• Published 14th Jun 2012
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus - moviemaster8510

An aspiring duelist's life changes forever when the world of Equestria appears near Earth.

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Chapter 53: Rae

Celestia rushed through the east side of a section of trees until she came up near the center of the Fermilab ring. She then found herself at a small lake with a smaller island in the very center with strip of land with a road connecting it to the mainland. Celestia unfurled her wings, leap towards the island and glided over. Upon landing on the ground, she began to encircle the island on the teardrop-shaped, gravel path that was connected to the road.

“Where are you,” muttered Celestia, hoping that her target would hear her.

Once Celestia was at the southeastern section of the island, Celestia heard the magical ignition of energy being shot at her, much like how it would sound coming from a unicorn’s horn. Celestia was quick and deflected the spell directed at her, using a shield spell that caused the magical projectile to fly into the water.

Celestia then looked towards the west where the spell was shot, only to see a hand glowing with red heat and steam rising from it, the body it was attached to being hidden by the shadows of the trees behind it.

“Show yourself, Rae,” demanded Celestia. “I know you’re there!”

“Hmhmhm,” giggled Rae, finally stepping out into the moonlight and revealing her red suit, black hair, and mask. “It’s been far too long, Celestia.”

“Far too long? What business do you have with me?”

“Nothing like that,” responded Rae, walking out towards the path on the northwest side. “It’s just I’m surprised that with all of the chaos that’s happened over the past month, that you would have been more responsible to it.”

“Why should I risk leaving my ponies without a leader if not directly confronted?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s because if you cared about ‘your ponies,’ you’d act on saving them sooner.”

“You’re one to talk. You spent these months letting your hunters do your work while you watched as they failed time and time again. And you have the gall to call me irresponsible?”

Rae was finally at the center of the other side of the teardrop, standing directly in front of Celestia.

“Touché,” said Rae, impressed with her remark.

“That’s beside the point. The point is I’m here now. You have kidnapped and tortured innocent lives to fulfill your sick and twisted plans.”

“Hey,” chided Rae, “don’t put words in my mouth. After all it was you who said that my hunters did the work.”

Rae’s giggling brought Celestia to scowling.

Meanwhile, from the north edge of the lake, Claude, Spike, Trixie, and Fluttershy ran along the shore of the lake until they could see the island. Upon reaching the closest spot to where the distance between, the mainland and the island was the least, they saw Twilight, Chrysalis, Tom, Cadance, Carolyn, Thomas, and Sarah running to the same spot.

“Trixie,” grunted Twilight upon recognizing her nemesis.

“Chrysalis!” shrieked Fluttershy, hiding behind Claude.

“It’s okay,” explained Claude to the opposite group. “Trixie’s cool now.”

“Fluttershy,” said Twilight. “There’s been a misunderstanding. Chrysalis is good now.”

“Twilight,” said Trixie walking up to Twilight. “I would like to make a formal apology for making you and your friends’ lives miserable. Could you ever forgive me?”

“Really?” asked Twilight, surprised by her sincerity. “You’re really good now?”

“Yeah,” vouched Spike, scratching Trixie’s neck. “Trixie really isn’t bad, she just wanted some friends. It’s a long story, but I’m being honest. She’s changed, Twilight.”

Twilight was quite impressed that Spike of all creatures would take a liking to Trixie.

“Well,” spoke Twilight, “I guess, if Spike has forgiven you, then I forgive you too.”

Trixie made an earnest smile at Twilight’s acceptance of her.

Pinkie Pie was trotting with John sitting on her back while Alex piggybacked Grant to get to the southern edge of the lake. Their progress was minimal.

“C’mon, slowpoke,” called Pinkie Pie.

“Easy for you to say,” grunted Alex, struggling to carry Grant.

Alex then saw a spotlight scan their area causing Alex and Pinkie Pie to freeze in their tracks. The spot light grew wider, revealing all four of them. Alex looked up at the source of the light to see Gilda carrying Luna, Reese riding on Zelda’s gilder with her in front of Reese, and Rainbow Dash.

