• Published 19th Apr 2016
  • 11,865 Views, 231 Comments

Loveliest of Trees (Old) - Nordryd

**A rewrite** After helping the new student with his things after getting jumped by bullies, Fluttershy finds herself quite smitten. And the feeling might be mutual. One small act of kindness can change someone's entire life... no matter how damaged.

  • ...

Ch.12: Broken

Something was off…

Coppermane couldn't quite pinpoint it, but something didn't feel right about today. It felt like just any other Monday. Nothing was out of the ordinary. He got up, came to school, went to his classes, and now it was time to go home.

Maybe it was because he decided to walk to school today to save money on gas. Maybe it was because it was supposed to rain, and the sky was very dark and gloomy. Or maybe it was because he never saw any of his friends today. Not even Fluttershy. Could they all be sick? If Fluttershy was sick, why didn't she tell him?

But as he tried to sort out the possibilities in his head, he was suddenly grabbed and roughly dragged into a dark, empty classroom. Once inside, his kidnappers threw him into a rolling chair behind what would be the teacher's desk.

"Whoa, what's going on?!" Coppermane cried out. He could only make out five silhouettes standing in front of him. One of them reached out and turned on the desk lamp. The light shined on their faces, revealing their identities.

It was the girls, or at least five of them. Fluttershy and Rarity were nowhere to be seen.

"Girls? Where have you been all day?" he asked. He received no answer, but instead cold, icy looks. "Um… girls? Wh-What's going on?"

"I think you know," Sunset said sternly.

This just made Coppermane more confused. "Um… no… I-I don't know…"

Rainbow slammed her hands on the table, making Coppermane jump.

"Don't play dumb, Coppermane. You know exactly what this is about," she said, getting in his face.

"Wha… what are you talking about?" Coppermane pleaded.

Pinkie suddenly grabbed his shirt, and got directly in his face. "We can do this the easy way… or the hard way."

Coppermane's eyes went wide, and started to sweat. "Girls, I seriously have no idea what the hell you're talking about!"

Applejack stepped in, separating Pinkie from Coppermane. "Let's just show him the pictures." Pinkie glared at Applejack, and just sighed. She went to her backpack to get something.

"P-Pictures?" Coppermane asked.

Pinkie came back with her laptop, and opened it up. She messed around on it for a minute before placing it on the desk, facing it towards Coppermane.

"Take a look," Sunset said, crossing her arms. "Maybe it'll job your memory a bit?"

Coppermane looked at the screen, and his heart dropped. It was a message sent to Pinkie by… Trixie? The message had pictures attached to it. Pictures of Coppermane's encounter with Trixie at the mall yesterday, including one of Trixie kissing him. The worst part, the pictures made it look like he was enjoying it, which couldn't be further from the truth.

"And before you ask," Twilight sneered, "Fluttershy has already seen them."

"Wh-What?" Coppermane cooed.

Pinkie suddenly slammed the laptop closed, making Coppermane jump. She got right in his face again.

"Trixie?! REALLY?!" she shouted.

"How could you do this to Fluttershy?!" Rainbow yelled.

"I thought y'all loved her!" Applejack screamed.

"You broke Fluttershy's heart! How could you?!" Sunset shouted.

"Have you forgotten how fragile she is?!" Twilight yelled. "And after everything she's done for you?!"

The girls all screamed over each other at Coppermane. He couldn't even get one syllable in without being cut off. He's never seen them so angry before.

But after a minute of yelling, Coppermane couldn't take it anymore.

"QUIET!!!" Coppermane shouted at the top of his lungs, standing up in his chair. They finally calmed down, but still had icy looks on their faces. He took a few deep breaths for the sake of his sanity before speaking up again. "I can explain all of this."

"There's nothing to explain," Sunset said.

Coppermane was about to retort, until a thought occurred to him. What Twilight said:

"And before you ask, Fluttershy has already seen them."

Oh no…

Coppermane's heartbeat sky-rocketed as he frantically searched for his phone.

"What are you doing?" Rainbow beckoned.

"I'm calling Fluttershy," Coppermane said. He walked to the corner of the room to get some privacy, leaning his free arm against the wall. He brought his phone up to his ear.

Please pick up… please pick up… please pick up…

The ringing stopped, and Coppermane gasped with hope.

"Fluttershy?" Coppermane pleaded.

"Hello, Coppermane," a voice said. But it wasn't Fluttershy's.

"Rarity? Is that you?" Coppermane asked.

"Indeed it is," Rarity said.

"Where's Fluttershy? I need to talk to her," Coppermane said.

"I'm afraid Fluttershy's not available at the moment," Rarity said coldly.

Coppermane was about to retort, but heard something in the background that made his heart practically stop. Someone was crying. Crying he recognized from his very first date.

