• Published 19th Apr 2016
  • 11,866 Views, 231 Comments

Loveliest of Trees (Old) - Nordryd

**A rewrite** After helping the new student with his things after getting jumped by bullies, Fluttershy finds herself quite smitten. And the feeling might be mutual. One small act of kindness can change someone's entire life... no matter how damaged.

  • ...

Ch.13: Empathy is Magic

With only three days before the musical showcase, Coppermane was going to need all the practice he could get with Flash and his band. Today was their first day of intensive practice.

Coppermane decided to take up keytar to allow for more mobility onstage. He was hesitant at first, but once he realized that it was very similar to piano, he went with it. He still needed to get used to it though, so all the more reason to practice.

After about two and a half hours of practice, the band was growing rather tired, so they decided to take a break. Flash talked with the rest of his band while Coppermane sat at his dinner table alone, playing on his phone. The entire time, Flash noticed a solemn look on his face. Flash was about to go and talk to him, but he decided to leave him be for now. He expected him to be on edge all week from missing Fluttershy so much. Giving him some time to think in between their marathon-practicing might be healthy.

Now, after fifteen minutes, it was time to get back to work. Flash ushered everyone into his garage to continue practicing. They had to cram weeks of practice into three days, and they had no time to waste.

"Alright, are we ready to continue?" Flash asked.

"Wait, where's Coppermane?" asked Brawly Beats, the drummer.

"I thought I saw him come in with us," said Ringo, the bassist.

Flash sighed. "Hold on, I'll go see what's up." He walked back inside, and saw Coppermane still sitting at the dinner table.

"Coppermane, didn't you hear me? We have to get back to work," Flash said. His friend remained silent, looking down at the table. Flash walked to the table. "Coppermane? Hello?"

Coppermane looked up at Flash, revealing reddened, tear-stained eyes. Has he been crying?

"I lost her…" Coppermane cooed. "I lost the perfect girl…"

Flash looked down at the table to see a cute picture of Fluttershy on Coppermane's phone, along with what looked like… a letter?

"What's that?" Flash asked.

"Um… it's a love letter," Coppermane said, sounding somber. "I'm sorry… it's just… I miss her so much…"

Flash pulled up a chair and pat his friend on the back to comfort him.

"I know you do. And I know you're really hurting right now, but writing her a love letter isn't going to win her back. We've got something great planned for her, but we only have three days to get it ready. We have a lot of work to do, and we need you. If you want any chance at winning Fluttershy back, you need to practice with us. I want to help you, we all do, but we need your cooperation."

Coppermane sighed. "I know. I'm sorry. I… I just want to hold her in my arms again…"

"And if you work hard and practice with us, you might be able to. But we need you. Help us help you, Coppermane."

Coppermane stayed silent as he pondered to himself. He knew he was right. If he wanted a chance to get his dreamgirl back, he needed to practice.

And this wasn't just about Fluttershy either. It was about winning his best friends back too. Thinking about those pictures, and looking at them through their eyes, he couldn't help but feel their anger. It would be just like if Fluttershy kissed another guy behind his back. Coppermane didn't do anything, but they didn't know that. Looking through their eyes, he realized that they have every right to be furious with him.

Coppermane knew he couldn't be selfish about this performance either. He would be performing with Flash and his band on all their other songs as well. Technically, he's in the band now. They were counting on him to do his part to make their segment amazing.

Coppermane sighed. "Sorry, I'll pull myself together," he said, putting his stuff in his backpack. "Have you asked Twilight to the formal yet?"

Flash rose an eyebrow. "Um… not yet. I was going to ask her tomorrow."

"Well, good luck. I know she'll say yes," Coppermane said.

"Um… thanks. Wow, I didn't think you'd be so optimistic about that kind of thing right now."

"I mean… just because my relationship's over, it doesn't mean I shouldn't support my friend's, right?" Coppermane said.

Flash smiled. "Thanks, man. That really means a lot." Coppermane offered a small, yet sincere smile back. And with that, the two of them adjourned to the garage to continue practicing.

"What did you want to talk to me about, Flash?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight, do you remember when we were at the mall the other day?" Flash asked.

"Of course I do," Twilight said with a smile.

"Well, I was wandering around with Coppermane, helping him find something for Fluttershy, and I found something that made me think of you," Flash said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small jewelry box.

Twilight's eyes went wide. "For me?" she asked.

"Of course," Flash said, chuckling. He handed the box over to Twilight. She looked up at him, as if she was waiting for the okay to open it. Flash smiled and nodded. Twilight opened it, and inside was a beautiful, gold-chain necklace with a medium-sized amethyst pendant in the middle in the shape of a four-point star.

"Flash, it's beautiful. Thank you so much!" Twilight said, pulling Flash into a hug.

Flash gave her a kiss on the forehead. "I'm glad you like it, because that's only part one."

"Part one? What's part two?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I was wondering if you would be interested in… um… going to the formal with me?" Flash said, rubbing his neck.

Twilight gasped. Her eyes went wide, and pulled Flash into another hug. "Is that even a question? Of course I'll go with you!"

Flash chuckled to himself as he held Twilight. Her response was absolutely perfect. It made all of his apprehension before seem silly. Either way, Twilight said yes, and now he could take a breather. Twilight pulled back after a while, and tried putting on her necklace. Rarity had shown her how before, but she was still getting used to having hands instead of magic. Flash helped her a little bit, which she didn't mind at all. She liked it when he played with her hair. Once the necklace was finally hooked, Twilight adjusted it a little on her own.

"Pretty as always," Flash said, making Twilight blush. Flash leaned down to give Twilight a kiss.

"So, how's Fluttershy doing?" Flash asked, holding Twilight in his arms.

Twilight's face went somber. "Not good. She misses Coppermane so much. I've never seen her this heartbroken before. Poor thing…"

"That's a shame," Flash said.

"I can't believe Coppermane would do something like that," Twilight said.

"Well, don't you know him in your world too?" Flash asked.

"Yeah, but he's not the same Coppermane," Twilight said. "When I came here for the first time, all my friends in Equestria were enemies in this world. They're the same, but different, y'know?"

Flash pursed his lips. "I see."

"He broke Fluttershy's delicate little heart, and that's unforgivable," Twilight said.

