”

“Yet we still helped that same being a mere thousand years ago!”

“Before it gleefully revealed the truth about The Saving to us! It has no care for our kind – if we join its cause, we will simply end up in the same pile of dust as every other race on this planet!”

“Our species is designed for making piles of dust.” Smoke flared. “Do your worst. Just know that you don't have much time. It's on its way as I speak. And it believes you all have agreed to help it.”

“Then you have truly sealed your fate.” The claws extended. The instigator was surrounded.

“Have fun with your masquerade.”

The action was clean and swift. The instigator's words were forever silenced.

The victor looked at her companions. “Burn this corpse. Take the other away – and preserve it well.”

“What shall we do about the being? It will no doubt seek him upon its arrival.”

A wicked smile crossed wide lips. “Let us raise the Queen. Her services are greatly needed.”


Braeburn checked the rows of sharpened logs that had been planted firmly into the ground facing away from Appleloosa. None of the several hundred giant spikes surrounding the town moved an inch. He moved on to the pits being dug behind the logs, planted with hundreds rows of smaller sharpened metal spikes planted just as firmly before being covered with canvas coloured the same as the dirt around it. Beyond that, pikes protruding from steel barricades – erected at a rate so fast it even surprised some of their own builders – protected the citizens who had volunteered to be the spear-throwers. When the fight finally broke out, the rest of the Appleloosans and buffalo would be behind them, ready for the brawl of their lives. Sharp rocks were piled everywhere in places everypony could reach them, perfect for hurling. And Sheriff Silverstar was helping the local blacksmith forge as many bladed hoof boots as they could – slightly crude in make, but still more effective than nothing but horseshoes or bare hooves.

If the fight came to them on the ground. He looked back at the tiny town. A lookout stood watch at the top of the Town Hall clock tower, while the archers of the buffalo troops stood shoulder-to-shoulder on every roof. Little Strongheart was busy examining the archers. Braeburn exhaled nervously as Chief Thunderhooves trotted over. “Shoulda' asked one of them unicorns in Cuz's posse to stay and help us...”

The old chief laid a comforting hoof on the stallion's shoulder. “You are not running away from the impending battle, young Braeburn. In fact, for one who doesn't particularly care for confrontation, I must say you are preparing most wisely with what you have around you. That is one quality of a great leader. There was no doubt a good reason you became Mayor of this town. It shall be defended well.”

“Yeah, yeah... Still, none of these sharpened sticks or rocks we have are gonna do us one lick of good if we're attacked from the air. I just pray your archers are as good as you say they are, Chief.”

The Chief grinned. “Perhaps you should throw some pies to start. It would be a most confusing tactic.”

A hearty laugh escaped the Appleloosan. “Not a bad idea. I'll have to think about that.”


To the relief of the three unicorns, their horns stopped glowing once they'd backtracked a fair distance down the road leading to the new Pie family home. After another brief walk filled with awkward silence, the residence came into view: A large house with an even larger, extended barn attached to the back, bracketed by a silo and windmill on each side. Around the buildings were acres of fenced-off farmland, planted with a variety of crops. Applejack's jaw dropped. “That's a heck of a farm ya'll got.”

“Thank you, Miss Applejack. We've really tried to keep it fresh. No more boring rocks. We always plant something new in one field every year. Dad figured it's what Pinkie would do if she ran a farm.”

“Eh heh...Yeah, that's what – That's what I'd do!” replied Pinkie, not happy about being put on the spot while her feelings were still roiling against each other. Her attempt at a cheery grin to hide it fell almost as quickly as it appeared. “Plant...Plant something new every year. Yeah... That's me, Pinkie.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Pinkie, are you–”

“Okay as I can be, girls...Just... Just a lot going on inside right now...”

As if she hadn't even heard the exchange between Twilight and her older sister, Inkie glanced up at the seemingly permanent dark blue clouds. “Though I can't say we're thrilled about the state of the sky right now. If this keeps up, everypony in the village is gonna lose their only source of food. Not to say we don't have barrels of stuff stored in case of a dry spell, but it's still gonna hit us pretty hard.”

“Nopony's farm is gonna survive if that keeps up.” Applejack grit her teeth.

The group marched up the porch steps, Pinkie stepping out in front aside her sister. She knocked on the door – and when it opened, she found herself greeted by the last thing she wanted to see right then.


A blast of noisemakers and confetti announced Blinky Pie tackling her in a hug. “Welcome back, Sis!”

Hanging over the foyer was giant WELCOME BACK, PINKIE banner, and balloons everywhere. Underneath the banner stood Pewter, Ochre, Prince Blueblood, and all the young colts and fillies. Every single one of them had just put down their own noisemaker, and were beaming at Pinkie.

“It's not much, but it's the most we could do before you actually got here. Oh, it's so good to see you!”

Pinkie's faced squished up and her lips trembled fiercely – but she just could not get the smile out. “NO! NO, NO, NO!” She shoved Blinky off of her and ran the other direction. “NO PARTIES!”

“PINKIE!” cried Pewter, as aghast as everypony else. She bolted down the steps towards her daughter.


“...Pinkie? What – But you're all about parties, honey...”

The pink pony turned around, wiped tears away from her eyes, and wrapped her mother up in a very tight embrace. “I can't tell you how glad I am to see you, Dad, and the girls again. Honestly, this is one of the best days of my life. But... I'm still just not in the mood for parties. Not right now. Not after what's happened. I – I can't be. I just can't be happy like that again until I know this all over. Not until I've helped my friends do what we've set out to do. Not until I know that we've truly stopped Nightmare, that Fluttershy is safe, and that nopony else has to worry about seeing what we saw that night at the Celebration. NOPONY!” she growled fiercely. She retracted from the hug, finally breaking a half-smile upon seeing her worried friends and family had come out and surrounded her. “But I Pinkie promise, I will make up for it when this is all over. When we've finally won – I promise you all, right here, right now, that I will throw the biggest, most glorious Pinkie Pie party the world has ever seen! It will be so happy that Ditzy, Gummi and Rainbow Dash will be able to enjoy it from wherever they are up in the stars! No party after it in history will EVER be able to match it! NEVER EVER!”

What seemed like a lifetime of silence followed, punctuated by nothing but Pinkie's heavy breathing.

Then Blinky suddenly hugged her sister. She didn't say anything – she just wanted to calm her down.

“Feel better now?” asked Pewter.

Pinkie nodded, the presence of her younger sister helping her regain composure. She felt silly, ranting like that. It had all been genuine, yes, but it was still rather embarrassing. “As better as I can feel.” She smirked, tightening the hug around Blinky. “It really is good to see you again, Blinky. I missed you, too. I'm sorry I wasn't there to see you and Inkie grow up. It would've been fun.” Another full, genuinely warm smile broke from her. “Perhaps a game of pattycake later, like we always used to?”

Blinky smiled back. “Sure, sis.”

“Do realize that we're going to hold you to that promise now, Pinkie.” A few tears slipped from Rarity's eyes. “What a most perfect way to honour Rainbow Dash. I think we can all say she would love it.”

A deep smile crossed Ochre's lips. He looked back up at the others still inside. “Alright, everypony. You heard it. Let's take down the banners and balloons... Yes, yes, I'm sorry, little ones,” he added as a few of the foals whined in disappointment. “Don't you worry, there will be another day to celebrate...”

“So can we still eat the cake, or did you not have time to make one?” asked Gilda.

All the older ponies turned to stare at her with incredulous eyes.



Shining Armour was impressed. Tents lined the expansive valley below where all the troops were gathering. Much to his relief, many of the surviving Canterlot Guard earth ponies and unicorns had not decided to desert. Even a few pegasi Guards had shown up, eager for payback after hearing about Cloudsdale. Units from Las Pegasus, Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Manechester and Baltimare had also heeded the messengers Twilight had sent out. It would not be long before more messengers reached Whinneapolis, Foaledo, Galloping Gorge, San Franciscolt, Seaddle, High Portland and Low Portland.

Colonel Nuntia proudly strode up beside him, lantern light from the valley reflecting off the dark byzantium pegasus' coat. “Well, if that doesn't give you hope, Major Armour, I don't know what will.”

“Certainly raises my spirits. Probably shouldn't keep them all shacked up in one place for very long, though. If Nightmare has any spies all the way out here already, it's gonna know about us real quick.”

“If Nightmare does have any spies out here already, Major, then Nightmare undoubtedly already knows of our presence. We'll just have to adapt – and pray none of those infernal parasprites are sent after us.”


“Before you return to General Spur, I have one small mission for you, Major: Pop yourself on over to Hoofington and Trottingham. See what needs to be fortified, and what extra troops they may need.”

Shining Armour saluted. “At once, Colonel.”

As he teleported away, one team of unicorns from Canterlot's Shrieker Squad trotted up. “Colonel?”

“Ah, good, Corporal. You're here. I have a stealth reconnaissance mission for you. I need eyes on the Diamond Dog lair. Find one of the high ridges nearby, use invisibility spells to infiltrate – do what you need to observe them for a while. I know they can deceive us with many entrances and exits to their caverns – study and mark the ones they seem to use the most, if they happen to come topside for any reason. Most of all, I need solid proof that Rarity's sister Sweetie Belle is being held there. Probably logical, given that the Diamond Dog castle has an existing prison system, but I need to be absolutely sure before committing resources to a rescue mission. Especially advise if you spot Nightmare Shy.”

The unicorns nodded and teleported away instantly.


The red dragon bowed, as did all the other dragons in the clearing, when Nightmare Shy landed amongst them. “I must say, old friend – you are surprising me with every passing minute. First your accomplishments in Ponyville – but taking Canterlot? And Cloudsdale? Most impressive, my friend.”

Nightmare Shy nodded back. “Thank you kindly. I am in need of your wings now. Refugees from Canterlot, Cloudsdale and Ponyville – along with a sizeable number of Royal Guards – are bedded up in Hoofington and Trottingham. Wiping them all out would be a severe psychological blow to the Element wielders. Leave nopony alive. I also ask a few of you to accompany the manticores and remaining timberwolves I'm sending to Appleloosa, where my spy has revealed the wielders to be hiding. The town has nothing, so it should easily be subdued. If you do not find the wielders in Appleloosa, search past it. All the way to the desert – or even the ocean, if you absolutely have to.”

“It shall be done, old friend.” All the dragons followed their red companion in bowing again.

“Ah...Courtesy! You surprise me yourself. Have fun storming the cities!”

“You are not joining us?”

“I have... other business to attend to. Finding my child and the Flame are the far more urgent tasks at hand. If I find either first, what little threat the Element wielders pose to me is completely obliterated.”

“I see. Well, we shall leave you to it. TO WINGS!”


With the other five fillies and colts around them, Prince Blueblood pulled one very upset young unicorn filly close and dabbed her eyes with a napkin. “Shh... Shh... It's okay, it's okay.... There will be another time for parties, sweetie. You did hear what Miss Pie said after she said “No parties,” didn't you?”

