• Published 19th Apr 2016
  • 11,865 Views, 231 Comments

Loveliest of Trees (Old) - Nordryd

**A rewrite** After helping the new student with his things after getting jumped by bullies, Fluttershy finds herself quite smitten. And the feeling might be mutual. One small act of kindness can change someone's entire life... no matter how damaged.

  • ...

Ch.18: Stars

Tranquility. Serenity. Nothing but the rustling cherry blossom trees in the wind making a sound on the cliff ledge. Cherry blossoms dotted the cool grass, and in the distance, lanterns outlined tents and stands, adding to the amazing view. The moon shined in its full glory, making the landscape glow, and complementing the millions of stars. Even the belt of the galaxy was visible, igniting the sky with colors. A breathtaking sight, and a certain couple was taking it all in.

Coppermane laid against a tree, beholding the gorgeous sight, and holding his beautiful girlfriend in his arms. Fluttershy’s body provided all the warmth he needed, despite the breezy environment. When she was in his arms, he felt almost at one with her. She looked so adorable lying on his chest. He gave her a kiss on the cheek, making her giggle. Before he could totally pull away, she lifted her hand to bring him back, connecting their lips in a tender, loving kiss. Coppermane didn’t fight one bit. The one thing he liked more than cuddling with her was kissing her. Her lips were like candy.

They pulled away, and returned their attention to the gorgeous vista.

“Have you ever seen such a beautiful view?” Coppermane asked.

“It’s breathtaking,” Fluttershy agreed. She snuggled up more with her boyfriend. “Thank you so much for bringing me here, Coppermane.”

Coppermane gave her a light, loving squeeze. “Anything for you, Fluttershy,” he said, kissing her on the cheek again.

Fluttershy smiled as she felt his lips on her cheek. There was no place she'd rather be. Her Coppermane was so affectionate and sweet, and always made her feel special. His warmth felt like his love radiating from his body, melting Fluttershy’s heart with every passing second.

Fluttershy glanced to her side, and saw something that piqued her curiosity.

“Coppermane… look,” Fluttershy said, pointing to her side.

Coppermane turned to his head to see something that brought a smile to his face

Lying close to the edge, not too far from where they sat, were two ponies. A white unicorn, and a creamy-tan pegasus. They laid next to each other, with the pegasus's head on the unicorn's shoulder as they gazed into the distance.

“Isn’t that just the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?” Fluttershy said, ever the animal-lover.

Coppermane chuckled. “They sure look happy.”

They watched as the pegasus nuzzled the unicorn's shoulder, earning her a kiss on the forehead. They gazed into each other's eyes before sharing a loving kiss.

“Aww… how sweet…” Fluttershy said.

"I know…" Coppermane cooed.

The two ponies pulled away, and laid in the grass together. The unicorn wrapped his hooves around the pegasus, earning another nuzzle from her. The unicorn pulled the pegasus closer, kissing her forehead, making her wings flutter.

"I love you, Fluttershy," the unicorn said.

"I love you too, Coppermane," the pegasus cooed.

Coppermane and Fluttershy's eyes went wide. Did they just say…?

They looked at each other, and saw mutual mysticism… and wonder. They observed the ponies, and found the sight even more heartwarming. They looked so happy together. So serene. So… in love.

The couple slowly turned their attention from the ponies back to each other. A smile grew on Fluttershy's face, and Coppermane soon followed. He brought his hand up to cup her face, stroking her cheek. Fluttershy felt her eyes close as Coppermane leaned in, meeting her lips with his own. She melted in her arms as his lips caressed hers, moaning into his mouth. Suddenly, only Coppermane existed. No ledge… no vista… no ponies… just Coppermane.

He pulled away, and gazed deeply into her eyes as she gazed into his. They seemed to shimmer and glow as he looked at her, taking her breath away.

"I love you," he whispered in her ear.

Her heart melted at his sultry tone. She couldn't help herself from kissing him again. It was like swimming in a sea of bliss.

“Thank ya kindly for coming y’all,” Applejack said to all her friends around the fire pit.

“No prob, AJ,” Rainbow Dash said.

“I wouldn’t miss it,” Sunset said.

“Thank you for inviting us, darling,” Rarity said. “This is simply delightful.”

“The pleasure’s all mine!” Applejack said.

Coppermane sat around the firepit at Applejack's house with all his friends. A perfect way to spend a cool Saturday night. Just sitting around the warm fire-pit at dusk surrounded by his closest friends, chatting and laughing. Even better, Fluttershy sat next to him, holding his hand. There was no place he’d rather be.

He looked around the bonfire, and reflected on the past few weeks. Where he started, and where he is now.

He thought he was forever doomed to be a loser. He thought the bullying would never end. He thought every day would be spent trying to survive the abuse. He was worthless. His life was meaningless. His would be forever cold. His inner demons would torment him for the rest of his life. No escape was in sight. He could only cower as he tried to survive.

But suddenly, his demons ceased. For the first time ever, it was silent. In the distance, a faint light appeared. A glimmer of hope… in the form of a beautiful girl. Fluttershy.

At the time, Coppermane had no idea how fateful his first encounter with Fluttershy truly was. Little did he know this gorgeous, timid girl was his savior. She would be the one to illuminate the darkness, and silence his inner demons once and for all. She would be the one to not only become his first friend, but give him a plethora of best friends who all loved and cared about him. She would take his sad, pathetic life, and turn it around. She would become his entire world. His everything. His most precious.

Coppermane was still as shy as he was before, but with one major difference. He wasn't scared anymore. With his friends, there was nothing to fear. They would all be by his side no matter what. He felt free, and he had everyone sitting around the bonfire to thank. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Flash Sentry, Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, and most of all, Fluttershy.

How could he possibly thank them all? The magnitude of what they've done for him couldn't be matched by any tangible thing in the world. He did have one thing in mind though. Something small, yet meaningful, and could be made into something unique for each one of them.

