• Published 28th Nov 2011
  • 36,565 Views, 1,017 Comments

The Moonstone Cup - Cyanide

Twilight is invited to Canterlot to compete with some of the greatest unicorns in Equestria!

  • ...

Trixie's Sidestory: Stand My Ground

"Trixie? Trixie, are you alright?"

I opened my eyes and there she was. Again.

Twilight Sparkle had been the bane of my existence for nearly a year, ever since I made the stupid mistake of taking my show to a backwards nowhere town like Ponyville. I tried and tried to get my show back together, but everywhere I went, that story about my humiliation got there first. I only went to Ponyville because it was near Canterlot in the first place. It was only supposed to be a short stop to make a few bits and get a good night's sleep before I presented myself for the princesses!

Four months. It took me four months before I managed to get another decent show together. It's not as though a travelling magic show pays extremely well anyway, so I couldn't really afford to be out of work that long. Let's just say that I can no longer say that odd jobs are beneath me. What can I say, a girl needs to eat.

In any event, I finally managed to get my career off the ground again, and that's when the insomnia started. Every single night, I'd lie awake. I'd just see Twilight Sparkle's smug face in front of me, laughing. That's when I found time to study and really start improving my raw magical power. Sleep was getting better. By the time I got my invitation to the Moonstone Cup tournament, I was feeling much better and was sleeping three or four hours a night instead of being up for days on end and then crashing.

Opening my eyes to see Twilight Sparkle's face was a new experience, but not a very welcome one. I didn't need her fake concern. She had what she wanted, after all. She had the Mimic Medallion, not me. She was moving on to the semi-finals, not me. It wouldn't have stung so badly if she hadn't felt the need to embarrass me during the qualifying rounds. As it was, it was obvious that she'd made a fool out of me and even the adjudicators were judging me harshly for it.

"Trixie?" she asked again. She reached out a hoof and patted my cheek, and that's when I kicked her.

It hurt. A lot. I must have pulled something jumping between her stupid golems, because my leg felt torn up inside. I got a certain satisfaction from seeing Twilight Sparkle with a hoofprint on her shoulder, though. She shrieked and jumped back.

I dragged myself to my feet and tried to stay off my injured foreleg. "Trixie is just fine!" I said. At least, that's what I tried to say. It came out more like a mumble. I was just so tired.

"Trixie," she said, still wearing that infuriating look of mock concern. "You don't look fine."

Fine. She wanted to play this game, I could play. So I let her have it.

"Just buck off!" I yelled. It hurt my throat, but I didn't care. Twilight Sparkle looked shocked, playing her little miss goody-four-shoes act to the hilt. "Trixie doesn't need your help! You ruined Trixie's life! Trixie lost all of her possessions in your little manure-hole town because of you and your friends! I finally got back on my hooves, and here you are to take it all away again!"

I didn't mean to start crying, it just sort of happened. She was taken aback, and then she put on her concerned face again.

"Trixie knows all about you!" Crying or not, she was going to get a well-deserved piece of my mind. "Sucking up to the princesses, scamming invitations to the Grand Galloping Gala! You even got given a pet dragon!"

"Wait," she tried to interrupt me, suddenly acting affronted. "Spike is not a-"

"Shut up!" I cut her off. "It is Trixie's turn to-"


I woke up later. Blacking out wasn't a particularly unfamiliar experience, but waking up in an actual bed was. I sat up, blinking to try to get my sight back.

"Um... Trixie?"

It certainly wasn't Twilight Sparkle's voice, so things were already looking up. A yellow-and-pink blur slowly resolved itself into a slender pegasus. She was one of Twilight Sparkle's friends, Butterfly or something.

"Oh, good, you're awake," she said, softly. Even as bleary as I was, it was obvious she was relieved. Twilight Sparkle had probably set her to watch me while I slept. I tried to reach out to push her away, but my leg felt stiff. I looked down at it; my forearm was wrapped in a thick pressure bandage.

The pegasus saw me looking at my leg, and she smiled. "Twilight said you were favoring your leg. It looks like you pulled something when you kicked her."

I didn't really need all these horseapples. I rolled over to look away, keeping the weight off my leg. "Trixie is just fine. Just tell Trixie where the exit is."

"Are you sure?" Butterfly asked, in that wispy, little voice. "Once Twilight is back from her match, we can-"

I threw back the covers. I was not about to wait for Twilight to come back from her match.

The room was a long one with a fireplace at the far end, lined with beds on either side. This must have been where Twilight and her friends were staying while in Canterlot. The only thing I really cared about, however, was the door, which was just across the room. I climbed out of bed and hobbled over to the door. It was a bit of a strain, but I was able to at least use my magic to open the door.

I stepped out into the hallway. The halls looked like every other building in Canterlot, white stone, and I wasn't sure which way to go.

"Um... I can show you the way out, if you'd like."

Butterfly again. At least she was actually offering some help I could use. "Alright," I said, sounding bored.

She trotted off down the hallway, and I turned to follow. She was blessedly quiet, so there was nothing to do but watch the pony in front of me. She kept her wings tucked in firmly and trotted like an earth pony. Strange for a pegasus, doubly strange for one with a flying cutie mark. Her tail was long and dragged on the ground behind her.

"So," I asked, finally. "You're one of Twilight Sparkle's friends?"

The pegasus continued walking and didn't look, but she ruffled her wings slightly. "Oh, yes. I'm Fluttershy. It's very nice to meet you."

We both lapsed silent again, and I walked along behind Fluttershy until we reached a door at the end of a hallway.

"Here you go," she said, quietly. "Where are you headed?"

"Trixie's cart is outside the city. I suppose I'll be heading away from Canterlot again."

"What about your friend?"

Oh, right, him. I threw my mane back. "Hopscotch is certain to be waiting at Trixie's cart for her to return." Assuming that he hadn't wandered off after another mare that caught his eye.

I opened the door and stepped out. It was night, so it took me a moment to realize where we were. I hadn't really been expecting to step outside the castle. I shouldn't have been surprised, though. At least Fluttershy seemed nice.

After I got my bearings, I limped my way toward the gate. The streets were still full of ponies, so it wasn't too late, even though the moon was out. I tried to stay inconspicuous; it helped that I was missing my hat and cape. Again.