“Luna!” yelled John at Gilda. “What have you done with her?”

“Relax,” yelled Rainbow Dash. “Gilda’s on our side now. Trust me; I’m the element of loyalty.”

“Need a lift?” asked Zelda.

Grant was hoisted by a pair of metallic arms that hung from the bottom of Zelda’s glider while Rainbow Dash carried the exhausted John. With their loads literally lifted from their shoulders, Alex and Pinkie Pie sprinted north to the center lake alongside Rarity, anyone else who could fly following close behind. Upon reaching the southern edge of the lake, Emma, Shining Armor, Kyle, and Applejack were already waiting there.

“Guys!” yelled Alex.

“Guys!” responded everyone upon seeing their friends.

Upon seeing Gilda though, Shining Armor stood defensively.

“Shining Armor!” yelled Rainbow Dash. “It’s okay. Gilda’s a good guy now.”

“How can we be sure?”

“Duh? Element of Loyalty?”

“…You got me there.”

Rae looked around her, noticing that everyone had gathered.

“Look’s like the gang’s all here,” she said, snapping her fingers, causing all parties around the lake to disappear in a flash of white.

Upon snapping her fingers again, Rae made everyone appear in a single group west of the path, causing everyone to browse their new surroundings. Everyone who was separated finally reunited and caught up on their successes: Twilight and her pony friends, Alex and the Stones of Equus bearers, and the ex-cronies.

“So,” spoke Chrysalis to Gilda. “You turned around too?”

“Yeah,” she said with a shrug. “I guess they’re not all bad after all.”

Rae glanced back at all of the people and creatures she conjured.

“I think it’s a fitting audience for your final act,” said Rae to Celestia. “Don’t you think?”

Twilight then turned towards the open area of the island where Celestia and Rae stood.

“Princess Celestia!” called Twilight, running to her mentor.

“Twilight!” exclaimed Celestia, relieved that she was alright.

Twilight was about twenty feet from Celestia when she crashed into an invisible force, causing her to stumble backwards. The loud bang the crash induced caused everyone to turn towards Celestia and Rae.

“What is this?” Twilight asked, confused by the forcefield.

“To make sure that you don’t interfere with my penultimate step,” said Rae.

“Twilight,” reassured Celestia. “It’s alright. I’ve got this.”

“Celestia!” cried Twilight, upset over Celestia’s situation.

“Twilight. Go and join your friends. I will be alright. I promise.”

Twilight reluctantly ran to her friends and stood to observe.

“Rae,” addressed Celestia. “You have threatened my ponies with extermination. You have issued a war with me and the bearers of the Stones of Equus. I will not allow you to defeat me.”

“How funny, I was going to say that last part to you as well.”

“If this is to be our final battle, at least have the courtesy to show your face.”

“Interesting. Fine. I suppose you all won’t live long enough for it to matter…”

Rae reached towards her face and placed her fingers and hand over the mask. When she held a good grip of it, she pulled the mask off of her face and hung her arm at her side. Celestia and everyone else leaned in to get a good look at her face. It was a slender face with a slightly long nose. Her eyes were outlined with thick, black eyeliner and heavy black mascara on her lashes. Pinkie Pie gasped loudly.

“Pinkie!” exclaimed Twilight. “You know who that is?”

Pinkie Pie inhaled.

“Nope,” she simply responded. “Never seen her before.”

“Perhaps this will help you,” said Rae, her mouth movements being seen for the very first time.

She turned towards the large group, and held her hand out. In white, smoky letters came the words:


Rae flicked her wrist down, making several of the letters shift downwards.


Alex's eyes began to widen, having a good idea what this anagram meant. Rae “squeezed” the top letters together, forming the first name.


"No..." gasped Alex, sure of it now.

“It can’t be,” said John.

Rae twirled her finger underneath the S and the U, switching their placement.


Finally, Rae squeezed the last letters together, forming a full name, and presumably her real identity. As she did this her hair began to grow longer and change itself to red, making her identity even more conclusive.