"Hey guys?" Coppermane said.

"Yes, darling?" Rarity asked.

Coppermane looked around, and saw everyone's eyes on him. He smiled, and took a deep breath.

“I… I just want to say to all of you… thank you.”

“For what?” Sunset asked.

“F-For everything. For the best three weeks of my life,” Coppermane said. “I… I don’t think you'll ever understand how much you all have done for me. You’ve changed my life. Completely turned it around for the better. Thanks to you all, I have an amazing life. I’m truly lucky to have met you. If I never knew you all… I don’t know where I’d be. Honestly… I probably wouldn’t even be here anymore. You’re the friends I’ve wished for my whole life. I didn’t realize how much I truly need you all until the week leading up to the Formal. That week, as awful as it was, it made me realize how much you all mean to me. Y’know, I almost have to thank the jocks, because after that whole debacle, I just feel so much closer to you all. These past three weeks have been absolutely insane. Filled with ups and downs, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world because now I have the greatest friends I could ever ask for. I still have that collage you all gave me for my birthday. It’s hanging right above my bed, so it’s the first thing I see every morning. Every time I look at it, I’m reminded that I’m not alone anymore. You all have given me the greatest gift of all, and I can’t even articulate how grateful I am. It goes above and beyond anything I could’ve imagined, or anything I thought I deserved. All I can really say is, thank you. From the bottom of my heart… thank you.”

Coppermane blushed when he noticed tears running down some of the girls' faces. Whether or not they were crying, they all had huge smiles on their faces.

Applejack sniffled, on the verge of tears. And Applejack wasn't usually one to cry.

"Y'all are absolutely welcome, suragcube," she said.

"It's been amazing getting to know you," Sunset said, wiping her tears.

Rainbow snickered. "I hardly recognize you at the guy we first met at our band rehearsal."

"I know, right?" Pinkie said.

"I remember him being so scared to perform in front of everyone," Flash said, making everyone chuckle, and Coppermane blush.

"It's an honor to call you our friend, darling," Rarity said.

"And we're so glad we could help you," Twilight said.

Fluttershy didn't say anything, but gave him a big smooch on the cheek, nuzzling his arm afterwards.

Coppermane felt tears building up in his eyes from all the praise. But he wasn't done.

"Thanks guys, really, but I have something for all of you," Coppermane said. He reached into his pocket, and withdrew seven small envelopes. "As a way to try and thank you all on a more personal level… I… well… did something really cheesy. I… um… wr-wrote you all letters."

Rarity gasped. "Oh, sweetheart, you didn't have to do that."

Coppermane chuckled. "Well, I did anyway, and I have them right here." He went around the circle, giving everyone their respective letters. It was cheesy, and it came nowhere close to the magnitude of what they've done for him, but he'd be damned if he didn't try to thank them in some way.

"Can we open them now?" Pinkie asked.

"Go right ahead," Coppermane said, sitting back down in his seat. His heart began beating harder as he watched everyone tear into their letters.

Applejack's letter was orange, with a graphic of three red apples on the back.

Dear Applejack,

Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Thank you for helping me on my birthday when I had that meltdown concerning Fluttershy’s safety. Thank you for giving me the reassurance I needed to get back on my feet. I know I can’t protect her from everything, but I’ll be damned if I don’t try. I can promise all of you that I will do everything in my power to keep Fluttershy safe.

Thank you for just being a great friend. You are one of the coolest girls I know. You’re smart, talented, strong, honest, pretty, and hardworking. You’re a great bassist, and I love your southern drawl. I really admire how you put so much effort into everything you do, no matter how trivial it may be. I wish I could have that kind of dedication.

Most of all though, thank you for being one of the few people to turn my life around. Thanks for being a great friend, and thanks for being you. I am evermore in your debt for everything you’ve done for me. If you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. It’s the least I could do. It’s truly an honor to call you my best friend.

I wish you the best of luck with all of your future endeavors. Again, thank you. Thank you so much.

Your Best Friend,

“Aww, sugarcube! C’mere!” Applejack said, standing up to give Coppermane a big hug. “Thank ya kindly for the letter. Y’all are just the sweetest thing! Ah’m proud to call you ma friend.”

“You’re welcome, Applejack,” Coppermane said, reciprocating her hug.

Rainbow Dash’s envelope was blue, with a rainbow lightning bolt on the back.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Thank you for standing up for me against the jocks. If it weren’t for you, I probably would’ve ended up in the hospital. Thank you for vouching for me when we were in the principal’s office. I can’t believe they had the audacity to defend themselves like that.

Rainbow, you are indeed awesome. You’re cool, talented, pretty, energetic, passionate, and loyal. You’re an amazing guitarist. I seriously wish I could play as good as you. Honestly…I wish I could play period. It’s amazing how great you are at sports. Seriously, captain of every sports team at CHS? That’s impressive.

Most of all, thank you for just being you, for being awesome, and for always being there for me. Thank you for being one of the few people to help make my life amazing. I am forever indebted to you. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. It’s the least I could do. It’s been awesome getting to know you, and I’m humbled to call you my best friend.

Good luck in all your future endeavors, and again, thank you for everything.

Your Best Friend,

“Darn it, Coppermane, c’mere!” Rainbow Dash said, getting up to give Coppermane a big hug. “You're just too awesome. I’m so glad we’ve been able to help you.”

Wow… Coppermane must’ve done something right to get a hug from Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie Pie’s letter was pink, of course, with a graphic of three balloons on the back.

Dear Pinkie Pie,

Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Thank you for throwing me my first ever birthday party. I can’t wait to see what other parties you come up with. I’m usually not a big fan of parties, but when you throw them, I just have a blast! If you ever throw a party, you better believe I’ll be there (unless you don’t want me there, that is).

