• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 16,126 Views, 785 Comments

Believing Stories - TypewriterError

Celestia "wakes up" to find That Equestria...may have never existed.

  • ...

Where is He?

Silken cloth rubbed against her cheek as Celeste turned in bed. Her mattress at the hospital had never been this comfortable. The duvet enveloped her like a gentle, warm embrace. She ran her fingers over the soft sheets and pulled her blankets closer, a smile creeping into her face. Even if this was a dream, it was incredibly pleasant. The smooth duvet cover traced across her lips as she snuggled further down into the downy warmth.

Was she home?

Her left arm reached out and felt among the covers. This was a large bed, not the single one she had been kept in and the mental hospital. Could the hospital just be a memory? Maybe even a terrible, vivid nightmare? Perhaps now she was awake? Perhaps now she was home? She gave a contented sigh and pulled her arm back to wrap around the pillow supporting her head delicately.

Of course she was awake. Shadows didn’t act like that. There was no such thing as magic.

A breeze wafted into the room and breathed coolly on her cheek, evoking another contented sigh. Her whole body was sore. Perhaps she had tossed a lot in the night or she had overexerted herself the day before. She rolled her head, letting her other cheek sink into the pillow as she hugged it closer. Perhaps she could just stay here for a while, enjoying the warm comforts of her bed. Did she have anything to do today?

With a panic, she realized that she couldn’t remember anything from yesterday. Had she gone shopping? Had she cleaned the house? Did her aunt call yet again?

She opened her eyes and panic truly set in. This wasn’t her room. First of all, the color scheme was hideous. Pink purple and yellow? What was she? Five years old? She sat up and looked down at her clothes. Yes, they were normal pajamas but she had no knowledge of ever seeing them before. They weren’t even like the scrubs she had dreamed about. The breeze had come from a tall window made of a solid immobile pane of glass that opened at the top. There was no way she could fit through that hole.

The door to the room opened slowly. She leapt to her feet.

“Good morning...” the man with longish brown hair and glasses looked up at her as he entered, followed soon by a woman wearing a dark blue sweater and long skirt. The woman’s eyes watched Celeste closely, as if she was trying to penetrate her with an unspoken question.

The strange man gave the woman in her nightclothes a confused look. Celeste was standing on her bed, almost like she was ready to pounce.

“Who are you?” Celeste demanded.

“I’m Dr. Stable. How—“

“Where am I?”

“You’re... in a...”

Celeste’s core turned cold. “You’ve kidnapped me,” she accused. The woman looked devastated and took a few steps towards her. She was definitely younger than Celeste, though she couldn’t tell how much. That stare unnerved her. The other woman opened her mouth to speak but the doctor spoke first.

“No, actually. Well... you were kidnapped. We’ve brought you back and now we’re just monitoring your mental health—“

“So I can leave?”

The silent woman sighed, turning to look out the window.

“Uh...we haven’t finished examining you yet.”

“Can I go outside?”

“Oh, yes. You have a scheduled time to go outside.”

“Where am I?”

“I told you—“

“I mean, what city? How did I get here?”

“Your...” He exchanged a look with the woman in blue. “Family brought you here. They were concerned.”

“Where is my husband?”

“Your...what?” he asked.

“My husband. You said my family put me here. He is my family so I assume you needed his permission to do this.”

“Uh...” He shot a confused look at the woman by the window. She didn’t respond but her hand gripped the window frame so hard that he nails bit into the wood. “He wasn’t available.”

“You have no right to hold me prisoner here.”

“Technically we’re not holding you prisoner.”

“When can I leave, then?”

“You have to be examined first.” He took a steps towards her.

“You’re not going anywhere near me.”

The woman turned around, giving Celeste a pleading look. Why didn’t she just talk to her?

The man held up his hands defensively. “I won’t invade your personal space. Why don’t we talk?”


“The sooner we talk the sooner your examination will be over.”

“And then I can go?”

He exchanged another look with the woman. “If we decide that you are mentally stable...”

What is this?” Celeste suddenly fumed. “Last night I went to bed somewhere else and now I wake up here.”

