• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 3,784 Views, 192 Comments

A Marty Stu invades the Multiverse (Chess Game of the Gods) - Keairan

A Human who has seen most everything has once more been dropped into a newish world

  • ...

Contact issss Made

I woke up the next day, realizing I had failed to do something absolutely vital before bedding down, setting up my alarm wards! You might be incapable of forgetting things, but that was absolutely stupid of you. I thought to myself. Having decided that I wasn't going to travel today, I chose to start training this new body to proper "footwork" and also get some sword practice in. Completely naked in the sunlight, I began my forms. I quickly came to a realization that my sword forms that required me to fleche to work would be out of the question with my tail. Sure, I could still do it, but any opponent worth a damn would beat the ever-loving hell out of my lower body.

Working up a sweat, I finished up my workout by rinsing off in the stream. Getting into the water, I noticed something incredibly odd. I wasn't feeling sluggish at all, but was feeling rather hungry. I'm an endothermic snake creature... Some days I think the universe chooses to bend or violate my knowledge of it just to fuck with me.

Blowing my horn of plenty, I summoned another meal for myself, enjoying a nice meal of summer sausage. Just cause I couldn't eat vegetables anymore doesn't mean that the spices weren't delicious. I finished it up, placing some of the leftovers in my pack, just in case I got hungry earlier than my evening meal.

Having eaten and exercised, I decided to weave my alarm wards in a fairly large area, about a three klicks in diameter. That should give me plenty of early warning. I then decided to take a small nap in the sun, not worried about anyone sneaking up on me now.

About an hour later, a loud wren cry woke me up to a train of ponies being led by a troupe of diamond dogs. I noted that the diamond dogs were armed, and the ponies all seemed to be connected by chains to one another. Reacting quickly, I put on my armor and strapped on my saber, then wove a small illusion to disguise my lower body as feet. Having never seen a snake-man before in other Equestrian lands, I figured that they were either extremely rare, or unique to this world. Maintaining the illusion as best as possible, I "walked" to the edge of the road, greeting the diamond dogs as they closed.

"Hello there!" I called out. "Could one of you fine gentledogssss tell me where I am?" I hate using species specific pronouns, but when in Rome...

The leader, a creature I figured to be a beta based on my prior dealings with them, looked up at me strangely, my armor enclosed body giving no details of what I was. "Yous in Equestria. Not Gem Fido. Equestria, yes!"

"I ssssee, and where exactly in Equessstria am I?" The dog could of course not see it, but my eyebrows where racing for my hairline.

"Yous near Hoofington. Good place, get many fine ponies there." The creature said in his guttural voice.

"I ssssee. And why, pray tell, are you getting poniessss?" My voice was beginning to take on an ice-like quality.

"To dig for gems, of course." The dog said, completely missing the change of my vocal tone.

"I ssssee, and why are you allowed to usse them to dig for your gemssss?" My voice could have frozen a forge.

"Because we captured them." The dog said with a dumb expression.

"Sssso you are sssaying they will be sssslaves?" I embraced the source, and lost all emotion.

The dog nodded once, then a spray of blood was all that was left of his throat as I swung my saber through it. I took in the rest of the troupe, a force of nineteen dogs. I rushed forward, slashing a hole through the dog behind the beta, then channeled a blast of fire into one that reacted to the deaths of the first two. A pile of ash was all the remained in a moment, and the dogs began to turn to run.

Four flashes of silver, and four gouts of blood fountained forth from the routed creatures. A few where trying to escape into the ground, but more bursts of fire ended with more piles of ash.

Completely broken, the vermin threw down their weapons and began to run as fast as they could. They had no chance. I channeled arrows of fire, and with that dozens of small streaks of red buried themselves into the diamond dogs, killing them instantly.

In the space of less than minute and a half, I had killed twenty diamond dogs, leaving no survivors of the war band.

"Are you poniesss alright?" I asked devoid of emotion.

The shell-shocked group looked on me with fear and awe, not even cognizant of what I had asked.

"Are you alright?" I asked again.

One, a cream-colored earth pony mare with a violet mane said "No-o-o-o."

"I didn't figure that wasss the cassse. I'll get you folksss unchained real quick." Reaching out with the power, I broke each shackle, one by one. "Tap your hoovesss against your ssshackles, they ssshould break."

Each pony did exactly that, then took off running back the way they came, heading to Hoofington would be my guess. All of them, that is, except for the cream colored mare. "Thank you, sir." She said in a quavering voice.

"It wasss nothing, hon. I free ssslavesss and kill ssslaversss on principle." I said in a brighter tone, having finally released the power.

"Nothing my hoof, you killed twenty slavers in less time than it takes me to rosin my bow." She said with a little more confidence.

"Sssstill, I would've done that for anyone, and I would have done it even if the circumstances had been reversed." I said with conviction.

"You would have slaughtered ponies?" She asked with a little fear.

"If they were ssslaversss I would have. I desspissse ssslaversss over any other thing in the multiverssse, hon. I have had murder charge upon murder charge becaussse I killed a ssslaver." Seeing the look in her eye, I reassured her "Not here of courssse, in other universssesss, that isss."

"I... see. And what is your name, my good gentlestallion?" She asked, obviously doing her best to change the subject. "My name is Violet Melody, violinist extraordinaire!" She said with a slight flair.

"I am called Martin Ssstewart, but many call me Marty Ssstu." I said with the sound of practice.

"That is an odd name, Marty."

"Where I'm from ma'am, not really, but it'sss not my name, it'sss a title."

"Why would you go by a title, rather than your real name?" She said with an incredulous expression.

"There are many realitiesss where there is a great deal of magic in one's name, including waysss to control a person againssst their will. I am absssurdly powerful, and I have no desssire to be under the potentially maliciousss control of sssomeone elssse."

"You sound like you're full of hot air. I mean, you did kill twenty very quickly with a combination of sword and sorcery, but there's no way you're 'absurdly' powerful."

"I hope I never have to prove you wrong, then." With that, I took off my helmet, giving Violet Melody a full view of my body, or at least the parts not still covered by armor. She winced with the first look at my face, then schooled her face. "Ssscary looking, isssn't it? Equinesss have an instinctive fear of sssnakesss, and here I am, looking a great deal like one."

Her face flushing with embarrassment, she looked up at me and said "Am I that obvious? I didn't want to insult your looks."

"It'sss okay, hon. Thisss face will get some getting usssed to for me as well. My regular body is generally a great deal lesssss sssnake-like and more ape-like in appearance. I think magic forced me to have a form other than my own."

"You keep talking like you're not even from Equestria, like you're from another dimension or something." She said with more than a little curiosity.

"I am, Violet Melody. I'm from a little planet, much like this one, called Terra." At saying this, I noticed a random pebble shift out of the corner of my eye, but I thought nothing of it.

"I have no reason not to believe you, having never seen anypony like you before. I do have one question, though. How did you get here, if you're from another planet from another universe?"

"Ssssimple, hon. I died."


Editing notes: Octavia already has a fairly large role in other fics in this universe, so I'm using the violinist from the episode 'Sweet and Elite'.