Flash shrugged. "I just hope she gets better soon."

"Me too," Twilght said. "Alright, I need to go. We have a lot of practicing to do."

"Yeah, same," Flash said, giving her one more kiss before parting ways to practice with their respective bands. Two more days left. Time was running out.

"Alright, girls, take five," Rainbow Dash said. "We are gonna totally rock it at the showcase tomorrow!"

"And no Sirens this time!" Sunset proclaimed, making the group laugh. Everyone sat back, talking amongst themselves, going for their water bottles, and polishing up some areas of struggle in the music. Although, not everyone in the room was so optimistic.

Fluttershy sat down in a chair alone, staying silent. She held her tambourine close, looking down at the ground. She put on a happy face during their practice, but it was just a mask for her true feelings. No matter what she did, everything reminded her of… Coppermane.

She pulled her phone out, and opened up a photo album titled "Coppermane". Her heart felt like it was about to tear at the seams as she looked pictures of the cutest guy in the world.

"I miss you so much," Fluttershy murmured to herself as a tear escaped her eye.

She put her phone down. It was too much to see him, knowing he wasn't hers anymore.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, startling her. She looked, and saw Rarity. Upon making eye contact, Rarity pulled her into a big hug. Fluttershy leaned her head on her shoulder, allowing tears to fall.

"It's okay, sweetness," Rarity said, rubbing her back.

"I… I just want him to hold me again," Fluttershy said.

"He was no good, darling," Rarity said. "He doesn't deserve you."

"Stay strong, Fluttershy," Applejack said, taking a seat next to her.

"Your friends are here for you," Rainbow said.

"It's going to be okay," Sunset said. "It just takes time."

Fluttershy sniffled as she continued to cry on Rarity's shoulder. Nothing changed the fact that she still loved Coppermane, even after betraying her.

She could already picture Coppermane with another girl. The thought alone made her sick.

Even after they resumed practice, Fluttershy's depression wouldn't go away. But she did her best to put on a happy face for her friends' sake.

Rarity ==> Fluttershy, 9:30 PM
You know, if it makes you feel any better, do you remember when I told you about Vladimir?

Fluttershy ==> Rarity, 9:33 PM
Of course. He's taking you to the formal, right?

Rarity ==> Fluttershy, 9:36 PM
Well, actually, he cancelled.

Fluttershy ==> Rarity, 9:39 PM
What?! Why?

Rarity ==> Fluttershy, 9:41 PM
He wouldn't tell me. But see? You're not alone :)

Fluttershy ==> Rarity, 9:43 PM
Yeah, I guess. Are you okay?

Rarity ==> Fluttershy, 9:48 PM
Yes, I'm okay. If I'm being honest, he was bit of a stick in the mud.

Fluttershy ==> Rarity, 9:50 PM
So, are you going to the formal without a date then?

Rarity ==> Fluttershy, 9:53 PM
I guess so, but I have all of you, so it'll be fun! And we're all here for you too, darling. We know you're upset, and if you ever want to talk to any of us, or you just want company, we're always here for you :)

Fluttershy ==> Rarity, 9:56 PM
Thank you so much, Rarity. Have a good night :)

Rarity ==> Fluttershy, 10:00 PM
Good night, sweetness :)

Today was the day. The musical showcase was finally here, and was already in full swing. The energy throughout the amphitheater was invigorating. Practically every performance received a standing ovation, just by virtue of everyone being so pumped. And it was just a friendly showcase this time around. No threat of being eliminated, or pressure of being better than everyone else. It was just various musicians and bands showcasing their talents for the rest of CHS to see.

The Rainbooms were next onstage, after Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody. They were all dressed up in their elaborate band outfits, courtesy of Rarity.

"Are you girls ready?" Vice Principal Luna asked, walking up to them with a clipboard.

"We're always ready!" Rainbow Dash said enthusiastically.

"You bet we are!" Sunset said.

"I can't sit still!" Pinkie Pie said.

Vice Principal Luna smiled. "Well, go out when you hear Principal Celestia announce you girls. Break a leg!"

"Thanks, Vice Principal Luna!" the girls all said. She walked away, and the girls went back to watching Vinyl and Octavia.

Sunset looked to the side, and saw Fluttershy grasping her tambourine nervously. She walked up to her, placing her hands on her shoulders.

"You okay?" Sunset asked.

Fluttershy sighed, and gripped her tambourine. "I hope Coppermane's out there," she said. They may not be together anymore, but she still wanted to make him proud.

Sunset said nothing, but pulled Fluttershy into a hug. But it was cut short by the sound of applause outside. Vinyl and Octavia were done. They were next.

Vinyl and Octavia walked past them, and the Rainbooms braced themselves for their entrance.

"And now, give a big round of applause for… The Rainbooms!" Principal Celestia announced, to which the audience went crazy. The girls walked out onstage and took their places. Pinkie Pie counted them off, and they began.

{Songs: Rainbow Rocks, Friendship Through the Ages, Shake Your Tail, & Shine Like Rainbows


The Rainbooms began to play, making the audience go wild. It didn't take long for the chorus to come around, causing them to pony-up, giving them ears, wings, and long ponytails. It's become their trademark, and made for a very spectacular performance

Fluttershy took random glances out into the audience, trying to see if Coppermane was out there. But there were too many people to look through. It was almost impossible to single out one person.

But unbeknownst to her and the rest of the girls, her ex was indeed watching.

Coppermane stood in the audience next to Flash. Coppermane tried to lay low amongst the pumped crowd. He had his hoodie on with his hood up to try and conceal his presence from the girls until they went onstage. They had no idea he was in Flash's band at the moment.

His attention was fixated on Fluttershy most of the time. His heart skipped a beat when she walked out onstage. She looked amazing in her outfit. Pink boots with green butterflies, a green butterfly in her hair, a purple skirt, a pink belt with pink butterfly buckle, and a pink, green, and black sleeveless top. Her hair had purple, green, and yellow streaks, was bumped up in the back, and more coiffed in the front. This elaborate outfit, along with being ponied-up, made her look amazing. Coppermane couldn't take his eyes off her. Her beauty was breathtaking.

But then, Fluttershy did something that took Coppermane's breath away. For the first time ever, Coppermane heard Fluttershy sing. She had, by far, the sweetest, most beautiful voice he's ever heard in his life. It brought a tear to his eye. It was like listening to an angel.