"Rarity, I need to talk to her. Please," Coppermane said, trying to hold his tears back. Hearing Fluttershy cry… it was almost too much.

"Coppermane, how could you do such a thing?" Rarity asked. "How could you betray such a sweet girl?"

"Rarity, it's not what you think…"

"Oh, I'm sure!" Rarity retorted.

"Rarity, just please let me talk to her. I can explain all of this," Coppermane pleaded.

He heard the phone on the other line move around a little bit, and Fluttershy's crying got louder. The next voice wasn't Rarity's.

"There's nothing to explain, Coppermane. I… I saw the pictures…"

"Fluttershy?" Coppermane said. "Fluttershy, please, you don't understand…"

"Coppermane… did… did you… k-kiss Trixie?" Fluttershy asked, choking on her words.

Coppermane grunted in frustration. "Yes, it happened, but Fluttershy, please listen to me—"

"There's nothing to explain, Coppermane," Fluttershy said. "It happened. You said it yourself. You… you don't like me anymore…"

"Fluttershy, no!" Coppermane said. "You don't understand…"

"I understand, Coppermane," Fluttershy cooed. "Just… what did I do wrong?"

A tear escaped Coppermane's eye. He couldn't bear to hear her so broken.

"Fluttershy, I'm begging you, please listen—"

"Coppermane… we're… we're done. I-I'm sorry…"

Coppermane's heart stopped. Did she just say…?

"Wait, Fluttershy, I'm begging you, don't do this!" Coppermane pleaded. "Listen to me, please!" He heard the background noise on the other line cut out. "Fluttershy?" He could no longer hear her voice. Not even static in the background. Just silence. He took his phone away from his ear, and saw that she had hung up on him. "Fluttershy…" He fell to his knees, grasping his heart, as if to hold the shattered pieces together. His eyes began welling up as he tried calling her again. This time, no answer. "Fluttershy… please…" He tried again, and again, and again; every time, no answer. "Fluttershy… don't go…" A teardrop ran down his face when he called her again, only to have it go straight to voicemail.

Coppermane sat on his knees, breathing shakily. His body trembled as he held his heart. His unstable hands dropped his phone, and his fingers curled up remorsefully.

"Please. I… I love you…"

The unthinkable had happened. Fluttershy broke up with him. They were no more.

No… no… no…

"Girls, I can explain this, just please listen to m—" His heart dropped when he turned around to see a completely vacant classroom. They were gone. He turned the main lights on, and still nobody. It felt like his world was crumbling beneath him.

"Hey, kid," an unfamiliar voice said behind him. Coppermane turned around to see a janitor standing in the doorway. "School's over. You can go home now."

Coppermane looked down, trying his best not to cry in front of this stranger.

"Right. S-Sorry," he said, choking on his words. He picked his phone up off the ground before exiting the classroom. He sorrowfully walked to the exit, putting his hood up to cover his tear-stained face from any witnesses. He grasped his heart on the way out, holding the broken pieces together.

Coppermane walked outside, and was greeted by a bright flash of lightning, accompanied by a loud wave of thunder under the gloomy, overcast sky. The winds picked up, chilling him as a cold drop of rain fell on his face. Within seconds, it began to pour. He sighed, allowing the cold rain to drench him.

He lost Fluttershy… all because of Trixie. That… bitch. But as much as he wanted to feel angry, he couldn't do it. He couldn't be angry when his heart was in a million pieces.

He began walking hom, clenching his heart, and crying his eyes out. It felt frigid with the strong winds and freezing-cold rain, but he just took this as punishment. Punishment for ever thinking he deserved a girl like Fluttershy. Punishment for ever thinking he could be happy.

Fluttershy hasn't stopped crying since she broke up with Coppermane. Rarity, Sunset, and Applejack brought her back to the boutique to try to cheer her up. They made a stop at the Sweet Shoppe to get some snacks, and trying everything they possibly could to make her feel better. But nothing was working. Even holding Angel, Fluttershy's go-to method for feeling better, wasn't working.

Rarity held Fluttershy in her arms, rubbing her back to try and comfort her. Applejack and Sunset sat around them, watching Fluttershy cry her eyes out. They said nothing, afraid of triggering something else within Fluttershy.

Applejack and Rarity didn't know what to say. They've never gone through a breakup before. Sunset has, but she never harbored any true feelings for her ex, so it didn't really affect her at all.

But this was different. Fluttershy had true feelings for Coppermane. She loved him, and they all knew it.

Fluttershy lifted her head from Rarity's shoulder, breathing hard from crying so much.

"Wh-What did I do wrong?" she pleaded. "I… I thought he liked me." She leaned her head back on Rarity's shoulder, continuing to bawl.

"Shh… you did nothing wrong, darling. It's okay… shh… it's okay," Rarity said softly, rubbing Fluttershy's back.

