• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 36,562 Views, 1,017 Comments

The Moonstone Cup - Cyanide

Twilight is invited to Canterlot to compete with some of the greatest unicorns in Equestria!

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Trixie's Sidestory: Within A Mile Of Home

I had met Twilight Sparkle's family that day, at the hospital. They were nothing like I expected. She was Princess Celestia's protege, her brother the captain of the city guard, their parents, though not nobles, both respected gentleponies from a landed family. I had definitely not expected them all to be so... nice. So much like Twilight herself, really. Even Princess Mi Amore Cadenza - "Call me Cadence!" - was... nice. Meeting them was a strange experience.

I hadn't intended to. After exhausting myself with my lightning rod spell I essentially passed straight out, and when I awoke I was at the Canterlot hospital with Fluttershy and two nurses fussing over me. I felt better than I should have, and Fluttershy explained that the princesses had helped Twilight, Al-Dhi'b and I after our exertions last night. I took care of some perfunctory conversation with the doctor and then left. That's when Fluttershy and I ran into Twilight's family in the hallway.

There were introductions all around and Shining Armor congratulated me on how well I'd done in the tournament and at protecting Canterlot. I didn't let on, of course, but I was flattered; Shining Armor, though a specialist in defensive magic, was well-known for his own strength and ability, so he knew powerful magic when he saw it.

We spoke, briefly. Twilight Velvet and Night Light asked if I was friends with their daughter, and Fluttershy intervened on my behalf and said that, yes, of course we were all friends, that I had even been staying with them while I was in Canterlot. I bristled at that a bit, but... well, I suppose it was true.

"So, Trixie, where are you from?" Princess Cadence asked.

I pushed my mane back as best I could. "Hoofington," I replied, trying and failing to match Cadence's beyond-sunny disposition. "Though Trixie has not been back in quite some time."

"I hear it's a nice town. Do your parents live there?" Shining Armor followed up, without missing a beat. Even if everypony in Equestria didn't know about the wedding of the century, it was obvious they were married.

"Yes," I said. "Trix- Erm, they've both lived in Hoofington their whole lives. I suppose I should go visit some time."

"Oh, yes," Twilight Velvet said, in a sing-song voice. "I'm sure your parents would love to hear about all the things you've been doing." Her husband nodded quietly next to her.

I had to make my excuses, but it really was genuinely nice to meet them. It was also interesting; judging by Twilight Velvet's reaction to my suggesting going back to Hoofington, I had to assume that Twilight Sparkle didn't visit her own parents very often.

The rest of the morning passed quickly. Princess Luna appeared and gave me Celestia's apologies that she couldn't be there personally. I assumed that meant that my promised new wagon was going to be delayed or never materialize at all, but when Luna brought us out to the road, there it was, all expensive hoof-turned wood and shiny lacquer. Neither of my previous wagons had been at all this nice. It even had a folding stage and awning already built in, so I wouldn't have to have it modified.

"I hope that this will meet with thy approval, Trixie?" Luna asked. She had an absurdly hopeful tone in her voice, as if I was about to cut down a gift from the princesses.

"It's wonderful, thank you," I said.

I definitely meant it that time.

She left and I began to examine my new cart. The frame was all good, sturdy oak pieced together with very high-quality joinery. The undercarriage was made of lightweight aluminum with a set of steel shocks, so it would be sturdy, ride well and not be too heavy to pull. The body was all hoof-turned and painted wood and veneer. I was no wagonwright but after doing lots of maintenance work on my wagons I could at least tell good construction from bad, and this was very good construction. To be frank, I would never have been able to afford it on my own. Still, never let it be said that Trixie would turn down a gift from a fan!

I was just strapping myself into the harness when Twilight Sparkle and her friends appeared. They had a pegasus with them that seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite place her. Twilight and I spoke briefly about where we were each going. I said that I was planning to head back to Hoofington to see my parents. Twilight said that she was going to go back to Canterlot and do the same. Fluttershy invited me to stay with her if I returned to Ponyville. After that, we went our separate ways.

It's nice to have friends. I hope things worked out with Twilight and her family.

I headed away from Canterlot. Hoofington was, after all, quite a long trip, so the sooner I got on the road the sooner I'd be home. On the other hoof, there are a number of good performance spots between Canterlot and Hoofington...