His happiness soon turned somber when he remembered something. She wasn't his anymore. And as he watched these amazing girls perform, the stakes of his own performance became clearer. If he failed, they'd be lost forever…

The Rainbooms played the last chord of Shine Like Rainbows, and as their pony forms faded, the audience gave them a roaring standing ovation. The girls exited the stage, and when Fluttershy went off, Coppermane felt a tug at his heartstrings. However, before he could feel sad, Flash gave him a nudge. It was time. Coppermane took a deep breath, and followed Flash to the stage to get ready. They weren't next, but they followed the next band, and were required to wait backstage. As they neared the stage, Coppermane's stomach filled with more and more butterflies…

The Rainbooms had found their way into the audience, somehow managing to get a front-row spot. They watched in excitement as the Crusaders performed. Seeing some other bands perform was helping to cheer Fluttershy up. The collective energy in the amphitheater made it difficult to feel upset about anything, no matter how severe. Little did she know who was about to perform next.

Coppermane was backstage with the rest of Flash Drive getting ready. His stomach was filled to the brim with butterflies, and his heart-rate was dangerously high. He had taken his hoodie off because of the sweat pouring down his face, and his breathing started becoming faster and heavier.

Flash saw this and immediately tried to help. "Copper, dude, calm down…"

"Flash… there's too many people out there. I can't do this…" Copper said, on the verge of a panic attack.

"Yes you can," Flash said.

"What if I mess up? Everything will be ruined…" Copper said with wide eyes, breathing hard.

"You won't mess up," Flash said.

"But what if I do?!"

"Coppermane!" Flash snapped, silencing Coppermane, looking like he was on the verge of a breakdown. "Breathe… just breathe…" Flash then proceeded to take some deep breaths, trying to get Coppermane to do the same. "Deep breaths… relax…"

Coppermane eventually calmed down, but his adrenaline levels were still high.

"What if this doesn't work, Flash? What if she rejects me? I won't just humiliate myself, but you and the band too."

"Coppermane, it's going to work. You're going to go out there, and win Fluttershy back. She will be yours again. You can do this."

Coppermane took a few more deep breaths, trying to calm himself down some more. He pondered for a moment, letting Flash's words sink in. He knew that he was just trying to boost his confidence, but Copper knew deep down that this was an incredibly big gamble. If they followed through with their plan, he could either win Fluttershy and the girls back, or he could completely humiliate himself and the band, further solidifying his reputation as the school loser. But even so, as big of a gamble as it was, the prize was too valuable. This was his last stand, and he couldn't back down. Fate was trying to take his friends away from him… take Fluttershy away from him… and he wasn't going down without a fight.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of applause in the house, making his heart drop. It was time.

The Crusaders exited the stage, walking past Flash and the band, wishing them luck with their performance.

"And now, the last band of the night, please give a round of applause for… Flash Drive!" Principal Celestia announced.

Coppermane pursed his lips, and gripped his keytar as he followed the band out onstage.

For Fluttershy…

"And now, the last band of the night, please give a round of applause for… Flash Drive!" Principal Celestia announced.

The audience went wild, especially the girls, hanging out in the front of the audience. The girls cheered for Flash, but then saw someone they did not expect to see, and went silent among the wild cheering of everyone else. Flash Drive had a new member, and the girls stood in total shock at whom it was.

"C-Coppermane?" Fluttershy said, shocked at seeing her ex-boyfriend on stage. Suddenly, her depression came back, hitting her like a rock. Her eyes began to tear up. The girls saw this, and immediately crowded around her, with Rarity giving her a hug to try and comfort her. Flash didn't tell them that Coppermane was going to perform with his band. As soon as Fluttershy started crying, they looked at Coppermane, giving him cold looks.

Coppermane looked out into the audience, and his gaze landed on the Rainbooms. He flinched when he saw their icy looks, targeted at him. But his heart stopped when he saw Rarity holding a certain pink-haired girl in her arms, whom was… crying?

Coppermane pursed his lips upon seeing Fluttershy crying. He could feel his heartstrings about to snap. He immediately wanted to jump down from the stage and give her a hug to comfort her… but he knew he couldn't. It wasn't his place to comfort her anymore. Tears threatened to fall from his own eyes. He couldn't bear to see her cry.

He grit his teeth, trying to fight his tears. He couldn't cry now. One tear, and it was game over. He looked over at Flash, who was already looking at him, waiting for the indication that he was ready to start.

Coppermane took a deep breath, and gave Flash a nod.

And with that, Brawly Beats counted them off…

{Songs: The Unwinding Cable Car, Tear In My Heart, Fall For You


Coppermane could still feel the cold stares of the girls on him as he played. He did his best to ignore them and focus on the music. And if he saw Fluttershy crying, he was sure to cry himself, and it would be all over.

Fluttershy lifted her head from Rarity's shoulder to watch the band perform. Through her watery eyes, she could see Coppermane performing. He wore his black graphic t-shirt, jeans, and white shoes. His magnificent hair was slicked to the side, making it look windswept, and gleamed with those coppery highlights that took her breath away every time. He was so cute and handsome. And seeing him up onstage performing… it made her feel so proud of him.

She was happy at first when she saw him walk out onstage. She hasn't seen him for what felt like an eternity. But then another thought occured to her. He wasn't hers anymore. Another tear fell down as she buried her face in Rarity's shoulder again, with Rarity trying to comfort her.

Their third song ended, and as Flash struck the last chord, the audience roared with applause, giving another standing ovation. The only two who did not clap were Rarity and Fluttershy, with the former still trying to comfort the latter.

Flash Sentry looked over at Coppermane, who was already looking at him. Coppermane gave him a nod, indicating that he was ready. Once the audience died down a little, Flash looked back out at the audience.

"Is everyone having fun tonight?" Flash asked the audience, to which they loudly applauded in agreement. "Awesome! Now, this next song will feature the newest member of our band. Ladies and gentlemen, make some noise for our new keytarist, and my best friend, Coppermane!"

The audience applauded loudly as Coppermane and Flash Sentry switched microphones. The girls were the only ones not to clap. Coppermane was getting a solo?

Coppermane took a deep breath as his pounding heart rang in his ear.

