• Published 12th Jul 2016
  • 14,888 Views, 140 Comments

Holiday Sunlight - RS-Belle14

After the stress of being a ruler and now teacher is becoming a bit overwhelming, Princess Twilight is offered a one-on-one holiday with Sunset Shimmer.

  • ...

Glad I could help

Any minute now. Sunset Shimmer leaned against Canterlot High's statue, arms crossed. Ever so slightly showing it, Sunset was eagerly waiting for her friend to arrive. Sunset's friend was visiting for the day, and she was ready for that day to start. Come on, Twilight. Celestia doesn't move the sun in this world. We can't ask her to keep it out a little longer.

As if on cue, the portal began to ripple with a purple, teen-aged girl soon launching out of it.

"Whoa!" Twilight Sparkle landed on the ground with a light thud, eyes twirling. "I'm okay..."

"Twilight!" Sunset excitedly ran toward her lavender friend. "You made it!"

Twilight sat up. "Yuuuup. Here am I. Day ready to spend almost," The girl mumbled, eyes spinning. "Just need to put the hay in the apple and eat the candle first."

"Uh..." Sunset hesitantly offered the Princess of Friendship her hand. "What?"

Twilight shook off her dizziness. "I mean, here I am, Sunset. Hehe. Sorry," Twilight accepted Sunset's hand. "I guess I'm a little more exhausted than I thought. Equestria has really gotten to me, lately. Doesn't help that crossing the portal is always quite the trip, neither."

Sunset chuckled. "Tell me about it. I still get woozy just remembering going through this thing," Sunset pulled her friend off the ground. "Still, woozy or not, it's always good to see you, Twilight."

Twilight began to dust herself off. "It's always nice to see you too, Sun...Whoa."

"Hmm? What is it, Twilight?"

"It's...It's you. You look...Wow."

Sunset was wearing a sleeveless red top, short shorts, flip-flops, and various bracelets.

"Oh, thanks! It's just something I slipped on for our little vacation. Hope you like it," Sunset winked.

"I like it," Twilight blushed. "I think it looks nice."

"Thank you, Twilight. I like your outfit, too. Very consistent," Sunset smiled. "So, ready to go?"

Twilight nodded.

"Great! I have the whole day planned out for us, and I think you're gonna like it," Sunset began to head down the sidewalk towards the city. "Come on, let's go!"

"Hey, wait up!" Twilight hurried to catch up with her friend. "Ha. You're awfully eager."

"I have the right to be, don't I?" Sunset smirked. "It IS a vacation."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, but I'm the one who needs it, Sunset."

"Hey, who says I don't need a vacation, too? I'll have you know, the Friendship Games were pretty exhausting."

"Hmm," Twilight placed her recently reacquired hand on her chin and thought. "Now that you mention it, a few giant plants, a hole to Equestria, and unleashing a magical blast on my mirror image do sound a rather wearing."

Sunset's eyes widened. Oh, sweet Celestia. Way to kill the mood, Twilight. "Yeah, heh, it uh...was," Sunset nervously rubbed her arm. "I hope you're not...too upset about that."

Twilight giggled. "Not at all, Sunset."

"Oh. Okay," Thank goodness.

"So," The princess began. "How is Miss Twilight doing now?"

"She's doing fine," Sunset answered. "She really likes Canterlot High. She thinks it's very friendly. Practically everyone has already accepted her in, though, I think you might have something to do with that."

"Ha. Perhaps."

"She does get a little weird out by all the new attention she's been getting, but other than that, she's happy."

"That's good," Twilight nodded. "I really do want to get to know her. I'm very curious about Miss Twilight."

Sunset snickered. "You mean you want to compare and contrast, don't you?"

"...Yes," Twilight squeaked.

"Haha. Don't worry. I'll get you two properly introduced sometime, then you can chat with her all you want."

"Thank you, Sunset."

"No problem," Sunset answered. "So, speaking of how good Twilight has been doing, how have you been doing, Twilight?"

"Funny," Twilight rolled her eyes. "I'm good. I've just been spending time with my friends, teaching friendship, and fixing the problems of Equestria every so often."

"So, same old same old?"

"Hehe. Yes. Only everything has just been piling up so much, recently. I'm exhausted. I can't thank you enough for the vacation offer. With everything that's happened to me, a holiday sounds exactly like what I need."

"Hey, don't worry about it. It's my pleasure. Anything to help out and spend a little time with my best friend," Sunset gave a Twilight a playful elbow. "Now, you're messages have been pretty vague about what exactly has been exhausting you. Mind being a little more clear?"

Twilight sighed. Well, I'm already here. Why not? "Sure. There's a few things, but there's one in particular that comes to mind. I'm sure I mentioned Starlight Glimmer to you, right?"

"Yeah, you brought her up a few times in your messages. She's your student now, right? How is she?"

"She's doing fine. She's living with me at the castle, learning about friendship, and she even made her first friend the other day, all by herself."

"Um, I don't see the problem, Twilight. That all actually sounds nice."

Twilight gave Sunset a smirk. "Her friend is Trixie."

"Yikes!" Sunset hopped back. "Now I see the problem."

"Haha. It's not exactly what you think. Trixie is on good terms with us in Equestria. I just didn't realize that soon enough."

Now Sunset gave Twilight a smirk. "Sounds like you're regretting something, Princess Twilight," Sunset swung an arm over the lavender girl's shoulder and pulled her in. "Tell me more."

Twilight shook her head. "Well, Princess Celestia was coming to a dinner party at the castle to see how Starlight's friendship lessons were progressing. In attempt to highlight how good of a teacher I am, I told Starlight to go out and make a new friend she could invite to the dinner that night. Wouldn't you know, that friend turned out to be Trixie," Twilight explained as she to walked under Sunset's arm. "The last time I saw Trixie, she was being corrupted by a mystical, soul-sucking amulet that granted her incredible power and tried to run me out of Ponyville. Needless to say, I was a little tentative to have her be our guest with Princess Celestia."

"I tried to convince Starlight to find another friend, and I even found other ponies to could bring for her, but that only increased the tension between Starlight and me. The party was that night, and there was no way I wanted Trixie to be Starlight's guest of honor, so I invited all of the other ponies I suggested to dinner claiming they were all Starlight's new friends. Maybe then Princess Celestia wouldn't think Starlight's could only befriend ex-bad ponies. I thought it was a nice plan. The table was set, the friends I invited were there, and Princess Celestia had arrived. Everything was perfect, but there was one problem; Starlight didn't show up! She decided to stay with Trixie and help her with her magic act, instead! Princess Celestia was at the castle for a dinner party about Starlight Glimmer's friendship lessons, but there was no Starlight Glimmer!" Twilight twirled a finger in her hair as she looked away in embarrassment. "And theeeen..."

Sunset leaned in. "Theeeen?"

"Well, long story short, I left the dinner party to look for Starlight, found her, almost ruined her friendship with Trixie, made Starlight runaway crying, made Trixie cry into solitude, and kinda-sorta drove Trixie to performing a dangerous magic trick that would've been very hazardous to her health without Starlight's help."

