• Published 6th Dec 2015
  • 10,292 Views, 171 Comments

A Gamer In Equestria: Reborn - The Dark Brony

A man with the powers of his entertaining system travels the land of Equestria alongside the mane six.

  • ...

Chapter 23 - A Soul Reaper and an AI.

Author's Note:

This is a Crossover between me LostFaith and his story The Alpha and Nicranger and his story Hichigo in Equestria.

I would also like to apologise for the lack of content recently I mean when did I release the previous chapter of his around last May? I had become burnt out on this story and just no longer wanted to edit it but beyond it's destroyed all my motivation to continue the story.

However even though this story has been dead since then I have been working on a few new projects that seem to have gone well and reignited my inspiration to write one again.

These stories are Kamen Rider: Equestrian Shade which can be found on my channel. The Second is called The Freelancer and The Huntsman that can be found on DarkSpider's profile. The third is called For Honor and the Creed which can be found on Wayward Shadow's profile. and my latest story called In Darkness there is Light and in Light there is Darkness

If you could give any of these stories a look into it would help us all tremendously, and maybe even reinspire me to write again.

As always I look forward to hearing from you, See you all next time.

-Church’s POV-

"Uh... Hichigo. Trees of Harmony don't give a shit about American rights."

“Too bad cause that’s what I’m going with. I am NOT apologizing for a second time.”

"You are lucky. I wasn't asking you to."

“Well if the worst thing I have to do is say ‘I’m sorry’ then I don’t think there’s much trouble in it. I just hate saying it.”

A familiar token hit me in the head. "Ow. Should I or shouldn't I? Craig needs to get a token that doesn't hit people in the face or nuts." I said in annoyance.

“Wait hold up who the hell is Craig and what just hit you in the head?” Asked Hichigo.

"Take this and scream at it to get over here," I throw the amulet like token at Hichigo.

Hichigo looks at it for a second before looking at me with a raised brow. “Seriously? Fine if that's what you want…. GET THE FUCK OVER HERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!”

A voice shouted back to me, “Go fuck yourself,” before it sighed and said “I’m on my way,” Seconds later a small portal opened up behind Church as another figure appeared behind him as he charged over and punched him from behind and shouted, “That’s for last time Church!”

Hichigo stared at the scene for a second before he said, “Okay I’ll bite, who the fuck is this violent fuckhead?”

"He's not exactly violent per se... He's mad about... Wait what are you mad about again?" I asked in confusion.

Craig then sighed and said, “Maybe the fact that last time we met you sent me off without warning and then when I got back I was almost killed… and oh yes the fact I just got back from fighting in a war… sorry, I’m just extremely stressed at the moment.”

“Join the club buddy. I just had such an emotional moment with a tree that I think I’m losing my mind.”

"I'm not stressed. I just had my stressed relieved. Bow chicka bow wow," The mares that were still there blushed at this.

“Church I swear to god if you don’t shut the fuck up I will beat the piss out of you and no damn twig is gonna stop me!”

"Don't be so sure. I quite enjoyed the show," The Tree of Harmony said angrily.

“Great the tree’s a perv. What are the odds!?” Hichigo announces while throwing his hands into the air in frustration.

Craig smiled and said, “You two are even worse than those damn space marines.”

"Ahriman doesn't happen to be one of them does he?"

“Yeah… why?”

"Because he may or may not have been summoned by yours truly."

Craig said, “Let me guess, you have his token as well now,” He turned to Twilight and said, “Twilight don’t mess with Church’s tokens, you really don’t want to meet some displaced we’re not all kind people.”

“I second that motion! Now…. what do we do cause I don’t want to spend anymore time around the pervy tree,” Hichigo said while jerking a thumb at said tree.

"I object. Unless you want Discord in your head again," I said as I barely held back giggles.

Craig smiled and said, “You're acting like I don’t see that as normal.”


"This Discord made it seem like he was stuck in a time loop for a few million years. Also, we were all in on it including Zangetsu."

Craig laughed and said, “Ok your Discord is a bigger jerk than mine.”

Hichigo then curled into a ball with a small thundercloud over his head and started drawing circles in the dirt while muttering, “Why do I have to be stuck with these bastards?”

Craig then walked up to him and said, “If you're talking about me you're gonna get a bit of a beating.”

“There is nothing you can do to me that Virgil can’t do better. I fear her and love her at the same time.”

"Stop digging your grave," Virgil said from behind him. Hichigo jumped at least a thousand feet in the air at that. Holy shit.

“You know it was a compliment right Virg? Please don’t hurt me,” He yelled from very high in the sky.

"He is fun to troll," Virgil said.

“I heard that,” Hichigo said from behind Virgil as he had more than likely used his Sonido to get down faster.

She didn't even move, "I'm an AI. You can't sneak up on me."

Craig remarked, “Yeah, I agree, it’s fun to troll people reminds me of when I tricked Twilight.”

Twilight walked up to Craig and kicked him in the nuts before walking away. He just got wrecked.

Hichigo winced at this, “I feel ya dude, I got my gonads kicked by the ficus over there not too long ago. But what’s your Equestria like? Mine is plainly obvious, I know Church’s is ponified but what about yours?”

He then just stood up and shouted to Twilight “That the best you can do!” He then turned back to Hichigo and said, “It’s mostly similar to here but in my world I just beat Discord a few days ago.”

"No. You signed your death warrant for your balls as soon as you said that." I say as I watch Twilight charge a spell that causes extreme pain and shoots it straight at his nuts. I winced, "Oh damn..."

To this Craig just smiled before he whispered “Feim, Zii, Gron” and he disappeared from sight before he reappeared behind Twilight as he extended his hand trapping her in a purple bubble then said “Calm down Twilight.”

"Um, Craig... Have you always been Rule 63ed?" I asked in horror.

He just smiled and said, “nope, first time didn’t hurt and the second time it didn’t hit me.”

"You guys wanna get drunk or fight waves of enemies?" I asked.

Craig then smiled then said “just like last time… not gonna send me back like you did before are you?”

"Oh shut up." I teleport all of us straight into the simulation chamber. "Wave one, Nazi zombies," I say. The princesses and ponies run away in fear. "What a pussy... oh wait."

Hichigo gets a manic grin on his face once a horde of undead start coming towards us. “Less chitchat more combat! GERONIMO!” The battle crazed loon then leaps into the horde head first cleaving through them with his blade.

To this Craig just sighed and said, “I can’t go one day without fighting.” he then touched the back of his guitar as all his weapons appeared and he draws his sword and Bolter Pistol and began cleaving through them like they weren't even there.

"Wave two, Kamikaze Special forces." A wave of Japanese soldiers wearing power armor and wielding huge miniguns as well as railgun machine pistols start appearing and shoot at me, sending me flying into a wall and almost killing me with just one shot even with my armor.

Just then the front line of soldiers were all cut down by what looked like a flying buzzsaw attached to a length of cloth. Then the cloth tightened and was pulled back into Hichigo’s hands revealing Zangetsu back in its giant cleaver form.

A soldier shot a railgun at Hichigo which blew off one of his arms. "They aren't kamikaze for nothing!"

From the stump of Hichigo’s arm, a new one shot out. Damn that healing factor really comes in handy! “Well, either way these fuckers are dead!”

