• Published 16th Aug 2012
  • 2,385 Views, 263 Comments

Penumbra - Y1

Vinyl must gather the elements to find the truth about the events that changed Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 4: No One Special


Chapter 4: No One Special.

When the carriage touched down in Ponyville, Malus didn’t even wait for it to come to a complete stop before she was out and trotting through town. She felt oddly naked without her duster, but she told herself to get over it. No pony else seemed to be bothered by it, so why should she? At least she had her hat anyway.

The guards that pulled the carriage started to follow, but a sharp glare from her made them stay behind. Mal began considering her options. Find the DJ, get the elements. Those were her orders, and ones that she would happily follow. Dying was painful, maybe that DJ should try it sometime?

Mal paused and glanced over at Sugar Cube Corner, taking note of the patrons moving in and out of-

…Sugar Cube Corner? How did she know that was its name?

Mal shook her head and moved on. Whatever. So what if the building was called Sugar Cube Corner? She must have read the name on the sign or something without noticing.

But, as Malus walked in she found herself forgetting entirely about the DJ, Penumbra, and even the reason she was there in the first place. She simply drifted off into Ponyville, guided by a strange familiarity and strong sense of déjà vu. Carousel Boutique, Quills and Sofas, and a few others. She only knew their names when she saw them, but she could have sworn she was only just remembering them rather than seeing them for the first time.

But at the same time, so many things felt wrong. Mal could have sworn there was supposed to be three ponies selling flowers, and an empty lot just felt… hollow. All she knew was something about carrots not being where they should. In fact, despite the overwhelming familiarity and nostalgia, the entire main street of Ponyville felt sadly empty. Like so many of the faces that belonged there were missing.

Malus drew up short when she saw a stall selling apples. She froze in place, her gaze locked on the large red stallion with the yoke around his neck. Slowly, as if hypnotised, she walked towards him, her heart inexplicably racing. His head slowly turned towards her, and his half-lidded eyes took her in. Neither said anything for a moment, both waiting for the other to speak first.

After a moment, he broke the silence. “Can I help you Ma’am?” He spoke in a slow country drawl, almost the exact same as Malus.

Mal blinked, her trance broken. Her brow furrowed, and she considered his statement. “Apple,” she said after a moment.

He glanced down at the produce. “Two bits a bag.” He looked back up at her.

Malus frowned and shook her head. “Apple family.”

He tilted his head at her. “Ah’m Big Macintosh, Apple family. Sorry Ma’am, you are?”

Mal didn’t answer him. Instead, she focused her thoughts and returned to why she was here in the first place. “Applejack.”

He just stared at her, and adjusted the straw in his mouth. It swung from one corner of his lip to the other. “Pardon?”

“A pony. Named Applejack.”

His eyes narrowed on her, and the massive bulk of the red stallion shifted. “Is that your name?”

Malus blinked. “…No?”

He just stared at her for a second. “Ma’am, are you alright?”

She ignored the question. “Ah’m looking for a pony named Applejack.”

He shrugged. “Eenope. Don’t know ‘em.”

They just stood there in silence for a while, eyeing each other up. Both simply said nothing, waiting for the other to take their turn at speech.

It was almost a minute before a smaller, but more high pitched voice broke in.

“Big Mac! Big Mac!”

Mal glanced over to see a small yellow filly with a red ribbon in her hair running towards them from across the street.

“Did ya hear that Princess Penumbra and Princess Malus are in town today?” She smiled up at the stallion widely. “Did ya?”

Big Mac blinked. “Eenope.”

“Twist told me when Ah saw her in the park today! She said that Penumbra teleported and Malus landed in a sky carriage pulled by Royal Guards today. Ah didn’t get to see any of the Princesses at the party last night ‘cause Granny said I couldn’t go, and no one’s telling me what happened.”

Mal stared at the little pony with a heavy pain rising in her chest. As she stared, she felt this horrible growing sense of loss, and she wanted nothing more than to hold this filly to her chest in a tight hug. That was stupid though, instead she just looked.

“The Princesses?” Big Mac glanced over at Mal, his eyes narrowing. “Princess Malus?” he asked after a moment.

She nodded.

His jaw tightened, and he gave a small bow but his eyes stayed firmly locked on hers. “Applebloom, get back here.”

The filly who was named Applebloom, frowned in confusion, before looking up at Malus and her eyes widened. “Princess Malus? Are you Princess Malus?”

Mal looked at her, before turning around and walking away. The filly’s voice faded into the background, but the oddly heavy feeling in Mal’s chest didn’t. What was wrong with this town? Why in Celestia’s holy paradise would it make her feel this way?

She shook her head. Whatever. She needed to find that DJ. So what if that one stallion hadn’t heard of Applejack? Malus would just have to find someone who had.

No. Now she needed to start working her leads. First off, find out who knows that DJ. Where she was staying in town, what her background was and how she got this job in Ponyville. If that turned up a dead end, then find the pony with the pink mane and balloons for a Cutie Mark. Find her and find out what she saw and knew. This wasn’t Mal’s first pony hunt, nor was it the first time she hunted for Penumbra. This time she even had personal investment in finding the target, not that she needed it with Penumbra’s death threat hanging over her head.

But what if it came to that? Could Mal survive if Penumbra turned on her?

She grit her jaw.

Mal didn’t like her chances, but what was that saying? ‘When there’s a will there’s a way?’ or something like that? She had already killed one god, was it so impossible that she take down a second? Maybe actually earn the title ‘God Hunter’.

Whatever. This was all hypothetical. If Penumbra didn’t try anything, Malus saw no reason to try anything either.


Vinyl stepped aside and watched, eyes wide in shock, as The Blind Goddess and Regent of the Sun entered the room.

She gave a gentle reassuring smile. “Please, relax. I’m merely here to browse.”

“Uh… okay.” Vinyl backed away and watched as a deity! A living deity! started to calmly browse the books on the shelves.

“The titles for the blind and hard of sight are over here correct?” Penumbra asked. When Vinyl didn’t answer she sighed and turned away. Her magic began removing books from the shelves, flipping them open and then returning them to place. After a moment she smiled. “Ah, here they are! Right where I left them.”

Vinyl blinked in confusion, but didn’t comment as the princess lay down and began to read the texts. She stood there in awkward silence for a while, unsure of what to do.

Pinkie shifted on the couch and sat up right. Her brow furrowed in confusion. “Where am I?”

Penumbra stiffened at her voice.

“Pinks, relax.” Vinyl swallowed and glanced at the Princess. “Remember, you passed out?”

“I did?” Pinkie turned around. “Oh, hi Red!” She shot to her hooves. “Oh! I remember what happened. Right after you-”

“Pinkie!” Vinyl shoved a hoof on her mouth. “We have company,” she finished more calmly, and jerked her head towards the princess who was sitting up as straight as a bench. “And the Princess, does not need to hear about that.”

“Princess?” Pinkie turned around and her ears perked up. “Oh!” She bowed low but gave a wide smile and kept staring at her. “I’ve never met a Princess before.”

Penumbra stood up, turned around and smiled back at her, though to Vinyl it looked forced. “Hello, My Little Pony.”

Vinyl blinked. Why did that sound so… stiff? Like it was something she was just copying from memory.

“So, Pinkie,” Her voice cracked ever so slightly on the name. Her throat moved visibly as The Princess swallowed air. “How are you today?”

Awkward silence filled the room for way too long for Vinyl not to break it. “…Well, that was casual.”

Penumbra blushed. She bucking blushed! Blushed! “That is, I mean…”

“Dude, are you sure you’re The Princess?” Vinyl interjected with a grin.

“Red!” Pinkie turned around. “Don’t be mean. So what if she’s nervous about making new friends?”

The Princess reacted strangely to that, straightening up in surprise and almost gasping before she caught herself.

Vinyl blinked in surprise. “Yeah, sorry about that Princess P.” She cracked a grin.

Penumbra gave a small smile. “‘Princess P’? That may be the first time anypony has called me that. You seem unusually comfortable around royalty.”

“Yeah, well I did stare slack-jawed when you walked in.” Vinyl looked towards Pinkie. “So uh, Pinks, now that you’ve woken up, don’t we have that thing to do?”

Pinkie looked at Vinyl, her head tilted to the side. “Huh?”

“You know that thing at your work?” Vinyl’s eyes turned towards Penumbra, hoping Pinkie would pick up the very obvious signal.

“You mean at Sugar Cube Corner?”

Vinyl latched onto it. “Yeah, that.”

“Oh no. That thing we were gonna do there wasn’t for another hour. You haven’t met Fluttershy yet.”

Vinyl blinked in surprise.

“Oh, Red. Don’t tell me you forgot about that?” She turned to Penumbra. “Sorry about that, she’s so silly sometimes.”

The Princess nodded, and her lips were set in a small smile. “I understand.” She sat back down again, and a glass of water floated from the kitchen to be next to her. “So, Pinkie, tell me about yourself.”

“Oh well there’s a lot to tell. Let’s see-”

“Where are you from?” Penumbra interrupted and took a sip of water. “Who are your friends, what are your interests and what’s your special talent?”

Vinyl frowned. That was an… interesting set of questions to start a conversation with.

Pinkie didn’t seem to notice. “Oh, well I’m from Reinsville, but I live here now. My special talent is partying and making other ponies happy, and my cutie mark’s three balloons. Normally I wouldn’t tell you what my cutie mark is, I’d just show you, but you’re blind so I have to tell you that.”

Vinyl winced. “Nice Pinkie, mention her disability like that.”

“It’s fine.” Penumbra waved a hoof. “Go on, you were about to tell me about your friends.”

“Oh, well I have lots of friends! There’s the Cakes, who I live with, and there’s Lyra, Bonbon, and lots of others!” Vinyl tuned out as Pinkie began listing of what had to be every pony that lived anywhere nearby. “-and that’s just in Ponyville! Back in Reinsville I-”

“That’s quite alright.” Penumbra interrupted with a gentle smile, and Pinkie instantly stopped to hear her. “Are there any friends in Ponyville who you’re particularly close to?”

“Oh, well there’s the Cakes and Fluttershy and Rarity and Red’s right here!” She leapt across the room and wrapped a hoof around Vinyl’s shoulder, pulling her in close for a hug.

“Yeah totally!” Vinyl smiled though it felt more like a grimace as she pulled herself out of Pinkie’s choke hold. “BFF’s and all that crap.”

“Really?” Penumbra asked, and Vinyl felt those magical tendrils examine her more closely.

Oh, goddesses she was powerful. And that wasn’t even just from Vinyl’s horribly low standards. The Princess was terrifying to say the least. Could she please figure out a nicer way to look at people? It was like a constant reminder of just how easily she could turn you inside out.

“How about you, Red? What can you tell me of yourself?” Penumbra asked.

Vinyl ignored the urge to swallow that nervous lump that formed in her throat. “Not much to tell, really.”

“Well, let’s start with your full name.” Penumbra’s smile was so gentle and inviting, but Vinyl could only think about how she murdered this mare’s daughter just last night.

“Red Trees,” Vinyl replied smoothly. “I was born in autumn and my parents were real poetic.”

Penumbra nodded. “Where are you from then?”

“A small town near the Gryphon border, called Mareton.” Thank Celestia for obscure jobs taking you to backwater locales. “Not the nicest place, but real pretty in the fall.”

“I’m afraid my magic can only tell me so much, but what of your appearance? What are the colours of your mane and the shape of your cutie mark?” She took another sip of water. “What of your special talent?”

Vinyl glanced at Pinkie, who wasn’t saying anything. “I have a red mane with brown highlights and light green coat.” Pinkie didn’t react to Vinyl’s blatant lie, other than to frown. “My cutie mark’s a rose.”

“Ah.” Penumbra smiled. “So your special talent is gardening then? Unusual for a unicorn.”

“Uh no, it’s for performing. You know, like a rose getting thrown on stage.” Vinyl kept her eye on Pinkie the entire time. Oh, please Pinkie, just don’t say anything. Vinyl could lie her way out of this if Pinkie just didn’t talk.

Having a deity nod at you politely is a really damn surreal experience.