"Define 'hazardous'," Sunset's mischievously said.

"Blasting herself out of cannon into the mouth of a hungry manticore that would eat her without a teleportation spell to get her to safety."

Sunset's jaw dropped. "You drove her to do that?! Really?!"

"She turned out fine in the end! I convinced Starlight to give Trixie another chance! Starlight saved Trixie, they made up, and the show was a hit! No damage done," Twilight sheepishly smiled.

"And if Starlight didn't decide to give Trixie another chance?"

"Then I would've saved Trixie instead," Twilight crossed her arms. "I had my bases covered, Sunset."

"Well, thank goodness for that!" Sunset Shimmer shook her head and chuckled. "In all honesty, that actually does sound pretty exhausting, but hey, at least everyone ended up happy in the end, right?"

"Um...Almost. I haven't exactly told you the end of the story, yet."

Really now? Sunset could feel the snickers building up in her belly. "Tell me."

"After the magic show, I apologized to Starlight and Trixie for doubting their friendship and that I wouldn't interfere any longer. They forgave me, and we made up, which is really all I wanted from them, buuuut...."

Sunset grinned. "Buuuut?"

"Buuuut unfortunately the whole fiasco made me completely forget about Princess Celestia and the dinner party, so we sorta...left her alone at the castle with the other guests all night until we went home...much later."

What?! Sunset stopped dead in her tracks. No. Way. "Oh, Twili-HA-IGHT!" Sunset couldn't hold it in any longer. She let go of her friend and began to laugh uncontrollably. "HAHA! I-I can't believe you did tha-ha-t!"

Twilight placed her hands on her hips. "Sunset! Stop it!"

"HAHAHA! I mean,Twilight, that's...that's just horrible! Haha!"

"Exactly! Why are you laughing?"

"Twilight, haha, y-you left the Ruler of Equestria alone with some strangers in your castle, and that's after inviting her to come over! I mean-it's just...You're the last pony I thought would ever do that! HAHAHA!" Sunset was in stitches.

Twilight wanted to scold Sunset for laughing at her expense, but she couldn't do it. For some reason, seeing her best friend's jubilation made Twilight unable to express any of her anger. Try as she might, Twilight could not get angry at Sunset. In fact, seeing her friend laugh actually made Twilight want to laugh. The princess continued to stare at her laughing friend until, soon, a tiny giggle slipped through her lips.

"Hm. Hmhm. Hmhmhm! Okay, when you look back at it, I guess it might be just a little funny. Hmhmhm! Hahaha!"

"Haha! H-Hey, Twilight! Can I come over for brunch next Saturday?"

"Sure, why not? I've only been waiting forever for you to visit. Just wait for me at the castle, and maybe I'll get back to you in a few hours! Don't worry, I'll leave you some company! Hahaha!"

Twilight and Sunset continued to laugh together for another a short while. Some passersby around the street gave the couple some odd looks, but neither of them cared. They were too busy laughing with each other to notice. The two girls just continued their glee until their lungs finally caught up to them.

"Hehe. Hey, Twilight," Sunset chuckled while catching her breath. "I thought you said it wasn't funny."

"You're horrible," Twilight smiled.

"Yeah? Then why were you laughing?"

"I don't know," Twilight blushed. "Because you're contagious."

Sunset smirked. "Maybe that's a good thing. You seem more cheery now then you were a few minutes ago. Isn't the whole point of today to cheer you up?"

"Hmm. Fair point. But if that's your objective, do you really think you can keep it up all day?"

"Oh, I am sure I can keep it up. With everything I have planned, I'd be surprised if you don't end the day smiling. Just follow my lead, and you won't be disappointed," Sunset started down the sidewalk again. "Come on."

"Right behind you," Twilight followed. "So, what exactly do you have planned for us today, anyway?"

"Just a few things. We're almost at our first stop, actually. I think you're really gonna like it."

"Really? What is it?"

"I'm not saying. It's a surprise. No spoilers."


"No spoilers!"

"Okay!" I can see who you've been spending some time with. "But if that's how it's gonna be, you can expect the same type of treatment when you come back to Equestria."

"As long as you don't leave me hanging for brunch, it's a deal."

Twilight rolled her eyes and smiled. Oh, Sunset.

The two friends continued their stroll, enjoying each other's company. They passed the time by recounting some of their most recent adventures to each other; Sunset told Twilight about the Friendship Games, and Twilight told Sunset about her newborn niece and her journey with Spike to the Dragon Lands. It was a nice way to pass the time, and soon, their stroll came to an end.

"Well, here we are," Sunset stopped in a front of a rather large structure. "This is our first stop."

Twilight inspected the building, unsure of what it was. "What is it? A library?"

"Not exactly," Sunset turned to Twilight, wearing a most knowing smile. "Tell me Twilight, how much do you know about this world?"

"Oh. Um...Not a lot, actually. But I'd really like to learn more."

"I know you do, Twilight. That's why I brought you here."

"Hmm?" That got Twilight's attention.

"Twilight, my dear friend, I present to you," Sunset paused for dramatic effect. "The Crystal-Canterlot History Museum!"

"Huh?" Twilight turned her attention back to the building. "It's a museum?!"

"That's right," Sunset began. "I know you, Twilight. You love to learn and do research. When you said you needed a vacation, I thought maybe learning a little more about this strange, new world would be a good way to help get your mind off things," Sunset smiled. "Just above these steps lies one of the best museum's in the world. This great institution holds so much knowledge on history, architecture, animals, people, and art from all over the world. It helped me learn a lot when I first starting living here, and now, I hope it helps you."

Twilight stared at the museum in awe. "It really holds that much information?"

"Well, that and a few bookstores that carry a few volumes over everything the museum covers. Hehe. This place is great. I really hope you like-"

"IT'S PERFECT, SUNSET!" Squeed an excited Twilight before grabbing a hand of an unsuspecting Sunset. "Come on, let's go!"

"Okay, Twi-LIIIIGHT!" Sunset shrieked as her friend dragged her up to the museum's entrance at great speed. "Slow down, Twilight! It's not a good idea for me to run on stairs-" *Smack!* Sunset tripped over the last step, face-first into the concrete ground. "Wearing...flip...flops..."

"SWEET CELESTIA! I'm so sorry, Sunset!"

"It's okay. I've played more than my fair share of sports with Rainbow Dash. A little face-plant like that doesn't do it for me anymore," Sunset assured as Twilight pulled her back up. "Let's just be thankful we made it to the top. Do I have anything on my face?"

"Um...No, it's still perfect."

"Okay," Perfect? "And thank you," Sunset took a deep breath. "Wow. You got pretty athletic there."

"I'm so sorry, Sunset! I just got excited because this place sounds so great! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"Relax. I'm fine, really."

"You sure?"

"Positive," Sunset nodded. "Why don't we go inside now, at a more...leisurely pace."

"Hehe...Sure, why not?" Twilight flushed.

Sunset walked up to the museum's entrance and opened the door. "After you."

"Thank you," Twilight entered with Sunset immediately following.