"Wave three, Trevor Philips and the Joker!" A bunch of Trevor's ran out carrying fucking RPGs and miniguns while jokers carrying ridiculously long revolvers started shooting at us.

"...Oh shit."

Craig then sighed and said “let me” Seconds later multiple dark blue tendril appear around him and then fly towards the Trevors and Joker spearing them all though the hearts as they all drop to the floor before a single bullet is fired. He then looks back to me and said “got anything else?”

"Wave 4, Cyborg Superman." Oh shit if we kill him he'll just come back. We have to convince him to not come back somehow.

“Fuck you Superman!.” yelled Hichigo as he hold out his right hand and starts charging up what I assume is his Cero attack. “Let’s see you take this you man of steel reject! CERO!” He then fires a beam the same size of the one he used against Quaker at the cyborg.

Cyborg Superman just dodged using his superspeed before throwing a hundred punches at Hichigo in less than a second.

Craig then just sighed as he grabbed Ahriman's token from his back and smashed it against the ground causing Cyborg Superman to fall into the warp just before it sealed up leaving him trapped there.

"Wave 5, Thanos."

"I CALL BULLSHIT!" I scream.

“I call shit of bull. BE A MAN AND DEAL WITH IT CHURCH!”

"But this fucker has all the infinity stones!"

“Then just get the stones from him! If iron dong could do it why not us!?”

Craig then said “give me one second” He then disappears and landed next to Thanos before he pulled the gauntlet off his hand and then reappeared back beside us and said “you can handle him can’t you?”

Hichigo then uses a simple Bala and puts a hole right through Thanos' head watching as he crumples to the ground.

“.... That was kind of boring. How about we get a guy from MY universe?”

"We are lucky these enemies were nowhere near as strong nor intelligent as the real deal. Not even by a thousandth. Imagine fighting Galactus times a thousand." I say with a huge wince.

Craig then muttered “don’t give the simulation any ideas”

"Yeah... that would destroy this universe in a few seconds..." I say fearfully.

“Oh and summoning a bunch of random joe schmoe’s is any different?”

"Yes. They aren't an all powerful being who eats worlds as if it were eating simple crumbs."

“And that's why we’re using one of Hichigo’s enemies instead! Now where the fuck is the console so I can type the shit in?”

"Enable neural commands," I say. "Ok now think of the enemy."

Hichigo seems to be thinking for a second before in the middle of a field appears a guy dressed in white pants and an open white vest with a sword at his waist. He has spiky blue hair and a hole in his gut, but his most unusual feature is the piece of bone on the right side of his face that is connected to his jaw and looks like fangs.

“May I introduce Espada number six. Grimmjow!” Hichigo announces as if revealing a new car.

"You're on your own for that one," I said in annoyance.

“Be thankful I didn’t give him his resurrection form. But if you don’t want to join in more fun for me!” Hichigo then leaps at this ‘Grimmjow’ and they both clash blades making a small shockwave upon impact.

"Don't make me spawn Galactus times a billion," I reply seriously.

Craig then looked at him then said “shall we let him have this one, I did ruin the last few without trying”

"Sure." We watched Hichigo as he fights.

He seemed to be having the time of his life as he continuously clashed blades with his opponent. The whole fight lasted another half hour before he finally cut down the simulation and landed in front of me and Craig lightly sweating but never losing his grin.

“You know that was pretty fun! I only wish he was the real deal.”

"Uh. You do realize that if we spawned the exact same one bad things would happen?"

“I know, but it's just not the same ya know? When you fight someone for real they have more instinct and are a lot more challenging!”

"Yeah okay let's do the bonus round and watch the waves kill each other," I say. "Bonus Round 1, Master Chief and The Arbiter vs. The flood. Fight!"

“Now all we need is some popcorn and we’re golden.”

Craig then smiled and clicked his fingers as three bags of popcorn appeared in front of us. He then said “Bottomless popcorn at your request… thank Discord”

"You guys stay back here. They won't shoot a fellow spartan." I say as I run straight into the fight and start shooting at the flood with a binary rifle.

"Identify yourself Spartan." The Master Chief said in a no-nonsense voice.

"Spartan A-375." I lie. I start shooting at flood left and right.

"What the buck are they doing..." Rainbow Dash asks Hichigo as she appears next to him.

“Killing shit. Popcorn?” He said holding out the bucket to her.

She snatches it and scarfs down a lot of it at once. The rest of the Elements and princesses arrive and stare in horror as the Spartans and arbiter fight the flood.

Craig then looked at everyone and said, “you think this is bad you should have seen Church and me when we were fighting the flood last time I was here?”

“Yeah me, him and Virgil killed a bunch of ‘demons’ not too long ago. I personally ripped the kings head off and now Church and I are Kings of the demon kingdom.” Hichigo said.

"Wave 6. The hood." We hear. Hichigo and Craig stare slackjawed as gangs from GTA V start spawning.

"Nigga get yo ass outta here before I fuck you up!" A balla yelled. And a huge ass firefight ensues.

“Okay, I need to get in on this shit! Girls hold the popcorn I got a gang war to participate in!” yelled Hichigo as he runs into the chaos.

Craig then sighed and said, “I’ll let you two handle it. Don’t want to ruin your fun”

The arbiter picks up a police officer and impales him with one arm.

"THIS IS THE LSPD! WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED!" A fucking tank drives towards the gangsters and blows them up in one shot, sending cars everywhere.

“Fuck the police!” Hichigo said as he cuts the tank in half with Zangetsu and proceeds to do the same with anyone near him.

"This is the army! DROP YOUR FUCKING WEAPONS!" A squadron of fighter jets flies over Hichigo before shooting missiles at him. A cargobob drops a tank down in front of the remaining criminals as it flies away with marines parachuting out.

"I change my mind. You are pardoned. I don't want to deal with this fucking bullshit." Celestia said as her sister and the elements stare at her with jaws agape. She teleports away.

“BRING IT ON!!” screamed Hichigo as he charges the oncoming military. Everyone even the Spartans could only stare in awe at how someone could be so reckless.

"IF YOU WON'T SURRENDER THEN WE WILL HAVE TO RELEASE THE KRAKEN!" A legitimate Kraken with Chuck Norris riding it appears from the sky.

Craig then sighed and said “who wants this” He then passes his popcorn backwards and then look at the Kraken and shouted “Big Bang Kamehameha!” the beam then strook the Kraken disintegrating it instantly.

"HELP US AVENGERS!" The avengers jump out of a helicopter and charge at Hichigo.

"HULK SMASH!" The Hulk said as he hits Hichigo hard enough and caves in his face while sending him flying into a wall in a bloody mess.

Craig just sighed and he puts the Infinity Gauntlet he took earlier on and uses the Stone of power and instantly crushes almost everyone in the room excluding anyone he deemed as an ally.

"That fucking sucked, Console ban the infinity stones!" I say, making Craig lose his power and the gauntlet with the stones.

Craig then laughed and said, “hey I'm just using everything at my Disposal to fight… Not my fault I still had the gauntlet.”

"Wave 7, The Merchant."

"You have got to be fucking with me," I muttered.

“Oh, I call first dibs!” Calls Hichigo before he then turns to me and said in all seriousness. “And I want a rematch with Hulk.”