“I can explain. A lot of your memory has been tampered with—”

“What am I really doing here? Are you messing with me too? Are you drugging me? Trying to tell me I imagined my whole life?”

The woman looked like she was about to speak but the so called doctor stopped her by holding up his hand. “We haven’t said that. You’ve just been through a traumatic time—”

“I don’t want to talk.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” The woman drew closer to Celeste. Celeste’s bed was against the back wall so she had nowhere to go as she approached the foot of the bed.

“In that case, your lunch will be here in an hour. Let us know if you need anything,” he said as he walked towards the woman. Was she also imprisoned here? The man reached for her elbow but she held up her hand without taking her eyes off of Celeste. He stopped, reluctantly.

“You really don’t know who I am?” she finally spoke, looking up at Celeste. “You can’t even guess who I might be?”

The doctor pulled on her. “I told you, she doesn’t—”

“I’ve never seen you before in my life.” The woman’s head dropped and the man grabbed her arm.

“Remember my conditions,” he said firmly. The woman ripped her arm from his grasp and turned, rushing from the room. The doctor gave Celeste a polite bow and then turned to follow.

Celeste slowly got down from her bed and stepped onto the carpeted floor. It was obvious to her that there was something sinister behind all this. Who was that woman and why should Celeste know her? A large window stood in the wall to her left, open to a beautiful countryside. The colors hurt her eyes. She squinted her eyes against the brightness and traced the panes with her fingers. The ground couldn’t be too far of a drop. Would they start chasing her when she ran? How many were in on this?

She crossed to a wooden chair sitting next to a round wooden table and picked it up. She turned and crossed the room, swinging the chair at the glass. It bounced off, breaking a leg of the chair. The glass was unhurt.

Now where was she? What was she doing here? Last night she had been sleeping. She had a nightmare but that wasn’t something traumatic enough to be sent to the mental hospital. No matter how nice this place might be there was something deeply wrong about it. She crawled back into her bed and hugged a pillow against her body.

Her husband wouldn’t put her here without making sure she knew why, right? Yesterday she had fallen asleep with him next to her. Where was he?

She hugged the pillow tighter as her eyes started to tear up. She had just had a bad dream. Maybe she was still having one? Perhaps this was a prank? It was definitely a mean one but then again he sometimes took pranks a little too far. She rested her cheek on the pillow wishing he was besides her. She wanted to hear his voice, sense his heartbeat, and feel his breathing. She wanted her husband. She wanted to feel safe.

Something else was wrong. Something was missing. Something she should have with her. Her mind went through her house looking at any insignificant detail. Her heart ached not just for her husband but some something she couldn’t grasp. She couldn’t hold—she couldn’t find it hiding in her mind. She shifted and her foot touched something.

With her left hand she lifted the covers up enough to see where her feet were. Her body curled, holding onto the pillow still as she reached and took the object. The baseball. The baseball she had dreamed about. Except it was here. It was right here. Now it was covered in scribbles. Her husband’s handwriting. The scribblings were short phrases; I love you, I’m coming back, Be strong, Please, remember me. Nothing told her why she was here. Why was this happening to her?

She turned the baseball over and a chill shot through her.

You were not dreaming. I’ll explain everything.

She tossed the baseball away. How could he have known about her dream? Had she told him the nightmare and just forgotten?

THUMP-thump Th-thump

Her hands shook, she buried herself under the covers as she heard the ball roll to a stop.

Please, remember me.

“Please, be here,” she whimpered, pressing her face into the pillow. “Please come back, I love you.”

I’m coming back.

“Please, please just come back now. Come back.”

I love you.

She let a whimper break through her lips.

Be strong.

He would understand. He would understand if he saw her here, crying.

You were not dreaming.

But, she had to be dreaming. Sombra wasn’t real, she had never thought she was a pony.

I’ll explain everything.

Had her husband gotten into trouble? Was she being held captive until they could get something from him? What did they want here?

She cried for a while, wanting to sleep or wake up. She recalled what it was like to feel him there. She could also feel his hug again if she thought hard enough. What were they going to do to her? Was she about to lose her family all over again?