"Wow," Twilight marveled at the sight of the Crystal-Canterlot Museum's entrance hall.

The room's ground floor was occupied by large, oddly-shaped metal objects. From the ceiling hanged various, vaguely bird-shaped crafts. The room's second floor hosted bookstores, gift shops, and restaurants. Near the walls, Twilight could see hallways she could only assume to be paths to other attractions which Twilight definitely wanted to explore.

"I just...I don't even know what to...there are no words!" Twilight mumbled.

"Tell me about it. I've been here so many times, and I still get amazed by this place. But don't let first appearances fool you. This is just the National Air and Space exhibit. There's a lot more around here than just this."

Twilight began to tremble. "I can't just stand here! Where do we get tickets?"

"We don't have to worry about that, Twilight. Admission is free."


"Really," Sunset grabbed Twilight's hand. "Come on, I'll show you around."


Sunset guided her friend to one of the ground floor's attractions. "I bet you're wondering what this is."

"Oh, I am! Please, tell me!"

"With pleasure," Sunset cleared her throat and began her lecture. "I'm sure you noticed this world's lack of magic when you first came through the portal," Twilight nodded. "You see, until you and I came here, this world had no magic whatsoever. None. The sun and moon have always moved on their own, and no one has ever controlled the weather. Yet, the inhabitants here have been able to survive for millions of years. Isn't that amazing?"

Twilight listened in awe. "Incredible. How did they do it?"

"With knowledge and advanced technology, Twilight. What this world lacks in magic, it makes up for in technology. Through studying, hard work, and experimentation, this world has developed tools the likes of which Equestria has never seen! Even Equestria's most innovative inventions pale in comparison to the most modest creations here," Sunset shook her head. "The most stunning thing is that most of the technological wonders of this world were created in just its last century."


"Really. Well, I guess you could also argue they were created in the last two decades. But back to your question," Sunset pointed at the metal object in front of them. "This is a machine called a 'satellite'. These advanced, electronic devices store and process data and are sent to space by various organizations for different reasons," Sunset explained. "While each satellite's specific function varies, they generally have the same purpose: be sent into orbit to collect information or be a medium for communication. With these machines, society is able spread data anywhere across the world in a very small amount of time."

"Like our journals! Or Spike's magic breath!"

"Exactly! Only, there's one big difference: these are much more common," Sunset reached down and pulled a small object out of her pocket. "This is a cell phone. It's one of the most common devices that uses satellites for communication."

"Hey, I think I've seen our friends with those."

"You think correctly. Cell phones are very popular in this world. With these, people can call or message another person with a cell phone at almost any time. They're a lot like Spike except less supportive and more fragile and overpriced."

Twilight looked at both satellite and cell phone in wonder. "Wow. I didn't realize this world's technology was so advanced to the point of being comparable to magic. It's incredible," Twilight's attention then shifted to one of the large, vaguely bird-shaped attractions nearby. "Hey, what's that?"

"Oh, that? That is something," Sunset and Twilight walked over the object. "This is a high-speed aircraft called a 'jet'. It's primarily used for military air travel and warfare."


"Yes..." Sunset's voice became more somber. "Like everything else that's ever existed, this world has its dark side. If you read some history books from here, you'll notice this world's inhabitants have knack for war much more than ponies do; They happen fairly often, all across the world. And these wars aren't against some evil villain or mythical creature; They're against each other, sometimes for just reasons and other times trivial," Sunset sighed. "And it's actually through these wars that technology was able to flourish."

"Countries with opposing ideologies often came into conflict and with that came war. In order to combat their enemies, countries had to advance their resources to new levels. Through those circumstances, weapons like this jet were spawned, and technology grew like never before," Sunset took a deep breath. "Sometimes to very frightening levels."

"........How frightening?" Twilight tentatively asked.

Sunset shook her head. "Enough to ruin this world many times over."

"...My goodness."

"I know. Thankfully, that hasn't happened, and the world has moved on from that stage for the most part," Sunset breathed out.

Twilight shook her head. "That's...really scary, Sunset. I had no idea the citizens here could be so hostile," Twilight took another look at the jet. "Not like this."

"No kidding. This world has seen some people worse than any monster in Equestria," Sunset gave Twilight's hand a little squeeze. "But thankfully, there's always seems to be at least one person who tries to do better, and the people here have something special that helps them live through all the actions of those horrible brutes."

"Really?" Twilight looked up at Sunset. "What is it?"

"It's...something special. Something you actually know very well," Sunset turned to face her friend. "Look around you, Twilight. Do you see what some of the people here are doing? Those two are laughing together, that group over there is taking pictures, and those two are eating together. What does that all look like to you?"

Twilight observed Sunset's examples and thought. What is it? It definitely looks familiar. It's on the tip of my tongue. Just what-WAIT! It's... "Friendship. They have friendship."

"Exactly," Sunset smiled. "Even after every life-threatening conflict that they've seen, the people here still find a reason to give, to share, to smile, and laugh, and sing, and dance, and love and...so much more. It's just so...beautiful."

Now Twilight gave Sunset's hand a little squeeze. "It looks this world did have one kind of magic before we came."

"Ha. You're right," Sunset gave the jet one last look and sneered. "I'm getting bored here. Let's go check out some of the human culture exhibits!" Sunset excitedly said.

"What? We just got here!"

Sunset began to tug Twilight to an escalator. "Oh, you're not missing anything. Everything in this room is basically the same thing."

"I still want to know what they are!" Twilight whimpered as she struggled to slow down Sunset.

"Okay, those things hanging form the ceiling are airplanes, which are just slower jets, that thing near the wall is a different type of satellite, and that long, tube thing is a model rocket, which is just combination between a jet and satellite. Okay? Okay! Let's go!"


"Come on, I want to show you my favorite, foreign human culture exhibit! It's about a tribe from across the ocean who were extremely skilled in potion making, animal care, and talked in cryptic rhymes for no real reason! They were very friendly and helped a lot of other different tribes and explorers until they slowly and mysteriously faded away from society over time until they just completely disappeared. Doesn't that sound interesting?"

"Uh, it does, Sunset, but..." Sunset's words suddenly clicked in Twilight's head. "Actually......it sounds kind of familiar when I think about it."

"Great! Let's go!" Sunset pulled harder.



Twilight and Sunset really enjoyed their time spent together at the Crystal-Canterlot Museum. While initially reluctant to leave the museum's first attraction, Twilight really did delight in seeing all the different human culture exhibits, especially the Zecoran Tribe Sunset had been talking about. From there, Sunset took Twilight to the Archaeological exhibits, where they were able to dig up a fake mummy in an imitation archaeological site. After a quick dinner break, the duo explored the Natural History exhibit, took a tour through the National History exhibit, bought some replica stamps at the Postal exhibit, and admired foreign art exhibit after foreign art exhibit.