“But I wanted THIS party!” cried Golden Vision, pouting her lips and stomping her little hooves in protest. “I wanted THIS PARTY!”


The filly stopped crying heavily, locking eyes with her new father. “Because – Because if we had a party now, then – then I won't be scared and sad for a while! I'm sick of being scared and sad!”

Blueblood smiled, wiped her tears some more, and nuzzled her closely. “Golden...Everypony here is sick of being scared and sad. But a party isn't Miss Pie's way of dealing with everything, you know.”

Golden Vision snorted in a huff. “It would've made me feel better...”

The Prince looked all of his foals with a smirk. “Okay, tell you what: After Miss Pie and her friends leave to go on their mission, I'll ask her parents if they'd be willing to throw a party, if you think that will really help you feel better. I'm pretty sure a little insightful unicorn filly's birthday is soon...”

All the foals' eyes lit up, but Golden Vision's especially. “Really?” Upon his his positive nod, she sank in closer to him, nuzzling his face and kissing his cheek. “Oh, you're gonna be an awesome Daddy!”

“He's not gonna be just an awesome Daddy,” said Sunshine, climbing up and plopping himself down on top of the Prince's head. “He's gonna be the best Daddy ever, in the history of all Equestria! Right?”

“YEAH!” came the unanimous response, the children giddily piling themselves all over the stallion.

Outside the room, Rarity watched their horseplay with a bemused grin before partially closing the door. She turned around – and came face to face with Trixie. “Oh! Miss Trixie. Why, hello there...”

“How are they taking the 'no parties' thing?” asked the blue unicorn.

“Well, one of them was crying about it earlier, but he seems to have cheered their spirits up quite a bit.”

Trixie smirked. “Probably offered to throw them a party after we leave. Golden Vision's birthday is approaching, after all... Oh, I must admit, Trixie is going to miss those children...”

“Well, I'm sure he will let you visit them if you ask.”

“Yes, I'm sure you two will let me see them.”

Rarity's cheeks blushed bright red. “Oh dear...This implication again? I'm still not sure...”

“Why not, Miss Rarity? He's perfect for you, now that you know his true side... Kind, loving...”

A bell went off in Rarity's head. It was a bell she wasn't fond of, but she was curious enough to let its ringing affect her next question. “Do I...detect... a bit of love for him coming from you, Miss Trixie?”

Trixie laughed. “Oh, don't get jealous of Trixie now! I do care for him – but like a sister, and no more than that. Even if I was actually attracted to him, it would be fruitless. You always seemed to be on his mind. He credits you with – and I paraphrase to the best of my remembrance – pulling his head out of where he'd stuck it so far up his flank after the war with Nightmare Moon. And little Dinky Doo was right – you would honestly be a wonderful mother. After all, you do have experience with your sister.”

The fashion pony scoffed, cringing slightly. “Experience? What experience? I've barely done anything for her! Most of my time with her before this was spent telling her not to bother me while I worked, or screaming at her for making a mess. She's a filly! Of course she'll make messes! Really, the only decent thing I've done was run with her at the Sisterhooves Social – and that was to make up for my earlier horrible attitude! And I let her get captured! How can you say I have mother experience after that?”

“Nightmare is the only one to blame for her capture, Miss Rarity. Nopony else. You only feel guilty for that because of hindsight. But before all that – You were there, Miss Rarity. You were simply there for her. To any young child, that is almost enough to satisfy their emotional needs. Somepony just being there. There for even something as emotionally wrenching as an argument and reconciliation. You care enough for your sister that even though our mission will take us in the opposite direction of where she probably is, you've still let those who have the capacity to rescue her know that you will not be satisfied until you see her again. You are not willing to give up on her.” She smiled at the playing foals. “Those little angels were abjured of any such love or care from the very beginning – until the newly humbled Trixie found them, that is. Now they have a father. They know love, like you and your sister.”

“You hear that, kids?” said Blueblood, having been listening to the mares the whole time. “You all have a father now. A father who will stay with you, and not run away from the very idea of raising children.”

“Really?” asked little Harmony Song, a pegasus filly wrapped up in his tail.

Blueblood lifted her up and over to her with his tail, rubbing noses before gently setting her down. “Really. If there's one thing I won't be, it's like the parents who abandoned some of you. I was lucky to have a very caring father and mother. If they hadn't been killed, they would probably be right here with me, ecstatic to suddenly be grandparents to six or seven children. I want you all to have the same chance I had growing up. I squandered a thousand years of my life away. It's time I made up for it.”

Pumpkin Crunch gripped the stallion's front legs tightly. “And you promise to protect us?” he asked.

Blueblood's eyes suddenly darkened, his voice becoming more forceful. “If we are attacked out here or anywhere else, and for some horrible reason the worst does comes to pass – then all of Equestria will know that a very proud father died defending his children to the very last of his strength. I promise.”

Daring Bolt flew across the room from his perch on the Prince's back and kicked the half-open door fully open, revealing Rarity alone. He grabbed her hooves. “Come on, Miss Rarity! Come play with us! Forget your mission for a while and have some fun! You're gonna be our Mommy after this, anyways!”

“Wha – Wait! I don't –” Rarity frantically resisted. She looked around for help – but Trixie had disappeared. She looked down at the young colt's pleading eyes – and her resistance softened, her eyes warming. “Oh, I supp – WAH!” she gasped as the cheering young foal pulled her into the room.


She wished she could do magic. She wished it so much.

But no matter how much she strained, no matter how much she struggled, no matter how much she tried to do what Rarity and Twilight had told her about performing magic – she just couldn't do it.

Sweetie Belle collapsed in exhaustion, water she couldn't even see splashing onto her, having tried to light the torch outside her cell for what felt like two hours. She was positively shaking instead of shivering now. The dungeon had gone from cold to freezing cold. She had thought huddling would let her feel the warmth from torches on the other side, if there were any – but it was an empty idea, as all she had experienced was the stone wall not only being ice cold to the touch, but full of sharp edges.

“What am I doing wrong?” She sighed and thought back to the lessons – and remembered the chastising she got for not relaxing herself. “That's it!” She looked up in the general direction of the torch. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness somewhat, but it was far too dark for even equine eyes to see very far. She exhaled slowly, calming down, relaxing her body – even slowing her shivering. After she was very cool and collected, she calmly tried to cast the spell once again – and nothing happened.

Absolutely nothing happened.

“AW, COME ON!” she raged, spinning around and punching the air in anger and frustration. Only instead of punching the air, she managed to punch the wall – and cut her hoof on the sharp edges.

They weren't deep cuts – but they were the catalyst. All her fear, anger, frustration and sadness came out of her in a wail of pain that echoed off the walls while she shivered alone, crying in the cold dark.


Applejack fell over laughing when Rarity appeared in the living room for the meeting – her mane an absolute wreck, and young Beach Star dangling from her frazzled tail. “Oh, lordy, Rarity!”

Rarity lightly flicked her tail out of the young filly's grip. “Go on, sweetheart - back to your father now. This meeting is not for you. Applejack, you can stop laughing now,” she added in a huff, walking over to the other five while using her magic to return her mane and tail to their normal, pristine condition.

“Oh, dang... I wish I could've gotten a picture of that!” chuckled Applejack as she calmed down.

Trixie smiled gamely. “I take it you got along with the children quite well?”

“Oh, they're all darlings... Rambunctious for seven in the morning, the tykes... Although if I didn't know better, I'd say somepony conspired with them to get me in the same room as Prince Blueblood...”

Trixie recoiled from the accusatory glare. “Me? Humble lil' Trixie, a conspirator? Perish the thought!”

“Are we gonna snipe at each other about playing cupid, or are we gonna have a meeting?” asked Gilda.

“Yes, please, meeting,” said Twilight. “I called this because we have a serious dilemma. As delightful as it is to know that we've found Pinkie's family again, that appears to be offset by the fact we now know our planned course of travel is teeming with enough ancient dark magic as to possibly kill us. Now, since we don't even know where the Flame of Limbo is, we could just be heading into a nowhere situation. I want to be as sure as I can be that going through the desert is our best course of action.”

Gilda crossed her wings. “And just how you plan to do that?”

Rarity – you were able to modify your gem-finding spell to find normal minerals. Can you try focusing it on a specific gem or mineral? Like, say – the giant diamond the Flame of Limbo is encased in?”

“Hmmm...That's going to be a lot harder to do – but no sense in not trying.” She closed her eyes and focused, letting the gem-finding spell flow through her, concentrating hard on diamonds specifically. Her horn bathed the room in a warm cyan glow as she put all her energy into the effort, struggling to single out the gemstone. But it eventually became too much to bear, and she dropped it, exhausted.

Twilight waited patiently. “Well?”

“I could sense diamonds, but that was about it,” replied Rarity. “I'd have to be close to really know.”

It was the answer Twilight was expecting, but not really hoping for. She heaved a knowing groan of annoyance – not at Rarity, but at the situation. “Alright. Guess we should just put this up to a vote.”

Gilda sat up straight. “Okay, so, we can either go back and risk capture or death, or go forward and risk capture and death – all in some wistfully hopeful search for a bonfire in a diamond. Great options.”

The griffon's sarcasm got a snicker from everypony, even Twilight. “Well, when you put it that way...”

Applejack cleared her throat. “Show a' hooves – Who votes we go back to try another direction?”

Nopony raised their hoof.

Gilda scoffed. “Well, that was easy. I'm gonna go get a drink. Lemme know when we have to leave!” She stood up and aimed herself right towards the kitchen.

“I – I'm gonna get something to drink, too,” said Pinkie, hopping up and following Gilda.

“Oh, speaking of children – where on Equestria have Scootaloo and Dinky gone to?” asked Rarity.

“They're with my parents, and Spike. Probably still sleeping right now.” Twilight shifted in her seat. Scootaloo's still not exactly comfortable with hanging around the other children at the moment.”

“I see...”

“In any case,” continued Twilight, taking out a pad and pencil, “since we've decided on where we're going, then our first order of business is to prepare. We're going to need food, drinking water, tents...”

Twilight's voice faded as Pinkie trotted around the corner and down the hallway to the kitchen – where she stopped outside the doorway, something about the sight of Gilda making her just want to observe.

Freshly-made drink gripped in her talons, Gilda stared out the window over the kitchen sink. She still hadn't quite gotten over the news of Dash's death yet. She wanted to believe that Dash was somehow alive. But she knew she'd be disappointed. She raised her glass to the sky, a few tears slipping from her. “Here's to you, Dash. Here's hoping we survive this whole thing.” She swigged the drink in one gulp. “Here's hoping I survive. I guess it's better than dying in a rotted barn, sorting gems like a lunatic...”

“...G – Gilda? Am I interrupting something?”