Everyone gasped, save for Kyle, who turned his head away in shame.

“Oh, come on,” spoke Lauren. “You couldn’t be that surprised.”

“How?” asked Tom. “How can you be the mastermind in all of this?”

“It’s simple. I mean, where do you think I was able to come up with the cards that my hunters used? Out of thin air? No. I personally made them. Being the CEO of one of the largest card producers has its perks, you know. But I honestly can say that I have to thank Alex for all of this, well I mean, his dad.”

Alex gasped upon the mention of his father.

“What does my dad have to do with you?” he shouted angrily.

“Nothing directly,” answered Lauren. “You see, when I acquired my powers, I decided to take full advantage of both them and my massive wealth. I bought your father’s Orion satellite, allowing me to use it to its fullest potential. Infusing it with my powers, I was able to see things with it that wouldn’t be possible. Not just new planets or new galaxies, but new worlds and alternate universes altogether. After all, how else was I supposed to find Equestria in the first place?

“Not to mention, the other universe I found. They also play duel monsters there, and they’ve provided some great finds for me, namely the Numbers cards, which have proven to be extremely popular with duelists the world over. Also, I didn’t even come up with the designs for my hunters’ duel disks on my own. They make some very interesting designs on that world, let me tell you.”

“I still don’t understand,” said Celestia. “Why do you wish to destroy our world? What quarrel do we have with you?”

“Just as Loki said in The Avengers, ‘An ant has no quarrel with a boot.’”

“Enough with your sick ambitions!” yelled Celestia. “I’m going to see to it that they end here!”

Celestia’s aura field came out of her horn and formed itself in front of her. Celestia placed her deck on the rear right spot.

Lauren shot her left arm to the side, causing a fan shaped D-Pad to appear on her arm. The body was gold with a white outline. On the back face, there were four, silver, spearhead-like points, two of them on each side of the fan while the other two were split by the center of the fan. On the front face, there were five long blue, pentagonal shapes with long, red, diamond shapes in the center, undeniably the monster card zones. Below them on the base, there were two slots, presumably a graveyard and a spell/trap slot. The ody of the D-Pad was held by a silver and gold brace, being a bit thicker on the left side of the wrist where Lauren’s deck fit.

“Celestia,” sighed Twilight. “Good luck.”

Celestia and Lauren drew five cards from their decks.

“DUEL” they both yelled.

Celestia vs. Lauren

Celestia’s Turn: Celestia activates the continuous spell card Constellar Star Chart. Celestia then summons Constellar Algiedi (ATK: 1600 DEF: 1400). When Constellar Algiedi is normal summoned, Celestia can special summon a level 4 Constellar from her hand, choosing Constellar Sombre (ATK: 1550 DEF: 1600). Celestia overlays Constellar Algiedi and Constellar Sombre to xyz summon Constellar Omega (ATK: 2400 DEF: 500). With Constellar Star Chart’s effect, Celestia draws one card when a Constellar xyz monster is special summoned to her side of the field.

Celestia then overlays Constellar Omega to xyz summon Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7 with its effect (ATK: 2700 DEF: 2000). Xyz materials attacked to Constellar Omega are attached to Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7 as xyz material. Celestia activates Dxyz, returning an xyz monster to the extra deck and special summoning the xyz materials attached to it, returning Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7 and special summoning Constellar Omega, Constellar Algiedi, and Constellar Sombres.

Celestia overlays Constellar Algiedi and Constellar Sombres to xyz summon Constellar Beehive (ATK: 2400 DEF: 800). Next, Celestia overlays Constellar Omega to xyz summon Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7 again.

Celestia places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-4000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

“Quite impressive,” said Lauren. “However, it’s a mere trifle compared to the powers that reside in my deck.”

Lauren then glanced over to the western mainland on the other side of the lake.

“Hm, it seems that some others wish to join the party.”

Lauren snapped her fingers, causing Flim, Flam, Jenny, and Lisa to appear with the group.

“Guys!” shouted Sarah upon seeing them.

“Where are we?” asked Jenny.