It was in the early evening when their time at the museum finally came to an end. After spending a few hours there, Sunset suggested they move on to their next stop on her schedule while there was still daylight. While Twilight would've been happy just spending the rest of day at the museum, she didn't mind leaving; The duo already visited every attraction the museum had to offer and then some. Besides, Sunset had a neatly organized and well written schedule, and Twilight was not one to deny a quality schedule, especially from a friend. Sunset and Twilight left the Crystal-Canterlot Museum and began heading to their next destination.

"You really didn't have to buy me these books, Sunset," Twilight looked down at her new gifts. "The dinner and stamps were more than enough."

"They were on sale at the gift shop, Twilight. They weren't much, really. Besides, I saw how you were looking at them, and what's a vacation without a few souvenirs, anyway?" Sunset teased.

"Haha. That's really thoughtful of you, Sunset, but still...I feel like I'm costing you a little too much."

"I've been preparing for today for a while, Twilight. Trust me, you're not."


Sunset gave Twilight a reassuring smile. "Promise."

"Well, in that case," Twilight tucked her books away. "Thank you, Sunset. I really appreciate it."

"My pleasure," Sunset winked.

Twilight blushed. "So where are we-" WAIT! Spoiler. "I mean, how much farther until we reach our next stop?"

"It'll be a bit of a walk, but it's not too far from here. We should be there in a little while," Sunset looked up at the sky. "I just hope the sun stays out long enough."

"Why? Does it close after dark?"

"Oh, no. We have plenty of time before it, uh, closes. I'm just hoping we don't let time slip away."

"Hmm," Twilight tapped her chin. "Time here is determined by the sun and moon's position, right? If you're really worried about it, we could pony-up and hold them in place."

"Hehe. Not a bad idea, Twilight, but we shouldn't do that here. The sun and moon in this world are supposed to move-"

"Kidding," Twilight smirked. "We're not even allowed to do that in Equestria, Sunset. I thought you knew that."

What the...Did she really just... "Well, what do you know? Princess Twilight can make a funny."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, nothing," Sunset innocently said.

Twilight playfully shook her head. "Just lead the way."

"Roger that."

Sunset continued to lead Twilight down the sidewalks of the city. Despite Sunset's earlier concern about the time, the two friends did not walk any faster than they started; They just walked at a normal, leisure pace, talking to each other, recounting their favorite moments in the museum.

As they were walking, Twilight noticed that they were seemingly heading back the way they originally came. It wasn't too long until they passed by Canterlot High again. At first glance, Twilight thought that the school was going to be their next stop, but it wasn't; Sunset and Twilight only briefly passed by the statue-portal before taking another route away from CHS. Oddly, the new path they were taking somehow felt very familiar to Twilight. She couldn't quite put her hoof on it, but she had definitely been down this route before. As they kept moving along, the buildings progressively began to disappear, being replaced with trees, and becoming even more familiar to Twilight. Soon, she understood why; the princess realized that Sunset had taken her to none other than-

"Sweet Apple Acres?" Twilight read the sign.


Well, that explains the déjà vu. "But I thought you said Applejack left for the beach with the others a few days ago."


"So...Then we're not here to see Applejack?"


Twilight raised her eyebrow. "Do you plan on talking like that throughout the entire time we're here?"


"Good," ...Hey! "So, why are we here then?"

"We're here so I can introduce you to somepony," Sunset finally began to talk normally again. "I think you'll be very surprised."

"Really? Who is it?"

"You'll see," Sunset reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone. "Just give me a minute."

Sunset tapped her phone's screen a few times before placing it by her ear. "Hey, Apple Bloom, it's me...Yeah, sorry about that. We ended up spending a little more time at the museum than I thought we would, but we're here now...Okay...Okay, thank you so much. See you in a bit," Sunset tapped her phone one last time and returned it to her pocket. "Okay, they're here," Sunset excitedly entered the farm. "Just follow me."

"Like I haven't done that enough today," Twilight happily followed.

Twilight and Sunset strolled through the farm, admiring the scenery. Of the few places she's seen in this world, Sweet Apple Acres definitely felt the most familiar to Twilight. With pigsties, hen houses, and orchards upon orchards of apple trees, the farm greatly resembled its Equestrian counterpart, with the only main differences being added structures and foreign machinery Twilight recognized from the Modern Agriculture exhibit in the museum.

Just as they were nearing Apple Family household, Sunset directed them to a medium-sized building nearby.

"Well, this is it," Sunset started. "I don't suppose you recognize this little shack, do you?"

"Umm...Actually, no. There isn't one of these buildings back on farm in Equestria."

Hehe. There's a reason for that. "What about the time we came here to practice the musical counter-spell?"

"Hmm...No, I still don't recognize it. I think I was a too busy trying to make the song to notice anything else here."

Sunset smiled. "Good. Then this will really be a surprise," Sunset walked up to the building and cracked open the doorway, not allowing Twilight to see. "Apple Bloom!" She shouted. "You in here?"

"Yeah, Sunset," A tiny voice replied. "Ah'm just gettin' her all set is all."

"You think she'll be ready soon?"

"Ah think she's 'bout ready now."

"Great. Bring her out when you're all done."

"Yes, ma'am."

Sunset opened the doors and eagerly walked back up to Twilight. "Okay, Twilight, they're coming. Just wait."

Curiosity was really setting into Twilight now. Just who could it be? Twilight leaned in an attempt to see just who exactly was inside the building. The inside was rather dark, not allowing for the perfect visual view, but Twilight could make out two silhouettes walking down a rather long hallway. Judging by the bow, one of them was most certainly Apple Bloom, but Twilight had no idea who the other one was. Whoever it was, they were tall, much taller than Apple Bloom. They were also large. Not freakishly large but still...big. Yet, despite the figure's forbidding size, Apple Bloom seemed to be one directing. They slowly descended down the hallway until they finally exited the door into the outdoors. Once outside, Twilight saw just who (or rather, what) exactly the figure was.

"It's a...pony?!"

Sunset firmly pattered her hand on Twilight's shoulder. "That's right!"

"I...I didn't think...I mean...wow."

Apple Bloom guided the big, brown equine off the stable's porch towards her two friends. "All right, Sunset, Ah cleaned her up, fed her, gave her a bridle, and put a saddle on her back. She's all rested and ready to go. Now," Apple Bloom squinted her eyes. "Will you hold up your end of the bargain?"

"You have my word, Apple Bloom," Sunset placed one hand on her heart and raised her other as if she were accepting office. "I will chaperone your troop next week. From dawn 'til dusk, I will help you and your friends on your all-day cookie crusade."

"Good," Apple Bloom handed Sunset the reins to the bridle. "Granny says to take good care of her and to bring her back before midnight," Apple Bloom grabbed a basket by the doorway and handed it to Sunset. "Ah also got ya'll some apples, fresh from the trees. Hope you like 'em," Apple Bloom then began to leave. "Ya'll have fun."

"Thanks, Apple Bloom!" Sunset waved. She began petting the horse before turning her attention to her friend. "There you are, girl. How are you doing? I missed you, too...You just gonna stand there staring, Twilight?"

Twilight shook off her shock. "I'm sorry, Sunset. It's just...I wasn't sure if this world actually had ponies, let alone any that looked like this," *Gasp!* "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that!"