The griffon nearly crushed the glass at Pinkie's voice. “Wh – oh. The meeting too boring for you, too?”

“I just have a question to ask you. One I don't want them to hear.”

The griffon seemed confused, but shrugged. “Fine, whatever. What?”

“Well...Um, a few days before this all happened, Dash and I were planning on finally pulling a prank on Fluttershy. She was always bugging me about doing one, but I'd always tell her we couldn't, because of Fluttershy being extremely sensitive to surprises and stuff that come with normal pranks. But that day, I remembered a prank Dad pulled on Blinky when she was just a tiny foal, and was kind of a lot like Fluttershy. I thought he'd scare her real bad – but she found it really funny. Dash thought it was the perfect prank for Fluttershy. But the day we planned to pull it on Fluttershy, Gummi disappeared...”

“So in a nutshell, if we survive and save your friend – you want me to help pull that prank on her?”

“...perhaps? It really depends on how Fluttershy is after we free her from Nightmare. If we do. Rainbow tried to pull it on her with the help of her bunny Angel, the morning before Nightmare got her – but, well, you know how it was with Dashie and sneaking up on anypony...”

Gilda cut her off. “Just – What's the prank?” Pinkie leaned in and whispered the plan into Gilda's ear – which immediately elicited a seriously mischievous grin. “Oh...Oh, that's actually pretty good...”

“I mean – we don't have to do it, but just like the big party thing I kinda screamed about earlier, I think it would be something Dash would appreciate. You know what I mean, right?” asked Pinkie.

What are you gonna tell your sensitive friend it it backfires and we end up scaring her?”

Pinkie smirked, almost evilly. “That it was all Dashie's idea.”

A solid laugh escaped Gilda. “You know what? You're not that lame after all, Pinkie Pie. I can see why Dash considered you a friend now. I guess it's hard to spot when you're Miss Sugar Rush all the time.” Gilda offered her free talons. “This is all still so weird for me – but that's too good to pass up. Deal.”


Colonel Nuntia looked up at the flash of a unicorn teleport. Outside of her tent stood Major Armour.

“Report, Major.”

He entered the tent and walked straight over to the maps of Hoofington and Trottingham laid out on her table. “Hoofington needs a few more unicorn and ground squads to protect the refugee camps – there's so many civilians, they can't even hold them in every building, so they've had to put them in the streets. Trottingham's in similar straits, although they have more buildings, so there's not as many exposed civilians. General Havoc also requests a pegasi squadron or two to help shore up the North High Wall.”

“It will be done immediately. Report back to the General, then–”

One of the lookout unicorns suddenly teleported into the tent, panting in frantic breaths before he finally regained his composure and voice. “Colonel! Dragons! Hundreds of them! Flying over the Diamond Dog lands now! They'll be over Hoofington and Trottingham by the end of the day!”

Colonel Nuntia looked at Major Armour. “Belay that report to the General, Major. Get to Trottingham. I'll send somepony else to Hoofington. We'll get as many additional troops to the cities as we can.”

Shining Armour saluted. “Colonel!” He teleported away.

“Thank you for the warning, soldier.” Nuntia nodded at the remaining unicorn. “Return to to your reconnaissance mission. Unless they decide to attack your team, you are to ignore the dragons.”

He saluted solidly before teleporting back to his colleagues.

She stepped out of the tent. “UNICORN AND PEGASI SQUADS, TO ME! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!”


“Manty? Manty?” Nightmare Shy looked around – and was blindsided by an extremely happy manticore who tackled her, licking her mane happily. “There you are, Manty! Are they with you?”

The creature leaped off her, circled and roared to the sky. The roar was matched by similar roars all over, and soon an entire herd of manticores stepped out from behind the dense forest fauna. “Oh, you're such a good Manty! Now then... You remember those ignorant ponies from a while back, who attacked you when all you really wanted wanted was for somepony to pull that thorn out of your paw?”

The beast bristled, drawing a delighted sneer. “Good, good, you do. Well...” The red eyes glowed, the magic instantly affecting the herd. “I know where they are. I've sent some of my other friends after them already, but they need help. Follow the train tracks west. Do not let anything get in your way.”


Twilight popped her head into the kitchen, levitating a pad and pencil in front of her. “Pinkie, do you want anything specific to eat? I'm going head over to the town's General Store to see what they have, in order to supplement what we can get from this farm before we head out. Any extra treat suggestions?”

“No, not really. Some strawberries would be nice, if they have any.”

“Strawberries... Check.”

“Mind trying to find some meat for me?” asked Gilda.

Twilight nearly dropped her pad in her initial shock, but caught it and recovered. “I... Um...” She gave the griffon a look of resigned understanding. “I – I'm sorry, Gilda. I'll look, but I wouldn't hold your breath. The best we can do is probably some vegetarian emulations, like tofu steaks or something...”

Gilda crossed her wings, slightly aggravated. “You can't even conjure up anything with your magic?”

“I tried to conjure a bird out of thin air once...I don't think a fly would have called the results edible.”

Gilda didn't seem entirely convinced – but she let it slide, for the most part. “Alright, whatever. Normally, I'd say 'prove it, egghead,' but that doesn't really sound like something I want to see proven.”

“I'm sorry, Gilda. Tell you what: I'll bring an extra bag or two, in case we run across anything you can hunt and catch. I may not be able to conjure up something, but using magic to preserve food AND pack way more stuff than one would normally be able to pack are two tricks I figured out a long time ago.”

“You tried seein' if there's any vermin on the farms you could possibly get rid of, Miss Gilda?” interrupted Ochre, stepping into the room. “I'm pretty sure we got all the rats and gophers around here – but with those pesky little ingrates, there's no telling how quickly they rebound their numbers. Or maybe one of our neighbours has a chicken or pig past their prime. Not much, but it'd be some meat.”

“Hmm... Thanks, Mr. Pie. Some meat's better than no meat at all. I mean, seriously, if I could stand eating flowers and grass all day, I'd be able to handle this. But I can't eat that stuff all the friggin' time. You better hope I find some meat, though – otherwise my ancestral cravings for horse might resurface.”

By this time, Applejack had found her way to the kitchen. She wrapped a hoof around the rather surprised griffon. “Girl, trust me – as horrible as it is for us to think about, we still understand it's somethin' completely natural for you. Hay, even Fluttershy fed her weasels a fish or two every day.”

Gilda politely escaped the unexpected embrace. “Okay, yeah, got it. I'll start in this barn, I guess.”

“Just tell me when you're ready, and I'll take you to the other farms around here,” nodded Ochre.

“Thanks,” replied Gilda, leaving the kitchen and heading for the barn.

Ochre turned to his daughter. “Pinkie, can I talk to you alone, please?”

“Uh...Yeah, sure, Dad.”

The two left the kitchen. Pinkie followed her father through the hallways until they reached the master room. Ochre opened the door and led her in – and she noticed her mother was already in the room. Ochre closed the door, turned around – and immediately, he and Pewter enveloped their daughter in yet another emotional hug. This one was wordless, and Pinkie let it go on for as long as they wished.

Eventually, Pewter broke the silence. “Be safe out there, sweetie. We want you to come back again.”

“I will be, Mom. I'll do everything I can to protect my friends.”

“Speaking of friends...” The elder ponies broke off the hug, with Ochre smiling. “We know you're going through a rough time emotionally right now, but if it's okay with you – mind telling us all about them while we have some time? Before she ran away, I remember a young filly who used to always tell us about her day when she got home from school, no matter how bad it may have gone for her – and the times when doing so was pure therapy for her, like when she had to deal with her beloved Granny passing away. We want to know everything we missed, and to help you feel better at the same time.”

Pinkie smirked. Gummi had taken their position when she'd run off, always listening to her as she rambled away on how her day had gone. She hadn't felt comfortable rambling like that to any of her friends, though – even Applejack, old friends as they were. She was glad to finally have the chance to do that again. She sat down in the middle of the room. “Okay, then – I first met Applejack...”

She told them everything, down to the last detail. Even about the time she'd completely lost it over the misunderstanding about her birthday. The time she'd used Granny Pie's advice to help her friends escape the mutated trees when Nightmare Moon had reappeared. Not a single detail was left out, all the way up to the first day Gummi had disappeared. And when she was done telling them everything – she had to admit, she felt better. She watched her parents as they looked at her with nothing but love.

Another genuine smile crossed her face. “Thank you, Mom. Thank you, Dad.”

There was a knock on the door, and Twilight stuck her head in. “Pinkie, we're ready to leave now.”

“Alright. Just give me a sec.” She glanced back at her parents.

They smiled. Her mother stepped forward and kissed her on the cheek. “Go. Your friends need you.”

Pinkie kissed her back, then joined Twilight. With her parents right behind her, she followed her friend to the front steps of the house.

Where everypony else was waiting. Inkie, Blinky, Prince Blueblood and the children, Twilight's parents, Spike, Scootaloo, Dinky Doo, Big Macintosh... Even some curious neighbours had come out.

Big Macintosh was in the middle of embracing Applejack. Applejack looked up at him. “You take care of Apple Bloom and Granny now, y'hear, Big Mac? You dang well better take good care of `em.”

“I can handle `em, Sis. You just watch yourself out there.”

Sunshine hopped over to Trixie, hugging her leg. “Are you really leaving this time, Miss Trixie?”

Trixie chuckled. “Yes, little one. But I shall return. There is nothing out there that Trixie can't handle.”

“You better!” he scolded.

“You come back, too, Miss Rarity!” pleaded Golden Vision, gripping Rarity's hoof. “You may be all fashiony and everything, but you're still pretty cool!”

Oh, darlings, of course I'll come back! Hopefully by that time, the rest of my family will be waiting. Oh, I just know you little fillies would get along quite well with Sweetie Belle! She's...quite rowdy.”

The young ones giggled, before Prince Blueblood stepped forward. “All right, children. All right...” He looked up at the fashion mare – and his face started to turn red. “Um... What the children have said, milady Rarity. It would be a dear loss to everypony here if you were to, um... not return...and..uh...”

Rarity scoffed, a slight blush forming on her cheeks as well. But she was feeling more generous, and moved up closer towards him, fluttering her eyes brilliantly. “And what? Well, go on, good sir!”

“And – and – oh, hay!” He threw his head forward and pressed his lips against hers. She immediately sunk into the kiss, graciously returning it. The children cheered as the couple continued their affections.

Their lips unlocked, and Rarity had to chuckle at his awed expression. It had been a truly magical moment for her. “I think this is where I say that I'm no longer hesitant about you, my dear Prince.”

“In that case, allow me to give you something else to come back to.” He suddenly kneeled and magically took from his saddlebag spectacular ring that made Rarity's eyes bulge – a platinum band with gold and silver weaved into it, and a center “rose” made of a diamond and rubies for the petals.