You are by far the bubbliest and most energetic girl I’ve ever met. You’re unpredictable, and I never know what to expect from you next. That uncertainty about you is one of the reasons why you’re so awesome to have around. You never fail to spice things up. You’re cool, pretty, talented, enthusiastic, and so much fun to be around. You always know how to brighten up anybody’s day, no matter how bad their day is, and I really admire that. I wish I had your ability to make people smile.

Most of all, Pinkie, thank you for being you, and for being one of the few people to help me. It means so much to me, and I’m forever in your debt. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. It’s the least I could do. You’re amazing, and I can’t wait to see what my future holds with all of you.

Good luck in all your future endeavors, and again, thank you for everything.

Your Best Friend,

Pinkie Pie squealed before lunging at Coppermane, pulling him into her arms. “You’re the best! Thank you so, so much!” Pinkie Pie said. Her embrace was big, but not suffocating. It was more tender, while still feeling like a Pinkie Pie hug.

“The pleasure was mine, Pinkie,” Coppermane said.

“And don’t worry! If I throw a party, you’ll absolutely be invited!” Pinkie Pie said, making Coppermane smile.

Flash’s letter was blue with a shield graphic on the back.

Dear Flash Sentry,

Thanks for everything you’ve done for me. Thank you for being the one to reach out to me when Fluttershy and I broke up. If it wasn’t for you, I would’ve lost you, the girls, and worst of all, Fluttershy. Thanks for giving me a spot in your band. It’s so much fun, and it’s awesome that you and I can pony up now.

You’re the best guy I know, and you’re the greatest bro I could ask for. Whenever we hang out, it’s a total blast. It feels great to have a best guy friend I can turn to whenever I need it. I really wish I had your skills on guitar. I honestly wish I could play guitar period. I feel very privileged to have a talented friend like you.

Most of all, thank you for being you. Thank you for helping me when I needed it, and for being a great friend. I am forever in your debt. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. It’s the least I could do. I’m proud to call you my best friend.

Good luck in all your future endeavors, and again, thank you for everything.

Your Best Bro,

“Coppermane, you’re the best,” Flash said, giving Coppermane a high-five. He gave him a pat on the shoulder. “It’s an honor to have you in the band.”

Coppermane smiled. “The honor's all mine, Flash.”

Rarity’s letter was indigo with a graphic of three blue diamonds on the back.

Dear Rarity,

Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Thank you for putting up with me when I asked about my first date with Fluttershy. It helped more than you know. And just for the record, my first date with her was amazing, and your reassurance helped me be confident, or more confident than I would’ve been on my own.

Rarity, you are one of the nicest girls I know. You’re generous, talented, caring, beautiful, and… well… fabulous. I admire your attention to detail. No matter what, you always go the extra mile to make sure something will be perfect, especially in the amazing outfits you create. Seriously, how do you do it? It’s really impressive. I admire your skills on the keytar. I wish I was half as good as you. You have no idea how proud I was of you when you told me about scoffing at Blueblood. You deserve better than that idiot, and like I said at the Formal, your prince is out there somewhere. It’s only a matter of time.

Most of all, thank you for being one of the few people to reach out to me. Thanks for being you. You have done so much for me, and I am forever in your debt. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. And if you feel upset and want a shoulder to cry on, I’m always here for you. It’s an honor to call you my best friend.

I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, and again, thank you for everything.

Your Best Friend,

“Darling… thank you so much!” Rarity said, getting up to give Coppermane a hug. “You are just the sweetest thing. You've grown so much. It’s an honor to call you my friend, dear.”

Coppermane reciprocated. “I’m always here for you, Rarity. Thank you for everything.”

Sunset’s letter was red with a graphic of a sun on the back.

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Thank you for being the first to get Fluttershy and I alone. I look back on the first time Fluttershy and I really talked, and I laugh. We were so nervous, and I was completely oblivious to the signs she dropped hinting that she had a crush on me. Thanks for being the one to break the ice for us. If you hadn’t done that, I don’t think we would be together today.

You are one of the coolest girls I know. You’re nice, awesome, talented, beautiful, and smart. Honestly, if I didn’t have physics with you, I’d be screwed. And it’s still hard for me to picture you being anything other than awesome. Everyone deserves a second chance, and I think you’re using yours beautifully. After the day we talked, I have much more respect for you. Anybody who can carry themselves like you do is one to be admired.

Most of all, thank you for being you, and for being one of the few people to save me. Your help has done more for me than you know, and I owe you everything. If you ever need help, don’t hesitate to ask. If anyone ever bullies you because of your past, you better believe I’ll be all over them. You’re a good person, Sunset. Remember that, please? I feel privileged to call you my best friend.

I wish you nothing but good fortune in all your future endeavors, and again, thank you for everything.

Your Best Friend,

“Coppermane, get over here!” Sunset said, holding her arms out. Coppermane gladly obliged, walking over to Sunset to be pulled into a big hug. “We’re so proud of you. Thank you for everything. I’m so glad we’re friends.”

“It’s been amazing, Sunset. It’s been amazing getting to know you,” Coppermane said.

Twilight’s letter was purple with a sparkling star graphic on the back.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Thank you for helping me with my stuff that one day after the jocks jumped me. I had no idea how fateful that encounter would be, and I had no idea it would be love at first sight for Fluttershy and I. Though, I guess you knew about us from the beginning, right, Miss Princess of Friendship? But seriously, thank you for helping me. You and Fluttershy gave me the first glimmer of hope I’d seen in a while.

Twilight, you are quite the enigma to me. I’m still trying to process everything you told me after the showcase, but I think I have a general idea. Nevertheless, it’s still mystifying to me. That being said, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re one of the nicest girls I’ve ever met. Or one of the nicest mares I’ve ever met. I’m not sure what to call you at this point, but you’re still awesome. All joking aside, you’re pretty, talented, compassionate, nice, and super smart. You’re a fantastic singer, and a great friend. I can definitely see why you’re the Princess of Friendship. In my eyes, you’ve definitely earned the title.