"It's okay, Twilight. We know you didn't. I had the exact same reaction when I first saw them," Sunset continued petting. "Well, you gonna greet her? She got all cleaned up to meet you, Twi. It'd be pretty rude not to say hello."

"Uh, right," Twilight slowly approached the mare. "Hello, Madam. My name is Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship from the land of Equestria. It is so nice to meet you, Miss."

Sunset snickered. "Her name is Patty."

"Oh. Please pardon me, Miss Patty. I was uninformed of your name," *Clears throat.* "I see that you have built a bond with my friend, Sunset. I hope that you and I can also become friends. It would be an honor. Perhaps we can learn a lot from each other about our respective worlds."

"Haha. She doesn't talk, Twilight."

"Oh......Riiiight," Twilight slowly nodded. "None of the other animals here talk, makes sense she wouldn't. Also explains why you've been petting her muzzle without asking for her consent first," Twilight observed Patty more. She took note of how different Patty's proportions were to the ponies' of Equestria; Her muzzle was much longer, the lower half of her legs looked unhealthily thin, and, most noticeably, she was absolutely gigantic, easily the biggest pony Twilight had ever seen.

"Unreal. She looks almost exactly like the Canterlot High statue. I always thought that thing was just an artist's weird rendition of what ponies looked like."

"Haha. Really?" Sunset thought. "Well, then again, isn't our species called 'my little ponies'?"

"Oh, you're right. Wait. Do you think our species is named in relation to the ponies from here?"

"Maybe. Who knows?" Sunset shrugged.

Today just got much weirder.

"Hey, why don't you pet her? I think she'd like it."

"Um...okay," Twilight walked up and gave Patty a few pats on the head. "Like this?" Twilight shivered.

"Hmm," I see you need a little more encouragement. Sunset reached down at the basket and picked up an apple. "Here, feed her this."

"Uh, okay. How?" Sunset handed Twilight the apple.

"Just hold out the apple to her. Don't worry, you'll be fine."

"Okay," Twilight did as instructed.

Twilight's offering was immediately detected by Patty. Seeing the apple placed in front her, Patty lowered her head and began to consume her treat. All the while Patty was chewing, Twilight was shaking, afraid that the big horse would bite her hand off. Thankfully, Patty soon finished her meal, and Twilight's fear did not come true. Just after finishing the apple, Patty lifted her head and let out a gentle whinny.

"Aw. She likes you, Twilight."

"Really?" Twilight immediately got an answer to her question; Just after she asked, Patty lowered her head and nuzzled Twilight's face. "Hehehe. Oh! Oh my! She sure is affectionate."

"Go on, pet her."

"Hehe. Okay," Twilight attempted to pet the horse once again, only this time, the results were different; This time, Twilight genuinely tried to pet Patty, and Patty enjoyed it, causing Twilight to enjoy it.

"Aw. She does like me."

Bingo. "Do you like her?"

Twilight looked at the horse and answered. "Yes...Yes, I do. She's very nice and soft...kinda cute, too."

Yes! Sunset walked up to the pair of new friends. "Yeah, she's definitely the prettiest pony on the farm."

"Huh? There are more?"

"You bet. Horses are very popular assets on ranches like this."

"Really? What are they used for?"

"Well, they can be used for riding, transport, pulling carts, carrying stuff, plowing fields," Sunset then remembered glue, milk, and certain delicacies. "And, uh, other useful things."

"That's nice."

"Hehe. Yes..." Oh, Celestia, please never let her know.

"You're a very useful pony, aren't ya?" Twilight complimented Patty.

Never let her know. "Well, now that we got introductions out of the way, how about we head off to our last stop?"


"Yeah, the daylight is almost out."

"Aw," Twilight looked at her new friend. "And I was just starting to like you."

"Oh, don't worry about that," Sunset smirked. "She's coming with us. We're riding her there."

Twilight stared at Sunset in disbelief. "...Excuse me?"

"You heard me," Sunset climbed up the stirrup and mounted herself on top of Patty's saddle. "Hop on," Sunset offered her hand.

Twilight was still processing the situation. The last time she road on anypony's back was when she was being foalsitted by Cadence, but here she was, a full grown mare (so to speak), being told to ride on the back of the biggest pony she had ever seen. The situation was all-in-all very strange, but Sunset hadn't disappointed Twilight at all that day, and there was no reason to start doubting her now.

"All right," Twilight grabbed Sunset's hand and clumsily mounted herself behind Sunset.

"Hehe. Comfy?"

"I suppose," Twilight felt a very peculiar feeling the moment she mounted on Patty. While she may have been a powerful alicorn in Equestria, Twilight was but a mere human here. However, the same could not be said about the horse below her; Patty was big and strong. This horse had power. and Twilight could feel it under her, and it felt scary. Yet, the thought of her riding such a powerful animal was also quite intriguing. This wouldn't be like flying through the sky or teleporting some great distance because, unlike those examples, she would have no control over this; Instead, she would be completely under the mercy of this animal, and that felt thrilling. Yes, Twilight couldn't deny it; The thought of riding this horse filled her with excitement. "I'm ready!"

"Good. Now, you might want to wrap your arms around my waist for safety. We're going to be traveling pretty fast."

Twilight didn't need to be told twice. "Okay!" She blushed as she wrapped her arms around Sunset.

"Okay, Twilight, we're about to head off to our last stop of the day, and we're going to be riding fast," Sunset hyped. "Are you ready?"

Twilight held herself more tightly to Sunset. "Yeah!"

"All right, then," Sunset whipped the reins "Giddy-up, Patty!"

Patty let out a strong neigh and began to gallop across the field.

"YEAH! THAT'S IT, GIRL!" Sunset shouted. "How you holding up, Twi?"

Twilight shivered but retained her composure. "I'm fine. This actually isn't so bad. I thought she would be much-" Sunset whipped the reins. "FASTER! EEK!"

And so, Twilight and Sunset sped off on horseback into the horizon, heading off to the final destination of their vacation.


"Whoa, Patty! Whoa!" Sunset commanded. "Down, girl! Down!"

The big mare slowed down to a stop as Sunset pulled back the reins of her bridle.

"Good girl," Sunset gave Patty a good pat on the head. "Well, we're here. How'd you like the ride, Twilight?"

"It was..." Twilight tried to still her chattering teeth. "Exhilarating."

"Ha. Yeah, you'll get used to it," Sunset hopped off Patty. "Need a hoof?"

"Sure," Twilight accepted Sunset's hand and climbed off Patty. "Thanks."

"No prob," Sunset then turned her attention to the horse. "Now, let's make sure you don't runoff anywhere," Sunset guided Patty to a small tree and tied her reins to one of its branches. "There. That'll hold ya. You stay put while Twilight go have our fun, okay? Good girl," Sunset turned back to Twilight. "Okay, let's go."

"Right," Twilight followed. As they were walking, Twilight decided to observe their current surroundings in an attempt to collect herself.

