• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Wanderer D

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Shining Armor and Cadence's spell reveals something completely unexpected as it expels Chrysalis and her changelings out of Canterlot: A secret kept from everypony for several years...

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: Will Contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 392 )

You... you wonderfull bastard.
Error: " wonder... what was she thinking? She could have saved himself and left us both to die...ā€"

You've fixed it.
Well done.

My mind got screwed

but in a good way.

Man, why is it that every time I interact with you, the words "mindscrew," "mindfuck," and/or "mindcrush" come up?


My my...another awesome story/ Cheers, mate!


Daaammmmnnnnnn good story.

Also being a mod is a surefire way to get featured.

Bittersweet stories are always the ones that make me cry:fluttercry: Well done.

The feels...

I love Chrysalis fics. Especially backstory ones.

Added to headcanon multiverse.

This...this is awesome. Manly tears hath been shed.

Loved it. Proper comment to come later.

Wow WD, that was really, really good. The depth you obtained with the introduced OCs was brilliant.

Such an amazing story. Thank you.

that pic is so adorable!

D'aww. This is all tobe said on the matter

*Applause* Damn, that's a hell of a backstory for Rarity.

Interesting. I would normally say that it's stupid that Rarity would care so much more about Pupa's safety than her own, but, y'know, Element of Generosity and all that.

Now this is the kind of sad story I like.
Fave'd hard.


That's what this story is.

I would guess in the end Rarity's soul was the larger of the two in "will". Maybe because Rarity was already destined to be the Element of Harmony? Either that or Rarity and Pupa were close enough in personalities that Pupa just merged into Rarity and since Changelings arn't likely to have a true internal identity aside from Pupa feeling of being a Princess that she just became Rarity in a sense.

:raritycry:beautiful and sad:heart:

718001 Did it occur to you that maybe it's because he's an AMAZING writer that he BECAME a mod? His fics were already popular before he became a mod. (Not saying it might be a contributing factor as to how many people read it, but it's not like he was a mod before The Empty Room OR The Sweetie Chronicles. Just sayin.)

Oh wow. So sad, yet so sweet. That backstory...:fluttercry:

I am definitely faving this!

In my opinion Pupa's mind is still their but Rarity had the stronger will so Pupa's consciousness is buried and dormant.
Awesome fic though! Loved it!

I demand more!

Great story. You gain :moustache::moustache::moustache:

this was alomst as sad as my little dashie. I'm still fightin back tears

this was alomst as sad as my little dashie. I'm still fightin back tears

so sad... yet happy. please tell me you have some form of ideas in a similar realm to this story. :pinkiesad2:

And not one dislike was given that day...

..wow...just beautiful...:fluttercry:

Wow... That was incredible...

Jaw dropping

I need a chapter where chrysalis finds rarity and figures out some of pupa is in her, and realize that was her the whole time. Reminds me of the song ego selfish.:raritycry:so saaaaad

*Manly Tears*
Liked, faved, and amazed!

718633Nor any other day:rainbowkiss:

I have but one critic to make: Then how did Rarity pass the anti-changeling shield at the beginning of the episode?

It's magic, He don't gotta explain shit. Also it was probably because she was inside the carriage if anything.

God....That's good.


It's magic, He don't gotta explain shit.

WD's fanfics wouldn't be good if he "explained" everything with "It's magic, I don't have to explain shit." :facehoof:

Also it was probably because she was inside the carriage if anything.

So? In the beginning of the fanfic she was inside the palace and she almost got squashed on the walls. What stopped her from being squashed against the walls in the train?

718772 Also, going by the episode, the shield probably wasn't changeling specific. (edit: or for a sillier answer, maybe Rarity doesn't register as a full changeling since she's a combined soul or something) edit2: 718804 Maybe it was simply a barrier shield (think the shield the CMC ran into around the Library) with designated checkpoints.... dunno where you're getting the deadliness of it to be honest.

(probably edit in actual comments in later)

Hmmmm, them perhaps it's because the cannon world doesn't conform to fanfic's. Deal with it.

If it isn't changeling-specific, why does it repel changelings then? If it is a lifeform-specific shield, why doesn't everyone at Canterlot die?

Your "I'm right, fuck you" tough guy attitude amuses me greatly. :rainbowlaugh:

If I knew you were right, I wouldn't pursue the issue further, homeboy. :raritywink:

Then stop pursuing the issue, hater

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