Rarity's brain practically short-circuited. “P – Prince Blueblood – I –”

He shushed her calmly with a hoof. “I'm actually a Duke, but I prefer 'Prince.' That was the nickname I was given in youth, and it's stuck with me all these many years. And one of the great perks of living for so long, milady Rarity, are the skills one has time to learn and perfect. I may have mentioned my love exists for you and only you, but I must be honest: That was not always the case. I made this ring for the first mare to capture my heart: Duchess Mi Amore of Laminae, daughter of the Cadenza family, who co-ruled the magnificent city alongside my family. She accepted it, and our marriage was hailed as finally bringing our lineages under one castle. But war broke out before the ceremony – and sadly, she did not survive the destruction of Laminae at the hooves of Nightmare Moon. Miraculously, though, the ring somehow did. I almost swore to never love anypony again – but as her talent was strengthening the love of others, it would have been wrong for me to do so. Instead, I vowed to search for a new mare, and I've kept this ring with me at all times ever since, hoping for the day I found a new heart who would spark the same feelings in me as she did. Your heart, milady – your heart has done just that, and so much more. I am sure her spirit approves of me giving this ring to you. Will you accept it, Milady?”

Rarity shook her head, collecting herself. She suddenly giggled softly. “Keep it–” she pushed the ring back to him, rendering a bit of shock from him, “–so that I may have my husband present it to me at our wedding when I return,” she finished, kissing him again. The children cheered even more, running over to her. She smiled and embraced every one of them. “Yes, even I think I'm ready to deal with all of you little ones. Even you, Dinky–” She looked up at her Ponyville friend's daughter, smiling warmly. “That is, if you're willing to have put up with seven younger sisters and brothers, once Sweetie's back.”

Dinky walked up to her – and gripped her hoof. “I think you'll make a great new Mommy for me.”

The other children cheered again, surrounding their new family member excitedly.

“Hey squirt!” Gilda teasingly glanced at Scootaloo, smirking. “You gonna join their family, too?”

“Nah.” The orange filly flew over to the griffon. “But it would be cool if you adopted me!”

“Wha?!? Gh – Um... Ah buck, I walked right into that one... But on a serious note, kid – if you wanna talk to somepony who knew Dash a bit while I'm gone, I'd suggest talking to Spitfire. I think she'd be pretty happy to talk to anypony while she's stuck in that hospital bed – even an excited young fan.”

“Thanks, Gilda – though I think it's time I got over my Dash fixation. Not that I can't remember her as a role model or anything, but it was only when I really wanted to fly that I finally figured it all out.”

“Good attitude, kid. Now you run along. I'm still not good at all this mushy stuff.”

Blinky stepped forward and embraced Pinkie. “Guess that pattycake game can wait, Sis.”

Pinkie scoffed warmly. “When I get back. Pinkie Promise.”

Twilight hugged Spike and her parents. “You keep them safe, Spike. You hear me?”

“You got it, Twilight!” Spike saluted, drawing a chuckle from all the Sparkles. “Good luck!”

“Thank you, Spike, We're going to need all the luck we can get, frankly. Alright, girls – you all ready?” Twilight passed out stuffed saddlebags to everypony. “We are going to have to leave sometime today.”

“Yeah, I'm ready – but, uh...How are we all gonna get down there?” asked Gilda. “Besides me flying.”

“Easily. Rarity and I can teleport with Applejack and Pinkie, and Trixie can teleport herself.”

“Rarity, teleport?” asked Applejack. “I – I mean, I don't wanna sound rude or anything, but the last time she tried to teleport – hey, whoah, whoah!” she gasped as Rarity scoffed and engulfed her and in a teleportation aura – where they arrived safely on the floor of the desert. She let her heart stop racing before talking again. “Okay, you've been practicing. I'm sorry. But Celestia, girl - warn me next time!”

Twilight popped in behind her, with Pinkie. Trixie appeared a second later – followed shortly thereafter by Gilda, who took forever to glide herself down through the air and find where they'd all gone to. “Oh, you ponies are lucky your horns are glowing down here. I could barely see you even with my vision!”

“Well,” Twilight sighed, taking a deep breath and stepping onto the sand. “Here we go.”


Trottingham was an absolute flurry of activity. Guards poured out to cover the entire circumference of the wall ringing the hilltop city. Catapults and trebuchets were rolled into place behind the wall, more soldiers piling rocks for ammunition. Civilians were herded into the tunnels and basements of the buildings in the center of the metropolis. A few civilians volunteered to be part of the defence – such decisions drawing objections from a number of loved ones. Other civilians were already taking the option of escaping out the tunnels at the bottom of the hill, running to wherever their hooves took them. But most stayed in the underground bunkers, huddled and waiting for the inevitable attack to start.

Major Armour was flitting everywhere, letting the incoming unicorn reinforcements know where the city's General wanted them to be placed. The task stretched on for hours and hours. Eventually, the final reinforcements arrived – one more unicorn squad, each unicorn having teleported a pegasi with them to fulfill the request for a squadron on the North High Wall. The Major directed them where they needed to go – then teleported back over to the city's General. “All units report ready, General Havoc.”

“Good. When was the last time you slept, young Shining?”

“...General? I don't follow.”

“You look exhausted. Raise the barrier, then go catch some winks. You'll know when to wake up. I will not allow one of the best soldiers I have ever trained to get killed because he was too drowsy to fight.”

Major Armour sighed in annoyance, but nodded. He didn't need to salute with Havoc, but he did it anyways. “General.” After a few seconds, his horn glowed, signaling the other unicorns. With trained precision, they all contributed to the magical barrier that slowly descended over the city. When it finally touched ground and solidified, he acknowledged the General again before trotting off.

In quarters, he found himself a nice bed and plopped down on it – laughing to himself as he suddenly felt his exhaustion, realizing before he fell asleep that perhaps the General was right about it after all.

General Havoc watched him leave before training his attention back on the dark wall of sky beyond.

“Celestia, I hate waiting...”


Braeburn packed down the rest of the dirt, double-checking to make sure the giant cactus would not budge. Satisfied, he signaled to his team, and they carefully tread their way back over the barriers and to their positions behind the pike-covered steel barricades. The stallion surveyed the work he and his fellow citizens had completed – planting a number of the cacti amongst the giant sharpened logs of the first barrier. It was truly impressive, what they had managed to set up in only a few short hours. But it still did not diminish the fact that he absolutely hated having to order the measures in the first place.

Chief Thunderhooves caught his moping face. “Feeling hesitant again, Mayor?”

“Buck, it ain't fair... Why can't this Nightmare be as reasonable as you folk, Chief? It's not that I can't fight – I've been in a few nasty scraps before – it's just... All them scraps were over trivial issues, stuff we could've worked out an accord on peacefully. This whole fight we're waitin' for feels like it's over another stupid issue like that. That is, if Nightmare has any specific reason for goin' after us at all...”

“Nightmare is like Discord. An ancient spirit, bred during a time when reason had yet to come into existence as a concept. Ever since harmony and law were established by the first Royals, it has sought to undo those tenets at every turn, by any means, no matter the cost. It cares not for anything but a return to the chaos and fear of the past. Unlike our kind, it cannot grasp that the world had moved on. Nightmare wants no peace. No compromise. It just wishes to sit back and laugh as the world blazes.”

“Well...” Braeburn growled. “Even that ain't something I'm willin' to let it do.”


They had been walking for a while now. Twilight had cast a spell to stop their hooves from sinking into the sands, letting them expend far less energy on the effort of walking. But they still had to walk. And walk. And walk... The dunes crossing their path had started out small, but over time they had grown to formidable heights. Along with the immense ruins, they loomed over the tiny party like mountains, casting shadows that made the frozen blue skies pitch dark. For once, Twilight was glad about the extra magic energy of the place, as she didn't need to waste any of her own energy on an illumination spell.

She did, however, find it quite odd. She thought she would be able to sense the latent magical energy that was making their horns glow, much like how she'd felt the magic pulsing through the scroll General Spur had given her – but strangely, she could not sense a thing. She began to think that perhaps she was overthinking it some. She couldn't sense it when Princess Celestia used magic, she couldn't sense it when Rarity was nearby and used her magic. The only pony who could really sense anything was Pinkie, and nopony could explain that. On top of that, for some reason, she was finding the desert to be the most unnerving location she had ever stepped foot in. And she really had no idea why, exactly.

“Ugh, can we stop for a while? My feet are killing me!” groaned Rarity.

Actually grateful to have her train of thought interrupted for once, Twilight immediately acknowledged the request, stopping right where she was once she looked back and saw the utter exhaustion on her friend's face. “Sorry, girls. I keep forgetting that not everypony has the endurace training I have.”

“Endurance?” wheezed Trixie, collapsing. “Ha! Trixie could've gone another seven...metres.”

“I'm still surprised it took me so long before I even broke out in a sweat,” Rarity marveled, stretching her limbs. “I suppose running around on our previous adventures has paid off more than I expected.”

Applejack rummaged through her saddlebag. “Oh, where the hay is it? I know I packed it in here somewhere... Ah!” She pulled out the lantern – but then looked around at the three unicorns and their glowing horns. “Or do I even need this, what with illumination spells and all your unicorn magic?”

“You can put it away for now, Applejack. It's always good to have a backup, though, just in case.” Before she let the implications of the sentence sink into her friend's mind, Twilight summoned her own magic with a flicker of a thought, spitting forth from her horn a ball of bright magic energy. A little too bright at ground level, as it turned out. They all shielded their eyes before it floated up into the air above them, the shining globe illuminating a fair distance of a circumference around their rest stop.

“Thanks...” grumbled Gilda. “Because that's what I wanted to be when I woke up today. Blinded!”

“Aw, quit your whinin' and let's eat already!” cut in Applejack.

“Whining?” Rarity scoffed. “By Celestia, she hasn't even started complaining yet.”

Gilda arched an eyebrow. “Do I...want to know?”

Pinkie said nothing to interrupt any of the banter, quietly plopping herself down and taking out a small portion of food and one of her water canteens, simply chowing down while she observed her friends. She watched with a slightly morbid fascination as Gilda ripped her beak into a dead squirrel – an act the rest of the ponies were clearly disturbed by, but understanding of enough to restrain their reactions to simply looking away from the upsetting scene. It actually made Pinkie feel slightly bad for Gilda – the griffon probably would have taken immense joy in seeing Rarity freak out in true Rarity fashion. The party pony was relieved that Gilda had managed to find some of the food she preferred to eat, rather than the meat substitutes that weren't natural to her. As long as it made the griffon a mite bit happier, it would be easier for everypony to get along with her. And if everypony was getting along, it made Pinkie that much happier. Seeing her family again, talking about her friends with her parents, talking to Gilda about the pact – it had all helped to ease her anxieties and lessen the turmoil in her heart. Neither were going away anytime soon, but she was sure she wouldn't flip-flop her emotions so drastically anymore – leaving her free to be there for her friends, just as they would always be for her.