They appeared to be in some secluded area in Sweet Apple Acres. The ground was green and mostly flat with a number of medium-sized trees that partially blocked the sun and bushes that spread across the land up to a sandy shoreline of a wide river. With each step the duo took, a twig and/or leaf would snap and crunch beneath their feet. Though not necessarily terrible, the sight was definitely less than pleasing.

After following the flow of the river for a short time, Sunset spoke. "So, what do you think of this place, Twilight?"

"Oh...It's uh-"

"A little dark, gloomy, and the typical setting for a low-budget, teen, slasher-film, right?"

"No, no, Sunset. It's, uh...It has ambiance."

"Hehe. You don't have to pretend, Twilight. I don't like this particular part of Sweet Apple Acres, either."

"Really?" Twilight questioned. "Then why are we here?"

"We're here..." Sunset grabbed Twilight's hand. "For this," Sunset gently pulled Twilight through some bushes to reveal their true destination.

Twilight's eyes sparkled at the sight before her. From her feet started a long, sandy beach that trailed up to the river. The foliage and branches that covered the darkening sky had disappeared, allowing the sun to shine its bright, orange light over a beautiful, blue lake. The lake's tranquil water shimmered under the sun's light after each one of its waves, inviting both of the girls to jump in and enjoy its cool water. Truly, this was one of nature's most beautiful creations.

"This...This place is...amazing," Twilight whispered. "Let's go."

"Wait," Sunset stopped Twilight before she could take a step. "Take off your shoes. Trust me, there is hardly anything more annoying than having sand in your boots."

Twilight nodded and pulled off her boots while Sunset kicked off her flip-flops. They set their respective footwear aside by the bushes and began to walk down the beach to the lake.

"Ow! Hot! Hot! Hot!"

"Hehe. Oh yeah, I probably should've mentioned that the feet here are more sensitive than hooves."

"Ow! Yes, that probably would've been nice to know, Sunset! Ow! This never happened to me in Equestria," Twilight hopped around the stones and sand. "Ow! Hey, wait. Why isn't it bothering you?"

"I've been here plenty of times with the girls," Sunset shrugged. "I'm just used to it, I guess."

"Ow! Lucky, you. I can't take this!" Twilight abandoned her friend and made an agonizing dash across the beach, took a seat at the edge of the shoreline, and soaked her feet into the cool lake. "Ahh...much better."

"Mind if I join you?" Sunset took a seat beside Twilight and immersed her feet in the lake as well. "Ahh...I never get tired of that."

"I'll say," Twilight softly said. "This water is really soothing."

"It's the human body; They're much more sensitive than our pony ones, meaning you can burn your feet on the sand, or" Sunset lied down on her back and rested her head on her hands. "Give you the most relaxing, soothing sensation you ever felt in the water."

"I'll say," Twilight cooed. "I don't think I've ever enjoyed the feeling of water this much before. Hey, want to go for a swim?"

"Sure but a little later. Right now, I just want lie back, soak my feet, and relaaaax."


While her friend was lying down and at peace, Twilight was lightly kicking her feet in the water, enjoying its blissful feeling and the summer breeze. As she kicked, she noticed the small, round appendages attached to her feet. Twilight had noticed them before during the few times she had been in this world, but this was the first time she gave them any actual attention. Hmm. I think Sunset called them "toes." They're like fingers but for feet. She tried to flex them and make them move like the fingers on her hands, but the most she could do was make them wiggle, causing her to giggle. Or not. Why do we even have these on our feet? Hmhmhm!

Sunset opened an eye. "What's with all the ruckus?"

"Hmhmhm! Oh, nothing. The human body is just a little strange is all."

"Ha. Yeah, it is, but hey, I like it. It's nowhere near as practical as my pony form, but I think my human body looks pretty cute."

Twilight admired the resting Sunset after her statement. "Hmm. I agree, but, personally...I think you make a cuter pony."

That got both of Sunset's eyes open. "You...really mean that, Twilight?" Sunset sat up.

Twilight blushed. "I do."

"Well...Thank you," Sunset smiled.

"You're welcome," Twilight scooted a little closer. "And thank you for everything you've done today."

"Heh. It was nothing. Just trying to help out a friend."

Twilight smiled. About that.... "Hey, Sunset, may I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead."

Twilight slowly leaned in closer to her friend. "Why didn't you go to the beach with the others?"

Sunset rubbed her arm. "Well-I mean, you told me you weren't feeling well. Helping you sounded a lot more important than some silly, little beach vacation."

Silly? "That's funny. Judging by your messages, it sounded like you were pretty excited to go."

"Well...Okay, maybe a little."

"You could've gone with them, Sunset. I wouldn't have mind."

"No way," Sunset playfully shook her head. "I wouldn't do that to you, Twilight. I couldn't do that, not after everything you've done for me. It wouldn't be right."

"Sunset, I've never helped you with the intention of you paying back the favor. I've helped you before because I wanted to help you."

"That's the same reason I didn't go with them, Twilight; I want to help you. I had to because..." Sunset blushed. " Because I see you as my best friend."

Twilight's eyes sparkled. "You do, Sunset?"

"Hehe," Sunset took a deep breath. "I know we didn't meet on the best terms, but, from the very first moment I saw you, everything changed."

"Before we met, I was a pretty bad girl, one that only cared for herself, but after we," *Ahem.* "Introduced ourselves, you used the Elements of Harmony to free me from my...Let's say 'Wicked ways,'?" Twilight giggled. "Now, everything's different; I'm an all new girl with a bunch of new friends, a better life, and I'm so much more happy now. And it's all thanks to you," Sunset winked.

Twilight smiled at Sunset's gesture but didn't seem to entirely agree. "That's really sweet of you, Sunset, but, with all due respect, you're wrong."


Twilight slid one of her hand's over Sunset's. "I don't think the Elements of Harmony ever changed you; They just took away the dark magic that you were possessing. That's all the Elements did. You're still the same girl you've always been. Nothing about you has changed. You've just...Finally let your walls come down and gave friendship a chance. You're still the same Sunset Shimmer," Twilight interlocked her fingers with Sunset's. "It's you that everyone loves, Sunset, not what the Elements did to you. Please, never think of it any different."

Sunset was left in awe by Twilight's words. I've...never thought of it that way before. "See, that's why I see you as my best friend, Twilight; Because of things like this. I think I...connect with you more than I do with anyone else. I trust you more. I've shared things with you in our journals that I haven't told to anyone else."

Twilight leaned in a little more. "Likewise."

"I guess that's why I...decided to stay behind and have a day with you all to myself."

Twilight placed her free hand over her mouth and snickered. "I knew it," She leaned in more and gave Sunset a little peck on the cheek. "How sweet."

Sunset delicately touched her now-reddened cheek. "What was that?"

"I don't know, but it felt right," Twilight then rested her head on Sunset's shoulder. "I hope you don't mind."

Sunset leaned her head over Twilight's. "Not at all."

"You know, you could've just told me you wanted to spend the day with me," Twilight snuggled. "I would never mind getting to spend the day with my best friend."