"Thanks everyone. Um… I want to dedicate this song to my girlf—" he stopped himself. That one syllable was enough to make it feel like he was getting stabbed in the heart. He took a deep breath, summoning all his courage to carry on. "I… I want to dedicate this song to… um… a very special girl in the audience." His gaze panned down to the front of the audience. "Fluttershy?"

The girls all gasped upon hearing their friend's name. Their expressions went from cold to shocked. Were they hearing things?

Fluttershy heard her name, and lifted her head from Rarity's shoulder, and turned to look at Coppermane, whom was standing at lead singer microphone. Through tear-stained eyes, she could see the guy she loves looking down at her with nothing but adoration in his eyes, and a heart-melting smile.

"Fluttershy, this song always makes me think about you. You're so amazing, and… I hope you like it."

The entire audience went "Aww" as the band began to play.

{Song: You and Me


As Coppermane sang, he felt his nervousness fade, and his confidence increase. He looked out into the audience, and all he could see was Fluttershy, standing with gleaming eyes. His smile never faded as he sang to her. He was really singing from the heart.

Fluttershy still couldn't stop crying, but it was for completely different reasons. She kept her hands over her mouth as tears streamed down her face. With every chord, and with every note from Coppermane's voice, she felt her depression melt away. She loved hearing him sing anyways, but knowing he was singing to her, and the way he was looking at her took her breath away.

The audience went wild after the coda to the song, especially the girls… except for Fluttershy. Her face was red with tears. Did that really just happen? She looked up at Coppermane, and was met with that heart-melting smile. Did he still like her? What about Trixie?

"Thank you everybody. Um… before we finish for the night, there's something I need to do," Coppermane said. He took the microphone off the stand, and slung his keytar behind his back. "Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy's eyes went wide upon hearing her name again. She gasped when Coppermane hopped offstage into the middle of the front rows. The audience made a small clearing, with Fluttershy and Coppermane standing in the middle. Fluttershy's friends stood behind her, waiting for what Coppermane might do. They still didn't entirely trust him.

The audience stayed silent as they waited for what Coppermane was doing.

"H-Hi, Fluttershy," Coppermane said.

Fluttershy managed a small, yet sincere smile. "H-Hi, Coppermane."

Coppermane smiled back. "Fluttershy, I—"

The sound of loud, slow clapping echoed throughout the house, interrupting Coppermane.

"Nice show, loser!" a familiar voice said behind Coppermane. His expression grew spiteful as he clenched his fist and turned around. Sure enough… Hoops and Score, looking at him smugly.

"You're still trying to go for her?" Score said condescendingly.

Coppermane's heart began to pound. Not them. Why here? Why now? Of all the times… why the hell now? He clenched his fists as a melting pot of panic and rage stirred in his head.

But he couldn't back down. He couldn't look weak. Not in front of CHS. Not in front of his friends. Not in front of Fluttershy.

Coppermane took a deep breath. "Yes… I'm still trying. What's it to you?"

"Dude, you're done," Hoops said. "She's way out of your league. She knows what happened at the mall. She's seen the pictures."

"I know she has, but I have to tr—" Coppermane stopped dead in his tracks upon having an epiphany. "Wait… how do you know about what happened at the mall? And how do you know about the pictures?"

Coppermane saw the jocks' faces turn from smug to worried.

The girls saw this too.

"Wait… he's right," Rainbow said. "Those pictures were only sent to the five of us."

"Yeah!" Pinkie said. "How do you know about them?"

Hoops rubbed the back of his neck. "Um… well…"

Score shuffled his feet. "You see… we… uh…"

"It was all them!" a voice suddenly yelled out. Everyone turned to see Trixie standing at the edge of the clearing behind Coppermane.

"Trixie, you are the last person I want to see right now," Coppermane seethed.

"Hear me out! That kiss wasn't real! It was all staged! Those two jerks planned the whole thing," Trixie said, pointing at the jocks. "They blackmailed me to flirt with you and make it look like you were cheating. The pictures are fake. He didn't cheat. I don't like you like that. It meant nothing!"

Hoops suddenly growled in frustration, and stomped up to Trixie.

"And throwing us under the bus like that wasn't part of the deal!" Score screamed. Everyone gasped, and the jocks' expressions went from worried to almost white.

Trixie grinned. "And thanks for confirming everything I just said." She took one-hundred dollars out of her pockets. "Here, take your money. Post those pictures of me. I don't care anymore! I can't take the guilt!"

Everyone in the audience was appalled, especially the girls. Coppermane was innocent.

Fluttershy wasn't sure if she should be happy, angry, or sad. Coppermane didn't cheat on her. He still liked her. But she broke up with him for nothing.

Coppermane's face was bright red. His fists were clenched so hard his knuckles were completely white. His breathing was hard as he grit his teeth. He furled his eyebrows and looked at the jocks with a fiery gaze.

"You…" he seethed, "You did this? You caused all this shit to happen to me?! You ruined my life?!!!"

Coppermane wanted to let them have it. He wanted to beat Hoops and Score into a pulp. Make them feel even half as miserable as he's felt. His mental reins were about to snap from his rage.

But suddenly, an image flashed in his head, stopping him in his tracks, and causing him to visibly flinch. The image of Neon Lights on the floor of his old school, lying in a puddle of his own blood. The haunting memory of everyone's horrified faces…

Everyone in the audience was completely silent, anxious to see what would happen next. A second ago, they thought Coppermane was about to berserk, but now he was holding his head, as if he was in pain. What was he doing?

Coppermane couldn't do it. He couldn't lash out like he did at his old school. It wouldn't solve anything. In fact, it might make things worse. He would be no better than Hoops and Score, and he would alienate himself again, while probably getting expelled. He wouldn't win his friends back, and he certainly wouldn't win Fluttershy back. If Coppermane went berserk like he did back then, she'd surely be scared off, and he would lose her forever, along with all of his friends. He looked down at the girls, and saw fearful expressions. Coppermane looked through their eyes for a moment, and found himself frightened as well. Through their eyes, onstage was a damaged kid about to unleash all his pent up frustration and anger. A damaged kid hungering for payback; for retribution. He couldn't scare them. He couldn't become the damaged kid they all see. There had to be another way. He thought about it. The jocks had revealed themselves. Everyone knows what they did. He had them right where he wanted them. He looked at Fluttershy, and an idea came to mind. As reluctant as he was to follow through, he really didn't have a choice. He was in the heat of the moment. He couldn't back down. There was too much at stake. His reputation. His sanity. His friends. Fluttershy.