She then looked over to see Lauren standing there.

“Holy crap, is that Lauren Faust?”

“That’s a long story,” said Tom.

Upon turning to face Tom, she saw Chrysalis standing there.

“What is she doing here?” she asked angrily.

“She’s an ally now,” said Tom. "That's an even longer story."

“What?” asked Flim and Flam in tandem.

“Yes,” confirmed Chrysalis. “Trixie, Gilda, Grant, and I are allies now. Is that a problem?”

“No!” nervously stated Flim. “We’re good now too, right brother?”

“You bet,” agreed Flam.

Jenny smiled, looked at Lisa, and rubbed her index finger with her thumb. Lisa pulled a ten dollar bill from her wallet unhappily and slapped it on Jenny’s open hand.

“Enough with this foolishness,” said Lauren. “It’s my turn.”

Lauren’s Turn: Lauren activates Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen, allowing her to special summon a Fairy-type monster from her hand when she controls no monsters, choosing Aitsu (ATK: 100 DEF: 100). Lauren then normal summons Doitsu (ATK: 100 DEF: 200). Lauren activates Tannhäuser Gate, targeting two monsters she controls with 1000 or less ATK and have the same type and making their levels the sum of their levels (4 + 5 = 9) (Lvl.: 5 -> 9) (Lvl.: 4 -> 9). Lauren overlays Aitsu and Doitsu to xyz summon Emerald Hydra (ATK: 3500 DEF: 3500).

Lauren attacks Constellar Beehive with Emerald Hydra, but Celestia activates Constellar Beehive’s effect. By detaching one xyz material when a Constellar monster that she controls battles, she can have the Constellar monster gain 1000 ATK during the damage step, choosing Constellar Beehive (ATK: 2400 -> 3400).

Celestia’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3900

Lauren places two cards face down. Next, she activates Emerald Hydra’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it when she has no cards in her hand, she can draw five cards.

Lauren ends her turn.

Status: Hand-5 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

Despite taking minimal damage from the attack, Celestia was hit hard enough to be knocked down to the ground.

“Celestia!” called Twilight.

“It’s okay,” said Celestia, getting up, “I’ll be fine.”

“You know,” said Lauren. “It’s not polite to tell lies to your faithful student.”

Faithful student? thought Twilight. How did she know that that’s how she refers to me?

Celestia paid no mind, being more angry about Lauren’s threats than anything.

Celestia’s Turn: Celestia activates her face down Xyz Reborn, special summoning Constellar Beehive from her graveyard. With Constellar Star Chart’s effect, Celestia draws one card. Celestia activates Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7’s effect. By detaching one (its last) xyz material from it, Celestia can return one monster on the field to the owners hand, choosing Emerald Hydra.

Celestia attacks Lauren directly with Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7, but Lauren activates the continuous trap Depth Amulet, discarding one card to negate the attack. Celestia then attacks Lauren directly with Constellar Beehive, but Lauren activates Depth Amulet, discarding one card to negate the attack.

Celestia activates Constellar Super Rebirth, adding two Constellar monsters to her hand from her graveyard, choosing Constellar Algiedi and Constellar Sombres. Celestia summons Constellar Algiedi. Celestia then special summons Constellar Sombres with Constellar Algiedi’s effect. Celestia overlays Constellar Algiedi and Constellar Sombre to xyz summon Constellar Omega.

Celestia places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-3900 Monsters-3 Face Down Cards-1

“Your deck is fast,” spoke Lauren, “I’ll give you that, but there’s no positive outcome for this duel for you. Your fate is as good as sealed.”

Lauren’s Turn: Lauren normal summons Majestic Mech – Ohka without tributes with its effect (ATK: 2400 DEF: 1400). Lauren then activates Monster Reborn, special summoning The Agent of Judgment – Saturn from her graveyard (ATK: 2400 DEF: 0). Lauren overlays Majestic Mech – Ohka and The Agent of Judgment – Saturn to xyz summon Tourmaline Griffon (ATK: 2300 DEF: 2200).