With your...? YES! "Ha. Getting you to come over here to make you feel better wasn't just an excuse just to spend the day with you, Twilight; I really wanted to help. I mean, have you read what you've been through? Your new niece almost freezing the Crystal Empire, helping Spike go through the Gauntlet of Fire, fixing Applejack's farm problems, setting up Rarity's new boutique? Yeesh!"

"Hehe. Yeah, it's been a pretty rough season. Thankfully, I'm on vacation now."

"Hmm...How's it going so far?"

"Well, today I've learned a lot about this world by going to one of its greatest museums, I've met and rode this world's version of a pony, and my feet are currently soaking in the most refreshing water I've ever felt, and I did all of that with you by my side. I think it's off to a pretty good start."

"Glad I could help," Sunset then look up and noticed the sun's position. "And I think it's about to get better."


"Just keep following the sun, and you'll see."

Twilight did as she was told and shifted her attention toward the bright star. Its position was very low and was gradually descending more to the west. The golden light that had shined over the Twilight and Sunset had become orange and was turning the clear evening sky pink. Save for the flowing water, everything around the two friends had become quiet. The entire world seemed to have paused and admire the sun's final, beautiful appearance of the day. Unknown to Twilight, the star's last gift was only beginning; Just before it had completed setting itself over the horizon, the sunset's brilliant rays of light shined directly over the lake in front of the two friends. The clear, blue water of the lake was now shimmering with bright sparkles all across its surface under the sunset's warm lights, inviting the two friends to come in and bask in its natural beauty.

"Unreal..." Twilight breathed out.

"I know. I've been here plenty of times before. and I still get shivers," Sunset looked down at her still submerged feet. "Can't you just feel the sparkles?"

Twilight lightly kicked her feet in the water. "Yeah...I can."

"Well, this spectacle will only last about another nineteen minutes," Sunset got up and began to remove her bracelets. "How about we go for that swim now and really enjoy it while we can?"

Twilight beamed. "Okay!" She got up and began to untie her bow tie when she noticed Sunset staring off at the distance. "Hey, what wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am," Sunset chuckled as she came back to reality. "Sorry. It's just...I love the sunset here," She stared off again.

Twilight admired her friend, shaking her head. She can be so adorable sometimes. "Yeah...I love the sunset here, too."

"Yeah..." Sunset began removing her bracelets again. "I'm sorry. I just lost it there for a sec. Why don't we just go in and-"

"Wait," Twilight stopped her friend. "I...want to talk to you about something before we go in, if that's okay."

"Uh, sure. We got some time left," Sunset turned to Twilight. "What is it?"

Twilight walked up to Sunset, smiling and hands held together. "Sunset, I...I want to thank you for everything you've done for me today. I haven't felt this good in days. I've been through so much lately, but now...it feels like all this weight has been lifted off of me. Thank you, Sunset."

Sunset warmly smiled. "Think nothing of it. It's been my pleasure, Princess Twilight," Sunset bowed her head. "It's just what-"

"Best friends do for each other?"

Sunset gently nodded. "Yeah. Best friends."

"Yes. About that..." Twilight twirled a finger around her hair as she began to blush. "I was...wondering if um..."

"Yeah?" Sunset took a step closer.

"If you'd like to...I mean..." Twilight took a deep breath and slowly let it out before looking into Sunset's glittering eyes. "Starlight doesn't have to be my only student, Sunset."

Only student? "You mean...You want me to-"

"Come back with me to Equestria, live with me at the castle, and become my personal student on friendship," Twilight took both of Sunset's hands and held them between the two. "And also maybe...become something...more? Something I think we can only teach each other."

"You...mean love, don't you?"

Twilight face became as crimson as Sunset's hair. "Yes...I think we can teach each other about love."

"Twilight," Sunset lightly squeezed her hands. "I would be honored to be your pupil, and I will gladly accept your offer...later."


Sunset sighed. "This place, this world...It's where all my friends are. Everyone here likes who I am. For the first time in my life, I feel I'm finally accepted. It's...my home," Sunset sorrowfully shook her head. "I can't just leave it, yet."


"My time here can't last forever; I don't think I'll be able to stick around after graduation for...reasons," Sunset shook her head. "There are just somethings you and I can never do here. I want to enjoy my friends while still I can, if you think you can wait."

"How long will that be?"

"...A while," Sunset frowned. "I'm so sorry."

"I understand," A teardrop slowly descended down Twilight's face. "Hehe...Typical, Sunset. Always making me wait."

"We can still visit each other in the meantime," Sunset wiped off Twilight's tear. "Until that day finally arrives."

"I'd like that. Thank you," *Sniff.* "If I learned anything from you today, it's that good things come to those who wait."

"It's not that I want you to make you wait, Twilight."

"I know."

Sunset placed her arms around Twilight's waist and pulled her closer. "I'll go back to you, someday," Sunset slowly leaned in closer. "I promise," Sunset closed the distance between her and Twilight's face and planted her lips on Twilight's.

"Hmm!" Twilight was initially shocked from Sunset's affection but soon wrapped her arms around Sunset's neck and returned the kiss. "Mmm."



Author's Note:

Disclaimer* I do not claim to be an expert on Equestrian Girls history or society. All plot points presented here were made for purely entertainment reasons. Also, this isn't the multi-chapter SunLight fic I promised. Still working on that (I'm a completionist).

This story was mostly made to give Twilight and Sunset a day together. That's something I really want in the show/movies; Sunset hanging out with Twilight just for the sake of hanging out, not because of some evil forces plotting the downfall of something.

I got the idea for the lake from the episodes Keep Calm and Flutter On and Leap of Faith. In each of those episodes, the Apple Family appeared to have some form water running on their land, so I combined them to make a place where Sunset and Twilight could spend some quality time together.

You will not believe everything I went through trying to write this thing. The first week, I hurt my back at the gym and decided to rest up and heal. The next week, I suffered from some serious writer's block and spent some nights just staring at my laptop. Next, my family surprised me with a surprise trip to a museum (ironic, isn't it?). Then after that, some sad family news came in that needed my personal attention. Then some family actually came and visited for a week and I had to entertain them (It was fun. I taught my cousin how to solve a Rubik's Cube). Of course, that inspired my mother to decide to take the family to visit my uncle six hours away, driving there one day and coming back the very next. Oh yeah, and during this entire ordeal, my Wifi decided to go on the fritz. I cannot tell you how many times I had to rewrite and how many things were lost because my Internet acted up and wouldn't allow me to save my progress. I'm beat :ajsleepy:. If I learned anything from this, it's that sometimes it's best to forget the schedule and move at your own pace.

Well, I think I'll finally listen to the signs life has been giving me and take the next few days off. At this point, I need it. But I'll be back to writing before the end of the week. I already have the ground work laid out for my next few projects :raritywink:.

Hope you enjoy this one. Have a good one.

Comments ( 140 )

This was a good little one-shot. Okay, maybe not little but you know what I mean. Great work!