Coppermane took a deep breath, and looked at the jocks, who had their arms crossed smugly. He gave them a cold look. "You know… I've been through a lot. All my life, I've been bullied. Beaten, tormented, neglected; you name it. I've spent the last eighteen years of my life completely alone. I've spent every single day in fear, just hoping I could make it through without crying my eyes out from the pain. Even when I tried to make friends, nobody would give me a chance. Nobody gave me the benefit of the doubt. Do you have any idea how lonely I felt? How depressed I was? I felt so helpless… so cold… and so lost. I almost killed myself…"

A loud gasp came from everyone in attendance, especially from the girls.

"Whoa…" Rainbow Dash said.

"Darling…" Rarity said, starting to tear up.

"Wh-What…?" Pinkie Pie said in a quiet, heartbroken voice.

They all had a rough idea of what he's been through, but had no clue that he almost committed suicide because of it.

Fluttershy couldn't believe what she was hearing. Such sensitive information only she and Coppermane knew, suddenly everyone in attendance knew.

"I've spent the majority of my life at rock bottom," Coppermane continued. "I hoped that when I transferred to CHS, I would be able to escape it all. A chance to start over, and not be the school loser for once. But on the first day, you two idiots came around and crushed those hopes to dust. You've done some horrible things to me since I started at CHS. But this? Interfering with my friendships? Interfering with my relationship? Why? Why would you do this? I was finally happy. Why would you ruin the only good things I had in life? Because of you two, I lost my best friends, and I lost my girlfriend! What did I do to deserve this? Why do you put so much effort into ruining my life?!"

"Because it's our job to put losers like you in their place," Hoops retorted.

"It's up to cool kids like us to make sure losers like you know where you belong," Score said.

An even louder gasp came from the audience. Everyone's eyes went wide at their audacity.

Did they really just say that?

Coppermane's eyes were wide in astonishment. "It's your job? You have the audacity to say… it's your job?!" He felt more of his pain boiling up to the surface, and as he spoke, he grew increasingly emotional to the point of tears. "Is it your job to make people feel miserable all the time? Is it your job to reduce people to tears? Is it your job to make people feel inferior? Is it your job to humiliate people for your own amusement? Is it your job to kick people when they're down? Is it your job to make people cry themselves to sleep every single night because they feel so hated and lonely? Because all they want… all they've ever wanted, more than anything else in the entire world… is a friend. Just one friend. Someone to help them when they need it. Someone to get them up when they're down. Someone to tell them that everything's going to be okay. Someone to comfort them when they're sad. Someone who cares. Anybody. And when they finally have friends… when things are starting to look up… when they're almost out of the well… when they can finally see the light… you show up and cut the rope, and laugh at them as they plummet all the way back down to the bottom once again. Only this time, they have a piece of the rope, as a cruel reminder of what they almost had. How close they were to freedom. How close they were to being happy. You show up, and you take it all away. Is that what your job is? Is it your job to make them feel like they're one big mistake? Is it your job to cause them so much pain that they want to kill themselves? Huh?!"

Everybody in the audience was moved. They couldn't believe what was happening right now. Coppermane was in tears from his emotions. Some audience members were even crying.

The girls were practically in tears themselves. All of that venting… was that the story of his life? Was he that miserable?

"Copper…" Sunset said, allowing a tear to fall down her face.

"Oh my gosh…" Twilight said, her hand over her heart.

"Sugarcube…" Applejack said, feeling one tear fall down her face.

"Bro…" Flash murmured.

Hoops and Score only laughed, completely unfazed by the dumbfounded audience. Score confronted Coppermane, getting in his face.

"Why do you insist on going after a girl who's clearly way out of your league? She's seen the pictures, and singing a stupid love song to her, like the pussy-ass you are, isn't going to change a damn thing," Score said sternly. "You wanted to protect her, and you ended up hurting her more than anyone else. You're just a weak, pathetic loser, and you know it. Why do you keep trying? Why do you fight a losing battle?"

"Alright, asshole, you wanna know why I keep trying?!" Coppermane shouted, pushing Score away, making the audience gasp. "You wanna know why I'm doing this?! You wanna know why I'm fighting for what I don't deserve?! Why I'm fighting a losing battle?! Because she's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me!" he shouted. "She's changed my life, and given me so much. She made my life worth living. She's the reason I didn't kill myself!" Coppermane took a moment to compose himself. His emotions raged like wildfire. "I know I don't deserve her, but she's so important to me. I miss her so much. I did this to show her how much I care about her. To show her how much I love her."

Fluttershy gasped upon hearing him say those three words. A wave of joy washed over her heart. Did just say…?

He… loves me?

"C-Coppermane?" Fluttershy said, choking up.

Coppermane heard Fluttershy, and turned around to see her with her hands over her mouth. Her eyes were gleaming, as if she had just found gold. He glanced past her to see the rest of the girls with shocked expressions on their faces. A couple of them were even smiling. Coppermane looked back at Fluttershy, and gave her a smile.

"Fluttershy, I lo—" Before he could say anything else, he was pushed to the ground, falling flat on his face, evoking a gasp from the audience. Coppermane turned over on his back to see the jocks stomping up to him.

"We won't have our reputations ruined by the likes of you. We won't!" Hoops shouted. "You're a loser, and you will always be a loser. It seems you haven't learned that yet, so we'll have to resort to force."

Suddenly Hoops charged Coppermane with his fist, prompting Coppermane to brace himself for impact. He waited for Hoops' fist to connect with his face… but never felt it. He instead heard an odd impact sound, Hoops yelling in pain. Through closed eyes, Coppermane could make out a strange white glow forming in front of him. There were weird sounds around him… almost ethereal… like none he had ever heard before.

Coppermane opened his eyes, and was amazed to see a white magical forcefield around him. A magical shield. It was transparent, such that he could see Hoops on the ground gripping his hand in pain. His face, along with Score's, were seething with anger. As Coppermane stood up, the bubble faded, but was still surrounded by a magical white aura. Score saw the barrier withdraw, and tried to punch Coppermane too, only to hit the magical barrier protecting Copper…tricking him just like it had Hoops. He recoiled back in pain, now gripping his fist like Hoops was.