Before Hichigo could even take a step forward his arms blew off and his legs turned to bloody chunks. The Merchant took a step to finish him but was blown back by an energy blast from my binary rifle and disintegrated instantly. "You don't want to fight that..." I say seriously.

Fluttershy vomited before fainting in her vomit while Rarity did the same. "Did you really almost get one-shot?" I asked Hichigo.

“Sorry, I’m primarily a close range fighter. It’s just how I roll.” His limbs then regenerate and he stands up cracking all of his new joints.

"He literally almost killed you with a simple 1887 shotgun," I say in concern.

“I didn’t have my Hierro active. I didn’t want to use it as a crutch and actually try dodging for once. Next time I’ll have it up to the point a meteor couldn’t penetrate my skin.”

"The Merchant's shotgun should be much stronger than a fucking meteor. You know that right?"

Craig then smiled and said, “So you two hate the Merchant… in my opinion I wouldn’t say they're that bad.”

"Nope. I don't hate them. I applaud them. To get that many of us? Can't be that easy." Hichigo and Craig stared at me with horror and confusion.

“How can you applaud that fuck? I mean yeah that is pretty impressive, but he took us away from our world with basically no way to return home. Everyone we love back there is forever gone from us! I wouldn’t be applauding that guy if I were you.”

"May it's because I never had a family?" I replied with a smirk.

“Not to sound insensitive dude but not everyone doesn’t have a family back home probably worried sick over them. I for one had a pretty good family. Hell, my brother went to a con with me dressed as Ichigo and watched as I vanished. That is not the last sight anyone would enjoy.”

"Maybe he erased our existence and replaced us. Otherwise everyone would be panicking."

“That doesn’t make me feel any better.”

"Hehe. Well, to be honest, I didn't expect it to."

Craig then sighed and said “at least you haven't seen your mum and brother as statues in the fucking Canterlot statue garden”

"If I had family and that happened I would fucking glass this entire goddamn planet." The ponies looked at me in fear.

“I would most likely slaughter the entire population of Canterlot.”

"And after glassing it I would release the flood to kill all survivors," I say coldly.

“wow... just wow… I really should be worried about what goes through your two’s heads.”

"And then I would bring them back to release the flood instead of glassing so they could watch as their family turned into infected monsters. AND THEIR screamed WOULD FILL MY EARS AS I LAUGH AT THEIR AGONY!" I screamed in Omega's voice.

"..." Everyone just stared at Church in shocked silence.

“Do I need to knock some sense into you, dude? Not even I would be that cruel.” Said Hichigo in shock.


"Remind me to never piss you off," Luna said.

“Well, you better bring Church back right now Omega. Calm your tits.” Hichigo said while gripping Zangetsu tightly.



"I would rather not do that," Church said calmly.

“Church. I won’t even begin to try and figure out what life was like for you back home, but we are in a new world, each of us! So let’s just try and live with what we’ve got. You’ve got your sister which is more than I have by far.”

"That doesn't change what I will do if that happens. In fact, their agony will be tripled. Now then, it appears to be Lunch time." I said as if nothing had just happened. Everyone just gaped as I have a complete change of mood and calmly walked to the cafeteria while whistling.

"He has issues..." Pinkie Pie whispered to herself.

Craig then smiled and said “Don’t we all”

"Simulation over. Scores, The director vs waves, 8-0. Flawless victory."

“And now Church has a bigger ego… great,” muttered Craig.

"Preparing for lunch. The cafeteria is now open in sector 27 room #19362b4."

"There is no fucking way that this place is that big!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Oh, you’d be surprised sweetheart. LUNCH TIME!” Hichigo then runs out of the area nothing but a white blur with a pink one following shortly after.

Craig then sighed and said, “Come on girls we might as well try to follow them” with that we began to head towards the Cafeteria.

"Keyword being try," Craig said after 15 minutes of wandering around aimlessly and passing Lopez bots.

"This is the automated broadcasting system, lunch ends in 15 minutes."

Craig then muttered, “They can’t be fucking serious…”

"Warning, a guest has gone missing, all units be alert for any suspicious activity."

Craig then said “I’m not missing just lost you try not getting lost in this place”

“To think that Church got lucky and had a ship like this crash near him. I want one!" Rainbow Dash complained.

I then smiled before I said, “yeah I know… I was there, you may not remember me though but saw you, Twilight and Applejack, you were so worried about that stallion wasn’t you.”

"I think you are confusing us with Church's universe," Twilight said in befuddlement.

I then scratched my head and said, “Oh I’m in Hichigo's universe… I didn’t realise.”

"Hichigo was last sighted in the teleportation grid, he could have gone anywhere in the universe by now." Craig heard.

He then quickly looked around and said “Damn ship and it AI’s I'll never get used to that.”

"Yeah, because you were supposed to get used to it in the first place," Fluttershy said sarcastically. The other elements look at her in shock.

Craig then looked at her then closed his eyes and said “you're not Fluttershy are you”

"I am. But that doesn't mean I have to be a fucking doormat. Plus we are lost in a ship with tens of thousands of rooms." She retorted.

He then muttered, “I need to be on my guard when you start acting like this in my world.” before he sighed and said, “Okay I believe I can sense Church in a room ahead of us, it really isn’t an easy job to searching for a robot.”

"He's not a robot. He is an artificial intelligence. Those are two completely different things." Twilight said.

“Yes he himself is an AI but the suit he’s in is robotic,” Craig retorted.

"Actually it is the mechanical version of the Mark VI Generation Two MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor." Twilight lectured.

He then sighed and say, “I'm not going to argue with you Twilight… it’s not worth it.”

"You can't argue with proven facts anyway," She said as she walked towards a door that said Lift 9.

I walked past Craig and then towards Lift 9 before placing a palm into a scanner, opening the door and closing it behind me before they can follow.

"I'm sorry, but this area is a director only access point. Only personnel with level Alpha access may proceed." Craig heard from the door.

"So much for that," Fluttershy said in annoyance.

Craig then smiled and said “maybe not” he then closed his eyes as his body changed to look like Church and then said whist perfectly mimicking Church's voice “like I'm gonna let a door dictate where I can go.“

"I'm sorry, but you are not allowed beyond this point. Any further attempts will enact Cole Protocol, the systematic destruction of this entire ship and all personnel to prevent information from entering enemy hands." The voice said coldly.

Craig then sighed and said “I ain’t gonna risk blowing this ship up.”

"Wise decision. You wouldn't want to risk the deaths of over 7,000 crewmen after all." It said back.

He then asked the computer “would you please direct us to the cafeteria then”

"There should be a lift fifteen levels above you. Select room #19632B4."

Craig then sighed and said, “well we won’t reach it before lunch ends then… shame.”

The terminal for the console that was talking to Craig earlier changes to show me with a Hunter helmet from Halo 5 instead of MJOLNIR. Almost the exact same one Agent Locke had. "Need a lift?" I asked.

Craig then just sighed and said, “a lift where exactly?”

The floor Craig and the elements were standing on started moving upward while the ceiling did the same.

He then looked at me and said “see you in a minute hopefully”

"This is the director, signing off." The screen goes blank.

I then just smiled and said, “scratch that girls we may get their after all.”

They reach their destination and step off the lift before watching it descend again.

I then smiled as they begin to walk towards where they were told the Cafeteria was.

-Craig’s POV-

"2 Minutes remaining until lunch is over."