Awesome fic, well written nicely paced you gotta sunlight

7384389 Ha. Thanks Bricklayer. Always make the story as long as it needs to be :twilightblush:

7384395 Thanks! I do love me some SunLight

This was a really good story, sadly its one shot though :c
I look forward to your other story !!!
And Twilight / Sunset Friendship Carries On Through The Ages so you have nothing to worry about ;3

7384493 Ha. I actually did consider putting that song in the story, but I didn't think it fit the tone. Thank you so much :raritywink:

Oh man, this was adorable! And you wrote it very nicely, I like how much you described their day of hanging out together!

7384673 so glad you liked it :twilightsmile: Thank you so much. PS I like your username.

Well, that was an ordeal. I love this story's tone and plot. It was nice to read, and it was definitely worth the 30+ minutes I spent reading it. SunLight really is an awesome ship, and you are an awesome SunLight writer.

Good job. :twilightsmile:

7384707 I didn't realize I made the story that long! :pinkiegasp: Sorry :twilightsheepish:

I really love this one shot! :raritystarry:

The pacing is really good, it is well written and the moments with Sunset and Twilight is very sweet, especially at the very end. All the effort you put into writing this story really paid off. Definitely earned a spot for my top favorite SunLight stories on this site!

Well done! :twilightsmile:

7384755 Music to my ears. Thanks, sonicfan05 :raritywink:

This was a nice simple day for both girls and I think they both needed it.

7385200 I couldn't agree more. Sometimes, that's all I want the characters to do :twilightsmile:

"Can't you just feel the sparkles?"

Does it brighten up your day?

Cute. Your writing is a bit rough around the edges, but you've got it where it counts. Keep up the good work.


Seconding the crazy-looking Eliatrope here. Keep at it, refine your work but don't lose what you've already got.

"With knowledge and advanced technology, Twilight. What this world lacks in magic, it makes up for in technology. Through studying, hard work, and experimentation, this world has developed tools the likes of which Equestria has never seen! Even Equestria's most innovative inventions pale in comparison to the most modest creations here," Sunset shook her head. "The most stunning thing is that most of the technological wonders of this world were created in just its last century."

From what we saw, Equestria is technologicaly at the begining of 20th century. So they will probably have the same technological development during next 100 years.

"Yes..." Sunset's voice became more somber. "Like everything else that's ever existed, this world has its dark side. If you read some history books from here, you'll notice this world's inhabitants have knack for war much more than ponies do; They happen fairly often, all across the world. And these wars aren't against some evil villain or mythical creature; They're against each other, sometimes for just reasons and other times trivial," Sunset sighed. "And it's actually through these wars that technology was able to flourish."

The world where Sunset is, is close alternate reality of Equestrian world. So it should have similar history. It isn't close alternate reality of our Earth. It always shows lack of imagination when writers aply our history to world that practicaly doesn't have anything in common with our history.

"Really? What are they used for?"

"Well, they can be used for riding, transport, pulling carts, carrying stuff, plowing fields," Sunset then remembered glue, milk, and certain delicacies. "And, uh, other useful things."

Very useful things.

"That's nice."

"Hehe. Yes..." Oh, Celestia, please never let her know.

"You're a very useful pony, aren't ya?" Twilight complimented Patty.

Never let her know.

(Un)Fortunately for her, everyone's favourite Book Horse/Girl will find out about the more 'useful' uses of ponies and horses, with or without her having to explain it all.

Aw, that was really sweet. This is definitely my favorite pairing. :yay: Fun to see Sunset giving Twilight a more in-depth introduction to the human world. I wish we could see more of the two of them just talking, but then we don't get enough Sunset screen time as is anyway.

If she reacted like that to a pony, imagine her reaction to a CLYDESDALE. Especially the stallions. :trollestia:

I'm dead. I'm fucking dead. The interactions that led to romance in this one-shot? Beautiful. The description of the sunset at the lake? I was in awe like Twilight from imagining it. Sunset having Twilight wait until high school graduation to return to Equestria? I almost shed a tear.

It's been a fairly long time since I read a one-shot this well written. 10/10 in my book :twilightsmile:

The only quibble I had with this fic was how Twilight didn't have any pain in her legs from riding Patty. For somepony that never rode a horse before, there should have been at least some muscle atrophy.

Then again, they didn't go very far; that sort of thing increases with time.

It's just a small quibble; not enough to ruin the story.

7385495 Writing some SunLight usually brightens up my day :twilightsmile:

7385529 Heh. I know I still got a lot to learn about writing :twilightblush:. Thanks for liking my story :raritywink:

7385816 I just hope I'm not the one who has to tell her :twilightblush:

7385862 Thank you! :raritystarry: SunLight is one of my absolute favorite ships. I wish we could see more Sunset in the show. (Come on, writers, let her visit).

7386094 I actually did consider putting a Clydesdale, but I decided to pony simple and pretty, sort of like the one in Friendship Through the Ages.

7386146 :pinkiegasp: No, live! You must live! Haha. Thank you so much :twilightsmile:

7386184 Thank you :raritywink:. I haven't rode many horses, so I wouldn't know :twilightblush:.


Actually, I never really considered it until after reading one of Mercedes Lackey's books.

I really enjoyed this! Excellent writing here despite some minor errors, but you brought out the chemistry of Twilight and Sunset beautifully here! :twilightsmile:


My only objection? You set up a lovely skinny dipping scene, and then the fiction ends!


7386860 Haha sorry :twilightblush:. I knew someone would point that out. I don't think it would've been much of a problem considering they're actually ponies who normally don't wear clothes, but I decided to leave it out to keep the E rating. Sorry

So much Sap. Sap EVERYWHERE! I feel like a CMC after a crusade...

...and I love it!

7387093 Thank you :twilightsmile:. Love that episode.

Once again, another great story! Keep'em coming!
The Sunlight shines on! :scootangel:

7387286 Thank you! I'll keep trying :raritywink:

Nice story!

Though I thought satellite cell phones were quite rare. Most use cell towers, don't they?

7387704 Hehe...maybe. I'm not he best with technology. Oops :twilightblush:

I'd like a sequel to this please.
Where they actually enter the relationship.

7388164 With all the requests I've been getting, I am now considering one sequel. I just have to find the right fit if I'm going to do it.

All have you know

I'll have you know

She's does

She does

I'm sorry, I really am. I love SunLight, and want to like this, but two extremely distracting errors in as many minutes just makes me uninterested in making the attempt to get invested. Will keep an eye out to see if you get this edited at some point.

Might want to clean up the dialogue a bit too. Onomatopoeia's for laughing/sighing and stuff like that are fine in some mediums, in this it just doesn't work and detracts from the conversation. It's more readable to say something like: "Twilight giggled and said 'Something something.'" rather than "'Hahaha. Something something.'"

Aaaand it slowly but surely morphed into a shipfic. AND you just turned down the opportunity for the perfect skinny dipping scene. *Facedesk onto horizontal-standing pencil*

7390301 sorry :twilightblush: wanted to keep the E rating.

This fanfic has made me question the purpose of toes.

7390172 I'm sorry about that. My proofreaders and I went through the story plenty of times, but I guess we still missed a few.

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