Most of all, thank you for being you, and for being one of the first people to reach out to me. You’ve done more for me than you realize, and I’m forever in your debt. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. It’s the least I could do.

Good luck in all your endeavors, and again, thank you for everything.

Your Best Friend,

“Aww, c’mere, you!” Twilight said, hugging Coppermane. “You’re so sweet! Just like back in Equestria. Thank you so much! Y’know, pony Coppermane wrote me a letter as well. Now I have two of them!”

“Well, hopefully mine’s as good as his,” Coppermane said, making Twilight laugh.

Seeing everyone's smile, and hearing everyone's praise as a result of his letters filled Coppermane's heart with such elation and pride. It was a lot of work, but seeing everyone so happy made it all worth it.

"Hey, doesn't your girlfriend get a letter?" Rainbow asked, noticing Fluttershy didn't get one.

Coppermane and Fluttershy shared a glance, and smiled at each other as their cheeks reddened.

"She already got hers," Coppermane said.


Coppermane and Fluttershy spent their weekend date as they usually do: cuddling while watching movies. In reality, it was really the former, because half the time they didn't even watch the movie. It would just be background noise as they snuggled together. They would get so lost in each other's eyes that the world around them would seem to fade out.

"I'll be right back, okay?" Coppermane said.

"Okay," Fluttershy replied. Coppermane gave her a kiss on the cheek before exiting the room. She watched him as he walked away. How did she get such a cute guy?

By force of habit, she looked around the room, she spotted something in her peripheral vision. On the shelf by the TV, there was a sheet of paper.

Oh no… was it another suicide note? Without a second thought, she grabbed the sheet of paper. If her Coppermane was having suicidal thoughts again, she wanted to know.

As she looked over the sheet of paper, her eyes went wide. It wasn't a suicide note at all. It was something else entirely. At the top was her name written in black pen. Why would her name be titling a sheet of paper? As she read further down, her heart was sent aflutter.

Favorite things: Animals, showing kindness, spending time with her friends. Birthday: March 15th. Anniversary: October 2nd…

What was Fluttershy reading? A list about… her? She continued to read, making her heart melt more and more with every word.

Tell her she's beautiful? Shower her with affection? Random gifts? Protect her? How lucky you are to have an amazing, beautiful, adorable girl like her?

A list about her. Fluttershy couldn't believe it. Tears streamed down her face as she read lines over again. But the final line is what piqued her curiosity. The very last bullet point read:

Finish your love letter. Show her all the reasons why you love her so much.

Coppermane returned to the bedroom, and saw Fluttershy with a piece of paper in hand. Was she crying?

"Fluttershy, what's wrong?" Coppermane beckoned, kneeling down next to her.

Fluttershy glanced up with her reddened tear-stained eyes, and a big smile grew on her face.

"N-Nothing," she cooed. "Nothing at all."

"Huh?" Coppermane said.

Fluttershy showed him what she found. Upon seeing it, his face flushed red.

"Oh… y-you found that?" Coppermane said, rubbing his neck.

"Coppermane… you wrote a list about me?" Fluttershy asked.

Coppermane blushed hard as he took a seat next to her. He dried her tears with his fingers, making her giggle.

"I made it after we first got together. You're my first girlfriend, and I was scared of messing up. I wanted to make you smile. Make you the happiest girl in the world. I started writing things down to make that happen. Anything to see that pretty smile," Coppermane said, caressing her face.

Fluttershy leaned into his hand as he caressed her, shuddering in pleasure. She took another glance at the list, and her heart soared again. He thought about all of that? She looked back up at Coppermane, and couldn't help herself from pulling him into a huge hug.

"I love you so much," she said, nuzzling his chest.

Coppermane was surprised at her suddenly lunging at him, but didn't hate her embrace one bit. He wrapped his arms around her, giving her a squeeze.

"I love you too," he said.

Fluttershy lifted her head and gave him a big kiss. Upon meeting his lips, she felt his arms relax around her. She pulled away, and gazed deeply into his eyes. They were so warm and brown. She could look into his wonderful eyes all day.

"Um… Coppermane?" Fluttershy cooed.


"Did you write me a… um… a love letter?"

Coppermane's face went red. She must've read the entire list.

"Um… y-yeah, I did," he said. "I was going to give it to you after our date today, but I guess since you know about it, I-I could give it to you now."

Coppermane got up and walked to his desk. He picked up a light-green envelop with a graphic of three butterflies on the back.

"I-I wrote it the week we broke up," Coppermane said.

"Really?" Fluttershy asked.

"Y-Yeah," Coppermane said, rubbing his neck. "I missed you more than I could bear, and needed some way to get my feelings out." He held the letter out to Fluttershy, who gladly accepted it.

"Coppermane… thank you so much," Fluttershy said. "Um… actually… I-I wrote you a letter too."

"You did?" Coppermane asked.

Fluttershy nodded, blushing profusely. She went into her backpack, and pulled out a plain white letter with a heart on the back, drawn in black pen.

"I wrote it the week we broke up too. I missed you so much, and I thought I wouldn't get a chance to tell you how I felt," Fluttershy said. "I'm so glad we're together again."

Coppermane smiled, and gave her a peck. "Me too, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy blushed, and handed the letter to him. They spent the next minute just staring at their respective letters in silence, wondering what they should do next.

"Um… so… d-do you want to go first?" Coppermane asked.

"Y-You want to read them now?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well… if you want… I could read mine first," Coppermane said.

"I mean… I could go first," Fluttershy said.

Coppermane could already see this going back and forth for a long time, so he came up with a solution. He walked over to his desk, and came back with a quarter in hand.

"Heads, I read mine first. Tails, you read yours first," Coppermane said. "Sound alright?"

Fluttershy giggled. He was just too cute.

"Okay," Fluttershy said. Coppermane flipped the coin, and caught it in his hand. He placed it on the back of his other hand, and looked to see…

"Tails," he said. "I… I guess you're going first then."