Rarity looked up at Applejack and Sunset, looking just as concerned as she was. They all knew Fluttershy didn't want to break up with Coppermane, but it had to be done.

But there was another feeling mutual between the three of them. Doubt. They've seen the pictures. There was clear evidence. Even so, it was hard to believe. They knew Coppermane. They knew he was damaged inside from bullying. He's one of the nicest guys they've ever met. It seemed so unnatural for a guy like him to do something like this, especially to a girl like Fluttershy.

They've seen Coppermane and Fluttershy interact. Whenever they were together, they looked happy. They've seen Coppermane's face when he looks at Fluttershy. How he lights up, and how much attention he gives her. How he smiles at her, and how she smiles at him. How protective he is of her, and how he showers her with affection. There was always a smile on Fluttershy's face when Coppermane was around, and an even bigger one when he held her in his arms.

They shared something rare. Something special. After everything Coppermane's been through, after everything Fluttershy's done for him, and after everything he's done for her, none of them could even imagine him cheating on her.

Nevertheless, Fluttershy's heart was broken, and they were questioning their friendship with their ex-boyfriend.

Coppermane sat alone in his room, desperately trying to reach his friends in order to explain things. He tried calling all the girls, and every time, he got no response.

They were gone… along with Fluttershy. They were all gone. He had a headache from today. A mix of sadness and rage. He didn't do anything. Trixie kissed him, but he pushed her off immediately. He tried to ward her off, but she wouldn't listen.

And some nosy bastard took pictures.

Every time there's something good in his life, every time, something ruins it. He's experienced torment, neglect, and physical abuse, but he's never experienced… abandonment. Never having friends is one thing, but having friends and then losing them? This hurt more than anything he's ever experienced before.

Coppermane put his phone down, officially giving up. There was no reaching them. His time of happiness was over. He looked above his bed, and his eyes landed on the collage he was given for his birthday. He took it down from the wall to look at it, and teared up at the memories. He couldn't even look at it without feeling like his heart was ripping at the seams. He put the collage down, but even that didn't stop the flood of happy memories. And most of them were filled with… Fluttershy.

Thinking about the prettiest girl in existence used to fill him with happiness, but now it only filled him with sorrow.

He remembered his first date with her, where he revealed his entire past to her, and shared his very first kiss with her. Bringing her to his secret haven in the cherry blossom grove. Carrying her back to his car after she fell asleep in the grove. Sharing his very first dance with her. Falling asleep with her in his arms. Making breakfast for her the following morning. And then… having her sit in his lap. Holding her hand, cradling her in his arms, getting lost in her gorgeous teal eyes, and just admiring her endless beauty. Her smile, her hair, her eyes, her soft skin, and… her lips. Her kisses were like magic. He could be having the worst day, and all it would take is one sweet kiss to make it all better.

The happy memories were now somber ones. Those memories would forever be memories. He and Fluttershy were no longer an item. Tears continued to run down his face. All he could do was reminisce about when he was happy. When he had friends. When he had Fluttershy.

Coppermane slapped himself in the face, punishing himself for ever thinking he could be happy. Maybe it was always meant to be this way. Maybe he should accept this as reality and move on. He's always been the loser. Maybe Fluttershy would be happier without him. He was a terrible boyfriend anyway. Now, she doesn't have to deal with his bullies. She's safe now. He put her in danger just by dating her. He never even gave back for all the things she did for him. He was selfish. Fluttershy didn't have to deal with him anymore. He could already picture her friends throwing a party, celebrating the fact that they didn't have to put up with him anymore.

If Fluttershy really would be happier without him…

Coppermane picked up his phone, and navigated to the photo album entitled "Fluttershy". He scrolled through the various pictures of Fluttershy, sent to him from her. There were also pictures of him and her together. She was just so… beautiful…

As he looked at these pictures, Coppermane felt something stir within him. He couldn't give up. He couldn't let his friends get away that easily. They meant too much to him. He did nothing wrong. Trixie came onto him. He had to go find one of the girls, and explain himself in the flesh. He had to win them back, and more importantly, win Fluttershy back. She's too important. He loved her. Even if he wasn't meant to be happy, he couldn't go down without a fight.

He knew they hung out at the Sweet Shoppe, so maybe they would be there? With new-found determination, he rushed out the door.

Coppermane arrived at the Sweet Shoppe, but didn't see any sign of the girls through the window. He let out a depressed sigh. He was about to head out, until somebody turned the corner of the block that reignited him with hope.

"Flash!" Coppermane called out. Flash looked up at him, and gave him a cold look.

"Oh, Coppermane. Hey…" Flash said.

"Flash, I need your help," Coppermane said.

Flash stared at him coldly, folding his arms. "With what?"

"I need to find the girls. Fluttershy broke up with me because of what happened at the mall yesterday. I need to explain what really happened," Coppermane said.