She still had his writing; his note to her.

She crawled over to the side of her bed where the baseball sat. It felt heavy as she picked it up and curled next to the pillow again. No matter what, at least she knew he was real. He was in her real life. He was in her nightmare. A part of him was here. He would find her. He would save her. She could trust him. She would trust him. Her body trembled. She would trust him. He was coming back for her. He would explain everything. She had to be strong. She had to be strong...

She forced her trembling down inside her until she smothered it. In the nightmare one thing had relaxed her that she could do right now. She forced her arms to push herself from the warm pillow and she turned to crawl from the bed. Even if this didn’t help it would be something familiar. She sat down on the left side of her bed and looked at the yellow wall in front of her.

THUMP-thump Th-thump

Waiting for what your heart desires can be really hard.

THUMP-thump Th-thump

So, you may try to take a shortcut. But this dishonesty never works...

THUMP-thump Th-thump

Because you didn't earn what your heart desired.

THUMP-thump Th-thump

The only cure is being honest with yourself, and others.

THUMP-thump Th-thump

And that's something every heart desires.

THUMP-thump Th-thump

THUMP-thump Th-thump

THUMP-thump Th-thump

Author's Note:

Thank you all for your attention. Please, feel free to speculate on what is actually going on in the comments. Don't worry, this story isn't over yet even though this section is. If you want to know the truth, the story continues here.

This is only the beginning...

Comments ( 97 )

TypeWriterError: Remember, you asked me to speculate. I regret nothing:

Here is my theory, and hopefully I don't have too many plot points from "False Memories" spilling in here.


Discord always loved Celestia. When him and Luna lived in his little "chaos kingdom" before banishing them, he was infatuated with her. Celestia thought she could 'earn favor' and make him treat the ponies better by submitting to his desires of the flesh. However, Celestia never loved him.

When Discord found this out, he plotted to banish the two sisters. They discovered the elements of harmony within themselves, and turn Discord to stone.

All was well, until Prince Sombra came along. He too was infatuated with Celestia. At this point, Luna was pretty pissed that all the eligible bachelors loved her sister more than her. She began to notice how ponies love the day more, Celestia more, how she was just "the starry-maned stepchild."

Also, it didn't help Luna was madly in love with Sombra, yet he ignored her. So, she got super pissed. Oh, and I'm pretty sure Celestia cast some love magic on Sombra to "tease" Luna by making him love her more. (I may need to re-read some bits, but that's neither here nor there.)

So, now we've got a very pissed off Luna who banishes the Crystal Kingdom for (you guessed it) 1,000 years.

Celestia is not amused. This trolling went too far, so she banishes Luna to the moon for 1,000 years as punishment. However, being alone and raising the sun and moon takes a heavy toll on Celestia's mental health.

Pretty soon, Celestia is turning into Celeste every night in her dreams. A simple human woman with a happy family and no responsibilities. Her dreams of being human become her sole refuge from the pain and loneliness of ruling alone. Who knows, maybe Luna was messing with her dreams. I mean, she was up there for a thousands years with nothing to do but preen and mast.... SQUIRREL!

So, Luna gets back, Twilight becomes element of magic, etc.... Celestia is still screwed up in the head and eventually Luna finds out. Now, Discord gets out (perhaps post-reformation) and he's like "Hey, no sweat Luna I love Celestia and I can totally fix her head."

So Discord imprisons Celestia in an alternate reality mental institution, using her "Celeste" persona to trick her into believing she is human. Contrary to Luna's belief, Discord is really trying to win Celestia's hand in marriage. After all, Sara Cruebell a.k.a. Screwball, is Discords daughter. And it takes two to tango.

Therefore, either before being turned to stone 1,000 years ago, or recently in the present, Discord got Celestia pregnant and their love child became a half-alicorn/half-dracqonius. That would explain why Sara genuinely cares for Celeste, her mother, where Discord is just trying to get her to shut up and make a sandwich. (Bad analogy, I know.)