Twilight found herself mesmerized by their surroundings. The edges of her cast light's aura caught the bottom of a giant dune to their left, and of one of the ancient ruins on their right. Just the tiny portions of both objects that the light exposed dwarfed them all magnificently. The ruin looked most like a normal building – though for all she knew, it was possibly an ancient temple. But if it was either, it was of a design she'd never seen herself, or come across in any book she had ever read. It didn't even remotely resemble any of the buildings in Manehattan. Most of its walls were crushed in, decayed away or destroyed, leaving just its skeleton of a frame behind. But it was its staggering height – stretching so high it disappeared into the darkness above – that produced the most awe. Especially since it had already collapsed, resting against another giant dune. There was probably a great deal more of it buried underneath the sand. The fact that it was most likely much taller than what she could see astounded her.

“What giants could have constructed that?”

“Constructed what – oh, wow...” Applejack's jaw dropped open when she focused her sight on the ruin.

Trixie shuddered as she craned her neck up to see what she could of the structure. “Suddenly Trixie feels quite infinitesimal in the whole scheme of things. And she is not growing fond of this desert.”

“Aw, deserts ain't so bad,” countered Applejack. “Although I guess it's kind of our rotten, ironic luck that the sun ain't out to fry us into crispy bits over these – how long we been walkin' here, Twi?”

Twilight checked the watch she had since added to her saddlebag following the trek in the Everfree Forest. “...Four hours,” she noted, rather surprised. She was sure it had been a shorter time than that. She grinned inside her head. Perhaps Rarity's hypothesis about their adventures was correct after all.

“I must concur with Trixie.” Rarity shook her mane, styling it back again magically. “And not just because of all this dreadful sand and dust. Did you listen while we were walking those four hours?”

Applejack tilted her head. “I heard nothin'.”

“Exactly! Nothing! Absolutely nothing! No wind. No noise, besides us. No anything! At least the Everfree Forest fancied a breeze or two. This place is so dead, it's just creepy. Entirely devoid of life!”

At that very instant, Pinkie's back twitched. “GIRLS!”

They barely had time to snatch up their saddlebags and run far out of the way before two monstrous, limbless creatures that made the Quarray Eels look like lap dogs in comparison exploded through the dune on the left, vaporizing it into a tsunami of sand that showered down onto the spot the group had just been. The beasts let out viciously loud cries that were part ear-splitting howl, part guttural roar.

“LOOK OUT!” cried Pinkie as the tail of one of the tussling creatures sliced into the ancient ruin, severing the structure low. With a twisting groan and explosive SNAP of ancient, rusted metal, the immense top half of the ruin plummeted over as if it were a felled tree trunk – gaining fierce speed before it crashed to the ground, pulverizing itself with its own weight. The wind from the impact sent the ponies and griffon tumbling head over flank for quite a fair distance.

The beasts dove back under the sand, presumably still fighting, and disappeared almost as quickly as they had arrived. Slowly, everypony picked themselves up as the choking dust cloud began to settle. “Suddenly Trixie has a second wind and feels like walking for much longer!” declared the magician.

Twilight and Rarity whisked away the dust around them to help search for the others.

Gilda sprang to her feet, coughing up sand. Her eyes shot over to Rarity. “'Entirely devoid of life,' eh?!”

“Ah heh... I suppose I was wrong to assume that.”

Trixie spotted a pink tail sticking out of a pile of sand. She blasted away the surrounding grains – revealing Pinkie huddling over Applejack protectively. “Are you two okay?”

“Yep,” answered Applejack, staring at the wreckage that had come within a few lengths of taking her out. She gladly accepted Pinkie's help in standing up. “Thanks for pushin' me out of the way, Pinkie.”

Pinkie smiled. “That's what I'm here for. Is everypony okay?”

“I'm not a pony, but I'll be okay.” Gilda began preening her feathers to clear the rivulets of sand now lodged between them – but also because the action was quite soothing, and helped her calm down.

“Well...” Trixie shivered, letting her adrenaline recede. “It's never a dull moment with you lot, is it?”

Twilight quickly brought her saddlebag over and scanned it. To her relief, everything was still there. The Elements, the scroll, the food, water... “Everypony check their bags. See if anything's missing.”

Gilda shook her head. “Nope.”

“Nothin' gone missin' here, either, Twi.”

The verdict was the same for the rest of the group. Twilight sighed. “Good. Alright, everypony, let's –”

“Hold on.” Applejack scanned the sky above them. “Your magic light sphere still up there, Twi?”

“No, I extinguished it as we were running away. Why–” Twilight suddenly realized it was just as bright as the spell had made it. “Our horns! EVERYPONY, back up! Back up! Get away from this thing!”

They retreated for the better part of five minutes before their horns dimmed back to the brightness they'd been at when they first stepped foot in the desert. Trixie exhaled. “Truly, never a dull moment.”

“Well, I'd say we just found our 'amount of deadly magic' detection method.” Gilda whirled around. “Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna keep walking this way and take a bathroom break over here.”

“Don't go too far!” warned Applejack as the griffon ducked behind a small mound of sand.

“Oh, yeah, hilarious...Whatever, 'Ma'! Jeez...”

“Now now, don't be rude, Applejack.” Rarity snickered. “Let her empty her scared bladder in private.”

“I heard that!”

“Oh, stop it already, girls,” chided Twilight, watching her friends snicker. “Can we get along, please?”

“Aw, don't worry about it, egghead,” replied Gilda, chuckling as she stepped back into view. “That was nothing. Shoulda' heard what Dash and I used to throw at each other back in Junior Speedsters camp.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Come on. Let's keep moving.”

“I don't suppose you know what those creatures were, Your Highness?”

“I'm not sure, Trixie.” Twilight opened her saddlebag and took a drink from her canteen as she trotted along. “The only creatures that I know lived here for sure were wiped out centuries ago. Other than that, there's not really much known about this place. What we were told at Newgate was news to me.”


The conversation faded away, and they all walked along in silence for another two hours – before the unicorns' horns began to glow far brighter again. “Oh no...” They backed up until their horns dimmed once more – and Twilight sent another illumination spell sphere into the sky. “Mother of Celestia...”

It was another ancient building. Not as tall as the previous ruin they'd encountered, but still high enough that they couldn't see the roof – at least, the few parts of the roof that weren't completely collapsed or buried under the dunes that had punched their way through many of its walls and reclaimed most of its interior. All this was visible through what looked like doors of a massive height and thickness, forced open by the sand. They could also see the building extended quite a great length.

And it was incredibly wide – so wide, in fact, it completely blocked all of their visible path forward. Twilight scrunched her face up in much annoyance. “It would appear we have to go around this.”

Gilda was not happy about that. “Oh, joy. Lovely. Nice building, though. Wish I could've seen it when it was shiny, new and not poisoned with curse magic. Probably looked pretty freakin' awesome.”

“We've already started walking this way!” called Pinkie, heading left.

“What? Hey, whoah! Wait up!” A few flaps of her wings, and Gilda caught up with them. “Not cool...”

The group trudged along for the better part of ten minutes, still not coming across the edge of the ruin. “Good Luna!” exclaimed Rarity. “Just how big is this? What on Equestria was it ever designed for?”

“Maybe the ancestors of those creatures we saw had limbs and just needed a really, really big house.” Pinkie's comment drew three ponies' eyes on her. “What? It's a possibi– ...Why are you smiling at me?”

Twilight beamed. “That conjecture was the most normal Pinkie Pie thing I've heard since this all began.”

“Huh? Oh. I guess...Really, I've just calmed down.”

Applejack hugged her longtime friend. “Pinkie, considerin' how stressed you've been for the last four days, any improvement like that is a great improvement. Glad to see you comin' back to us, sister.”

“Yeah... Thanks.”

“The wall! Girls! I think see the building's –” Twilight stopped as her illumination sphere revealed that, indeed, they had reached the side of the building – only to find that it was buried under the slope of another mountain-sized dune. “Oh, Celestia, you have GOT to be kidding me... Well, girls, our choices: Up this dune – if it's safe – or we walk all the way to the other side and see if there's a path around.”

“Oh, really!” scoffed Rarity, walking past them all and circling the bottom of the dune. “Why don't we just go around this du-” The instant she could no longer see her friends, her horn lit up up like a spotlight, forcing her to retreat back quite hastily. “Or, we could try walking up the dune, if it's safe...”

“Why not just teleport us to the top?” asked Gilda.

“Teleportation really doesn't work if you don't know where you're going.” Twilight laughed on the inside at the memory of Princess Celestia getting herself stuck in a wall to demonstrate that. Seeing stonemasons having to rescue the most powerful of magic equines had certainly made an impression. “I'll teleport as high as I can see though, to check. Stay here, everypony.” She winked out – and when she reappeared, she was greatly relieved to see that no additional brightness was coming from her horn.

The rest of the pack was by her side in minutes. “I say we stop and pitch our tents when we reach the summit. It should be nighttime proper again by then, right? This dreadful sky makes it so confusing.”

Twilight checked her watch. “Good point, Rarity. That's actually not a bad place to sleep. We'll have a decent vantage point if anything happens – assuming, of course, nothing attacks us from below.”

Five hours later, everypony but Twilight and Pinkie were pretty much ready to pass out when they reached the summit. “Remind me to take endurance training when this is over...” gasped Rarity.

“Whoah...Take a gander at that, will ya'?” The ponies followed Applejack's lead, staring down at the ruin. It was still drowned in shadows, but with the other dunes no longer obstructing what little natural light was in the sky, they could roughly see its visible outline. “One building coverin' an entire valley. That's gotta be over two hundred acres down there. Boy howdy, them ancients might have been giants.”

Pinkie's body skipped up and down, nearly throwing her off the cliff. “Oh no... That's a big doozy comin' our way!” The group immediately formed up, ready for whatever was heading towards them.

The ground rumbled – and kept rumbling, the shaking intensifying with every passing minute. The sand shifted and moved menacingly. Rarity paused, her front hoof up in mid-stride. “Not liking this...”

An absolutely massive creature burst from the ground metres in front of them, lifting and hurling the entire ruin off into the dark distance along with a volume of sand as it soared gracefully into the air, blocking the dim natural light with its enormous triangular-shaped body. It crashed back down to the ground with a thunderous impact – its mouth catching the part of the dune under the ponies' feet. Rarity shrieked as she and her compatriots found themselves careening down the slope like uncontrolled sleds for almost fifteen minutes – stopping only near the bottom when Twilight finally managed to cancel her walking-on-sand spell, allowing their hooves to dig into the sand and gradually slow them down, eventually bringing them all to a full stop just centimetres away from a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth – each tooth as tall as a full-grown dragon – and bordered by two paddle-shaped fleshy lobes. Twilight shielded everypony from the last of the falling sand. They could feel the immense heat from the friction of the beast's moving through the sand. Residual static charge spewed up into the air in the form of lightning, channeled out the tips of the large spines on the monstrous creature's back. In the brief flashes provided by the discharge, they could see the spines flex in concert to its every laboured breath.