Vinyl changed topic. “So, uh… Princess P, what was that commotion last night about?”

The Princess frowned, and the atmosphere of the room changed instantly. “What do you mean?”

“Nothing.” Vinyl hurriedly cracked a grin. “I mean, there was that alicorn who fought your daughter for no apparent reason. I mean, one of them ended up dead, right? What was that all about?”

Penumbra seemed to examine her for a moment. A moment later the book Vinyl had been reading, The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide, floated up from the couch and floated in front of Penumbra. “An interesting reading choice,” she said. “Are old legends of interest to you?”

“Yeah, sure. I used to love hearing about the Mare in the Moon and Gryphon legends about the days of the tribes and stuff,” Vinyl smoothly lied. “But, I never thought the return of Nightmare Moon would be so… sudden. I thought it was the Elements that were supposed to stop her, not your pissed off daughter.”

The book floated over to the coffee table, and Penumbra turned to stare at Vinyl with her blind eyes.

They stood there in awkward silence for a moment, until Penumbra spoke. “Honesty, loyalty, generosity, kindness, laughter…” She trailed off.

“And the sixth one that’s a mystery,” Vinyl finished. “What about it?”

Penumbra merely frowned at her. After a moment she said, “Your magic font is too small.”

Vinyl blinked in surprise. “The buck? You don’t just go and say shit like that! I’ve got a tiny font, but come on! Classy move. How about I trip you over because you’re blind?”

Penumbra stared at her for a moment before she sighed and turned away. “You’re right, that was impolite of me.”

“Damn, right it was,” Vinyl muttered. “You can get out of my library now.” She jerked her head at the door.

Penumbra stiffened. “Excuse me?” She turned around and walked towards Vinyl threateningly.

“You heard me.” Vinyl stood her ground. “I don’t care if you’re a god or not; I don’t have to take your shit.”

Penumbra’s eyeless face stared at her for a second, before she started chuckling. “Well, you’re certainly brave.”

Vinyl blinked in surprise, and only watched as Penumbra turned around and walked out the door, as though any of that actually made some kind of sense. She glanced over at Pinkie. “The fuck was up with that?”

Pinkie frowned at her. “Red, you were very rude.”

Vinyl raised an eyebrow. “You heard what she said about-”

“That doesn’t mean you can throw her out of your library!” Pinkie interrupted crossly. “I don’t think she was trying to be mean.”

Vinyl snorted and rolled her eyes. “She’s a big girl, she should be able to take it.”

“You’re being a bully, Red.” Pinkie pouted. “You should apologise to her.”

Vinyl just stared at her in disbelief. “How could I, let alone anyone, bully a god?” She shook her head. “Anyway, you’re fine, Penumbra’s gone, and I need to get out of here.”

Vinyl walked into the bathroom and put on her saddlebag with The Elements. After bending down, she reach under the cupboard with her magic and pulled her sunglasses out.

“Aww, why do you need to go?”

Vinyl glanced over at Pinkie, her natural grin finding her face. “Because I’m probably wanted by the law right now.”

Pinkie gasped and… Vinyl couldn’t explain it. The earth pony seemed to… twitch… or something. One second Pinkie was in the living room, and as Vinyl put her sunglasses back on Pinkie was uncomfortably close to her face.

“The buck!” Vinyl shouted as she stumbled backwards and fell down, her glasses skittering away again.

“Red, are you a criminal?” Pinkie whispered like conspirator as she leaned in closer.

Vinyl was definitely aware at that moment just how poorly positioned she was with her hind legs open and Pinkie failing to understand even the most basic idea of personal space. The default grin found its way to her mouth again, despite her reading nothing but rape in those horrifyingly eager blue eyes.

Get off me, get off me, GET OFF ME! “Personal space, Pinks,” Vinyl pushed Pinkie’s face away from her own and slowly stood up, every fibre of her being screaming at her to run. Vinyl had no doubt if Pinkie was a stallion, right now Vinyl would be kicking him in the dick. She was proud she had managed to stop that shiver running up her spine. “Listen, Pinks. You really need to just… back off a little bit.”

“Why?” Pinkie asked confused, and took another step closer again, making Vinyl flinch.


“Oh, I get it.” Pinkie took a step back and grinned at Vinyl so widely it put her own smile to shame. “You’re totally too cool for things like that.”

Vinyl blinked. Actually, Vinyl totally didn’t mind a hug or a hoof bump, it’s just that this mare was bucking creepy! In any case, she kept her grin in place and nodded. “Yeah, right. That’s it.” With her magic she snatched up her glasses and quickly put them back on. “Anyway, this has been fun, but I need to go.”

“Okay!” Pinkie, replied happily.

Vinyl just stared at her awkwardly for a second before she stepped past Pinkie. Damn weirdo, she mumbled internally. As she peeked her head out the door, Vinyl was glad to see there were no guards around. She wasn’t sure why Penumbra hadn’t arrested her right then, but it could have been because she wasn’t recognised as the DJ, or the guards hadn’t identified her as Mal’s killer yet. Either way she wasn’t taking chances. She needed to get the heck out of Ponyville.

Cautiously she made her way through the streets, checking her corners and staying low and among the crowds. She kept moving like this, keeping an eye out for guards until she came to the train station, and immediately drew back behind the building.

“Shit,” she mumbled. There were at least thirty guards there, all waiting to catch the train back to Canterlot. Why they didn’t just take a sky carriage was beyond Vinyl, but she wasn’t about to ask them.

“What’s the problem?” Pinkie asked suddenly and loudly.

Vinyl barely caught herself from shrieking in shock. “W-What are you doing here?!” She hissed and shoved Pinkie behind a building.

If the stalker was worried about the rough treatment she didn’t show it. “Oh, well you said you were going, and you were sneaking and I thought that looked like fun so I was sneaking too and-”

That voice! Vinyl shoved her hoof in Pinkie’s mouth. “Okay, okay. You could have just said you followed me.”

“Ihm in’t err-”

Vinyl pulled her newly moist hoof out of her mouth.

“I didn’t just follow you, I super sneakily followed you. I was so sneaky, not even you noticed!”

Vinyl cringed at that loud shout. “Shuush!” she hissed.

Pinkie giggled and covered her mouth. “Sorry.”

Gritting her jaw, Vinyl looked around until she was certain Pinkie’d brought them no attention. After a moment of weighing up her options, Vinyl decided on a course of action.

“Listen, Pinks. You said you know everyone in town, right?”

“Oh yeah!” Good bloody goddesses, that voice was shrill. Vinyl winced as Pinkie continued. “I’m friends with Rarity and Fluttershy and Big Mac and Spit-”

“That’s great, sweetie. Really great.” Vinyl interrupted again with a hoof in Pinkie’s mouth. “The thing is I need to get out of Ponyville, but the train’s unavailable. So, if you could hook me up with a pegasus that’d be great.”

“Oh! I know lots of pegasi, there’s Fluttershy and-”

“A fast pegasus,” Vinyl emphasized. “And a strong one. Someone that could pull a sky carriage by themselves.”

“Oh, well I know the captain of the weather team. Cloud Kicker’s-”

“No, afraid not Pinks. Weather ponies know everyone, so some pony that’s not as well-known would be great.”

“Well, I guess I might know someone, and they do owe me a favour.”

“Great, who is it?”

“Well, she’s only gonna be back in town later today, but I know she’s a really great flyer. Maybe the best flyer ever!”

“Great, who is it?”

“Oh, and she’s super smart too. She can be grumpy, but she’s actually a really nice pony and-”

“That’s great Pinkie.” Vinyl interrupted, her ire growing. “Really it is, but who is she?”

“Oh silly. That’d spoil the surprise.” And with that she hopped out of the alley. Not walked, hopped. Like she had springs on her hooves. “Come on!”

Reluctantly and quietly, Vinyl followed her. No one really seemed to notice Pinkie, but Vinyl still felt freaked out being next to someone that just stood out so freaking much! Seriously?! How could these ponies be used to this walking bundle of crazy?

Whatever. Vinyl needed to get out of Ponyville, and if that meant tolerating the rape-to-happen-on-hooves she could do that. As long as that wasn’t directed at her for course.


Penumbra felt… happy? No, that wasn’t the word for it. It was quite a while since she’d been truly happy. However, running into Pinkie had been a refreshing slap to the face for her. Was that strange? A pleasant shock was now the highlight of Penumbra’s day, if not week, month or year.

Without really thinking about it, she navigated Ponyville with ease. Some part of her was pleased that she could still do that so easily after all these years, another part was saddened by the waves of shocked ponies she left in her wake. But all of her was still feeling more alive than she had in a long time. Ironic, given her inability to die anymore.

When she arrived at the train station, she found all the guards still lolling about, trying to seem useful. Penumbra had left them there so she could squeeze every drop of nostalgia she could out of Ponyville, and that was easier done without a troop of soldiers following her every hoofstep.

Then she noticed something that shook her out of her reverie.

“Please sir, I assure you I’m not the pony you’re searching for.” A high class, well-educated voice assured three skeptical seeming guardsponies. “The mare you said you’re after is that DJ P0N-3 character. My name is Rarity and I see no reason for you to hold me here like this.”

“I was told a white unicorn mare with a purple mane. You match the description, lady.” The stallion stated flatly. “Whether you’re her or not, I’m holding you here until I receive word from-”

“Me?” Penumbra had to admit that she did enjoy making her soldiers jump. For a giant with the strength to crack stone with her hooves, she sure could move quietly if she wanted. Maybe that’s what happened when you relied on sound as much as she did.

“Princess!” The guard snapped a salute. “I-”

“Have the wrong mare, I’m afraid.” Penumbra told him with a gentle smile. At least she hoped it was gentle. “You’re after a mare with a blue mane, not purple.”

The guard faltered slightly. “My apologies Princess-”

“Perhaps I’m not the one you should be apologizing to?” She tilted her head towards Rarity. “Lady Rarity is the one you’ve inconvenienced.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, the guard turned and bowed. “I apologize Milady.”

Rarity, as canny as Penumbra remembered, took it in stride. “Oh, pish posh. I’m sure you were just doing your duty.”

With another bow, the guards all backed away and Penumbra found herself drinking in her old friend’s presence.

Apparently this lasted too long and things were perhaps a little awkward. “I-is there anything I can help you with, Your Highness?” Rarity asked, perhaps nervously.

Penumbra would have blinked, but she lacked certain… components necessary for that. “So, you said your name was Rarity.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Would that by any chance be the Rarity that runs that lovely fashion shop, Round Boutique I believe?”

Rarity sounded slightly giddy. “Y-y-yes.”

Penumbra smiled at her. “I’ve been meaning to purchase some attire for the Grand Galloping Gala this year, and I’ve heard nothing but good things about your work.” She waved a hoof over her eyeless face. “I myself have not had the opportunity to appreciate it, but a lady does like to feel beautiful. I trust you would not make a joke of me?”

“I-I-I…” Words were not coming from Rarity’s mouth; rather it was a series of sounds that might be used to one day form a word.

“Is that a no?” Penumbra had to fight to keep the smirk off her face.

YES!” Rarity interrupted desperately. “I mean, no. I mean, uh… I would be honoured, Your Highness.”

Penumbra smiled. “I’ve yet to lunch; perhaps some tea at your shop while you take my measurements?”

“O-o-of course!” Rarity stuttered out.

The walk to Carousel Boutique was filled with eager chatter about… Wow. It was only now that Penumbra remembered just how much of Rarity’s conversation she tuned out back when she was a unicorn. Talk about high society and fashion and… things that Penumbra wished really weren’t part of the conversations she was supposed to have with the aristocracy. Still, at least it was a much nicer kind of tuning out than the high society’s painfully self-important deluge of worthless information.

It was when Penumbra was in the shop, politely eating cucumber sandwiches and allowing her former friend to take her measurements, when she started paying attention again, rather than just relaxing to the faintly lyrical sound of her voice.

“So, Rarity. Tell me a bit about yourself,” she interjected when there was an appropriate lull in the conversation.

“Moi?” Rarity asked and smiled. “I’m afraid there’s not much to tell.”