"Aww... I didn't even get to eat!" Pinkie Pie complained.

I then heard Discord say “I’ll handle this you take a rest”

I then muttered to Discord “Fine just don’t cause any trouble”

He then muttered back to me “fine, fine… no chaos.”

“Okay then I'm going to rest.” I replied before giving Discord contol.

-Discord’s POV-

I then sighed and said whilst mimicking Craig’s voice “Let me sort you something out, it’s my fault you didn’t get to eat anything” I then looked at everyone and said “what would you like?”

"Cocaine. Just kidding no, um... Chicken... wait no...Pizza!" Pinkie finally decided.

“any specific topping?”

"Don't overcomplicate things you dunderhead!" Pinkie Pie scowled.

“Pinkie you're talking to the guy who had to deal with a younger cousin who was similar to you.”

Pinkie Pie's eyes widened before she slapped me in the face angrily.

"That was mighty disrespectful of ya," Applejack said in a stern voice.

"Indeed." Rarity agreed.

I then sighed and said “fine I'm sorry, it’s just you all remind of someone from my family… each of your personalities fit them to a tee.”

"Are you calling us unoriginal?!" Rainbow Dash screamed as she got up in my face.

“No, not at all… All I mean is that you all have similarities to the people I used to know.”

"Hey, Craig! What is a girl's best friend?" Church asked as he walked up to us.

“Do you mean back on Earth? If it is the case Diamonds”

"The correct answer is passive aggression," Church said as everyone gasped at him as a bunch of mlg sound effects played. "*Airhorn* Get fucking wrecked!"

"Too soon!" Pinkie Pie complained.

"That's mean!" A waitress mare screamed at him.

"You're not denying it! *Airhorn*" He retorted.

"Shots fired!" I heard a stallion yell.

I then sighed as I clicked my fingers and essentially muted the sounds and Church. I then turn back to everyone and said, “Look I'm sorry...it’s only been a few days for me since everything changed for me and I just don’t like disappointing peo… ponies”

I didn't hear anything and looked to see Church making lewd gestures to mock mares.

I then glare daggers at Church as I turn and Strike him directly in the dick and say “shut the fuck up.”

He doesn't even flinch before he presses a button that ejected me out of the ship and into space.

I then sighed as I used instant Transmission and teleported back inside and said, “you done throwing your hissy fit yet Church.”

"Disable artificial gravity and life support." I suddenly feel weightless and start losing air. "Get in the corner and think about what you've done. They are used to my jokes." I feel gravity return to me and air regained, but I can't teleport out. "No magic for five minutes."

I then laughed and said, “The only magic I use is my spells from Skyrim, and I ain’t used that.” I then walked forwards and said, “and besides I don’t need air to breathe, don't forget I was able to breath in space when I blew up the Flood ship Church.”

"You still ruined the moment. Now sit in the there." I feel the ground beneath me rocket out of the ship and I see I'm in a life pod orbiting the Sun... which is full of cracks... Wait what? How?!

-Craig’s POV-

I then began to take back control of my body and said “Discord remind me to never let you control me when you use your magic”

He then appeared sitting on my shoulder and said, “yeah I screwed you over there didn’t I.”

“Yes, yes you did...” I then looked at the Sun and said “How the hell did that happen… Something must have happened to Celestia?”

“She’s probably had her magic drained, blocked or she’s injured and using the Sun to help her heal.”

“She can do that?”

“Yes… well, it was, a while ago since it last happened.”

I then sighed and said “Discord first things first.”

I then clicked my fingers as a pizza appeared back in the ship with a note saying “sorry about everything that happened Discord took control of his magic and in turn me, I had little control over my actions, please forgive me. Craig.

-Church’s POV-

A ripple was felt throughout the pelican.

“I've been here for too long,” I said. “I'll only be able to stay for a few hours longer before the portal forcibly collapses in on itself.” I sighed. “That's not something I would survive.” I then threw my arm down and walked towards the launch bay, as I watched as Craig floated in the pod back towards the pelican.

As soon as it latched back onto the ship I grabbed a Hydra MLRS and attached it to my back.

“I can't stay here,” I said to Craig.

Craig then sighed and said, “I see… look I'm sorry about earlier… I shouldn’t have let Discord have control.”

“This doesn't change anything. I've been here too long. My way back is starting to collapse,” Church said tiredly, “If I don't find Hichigo… Tell him I had no choice.”

I then turned around and walked towards a panel which I pressed before I disappeared.

Craig then turned around before he said, “I better apologize to the girls… that's going to cause a lot of problems for me.” He then began to walk back towards where he could sense the girls were.

-Craig’s POV-

As I got closer to the cafeteria I began to get a strange feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach as I thought I am going to get hurt… a lot for earlier.

I then sighed as I arrived at the door then muttered “it’s now or never” I then opened the door and walked in to see the girls all staring daggers at me.

Rainbow Dash silently walks up to me and puts out her hand as if in greeting before punching me in the nuts.
I sighed and said, “Okay Dash I deserved that… but maybe you want to beat up Discord instead of me?”
She doesn't say anything as she walks away.

“All visitors must exit the pelican in 5 minutes.” I heard an electronic voice say over the intercom.

I then smiled and said “we better get off the ship” I then looked at Pinkie and said “How was the pizza I sent you?”
I get the silent treatment.

I then sighed and then said, “okay all of you wail on me… I really don’t care anymore”

“All visitors will be registered as unauthorized personnel and therefore threats to the security in 4 minutes.”

“This way to the exit.” A pony stallion in black Mark V Gen 2 MJOLNIR armor wielding a shotgun said as he points to a corridor that ends with an open hatch.

I then walked over to the hatch and said, “Okay you can all beat me up after we get out.”

“Warning: All visitors are no longer welcome. Combat doctrine is now in effect.” The mares ignore me and walk away from the pelican and towards Ponyville.

I then shouted to them “I’m sorry I was such a dick to you girls.”

They just keep on walking forward. A holographic image of Church appeared in front of me. “I can't stay any longer. Tell Hichigo that I must go and please for the love of god teach him to make a token,” The hologram disappeared and the pelican started its engines before shooting off into a portal which closed behind it.

I then sighed before I said “Can I get fucked over anymore than I already have?”

I then heard a voice that I instantly recognised to be Ahriman shout "Hope you enjoy this present, Craig!"
Seconds later I saw a grenade appear from the portal and landed next to me and I muttered “goddamit Murphy…Feim, Zii, Gron” The grenade then explodes and I just stand there unaffected by the blast myself however the ground below me was a different story as the blast had left a large hole below me.

I then heard another voice I know to be Khârn’s shout "Yeah, and fuck you too!” as the portal shut in front of me.

I then stood up and muttered, “what do they have a Pinkie Sense… damn, that annoying.”

“SON OF A BITCH!” yelled Hichgio as he hit the ground a little ways away making a small crater upon impact. In the sky a fairly large dragon was glaring down at Hichigo’s form as he pulled himself up.

“You made a new friend?” I asked.

Popping his back and neck to get a kink out Hichigo turned to me and shrugged his shoulders while he lifted up Zangetsu.
“No the fucker is just a little pissy because I found his horde and took some shit. I don’t know why they leave their hordes just lying around for everyone to see and I found a nice little crown that had my name on it so I took it and here we are.” said Hichigo while he idly picked his ear with a pinkie.