Fluttershy smiled, and immediately went for her letter. But just as she was about to open it, she noticed Coppermane's anxious expression.

"I-If you don't want me to, I can wait," Fluttershy said. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"No, it's fine," Coppermane said. "You won fair and square. Besides… I do want you to read it. Don't worry about me. Go ahead."

Fluttershy smiled, and opened the envelope up. She took a deep breath, and unfolded the letter…

To the love of my life,

When I first saw you, you instantly captivated me. You took my breath away. The moment I met you, I knew you were special. I thought you were one of the most beautiful girls in the world. Little did I know how amazing you truly are, and how much of an impact you would have on my life.

You were the first person to take a chance on me. You reached out to me when nobody else would, and rescued me from my internal nightmare. On our first date, you promised you would always be there for me, and you've never left my side since. You saved my life. You found me, and led me to the light. You are my light. For that, I am forever in your debt. Because of you, I feel like I'm worth something. Because of you, I'm happy.

When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I think about is how I’m going to make you smile today. If I can make you smile, I’ve succeeded for the day. I live every day of my life to make you happy. I would give up everything just to see that pretty smile. You make me feel whole. You make my life worth living. You take care of me. You show me that I’m a good person. You give me the strength to keep going, while still making my knees weak. You are the reason I get up in the morning. You’ve given me so much, and it has done more for me than you realize.

But Fluttershy, this letter isn’t about me, it’s about you. You are the most amazing girl I’ve ever met. I’ve never wanted anyone more than I want you. You never cease to amaze me with everything you do. You’re sweet, delicate, kind, generous, compassionate, selfless, and just the cutest thing. Watching you take care of your animals is one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen. I admire your kindness so much, and I have the utmost respect for you. You always put your friends before yourself, and that's truly admirable. You’re the sweetest girl I’ve ever met; the biggest sweetheart in the world. That cute little voice of yours is music to my ears. I love cuddling with you, and holding you in my arms. You look adorable when you lie on my chest, and when you nuzzle me, it melts my heart. It’s the cutest thing ever when you act shy, especially when you blush or play with your hair. Your lips are as sweet as candy, and I could kiss them all day. When we kiss, I feel my troubles fade away, and all is right in the world.

When I said I thought you were one of the most beautiful girls in the world, I was lying. Fluttershy, you ARE the most beautiful girl in the world. Your infinite beauty knows no bounds. Somehow, against all odds, you get prettier every time I look at you. When I see you, my heart skips a beat. Your soft, silky pink hair… your gorgeous figure… your beautiful teal eyes… the stars are jealous because your eyes shine brighter than they ever could. When you smile, there's not a prettier sight in the world. I love singing for you because I know it’s a sure-fire way to make you smile. Words can't express how much I adore you.

But Fluttershy, the biggest reason why I love you is because you saved me. When you came into my life, for the first time ever, I felt happy. YOU make me happy. I spend every day trying to thank you for everything you’ve done for me, because it goes above and beyond anything I could’ve ever imagined. Anything I thought I deserved. You gave me a chance when nobody else would, and for that, I will be forever thankful.

If I listed all the things I love about you, it would take the rest of my life. Just know this, Fluttershy. I love you with all my heart. The magic of friendship is strong, but my love for you is stronger. You’re the one. I found you.

You’re my beautiful princess, Fluttershy, and I will love and adore you for all eternity.

With all my love,
Your Prince, Coppermane

Fluttershy was beside herself. Her hand was over her mouth as tears of joy drenched her face. She read certain sentences over again, taking in the sheer sweetness of it all. Every word melted her heart over and over again. She would cherish this letter until the day she died. A constant reminder of how much Coppermane truly loved her.

She looked up at her boyfriend. His face was bright red… probably as red as her.

“Well… d-did you like it?” Coppermane asked.

Fluttershy tried drying her tears, but it was no use. The joyful tears wouldn't stop. His letter left her speechless. All she could muster was a small, yet sincere nod.

Coppermane scooted closer to Fluttershy, lifting her chin up to look at him. Her eyes were completely bloodshot, and she had the biggest smile on her face.

"I meant every word and more, Fluttershy," Coppermane said. "Even that letter doesn't come close to describing how much I love you."

Fluttershy couldn’t hold back any longer. She tossed the letter off to the side, and lunged into Coppermane’s arms, tackling him to the floor as she gave him a big, passionate kiss, pouring all her love and joy into it.

Coppermane was surprised at her tenacity, but didn’t fight it one bit. She’s never kissed him so passionately before, and he melted in total bliss as her lips caressed his. Some of her tears fell on his face, but he didn’t mind. It thrilled him to know how happy she was. He let her lead for the most part, enjoying every passing second. He could feel all her love, exciting his heart with every movement of her lips.

When Fluttershy’s lust finally subsided, she pulled away, allowing Coppermane to sit up. Both were left panting for breath, and Fluttershy’s face was bright red.

“Coppermane… that was the sweetest thing I’ve ever read. Thank you… thank you so much,” Fluttershy said, giving Coppermane a big hug. She felt Coppermane embrace her, making her melt in his arms. His warmth was like feeling his love emanate from his body. His love for her. Fluttershy was truly the luckiest girl in the world.

“So… I guess it’s my turn now?” Coppermane said.

Fluttershy’s heart dropped. She completely forgot. Coppermane still had her letter to read.

“Y-Yeah… it… it is,” Fluttershy said.

“I mean… if you don’t want me to…”

“Oh no, it’s fine. I want you to read it. Besides, I-I read yours. It’s only fair,” Fluttershy said, playing with her hair.