Lauren activates Tourmaline Griffon’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, she can special summon a monster from her extra deck that has already been special summoned during the duel, choosing Emerald Hydra. Also, Tourmaline Griffon’s remaining xyz material is detached from it and attached to the monster it summoned via its effect, choosing Emerald Hydra. Lauren equips Tourmaline Griffon with Malevolent Nuzzler, increasing its ATK by 700 (ATK: 2300 -> 3000).

Lauren attacks Constellar Beehive with Emerald Hydra, but Celestia activates Constellar Beehive’s effect, detaching its last xyz material to increase the ATK of a Constellar monster by 1000 when it battles, choosing Constellar Beehive (ATK: 2400 -> 3400).

Celestia’s Life Points: 3900 -> 3800

Lauren then attacks Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7 with Tourmaline Griffon.

Celestia’s Life Points: 3800 -> 3500

Lauren places one card face down. Lauren then activates Emerald Hydra’s effect, detaching its last xyz material from it to draw five cards when she has no cards in her hand.

Lauren ends her turn.

Status: Hand-5 Life-4000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

“You continue to lose life points,” spoke Lauren, “while mine remain untouched. At this rate, you will lose, and you will die, just like your sister.”

“My sister?” asked Celestia. “Where is my sister, you monster?”

Reese and Rarity carried out Luna’s lifeless body and laid her on the ground for Celestia to see.

“Luna…” whimpered Celestia, tears beginning to form in her eyes. “Luna, no… No, it can’t be!” Celestia’s sobs bled through her speech, making her sound shaken. “Luna!”

“Don’t cry,” said Lauren. “You’ll get to join her very soon. I promise to not make you wait.”

Lauren laughed, causing Celestia’s sorrow to be replaced by rage.

“How dare you?” she seethed. “If you seriously think I’ll let you laugh over my sister’s corpse like you are, I will make sure there is nothing left of you!”

Celestia’s Turn: Celestia activates Xyz Treasure, drawing a card for each xyz monster on the field (3). Celestia tributes Constellar Omega to summon Constellar Virgo (ATK: 2300 DEF: 1600). When Constellar Virgo is normal summoned, Celestia can special summon a level 5 Constellar monster from her hand, choosing Constellar Zubeneschamali (ATK: 2100 DEF: 1400).

When Contellar Zubeneschamali is summoned, Celestia can add a Constellar monster from her deck to her hand. Celestia overlays Zubeneschamali and Constellar Virgo to xyz summon Constellar Pleiades (ATK: 2500 DEF: 1500). With Constellar Star Chart’s effect, Celestia draws one card.

Celestia activates Constellar Pleiades’ effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, she can return one card on the field and add it to the owner’s hand, choosing Depth Amulet. Celestia then activates Lightning Vortex, discarding one card to destroy all monsters Lauren controls.

Celestia attacks Lauren directly with Constellar Pleiades.

Lauren’s Turn: 4000 -> 1500

Celestia places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-3500 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“Admirable,” said Lauren, getting up from the attack, “but it makes little difference. My deck is made to destroy weak opponents like you, which is exactly what you are compared to me: weak.”

Lauren’s Turn: Lauren special summons Agido from her hand with Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen's effect, as she controls no monsters (ATK: 1500 DEF: 1300). Lauren then activates Inferno Reckless Summon, special summoning as many monsters with 1500 or less ATK from her hand, deck, or graveyard that share the same name of a special summoned monster, special summoning two more Agidos from her deck. Since Celestia's Constellar Pleiades exists in the extra deck, Celestia cannot summon monsters with Inferno Reckless Summon's effect. Lauren overlays her three Agidos to xyz summon Citrine Manticore (ATK: 2800 DEF: 2000).

Lauren attacks Constellar Pleiades with Citrine Manticore. Celestia tries to activate Magic Cylinder, but Lauren activates Trap Jammer, negating and destroying Magic Cylinder. The attack goes through.

Celestia’s Life Points: 3500 -> 3200

Lauren activates Citrine Manticore’s effect. By detaching one xyz material when it destroys a monster by battle, Lauren can inflict damage equal to the destroyed monster’s DEF.