“Every pony says that about themselves, but I still find each of my little ponies’ tales worth hearing.” Saying those three words made her feel like Celestia was rolling in her grave. “Earlier today I met a mare named Pinkie Pie who mentioned you.”

“Ah, yes Pinkie Pie. She’s an…” Rarity trailed off, waving a hoof in the air as she tried to find an appropriate word.

“Enthusiastic?” Penumbra offered.

The fashionista smiled. “I was going to say interesting. But yes, she’s a lovely mare, just… she fails to understand some of the social boundaries most of us take for granted.”

Nodding her head, Penumbra continued, “Anyway, you were saying about yourself? Were you born in Ponyville?”

“No, I’m afraid not. I moved here once I had enough bits to start up my own business. I was born in Fillydelphia, in fact.”

“Natural born or mismatch?”

Rarity frowned, which caught Penumbra slightly off-guard. “I prefer the term second foal myself.”

“My apologies,” Penumbra smoothly reassured. “I intended no offense. So, who was your parent?”

After a moment, Rarity continued. “An earth pony and a pegasus. Lovely ponies, but… well a bird has to leave the nest, and some sooner than others.”

“Any siblings?” Penumbra asked good naturedly, perhaps Sweetie Belle was-

“Two elder brothers. Earth ponies, both of them. Natural born.”

The alicorn nodded. “What made you decide to move to Ponyville? It’s far from a fashion hub.”

There was a hesitant pause before Rarity answered, “Fortunate coincidence really. It was not part of my plan, but fate apparently had-”

“Penumbra?!” The alicorn turned her head towards Spike’s voice and the sound of the tinkling bell on the door, as the dragon walked in. “The guards said you were here, and I thought I should…” He trailed off as he laid eyes on Rarity.

Penumbra smirked to herself, as even blind she could tell the dragon was checking her out visibly. “Spike,” she caught his attention a tad sharply. “This is Lady Rarity. Rarity, this is Spike, my assistant.”

“The pleasure’s all mine.” He bowed low. The little lecher. When he looked up at Rarity, Penumbra could practically feel his attraction. “I wasn’t aware there were any nobility in Ponyville, let alone any so lovely.”

Rarity for her part just seemed bemused. “I’m afraid Her Highness exaggerates my station. I’m merely a seamstress.”

“I wouldn’t say merely a seamstress, just like I wouldn’t say merely an artist. I’m sure you’re the greatest-”

“Spike,” Penumbra chided. “You were saying?”

He blinked. “Right, uh…” He shook his head to get back on topic. “Well I just thought you should know someone broke into the Ponyville morgue.”

She frowned at him. “What?”

“Yeah, someone broke into the morgue and stole Nightmare Moon’s body.”

For some reason she didn’t fully understand, Penumbra felt a chill run down her spine. “I’m sorry, what?”

“Someone stole-”

“I’m sorry, Rarity.” Penumbra turned to face her. “But I’m afraid this will have to wait. Perhaps you can schedule me in for tomorrow afternoon.”

Without waiting for an answer, Penumbra left the shop in a rush. “Has the investigation started?”

Spike nodded. “Of course. The Guard is looking into it now, but is this really that big a deal? It’s just a corpse, right?”

Penumbra frowned at him. “Spike, I need you to go to Mayor Mare’s office and find out what you can about three mares named Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie.”

“Uh… okay? Do you think they did it?”

“In broad daylight? Please, I was just talking to two of them. Just find out what you can please? Also tell me what you can about the current captain of the weather team, and whoever it is that runs the farm Sweet Apple Acres.” After a second’s hesitation she added, “And the mare that runs the library, the unicorn Red Trees.”

Spike frowned. “Penumbra, are you okay?”

“Look, this might be one of those destiny things, okay? Go to the Mayor’s office and get that information for me, please. And also, find Malus and tell her to leave Ponyville, or if she’s not here yet, wait for her and turn her around when she arrives.”

“Why?” He sounded more confused than ever.

“Because if Luna’s alive again, I don’t want her being killed a second time!” Penumbra snapped.

After another moment, Spike left, and Penumbra found herself trotting to the morgue alone, her mind full of hope. Maybe Mal wasn’t enough of an alicorn to have killed her. Maybe Penumbra wouldn’t have to be alone for the next eternity.


With a nervous glance up at Malus, Mayor Mare continued flipping through her paperwork. For her part, the Princess sat there quietly watching. After a few more seconds of nervous shuffling, a sheet of paper was hoofed over to her.

“These are the documents she signed, as to where she was staying in town, she said she was covering those costs herself. The only thing she brought with was the mixing table that you destroyed. I’m afraid there’s very little information I can give you on her.”

Malus crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair.

Mayor blinked nervously, before glancing down at the papers and back up at Malus. “That’s all we have. Perhaps the palace staff would have more on record?”

With a snort, Mal picked up the sheet and gave it a quick read, but mostly it was just the details of business. The only thing of note was the signature. She grimaced as she read it, and put the paper back on the table with a dissatisfied grunt.

Mayor Mare blinked in confusion. “Is something wrong?”

The corner of Mal’s lip turned down in a frown. “Fake,” she said flatly and tapped the DJ’s supposed signature. “Signed ‘Jane Doe’.”

Mayor frowned in confusion before she looked at the paper herself. She swallowed after a moment and looked back up at the princess. “I was unaware that she used a fake ID. With the preparations we had to make for the-”

Mal stopped her with a raised hoof, and decided to chase up another line of questioning. “Pink mare, pink mane with blue eyes and three balloon cutie mark.”

Mayor paused. “That would be Pinkie Pie, why is she-”

“Where?” Mal interrupted again, grimacing as a faint headache formed.

The mayor swallowed again. “She lives and works at Sugar Cube Corner, but I highly doubt she had anything to do with-”

Malus shifted in her seat, and the Mayor quieted again. “What does she do?”

“She’s a baker and an event organiser, but I highly doubt that-”

She cut herself off again when Mal stood up. Malus was about to leave, when there was a buzz over the intercom.

“Mayor, Her Highness’s assistant is here to see you.”

The mayor glanced at Mal as if asking for permission, and when the Princess gave no response, she hesitantly answered the machine, “Send him in please.”

A few seconds later Spike entered the room, and he paused when he saw Malus. “Oh! Hey, you’re here. I was about to go looking for you.”

Mal just returned his gaze flatly.

“Um… I just wanted to uh… say thanks for saving my life last night.” He scratched the back of his head nervously. “I heard that Penumbra freaked out about it, but I think you saved a lot of ponies by killing Nightmare, so uh… thanks.”

After a few moment’s expectant pause, Malus nodded her head in acceptance.

Spike glanced across at the Mayor, who was busily trying to seem like she wasn’t in the room. He turned his gaze back to Mal. “And uh… if you ever want to talk to someone about anything, I’m here for you.”

Malus raised an eyebrow at that.

“I mean, I know you’re really not a talky sort of pony, but like, I’m here if you ever want. And I’m available if you want to call in a favour, you know?”

After a few moments, Mal shrugged.

“Anyway, uh… Penumbra wanted me to find you because she wants you to leave Ponyville.”

Blinking in surprise, Mal frowned.

“I’m not the one telling you to go,” Spike hastily amended. “Penumbra just asked me to find you and tell you to leave town.”

Mal tilted her head to the side and stared at him.

“If you want to know why, I think you’ll have to ask Penumbra. I’m not sure I’m allowed to tell you.”

There was a period of uncomfortable silence, before Malus nodded having thought the information over.

“Cool, thanks.” Spike smiled at her. “I know you cop a bit of flak for uh….” He wisely decided not to actually say Manehattan; perhaps her stern warning glare got through to him. He hastily continued, “But I just wanted to say I get why you did it.”

Mal tilted her head at him.

“I mean, it was a mess and you made the decision you had to. The public don’t know it, but historians know you ended the war that day.”

Was he really bringing this up now? Mal’s gaze hardened into a glare. Why, at now of all times, was he suddenly trying to reach out to her?

They just stood there in uncomfortably intense silence for a while, before Mal looked across at Mayor Mare, then back at Spike. “Why are you here?”

Spike blinked in surprise at an actual worded response. “Uh… I’m not sure if Penumbra would like me telling you that.”

After a second, Malus sighed and walked out the door. Why was Penumbra so jumpy these days? Mal and her were never close, but this was the first time she’d been actively excluded from Penumbra’s decisions. She didn’t mind too much, her ego wasn’t that big, but she was getting the feeling Penumbra was starting to reconsider just how much she needed her daughters. Combined with that itch she was getting between her shoulder blades, Mal was starting to feel a little concerned.

Why would she be kicked out of Ponyville directly after being sent there? Perhaps the alicorn was finally starting to snap. Unlikely, but easily possible.

As Malus trotted through Ponyville, she found herself taking in the sights, trying to reason out the mixed feelings of familiarity and loss it gave her. After a while, her ire grew. This town! Penumbra! There were so many lies and secrets and mysteries that Malus was getting a headache. It was making her frustrated, and sick, and… what was with this feeling of wrongness? Why did she feel like something was just… bad! It was the same feeling she got when some pony tried to lie to her. But it didn’t make sense, damn it! Why would she feel this way?

When she arrived at her sky carriage, the Royal Guards that had flown her stepped forward and saluted.

“Princess, is your business in Ponyville complete?”

Mal raised her head to nod, but then paused for a thought. A scowl found her face, and after a second, she slowly lowered it to shake, ‘no,’ instead.

The guard blinked in surprise. “Then… do you wish to return to Canterlot?”

After a second’s hesitation Mal realised she didn’t want to go back to Canterlot just yet. It was only Penumbra’s orders that were making her leave. She shook her head no.

“Well… can we aid you somehow, your highness?”

Mal frowned after a moment, before she turned and walked away, leaving two very confused guards behind her. Mal was just getting sick of it. Sick of being kept in the dark until the last minute, sick of being treated like a dog that constantly needed to be reminded who was Alpha, and sick of feeling like the entire world was wrong, like there was some undercurrent of deception running through everything.

For once, Mal was going to find out something on her own. She didn’t need the bones Penumbra tossed her, and she certainly didn’t need her attention, affection or approval. Penumbra wasn’t her mother; that was a lie. Mal wanted the truth. This was the final straw, the last time Mal had been shoved to the corner, fed another deception and expected to swallow it like a good girl. Whether it was another lie, a half-truth, or just being kept in the dark again, it was dishonest, a deliberate perversion of the truth.

Mal was going to learn who her father was. She was going to find out the truth of her origins, Origins, that she suspected, were tied into the event of two decades ago. Whoever Applejack really was, Mal was going to find out.

First things first, find that DJ. She had The Elements, and The Elements where the first thing to show Malus anything that felt real in a long time. Get revenge? Maybe. First talk to the DJ, find out what she knows. She was willing to kill for the Elements, so they must mean something to her. The only lead she had on the DJ was Pinkie Pie.

A springing sound made Malus glance to her right, and she blinked in surprise. Humming to herself happily, the pink pony was bouncing, literally bouncing, down the street towards the edge of town. Huh. Well, that was convenient.

“You,” Mal said flatly as she trotted towards her.

“Me?” The pony stopped and turned around, smiling brightly as she saw Malus. “You!”

“Me.” Mal said flatly. “The DJ.”

Pinkie blinked. “Oh! P0N3?”

Malus nodded. “Last night. You were with her.” She stepped towards Pinkie, her face set into a dangerous glare. “Tell me.”

Pinkie blinked in confusion. “Tell you what?”

Mal’s hoof pressed into her chest, and Pinkie was backed up against a wall. “Start with her name.”


Vinyl crouched low, her heart pounding in her ears as she listened to a dead mare interrogate Pinkie Pie.

Malus. Is. Alive! How is that possible? How in the name of flying buck isn’t she dead! I saw her die! Die! Not get hurt, not get beaten up pretty bad, just flat out, plain old, no other word for it, die!

Vinyl cringed as she remembered the mare she, apparently hadn’t, murdered collapsing to the ground, blood oozing from her eyes and mouth and nose and anus and… her pores! Blood was leaking out of her freaking pores!