Coppermane smiled, and grabbed her letter. He looked up at Fluttershy one more time as he pulled the letter itself out of the envelope. She was playing with her hair, blushing majorly. She made eye contact with him, and offered the cutest little shy smile. Coppermane smiled back, and returned his attention to the letter. He took a deep breath, and proceeded to unfold the paper…

To my amazing prince,

When I first met you, I knew there was something special about you. To say you’re amazing would be a huge understatement. I have so much respect for you. You survived years of bullying, abuse, and isolation. Yet despite that, you didn’t become bitter. You are the sweetest, kindest, most empathetic guy I've ever met.

I can still remember the day we first met, and how you acted. You were so shy. So scared. Now, I don’t even recognize you as that frightened little boy. You have grown so much as a person, and it makes me so proud to think about how far you’ve come. You don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. You’re just… Coppermane. I love how honest you are with yourself. I love how genuine you are.

Coppermane, you are just the cutest guy in the world! I love how you always go the distance, just to make me smile. When you blush or act shy, it’s so adorable! I love it when you play with my hair and cup my face. It makes me melt every time. You’re always so gentle and affectionate. When I'm with you, I feel beautiful. You always know what to say to cheer me up when I’m sad. You tell the corniest jokes, but I love every one of them! When I see your smile, my heart skips a beat. I love it when you hold me. You’re so much stronger than you look! When I’m in your arms, I feel safe. I love gazing into your warm, chocolaty brown eyes. Your hair is amazing. Your coppery highlights take my breath away every time. You’re just so cute and handsome! When you kiss me, I feel at peace.

You’re not alone anymore. No matter what happens, no matter what challenges we face, and no matter what obstacles we encounter, I will always stand by you. The past is history, and you shouldn’t dwell on your mistakes. What’s important is who you are now, and Coppermane, you are the most amazing guy I’ve ever met. Remember, the future is always bright, and this time, I will be there for you the whole way.

You put me on a pedestal. You treat me like a princess. You make me feel special. You make me feel safe. You make me feel beautiful. You make me feel loved. I know you’ve said many times that you’ve been a bad boyfriend, but nothing could be further from the truth. I couldn’t ask for a more perfect prince if I tried.

Most of all, you make me happy. You’ve made me happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life, and I feel truly humbled to call you mine.

You’re the guy of my dreams, Coppermane, and I love you. Forever and always.

With all my love and affection,


Coppermane was left speechless. He tried his hardest not to cry, but the last line forced a tear down his face, followed by many others. He reread certain lines over and over again, relishing the sheer beauty of each sentence.

What an amazing letter.

Coppermane could finally see how much Fluttershy truly loved him, and it warmed his heart unlike anything else could. He had the biggest smile on his face.

Coppermane looked up at his girlfriend, whom was blushing majorly while playing with her hair. Upon making eye contact with him, her cheeks went even redder.

“D-Did you like it?” Fluttershy cooed.

Coppermane’s heart exploded with lust, and he pulled Fluttershy into his arms, giving her sweet lips a passionate kiss.

Fluttershy was startled, but quickly relaxed into it. His lips were overflowing with passion, joy, and love. Fluttershy drank it all in as she melted in Coppermane’s arms. She savored every passing second of his soft lips. There was no better feeling in the world. When he kissed her, she was putty in his hands. His lips were intoxicating.

Coppermane’s lustful spell eventually abated, and he pulled back, leaving both of them panting for air.

“Fluttershy… that was the most amazing thing I’ve ever read. Every word… every sentence… it was beautiful,” Coppermane said. “Y-You really love me that much?”

Fluttershy smiled, and cupped his face. “With all my heart.”

Coppermane's heart melted at her words. He felt the lustful ember within him reignite, and he pulled Fluttershy into another passionate kiss. Her lips were so intoxicating and sweet.

The couple kissed in total euphoria. Their love emanated from their lips. Now, their passion for each other was fueled even more by their respective letters, making it feel even more incredible. In that moment, the world around them seemed to vanish, and nothing but their love mattered.


“Aww!” the girls said, making Flash chuckle at their reaction. Coppermane and Fluttershy felt their faces heat up. Their mutual bashfulness made everyone giggle even more.

“I’ve already got your whole wedding planned!” Pinkie Pie said.

“I’ve started thinking about how I’m going to design your wedding dress, Fluttershy!” Rarity said.

Applejack chuckled. “Seriously, girls?”

“Oh, come on, Applejack! There’s no way they’re not going to get married,” Pinkie Pie said excitedly.

The couple’s faces were bright red, making the girls giggle again. Coppermane and Fluttershy knew where they were. They were still young, and had all the time in the world to think about serious things like that.

Though, in their own heads, they entertained the thought of being married one day.

“In time, Applejack. You never know!” Rarity said with a giggle.

The other girls giggled with her, and then everyone returned to doing their own thing. Some of them looked back at the fire, and some looked at their letters again. Some looked up to the sky to stargaze. Some talked amongst each other. Coppermane, on the other hand, looked around at each one of them with a smile on his face. As crazy as these past three weeks have been, this was just the beginning. The beginning of an era. A beautiful era of happiness for Coppermane, and he wouldn’t be alone. These amazing people around him would always be there for him. With his friends, he was unstoppable.

Coppermane leaned back, and looked to his side to behold his lovely princess as she gazed up at the stars. He took a moment to drink in her infinite beauty. The astral sea reflected so wonderfully in her gorgeous eyes. The fire and starlight illuminated her flawless skin, making her practically glow. She was a breathtaking sight, and she was all his. He didn't deserve such perfection.

He squeezed her hand, making her look down at him with that adorable smile. He blushed and pat his lap. Fluttershy blushed, and wasted no time in taking him up on his offer. She walked over to Coppermane, and sat down in his lap as he embraced her. She took his hand, interlacing their fingers. Coppermane offered a smile, and leaned in to give her a tender kiss. Her lips were as sweet as she was. Coppermane could kiss his Fluttershy till the end of time.

They pulled away and Fluttershy gave Coppermane a nuzzle before returning her attention to the night sky.

As they took in the celestial beauty of the night sky, a shooting star pierced the astral void, evoking a gasp from everyone.