Applejack stared, flabbergasted. “...or they just might be giants still.”

Rarity was shaking like a leaf. “Well, um... I believe I'm the one who has to go to the bathroom now.”


“Alright, you little colts and mares – almost eight o'clock. It's time for bed.”

“Aww... Can't we stay up a little while longer?”

“I'm sorry, Golden Vision.” Prince Blueblood smiled at the filly's adorable No! I'm upset! pout. “But you got the party you asked for. I'm asking you to head to bed now. I need to make sure you all get the same amount of sleep as you did under Miss Trixie's care. Your bodies need a lot of rest when you're young in order for you all to grow up into big, strong mares and stallions. You went to bed at this time at the orphanage, so I'm gonna make sure it stays that way. Can you do that for me, please?”

Sunshine strolled up next to Golden Vision. “Will you read us a story before we go to sleep, please?”

Blueblood chuckled as Golden Vision's eyes lit up. “You all promise to actually go to sleep if I do?”

“Yeah! Yeah!” came the collective cheer.

“Alright. Go get yourselves all ready and snugly tucked in. I'll be there in a few minutes.”

The children all darted for the rooms they'd been placed in. He smiled and watched them disappear down the hallway. He sauntered back off and collected the cake and ice-cream covered dishes left over from the party that had been thrown, immediately taking them to the kitchen. He was very glad the Pies had agreed to have the party, especially after their daughter's rant. It wasn't that he thought the children needed to be protected from anything – they'd seen Nightmare's horror in Ponyville first-hoof, and some had survived rather grisly experiences as orphans before Trixie found them – but distractions like the party helped them keep their minds off it. Allowed them to just be children, instead of scared little colts and fillies with constant bad dreams making them wake up screaming in the middle of the night.

“Keep a close eye on them.”

He nearly dropped the dish he was washing at the sudden voice. He turned around to see Pewter Pie.

“They get away from you so fast.”

“A rather cliché saying, if I may – but one with merit nonetheless.”

“Washing the dishes without asking. Such a gentlecolt.”

“I probably should have asked the children to help me with this. Some of the few young ones who rather enjoy doing chores, believe it or not. May I ask which cupboards the dishes go when I'm done?”

The grey mare chuckled. “Yes. Those cabinets behind you, on the left.”

“Thank you.”

Another plate was encased in a different-coloured glow than his. “What in Equestria–”

Young Dinky was holding the plate, smiling. “I'll help you. Mommy always let me go to bed at nine.”

He snatched it from her gently. “Nice try, but you're only a year older than them. Same bedtime.”


Pewter extended a hoof to the filly. “Come on, little one. You heard your stepfather.”

“Phooey!” grumbled the filly, following the mare out of the room – passing Ochre Pie as they left.

“Kids already tryin' to trick you into stayin' up late?” asked the earth stallion, stepping into the kitchen.

“It would appear so. How did you deal with it?”

“With Blinky and Inkie? Same way you did. I was a little more stern, but that's parent's discretion.”

“And with Pinkie?”

“Did you ever meet that girl before this Nightmare stuff? I swear, we thought she had an ingrown or stunted unicorn horn, she bounced everywhere so quickly. We couldn't stop her from staying up late.”

“Speaking of Inkie and Blinky, where are they? I still have not had time to thank them for attending to General Spur's injuries. I may not be a soldier anymore, but he was a second father to me for a time.”

“Oh, Inkie's back on her shift. Blinky'll join her, soon as she gets all that cake out of her mane...”

Blueblood cringed, blushing slightly. “Ah, yes. I must apologize for that incident. Re-enacting the most embarrassing moment of my entire life for the children to have a laugh at was in rather poor taste.”

“Apologize? Hah! Did you see her face? I haven't seen her laughing like that since – well, before Pinkie left. We stopped trying to throw parties a few years after she ran off. They just weren't the same without Pinkie. We've managed to enjoy living out here – but there was always that something missing. Even though Pinkie's in a hay of a rough patch, she brought that something back to us. Our children make us smile, we make our children smile. That's how it should be – especially in these times.”

“Wise advice. I still cannot believe I spent almost a thousand years believing you common folk could offer none such wisdom, despite hearing it constantly perusing the markets of Laminae in my youth. Those years are such a disparity between how I was raised and how I am now, it boggles my mind. I insulted so many who did not deserve it. And I have outlived many I wish I could deeply apologize to.”

“You lost your family. You saw many a good friend perish. Folks do crazy things when stuff like that happens. I lost a part of my family and I up and moved the rest of us out here to the sticks, without asking Pewter or the girls if they wanted to or not.” Ochre placed a supportive hoof on Blueblood's shoulder. “But you have a new family now. One your old family would be proud of. Keep protecting them, and I'm sure that when the time comes, all those souls you shunted aside will have forgiven you.”

“Again, you speak wise, Mr. Pie. May I ask a favour of you? Are there any patches of your farm where you have not planted anything yet? I know this is a horrible time to plant anything, but the children have shown an eagerness to help me with my farming in the past – and rebuilding my home and bakery – which are soon to be destroyed, no doubt – with the knowledge that it would have a future in their capable hooves would be most satisfactory, indeed. I would love to give them some starter lessons.”

Ochre nodded. “I'm pretty sure we do, but I can't remember for sure. I'll check in the morning.”

“Again, thank you, Mr. Pie.”


Both stallions turned around to see little Daring Bolt, the pegasus colt staring daggers at Blueblood.

“Are you gonna come read us to or not?”

The elder Pie laughed. “Go on, Sir Blueblood. Your family awaits. I'll finish washing these dishes.”


Twilight stood frozen, slack-jawed in utter shock. For a moment, she thought Discord had escaped and was playing with her mind. What she was looking at wasn't supposed to exist – even to her mind, which had believed in Nightmare Moon when nopony else did. But this... Even the Flame of Limbo was more believable than what she was staring at. “This... This is incredible,” she finally stammered.

There was absolutely no mistaking that triangle-shaped body. She had read that they were giants.

She just hadn't expected them to be the size of an entire valley. Or living and breathing.

“It's a Sand Manta...”

“The sand sings with your footsteps, ponies. Has the Princess come to finally fulfill the promise? Or are you fools like the pegasus and unicorn I rescued, who sought to find treasure where none exists?”

“Huh?” Twilight's jaw dropped further at the manta's booming voice. How did it know–

“Please...Speak. I wish to know. Why have I been ignored for so long after Sunride's treachery?”

“Sunride? The Mad Princess? That was... ten thousand years ago! How old –”

“My patience wears thin, pony. Tell me!”

“I – I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess-in-Steward. My companions and I are simply seeking a safe path through these dangerous sands to fulfill our mission.”

“Princess-in-Steward? I have not heard of such of an honorific.”

“Believe me, it's a title I wish I didn't have at the moment...Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are dead, killed by the spirit Nightmare...” She explained their entire situation to the creature down to the last detail, while it listened intently. “I'm afraid I have no knowledge of this promise you speak of. History was written that all Sand Mantas were exterminated in The Mad Princess' horrible rampage.”

“Ah, I see...The Mad Princess, you called her? What an apt name.”

“But... As I am currently the acting Princess, please tell me of this promise. Tell me all your history, as current events may have rendered it lost, if it was in the Archives at all. If you truly were promised something in the past by a Princess and they reneged, I may have the power to rectify your situation.”

A deep, long, ragged sigh followed from the manta, sending a wind of heated air out. “Very well. But first, where have my manners gone? Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Birostris Oswaft – an archaic name from far before your time, I know, but humour me. I...am the last of the Sand Mantas.”

“The last?”

Pinkie twitched. “Uh-oh...”

Half-shrieking, half-growling roars pierced the air.

“Quick! I will take you to the end of the desert! My story can wait until we have lost the sand snakes!”

Twilight teleported to the highest point she could see on his body, taking Pinkie with her. Rarity and Trixie appeared with Applejack and Gilda seconds later. Twilight threw up a thick shield around them all, simultaneously casting another spell. “There. That should keep our feet planted on Birostris' back, no matter how much we're jostled around. That shield should also protect from all the friction effects.”

The ground rumbled.

“Be warned, all of you – we shall be traveling underneath the sand. It will be quite loud!”

The giant snakes burst through the dune, flying through the air towards them, their fanged jaws open–

–and Birostris dove under them back into the sand, the sudden deafening roar of burrowing through the grains filling everypony's ears. “Oh, dear Luna!” shrieked Rarity – instinctively blasting a spell from her horn. The spell hit Twilight's shield – and the roar was reduced to a far more palatable volume.

“Thank you,” sighed Trixie. “That was too loud even for me!”

Applejack tried to scan the volume of sand tumbling past them. “Did we lose them already?”

Fangs suddenly filled their view, causing the farm pony to leap back in surprise. Birostris barrel rolled at the last second, and the snake screamed past, disappearing into the grainy mist behind them.

“Go right! Go right!” screamed Pinkie. The manta swerved, making the second snake's attack from the side also miss – but the snake was not completely fooled, swirling around until it was parallel with the manta. The ponies and griffon found themselves with an extremely close view of the other beast as it raced alongside. Pinkie was confused. “That doesn't look like a snake – more like an earthworm!”

“So it's two giant blind snakes, then!” reasoned Twilight. “We gotta overload their senses! Somehow!”

The first snake appeared again, running parallel to Birostris on his other side. Suddenly, it shot forward out of sight – while the second snake simultaneously slowed down, swiftly falling behind.

“Oh, they're planning something!” Gilda warned.

Pinkie didn't even have time to add to the warning – in a flash, the second snake tore in from behind, coiling itself around Birostris' tail and spikes with wicked speed, quickly weaving its way up his back. The first snake dropped in from above, wrapping itself around Birostris' right wing. The manta grunted from the sudden extra weight. Both snakes seemed to be directly focused on the shielded passengers.

Applejack gulped. “Yeah – plannin' to eat us!” She jumped at the first snake attacking the shield.

“Hang on!” cried Birostris. He angled up and managed to speed his pace, grunting with effort from the additional weight. He plowed upwards through layers and layers of sand – until he broke through again, leaping out into the air. The static discharged from his body again – the lightning diverting into the snakes wrapped around his spines. The flashes lit up an absolute sea of more fantastic ancient ruins while the snakes howled in pain, their grip loosing as Birostris crashed back onto the ground. The static all dissipated, Twilight dropped her shield and sent out two forceful blasts of magic that hurled the yowling creatures off Birostris' back. She ran forward to attack again, but Trixie's hoof held her back.

“No, Your Highness. Let them go.”

The humiliated reptiles retreated, but not before hissing in anger one last time.

“They will be back, no doubt. I would suggest setting up another shield for when you sleep. For now, Princess Sparkle, let us leave this particular area. It is even more cursed than where I found you.”

