• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 29,266 Views, 709 Comments

I am Living Lava? - Shadow of doubt

I myself, am an amateur scientist, so naturally when offered to go on an expedition to take samples from an active volcano I accepted, although falling in and waking up in a new world as a burning horse no less was not what I was expecting.

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Chapter 5 - The Aftermath

Author's Note:

What Another chapter, What have you done to the original, well he is a little tied up at the moment, but don't worry you won't even notice the difference.

I have declared war on the Typos, there shall be mass Typocide.

I also thought that the previous chapter was a little too short, I will never post a chapter under 1000 words but I will aim for 1500+ next chapter.

This is one of the best stories I have ever had the pleasure of reading (trust me on this, read a few chapters and you will be hooked.)

"No, I am not 'overpowered' at all Flare you just know nothing of magic in the slightest, this is but a minor feat for me," Celestia said as she floated down to the floor of the newly remade throne room.

I am not that science minded but I always have had an interest and with what happened I must have been close to the core temperature of my old sun, perhaps not the core but decidedly hotter than the surface, in fact, my hair is still made of plasma instead of fire, or perhaps its magic, Much like Celestia said I know little to nothing about magic.

"Well, I guess your right, so now what, you're not going to banish me are you?" I honestly have no idea if she will, even though she has been much nicer in the last wait how long were we 'training' from what I could tell it was perhaps ten minutes at most.

"No, but you are going to wish that I would, I can't have you running around being controlled by your own magic, so we are going to train you how I was trained, now I am quite hungry from our little session. I am also certain that you must be fairly hungry as well, so we shall go to the dining hall and get some food, I shall get a guard to escort you there while I shall make sure nothing is wrong with the throne room, in case I missed anything," Celestia trotted to a window and lit her horn a within a moment a blue flash came from behind me where a unicorn guard was waiting as I turned my gaze back.

"You can teleport, Why not just teleport to meet me now that I think about it." I mean really it would give any army back home the best tactical advantages ever.

The guard sigh's before speaking "Teleporting is quite a high demand spell and going into battle tired is not the best course of action." Well, I guess that makes sense, all well, man I really am quite hungry.

"Follow me, I shall lead you to the dining hall" I would think the floor would be hot, you know what with me melting the whole damn throne room down than Celestia pulling that 'No no, that didn't happen, try again.' thing, with that much energy it would at least be hot, but no it wasn't.

Celestia's Point of View

I watch as Flare follows the guard out the room, and once the door closes behind her I slump down on the floor exhausted

"Hey, how long were we in there." I hear her voice yelling back to me.

"About an hour and a half," I shout back. I care not for appearance as of now, I just wish to rest even with the magical reserve gems I have in my royal accessories I am still drained. I can estimate that I used at least eighty-five percent of my mana including the mana crystals which hold an addition fifty percent of my full reserves. But it was worth it, Flare thinks I have more than enough power to squash her like a bug if I so choose, truth be told I do not. but if she thinks I do well she would keep to the rules until I can safely determine if she is just waiting for an opportunity to strike or genuinely lost, I will not be fooled again.

My internal debate was stopped with a polite and quite clearing of the throat. "Sister, were you able to gather enough data?" I inquire to her as I move to a sitting position, turning to face my sister.

"Verily Celestia, we have a more educated guess as to the power level of Mark, I have confirmed that you do not have the exact same magic signature but one so similar you can't tell the difference unless it's in use, as you know each magic has its own feel to it, Mark's feels boarder-line like dark magic, but less so, but the actual style of magic is identical to your's sister, also you owe me ten bits, I was in fact, caught in that inferno even from my hiding place." It seems Luna was able to get enough information, although I wish she stopped making me bet all the time all well, no harm no foul.

"Yes well it does seem she bought the act, but I can safely say that she is more powerful than you, as she seems to be magic, her body is nothing more than emotions taking shape with magic, but what is odd is that she has a mind, it is unheard of sister," It's just one mystery after enough isn't.

I try and stand up, while I am successful I am still very wobbly and unstable "Luna, I must rest, please join Flare in the dining hall, tell her I have to attend some duties or something, ah something along the lines as calming the citizens down after a giant fire beam struck the throne room," Of course I was prepared for the worst and used an illusion spell around the throne room to make it seem as though nothing happened, although as it was a low power illusion if someone were to look hard enough they would have been able to hear and or see through such an illusion.

"tell me did the illusion charm keep up the whole time?" I ask while walking back to meet my sister.

"It has survived, barely though it be, we must fix it within the week lest it fails. We would not want such a thing as you would not be able to hide your cakes in plain sight." Luna jested.

"You have a very poor sense of humor Luna, I only hid cakes here one time, and that was on my birthday two-hundred and three years ago, you should try some new material," I trot over to the door before looking back to my beloved sister. "I am sorry if I seem harsh lately, Flare brings back old memories I rather wish forgotten," I was so ignorant back then, even Starswirl warned me, and I, like a fool, ignored him.

"Tia, please talk to me, you promised you would tell me what happened when I was... occupied elsewhere," I-I can't tell her, not yet at least... later

"I promise I will, but I am exhausted luna, I have not been on such low magic reserves in a long while, come to my dreams tonight and I will show you, what happened all through years ago." Luna puts her hoof on my withers before speaking again.

"You are avoiding this topic Tia, you are running from it, please do not avoid it tonight." I sigh, She was always a sharp one.

"I.. I shall try, but I do not want you to think differently of me because of it," She would even Starswirl treated me differently because of my mistake. I do not look back as I gather the rest of my mana and teleport back to my room.