“Oh my!” Rarity said.

“That was awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Ah’ll say,” Applejack said.

“Make a wish everyone!” Pinkie Pie said.

Coppermane glanced around to see everyone close their eyes, making their wishes. He kept his own eyes open, though.

“Coppermane?” Fluttershy asked, placing her hand on his heart.

“Hmm?” Coppermane asked.

“Aren’t you going to make a wish?” Fluttershy asked with a smile.

Coppermane shook his head.

“Why not?” Fluttershy asked.

Coppermane looked around the bonfire, making eye contact with some of his best friends. They offered him a smile, warming his heart. He looked back at Fluttershy, and gave her a loving squeeze.

“I already got my wish,” Coppermane said tenderly, taking Fluttershy’s hand, and interlacing their fingers.

Coppermane watched in glee as Fluttershy’s face beamed from his words, offering an adorable smile. To Coppermane, Fluttershy’s smile was the most beautiful thing in the world. Not even the astral sea of stars in the night sky could compare. He leaned in to give her a passionate, yet tender kiss, feeling her melt in his arms as he did so. As they kissed, Coppermane and Fluttershy felt one thing. Love. True love, speaking to them through their lips, like magic. Their relationship was still young, but their love for each other was undeniable. Whatever the future held, they would traverse it hand-in-hand. As long as they had each other, they could conquer anything.

They pulled away, and gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes as they held hands.

“I love you so much… my beautiful princess,” Coppermane said.

Fluttershy blushed, and smiled back. “I-I love you so much… my handsome prince.”

Coppermane blushed, and gave Fluttershy one more kiss before she returned her attention to the night sky. Coppermane gave her a light squeeze, and took a moment to look around the circle.

As Coppermane panned around the bonfire at his friends, and looked up at the celestial sea in the dark sky, he did come up with one wish. All he wanted was for this single moment to last forever. A little silly, sure, but sincere nonetheless. It was a rare moment where everything was perfect. Spending time with his friends, holding his lovely princess in his arms, and gazing up at the night sky in all its astral majesty. The world around them seemed to disappear. In that moment, only him and his friends existed. Nothing but the crackling of the fire made a sound. Nothing but the flames and night sky offered illumination. So peaceful… so serene… so tranquil…

He gave Fluttershy a kiss on the cheek before returning his attention to the celestial night sky. His mind drew lines between the stars, forming a vague constellation of two ponies. It was probably Coppermane’s mind perceiving things from nothing, but nevertheless, it was heart-warming. It was like the universe was speaking to him.

Coppermane let out a contented sigh as he cuddled with his sweetheart. He could almost see his future. The image was distorted by uncertainty, but he knew one thing for sure. It was brighter than ever.

For now, though, the future could wait. For now, this moment belonged to him and his friends; to him and his beautiful princess. For now, nothing else mattered. For now… all was right in the world.


Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading! I hope the revised version is better for you. I will eventually go back and rewrite Sweet & Delicate as well, but that will take some more time to do. It's my first story, and I practically have to rewrite it from scratch. That'll be fun.

But now I can focus on new content. I have an idea for an AppleDash fic (one of my favorite ships), as well as trying to come up with another random Pinkie Pie fic.

Don't forget to leave a like and a comment if you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading! :yay:

Comments ( 44 )

This... This right here is one of sweetest and most aborable fics I've read, pretty much up there with apoeticheart's "A New Home" series. Great fic man, although I don't know why you'd want to redo Sweet and Delicate as well. I liked it the way it was before.

Congrats on finishing the fic Nordryd.

:fluttercry::pinkiesad2::raritycry: It's over. I can't believe it's over. That was by far the best fanfic I've read in the "Romance" category. I've read, in my opinion, the best fanfics in Adventure, Action, Comedy, (admittedly) clop and now, Romance. I'm just going to say, that this story deserves to get featured. I'm happy I'm following you now so I can get updates on any new stories you make. Can't wait to read any new stuff from you my friend. :pinkiehappy: Also, I'm adding this to my Favorites playlist. Oh, and one more thing, when you do make that sequel, expect a few comments from me, just a heads up. Until next time...

7277953 I said I'll put that in this version. I still believe that this is one of the best clean Romance fics, if not THE best. Again, I can't wait for the sequel, but I have a favor to ask.

7277968 When/if you make that sequel, can you let me know?

Appledash? That's pretty cool. :ajsmug:

7307832 I figured both of them recognize the gravity of the situation they're in, and also how big of a chance they have, being alone with their crush and all. Good to know I'm not rushing though :pinkiesmile:. Thanks for your comments so far, and for taking the time to read my story. I know it's long. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the next chapter. :raritystarry:

7319773 Watch this short if you haven't already.

I have no idea how the rules for magic works in the human world, and what this short tells me is that Hasbro has no idea what the hell they are either. :facehoof:

7352914 take your time :pinkiesmile:

7410767 my school got out at 2:20, and started at 7:20 AM

I've only just noticed the title after finishing the fic; Fluttershy's not a tree, silly :pinkiehappy:

7415175 That's a title I picked because it's the title of a poem. You might be joking with that comment, but I can also take this to explain why I picked the title. The poem describes beauty around us, and how your life is short. It says to take in the beauty around you, and appreciate it because you only get one life. The poem is all about the breathtaking world around us.

Coppermane appreciates Fluttershy, who in his eyes is the most beautiful creature in the world, and Fluttershy will never understand the extent of how much Coppermane truly loves her.

That's my reasoning :moustache:

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the story :yay:

It's over... wow, that was a lot, and I can't even believe you wrote that much. But it was worth it to read every chapter, Jake. I liked this one because it wrapped everything up so sweetly and perfectly. Coppermane and Fluttershy are together, and that's what counts. There may be hardships in the future, but it's alright if he's with his princess.