A quick glance at her horn told Twilight all she needed to know. “Yes. That would be preferable.”


Big Mac stood over Apple Bloom, watching her delicate little chest rise and fall in time with the ventilator. He hated seeing her lying there – wrapped in burn dressings, tubes jammed down her throat and nose – but he was glad to see her lying there at all. Ma and Pa hadn't had the luck of being found and rescued so quickly. He was surprised at the fact Granny Smith hadn't needed a ventilator for very long – he'd have thought the younger pony would've been the one off the device first. Either way, both of them were still hanging on. For once, the old Apple Family stubbornness was doing its job right.

Inkie Pie entered the room, looking right at the filly. “I hear some little pony's got one hay of a spirit.”

Big Mac chuckled. “Eeyup. That's Apple Bloom for ya'.”

“Truly. She's recovering faster than we expected. Same with your grandmother. They're both very lucky to have only been in that fire for a few minutes. Mr. Sparkle's healing spell also did more internal repairs than I think he realizes. Normally we'd expect to see far more damage this early in the recovery process. The Appleloosan doctor, I think his assessment was actually on the safe side. I can't discount his prognosis completely, but I think you can look forward to many talkative days with both of them.”

“Well, I ain't one to talk much personally – but...” He turned his gaze to the grey mare. “Thank you. Tell all the docs and nurses – especially them nurses from Appleloosa , if they're still here: Thank you.”

His expression was clearly care for his family, but it still made Inkie blush. “Y – You're welcome.”

A fit of coughing turned her attention away. “Mrs. Smith!”

“Granny!” Big Mac kneeled down, getting his face level with his grandmother's.

The elder mare coughed a bit more, her eyes opening. “Wha? Big Mac?” she asked, her voice hoarse.

The stallion smiled. “Hey, Gran...”

She spotted Inkie standing behind him. “Oh, Big Mac! Ya' finally found a marefriend! Good for you!”

If he blushed, nopony could see it. “Heh... No, Granny – this is Dr. Inky Pie. One of Pinkie's younger sisters. She's here to help you recover.”

“Recover? From wha –” Her memory kicked in. “Ohhh, that beast! Burn down Ponyville, will it?!?”

“Please, Mrs. Smith...” Inkie gently pushed the elder mare back down onto her bed. “We're all glad to know you're awake. But you still need rest. Try to keep talking to a minimum while your throat heals.”

“The girls! What happened to the–”

“Granny, please... Apple Bloom's over there, fightin' with everything she's got. Right now, it's night time.” Big Mac kissed her forehead. “You get more sleep. I'll fill ya' in on the details in the mornin'.”

“Well, bless my soul. Apple Bloom's alri–” Her words collapsed as quickly as she fell back asleep.

Big Mac stood up and shrugged. “That's my Granny...”

“She seems like a wonderful woman.” Inkie smiled. “You get your own rest now, Mr. Macintosh.”

He nodded. “I will. And again, Dr. Pie... Thank you.”


With Twilight's shield back up as Birostris tunneled them underneath the sand again, Trixie turned to Rarity. “Very nice sound suppression spell you used earlier.”

“Oh, that? Yes... I always used it when Sweetie wasn't visiting and I needed to focus on finishing up some very important order. Closed up the shop, cast it, and well, off to work! Goodbye, distractions!”

“Why would you only cast it when your sister wasn't there?” asked Gilda.

“Why? My dear Gilda, have you ever been around children? If you're watching a child, especially one as mischievous as Sweetie Belle, you want to know when it suddenly gets quiet!”

“Why – Ohhh... Means they're being sneaky bastards like Dash and I were as kids... Ah. Got it.”


“Excuse my interruption, but we have arrived.”

Birostris surfaced, static discharge once again shooting off his spines. A vast beach, waves crashing only a metre or so in front of them, was revealed in the flashes of light before the static all dissipated and the darkness fell back in. Twilight dropped her shield and teleported to the ground she'd spotted, and the others followed suit. Birostris kept moving, however – and almost immediately after Trixie teleported off him with Gilda, he rammed into something rather solid the group couldn't see. The air in front of them flickered. The flicker rippled up and over their heads, traveling back towards Newgate.

“That's another magical shield...” Twilight gasped. “And it looks like it covers the whole desert. But how come we never encountered it?”

“Because it only stops me.”

Her brow furrowed. “Huh?”

“The shield was put up by your Mad Princess. Thanks to it, I am a cursed soul in a cursed desert.”

“...what happened? Please, Mr. Oswaft...I still wish to know your history.”

“Do you wish the full story?”

“Yeah, go ahead – Tell the egghead, bore the rest of us to sleep!”


“Rarity, Gilda, c'mon... For crying out loud...” Twilight turned back to Birostris. “The full story, please.”

“Aye. My life began many millenia ago. I was born in the ocean – nowhere near the size I am now, but still quite large compared to many of my neighbours. My kind lived life quite peacefully – oh, we knew of the world above the waves, but we had no care for joining it. And then came the Ultimate Fires: Hideous blazes that covered the entire world. They killed trillions, burning indiscriminately for years, both on land and water. The ocean surrounding us boiled away, leaving nothing but this desert and a small river. There were very few on Equestria who survived their horrible, horrible wrath. Of my kin who did, we found the magic of the Fires' flames had transformed us. Our gills had been turned into lungs, and we could breathe air. Our inconsequential teeth grew to the ones you see now. We could swim through the desert sand almost as well as we could swim through water. Actually being able to see the sun for more than a few seconds without gasping for air, feeling the grains of sand against our skin in a dry environment – it was a new and exciting experience for all of us. The horror the Fires had wrought became but a distant, terrible memory, one none of us would ever dare to bring up again.”

He fell silent for an excruciatingly long time. His deep, long breaths sent warm wind over their heads.

“...and?!?” asked Gilda.

“Hey now... What is it you would say? Be cool, Gilda...Be cool.” Trixie studied Birostris, listening closely to his body's strained movements. “His lungs are the size of a Hydra, he's been inhaling sand dust for a few million years, and he just went as fast as he could to save us from those sand snakes.”

Twilight nodded. “She's right. Let's all of us have some patience. Let him talk at his own pace now.”

“Clearly you ain't been around enough old folks,” chortled Applejack, nudging Gilda with her shoulder.

“...thank you. I have not exerted myself in such a fashion for an extremely long time... As you can probably fathom, our initial exhilaration eventually wore off. We met and befriended the Quarray Eeels, and somehow managed to enjoy ourselves for a few hundred million years – laughing, playing, swimming in the sand and river. But then one day, an elder of ours came to realize something: He had not eaten in ages, yet was not starving. And he was growing. We discovered we were all growing, and would soon be too big to fit in the river without displacing the water and killing many of our fish friends. So we tried to return to the ocean, where we would have room to live once more. However, the the first of us who reached the river delta and met the saltwater barrier were taught a horrifying lesson: Our bodies had completely adapted to our new environment. We could no longer survive in the sea. The only thing we could do in saltwater... was float on top of it as a corpse.”

Rarity gulped. “Oh my...”

Gilda hung her head, waiting for him to gather his energy again. She almost didn't want to hear the rest.

“We were forced to retreat. Another elder attempted to survive in soil like the Quarrays – but she had not their burrowing strength, and could not escape a migrating red dragon's hunger. None attempted to leave the desert again. The Fires' cursed magic had consigned us Mantas to live forever in the sands, unable to starve, destined to grow ever larger until our size would eventually force contact with the ocean water and kill us. After many committed suicide, leaving me as the eldest of all Mantas, one of our Quarray friends Minhocão traveled far, sought out Princess Sunride and pleaded to her on our behalf. She returned with him, and granted us an audience. We asked if she could return us to the form we were born, give us hunger again, and let us return to the ocean waves we knew in our youth, until life take us naturally. She asked: 'Can you accept the possibility of my being unable to do what you request?' I spoke up, begging: 'Please – one way or another, Your Highness – please promise you will end the suffering.' She did, leaving us to rest and save her strength for whatever action she took.”

The ocean waves sloshed back and forth soothingly as Birostris gathered his strength again. Pinkie closed her eyes and sighed, glad to hear something calming again – especially the sound of water.

“Except Princess Sunride did not come back. For months, we awaited her return, and the end of our agony. Minhocão became fed up and sought her out again. We learned she had finally returned to us by way of his corpse dropping on our heads. Before we could react, The Mad Princess struck. She killed all my kin with a single blast of magic, then put up the shield – cursing the sands even more and preventing me from reaching the saltwater barrier or the soil. I was in tears. I asked what we had done – what I had done, to deserve such treatment. She stared right at me. Those red eyes will be forever burned into my mind, along with her exact words: 'You never did specify exactly whose suffering you wanted me to end. So I ended all of theirs.' She tore Minhocão's body in two, reanimated the halves into the sand snakes, and left me here. Alone, with no way to die except by the jaws of my friend's mutated corpse – something I refuse to do. The last I saw of her, she had pulled all the rest of Quarrays out of the ground and was dragging them away with her in the sky. I know not what she did with them. Until that foolish pegasus and her unicorn friend showed up, I thought the Princesses and the outside world had completely forgotten about this part of Equestria. Treasure? Bah! This place lost all of its treasures the instant those infernal Fires roiled across it! There is absolutely nothing of value here!”

Gilda recoiled. “Whoah! No offense, but can you yell a little quieter, please?”

Birostris chuckled. “My little griffon...I am actually whispering at my quietest right now. If I were to talk at my normal volume, you would be thrown back quite a distance from the pressure in the air.”

Gilda blinked. “Oh. Well, then. Carry on.”

Twilight bowed, still partially in shock at the story she'd heard. “I say there is a treasure here, Mr. Oswaft – you. There was no business in us forgetting you and your kind. On behalf of all the Princesses who have come before me – please allow me to apologize profusely for their severe inaction.”

“Why do you need to apologize for them?” asked Gilda. “They're not the ones who labeled him as extinct. And I think it's pretty obvious from his little description who made The Mad Princess mad...”

Trixie huffed, rolling her eyes. “It's still called courtesy, dear griffon. Even I've learned that concept.”

“Your apology is accepted, Princess-in-Steward Twilight Sparkle – but your friend is correct It is not needed. What happened has happened, and you are here now. I can take you and your friends on safe passage through this cursed desert – but on one condition: You fulfill the promise that was broken.”

Twilight sighed. She was pretty sure where this was headed. “In what manner do you ask I fulfill it?”

Birostris took another drawn-out breath. It was another long while before he spoke again. “I wish to be returned to the ocean I was born in. Though, now I care not for returning to the form I was born in.”

Rarity gasped. “You don't mean–”

“What the hay do you think it means, Rarity?” countered Applejack. “I'd say he's earned it.”