So, Celeste, Discord, and Sara are in the mental institution. Luna knows something is up, she can just barely reach Celeste's dreams and knows what Discord is up to. She can't get Twilight in to help, so she sends in Sombra. Yes, the evil stallion king who went mad with grief and forced everypony in the crystal kingdom to love him to fill the void Celestia left in his heart.

Sombra enters Discord's alternate reality, and gets b***h slapped by Discord, and trapped. Now, Celeste starts seeing Sombra's 'ghostly' form. He's sort of like a lich. When he gets killed he gets "ghosty". His phylactery is the crystal heart, in the crystal kingdom, thus keeping him alive through anything. Cool, huh?

So, Sombra is trying desperately to convince Celeste she is Celestia. Celeste believes he is some evil guy, and to be fair he's kinda evil, but he's really trying to get her back to Equestria.

Sombra knows Discord wants to marry Celestia. Sombra wants to marry Celestia. Thus, they fight over Celeste, because who ever wins the battle to convince her she is a pony or a human will get to marry her.

So Luna is understandably getting pretty pissed off by now. She keeps trying and failing to get into the alternate reality and into Celeste's dreams. She can do little more than send letters and friendship reports with Twilight to let Celestia know they haven't forgotten about her. Perhaps Luna even got trapped in the alternate reality with Discord, locked away in a room of the hospital where Discord ensures she can never help Celeste find out her true identity.

Twilight, the ever vigilant mare she is (and totally not a Mary Sue) easily steps across into the alternate reality. She confronts Celeste, trying to force her to come home. However, Celeste is too far gone. She believes she is human, wants to be human, wants to do everything Discord (Dr. Cruebel, in case you didn't realize by now) tells her too.

This causes her to have a psychotic episode, passing out and splitting her personalities in two threatening to destroy her.

Queue the scenes about Discord massaging her temples and hair, Twilight being like "Dude, you're totally screwing her up worse!" and all that.

Now, given the events of the last chapter Discord knows he screwed up. His daughter Sara was attacked by Sombra, Celeste saw Twilight and relapsed.... it's a mess.

Discord sends Celeste into a new reality. A reality where she is a kidnap victim with amnesia, and starts all over. Celeste is back at square one, no idea Equestria exists or of all the plots and political games being played over her.

Except our protagonist finally comes back to the rescue: The baseball.

Oh how I love that damn baseball.

Celeste finds it in her bed, with the words of comfort and encouragement. Twilight and Luna are still looking for her, even if she thinks it's just her husband looking for her it is giving her the strength to resist.

What then, is this mysterious baseball? It is the embodiement of the most important of the elements: Friendship. So long as the ponies in her kingdom love her and want her back, as long as Twilight and Luna are fighting for her, the baseball remains. THe constant reminder, anchoring what's left of Celestia to her true self.

"So, that's a very interesting theory, and I'm sure TypeWriterError will never ask you to speculate in the comments to her story again, but what happens next?" you might ask.

"Well, dear reader who I have never met before in my life, how about this," I reply.

Discord is watching as she wakes up and adjusts to the new reality. He must pick a roll. Will he be the doctor again, or her husband? What roll will Sara play? Will he try the same story of insanity or a new one?

Discord is running against the clock. Luna and Twilight are now capable of entering the reality to rescue her. Sombra is trapped there with them, refusing to leave until he wins Celestia's hand in marriage.

And poor Celeste, stuck in the middle (with you.) Yes, she's stuck in the midd—bah! Bad Kaidan.

Anyway, Celeste is going to have to decide all over again whether she is a human or a pony. Only, this time the chess board is full and she has the first move. Luna, Twilight, Sombra, Discord, all fighting to create the version of Celestia that they want. Whether she chooses to be human, alicorn, or is mentally damaged beyond repair rests on the ponies around her attempting to influence her decisions.

i um have no idea what to say oh right i do

Holy mother of WoT. I'm sorry, but I got about 2/5 through that before TL;DR'ing.

As for the sequel, why is it going up on a different person's account?

EDIT: *re-reads*
Okay, maybe not the sequel, exactly, but still.

Gah. Even your author's notes are confusing.


She asked me to speculate on the entire theory. I should have done a TLDR: Celeste is the pawn in a love tetrahedron.

