• Published 22nd Apr 2016
  • 718 Views, 11 Comments

Moonflower - Lux

Who is this cute unicorn that recently joined the same college you're in? Why does she seem to be hiding and tells you little about herself?

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

The blaring noise of the alarm clock broke through the peace of your sleep. You could have easily spent a few more hours in bed as your night was anything but peaceful. Maybe it was because you had to get used to the bed in the dorm room once more, although you knew it was likely something else. It was that dream, or more like a nightmare to you. Despite many of your dreams vanishing into sleep that you believe you had in your lifetime, this one stuck in your mind. It was certainly a strange dream, even though you know that dreams had no constraints to how real or unreal they should be. The most disturbing thing was that it was so personal, just you and Moonflower. Then there was that seemingly all-knowing voice who although not malicious certainly wasn’t helping you by filling your mind with questions about your budding friendship with Moonflower.

“Maybe that was my conscious,” you said as you struggled getting awake. “But why does my conscious sound like a mare?”

Perhaps it was your worry that somehow what you felt was the start of a great friendship would end suddenly, that something would happen to her that would split you apart or worse something you would do to snuff out the spark of friendship before it ever caught fire. There was one thing certain from your dream, you weren’t going to let your doubt or anypony else derail your chance to start something great. With a renewed sense of purpose in your social life, your mind shifting from Moonflower to your new classes as you got ready, making sure all your books and supplies were ready.

“Here we go,” you said as you left the comfort of your dorm room and off to the student center for breakfast. To your surprise you didn’t see Moonflower anywhere in the crowds of students there to grab something to eat or talk with friends before starting their classes. It was a big campus after all and with it many students, so trying to find the blue manned mare was like finding a flower in a field full of them. It was then that you heard a familiar voice in the crowd.

“There you are,” a male griffon said to you. “Welcome back!”

“Welcome back to you too Snowy,” you said to him. “The way you say that it sounds like we haven’t seen each other in years!”

“Well, it feels like that, and you know how I hate it when you call me Snowy. It’s Snowbeak. Sheesh, if my friends heard what you call me here back in Griffonstone, I’d never live it down!”

You met Snowbeak on accident during your first semester in school. The two of you were assigned to a group project, something you dreaded as any group projects you were involved in ended in failure due to your partners not willing to work. Added to this dread was working with a Griffon who you have never met before and frankly was uncertain of. To your knowledge Griffons were aggressive and wary of anyone’s opinions other than their own. But upon meeting this Griffon you were surprised to learn that he was anything but that and the two of you quickly became first good partners in the project and then good friends.

“So how was your summer in Griffonstone?”

“Boring, as usual,” Snowbeak said rolling his eyes as he waved his hand like trying to swat away the memory of the summer like a fly. “How was yours here in Canterlot?”

“It was fine but short.”

“Yeah tell me about it! It feels like we left here just a week ago and now we’re back. Sorry I couldn’t come visit as much as I wanted.”
“That’s ok, I know that it’s not like you live close. Hey, maybe next break I can visit your town.”

“Oh trust me, you’ll be bored the moment you set you hooves in Griffonstone! Anyway, let’s get up to the dining hall. Spearmint is saving us a seat.”

You followed Snowbeak up to the topmost floor of the student center after getting your breakfast scanned over the scene of the eating area, hoping to find your other friend. It didn’t take long as the green and white mare spotted you first and standing up began to start waving her arms like directing a Pegasus trying to land. Spearmint was a pony that unlike meeting your Griffon friend she met you. She was homesick having left Appleoosa and needed somepony to help show her around Cantelot as she never visited a big city before. What attracted you to her was her energetic personality and willingness to lend a hand to those in need.

“Well howdy there,” Spearmint said wasting no time giving you a hug. “Long time no see, huh?”

“Nice to see you again, Spearmint. How’s things?”

“Oh you know, things are always lookin’ up for me! Had a great time at the Appleoosa Harvest Festival before comin’ here. How have you been?”

“I’m fine,” you said taking a seat and starting on your breakfast. “Glad I got to visit you in Appleoosa during the summer.”

“Well you were so nice to show me around your big city I wanted to repay the favor. You have to come by my corner of Equestria someday soon too, Snow.”

“Definitely,” Snow said to her before turning towards you saying, “So, anything you want to tell us?”

“What do you mean?” you said poking at a pancake.

“Oh I think that you do,” Spearmint said leaning over while resting her head in her hands, “Something a little birdy said about a pony you were hanging around with last night.”

Snowbeak shot Spearmint a look as the mare playfully stuck her tongue out before turning to you as they waited for an answer. Your mind searched for who it was that Snow saw you with the day before when suddenly it dawned on you. It was Moonflower, and somehow while meeting her, your feathered friend caught a glimpse and the squawked to Spearmint. Now they waited on baited breath for you to spill who the mysterious mare was.

“Fine,” you said with a sigh, “Guess I can’t put anything past you two. The mare you saw is named Moonflower. She transferred here from a school in Manehattan and was kind of lost on campus. She just came up to me and asked for my help, so I gave her the tour and we had dinner together.”

“That’s it?” Spearmint said not looking convinced.

“Yeah surely there has to be more,” Snowbeak said.

“Well, it was getting dark, and she said she had to leave, but she promised she’d see me again as we have Astronomy class tonight.”

“Well it sounds like you have quite a catch,” Spearmint said with a smile as wide as her plate.

“Oh come on, I just met her.”

“Not from what I saw,” Snow said. “You two looked perfect, and I have to say you found quite a pretty special somepony. She’s hot!”
“She’s not my special somepony!” you insisted.

“Not yet,” Spearmint said, “but I have a feeling soon enough you’ll be doing more with her that having dinner.”
“Whatever,” you said trying to redirect the conversation.”

“Well, are you going to introduce her to us?” Speamint said.

“Fine, soon I’ll try to have her meet you. Just don’t do or say anything stupid when you do meet her, ok?”

“Can’t promise anything,” Snowbeak said with a sly grin to which you ignored. As you finished breakfast you thought about Moonflower and hoped that somewhere in the midst of your busy academic live you could meet her once again. You wondered though how this friendship would progress and what new things you would learn of this new pony in your life.