• Member Since 28th Jan, 2012
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Just a dude who writes mainly clop with some action and some GrimDark on the side. Also, If you don’t like futa, you may have a bad time here :P ;)


The new series from the writer of the Pinkamena Series.
It starts off as a normal day in the life of humans living in Manhattan and the life of ponies in Equestria. Chrysalis and Celestia then engage in a fight which results in a massive magical explosion that sends the entire population of Equestria into our reality. There, the good ponies team up with humans and do every day things... but the evil ponies (Chrysalis, Kyra, and even Pinkamena) plot a way to take over the world. Chrysalis ends up disguising herself as a member of the President's secret service in order to impersonate the man himself (Note: Not Obama. A made-up pres). She then rules the nation without anyone knowing. But when the good ponies figure it out, they do everything in their power to save the world.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

This looks like it'll be good. Adding it to my RL list.

Great story :)
Ironically had this song on when I was reading it:
When Worlds Collide

That's so ironic I think I just died laughing......
......and yet I'm still typing... FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE!! :pinkiegasp:

Interesting. I kinda skipped a bit in the beginning, but it seems fun. I'll track it and we'll see how the story goes!

And then the fighter pilot realizes that Pegasi don't put off enough heat or a large enough electromagnetic signature for a missile to home in on.

Anyways, great start to the story, I can't wait for the next chapter!

Its looks ok....but one question.


The President gets kidnapped and held captive. I don't want any political trouble. Either from people on this site who like him or the actual government. This why I came up with a fictional President.


Then good show:moustache:

I would have found it funny but it does make sense.

Also, if the government is worried about somebody writing a fan-fic with a kidnapped Obama, America is irreversibly fucked.

But still good show.

There are rampant ninja-related crimes these days. And the White House is no exception.
President Ronnie has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the President?

how did kyra and chrysalies come back?

This is unrelated to my fics. And Chrysalis was merely pushed away from Canterlot. NOT killed

May i ask when you plan on making more chapters o:?

961057 Ah... And... will it be soon :3?

Great story. Hope next chapter comes or else I will EXPLODE. Hopefully not...


-sets up cameras all around your house-

I don't want to miss it when you explode!
So I'm taking extra pre-cautions so I don't miss it.

I may have a way to revive the idea but not so much the fic itself. Though I never rule anything out.

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