In response to the only theory (which may for all I know be pretty accurate) posted at the time of this writing, (see first comment). Ahem.... DAYYYY-UM.

Wow... i didnt even read the story. you sir explained everything in a nutshell.:applejackconfused:
however it did save me time from reading this fanfic by reading your comment by wondering: what the heck is going on!?:twilightoops:
anyway want to know what i think after reading your comment?:applejackunsure:

2534316 It's a long story. And it will be a long story. and...

I'm not helping being less confusing am I?


2534450 Technically...it is a speculation. And not the only theory that holds water :trollestia:

Major confusion for a minute. I read this a while ago, and thought it was finished. Much later, I find it on the front page of fimfiction.net to find that, not only did it finish just recently, but it also seems to only be the first in a series!?!?! SPOILER ALERT: I left off I think after Celestia was supposedly re-captured, and she seems to give up on Equestria, throwing something or other that reminded her of Equestria away or breaking it or something. I think I'm going to read it over again, and make a re-assessment on my rating. While where I ended was a pretty good stopping place (which is why I thought it was the end) I just HAVE to see what you did with it! Onwards!

I'm done.

So, wait, if I want to find out more about what happens next in the story, I have to find another person's account and read it there? Lame. :ajbemused:

I also have a feeling that the real Celeste Marlow and Celestia had a consciousness swap by accident, so that Celestia woke up one morning in Celeste's body and vice versa. I could be wrong, because she mentioned the nightmare and the hospital (in fact, now that I think about it, I'm almost positive I'm wrong), but it's still a theory. :applejackunsure:

Well done. Even if you are completely wrong in the end, this is my head canon for now.

As far as I can see this some kind of major mind trip or the author writing a story about a mentally ill patient and pretending it has something to do with Equestria and ponies. It's all very confusing...

I could go with that. It sounds crazy, but not entirely without merits.


After my wild speculation I tripped and fell on some spoilers, and promised not to say anything. But perhaps she won't mind if I say the sequel answers all your questions, and it really does have to do with Equestria and ponies?

Anyway, I can't wait for the sequel, because it's at least 2000% cooler than this story.

2536194 Don't mind at all you clarifying that point. :twilightsmile:

EDIT: tripped and fell upon? I grabbed you, threw you in the back room of a skype chat, and dumped the whole stinkin' backstory on you in the space of 30 minutes. lol

Err, uh, okay. :twilightsmile:

Well that's kind of cruel. You have to give people time to adjust to that.. :P

Indeed. I got the cliff notes to the best story ever. Hurry up and finish writing it!

2536284 Well, he asked for it :P

Am I really? Every moment of every day I get the feeling I'm being watched. Is Pinkie in my pen holder, or perhaps the file cabinet? Is she behind the monitor or under the chair?

I'm never making a Pinkie Promise again. Oh god, she's right behind me...

I'm her editor so I get a treat every time I find a typo

Mmhm. You carry in with your editing life. You seem like a respected guy.


Thank you, very much, for not giving anything away. I can't stand spoilers. :pinkiesick:

And I'll believe it when I see it. :raritywink:

my go to explanation for stuff is Trans-universal bleeding.


You seem like a respected guy.

That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me since I released a train-wreck of a story into the featured box yesterday. Even TWE facepalmed.

On a side note, does TWE know you or did she just think, "Hey, he made a big long speculative comment, I'll go tell him exactly what happened!"


I grabbed you, threw you in the back room of a skype chat, and dumped the whole stinkin' backstory on you in the space of 30 minutes.

Sounds utterly lethal. How fun would that be.

Oh gosh! :rainbowderp:

I was certain you had ended on that psycho note until I read your author's note....good gravy this whole story has messed with me mentally...then you end it in the middle of a monotonous speculation...with nearly NO questions answered!

Excellent job good madam! :moustache:

2537959 :twilightsmile: Yeah, I wanted to make it clear that this is not the real end. in the original story people complained that I gave too much away. *shrug* Now it's a case where I want to share what is really going on but first I want to give readers questions they want to be answered.