Carefully, Vinyl poked her head around the corner of the stall and took another look at the mare. That couldn’t be Malus, could it? Oh yeah, sure she looked exactly the same, and sounded the same, and wore the same clothes, and was asking about Vinyl, and… Oh, who was she kidding? That was Malus!

She ducked back behind the stall and desperately went over any ideas she had to get the heck out of here. How was Malus alive?

Vinyl readjusted her glasses and shook her head.

That wasn’t important. What was important was the fact that she was there, and asking for Vinyl. Vinyl had been trotting behind Pinkie at a distance, when all of a sudden that stern twang sounded out. When she heard ‘you,’ she stopped in her tracks instantly. That voice was distinctive; even if there was only one word said, Vinyl would know it anywhere. It’s kind of hard to forget the first pony you ever killed.

Vinyl had instantly dived around a vendor's stall, and watched in shock as that dead Princess walked to Pinkie from another street. It was damn lucky that Vinyl hadn’t been spotted.

“Her name?” Pinkie asked innocently. “Red Trees!”

“Where’s she live?”

Pinkie hmmm’d. “Um… she said she was from Mareton, but she spent the night in the library. But she doesn’t live there, I know everyone in Ponyville, and she’s not from Ponyville.”

Vinyl breathed a huge sigh of relief. Oh, Pinkie didn’t know anything about Vinyl. She actually thought her name was Red! Mal wasn’t going to learn anything from her.

“Where is she now?” Malus asked.

Vinyl froze. Oh… shit. Looks like Pinkie could tell Malus something after all.

“I dunno,” Pinkie said cheerily. “When I last saw her she said she was going out of Ponyville though.”

“Uh… can I help you?” The pony standing behind the stall asked, making Vinyl jump. “If you’re just standing next to my stall and not buying anything-”

Vinyl held a hoof to her lips in a shushing gesture. After a moment she spoke up quietly. “I’ll give you twenty bits if you let me stay here for a few minutes.”

The stall vender blinked in surprise, before looking towards Princess Malus and Pinkie. She turned back to Vinyl, a mean smirk spreading over her face. “Forty bits and I won’t call them over here right now.”

Vinyl grit her jaw. “Fine, forty bits if-”

“I changed my mind. Fifty bits.”

“Fine!” Vinyl hissed. “Just shut up and I’ll pay you seventy bits!”

The stall vender quirked an eyebrow. “If you’ll pay seventy, you’ll pay a hundred.”

Vinyl breathed out a deep breath of air. “Fine. I’ll give you every bit I have on me, but only once the coast is clear.”

The stall vender smirked and leaned back.

Vinyl shook her head and tried to listen in on Pinkie and Malus again. “-totally friends with her. She’s cool and has a really nice smile.”

“You said you only met her last night.” Vinyl could hear the hard edge of anger in Mal’s voice. Or maybe that was just the way she always sounded.

“Oh, I did,” Pinkie replied happily, and Vinyl could hear her bouncing. Just how did that make sense? That little springing sound shouldn’t exist. “It was a fun night! Except for the part where I passed out from a migraine.” The springing stopped. “That wasn’t fun.”

“You met her last night,” Mal stated flatly. “She’s your ‘super special pony friend forever’?”

Vinyl almost did a spit take. Okay, no. Just no. She did not want to be friends with that rape-crime-to-be under any circumstances.

“Uh huh!” Pinkie answered enthusiastically.

Vinyl had… no words. No words existed in her vocabulary that could express just how she felt about that.

“Uh huh,” replied Malus much less enthusiastically. After a second she let out a frustrated sigh and turned away.

“Okay, bye!” Pinkie shouted enthusiastically as the princess walked away.

Vinyl waited a few moments before she breathed a huge sigh of relief and stepped out from behind the stall.

“Well? Pay up.” The vendor smirked at Vinyl.

“No worries.” Vinyl reached into her saddlebag and rummaged around for a moment. Then she spat a single coin onto the counter. “Every bit in my bag. Like I promised.”

The vender blinked, before glancing at the coin then back at Vinyl. “You said you’d pay a hundred bits!”

“Lady, I would have said anything.” Vinyl grinned. “Come on, do I look like I’m packing a hundred bits?” The hilarious part was that Vinyl actually had about thirty on her.

After a second the vendor scowled and snatched up the coin. “Get out of here. And I don’t ever want to see you around here again.”

Vinyl walked over to Pinkie with her grin still in place. “Thanks for covering for me, Pinks.”

Pinkie frowned at her. “Red, you shouldn’t make your friends lie for you. It’s not nice.”

“Yeah, yeah, sorry about that,” Vinyl reassured her. “But I’m pretty sure that Malus wants to murder me so it wasn’t for no reason.”

Pinkie looked surprised for a moment. “Why would anypony want that?”

Vinyl shrugged and grinned. “Some ponies can just be like that, Pinks. Not my fault that flux crystal destabilised.” Not strictly a lie, but she could have stopped it. “Or that she cracked the casing with her hoof.” That was a plain old lie. She could have stopped it destabilising if she hadn’t rolled it under Mal’s hoof. “Anyway, we were gonna meet your pegasus friend, right?”


Sometimes in life, you just needed to hit something. And sometimes you had to hit that something hard. Repeatedly.

This was a lesson that the punching bag was learning the hard way.

Snarling, Spectra flapped back for a second for some build up, before she dove forward with a burst of speed to slam both her hind hooves into the unlucky inanimate object. The chain it was suspended on snapped, and the punching bag flew across the room to slam into the wall.

Spectra watched the dust settle for a moment, before she cursed and walked over to the bag. Slinging it over her shoulder, she walked back to the centre of the room where she stood the bag up and examined the chain at its top, and the chain hanging from the roof. The link was completely shattered, and without a horn, Spectra couldn’t fix it.

With a snarl she lifted the bag up over head and threw it against the wall.

“Stupid goddess damn thing!” She shouted as she flew across the room and snatched it up again. “Buck you!” she screamed as she slammed it against a wall. “Bitch! Bloody retarded piece of shit bitch faced whore!” The bag slammed into the wall once more before it slipped out of her grip and fell to the floor.

That didn’t stop Spectra.

Straddling the bag with her hind legs, she sat atop it and pummelled it repeatedly. Imagining that it was Mal’s face she was smashing into the floor. That stupidly awesome hat bloodied and ruined, her gorgeous green eyes crushed under Spectra’s hooves, those perfect white teeth bloodied and choking down her throat. Her… orange coat as soft as velvet, those hard muscles rippling beneath her, the taste of apples on her breath when they kissed, and that smile. That beautiful smile. The one she hid with a scowl and a glare, but couldn’t be unseen once glimpsed.

Only one time had Spectra seen that smile and heard that laugh. In Manehattan, when it was over. It was on that goddess damned night of fire and ashes, with the smell of honey mixed with corpses lingering in the air, and the screams of the dead and the dying echoing from every corner. When that all finally came to an end, there she was, standing atop the stairs of the mayoral hub, a dead changeling queen lying in front of her. And in that moment, she looked at Spectra and smiled. Not a maniacal grin or a smirk of triumph. It was a real smile of relief and joy. Then after a moment she laughed. A small chuckle escaped her lips, and after that…

The battle of Manehattan was over, the changeling war was over, and she was done. Her duster ruined, her hat covered in blood, her fur still sizzling with green hell fire, and coated in sweat and changeling goop. She looked so perfect then, with that look on her face…

Then she laughed heartily. Out of relief and exhaustion and the sheer joy of the end. She laughed beautifully and clearly, ringing out across the street like music to a chorus of crackling fires and screaming wounded.

The soldiers that were there, Spectra, a few others, they knew why she laughed like that. Why she was overjoyed at the end. They were too. Soon two princesses and eighteen stallions were all laughing like they’d heard the greatest joke anyone ever told.

She’s looked so gorgeous, with that light in her eye and her hair billowing out in the wind.

Spectra froze as she noticed the taste of leather in her mouth. She opened her eyes, and realised she was kissing the boxing bag. She stood up and threw the bag away from her.

“What the buck is wrong with you!” Spectra slapped herself. “She’s your sister! Celestia bucking damn it!” She paced back and forth for a moment or two. “It’s wrong damn it! You’re just fooling around! You shouldn’t even be doing that! She doesn’t even mean anything to you. She’s a stupid mule who doesn’t care about anyone or anything. Why do you even want to talk to her?! No one else does!”

With a huff she sat on the ground and glared daggers at the boxing bag that had impersonated Malus.

The practise room door opened, and Spectra glanced over at Blood Eyes as she walked in.

“Spectra,” a smirk tugged at the corner of the gryphon’s beak. “What’s the matter? Tire yourself out?”

Spectra snorted and stood up. “No, just thinking.”

Blood Eyes glanced around the room, and it was then that Spectra noticed the place was in shambles. The wooden floors were cracked, the practice dummies were shattered and the racks of swords for sparring were lying on the floor with their contents spilled everywhere.

They stood in awkward silence for a moment, surveying the wreckage when Blood Eyes turned back to Spectra. “I like the way you think.”

Spectra snorted out a laugh. “Yeah, that’s me. Total egghead. Need a thinking solution? Come to me.” She cracked her neck. “I’ll fix that noggin of yours up real quick.”

Blood Eyes chuckled at that and surveyed the ruined room again. “Well there goes my plans for the afternoon.” Another pause before she looked back to Spectra. “Just got from Ponyville, got the hunt done waaaay quicker than I thought I would. Freaking bitch didn’t even make it hard on me.” She came over and sat down next to Spectra. “And since you destroyed the practice room, maybe we can hang out or something.”

Spectra glanced at the gryphon. “Hang out?”

“Yeah, I know I gotta work on that leather for you and Mal, but fuck that. I just want to take the night off, you know? Watch the rainbows get dashed away by the pegasi and sip some applejack from the castle towers.”

Spectra shrugged. “Well fine, go do that. What do you need me for?”

There was a moment’s pause before Blood Eyes answered. For some reason she was watching Spectra pretty intently. “Well, drinking alone’s not a lot of fun, and alcoholic gryphons ain’t exactly a rarity. Kinda gotta be careful that I don’t get so shit faced I can’t even fly down from the roof.”

“Fair enough, so… why me then? I mean, we’re not really friends are we?”

“Not friends?” The gryphon scoffed. “You got a pretty tight definition of friends if I don’t count after that bit with the mare with the pinky mane. I totally covered your ass there, and that wasn’t some small favour either.”

Spectra cringed slightly at the memory. “How was I supposed to know she was completely insane? All you had to do was tell her I wasn’t gonna be able to see her.”

“And then spend the rest of the night patting her on the back and telling her she’s gonna find love someday and that she’s not a horrible pony while she sobs into my shoulder about everypony that’s ever left her and listen to her fucking pathetic history of constantly being screwed and tossed.”

Spectra coughed into her hoof.

“And then at the end she tried to hit on me, and told me I was ‘the nicest guy she ever met’. Then I had to tell her I was actually female and that my barn door didn’t swing that way.” Blood Eyes shivered. “The most awkward five minutes. Ever.”

“Well you could have just shoved her off,” Spectra mumbled. “You didn’t exactly have to be nice about it.”

“Hey! Suck my imaginary dick!” Blood Eyes jabbed a claw at Spectra. “Just ‘cause I wanna make sure the girl’s okay. Anyway, the point is that was a pain in the ass and I did it cause you asked me to. Dashing some stupid filly’s hopes of marrying into royalty is not how I want to spend my Friday nights.” Blood Eyes looked to the ground and spoke in poetic voice, “And when she shyly fluttered away at the end.” She shook her head and sighed.

“Alright, fine, fine!” Spectra rolled her eyes. “So I owe you.” She paused for thought. “And we might be friends.”

“Great!” Blood Eyes said with a smirk as she wrapped an arm around Spectra’s shoulder. “You me, a view of the sparkling twilight, and any kinda booze you want. Come on. It’s not like you had anything better planned.” She looked around the wrecked room. “Not like there’s anything else for you to break in here either.”

“Shut up,” Spectra growled. “How much did you hear anyway?”

“Hear of what?” Blood Eyes glanced over at her.

“Nothing, forget about it.” Spectra muttered as she walked to the door.