“Oh great, that’s just great,” I groaned in Dovahzul.

“Could be worse, I could have screwed his daughter. Did you know that dragons have a full dragon form and a more human form like the ponies yet they don’t get their full dragon form until later on in life? His daughter told me that shit right before he showed up and slapped me with his tail.” said Hichigo with a smile not at all concerned about the dragon flying down towards them.

“One second buddy” I said before looking towards the dragon before I shouted “Joor Zah Frul!” before it was surround in a blue glow as it fell to the ground in front of them before I said to the dragon in Dovahzul “Easy there, you need to calm down.”

“That’s what I told him before he started going off about me ‘defiling his daughter and stealing his treasure.’ Seriously dude not everything is about what you have.” said Hichigo as he took a seat on the ground.

“You little welp! You came into MY cave and tried to mate with MY DAUGHTER! I should roast you alive right now!” cried the dragon as he stood to his feet showing him to be a quadruped and about the size of a house.

“You and what army you overgrown iguana!? Zangetsu would turn you into a pair of boots with one swing!” yelled back Hichigo in anger as he stood holding his blade tightly.

“Calm down both of you!” I ordered.

Hichigo looked at him for a second before turning away with a huff the same time the dragon did.

“He started it.” they said in unison making them glare at each-other more to the point lightning was shooting between their eyes.

“I don’t care who started it, but god dammit I have seen enough fighting to know this isn’t the way, and besides I don’t care how much treasure you have it doesn’t give you the right to try and kill anyone,” Iargued.

“Honestly I was more concerned about my daughter. I’ve heard of this one before and his reputation among females.” explained the dragon with a glare at Hichigo who was looking shocked at the accusation.

“Hey! Just cause I have a healthy appetite for the female form doesn’t mean I just go sleeping with any women who will
bend over for me, I’ve got standards ya know!?”

My eye then turned red before he motioned his hand downwards and he pinned both Hichigo and the dragon to the ground and shouted “Both of you stop arguing or god dammit I will show you want i’ve learned during the bloody War Of Shadows!”

“There was a bloody War Of Shadows? AND I WASN’T INVITED!?” cried Hichigo as his battlelust had kicked in and he was itching for a fight.

“Well it only started recently, and no you wasn’t invited,” I said still holding them down as his eye continued pulsating.

“Well that’s not fair!” said Hichigo as he just laid there not even bothering to try and get up.

“Why would you want to go into a war?” asked the dragon in surprise.

“Cause I live for battle that’s why you moron!” answered Hichigo with a snarl.

“Look you don’t want to be there, there are people miles stronger than me there, you wouldn’t live long,” I argued.

“I’m already dead buddy. I’m practically an arrancar that means I’m half malevolent spirit and half soul reaper. And I still haven’t ascended to my final form yet! I’ve only just been able to summon my Bankai and there is still so much more for me to unlock and the only way I can do that is by taking on stronger opponents.” said Hichigo in a surprisingly serious and analytical tone of voice.

“Did he just make sense?” asked the dragon in surprise once more.

“He did… alright… once this mess is sorted out I will spar with you and see if you are in any way set to fight in the war, if not you don’t go deal?”

“I can live with that.” said Hichigo happily before turning to the dragon, “as for you bub how about you fly on home and talk to your daughter about what actually happened. Also tell her to call me cause I get lonely.” finished Hichigo with a fake sad tone at the end.

The dragon just responds with a snort of smoke before looking away.

“Okay i’m going to release you both now, but if you try to go at eachother I will pin you again,” I said as I slowly released his hold on them.

Hichigo instantly hopped to his feet brushing the dirt off of his white outfit as the dragon merely stood there for a moment staring at Hichigo in curiosity.

“Just stay away from my daughter whelp.” was the last thing the dragon said before taking off and leaving Hichigo there to roll his eyes at the pathetic attempt to scare him.

“So I assume the others headed back to their own Equestria?” he asked while leaning against his blade.

“Church did he said he was sorry he couldn’t stick around but his time had run out… he did ask me to help you with a token.”

“Token? You mean like the thing I used to summon him here?” asked Hichigo with a hint of interest.

“Yeah… same as I’m assuming Church asked you to use to summon me here.” I added.

“Alright! Sooooo how do I make one?” asked Hichigo.

“Right then, first you’ll need an object that you want others to find to represent yourself, it can be anything like Church had a plasma sword and I had my amulet.”

Hichigo thinks about what he wanted to represent him for a moment idly tapping his blade. A few seconds later he freezes up and slowly looks at his large cleaver of a blade before an inhumanly large smile spreads across his face.

“I think Zangetsu right here would make a great token.”

“If you're sure about that then you’ll just need to focus and say a phrase that a person who finds your token will hear.”

Now Hichigo looks down on his blade in contemplation. What did he want others to hear when they found his blade? It would have to be something unique to him and something that gives a good representation of what and who exactly they are summoning. A whole minute goes by before Hichigo is ready.

“I am Hichigo, wielder of Zangetsu, King of the Demon lands and the Slayer of Hollows. Call upon me if you wish to see your enemies fall to pieces or just need a friend. Call out my name with Zangetsu and I will come.” chanted Hichigo.

“Not bad if I say so myself and it should now replicate itself and head off into the void leaving you with the original,” I said calmly.

“Yeah. You know being a displaced isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Sure I get violent a lot easier now thanks to mixing with Hichigo’s personality but I got to say knowing that there is others out there in the multiverse in the same position as me makes it a bit more bearable.” Hichigo said with a smile as he looked at his reflection in his blade.

“Anyway do you want me to send your token off, some peoples just multiply others need em placing into the void for them?”

“Send them off please. Who knows I may get a call earlier that way and help some poor sap who really needs it.”

“So true,” I said as he was grabbed his token before creating a small break in the area around him then said, “Please may I have your token?”

Hichigo silently hands it to him while staring at the small break in the area and is reminded of a garganta.

I then carefully placed his hands into the void whilst holding Zangetsu before he held it inside for a few seconds then removed it as before he held two of them in his hand before he said “and done.” before he passed the original version back to Hichigo and placed the copy on his back.

“Thanks man. So any other displaced guys or gals you know of?” Hichigo asked offhandedly truly curious on what other types of displaced he may encounter in the future.

“Where do I start, As you know there’s Church.”

“The tech guy with the surprisingly hot sister that I am currently in a very long distance relationship with.” Hichigo cut in but waved on for me to continue.

“There was also two people displaced as Dark Magician and Dark Magician girl, a black suit spiderman Displaced called Jeffery, A Sasuke Uchiha Displaced, There was a guy called Mike… don’t know what he was Displaced as, there was also there Warhammer Displaced I met I think their names were Ahriman, Khârn and Zhufor. There was Asphyxious who I only had a quick talk to when I arrived at the War of Shadow and also someone Displaced as Misty for the pokemon series if i remember correctly.” I said as I tried to remember everyone I’d met on the first day of the War of Shadows.

“Alright that is a pretty diverse group of people I will admit but I also want to ask, what exactly is the War of Shadows? Seems like a pretty big deal if so many displaced are a part of it?”

“Well it’s basically two displaced that got into a fight after one injured his daughter by accident and the other attacked the first one’s Twilight and well there Displacer now is dragging a ton of displaced into it most of them against their will to lead the sides, there was this one person who was Displaced as Crona from Soul Eater but didn’t want to even be there.” I explained.