Coppermane looked down, and noticed streams of magic being fed into him. He looked around to see the girls and Flash Sentry radiating with their own colored aura, with shocked looks on their faces. Before he could question what was going on, he felt something stir within him. Something otherworldly… but empowering. Coppermane felt his eyes close as he levitated off the ground, making everybody gasp. As he absorbed more energy, the feeling within him intensified, his mind filling with images of all his friends. Words of power echoed in his head, like mantras, filling his mind, body, and soul with the understanding of the strongest force in the universe.

The girls and Flash Sentry watched in awe, feeling their magic being absorbed by Coppermane, and watching the aura around him grow brighter and brighter. After a couple minutes, Coppermane opened his eyes, flashing with a bright rainbow light. He levitated in the air surrounded by a white aura, outlining his figure. Chains of magical energy kept him linked to each one of his friends as he floated above the ground, shining bright.

Coppermane floated above the ground without a care in the world. He felt the energy flow through his blood, invigorating him. He looked down at the jocks, and saw fire in their eyes. But the fire within Coppermane burned brighter… with the help of the most powerful force in the world.

"I… I can see it. I heard it. It's all clear to me now. Honesty…" Suddenly, the link to Applejack flashed, brightening it. She levitated off the ground to Coppermane's level, surrounded by magic. "Generosity…" Rarity's link brightened, and she levitated off the ground. "Kindness…" Fluttershy did the same. "Loyalty…" Then Rainbow Dash. "Laughter…" Pinkie Pie. "Magic…" Twilight Sparkle. Then, Coppermane spoke words the girls did not recognize. "Redemption…" Sunset's link brightened, and she ascended as well. "Chivalry…" Flash Sentry's link brightened as he arose. "Empathy…" Coppermane's aura flashed, sending white waves of energy rippling down the magical chains to all his friends, empowering them. Enchanted particles began emanating from all of nine of them in their respective colors. Coppermane looked down at the jocks, feeling more powerful than ever. "A bond that can never be broken. A bond that grows stronger with time. A bond that brings people together. These people have changed my life. They saved my life. Through all the hardships and strife, I will always consider them my best friends. No matter how hard you try…no matter what schemes you come up with…no matter what you throw at me…you can never bring me down. You two have done nothing but call me a loser since day one, and for a time, I believed you. But now, I see the truth. I'm no loser…the real losers are you, because I possess something you will never understand. I've felt it within me. The most powerful force in the universe: The Magic of Friendship."

Suddenly, the nine of them flashed with fantastic light as the magic of friendship surged through them, causing them all to pony up, sprouting pony ears, ponytail hair extensions, and wings… including Flash Sentry and Coppermane.

Flash and Coppermane's hair grew longer and more luxurious, reaching back below their waistline, and ending in ponytails. They sprouted pony ears, and Flash Sentry gained wings. Coppermane's hair not only grew longer, but his color intensified, with his highlights becoming more brilliant, making his hair look like actual copper. Coppermane could feel the mystical energy flowing through him, and he's never felt more invigorated.

The light faded as the nine of them began to descend. Upon seeing the boys, their jaws dropped.

"Girls… are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"They… ponied up," Sunset said. Somehow, Coppermane had invoked the magic of friendship, and it granted him and Flash Sentry a pony form. The girls couldn't believe their eyes.

The nine of them all landed gracefully on the ground amongst a dumbfounded and astonished audience. Their auras faded, but their pony forms remained. Coppermane looked at the jocks, and the fire in their eyes was gone. Now, there was fear.

"I cherish my friends more than anything else in the world. As long as I have them, you can never bring me down."

Hoops and Score, for the first time, felt fear. They looked around the audience, and saw everyone giving them nasty looks. They saw Coppermane's friends standing behind them with cold looks on their faces, all in their pony forms. Looking up onstage, they saw Flash Sentry gazing down at them with ice in his eyes, ponied up as well. They turned their attention back to Coppermane, in his pony form, and for the first time, saw confidence in his eyes.

Coppermane had won. There was no recovering from this. All his friends looked as if they were about to jump them if they tried anything. They needed to get out of there, and fast. The two of them tried to escape the amphitheater, and turned around to see Vice Principal Luna, crossing her arms, and looking very displeased.

"Hoops and Score," she said sternly, "I think Principal Celestia and myself would love to talk to you two on Monday about how you blatantly assaulted this young man, and about your history with bullying."

Hoops and Score were speechless at seeing Vice Principal Luna… and a little scared. They completely forgot the both principals were here. They could only assume that they had seen everything.

"Oh… um… well…" Hoop stammered.

"Hehe…um…" Score stuttered.

Vice Principal Luna rolled her eyes. "Well, until that time, your time here in the amphitheater is finished for tonight, and you are banned from the formal tomorrow. Now, come with me."

Left with no other choice, the jocks followed Vice Principal Luna as she escorted them out. As this happened, the audience exploded with applause.

Coppermane smiled. He won. He stood up to his bullies, and the students weren't scared. They were cheering for him. Hearing the applause only made his morale skyrocket.

But it wasn't over yet.

"Thank you, everybody," Coppermane said, speaking into the microphone. "But… there's still something I need to do." He turned around to look at a very special girl. "Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy's face lit up upon hearing her name, and saw Coppermane approaching her slowly. She wasn't able to get a good look at him in his pony form until now… and her breath was taken away. He looked amazing. His pony ears were adorable, and his hair shined with such brilliant coppery luster, unlike anything she's ever seen before.

Coppermane walked up to Fluttershy, and took both of her hands, looking directly into her eyes.

"Fluttershy, it all started with you. None of this would've happened if it weren't for you. You gave me a chance. You accepted me for who I am, and gave me the confidence to stand up for myself. You saved my life. You gave me… everything. And… I love you for it."

Fluttershy's eyes went wide. Was she hearing things? A big smile came across her face as Coppermane interlaced his fingers with hers. She looked into his eyes, glistening as they gazed down at her.