They stopped by Blood Eyes’ room to get some drinks, then a quick flight through the halls of Canterlot Castle later, and soon they were sitting on the roof of the palace.

“Heh,” Blood Eyes chuckled as she opened the bag open and pulled out a bottle of hard whiskey. “Not a lot of ponies can keep up with me, let alone a pansy ass princess.”

Spectra rolled her eyes. “Yeah well, being half an alicorn helps.” She watched Blood Eyes pouring herself a glass before she snatched it up with her wing and slugged it down. She smacked her lips. “Nice… smoky.”

“I know, right?” Blood Eyes poured two glasses this time and sipped hers more slowly as Spectra swallowed hers in one go again. “So, what had you so pissed off?”

Spectra rolled her eyes. “Nothing.”

“Sure,” Blood Eyes replied. “Sometimes ‘nothing’ pisses me off like that too… I mean, that nothing, right? It’s a real bitch isn’t it?”

“Shut up, pour me another,” Spectra replied.

The thing she liked about Blood Eyes was the same thing she hated about her. She never treated Spectra like anything other than just a normal pony. It made hanging out with her easy and casual, without any formality or stuffiness at all. The down side though, was Blood Eyes had no clue when to drop things. She also needled Spectra about things that most ponies wouldn’t have the balls to even bring up.

“I’m betting…” Blood Eyes hmm’d for a moment. "Romantic problems?”

“Buck off,” Spectra replied.

“You mean fuck, right?”

Spectra blinked. “What?”

“The word’s fuck, not buck. It pisses me off how you ponies keep using buck. I mean come on, it doesn’t even make sense. I mean, does that make applebucking season an innuendo? Go find yourself an Apple and fuck ‘em?”

Spectra blinked. “Why would you screw an apple?”

“I mean the family. There’s an Apple family.”

“Oh… right.”

Rummaging around in her bag for a second, Blood Eyes came out with another bottle that she passed to Spectra. “See? Applejack from out around Appleoosa. Product of the Apple Family.”

On the bottle was three apples and the wording, ‘Appleoosan Applejack. Best in the west.’

“Huh.” Spectra passed the bottle back. “Those three apples look kinda like Mal’s cutie mark.”

“I know, right?” Blood Eyes smirked at Spectra. “Gotta be a coincidence though.”

Spectra shrugged.

“Anyway, I was saying, who’s the mare?”

“Fuck off, Blood Eyes.”

“Hey! There we go, got the right word this time.” Blood Eyes elbowed Spectra again. “So what’s she like? I’m betting you’re totally into-”

“What’s with your name?” Spectra suddenly turned to the gryphon.


“I said, what’s with your name?” Spectra repeated. “You want to ask me awkward questions I don’t want to answer, I can ask you those too. So, why are you named Blood Eyes?”

“I thought it was kinda obvious,” Blood Eyes waved a claw in front of herself. “White feathers and all. I’m an albino.”

“Albino’s have pink eyes.” Spectra replied.

“Well, you know gryphons, melodramatic about everything.”

“Yeah, I do know gryphons.” Spectra replied. “And they don’t have names like Blood Eyes. Their names are like Graciano or Adelina or Pierre. Usually they start with a G. Gryphon names don’t mean anything.” She jabbed a hoof at Blood Eyes. “Pony names have meanings. You have a pony name.”

Blood Eyes shrugged. “Raised by ponies?”

“Not with your hunting skills.” Spectra replied. “There’s a reason we hired a gryphon to be the royal hunter, not a pony.”

They sat in silence for a while.

“So, what’s your real name then?” Spectra asked after a moment.

There was a pause before Blood Eyes answered. “Doesn’t matter. My name’s Blood Eyes now.”

“What, are you an exile then?” Spectra replied. “I know they strip your name when-”

“No, I’m not an exile,” Blood Eyes replied before the question could be finished. “Just… a regular old Equestrian citizen.”

Spectra snorted. “Riiiight. So why does a gryphon want to live with ponies anyway?”

There was a moment’s pause. “Where do the gods live?” Blood Eyes answered. “It’s the alicorns that raise and set the sun. What happens to the ponies affects the rest of the world. If all the gryphons were to die off,” She snapped her finger. “Boom. Dead, the lot of them. If that were to happen, you know what’d change? Not a lot. Our lands would be divided amongst other races, and the world would keep spinning. If the ponies were to die? World’s fucked. The world needs alicorns, and alicorns are ponies.” After pausing for a drink, Blood Eyes continued. “I’m in the place where the future is gonna be decided, the place where fate is shaped.” She shrugged and took another drink. “Make of that whatever the fuck you will.”

Spectra paused for thought. “What makes you say that? Why are ponies more important?”

“I didn’t say ponies were more important,” Blood Eyes replied. “I just said that what happens here affects the world. A gryphon’s worth the same as a pony, it’s just that Equestria’s where the gods and the Elements of Harmony live.”

“The Elements of Harmony?” Spectra repeated. “Never heard of ‘em.”

Blood Eyes snorted. “Then you’re an idiot. Seriously, look it up. It’s pretty damn important.”

They sat in silence for a while, before Spectra broke it. “So, I hear the gryphon empire’s building up to civil war, any idea what that’s about?”

“Yeah, the gryphon royal family all died in The Event, and we tried to hold it all together with some Council of the Clans bullshit. Worked at first, but twenty years later the Kingdom’s no longer a kingdom, and now it needs a king. Whoever wins this war is gonna be that king. A brand new royal family to hold shit together for another thousand years.”

“Huh. Sounds pretty stupid if you ask me.”

She snorted in reply. “Yeah well unlike you ponies, we don’t have goddesses to just be in charge. It’d be better if we did, but we don’t. So, we gotta fight over who we want to be on the throne.”

Spectra grabbed the bottle and tipped it back for a long swig as she stared out over the horizon. She had to admit the view was great from up here. All of Canterlot, from the top of the mountain down to the lowest slum, all of it arrayed in front of her.

This must be what Penumbra sees from her bedchamber every night. If she could see that is.

“What about you, princess?” Blood Eyes asked and elbowed Spectra. “What’s happening in the world of politics?”

Spectra barked out laughter. “How should I know? I hate that shit. Penumbra deals with all that crap.”

Blood Eyes snorted. “That’s really dumb, dude.”

Spectra glanced over at her. “What?”

“That’s stupid. I mean, Penumbra’s basically telling you to sit in the corner and be a good girl while she handles the adult business.” Her head turned so she was watching Spectra with a smirk on her beak. “She’s minimizing you, and you’re happy to let her do it.”

Spectra blinked in surprise before she scowled and snatched up another bottle. “Whatever.”

“I’m just saying, aren’t you like, part god or some shit? I know for a fact that some of the Royal Guard worship you and Mal as the spirits of earth and sky. Shouldn’t you, you know, actually try to make things better for them? It’s fucking dumb to just trust one mare to run everything for you, not when you’ve got the power to make things better.”

Spectra snorted. “How am I supposed to make things better?”

“I dunno, but if you haven’t noticed, Penumbra’s not doing a very good job at the moment. Maybe you could step in, be a better influence? Actually do something other than watch while she does her best to burn the most stable government in history to the ground.”

“She’s not burning the-”

“Manehattan.” Blood Eyes interrupted.

There was a pause. “That wasn’t her fault. Malus was the one who made that call.”

“And Malus made the right call too. I’m saying Penumbra should have been the one to do what her daughter did. Malus ended the Changeling War, right then and there. What she did was harsh, and I doubt Manehattan’s ever gonna be like it was, but the way Penumbra was doing things, the changelings would have burned their way right up to Canterlot. The entire time their swarm would be growing and multiplying, until the entire country eventually would have been overrun.” She glanced over at Spectra. “You know I’m right.”

Spectra was silent. “Is this you trying at getting involved in the future of the world? Trying to convince me to betray my mother?”

“I’m not saying betray her, dude. I’d never suggest that. Loyalty is bloody important. No, what I’m saying is don’t take her at face value. That bitch is messing up too much for you to just sit on the sidelines anymore.”

They were silent for a bit longer. “Where did you even come from?” Spectra muttered as she stood up. “If you’re so smart why don’t you go back to the gryphon kingdom and conquer it yourself?”

Blood Eyes barked out a laugh. “Now that’d be interesting. Me on a throne? You’re telling the punchline to a joke you don’t know the rest of.” She took another swig of alcohol. “Maybe. I mean… the war won’t end anytime soon, right? Once things are wrapped up here, I might have a crack at the homelands. See if I can make my cubs little princes and princesses.” She chuckled and nudged Spectra with an elbow. “Maybe have them take lessons in princessness from you.”

Spectra laughed too. “Yeah, they’d be the most awesome royal family ever.” She paused for thought. “Seriously, who are you? What’s your story?”

Blood Eyes paused. Silence hung in the air for a minute or two, as she weighed up her words. “I’m just… someone who’s seen a lot of things. Who’s been places.” She looked across at Spectra. Smirking, she put on a slower wheezy stoner’s voice. “I’ve seen some shit, man.” She chuckled at her own joke and took another drink.

Spectra snorted and looked back out to the city. “I could probably find out if I wanted. How many albino gryphons live in Equestria?”

“One,” Blood Eyes replied and jerked a thumb at herself. “Shouldn’t be too hard for you to find out with some help from Spike. Sure, have some homework. See what you can find out about me.” She smirked across at Spectra. “You’ll get everything, where I was born, my real name, where I was educated etc, etc, blah blah blah. Go for it, but I promise you, you’ll learn everything there is to know about my life, and you still won’t know a damn thing about it.”

Spectra blinked in confusion at those words. “What?”

Blood Eyes glanced up at the moon. “Anyway, I better go. Long ass leather working session to get to tomorrow.” She sighed and shook her head. “Hey, you want to keep the applejack? I don’t really need it anymore.”

Spectra opened her mouth to speak, when Blood Eyes cut across her again.

“Oh, and just a little more food for thought, but you say all pony names have meanings, right? Well then, what does your name mean? What about Penumbra’s and Malus’?” Blood Eyes shrugged. “Just think about it a bit.”

“I could just beat it out of you,” Spectra said flatly, tiring of the condescension and cryptic questions. “It might be quicker and easier.”

Blood Eyes tilted her head. “Yeah you could. But that’d ruin the fun of it. It’s just a friendly game, dude. Not like it really matters.” She spread her wings and took to the air. “Besides!” She called back. “That’d be cheating!”

And with that, she took off. Spectra watched the retreating gryphon with a frown on her face. After a moment, she shrugged and sat back down. She watched the city for a bit longer, before she picked up the bottle of applejack with Mal’s cutie mark on its face.

“Applejack…” She frowned and scrunched up her face. “Applejack, applejack.” Something about it tickled her memory. Then she blinked as she remembered it was one of the names Mal had spoken last night when she was spouting her random nonsense.

“Applejack…” she repeated as she stared at the bottle.


Sweet Apple Acres looked the same as it always did. Row upon row of apple trees stretching as far as the eye could see; the corn field next to that path leading to the barn, the chicken coop and pig pen, all of it was completely unchanged.

It hadn’t really been that long, just six months, but still… She expected the place to seem a little different. At least it looked as pretty at night as it always did. With a sigh, she banked and brought herself in to land on the path leading up to the road.

She trotted slowly, partly to delay the inevitable, partly to take in the sights, mostly because she dared anyone to fly from Featherton to Ponyville and not be a little exhausted. She walked up to the front porch, and paused to listen to the sound of clanking dishes and conversation from inside as the ponies ate their evening meal. With a pause for a sigh, she straightened up her hair a bit and adjusted her saddlebags.

Then she knocked, and listened to the sound of a conversation stopping. There was the sound of heavy hoofsteps as a big boned pony slowly made their way to the front door.

A second later it opened, and there stood Big Mac. They stood there in awkward silence for a moment, as the earth pony looked the pegasus up and down and the straw in his mouth swung to the side.

“Spitfire,” he said solemnly. “What do you want?”

Spitfire scuffed a hoof against the floor and didn’t answer. The awkward silence was louder than her drill sergeant’s voice, and that stallion seriously knew how to scream. She kinda wished someone would scream. It might break the tension a bit.