“Yes, I mean that, white pony. Despite my formidable size, I am of no use to you in any capacity alive. I have never fought in a war. I can offer no allies to help you defeat this...Nightmare, as you call it. I cannot even leave this desert, thanks to the barrier Sunride put up. And even if I could, and I had experience in battle, I would still be of no use thanks to my highly advanced age and all the issues that come with it. If Princess Sparkle takes the action I request, not only will I finally have the peace I seek – but I shall be able to serve you in a far greater capacity. You have no boat, so far as I can see. As I've mentioned, my body floats. I am sure the griffon would appreciate a few meals of my flesh. The rest of my flesh can go to slake the sand snakes' hunger. Ill company they may be, but I have no ill will towards what were once a friend.”

Rarity's protests faded, her mind realizing a kindred generous spirit. “That is truly noble.”

“It is not so different from what any of you would do, were you in my position. I am so old. So very tired. I was born in the water, yet have not felt its soothing touch in beyond ages. The river dried up about five thousand years ago, and my tear ducts followed suit just a few centuries later. I would not be surprised in the least if I learned my veins and arteries were full of red dust instead of blood. Every movement, every single breath – is pain beyond comprehension. I wish it ended, on my terms. If I could bow down to you right now, Your Highness, I would be doing so. Please – tell me you will do this.”

Twilight hesitated for a long while – then raised her head high.

“I shall do what my predecessors did not, Mr. Oswaft, and bring your life closure. I shall also make a new promise in exchange: I decree that your name and your kind will never be forgotten by history.”

The manta's deep sigh of relief filled the dead air around them. “...Thank you. However, before I go, I must satisfy my own curiosity – what happened to Princess Sunride?”

“All the Archives mention is that the Element wielders of the time deposed her. I would assume she died in Tartarus.”

“It has been a pleasure to know you, Princess-in-Steward, even for such a brief time. I hope my peace aids in Nightmare's defeat, especially since you imply I and Princess Sunride were victims of its cruelty, too.”

Twilight nodded. “It shall. We are very grateful for your assistance.”

“I am ready. Let what must be done, be done.”

Twilight's horn glowed magnificently. A small shield wrapped around the group as the waves behind them were encased in the glow and began to rise. Slowly, Twilight raised the water to match Birostris' tremendous height. Straining with all her might, she threw the water forward. Where the manta had encountered resistance, the water met none. The giant wave splashed over and covered Birostris, completely blocking him from sight until the waters eventually receded.

“Did – did that do anything?” asked Applejack.

Twilight raised a hoof. “Wait. Wait for a breath.”

They waited forever, but no breath came out to blow wind over their face.

Twilight sighed. “It's done. He's finally at peace. The Sand Mantas are truly extinct now.”

Rarity bowed her head. “Celestia rest their souls...”

Pinkie wiped away a tear, smiling. “We made him happy again. He was sad for millions of years, but we made him happy again.”

“Trixie,” asked Twilight, “you said your mother taught you everything about water. Was making a boat part of that?”

The magician's eyes narrowed. “Ugh... The one thing Trixie hoped she'd never have to do again...”

“How `bout gutting a fish? She teach you that?”

“You're doing that, Gilda,” snapped Twilight. “You're the meat-eater.”

“Ugh... Take a joke, you ponies...”

“Joke or not, whatever we do, can we please do it in the morning?” asked Pinkie. “All that walking and climbing we did today has made me super-duper tired.”

“Wow...” Gilda deadpanned.

Twilight nodded, cast a preservation spell on Birostris' body, flash-dried the ground around them and expanded the bubble shield around them. “Let's set up our tents, girls. I'm finally ready to sleep, too.”



Shining Armour was startled awake by General Havoc crashing through the wall in a shower of bricks and dust. Havoc barely had time to lock eyes with the Major before a jet of green fire scorched him into nothing.

The other half of the wall exploded, Major Armour leaping back just in time to avoid being buried by the rubble or skewered on the dragon claws that accompanied it. As screams and heat from the rest of Trottingham began to overload his senses, his view was obscured by the giant face of the claw's owner.

He brought his shield and sword to him as the dragon roared.


“So – What we do if little pony keep refusing food and die?”

“Have ourselves little feast, of course! Tiny drumstick would make nice snack!”

The Dog guards' laughter echoed through the thin wall into the utter darkness. No matter how much she shivered, Sweetie Belle was not warming up. The cuts on her hoof had stopped bleeding, at least, but she was sure that she was about to slip into hypothermia any minute. She strained again, trying beyond desperation to perform magic and light up the torch or teleport herself out – but still nothing happened. She finally stopped, curling her shaking body up as tight as she could, trying to find some warmth.

When suddenly – words came to her. Words she found she was unable to stop herself from singing.

“The dark approaches
The light on the lamp's gone low
Oh my dear sister,
How I miss you so
Here, I may shiver
Here, I may shake
But all of my hope
Nightmare can never take.

The cold wind howls
through the dungeons old
My captors growl
Over how to devour my bones
They won't accept
The truth of Nightmare's lie
That if it wins the day
Our whole word will die.

Oh, my dear sister,
I know your heart won't fall
I await my rescue,
if it comes at all
If not, we'll meet again
Upon Nightmare's demise
Oh, when the sun once more
Rises into the sky.”

A slow clap behind her snapped her out of her singing daze. She turned to see Nightmare Shy standing there. The corrupted pegasus shut the door again, again leaving only her red eyes visible. “What an absolutely beautiful song... Did you just come up with that on the spot? Marvelous improvisation. Very nice.” The red eyes narrowed in a sneer. “Such a shame nopony you care about was around to hear it.”

Sweetie Belle glared back, anger beginning to bubble.

“I just came to tell you that a whole fleet of dragons should be descending upon Trottingham and Hoofington right about now. I'm fairly certain they'll make rather short order of the pathetic attempts at defending you ponies have seemed to enjoy putting forth so far. Oh, and I've sent Manticores and Timberwolves up to Appleloosa. They should be arriving there fairly shortly, too. Soon everypony you know will be dead, your sister will be lying next to you with a broken horn, and you'll both be watching me eat a full-course meal prepared from the bodies of your parents. All before I find my child Discord and let him loose again on this world. Oh, the fun we'll have! Doesn't that sound just wonderful?”


A sudden blast of magic energy slammed into Nightmare Shy, sending her flying into a pillar. “What?!?”

Sweetie looked up. Her horn! It was glowing! “Yes!” She immediately focused on the teleportation spell, visualizing the ridge she remembered outside the entrance they'd taken into the lair.

The living mane streaked in through the bars – but Sweetie Belle flashed out just before it reached her.


Sweetie Belle was ecstatic when she appeared outside. But her excitement was immediately replaced by fear. They were coming after her – but where could she go? She could only teleport to places she'd been or could see – and she'd never seen any place except Ponyville, Canterlot and the Everfree Forest. There would be scouts and spies for Nightmare everywhere along the paths to all those places.

“That's her! That's her! That's Miss Rarity's sister! Miss Belle! Miss Belle! Over here, Miss Belle!”

“Huh?” Sweetie spun around – and just faintly saw a unicorn Guard waving at her from another ridge.

“Over here, Miss Belle! Over here! We'll take you to safety!”

“Yes!” Sweetie ran for the guards the fastest she could pump her little legs.

Rover emerged from the lair behind her. “Raahh! Where little pony go?”

“Hurry! Hurry!” The Guards waved at her frantically.

Sweetie had completely forgotten the fact that she was dripping wet, shivering and on the verge of hypothermia. Adrenaline pumped through her as she ran. Royal Guards, looking for her! She was finally going to be rescued! “Closer, Miss Belle!” they yelled. “We need you closer to teleport with y-”

The 'ridge' moved.

The Guards slowly turned around to face a mighty black dragon – who, aside from its claws, wings and glimmering green eyes, almost blended in perfectly with the darkened terrain around them. In a heartbeat, it slashed its claws – cleaving the horns off the Guards. They screamed in unbelievable pain.

Sweetie froze, absolutely horrified. No. No. No, it couldn't be happening again!

Rover whirled, finally spotting her. “Hah! There you are, annoying little pony! You won't escape!”

The filly bolted away from both Rover and the dragon, trying to teleport herself even just a few stray metres ahead to escape the range of the dragon's fiery breath – but this time, she was too slow.

She didn't even get the chance to scream before the malachite flames completely engulfed her.


Comments ( 7 )

Before anyone asks for specifics, Birostris = 2,080 metres tall, 1,080 metres long and 1 kilometre wide. Godzilla's a flea in comparison. :twilightsmile:

And yes, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust was (partially) the inspiration. I would've had a parody of a Lefthand line in there, but "Enh, what's the sound of one hoof clopping" would've just...yeah, no.

HOLY FLANK, that cliffhanger. :raritystarry:

Nightmare is truly going to pay now that little Sweetie Belle is....dead. :raritycry:

I must say great job on this storyline as it was another wonderful update coming from you.

I mean First off nice to see Pinkie Pie get so emotional and finally cut lose her frustration over the whole ordeal so far and even made peace with her family all in one chapter.:pinkiehappy:

I also enjoyed Gilda's inclusion into the gang as their replacement for Rainbow Dash, as it seems that she has a bit more sass than Dashie did and is a bit more rough around the feathers so to speak. Plus she is a great laugh at time when it is need.:rainbowlaugh:

I must say I'm surprise with the Rarity and Blueblood romance idea, but I wonder what is Spike's reaction in all of this...maybe a future baby-sitter ? :moustache:

Nice job seeing the girls get their journey started as it maybe a long time before they can get back to Ponyville or Cancerlot and Stop Nightmare. Although this is starting out to be an interesting adventure.

I did love seeing Pinkie's family and how much they change since Pinkie Last met them. A lot of emotional baggage and healing was done within this chapter. :pinkiehappy:

However, the shocker ending to this chapter was poor Sweetie Belle as I almost thought she would have made it out alive, but to be that close and yet so far and end up flamed to death just as she was learning her magic...what a way to go. :raritycry:

Rarity's going to be PO'ed and sad when she learns of this. A very emotional mare indeed. :twilightangry2:

Plus the battles within this chapter shows the threat that Nightmare is building up and the hopelessness of the Elements return. :fluttercry:

Please do keep up the good work upon such a great tale like this one.


"Cancerlot"? :rainbowhuh: Hrm...I could use that in a future line of Nightmare's...

...and I'll only say this: A cliffhanger is called a cliffhanger because it doesn't have a resolution. :unsuresweetie:

Sweetie Belle finally gets all bad ass, and you kill her off?! :facehoof:


You'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out if that assumption of yours is true or not. :moustache:

Like I said, a cliffhanger is called a cliffhanger because it has no resolution. :unsuresweetie:

867080 No, It's called a cliffhanger, cause we readers hang Authors over it till they give us the next chapter! :flutterrage:


I regret to inform everyone here, but Raefire has passed away.
Yes, really.

I'm sorry.

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