"Fluttershy, you're the most amazing, most beautiful girl in the world, and… you mean everything to me. This time apart, as painful as it was, made me realize something." He squeezed her hands. "I… I need you. Without you… I'm a loser. I'm nothing. But with you… I feel whole. You make me feel like I'm worth something. When I'm with you… I'm happy. You make my life worth living, and… I love you. I love you so much, Fluttershy." Time seemed to stop as he gazed into her eyes. His pounding heart rang clearly in his ear amidst the dead silence of the house.

The biggest wave of joy washed over Fluttershy's heart. She covered her mouth with her hand. He did say it. She looked into his eyes, and saw love. True love. He loved her. In her wildest dreams…

She didn't even care that all of CHS was watching her. Her happiness made her completely oblivious to everything except Coppermane. Tears streamed down her face. It was too good to be true.

Coppermane saw her tears, and his heart dropped.

"Oh no… you're crying. I… I'm so sorry… I…"

"No no no, Coppermane," placing her hand on his heart. "I… I…"

"You… you what?" Coppermane said, using his hand to cup her face.

Fluttershy couldn't stop smiling, and loved feeling him cup her face again. "I… I love you too."

Coppermane's worry was immediately replaced by total happiness. Did she just say…?

"Fluttershy… you… you do?" Coppermane asked, putting his hand over hers on his heart.

"Coppermane… you don't know how long I've been waiting for you to say that," she said, squeezing his chest, tears falling down her face. "I… I love you too, Coppermane. I love you so much. I always have."

Coppermane couldn't believe what he was hearing. He felt a tear run down his cheek as he squeezed her hand. He could see it in her eyes. She loved him.

Suddenly, the audience began chanting. "Kiss her… kiss her… kiss her…"

It spread through the house, growing louder, accompanied by rhythmic clapping.

Coppermane and Fluttershy looked at each other, and felt warm inside…



Coppermane couldn't help himself any longer. He cupped her face and pulled her into the most passionate kiss he's ever given her, making the entire audience explode in applause. Coppermane's entire body melted in bliss upon feeling Fluttershy's sweet, candy lips once again. It's been too long since he's kissed her.

Fluttershy melted in euphoria upon feeling his lips once more. He's never kissed her so passionately before, and she was enjoying every blissful second. It's felt like so long since she's felt his warm, tender lips.

As they kissed, the couple began to glow with one collective aura, and ascended, making the audience gasp in amazement, and continue to cheer even louder. Coppermane and Fluttershy floated above the ground in each other's arms, with tears of happiness streaming down their faces as they kissed. They could literally feel the magic of their love emanating from each other's lips. Coppermane and Fluttershy felt like they were floating on rainbows, and in that moment, all was right in the world.

Only when they needed to breathe did they pull away. Their faces were red with tears. Fluttershy leaned her head on Coppermane's chest as he squeezed her tightly in his arms, never letting go. The couple slowly descended, landing gracefully on the ground in each other's arms. In that moment, the world around them was gone, and there was only each other.

"Coppermane!" Flash called out through the microphone.

Coppermane snapped out of his trance, and reluctantly pulled away from Fluttershy to look at Flash. "What?"

"You're forgetting something!" Flash said, holding up a bouquet of flowers.

Coppermane suddenly remembered. The final phase of the plan. Coppermane turned towards Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy, I almost forgot, there's one more thing I wanted to ask you," Coppermane said. Fluttershy looked at him quizzically. There was more? How could Coppermane possibly make her any happier than she already was? Coppermane turned around to Flash and held out his hand. Flash threw the bouquet to Coppermane. Fluttershy's eyes went wide. It was a beautiful bouquet of white roses and cherry blossoms. Were they…for her?

Coppermane smiled at her, and was about to say something, but stopped when he started to glow with a white aura again. The audience gasped at seeing this, as did his friends. Before Coppermane could question what was going on, streams of magic spiraled around his arm to the bouquet. Tendrils of magic crawled up the flower stems, and the white roses began to glow. The dimly glowing roses fanned out, and morphed into a beautiful, glowing flower with five petals. The magic tendrils faded, and the flowers began to emit particles of light from the center. Coppermane's breath was taken away. It was the most beautiful bouquet he's ever seen in his life. Perfect for the most beautiful girl in the world, right?

Twilight saw the flower, and immediately recognized it. It closely resembled another magical flower from her home world. A flower that she witnessed being presented by a certain colt to the mare of his dreams. She actually shed a tear. It was just like back in Equestria.

Fluttershy's eyes were wide at the bouquet's beauty. She's never such a beautiful bouquet in her life. Then, Coppermane somehow managed to make her happier than she already was by getting down on one knee, presenting the enchanted bouquet to her. When he knelt down, the audience started applauding yet again.

"Fluttershy, I know this is long overdue, but… will… will you go to the formal with me?"

Fluttershy gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. Tears of joy continued to stream down her face. Words could not even come close to describing how happy she was.

"Oh, Coppermane… yes! Yes, of course I will!" Fluttershy said, lunging forward into his arms, and giving Coppermane a big kiss as the audience roared with applause. Normally, with everyone's attention on her, Fluttershy would be unable to move from nervousness, but being in Coppermane's arms made her forget all about that, and she felt safe.

Flash Sentry's voice suddenly echoed throughout the house. "Alright, everyone! We have one more song left, so enjoy, and have a great rest of the night!" he said, making the audience cheer.

Coppermane smiled at Fluttershy, and handed her the bouquet. Fluttershy gladly took it, utterly captivated by its beauty. Coppermane gave her one more peck before jumping back onstage to close the curtain on one hell of a musical showcase.

{Song: Some Might Say


The last chord made the audience explode in applause; the loudest of the entire night. Unfortunately, after the last chord, Coppermane and Flash Sentry's pony forms faded, along with the girls, but they didn't care. Right now, they were soaking up all the applause, filling them with energy.

After the applause in the amphitheater started to die down, Flash Drive exited off into the wings, except for Coppermane, who couldn't stop looking at Fluttershy. The girls all went to go see Flash Drive in the wings, except for Fluttershy, who couldn't take her eyes off Coppermane.

He handed his keytar off to Flash Sentry and immediately jumped down offstage to Fluttershy. Before Fluttershy could say anything she was being dragged off somewhere by Coppermane. She quickly found herself outside the entrance with him.