“Big Mac,” she replied with a respectful nod. “Can I come in?”

There was a heavy silence for a moment, before Big Mac rolled his eyes and broke into a grin. A bass rumble of a chuckle escaped his throat and he stepped forward to wrap Spitfire up into a bone crushing hug.

“Great to see you again, Spits.”

She tried to fight it, but a moment later a smile conquered her face. “Yeah-yeah, great to see you too you big lug.” She hugged him back, and for once it didn’t feel totally awkward.

Macintosh thumped her on the back affectionately, and the blow made Spitfire wince. “You need to visit more.”

“I write all the time,” she defended herself. “And I send back bits.”

“S’not the same,” Mac replied and she winced. “You need tah come home more.”

“Yeah well…” She trailed off and scratched her that back of her head. It was kinda hard for her to say just how she felt. A constant sense of oddness had plagued her as long as she could remember. As if she was some ghost that had possessed another pony’s life. “I’m here now, aren’t I? Isn’t that what really matters?”

Mac smiled. “Eeyup.” He turned around and pushed Spitfire towards the door. “Food’s on the table. We thought you were gonna get here sooner, and when you were late we got started without you.”

“Yeah, sorry about that.” Spitfire ducked her head to hide her expression. “But I already ate before coming over. You know, work and all that, had to pull extra time so...”

“Oh...” Mac sounded a little crestfallen. “Well ya’sure you don’t got room for some o’ Granny’s apple pie? I know it was a long flight here, and you’ll need the energy.”

“Maybe in the morning? Sorry Mac, I’m not particularly hungry right now.”

Mac paused in the hall, and turned around to examine Spitfire. He seemed slow if you didn’t know him, but Big Mac was as perceptive as any Apple. And though he didn’t say much, Spitfire knew he was a lot smarter than he seemed.

“Spits... ‘s everything, okay?”

“Sorry...” A small smile tugged at her lips. “Boss at work was just... raw today. You know? Kinda put me in a foul mood is all, and I don’t really want to ruin dinner for you all.”

He stared at her for a moment. The straw in his mouth swung from one corner of his mouth to the other. His eyes narrowed for a moment, before he sighed and turned around. “Just grit and bear it Spits. You know how much Bloom missed you.” He looked over his shoulder at her.

“R-Right.” Spitfire ran a hoof through her mane, unable to meet Big Mac’s eyes.

“Come on.” He stopped at the dining room door. “They’re waiting on you.” A moment later he pushed it open and walked through.

For a brief moment, she hesitated, hoof half raised almost as though crossing that line would cause some sort of catastrophe. Then with a long slow breath, she gathered up her courage and walked through the door.

It was instantaneous. “Spitfire!” That high pitched southern twang split the air. Barely a second later a yellow filly-shaped rocket smacked into Spitfires legs and hugged her. “You’re back, you’re back!”

“H-Hey there kiddo, long time no see.” It felt so awkward to ruffle Apple Bloom’s mane, almost as though she was doing it to some random filly she found on the street .

“Why were ya gone so long? And what happened to yer accent?” Apple Bloom stared up at Spitfire, looking nothing but happy.

“I guess I just slowly lost it over time?” Or maybe it had something to do with those lessons, but she wasn’t about to say that out loud.

“Apple Bloom, sit down. Don’t you know it’s rude to leave when everypony’s eating?” Granny Smith scolded, and looked over at Spitfire. Apple Bloom pouted and sat down, and Spitfire stood there in the door for a moment, unsure what to do. “Well? Sit down, Spitfire.” Granny Smith smiled at her. “Don’t tell me you’re too of a big city pony now to enjoy a good ol’ country dinner.”

“Um... I was hoping to shower first... it was a long, tiring flight and I am super sweaty...” Spitfire gave them her most charming smile.

Big Mac coughed loudly, and shifted in his chair, the wood creaking loudly. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t need to. The message was perfectly clear. ‘Spitfire, you’re not getting out of this. Stop trying.’

“But I am pretty thirsty and hungry from the flight over.” The pegasus sat down at the table. “And this pie looks great.”

Bag Mac gave a slow nod. ‘Well done. Now keep it up.’

“Goin’ for the pie already?” Granny Smith chuckled. “Aintcha gonna give your Granny a hug?” Her weathered cheeks turned up into a smile. “And I thought they were supposed to teach you manners in that h’officer training what-cha-ma-call-it.”

“But I’m all sweaty an-” At Big Mac’s glare, Spitfire stood up and gave Granny Smith a light hug, trying her hardest to not touch the elderly mare. It just felt too much like hugging a sorta friend for the first time. She tried to pull away, but Granny Smith didn’t let go for a lot longer than Spitfire was comfortable with.

After a moment that felt way longer than it was, Spitfire was released, but not before she got poked in the side.

Granny Smith frowned. “Yer looking a little scrawny. Don’t they give you much exercise at that school? Or don’t the vittles have that ol’ Apple Family goodness?”

“Granny, all pegasi are like this. I’m perfectly fit and healthy for a mare of my age and size.”

Granny blinked at that. “Well, if you say so.” She watched as Spitfire sat down, her eyes narrowing. “Are you alright, Spits? Ya seem a mite on edge.”

Big Mac shook his head at Spitfire firmly. ‘You’re not ruining this meal.’

“Bad day. Captain was being an utter bit-” Apple Bloom shifted in the corner Spitfire’s eye and she cleared her throat. “Yeah, captain was on edge and that meant everyone was on edge.”

Granny nodded, satisfied. “Well just relax and enjoy ya family and good vittles.” She smiled. “I know they’re the only reason you came home in the first place.” Granny’s voice and eyes made it clear it was a joke, which was far more accurate than she knew.

Home was a joke. The biggest joke that had ever been played by anyone, anywhere, anytime. Home was where she felt safe, as though she belonged and was loved- not that she didn’t feel loved! It was just... uncomfortable. Like clopping in someone else’s house or with ponies sleeping nearby.

“And the pies and cider and zap apple jam. Heh, did I ever tell you about that jar of zap apple jam I took with me to camp?” asked Spitfire. “Turns out, it was so delicious the CO confiscated the entire jar thinking it was zapstract. The next day? Found him holed up in his room stuffing his face with the stuff.”

Granny Smith smiled at that. “Yessun, the zap apples are a mite bit addictive.” She scowled. “Damn waste to turn it into that zapstract hoo-hah.” After a moment she leaned back in her chair. “What was yer little school like? Did’ja make any friends?”

“I didn’t meet any enemies, does that count?”

Granny Smith snorted. “Well, you got plenty o’ friends back here in little ol’ Ponyville. Fluttershy, she’s a lovely girl, Rarity, and that pinky filly. Oh, what’s her name... Pinkie? Yeah, that’s it. You visit us more often, you might be able to stay in touch with them better.”

“Yeah... how are they anyways?”

“Pinkie’s doing fine with the Cakes, from what I hear. Helped us out with the harvest this year too,” Granny’s voice became a little pointed. “We were short a pair of hooves.”

“Give her some coffee and she’s worth ten,” replied Spitfire cheerily, deliberately ignoring the jab.

“One time,” Apple Bloom interjected, “I could’a sworn I saw her with ten hooves.”

Granny Smith chortled at her. “Well, I’m sure you were just seeing things, sugar.”

“For all I care, as long as Pinkie’s mane stays curly, she can breathe fire,” said Spitfire.

Granny smiled. “Well it was nice of her to help, but it’s just not the same without you here.”

“Yeah, well...” Spitfire shrugged and stretched her wings. “What can I say? Nothing beats these bad boys.”

“You could say that you’ll visit more, or you could say that I raised you better than that, or you could just say you’ll stay here and not run off again?” Granny Smith’s voice was hard, and she was practically glaring at Spitfire.

Big Mac sighed, and leaned back in his chair. ‘I give up.’

“Unless you want me to be hunted down for deserting the military, sure, let me get right on that Granny.” The two glared at each other. “You know what, I’m tired from my flight and could use a nice, relaxing shower. Good. Night.”

Granny stared at her for a moment, before she shifted in her seat. “I wasn’t tryin’ to make you leave, or get angry which’a. I just want you to talk to us, tell us why you need to keep leaving all the time. I’ve done everythin’ I could after your mother passed away to make you feel at home, even if you were a mismatch and a pegasus.”

“Well maybe you should just stop bucking trying so hard, ever thought of that?”

Granny Smith blinked at that. “O’course not, yer family. You stick with family, no matter what.”

“I’m a blood pegasus!” Both hooves slammed onto the table, causing the plates to jump. “Every single Apple has always been an eath pony. I doubt there’s even a drop of pegasus or unicorn blood anywhere in your veins. Stop trying to make me fit in, because I don’t alright!? You know this, I know this, so just... stop. Please.”

Granny Smith leaned back in her chair, her eyes narrowing. “Just stop? Just stop, ya say? I’ve been raising you and feedin’ you fer as long as Bloom here’s been alive, and you want me ta just stop?” Granny Smith snorted. “Well if that ain’t dumb enough to beat all. Just stop? That’s yer answer?” She shook her head. “You don’t just stop lovin’ somepony. Life ain’t that sweet. I put blood, sweat, and tears into you, when the easier thing ta do would’a been to just ship ya off to some orphanage? No. We’re Apples, you’re an Apple, and we don’t raise quitters, and we don’t take the easy way out.” She pointed a hoof across the table at Spitfire. “And we don’t run away from our problems neither. We work ‘em out.” She added firmly, “As a family.”

Spitfire stood there on trembling limbs before whispering, “I’m... sorry everyone, for ruining your dinner.” Then, without a backward look, she walked out the door.

“Sis!” Applebloom called out. “Sis-”

“Leave her be Bloom,” Granny Smith said. “Give her time to decide what she wants ta do.”

Spitfire heard this from the hall as she trotted away, and tried to pretend she hadn’t. She turned to trot up the stairs to the bathroom, when there was a knock on the door. After a second’s hesitation, she ignored it and continued up stairs. She only reached the top floor when she heard Big Mac open the front door.

“Hi Big Mac!” The most sugary sweet voice anyone ever had, ever, rang out.

“Miss Pie,” Came Big Mac’s reply. “Can I help you and yer... friend.”

“Oh absolutely! You can help a lot of ponies, but right now you can’t because we need a pegasus, and not just any pegasus, but a good flier pegasus, so I thought to myself, ‘Pinkie, who do you know that’s a pegasus that can fly well,’ and I realised Spitfire was coming home today and I was wondering if you’d seen her around?”

“...” Spitfire could practically hear the wheels in Bag Mac’s head turning as he processed that. “She’s busy, sorry ta say. Maybe if ya’ll come back in the-”

“Hey, what’s up?” asked Spitfire as she glided down the stairs.

“Oh!” Pinkie bounced into the room and wrapped Spitfire up in a spinning bouncing hug. “Spitsy! It’s been forever! Well, not forever, because if it was forever then that would mean you wouldn’t have come back at all, but it feels like it’s been forever!”

“Pinkie?” Spitfire untangled herself and pushed the pink party pony back. “Space.”

“Oops!” Pinkie smiled and stepped forward again. “I forgot, because you were just gone for sooooooooooooo long.” She smiled and bounced up and down excitedly. “How was your bossy pegasus school?”

“Great. Just... great...” Spitfire tilted her head towards the unicorn. “Who’s your new friend? You didn’t kidnap someone again, did you? We’ve talked about this.”

The unicorn in the door grinned and stepped into the room. She walked with a confident trot, and the purple sunglasses she had on made it hard to read her expression.“Something like that. You’re Spitfire, right?”

“Yeah... And you are?”

“A friend of Pinks.” She glanced over at Big Mac, and that grin turned into a smirk. “Yikes, you’re freaking huge. What the heck do they feed you guys out here?”

Big Mac watched her for a moment, before he turned and gazed at Spitfire. ‘You deal with them.’ Then he trotted back into the dining room.

“Your name,” repeated Spitfire.

The unicorn grinned over at Spitfire. “What is it with ponies and names? Sure, let’s just call the pink pony ‘Pinkie’, or the giant stallion ‘Big Mac’, or the pegasus whose hair looks like a blowtorch ‘Spitfire’.” She nudged Pinkie. “This town’s even worse with that than the rest.”