Celestia’s Life Points: 3200 -> 1700

Lauren places two cards face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-4 Life-1500 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

“You’re powerless against me, Celestia,” addressed Lauren. “If I were you, I’d just stop. It’d be far less painful.”

“That’s what separates you and I, Rae– no, Lauren,” said Celestia. “If you’d quit over the first signs of weakness, then that shows how much stronger than I am than you. And I’m only going to prove it here!”

Celestia’s Turn: Celestia activates her Monster Reborn, special summoning Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7 from her graveyard. With Constellar Star Chart’s effect, Celestia draws one card. Celestia then summons Constellar Aldebaran (ATK: 1300 DEF: 800). With Constellar Aldebaran’s effect, Celestia can special summon a level 3 Constellar monster from her hand, choosing Constellar Leonis (ATK: 1000 DEF: 1800). Celestia overlays Constellar Aldebaran and Constellar Leonis to xyz summon Constellar Hyades (ATK: 1900 DEF: 1100).

Celestia then activates Gift of the Martyr, sending one monster she controls to the graveyard to have another monster she controls gain ATK equal to the sent monster’s ATK, sending Constellar Hyades to the graveyard to increase Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7’s ATK (ATK: 2700 -> 4600).

Celestia attacks Citrine Manticore with Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7, but Lauren activates Attack Invulnerability, preventing Citrine Manticore’s destruction by battle. Next, Lauren activates Gift of the Mystical Elf, increasing her life points by 300 for each monster on the field before the attack hits (2 x 300 = 600).

Lauren’s Life Points: 1500 -> 2100

Lauren’s Life Points: 2100 -> 300

During the end phase, Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7’s ATK returns to normal (ATK: 4600 -> 2700).

Celestia ends her turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-1700 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-0

“Shame it had to end this way,” said Lauren.

“What?” asked Celestia with fear.

Lauren’s Turn: Lauren activates Magical Stone Excavation, discarding two cards to add a spell card from her graveyard to her hand, choosing Monster Reborn. Lauren activates Monster Reborn, special summoning Emerald Hydra from her graveyard.

Lauren attacks Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7 with Citrine Manticore.

Celestia’s Life Points: 1700 -> 1600

Lauren attacks Celestia directly with Emerald Hydra.

Celestia’s Life Points: 1600 -> 0

Lauren wins.

“NO!” screamed Twilight, running to Celestia as she fell backwards onto her side.

John, Alex, and the rest of the ponies gathered around too. Lauren grinned widely, her plan soon coming to fruition.

“Twilight,” wheezed Celestia, “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be,” sobbed Twilight, hardly able to control her tears. “You were fantastic right there.”

Celestia couldn’t help but chuckle, despite her growing weakness.

“Thank you, Twilight. I’ve always considered you a fantastic student as well. I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of you all. But, there’s one last thing I must do.”

Celestia’s horn glowed, causing a bright spot to appear at the top of the dome, unbeknownst to Lauren. From it fell a single card, straight down towards Kyle. Kyle, upon noticing it, grabbed the card and was surprised to see that it was Olivine Dragon.

“Could she really…” said Kyle to himself.

“Listen to me,” wheezed Celestia, beginning to succumb, “Alex, Twilight, my little ponies, everyone, please don’t let this be the end. I know you can still defeat Lauren. There’s still time.”

Every single creature, minus Lauren and Kyle, were crying now.

“I will,” confirmed Twilight tearfully.

“Thank you, my… faithful student.”

Princess Celestia finally rested her head down on the ground and shut her eyes slowly, soon becoming motionless and still.

“Celestia…” whimpered Twilight. “PRINCESS CELESTIA!”

“Well, first things first,” spoke Lauren, pointing her hand out at Celestia.

Celestia’s body became covered in a yellow aura which was soon sucked away into Lauren’s hand, shocking everyone.

“Such power…” she muttered.