“So this whole war was started over some stupid feud between two idiots?” asked Hichigo.

“Yep… and I don’t even know why I joined… I only realised what i did after I got back to my equestria… I didn't even remember who I sided with till I arrived.”

“Well while I’m all good for bloodshed and death but this has no meaning to it except for two idiots wanting to hurt each-other and not ballsy enough to settle it by themselves.”

“Exactly why I said you wouldn’t want to join, I don’t want any others being pulled into their stupid war.”

“Yeah but they’ll keep dragging others into it whether they want to go or not. I’m mostly concerned about what will happen if one side actually beats the other. What happens to the loser and who sided with them?” said Hichigo.

“Well… I know all Displaced that die get sent home but the actual displaced that were forced… well… you can guess,” I admitted sadly.

“Yeah I can and I don’t like it. But on a higher note I don’t think my chances of being summoned there particularly are very high at the moment so no worries there. So where do we go from here?”

“Well… I know your Mane six hate me now… so thats a thing.” I admitted whilst rubbing the back of my neck.

“Don’t take it too hard man. Most of them hate me to and I’m basically stuck with them so if anything I should be upset. But in all honesty I really don’t give two shits cause I got something over all of them. I’m officially the King of the Demon lands so on a political standpoint I can’t be touched without causing an international incident. That Tree of Harmony though is still a real perverted bitch that I would love to take an axe to.” Hichigo muttered the last part to himself.

“You know… I can still hear you and don’t try to cut the tree of harmony down that will end badly.” I replied before saying “Anyway… you said you wanted to duel each other?”

“Oh yeah.” said Hichigo in realization that he had asked for a duel with Craig after the dragon left. “Just give me a sec to get ready.” finished Hichigo before summoning his Bankai form and getting into a ready stance.

“Ready whenever you are.” said Hichigo happily as he was itching for a fight and his spiritual pressure was pulsing wildly.

“Well then, let me just get ready,” I said as I placed my hand on the back of my guitar before it turned into a sword.

I was wearing a black chestplate which was below a black trench coat before I was covered in a blue skin. I then drew the sword that matched my token in my right hand as my left hand glowed in a purple light.

I then looked to Hichigo before I said “I’m ready,” as I lowered into a deep stance with my sword held in front of me.

-Third Person POV-

Hichigo’s eyes narrow for a moment before he grins even wider and disappears with Sonido to appear behind Craig with his sword coming in to bisect Craig at the waist.

“So that’s your game is it?” Craig said as a blue tendril shot up from his back to block the attack before his hair turned golden and stood on end before he said “now then… let's get this started,” before he quickly spun around as there sword collided with each other.

Hichigo’s smile turns to a frown for just a moment before coming back full force as he pushed back Craig’s sword and unleashing a multitude of slashes aiming for Craig’s upper half.

Craig then smirked before he began to glow before he began to block each blow using two fingers before he said “Come on, I know you can do better than this… or do you want this to become a fist fight?” before he threw his sword into the air before he shouted “Rasengan!” as he launched his hand into Hichigo’s chest .

Seeing the attack coming Hichigo sends a lot of his spiritual pressure in the spot where the Rasengan would impact to increase his Hierro. When it made contact Hichigo felt the attack drilling away at his armor like skin but it was holding for now. Using this Hichigo jabbed two fingers into Craig’s chest and shouted, “BALA!” as a small beam about the size of a silver dollar flew from his fingers at near point blank range.

Craig just smirked as the attack just dissipated on contact with his body before he brought two fingers to his head and teleported away.

Cursing Hichigo gets into a ready stance as his chest heals almost instantly from the damage it took. He uses his spiritual sense to try and pinpoint Craig’s location.

“Well… I will admit you surprised me, I may not have know a lot about your anime counterpart but you really have surpassed my expectations… maybe I should show you my next form?” Craig said from a distance.

Hichigo turned around quickly spotting Craig and was tempted to rush in but his instincts were telling him to hold back for now as he could feel his spiritual pressure rising the longer the fight went on.

“Oh yeah? Well lets see it.” exclaimed Hichigo with excitement clear in his voice.

“Well… okay then… if you want to,” Craig said before his muscles seemed to expand before he grew in size as he held a similar appearance to that of Frieza’s first transformation in Dragonball Z apart from the fact he still had his golden hair before he said in a much deeper tone then before “Now then let’s see what you can do?” before he charged forwards and disappeared as he moved before Hichigo heard him shout “Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

Hearing this Hichigo knew he had to move as standing still would just get him pummeled as clones of Craig started to appear in poofs of smoke. Using Sonido to it’s fullest Hichigo would disappear and reappear hacking and slashing at anything that moved. As he did this however Hichigo felt his spiritual pressure start to rise exponentially. Then on instinct Hichigo appears on the far side of the area so all the clones are in front of him, bringing his blade back it glows black with red lining and while bringing the blade forward in a horizontal slash he yells out, “Getsuga Tensho!” before releasing a large black wave of energy that starts to cut across the whole area at high speeds.

“Well then that is a surprise,” A voice said from behind Hichigo before the voice shouted “Kamehameha!!!” a a large blue beam of energy appeared behind me.

Hichigo barely had time to turn around before the large beam plowed into him as he used his sword to block the beam as it started to push him back. A little bit away Hichigo managed to dig his feet into the ground and stop his being pushed back.

He was still struggling with the beam before he brought his left hand up holding the beam back with only his right hand. Putting his left hand up to the beam pure white raietsu begins to form in the palm of his hand. Then Hichigo yells, “CERO!” as a beam just as large as the Kamehameha impacts and begins to fight back against the beam pushing it back until it now holds in between Craig and Hichigo.

“You know this pose looks pretty cliche right?!” called Hichigo as he holds back the attack with his own.

“Yeah… good old beam struggles,” Craig chuckled before he said “Although there is a great thing about shadow clones.” another voice then shouted from three directions “Kamehameha!” as three more beams appeared from each side of Hichigo.

“Oh fuck all kinds of duck.” was all Hichigo managed to say before the three beams hit him making him lose concentration of his own beam and letting the fourth hit him.

Hichigo grit his teeth as his Hierro was quickly being eaten away by four beams continuously pounding him at once. His reiatsu spiked once more and Hichigo felt his hollow instincts crying out for blood and to fight back against the four beams.

With an inhuman cry Hichigo’s power spiked dramatically dispelling the four beams as his form changed once more. Now Hichigo could be seen in his Vasto Lord form which now showed his destroyed top and displayed his hollow hole in the center of his chest. His white hair had now grown longer to his mid back and he now possessed a mask with two large, sharp horns.

“You still okay to continue buddy?” Craig asked.

In response Hichigo brought his blade across his chest before swinging it down and behind him. The sheer action causing the ground behind him to erupt and fly backwards in large chunks.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Craig said before a large majority of the shadow clones began to charge Hichigo again.

Hichigo simply stood where he was as the clones approached showing no outward reaction. Then when the clones were just in striking distance Hichigo released a wave of pure raietsu sending the clones flying back and creating a crater under him from the pressure. Then Hichigo started to carve through the clones his speed nearly triple it was with Sonido with every hit being just as strong. Occasionally Hichigo would used his free clawed hand to pierce a clone’s chest or if they were standing in a line he would pierce up to three at once, all the while all attacks thrown at him were just shrugged off.