Ah...I wouldn't know cause I never read the original...I just saw this in the hit stories thingy and was like, "I haven't read anything psycho in the brony community yet."

But yes...I am looking forward to the next portion of this...and all of the mental capoopies it brings! :pinkiecrazy:

Cupcakes anypony? :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:


Woot. I've never read any of the other versions of this story, so I'm coming in fresh, and basically I'll just refer back to my older comment from a few chapters ago.

However logically, when you factor in the existence of magic, her being Celestia actually makes far more sense. Sympathetic magic and intertwined destinies are a huge part of worlds that support magic, so if Celeste has much the same type of guilt as Celestia, then Celestia may have been drawn to Celeste as a sort of "grass is always greener on the other side" type of effect, where Celeste would rather live in Equestria, where her sister is still alive and she hasn't lost everyone, and the trade is with Celestia, who has lived 1000 years and grown accustomed to loss, but at least would not have to live with being responsible for hurting her family.

There's not much to this story just yet, but all signs in my head points to this being the original Celeste, and she seems to now be in Equestria, though the fact that there aren't any ponies is throwing me right the heck off from nailing down anything specific on that train of thought.
We have the baseball, but now the baseball has writing, but this is all too vivid a parallel to Celestia's "friendship reports"
I would have liked some more detailed descriptions of the two people who came to check on her. The girl seems to be either Luna, or Celeste's sister (who is supposed to be dead?) and how she reacted when Celeste mentioned her family seems to confirm this
"Dr. Stable" seems to be following typical pony naming conventions for a doctor that is trying to keep patients "stable" (and combining that with a horse based "stables" pun) so again all signs point to her being in Equestria, but the fact that everything seems human is still doing a number on my speculations.
The closest explanation I'm coming up with is that Celeste's mind is interpreting everyone as humans because it's just too much for her to process being in a world where everyone is a pony, or this might be an alternate universe where Equestria is actually humanoid. (but that doesn't make sense, since Celestia originally remembered being a pony, unless this is a THIRD universe getting thrown into the mix)

But all that is from the assumption of Celestia and Celeste being separate. The doctor mentioned that she HAD been kidnapped, but had been brought back, which hints at the idea that Twilight Sparkle made the rescue attempt and brought back Celestia, even though Celestia hadn't mentally stabilized. As Discord mentioned, she's still in some sort of personality flux, and she had been leaning towards "becoming" Celeste, so forcing her into Equestria (where Celestia felt guiltiest) caused Celestia's personality to regress and allow Celeste to take over.

My biggest questions: who is her husband? the casual aside about him taking pranks too far (to the point that she'd actually suspect him of putting her in an asylum as a joke?) hints that he is actually Discord's parallel. I can't recall Dr. Cruebel ever mentioning anything about Celeste having a husband, but then again, if he WAS her husband everything clicks into place: As a doctor trying to help her recover, he would never want to try to force his relationship to her into a focus, but it also would make it perfectly believable that he COULD put her in an asylum as a joke.

I think that covers everything in this chapter. Looking forward to more speculation fodder in the next chapter.

Interesting. Your speculation definitely seems to be plausible and fits the details giving in the story, but it assumes that Celestia is distinctly the "real" version while Celeste is the fantasy or magical production, but my angle on it is that Celeste is just as real as Celestia, the universes normally run parallel, but the mutual hatred of the events in their respective lives essentially caused them to pinch together into one body, and now each one is conflicting with the other's reality.

2538240 Yey! Looking forward to your speculation when the sequel starts up. :twilightsmile:

2538639 Ok. I see what you mean now. You have a good point.
Still, I don't do gridmark for gridmark's sake. There is a reason behind it.

Easily explained: Because Luna was actually causing problems, the elements of Harmony worked to seal her in order to preserve harmony amongst the land of Equestria. However, because Celestia was the instigation to all of it, it damaged or drained the Elements completely, and blocked her ability to use them ever since, which is why she needed Twilight and the rest of the Mane 6 to begin with.