"You mean how you kissed Trixie?" Flash said coldly. "You mean how you completely broke Fluttershy's heart?"

"Huh?" Coppermane said.

"Dude, don't act stupid," Flash said. "The girls showed me the pictures. Seriously? Why would you do something like that to Fluttershy?"

Coppermane was surprised. "Wait… you're siding with the girls?"

Flash sighed. "There's evidence with the pictures, dude. Why should I help you if you're just going to betray her again?"

"Betray her?" Coppermane said, starting to tear up. "I… I would never betray her…"

"Well, what was going in those pictures, huh?!" Flash said, raising his voice. "Why should we trust you? I don't see why we should if you're just going to hurt her again." He started to walk away, but Copper ran in front of him to block his departure.

"Flash! Please listen to me!" Copper shouted. "Just hear me out! You want a reason, then damnit, I'll give you one. I'm begging you… just five minutes… that's all I'm asking."

Flash sighed, not wanting to stay for much longer. But there was clear angst in Coppermane's eyes. He's probably had a really crappy day anyways, so he could at least humor the poor guy.

"Fine," Flash said.

Coppermane sighed with relief. He took a deep breath. "Flash… it's not just Fluttershy. It's all of the girls. I've tried calling every single one of them, and none of them have answered. They hate me now. You were at the mall with me. You remember what I told you about Fluttershy and I? I told you that I love her. I still do. I never stopped. I had nothing before I met Fluttershy. She's given me so much, and made my life worth living. You know me, Flash. Do you honestly think I would take someone as amazing as Fluttershy and throw her away like that? Do you think I would betray her like that? Flash… I love her with all my heart. She's my princess… or at least… she was. I would never do anything to hurt her, you know that." Tears were streaming down Coppermane's face. "Flash… I want her back. No… I need her back. It hasn't even been a full day yet, and I already miss her more than I can bear. Not just her… but I miss the girls too. I… I can't lose you too. The girls are gone, Flash. You're all I have left. Please… I need you. Help me."

Flash looked into his eyes. Coppermane looked straight at him, never faltering. He pondered for a moment. Would it be in Coppermane's nature to cheat? No… he would never even consider doing something so cruel… especially to a girl like Fluttershy. Coppermane was closest to her, and knew, more than anyone, how fragile she is. He remembered his face when he was talking about Fluttershy at the mall. That smile that graced his face as he went on and on about how much he adores her. He remembered every single time he's seen the two of them together. When they were with each other, they were always smiling, lost in each other's eyes. Coppermane would always hold Fluttershy in his arms when he could, and she loved it. They always looked so happy together. Fluttershy has also gushed to the group about all the amazing things Coppermane's done for her. Things that a guy only does for a girl when he… loves her. Flash knew how much Fluttershy meant to Coppermane. He wouldn't cheat on her. As Flash thought more and more, he found himself believing Copper's side of the story. Everything, from Coppermane's personality, to his history with Fluttershy, were leading Flash to believe that those pictures were indeed fake, and Copper was telling the truth. He could see it in his eyes. And the whole gang knew about his past. They knew how lonely he was before them. The whole point of Copper's birthday party was to show him how many people are here for him. Now, after this mess, only one remained. As mad as Flash was with Copper before, one thing never changed. Coppermane was still his best friend, and he couldn't leave him alone like this. Not in his time of need.

Flash walked towards Coppermane, who was in tears, and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Come with me."

Coppermane glanced at Flash's hand, and then back at him. "W-Why?"

Flash smirked. "I have to help my best bro win his dream-girl back."

Coppermane's face lip up. "Wait… r-really?"

Flash took his hand off Copper's shoulder. "I'm not sure I totally believe you about the pictures, but I'm not about to leave my best friend in the dust."

Coppermane's hope was renewed upon hearing Flash say that. "Flash…you're the best."

Flash chuckled, and motioned for Copper to follow him.

"So, what exactly did you have in mind?" Flash asked.

"Well, that's why I need you. I have no idea where to even start," Coppermane said. "I just need something to show her how much I care about her. Something personal. Something to show her how much I love her."

Flash smiled. "I think I might already have an idea."

"Really?" Copper said.

"Mmmhmm," Flash said, "But it's not going to be easy. In fact, it'll take some practice."

"Practice?" Copper asked curiously.

"Copper, would you be interested in becoming my band's new keyboardist?" Flash asked.

Coppermane's eyes went wide. "What?"

Flash put his arm around Coppermane's shoulder. "Just hear me out. I'm guessing you still want to take her to the formal, right?"

"Do I ever…" Coppermane said.

"Well, here's what I'm thinking. So, at the musical showcase…"

And with that, Flash began to explain what he had in mind. As he spoke, a smile graced Coppermane's face. Even so, there was still that seed of doubt in his mind. Would Fluttershy forgive him? She was his entire world, and if he lost her for good…

He could only hope…