Lauren then shot her hand upwards, causing the aura to fly towards the sky. Once it collided with the dome, the dome’s aura began to turn green. Once it did, the dome’s roof began to rise high into the sky, turning into a two mile-wide cylinder that was shooting towards the Equestrian planet directly above them. Everyone looked at it with terror and amazement.

In Equestria, throughout the country, ponies looked with shock and awe as the large beam made contact with the earth from Earth. The beam itself struck a barren desert area, burning the ground the perimeter landed on while keeping the area within intact.

“Yes,” spoke Lauren. “Just one more thing.”

She put her hand to her ear, calling someone from an earpiece.

“Activate the particle accelerator now,” she said.

“Yes, ma’am,” said a male voice on the other line.

A whirring could be heard from far away.

“Yes,” chuckled Lauren. “I’ve done it! My plan has succeeded!”

“Not yet it hasn’t,” spoke a voice.

Lauren turned to the crowd to see Kyle standing out in front.

“I may have been your obedient lapdog for the majority of this plan, but I’m not leaving here without my mom, even if it means defeating you.”

“Mom?” laughed Lauren. “You still refer to me as your mom? You insolent little brat, you don’t deserve to be a son to me.”

“That’s not you talking!” shouted Kyle. “I know it isn’t! Princess Celestia entrusted us to stop you, and dammit, that’s what I’m going to do!”

Alex stood up off the ground, facing Lauren as Princess Celestia did. Kyle walked up and joined his side. Just as Kyle stood to face Lauren, Tom ran in and stood next to Alex too.

“You can count me in too,” said Alex.

“Me three!” shouted Tom.

“Alex, no!” demanded Twilight. “I’m going to avenge my teacher and leader. Please, let me have this.”

“I’m sorry, Twilight,” addressed Alex. “I’m afraid I can’t let you do that.”

“What? Why not?”

“You’re too valuable a friend for me to lose you like that.”

“No!” she continued to shout, almost completely inconsolable. “I refuse to sit by and let you take out the one who killed Princess Celestia.”

“Twilight! Don’t you see? This is what Lauren wants. She wants you to be pent up with rage and anger, just like she is. Don’t let her turn you into her.”

Lauren laughed from behind him.

“And what are you fighting for, if not rage and anger?”

“I’m fighting for something more powerful than that,” addressed Alex, turning to her. “I’m fighting to save the ones I love: my family and friends. Tom and Kyle are fighting for the same reasons. That’s why we will defeat you, Lauren. You will fall because of the power of our bonds.”

Lauren took the time to consider this.

“Interesting. Very well, I accept your challenge. The accelerator will take quite some time before the energy can transfer into the larger ring and gain the energy needed to power my cannon.”

“Twilight,” spoke Alex. “Take Celestia and Luna to the sidelines. Something tells me this is going to be messy.”

Twilight took a long, sorrowful look at Alex.

“Go!” he demanded.

Twilight got Celestia and Luna away with the help of her friends. Kyle looked at the lifeless Celestia as she was pulled away. He then looked at the Olivine Dragon card in his hand.

Thank you, Celestia, he thought before putting the card in his deck case.

“However,” said Lauren, the deck in her D-Pad’s cuff becoming covered in a light purple aura, “I don’t think I shall fight you with the same deck that I fought Celestia with.”

The aura disappeared, another deck seemingly taking its place.

“Now,” said Lauren, “I’m ready. Come at me for our final battle, bearers of the Stones of Equus!”

“Damn straight,” shouted Tom, unsheathing his D-Pad.

Kyle’s arm went alight as the flames formed Kyle’s D-Pad. As he observed his D-Pad, he took a glance at the crowd to see Emma. She gave him a hopeful nod. He returned it with a nod of his own before redirecting his attention towards Lauren. Alex unsheathed his D-Pad, looking out at his family and friends before focusing on the duel.

Good luck, thought Emma, looking at Kyle.

Good luck, thought Carolyn, looking at Tom.

Good luck, thought Twilight, looking at Alex.

Alex, Tom, Kyle, and Lauren drew five cards from their decks.

“DUEL!” they all yelled.

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