• Published 22nd Apr 2016
  • 718 Views, 11 Comments

Moonflower - Lux

Who is this cute unicorn that recently joined the same college you're in? Why does she seem to be hiding and tells you little about herself?

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10

You walked hand in hand with Moonflower as you made your way over to the next block where all the stores, restaurants, and bars stood welcoming the college students for the year. You watched as the mare next to you looked amazed at the nightly activities the town had to offer, although something told you that she knew that if Manehattan had a night life so too would Canterlot. You remember the first time you came to this part of town and how you wanted to try everything you could. Now it was your turn to share the lovely unicorn.

“So, where is this club you’re talking about?” Moon said as she scanned the street filled with ponies milling from place to place.

“Uh…I’m not sure where exactly,” you said looking around.

“Not sure?” the mare said giving you a confused look. “Then how do you know it’s on this street or even in business?”

“Well, I don’t, but I know when I’ll see it. It’s a really interesting looking club and has a neat name.”

“Oh? What is it called?”

“Nightmare,” you said simply but noticed that Moonflower looked shocked. “Why, have you heard of it?”

“No,” she said suddenly before seeing your face. “I mean, I didn’t really check out the club scene here in the city yet. You said it was themed.

What is the theme?”

“Oh, well it’s kind of hard to explain. Have you ever heard of the story of Nightmare Moon?”

At the moment you said the dark Alicorn’s name you saw Moonflower frozen as if the evil creature stood before her.
“Moon, are you ok?” you said.

“Oh, no, I’m fine.”

“You don’t look fine. It’s like you’ve seen a ghost?”

“No, it’s just Nightmare Moon scares me.”

“Are you really that scared of a story like Nightmare Moon?” you said with a giggle.

“Yes, I do get creeped out,” she said with a frown at your teasing, “and for your information, Nightmare Moon isn’t some pony’s tale. She is real. Don’t you remember when she came back during the Summer Sun Celebrarion and then several ponies helped free me… I mean Princess Luna from the darkness?”

Your mind spun a little as Moonflower mentioned that event in nearby Ponyville. Still it didn’t account for such a strange reaction by the mare. Even stranger was how she said “me” rather than “Luna,” although she did correct it quickly. Perhaps in her flurry of trying to explain she slipped up her sentence.

“Oh, yeah, I do remember that. She wanted to bring about endless night but was stopped by the… what were they called? Oh, the Elements of Harmony. Guess I made a mistake calling it a story. But why are you scared of Nightmare Moon. She’s gone, right?”

“Yeah, she is,” Moon said although her voice revealed that she was wary.

“Then were you there to see Nightmare Moon appear that night?”

“You could say that,” she said shaking her head.

“Moonflower, if going to this club will make you upset, we can choose another one if you want.”

“No, I shouldn’t be afraid of a simple themed club,” she said trying to steel herself, “Show me this club.”

“Alright,” you replied as you continued looking for this place until your eyes settled on a certain building painted to look like a creepy castle with an illuminated sign that spelled out in smoky looking letters: Nightmare. As you approached the club you heard the music already radiating from it and saw the lights through the tinted windows. You were about to step in when you saw Moonflower hesitate. Before you could say anything though, she followed you inside the club.

The place was designed to look like the throne room of the one in Canterlot, but instead of it being bright and cheery like the one it was based off of, this one was dark and creepy. The walls and columns were painted black with accents of dark blue and silver. Banners hung from the ceiling displaying Nightmare Moon’s cutie mark and framed pictures depicted the dark Alicorn in all her glory. All of this was bathed in a wash of eerie green and blue lights as the DJ played upon a raised platform that looked like a dais complete with a twisted mockery of Celestia’s throne.

“So, what do you think of it?” you asked.

“It’s a lot to take in,” Moonflower said as her eyes darted around the room.

“Yeah it was shocked at it too. Anyway, want to dance?”

“Sure,” Moon said, “but I kind of have to tell you something first.”

“What’s that?”

“I haven’t really dance before, not like this,” she said waving a hand over the area.

“That’s ok, just do what the others are doing.”

The two of you hit the dance floor as you began to move to the music. The mare at first didn’t know what to do, and you were worried she’s feel embarrassed and want to cut the night short. Soon though she began to move as the other ponies did and a smile ran across her face while doing so. Although you wouldn’t admit it to her, you loved the was that she moved her body, like she knew how to flaunt what she had.
“See, you’re a natural Moonflower!”

“Thanks!” she said as she continued dancing through the remainder of the song.

“Alright,” the DJ said as the song ended, “I hope you liked that song. Next one is going to be a slow one for all you couples out there, so enjoy!”
The song started as several ponies departed the dance floor. You and Moonflower stood as if wondering if you either should stay or leave the floor.

“Want to try this?” you asked. “It’ll be fun. I’ll show you how to slow dance.”

“It’s worth a try,” she said.

“Alright,” you said approaching her, “first you put your arms around my back.”

“Ok,” Moon said as she followed your command, “What’s next?”

“Well, I put my arms around your waist,” you said as you did, “and now for one more thing. We need to get a little closer for this to work.”
“Like this?” Moon said as she pulled you near. You felt your body up against hers, especially her large chest which was like a soft cushion.
“Perfect,” you replied, “and now we dance in a circle.”

The two of you swayed and moved in a circle to the music, both oblivious to what was happening around you. For all you cared, it could have been you dancing outside in the moonlight with Moon. What mattered was she was with you and the joy you felt being so close. You were so relaxed that without thinking your hand drifted past her waist, brushing her butt.

“Hey there, let’s not get too touchy, ok?” Moon said giving you a wink knowing what you were doing. At last the dance ended, but the two of you remained in an embrace as if you didn’t want to let go. Finally you separated as the DJ made his announcement.

“Yeah, I can feel the love in the air,” he said as if directing his words toward you and Moonflower, “Now before we get to the next song I want to introduce a certain pony who inspired this club.”

“What does he mean?” Moon asked you with a confused look.

“You’ll see,” you said with a smile. Suddenly the lights overhead flickered off, plunging the room in complete darkness. Soon a spotlight turned on over the throne and another on a balcony above the dais.

“Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last.” a very familiar voice boomed throughout the club, “…”
Suddenly the balcony flooded with smoke as an image of Nightmare Moon appeared saying, “From this moment forth, the night will last forever!”

The crowd erupted in a cheer over the show, but as you turned towards Moonflower you could see she was anything but happy. Tears were flowing down her face as her body shook like she saw the dark Alicorn in front of her.
“Moon, what’s wrong?”

“It’s her, Nightmare Moon,” she said as if out of breath.

“It’s only a show. They do this every night.”

“I can’t… I just can’t.”

“Moon, are you ok?”

“I have to go…” she said and without saying anything else she fled the club. You desperately tried to follow her and called out her name, but when you reached the street she was nowhere to be found.

“Moonflower!” you shouted. “I’m sorry! Come back!”

All your attempts meant nothing as she was nowhere to be found. Dejected by her loss and knowing that your mistake could have cost you this precious friendship and possible relationship, you headed back to your dorm room, no longer in the mood for fun that the night offered.

Author's Note:

This chapter should be entitled "Protagonist gets hit by a dumb stick."

You'll get to see the consequences of this night in the next chapter.