“Or maybe it’s because I like playing with fire.” One hoof on the door frame, the pegasus gave them her most sadistic smile. “And I have been meaning to see how quickly a panicking unicorn can put out a flame.”

That grin again, this time with a little chuckle. “Pinks, you gonna introduce us?”

Pinkie nodded at that enthusiastically. “Spitfire, this is Red. Red, this is Spitfire. She’s been my super special friends since forever! Well, not forever because-”

“Yeah, we get it Pinks.” Red interrupted her, and turned to Spitfire. “You okay? You seem kinda on edge. If I’m in the way I can totally come back later.”

“Nah, I’m fine.” The door shut behind them. “So what’s up?”

“Pinks tells me you’re a good flyer.” Red grinned again. “And she also tells me you owe her a favour. And Pinks owes me a favour.”

“I do?” Pinkie blinked in surprise.

“Yeah,” Red turned around and looked over at her. “Remember? You almost got me killed when that balcony collapsed?”

Pinkie perked up. “Oh!” Then she perked down. “Right. That. Sorry.”

“Sounds like one heck of a party. Couldn’t you have waited for me?” said Spitfire.

Red grinned. “So you haven’t heard about what happened in town last night?”

“As long as it didn’t involve strippers, it will never beat that party. But nope, flying all night. Why? Did Pinks get you two thrown in jail again?”

“Nope!” Pinkie announced happily.

“Well, it doesn’t matter anyway.” Red turned to Spitfire. “The point is, you owe Pinks a favour, Pinks owes me a favour, so I think you kinda owe me a favour.”

“Only if you call in your favour to Pinkie so that she’s forced to cash in the favour I owe her,” replied Spitfire. “I’m not letting you get free favours now.”

Red grinned again. “Yeah, totally. Pinks, I’m cashing in that favour you owe me, so that Spitsy has to cash in the favour she owes you. Anyway, the point is, I need someone to fly me to Manehattan, and fast too.”

“Take the train and stop calling me Spitsy.”

“Sorry, but the train isn’t fast enough. It’s like, three days there and back with the train, but a good pegasus can do it in like, a day.” Red glanced over at Spitfire. “Even if you’re not that great a flier, you can still do it in less than three days.” Her head tilted, and she visibly checked Spitfire out. That grin again. “And you look like a damn fine flier there, Burnie.”

“Burnie? You’re really scraping at the bottom of the barrel now.” Spitfire trotted past, trailing her tail along Red’s face as she went. “And I’m the best anyone’s seen in a long time. A day is beyond easy.”

“Sweet.” She turned to Spitfire, “So you’ll do it?”

“Now, now, I never said that, sweetie. I merely said I could do that.”

“Hey, don’t be like that.” Red grinned and nudged Spitfire. “Us mismatches gotta stick together. Come on, a day of your time, me for company, the wind in your mane as you soar away from it all. I can even pay you like, three bits when we get to Manehattan. You can buy yourself a good ol’ Bug City tofu dog.”

“And a day of you riding me?” smirked Spitfire.

“Hey, I can get a sky carriage if you don’t want a little mare on mare action.” She grinned. “But I’m cool either way.”

“More like you’re too fat to top anyways. You’d end up squishing me like a bug if you tried.”

Red smirked. “Bitch, please. You know you want this. I walk into the clubs, and all the stallions be creaming themselves. The mares don’t know what hit ‘em.” She was grinning widely at Spitfire. “You’re hurting my feelings there, Burnie. Fat? You trying to make me insecure? I know a player’s moves when I see them.”

“Maybe in your dreams,” said Spitfire with an eye roll. “Fat as a dragon, that’s what you are.”

“Damn right you’ll be in my dreams.” She grinned and threw a hoof over Spitfire’s shoulder. “I’m filing every second I spend with you away for later usage, if you know what I mean. You should be flattered, I don’t usually go for mares like this.”

With a brush of her hoof, Spitfire pushed Red off her. “Yeah, no. Straight as an arrow, sorry.”

“Me too.” Red grinned.

“Of course you are.”

“Totally.” She grinned wider. “So how about us two totally straight mares take a totally legit and not-a-date flight to Manehattan, where there won’t be any unresolved sexual tension, and a nice tofu dog waiting for you. Come on, did you honestly have anything planned?”

“Maybe a nice relaxing day with the fami- Oh buck it, who am I kidding? You’re on.”

That grin again. “Awesome. No one can resist the charms of DJ P0N-3. So, we doing this bare back and rubbing against each other all day in a totally straight way, or you want me to find a sky carriage first?”

“Sky carriage. You know what they say, always wear protection.”

“Hey, I’m clean, babe. Nothing nasty down there.” Red grinned. “But whatever. I’ll get us a sky carriage no probs.” She frowned and tapped a hoof to her chin. “If you could meet me just out of town in like, an hour or two, we can go.”

“You’re going to steal one, aren’t you?”

“Pffft. No.” Red waved it off. “I can talk anyone into doing anything, I’m just that charming.” She paused for thought. “Or if I had the time I could probably make one. Shouldn’t be too hard, some fairly basic enchantment to replicate pegasus magic, and open leylines to respond to the driver. You’d need some directional control too.” After a moment Red grinned. “Yeah I could totally make one. I just don’t have the time.”

“You? Making something? By the Blind One, save us all.”

Red snorted. “Hey, I can build shit you couldn’t comprehend. You’re looking at the best enchanter in Equestria.” She reared up on her hind legs and puffed out her chest. After a second she fell back to all fours. “Well, at least the best I know. There might be someone out there better, but I’ve never heard of them.” Red grinned. “The things I can do with flux blow minds.”

“More like your slutty mouth can blow minds,” muttered Spitfire under her breath. “Whatever, but nothing illegal, alright?”

“Totally.” Red promised, holding a hoof over her heart. “This’ll be completely legit all the way.”

“I don’t believe you one single bit,” replied Spitfire.

“Thy words wound us!” Red responded. “Doth thou trust us so little?” She adjusted her sunglasses and grinned. “Babe, please. I’d never lie.”

“Unless it’d let you get into my bed?”

“Hey, everyone has their moments of weakness,” Red replied. “Not my fault you’re a total ten, and I get all cold and lonely at night.”

“Just for the record, accidents do happen so if I accidentally let you fall, or if we accidentally hit a storm, it’s totally not my fault.”

Red sucked air through her teeth. “Oh, now that’d be a tragedy. Me dying before you can admit all those feelings you have for me. That’s some Shakespearian shit, all right. My body broken and lifeless before we got the chance to resolve all this sexual tension we’ve got going. Every night you’d tearfully clop yourself raw thinking about your dear DJ that you never got the chance to tell just how you felt.” She wiped a hoof under her eye, and Spitfire got a glimpse of red before the sunglasses fell back into place. “Brings a tear to my eye.”

“Oh, go suck yourself.”

She only grinned wider than ever. “Don’t got the bits for that I’m afraid.”

“Go lick yourself then.”

“Anyway, I’ll show myself out.” Red turned to the door. “Meet me at the gate to the farm in like,” she tapped a hoof to her chin, “An hour? Yeah, that oughta do it.” She stepped out the door, “Hey, Pinks, you coming?”

Pinkie, who had been eating some popcorn and watching the entire time, threw away the food and bounced over. “Sure, I just want to talk to Spitfire for a bit.”

“Whatevs. Later fillies.” The door closed behind her, and Spitfire found herself in a room with Pinkie Pie.

“Hey, Spitfire...” Pinkie smiled. Not grinned, smiled. After a moment that smile faded. “I uh... Is everything okay?”

“Yep, everything’s fine,” said Spitfire with a shrug. “The usual day, you know?”

“Uh huh.” Pinkie scuffed her hoof on the floor. “Are you sure you want to go with Red? This is your first time back in Ponyville in months. If you want to spend some time with your family, I’ll forget that favour you owe me and you can stay here.”

“Don’t sweat it,” shrugged Spitfire.

“Alright...” Pinkie started bouncing again. “Hey, if you’re pulling the carriage can I come too?”

“Two ponies plus a carriage is... um... probably too heavy for me.”

“Are you sure?” Pinkie asked putting on the puppy eyes. “It’ll just be little ol’ me.”

“Well... er...” Spitfire rubbed the back of her neck. “Fine.”

“Yay!” Pinkie shouted and jumped up, confetti exploding from... somewhere. She landed and wrapped Spitfire up in a big hug, bouncing up and down. “Thanks Spitsy!”

“Personal space, Pinkie,” Spitfire pushed her away. “Why do you want to come along anyways?” asked Spitfire.

Pinkie paused. “Because... Red’s... She’s my friend, and I think she’s in trouble. Plus, you need someone to help cheer you up, Miss Frowny Face.” She leaned in closer to Spitfire and whispered, “You want to know something? I don’t think Red’s her real name.”

“I never would have guessed,” said Spitfire with an eye roll.

“Also...” Pinkie continued obliviously, “I think she might be involved in something illegal.”

“Great. Couldn’t you have told me that earlier?”

“I just didn’t want to worry you,” Pinkie replied happily. “You’re all frowny way too often.”

“Whatever,” replied Spitfire. “Just go, I need to prepare for the journey.”

“Okie dokie,” Pinkie smiled back at her. She turned to go after Vinyl and paused at the door. “And you’re sure you’re okay with this? You don’t seem very happy to be going.”

“I’m fine Pinkie. Perfectly fine.”

“That’s a funny way of saying fine. Perfectly fine. Because perfectly means perfect, and fine means it’s fine, like it’s oka-”

“Pinkie? I’m fine. Good, happy, joyful, you know the drill.”

Pinkie stared at her for a moment. “Well it’s a good thing you’re gonna be with me and Red all day! We’ll put a smile back on that dial.”

The door closed behind Pinkie, but Spitfire just continued staring forward. After a minute, Pinkie’s words finally sunk in and Spitfire slowly sat down before curling into a ball, a small whimper escaping. What the fuck had she just agreed to?

Author's Note:

New chapter. Enjoy it, and this one's actually got a decent size to it. Pre reading by OrphiusOlyandra, Alicornpriest, and DoomManta.
I had a really bad case of writers block with this chapter, it was practically ready by last month, I just got stuck on the final scene with Spitfire. Thanks goes to OprhiusOlyandra for helping (and by helping me I mean writing) Spitfire. If he he hadn't offered his service, this chapter wouldn't have been finished.

Comments ( 52 )

Oh f*** yes.

The word-play between Spitfire and Vinyl was cute... for all of 2 paragraphs... then it went on and on and on.

Still so many questions, and god... Vinyl is actually something of an asshole, a murdering one too, seeing as she intended to kill off Malus for the elements. You'd think ponies would have more respect for the royal family.


Yeah, I should have suspected an extended section of dialogue with Vinyl being all flirty would have been out of place in this story. But honestly, that might be something that happens again in the future. When I write dialogue it often has a tendency to get out of hand and drag on for too long and get pretty off topic, but honestly I kinda like it that way.

And yes. Vinyl is an asshole. That was deliberate. I want her to be a likable funny character more or less, but undeniably a complete jerk. I hope I've succeeded in that.

Not for me. I'm kinda hoping something horrible happens to her soon.


What's not for you? And you're hoping something horrible happens to who?

So, Luna's gone all schrodinger's cat on us. Somehow, I didn't think you'd throw away a character that was in the synopsis so soon (of course, it could all be a hope spot/red herring).

*sees Hiatus tag*

That sucks. Oh well, I'm a patient man. I just hope this doesn't turn into one of those "updates a year later and you've completely forgotten what's going on" kind of things.


Vinyl. Sorry, I was answering your last paragraph in the post above mine. Don't really find her to be likeable.

Still loving the story though. Can't wait for the next chapter :twilightsmile:


Ah, fair enough. I was hoping the humor and undertones of crazy would keep Vinyl at least interesting, even if she's not likable. I mean, as long as she doesn't bore you, right? Does something horrible happen to Vinyl? Well... duh. I mean, what else would you expect?