2539002 That what I was considering: that the Elements would protect Equestria no matter what. But I think you explained it better than I could have :)

this story is SO comfusing... i don't know what to make of it.
so how about this::derpyderp1::derpyderp2::derpyderp1::derpyderp2:

Oh god I just finished it. First, I'll have to say that I was at fault trying to combine the two stories (the original and this new one) into one larger understanding of what's going on. What I should have done is look at this as a whole new story. Instead, I kept inadvertantly comparing it to the original, thinking things like "this isn't how it happened" and "this isn't right", for which I am sorry. This is a great fic, and so is the original. Both are appealing and amazing in their own ways. The original had this constant mystery of what is real, making the reader constantly second guess themselves. However (from what I remember) it had less development storywise and was more of a concept/tragedy, which is appealing in it's own sense. In this fic, while the reader is lead to believe in Celestia instead of Celeste, we can still see why Celestia/este is so confused and there is much more backstory and development in this. Really, congradulations on both! I can't wait to read the next in the series (though, I usually wait until they are complete, else I will end up juggling a bunch of incomplete stories). Great job and good luck!

2545484 Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to working on it and telling exactly what is going on. Hope you'll enjoy it :)

:rainbowhuh: My mind has been blown into bits and I am now slowly patching it up.

I don't have a theory for this, other than that Celestia has multiple personality disorder, and each personality is crazier than the last! :pinkiecrazy:

I don't know why it took me so long before I finally decided to start reading this story. It'd been on my "Read Later" list for the longest time, and the day I finally decided to start reading was the same day you posted the final chapter. But oh well, I enjoyed this thoroughly, and I loved everything. Can't wait to read more!

Rekall is lobotomizing her. :ajsmug:

"You'll even have fantasies about alien civilizations as you requested; but in the end, back on Earth, you'll be lobotomized! So get a grip on yourself, Doug, and put down that gun!"

Quite an amazing chapter you have written here, a bit confusing though. I am sure I will figure it out in time.

She shifted and her food touched something.

I have a feeling that that is supposed to be foot, I may be wrong though.

2579034 ....oh my yes it is supposed to be foot. lol


I both hate and love stories like this.
They're great to read, but they have sad/hopeless endings. This one implied two different possible resolutions and delivered neither!

Most of Short Skirts & Explosion's stories are like this in that they don't have happy endings, and they leave me with a bad feeling inside for weeks afterwards. D: (e.g. I loved Background Pony, except that I didn't like the hopeless ending.)

So, thumbs up for a good original story, but no fav cause I can't handle endings like that! :facehoof:

Well... damn. That explained absolutely nothing. Suddenly there's a husband?

I think this is the real Earth Celeste, finally separated from Princess Celestia, left to pick up her life... and Discord's only intent was to make Human Celeste stop believing she was Celestia, so this separation could happen and they could get their Princess back.

But then, why would Luna be there, still alive, and why did Celestia never realize her Earth version was married? And who is the mysterious husband? Clearly it's not Sombra, the way she thinks back to the Sombra from the "dream". This somehow seems like yet another alternate reality...

This is so messed up, but it's brilliantly done. Congratulations.


GreyAcumane made some interesting points though. She may be in Equestria? Hmmmm. A complete reversal of the first scenario then, with a convenient perception filter spell to prevent her from freaking out too badly. Will that mean they'll need to convince her she is Celestia? Agh, so many possibilities!

Either way, if my initial theory was correct... Twilight, ya done goofed, kid.

2618377 Thanks so much for the corrections! I often make mistakes while typing without realizing and while I try to catch everything, things slip through the cracks. I just need to find the "wax poetical" and "drop of magic" errors and that will take of the ones your noticed.

And thank you for your speculation I always enjoy seeing what people think is actually going on. Ahhh...I think when the sequel comes out many people will be surprised. :trollestia:

Always glad I can be of service :twilightsmile:

By the way, any particular reason the sequel won't be on this account? Is it a co-author thing, or a double accounts thing, or just some extra degree of mindfuck because the story on its own wasn't enough of that yet? :rainbowwild:

2620662 lol. It's a co-author thing. Basically he thought of something which gives a very important motivation for someone in the story while we were discussing me rewriting this. And he also has to deal with any complaints :P

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