• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 29,266 Views, 709 Comments

I am Living Lava? - Shadow of doubt

I myself, am an amateur scientist, so naturally when offered to go on an expedition to take samples from an active volcano I accepted, although falling in and waking up in a new world as a burning horse no less was not what I was expecting.

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Chapter 8 - The Visit - (Unedited what else is new)

After returning to the guest room once I had finished lunch I tried to lower the heat of my flames with breathing exercises, they were somewhat successful. Looking at the custom made guest room for myself I find it a little gloomy in my opinion, black floors and walls with black furniture, all made of obsidian no doubt and a few enchanted books that will apparently survive the heat, they did not.

With nothing else to occupy my time, my thoughts drifted back to earth, a place only I know about now. I always had a good relationship with my mother even though we're not related by blood, some bonds are always the same. when I was little mom said I was the angriest baby she had ever had, but she taught me well I'm not nearly as emotional as a side effect I tend to have delayed reactions to things that upset me.

A knocking sound from my mirror interrupts my meditation, looking into it I can see Discord floating behind me, yet when I looked behind me he wasn't there. Looking back at the mirror revealed that he is indeed just a reflection.

"Hello, my dearest bestest most lovely friend, I the great Discord have come to teach you magic, unlike the pretty pony princess I will actually teach you instead of... whatever that was" Discord overly dramatic speech was accompanied by his overly dramatic posing arms and waving fingers creating sparks out of nothing, he even pointed his lion paw at a floating square with Celestia telling me to blow up the throne room.

"Sure, I kinda want to stop burning things as well, So where do we start?" I said with cheer and a smile, this is gonna be great If I learn how to control my new powers I'll be able to leave this place, no offence to the hospitality Celestia and Luna have but I wanna see this new world I'm in, and maybe say goodbye to the one I left.

"That's a good student, now imagine a clurichaun with only one bottle of wine left, that wine is going to represent your magic," Discord explains, now wearing a teacher's outfit complete with bow tie and hat.

"What's a clurichaun?" Sound's like a leprechaun bah, it doesn't matter. Discord's frown was replaced with a grin before he coiled around my shoulder's and neck, looking into my ear with a flashlight he got from... somewhere he shrugged returning to his teacher's desk he poofed out of the void, I also seemed to be at a desk, a smaller one with a book titled "My horn can do that!", Ignoring the antics of the chaos spirit, I focused back to his lesson.

"Hmm, well how about this, I want you to close your eyes, no peeking, breath in and out, feel the flow of the flames inside you, and just breath. My only reaction was to nod my head, close my eyes and let out a breath, taking a breather even allowed me to hear hooves on tiles making sounds down the hallways of the guest quarters.

Meditation, Well I guess I'll try anything at this point, I used to meditate when I was younger or well forced to meditate but anyway. Breath in and out...



Opening my eyes I find that I no longer have plasma main or tail nor do I have flames my main and tail no longer flow with fire my coat stills seems to be obsidian, yet now I have a pink mane, almost preferred it made of fire, I hate the fact that I have pink bangs in my face, my eyes still seem to have slitted pupils and a fiery red-orange iris.

"Wow, all that from some breathing exercises? Really, I mean that's all it took?" I asked Discord, disbelief that it was that simple, he simply nodded before flipping through a book labeled cooking with fire before he stopped at a page ripped it out ate the rest of the book before he tucked the page in his shirt pocket.

"I noticed that you have never been relaxed whilst you were here, not even when you slept, I figured that since you're Celestia's little temper problem that I should try and help you relax, can't do everything at once you know. Just slow down and smell the roses," Discord ended his speech with a cheeky smile, huh he really likes to help his friends, getting up from my desk I trot up to him and give him a hug, I know it's not very manly but he really helped me out, it doesn't seem like much but now, I can meet new people.. er ponies without leaving a charred corpse, I might be making a mountain out of a molehill but I don't think a ponies natural magic resistance will protect them from direct contact with me.

"Thanks, man, you're a really good friend... but that pun at the end lost you twenty friendship points, you need to try a little harder than that." I may sound really sappy but I think he needs to know that I really appreciate it, even if we haven't known each other that long we kinda just get along. Discord seemed a little shocked at the sudden hug but returned it fully before he shoved a blueberry pie in my face.

"Heh should have seen that coming Rose, I will admit however Fluttershy has been a good teacher in helping others, now let's get to the good part, Actual Magic, you don't even know how to levitate yet right?" Discord seems really enthusiastic about helping me now, shaking my head clean of blueberry pie I nod to his question before going back to my seat at my desk.

"Now, Levitation can be a powerful spell if used in the correct circumstances, Magic only works if you know it will work, well pony magic anyway, But first we are going to connect you with your magic properly, Celestia got what she wanted with your previous lesson anyway." Discord pulled out a chalkboard put it next him bring up chalk he started drawing a fairly detailed sketch of a ponies side profile, he added a horn and wings indicating it was an alicorn.

"Alright first step, clear your mind like you did with your breathing exercise before, but this time I want you to look inside yourself and feel the power you hold, for you, it should feel random and spontaneous much like fire, can you feel it?" Discord questions me, as I close my eyes and focus inward, the first thing I feel is my heart beating, wait, no heart's, I have two hearts that is freaky, then I felt my lungs expanding, It's nice to know even though I'm made of lava and obsidian I still seem to have organs, odd? Just when I was about to give up I felt it, much like the feeling of the sun's power that I can still feel in the back of my mind there was two more, first and most prominent is the fiery feeling one it was suffocating and powerful, It seems to be running in my blood, the second one was calmer but felt extremely hot, hotter than when I had plasma running through me, opening my eyes I could see my horn glowing an eerie orange with blue swirls inside. Once my concentration broke the glow disappeared but I knew I could summon it back if I needed it.

Looking to Discord and his jawless expression, a literal jawless expression he ended up picking up his jaw from the desk before he addressed me.

"That's very interesting you have two magic pools, very rare, no wonder Celestia is scared of you. This is Brilliant, oh ooh ho I am going to have some FUN with this, Don't be worried about it, It's not unheard of it's just never happened to an Alicorn before, Starswirl the Bearded was a Double, along with Princess Platinum and Sombra, It indicates greatness and potential, all of those ponies have been extremely powerful they even rivaled alicorns." Discord was practical, no scratch that, he was giddy, he was prancing around the room with the biggest grin on his face.

"So why do I have two magic pools? I mean I know you said it was fine but is it gonna effect my lessons?" I really hope it isn't some kind of bad omen, I hate it when that happens.

"Oh you have nothing to worry about, some ponies are born with two magic pools just makes them more powerful in magic sure they have to train a little harder to tame both so yeah-" Discord cut off when a shiver went through his entire body before he sighed.

"Oh phooy, Looks like Celestia found out I'm here, no doubt gonna be annoyed I let myself in unannounced, well you go and try to channel either of your magic pool's I have a tea party to attend ta ta for now." And he turned into a pile of cucumber sandwiches.

Huh, I have a lot to think about, I always seem to.