Craig just stood a small distance away as he was flanked by multiple Clones who each either had two fingers on their foreheads or their hands held above their heads while Craig was lying prone on the floor watching Hichigo through a sniper’s scope while his clones kept trying to wear him down.

After destroying a few more clones Hichigo disappeared only to reappear a few hundred feet overhead. Staring down a large red orb the size of a yoga ball began to form between the horns on his head. Then with a loud shriek Hichigo fired a large crimson beam at the center of the clones. When the beam struck a large dome of red energy erupted. After a few seconds the dome dissipated to show a large crater where the beam had struck.

Craig then looked towards the clones behind him and the ones that hand their hands near their heads nodded to him before they began to run into a nearby forest before the remaining clones walked towards Craig as five of them merged what appeared to massive balls of energy together above me as I began to absorb the energy into myself as I began to wonder just why Hichigo hadn’t found us yet.

As if to answer Craig’s question Hichigo’s gaze then focused on the original along with the clones around him. Faster than one could blink Hichigo was now standing directly in front of Craig just looking at him with his gold eyes waiting for Craig or the clones to do something.

Craig then smirked before he said “Are you not going to hit me… why just stand there and do nothing… or are you waiting for me to make my next move so you can counter?”

“You think I did not notice the orbs earlier? Hard to miss them. Your gathering energy for something and the hollow in me is curious on what your planning. It will not let me strike just yet.” responded Hichigo only his voice now was more of a rasp and screech mixed into one instead of his usual voice.

“If you knew what those balls was you’d not give me time to have done what I did.” Craig said calmly before he disappeared along with his clones before multiple voices shouted from around them “Special Beam Cannon!” before multiple gold and white beams of energy flew towards Hichigo from all directions.

Hichigo disappeared just as the beams reached his position before appearing behind one of the clones with his hand already piercing through his back and out the chest. From that very same hand Hichigo released a barrage of Bala’s that eliminated the other clones.

“Your clones won’t hide you forever Craig. Unlike you they possess no spirit and I can practically taste yours.” said Hichigo.

“That may be the case but, I need to ask you… was you watching the previous attack?”

“What do you mean? Surely you're not talking about those Special Beam cannon’s? Or are you talking about the Spirit Bombs?”

Craig then smiled as Hichigo realised his eye was pulsation between gold, red and white before he said “The Special beams.” His fingers then moved slightly to the right.

Tilting his head to the right Hichigo spared a glance in the direction Craig had gestured to nothing of any particular danger.

Scoffing Hichigo says, “if you're going to gesture at empty air then I might as well take the initiative now,” he said before bringing up his hand and unleashing a barrage of Bala’s.

Craig then smiled before he brought his hands upwards as multiple special beam cannons burst from the ground below Hichigo impaling him on the one by one as Craig said “You really think that was me directing you?” whilst the Bala’s dissipated on contact with Craig’s body yet again.

Hichigo stumbled a bit as the holes made by the attacks healed over in a matter of moments. Glaring at Craig Hichigo released another hollow cry that shattered the ground around him before lunging at Craig with his sword raised to cut him down the middle.

“And… release,” Craig said before a burst of gold energy struck out from his knocking Hichigo off balance before opened his palm as a purple light struck Hichigo’s hand as his sword was launched from it before all of the energy that Craig had built up was unleashed instantly in one beam as Craig shouted “Final Flash!” as he held Hichigo’s sword behind him.

The beam carried Hichigo far away before a loud explosion occurred where he had finally stopped. It was all silent for a few moments before Hichigo’s sword began to move about on its own. Then with a burst of burning reiatsu it broke from Craig’s hand before twirling away at intense speeds into Hichigo’s hand who was panting a few feet away. His mask was cracked in various places and his body was covered in burns that showed the muscle and bone underneath in some places. He was also healing a lot slower than before.

Craig then looked before he said “Let’s end this here… we don’t want to risk killing each other or any bystanders.”

“Agreed. At this rate we’ll both end up dead. That or the whole planet will be a crater.” said Hichigo as he finally finished healing.

“Yeah… that wouldn’t even be near what would happen if this continued with me gaining power.” Craig admitted.

“So how are we gonna finish this?”

“Let's just call it a draw, that's probably for the best,” Craig suggested.

“Yeah I guess so.” agreed Hichigo as he released his Vasto Lord form and returned to his base form large cleaver and all.

“Okay then,” Craig replied as he returned to normal before he turned his sword back into his guitar.

“Good news though, I finally learned Getsuga Tensho and unleashed my Vasto Lord form at the same time! Looks like all I needed was a desperate situation in order to bring them out.”

“I will say this you are an amazingly powerful Displaced, sure we could have kept going for much longer and i have a feeling we wouldn’t get to a point where either of us would surrender.”

“Oh I hear ya on that. And thanks, you're pretty powerful yourself using DBZ and Naruto attacks like that. If not for my Hierro and regeneration I would have been done a few times over.”

“What do you expect from a guy who spends his spare time trying to learn other ways to crossover different moves… heck i’m trying to combine the Kamehameha with skyrim spells to augment its effects.”

“Now that would be amazing. Can you do dragon shouts? Maybe try and combine the Storm Call with it? That would make a badass move.” said Hichigo.

“Umm… I did use Dragonrend earlier to bring that dragon down,” Craig pointed out.

“Oh so that's what you did. I don’t know the dragon words for shouts so I didn’t really know what you said.” said Hichigo with an embarrassed laugh at the end.

“Hmm… do you want to learn a few?” Craig offered.

“Can I really learn them?” asked Hichigo now really hoping it was possible.

“I could pass on the knowledge for a shout… but you would still need to practice… or I could teach you to control ki or chakra,” Craig admitted.

“If that’s the case I would go with chakra. Shadow clones would be really helpful. Plus adding the elements into my attacks would be an enormous increase in power.” admitted Hichigo.

“Hmm… you know i’m in a good mood what shout do you want as well, i’ll give you a two for one deal.” Craig admitted.

“Wow thanks man!” said Hichigo happily with a large smile that was genuine and not full of his usual bloodlust.

“No worries, just name the shout and I’ll put the word on the ground for you.” Craig said as he placed his hand on Hichigo’s head before passing over a small amount of knowledge on how to control chakra he then continued to say “you should be able to create a small amount of shadow clones and maybe the chidori aswell.”

“Thanks man. As for shouts the ones I would like to have are Elemental Fury, Unrelenting Force, Slow time and Storm Call please and thank you.” said Hichigo.

“I wish I could give you all those, but I can only give you one full shout.” Craig admitted.

“Hmmm. Well if that's the case then just give me Unrelenting Force. It may be the first shout you get but it's also the best in my opinion.” said Hichigo not at all bothered by only having one shout. He was happy to get any!

“Okay then,” Craig replied before he opened his hand as three symbols appeared on the ground as he whispered “Fus, Ro Dah.”

Hichigo looked at the symbols in awe for a moment before feeling the knowledge held within them flow straight into his brain.

Craig then looked to him before he said “How do you feel?”

“Wiser if you can believe it.”

“I can… Is it bad i’m considering teaching Fluttershy this shout as well back home?” Craig inquired.