I loved the letters, they were really sincere and described his feeling for all his friends in the right way. One thing I noticed was how he ended all the letters the same way; "wishing them good luck in the future." Well, all except Fluttershy. They both wrote how they would stay together forever, and I think that's just so adorable and... Ugh, I'm running out of words!

I just wanted to say congratulations on finishing this story, and creating such a wonderful universe. I really enjoyed the whole thing from start to finish, seeing as Coppermane grew as a character and found the love of his life.

Good job, Jake. And, like Coppermane, know that everything is gonna be alright:heart:

7425926 Thank you for reading! :pinkiehappy:

7488633 yay! That makes me happy. Hope you enjoy the story. And I've got plenty more Coppermane stories to come

Wanted to read this story before embarking on Sunset Awakening, since I really liked FourShadow's Elements Awaken. I wanted to meet Coppermane more, because from his cameo in Elements Awaken he seemed kind of cute.

And how! I almost never read romance, but this was pretty sweet and adorable. You have some good wordcraft, and I liked the showdown at the music showcase. Worth the read!

7631047 I thought it was a sweet gesture. Your argument is invalid :moustache:

7635558 I thought something like this would be healthy for Coppermane and Fluttershy. Something where they get a little too carried away (with Coppermane touching Fluttershy in new places and Fluttershy loving it) and they have to draw the line, thus ascertaining where they are in their relationship sexually.

Yay!!! Cuuuute end

Really sentimental and, I can feel you wrote with your heart, that's something rare today! So, congratulations Jake! For making one of tthe best romance fics I've read, thank you for making this, I can even feel I changed a little :')

Thanks again and... GG JAKE.

7669877 glad I could speak to your heart. I would kill for my own Fluttershy. I know exactly how you feel.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the story, and I hope you do find happiness.


Thank you so much! And sadenned now there is only 3 chapters left to read what will i read thats just as adorable as this :'(

Thank you again for everything. Especially a story with such emotion it tugs and triggers my own. I had that point where i screamed out "HE DIDNT CHEAT ON YOU" then burst into tears. Honestly you are probably the best writer i know.

7671240 Let me know what you think of the rest, and thank you so much for the compliments! :raritystarry:


I have now finished it and can truly say. The emotions hit hard on the notes. I could feel the strength of love between the two. One thing i pointed out too was the letters shared between cop and shy. Forgot which one but it mentioned princess/prince. What got me thinking. If e wrote this when they broke up. They hadnt been crowned and forgive my memory i dot rememer them calling eachother prince and princess until after the fall formal. Other than that was a great end. I was anticipating a death stroking "and then.. Coppermane woke up" at the end. That wouldve crushed me.

Im 100% liking and following you now. I should really write my own fic one day. My friends say that i could be a good writer if i put y mind to it. Couldnt hurt to give it a go right?

Anyways thank you for all the emotions i felt during this story. If you could also be a great help and mention some other good flutterfics you have to do with romance and what not. Thank you once again for the magnificent experience.


That is a beautiful and touching story, and god how i just pray to find my very own fluttershy, i will have my day. All i can do now is just watch the show, look at pictures and just stare in astonishment at how much i love the character, ill end this short before i start ranting. I thank you for your story and i hope the best for your future.

7936629 Thank you so much! I'd love feedback on the other chapters if you can as well :pinkiehappy:

...and Coppermane tries to lean back, forgetting he's sitting on a log. Who can guess what happens next!? :pinkiehappy: #bestficever

8060284 you and everyone else share similar thoughts. Look forward to hearing what you think :pinkiehappy:


Okay, so I have a few questions about Coppermane. 1: How did he transfer himself to a different school? Unless there's something I'm missing here, A student can't transfer without having to sign paperwork with the assistance of a guardian. 2: How is he able to live on his own? How old is he, 16, 17, 18? Whatever the case, he would need to be able to afford to pay the mortgage, as well as electric bills, water bills, e.t.c., something that, considering how young he is, he cannot afford. 3: How did Coppermane get a car? They're expensive, need insurance, and nothing is explained about the car's actual quality, so it could either be a worn down car from 1995, or a used car from 2005. 4: How is he able to afford anything? Does he work a part time job? His parents are never mentioned, and an allowance isn't good enough to buy a car, a house, and be able to spend money at the arcade. Overall, these are questions that should've been answered back at the couple's first date, when Coppermane explained why he transferred to CHS, and why he had been suicidal. It's unexplained information that would make this story make a lot more sense.

Sigh... I honestly don't have any answers for those questions. That makes this story filled with plot holes, I know, but when I was writing this, I was purely focused on the romance. I didn't really think about anything else. Looking back, I'm not too happy about it, considering he's been able to evade her parents for a whole year. But I do plan to have something where Coppermane meets Fluttershy's parents, but I'll have to bullshit my way through the plot holes. So I'm sorry :ajsleepy:

No need to get all down about it. Hell, you don't even need to bullshit your way through. A writer can bullshit his way through many things. A good writer can come up with an explanation as to what's going on. A great one can do that while keeping the reader immersed in the world they have created. Just remember, practice makes perfect. Last thing you wanna do is give up.


yeah! like u could say that his parents are sending him money or that he uses his parents inharetanes to pay, ect. There is a bunch of things you could do

Oh, refer to Nordryd's profile picture for that 👍

And I agree with the former statement, this CopperShy series is probably one of the best OC stories on the site. Still come back to reread it every now and then. :D

Curious. I ought to try it. Any chapter in particular where the song is fitting?

In my opinion the original didn't need a rewrite this made a better sequal.

Comment posted by TundraofTime deleted Sep 18th, 2019
Comment posted by TundraofTime deleted Sep 18th, 2019

Yussss Crystal prep DLC.

Im crying tears of joy now this was so beautiful

I can’t believe I was like this 5 years ago

hardly, i don't want someone watching me sleep. What's wrong with you.


Um yeah i have a question, where the hell are this boys parents at?

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