"Coppermane, what are y— Mmm!" Suddenly, without warning, Coppermane dipped Fluttershy, and planted a passionate kiss on her lips. She was startled, but quickly melted in his arms, feeling his lust pour from his lips. He brought her back up, and squeezed her in his arms as he continued to kiss her.

Coppermane pulled away, leaving Fluttershy completely taken by the sudden display of passion.

"Oh my…" Fluttershy cooed.

"Fluttershy… I… I never got a chance to tell you this, but… you look incredible," Coppermane said, looking at her with adoration.

Fluttershy's face went bright red, "Aww… thank you…" she said. "Coppermane… what you did in there… it was amazing…"

Coppermane blushed profusely, and reached up to brush the hair out of Fluttershy's face, making her shudder in pleasure.

"Fluttershy, I meant every word I said in there, and more. There's no girl I want more in the entire world. You mean everything to me, and I would never cheat. You're the only girl for me, Fluttershy, and… I just hope you can forgive me for this whole mess because I've been the worst boyfriend ever and—" Fluttershy suddenly silenced him with a tender kiss, making him melt. She pulled away, and offered a sweet smile.

"It's okay, Coppermane. You have nothing to be sorry about," Fluttershy said. "You did nothing wrong. It was all Hoops and Score. I… I'm so sorry for not listening to you. I never even gave you a chance…"

Coppermane smiled, and caressed her face, making her smile. "You had every right to be mad at me. You have nothing to be sorry about."

They shared another loving kiss, and took a moment to gaze deeply into each other's eyes when they pulled away.

"Coppermane?" Fluttershy said.

"Yeah?" Coppermane said.

"I… I miss you so much…" Fluttershy said, shedding a tear.

Coppermane's heart melted at her words, and pulled her into another kiss. He felt her relax in his arms and moan into his mouth upon meeting her lips. He pulled away, and used his fingers to dry her tears.

"I missed you too, Fluttershy. But it's okay now. I'm here for you… and I always will be," Coppermane said in the most soothing voice Fluttershy has ever heard. He brushed the hair out of her face. "I will never let you go again."

Fluttershy's heart melted as she shed even more tears. She couldn't help herself from lifting her head to give Coppermane another passionate kiss. She felt Coppermane squeeze her tighter in his arms, making her moan.

The couple pulled away, but kept their faces close. Coppermane cupped her face as Fluttershy squeezed his shoulders. They looked into each other's eyes with nothing but affection.

"I love you, Fluttershy," Coppermane said.

Fluttershy's heart soared again upon hearing those three magical words.

"I… I love you too, Coppermane," Fluttershy said.

Coppermane smiled, and wasted no time in kissing Fluttershy again, pouring all his passion into it. She moaned into his mouth as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Kissing each other felt amazing after a week of withdrawal. They became lost in each other's lips as they made up for lost time.

What stopped them was the sound of snickering off to the side. Coppermane and Fluttershy pulled away and looked to see their friends standing right there, smirking. Some were even giggling. Coppermane and Fluttershy's faces went completely red from being caught making out.

Before anyone could say anything, Pinkie Pie let out a sharp squeal and rushed Coppermane, pulling him into a big hug.

"AAHH! YOU WERE SUPER-DUPER AMAZING!" Pinkie Pie screamed in excitement.

"Can't… breathe…" Coppermane managed to say, despite having the oxygen squeezed out of him from Pinkie's death grip.

Pinkie released him, allowing him to catch his breath. "I'm sorry, it's just… AHH!" she screamed again, giving Coppermane another, less life-threatening hug. "You were so amazing!"

"Thanks Pinkie," Coppermane said, reciprocating.

"Coppermane, that… was… awesome!" Rainbow Dash said enthusiastically.

"We're so proud of you for standing up to your bullies, darling!" Rarity said. "And so spectacularly too!"

"I know, right?" Sunset said. "Did you plan all of that?"

Flash Sentry stifled a laugh. "Um… no. Not planned at all."

"It just kind of…happened. I kind of just went with the flow, you know?" Coppermane said.

"Well, it was amazin', sugarcube!" Applejack said with a tear in her eye. "We're mighty proud of ya."

Coppermane blushed, flattered that his friends were all so happy for him.

"Um… guys… I'm so sorry for all this drama…" Coppermane said.

"Y'all have nothin' ta be sorry about, sugar," Applejack said.

"If anything, we should be the ones apologizing," Twilight said. "We should've listened to what you had to say. We should've let you explain yourself, and not blocked you out."

"We feel terrible," Sunset said, "Especially after… well… hearing you vent."

"Seriously," Rainbow Dash chimed in. "I had no idea you'd been through so much."

"Aww, don't be sorry," Coppermane said. "You had every right to be mad at me."

"But we still didn't listen to you. We never even gave you a chance," Rarity said apologetically. "Can you ever forgive us, darling?"

Coppermane looked around at the girls, who all had apologetic looks on their faces. He couldn't help but shed a tear.

"Of course I forgive you. You're my best friends," Coppermane said, making all of their faces light up. They all clamored around him to give him a group hug. Coppermane smiled at the gesture. "So… does this mean we're friends again?"

Pinkie Pie chimed in. "Is that even a question?! Of course, silly!" The rest of the girls giggled to each other, agreeing with Pinkie Pie.

Coppermane couldn't help but shed a tear. He made eye contact with Flash, who gave him a thumbs up and a wink. He succeeded… in more ways than he ever expected. He stood up to his bullies without scaring the whole school away. He felt the magic of friendship within him, and used it to win the day. It felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders, and he could finally breathe.

The girls all released Coppermane after a while, but Fluttershy came up and hugged him again, to which Coppermane happily and warmly reciprocated. Holding Fluttershy in his arms felt amazing. He won his best friends back, and more importantly, won the girl of his dreams back. She loved him. He never thought, in his wildest dreams, that a girl as amazing as Fluttershy would ever love him back, but somehow she did. She truly did, and his happiness was unfathomable.

Fluttershy loved being in Coppermane's arms. He felt so warm, and she felt so safe when he held her. She started this week feeling unbelievably depressed, but by the end of it, was the happiest she's ever been in her entire life. It felt like a dream, but she knew it wasn't. This was reality. Coppermane loved her. He truly loved her. The guy of her dreams was all hers once more.

And once again, all was right in the world.