Hichigo looked at him for a moment before bursting out laughing, “hahahaha! Are you kidding me? That would be hilarious! Imagine her just whispering those words and sending someone flying!? I say go for it!”

“I’d literally have the whole Flutterkin thing back in my world… at the moment i’m content trying to train my daughter to use Ki though,” Craig admitted.

“Whoa you have a daughter! Adopted or biological?”

“Adopted… I am only 18 right now.” Craig replied quickly.

“Oh alright, I had the image of a Centaur for a moment and it was going down some dark roads.” Hichigo muttered in a bit of fear at his own twisted imagination.

“No worries, hey, sooner or later I may end up having to perform to a crowd back home when that day comes do you want me to call you along so you can have a day to relax, heck you could even bring a friend along?”

“That would be amazing man. By the way how far along is your timeline?”

“Well… considering the fact that Discord escaped from stone less than a month ago i’d say the start of season 2,” Craig admitted.

“Huh. Well I only beat the crap out of Nightmare Moon and for some reason Sombra was out before the wedding so I had to go and kill him with Church.”

“Huh… you know it’s weird… in all of our history there’s actually a lot of things mentioned about him… one being he was a hero who aided Celestia in defeating my worlds Nightmare moon,” Craig admitted before he said “There’s even a statue of him in the canterlot gardens.”

“Yeah I wonder why he would go to dark magic though? He was already famous and world renown so why risk his sanity by going all dark and shit. I smell conspiracy.”

“Maybe… maybe, eh… everything a conspiracy to me though.”

“That’s cause you got a thousand year old horse with a sun on its ass runnin things and you don’t get to be that old without a boat load of skeletons in your closet.” said Hichigo.

“True… true.”

“Well that and she hates the idea of killing an enemy but has no problem turning them into lawn ornaments like Discord. Bitch is seriously messed in the head.”

“You had to mention that,” A voice said from seemingly nowhere.

“Yes, yes I did. Now who the fuck just said that!?” demanded Hichigo as he brought Zangetsu to bear.

“Oh calm down buddy… it’s just my worlds Discord.” Craig admitted

“Yeah well just make sure he keeps out of my head like my worlds Discord didn’t do. Plus it can’t be too bad being a lawn ornament. They at least washed you daily right?”

“Umm… nope… Celestia didn’t really keep much of an eye on me… she did on three other statues though… seemed to cry often when she’s near them,” Discord admitted as he sat on his shoulder.

“They look familiar to you? And what were they species wise?” asked Hichigo truly curious on why these three were so important to her.

“Umm… one was a pony… the others… well that’s harder to explain around Craig right now,” Discord admitted.

“But if it’s his Equestria this is happening in then shouldn’t he have the right to know?”

“He can’t know,” Discord said.

“I can’t know what?” Craig asked.

“About two out of three statues in Celestia’s garden which are apparently so important to her that she cries over them whenever she sees them.” stated Hichigo casually.

“You mean the statues of my mum and brother from back home,” Craig admitted calmly causing Discord’s eyes to open in shock.

“That's what you were trying to hide from him!? That’s a dick move. But why would there be statues of your mother and brother in Celestia’s garden. And why are they important to her?”

“The legend of the mare in to moon was different in our world, it said with the aid of three of her strongest soldiers she was able to hold back and imprision her sister on the moon, however this came at a cost as her soldiers were sealed in stone,” Discord admitted before he said “it was her biggest failure as she lost no just three soldiers, but three friends.”

“HOLD UP! Isn’t the Nightmare moon in your world dealt with already? Why not just break them out then?” declared Hichigo not believing for a second that there wasn’t someway Craig’s family couldn’t be freed.

“Because I can’t… I’ve tried to do it but I couldn’t do it,” Discord admitted.

“Why not? You managed to break out of your own stone prison on your own so what's so different about theirs?”

“I didn’t break out myself… it required chaos around me to break… they will need their representations to break it… that being bravery and compassion.”

“Okay not to sound too cliche and unoriginal but Craig here has both of those in spades so why not let him try? And you still haven’t said who the pony is in that trio.” pointed out Hichigo.


“..... well I’ll be a son of a bitch. At least in your world he’s a good guy. In this world I have his head mounted somewhere in the Crystal Empire.”

“But the statue isn’t him… he wasn’t sealed in stone he just disappeared.”

“Also I tried to free them and I wasn’t able to… heck I was attacked there and almost died to save someone, hence why I can do this,” Craig admitted as a set of dog like claws appeared between his fingers.

“Maybe it just isn’t time for them to be free just yet. As for Sombra who knows what could have happened to him. But I can tell you're not just gonna give up are you? That doesn’t sound like the kind of guy you are. But that's just me.”

“He’s definitely not… even though he hides it.” Discord admitted

“Plus he’s got the backing of not just the residents of his own version of Equestria, but the backing of a lot of Displaced from other Equestria’s. You ever need a hand I’ll be the first to jump in. Unless of course I’m in the middle of a battle for the fate of the world but it's not like those don’t happen in every single season right?”

“True… watch them escape during the invasion,” Craig chuckled.

“Damn I did forget about the changelings at the wedding. I wonder what a bug pony looks like as a human?”

“They already tried to take Fluttershy back in my world,” Craig admitted.

“They dared to try and kidnap the most adorable being in any Equestria!? Blasphemy! Take her head, down with the bug Queen!” declared Hichigo dramatically.

“Oh she knows... she pissed me off to the point she been threatened by me,” Craig said as what looked to be a pair of very sharp canines appeared in his mouth.

“I’d still keep her at arms length. But on a scale of 1 to 10 how evil is she in your world? Like Sombra’s enslavery kind of evil or more like a necessary evil?”

“Chrysalis… no idea she sent one drone to impersonate her and that failed… the drone couldn’t act like she did around animals.”

“...okay I say that your Chrysalis is a moron. I don’t think you’ll have much problems with her.” Hichigo deadpanned.

“Oh i know,” Craig admitted with a smile.

“Well that leaves me to deal with my own little bug Queen. And after that I gotta deal with Tirek. Sunset Shimmer and that Twilight rip off can be dealt with by the elements. I’m more excited about seeing other Displaced. Well the good ones really cause I’m sure there are evil ones right?” questioned Hichigo as that thought popped into his head.

“Okay then well if things get bad here you know i’m always free to call,” Craig said with a smile.

“Always good to know I got friends who got my back.” returned Hichigo with his own smile.

“Yeah… and I know Church abuses that so often… heck he called me a day after we met to deal with an attack by some flood.”

“Hahaha yeah that sounds just like him…. He’s got a hot sister though whenever she’s not in the body of an elite.”

“Well.. okay then, oh and to send me back you’d just need to say ‘Craig our contact is complete’ but don’t worry bout that I can head home myself.”

“Guess I’ll be seeing you around whenever a disaster happens then?”

“That or I offer you a backstage pass for a performance,” Craig admitted.

“What kind of ‘performance’?”

“Well considering i’m a guitarist and singer what do you think?”

“I think that sounds awesome. And I accept!”

“Well then expect a call soon… I have the feeling one gonna happen soon.” Craig admitted with a smile.

“I’ll keep my eyes and ears open.” replied Hichigo.

“Okay then, I’ll see you soon,” Craig said as he used his token to open a portal in front of him before he saluted Hichigo before walking through as it closed behind him.