Glad you're enjoying it, and I can't make any guarantees about when the next chapter comes out.


You'll find out what's going with Luna in... the first paragraph of the next chapter pretty much.

Actually, maybe I should change the tag so it's not on hiatus anymore. I've already started working on the next chapter.

I love the story. However, on the opinion of Vinyl... well, let's ask MolaDOS.

She is unlikeable. Liked by no one. Her passing shall not be mourned. Shall not be mourned.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

I'm not saying that you failed in anything, just that I wouldn't mind if someone murdered her.


Well, that's a little harsh... kinda? I mean, she did try to murder Mal, but then Vinyl's from Manehattan, and pretty much anyone from Manehattan would kill Mal, only hesitating for long enough to decide if they could get away with it.

But seriously? Is Vinyl that detestable? That's kinda concerning. Like I said, the goal if for Vinyl to be a bitch, but a likable one. I need to work on that.

Probably not. I thnik, my reaction my be enhanced just a little bit by hte rather large amount of Sheridan's that I recentyl consumed, so not... "detestable".
She could be this... or some other thing that I don't remember about right now... and that's not a bad thing, not with your quality of writign, whivch is a real good quality.

There's a new chapter! And a rather long one at that. This is gonna be fun. First, of course, I have to get this out of the way:


And now m ready. Let's do this.

I've found that Malus is really growing on me. I mean, she's got clear differences from AJ which makes sense, and she's kinda got a terrifying vibe about her, but I can't help but enjoy her. She's got a lot going on under that hat, more then most might suspect, and I like that she's starting to distrust Penumbra. Not that I don't think our little blind Twilacorn has everybody's best interests at heart or anything, but I like that Malus isn't just blindly following orders without a second thought. A major difference then Spectra, who seems pretty content. To just go along with anything Penumbra tells her.

I kinda enjoy Vinyl, personally. She's protective of herself, and that leads to being a tad more bitchy then she might be normally. The only major strike against her in my books is that she doesn't like Pinkie and that's only because I have a major, major soft spot for Pinkie. Although I'm pretty sure I've mentioned that about a million times... Annnyway, she does have a decent side, but it's pretty buried under all her teasing, and distrust of everyone, and pushing too far and stuff.

And now I'm interested in what Penumbra and Rarity meant by mismatch... I mean, clearly it has something to do with a certain type of pony being born to a family of a different type, but is that related to the Event somehow? Calling them mismatches, I mean, or is that just something that occurs naturally?

I also enjoyed Spitfire and how she was uncomfortable in the Apple family because, of course, she isn't meant to be there really.

Oh, and before I forget, I like what Blood Eyes said about griffin government vs. Equestrian government. After all, a monarchy is supposed to be the best form of government as long as you have the right monarch to go with it. Unfortunately, power goddesses who are fair and just are in short supply.

I feel really bad for Applebloom, actually. I mean, she clearly adores her big sister but she can't spend any time with Spitfire, and when she can then Granny must always be making remarks that kinda ruin it. That's gotta suck for her.

Annd... I think I'm done. See what happens when you go without a chapter for so long? I get into rambly mode! Ahem, sorry about that. :twilightblush:

Ah didn’t get to see any of the Princesses at the party last night ‘cause Granny said I couldn’t go, and no one’s telling me what happened.

Trust me Applebloom, you don't WANT to know what happened there.:fluttercry:

2141097 I got really excited reading your comment. You're speculating! I love speculating.

Since I'm y1's editor/over-analyzingperceptive world-building-nut, but have no extra information beyond what's already published, what do you think about this little bit?

So, who was your parent?

That's parent singular.

The implications of this are rather interesting in my opinion.


You're not over thinking that. That was a very deliberate choice of words on my part.


Yeah, the details might traumatize poor little Bloom.

Oh, cool! I made someone cheerful with my super rambling-ness!

Ahem, as for the singular parent, that brings up all kinds of interesting things. Like maybe there's a genetic thing that can be done where only the genes from one parent are taken to create a child that can be whatever type they want.

Or maybe the Event caused some mares to spontaneously get pregnant, and whatever happened also mutated it so that they didn't necessarily have to be the same type.

Oooh, or they're test tube babies from an Equestria-wide experiment and some of those who volunteered to be cloned got married and had other kids before it was successful.

Or perhaps they've found out how to mess with babies inside the womb, and cloning and stuff like that, but ponies made that way are kinda looked down upon for not being 'real' and I'm kinda getting Ender's Game flashbacks...

Of course, those are all wild speculations and probably all completely wrong, but it's fun to think about! :pinkiehappy: Thanks for pointing that out to me!

And they're all super scientific too... Like I said, that whole "second foal" thing gave me Ender's Game flashbacks.

2125159 Well, as long as you DON'T bring her back to life, I'll be fine.


Sorry it took me a while to reply.

I'm glad that you're starting to like Malus. As one of my pre reader's said, Malus is oddly likable for someone that doesn't have much in the way of likable attributes. I honestly can't say what it is about Mal that makes me like her, but she's fun to write, and it's always an amusing little challenge thinking of how I can get her to say as little as possible in any situation.

I'm a tad disappointing that people aren't liking Vinyl, but at least they're reacting to her. Honestly, as long as she's not bland and her sections are interesting, I'm gonna keep writing her like I am. You're right that Vinyl's not evil, just looking out for number one. She can be viscous with that, but she's not an inherently bad person. She doesn't want to hurt others, and she's not sadistic or ambitious, just ruthless and manipulative. And potentially murderous. Her decent side is the side she presents to the world, the fun loving harmless party animal. Underneath that skin of 'Oh don't mind me, I'm just busy being awesome,' is where she's darker. Above all else, Vinyl is a survivor.

Mismatches will be explained, don't you worry.

Blood Eyes has a unique perspective. I wouldn't call her 'smart' in the strictest sense, but she does have a certain predatory logic and an eye for weakness that very few ponies share.

Applebloom actually has it lucky compared to a lot of the foals from the show. Wait till you get the explanations for the other CMC, or just where the heck Sweetie Belle is if she's not Rarity's sister.

And again, sorry about the long waits between chapters.

That's all right, I took a while to reply to this!

I know! She doesn't say much, but when I'm inside her head I just... I dunno. I like her a lot! She seems like a good combination of Applejack and Malus, and I'm really enjoying her bits. I can imagine how it might be challenging to have such an important character speak so little.

Yeah, she is interesting. It's just her selfishness can be a turn off for people liking her. As a survivor she has to be toughened, of course, and unwilling to really soften up. Being in her head though gives the audience a real clear view of all her faults, y'know?

Now that I'm looking forward to!

I like her way of thinking. It's a good contrast to the way most ponies view the world, since she is a predator to their prey mindset.

Sweetie? Oh my, what have you done to this poor filly? Is she an orphan? Or maybe she works on a rock farm, like Pinkie!

Oh, it's fine. When the updates are as awesome as this, I can wait! :pinkiehappy:


So, what's up with the fic? I somehow just ran into this a few days ago and it seems you're stuck...kinda? :ajbemused::applejackconfused:

Do love Malus btw. A mare's gotta do what a mare's gotta do.


I'm still writing for it, just slowly, inconsistently and inbetween my other fics. The release dates are slow, sorry about that. But I'm glad you're liking it.

What is it that you like about her exactly?


There are a few things:

For one, she's not just taking everything Penumbra says at face value. Whether the Element of Honesty still has a residual connection to her or not, she can still sense when ponies are lying to her, even if they happen to be her 'mother.' She's willing to make some decisions for herself and not just blindly follow orders; If what I surmised from what happened in Manehattan is anything. She also, at times, just doesn't follow what Penumbra tells her and makes a more logical path to the next clue. She still does what she can to do what she believes is right, even if destructive.

She is good at hiding her feelings and thoughts. Maybe she has some subconscious desire to hide herself from a 'friend' that did whatever actually happened to her. And then the world at large just started demonizing her and that made it easier. She is also hiding her abilities from everyone, except when she figured her life was on the line. That no-holds-barred fracas with Luna made her push the envelope on her abilities. And it was awesome! :rainbowkiss:

Also, her name. Crabapple can still describe to her in her present incarnation. She's still an Apple whether its apparent or not. She still has her cutie mark as well, which is plastered all over Equestria on bottles of Applejack. Oh, the irony. :ajbemused:

I will admit I had an inkling of a clue before, but when Blood Eyes mentioned her thoughts on names, it became much clearer. Nice subtle hint there. :ajsmug:

Also, stronk, oh the stronk. :raritywink:


I like Malus too, but I can never really think of why. She's always a challenge to write, because she's forceful and directed when it comes to getting things done, but she never speaks. It's kinda tricky to make her intentions extremely clear, but at the same time have her say no more than two or three words at time.

As for the bottles of applejack with her cutiemark, you can imagine how the conversation with will go when she notices that. I think the line in my current draft goes:

"What a coincidence," Blood Eyes commented, watching Mal's reaction.

Also, what the heck does this mean?:rainbowhuh:

Also, stronk, oh the stronk.

What's Stronk?:unsuresweetie:


3.5 DnD session reference. Inside joke. Ogres are known for their strength, not their intelligence. A friend started one name Tronk.

A conversation in-game goes something like this:

"Tronk is stronk...."

That's another thing: Malus doesn't really need to make her intentions known much. Most think she's around to kick flank. They aren't far off.



If you don't mind me probing a little, how do you feel about Vinyl Scratch? A lot of readers aren't liking her very much, and I'm kinda wanting to fix that.


Like you mentioned in a comment some time ago: She is a survivor.

I've been in a position like that and don't see anything wrong with her behavior or attitude. This isn't canon Equestria. Whatever actually happened to flip the tables on everything changed the way most ponies are nurtured, or their nature. Everyone's backstory is different. I wouldn't be surprised to find out later in the story that Pinkie Pie is an only child, or Fluttershy never came to Ponyville, etc. etc.

I do get surprised when there is a lot that hasn't changed. Like Applebloom.

There isn't anything wrong with Vinyl Scratch, just a lot of perceptions of her are wrong, or perverted through this new timeline that seems to have been created. The eyes, for example... Aren't they both canon, but the magenta color from earlier seasons? She is pretty rough around the edges, but this timeline Octavia never seems to have existed....so the shipping never happened.

Most fans prefer the canon VS, or their version of it. You, however, pretty much had to make up an almost completely new one to fit in this new Equestria where the Changeling Horde almost destroyed Manehattan and Celestia is dead. She is visibly VS, but completely different background. I believe you mentioned(in the story) she was in Manehattan when Malus defeated Chrysalis. Just surviving that changes everything.

She seems to be mellow around PP, but that may just bean act. Or she feels compelled to find the Element Bearers because she has possession of them. I'm willing to find out. Penumbra hoped she was the same. She still has skill with the music. :yay:


I am a little curious about what exactly a mismatch is though.

2322632 I really like your Vinyl Scratch, no need to "fix" her.


Well I'm glad someone does. When I said 'fix', I didn't really mean change her, just maybe portray her in a more sympathisable light. Explain a bit better why she's as 'crouching dj, hidden bitch' as she is.

Ha! I find myself reading this story again! I hope you can update it soon! :ajsmug:

I have been thinking of a few things. Mainly Luna. She's in the tag and I know she's still around, but Spectra has been more prominent and no tag for RD. Maybe......moar story will shed some light on this? :scootangel:


I don't think you should either. This one is your creation.


I'm not sure when the next update for this will be. The current chapter's still under five thousand words, and I hate updating this with anything less than a full sized ten thousand word chapter.


No need for rush, but appreciate the update. :yay:


Mal and Big Mac aren't really similar in the way you're thinking of. Big Mac is quiet, but he speaks when he has to. Add to that, that usually his actions speak for him. Malus on the other hand (hoof), isn't simply quiet, she's reserved, hiding her feelings and opinions. Applejack was always honest, open. She wore her heart on her sleeve and always spoke her mind.

I'll let you read more before I give away too much of their character.


What can I say? Being an alicorn hasn't suddenly given her social skills. If anything, it's destroyed her understanding of normal ponies even more.

But I like wild speculation. If you have any theories I'd actually like to hear them.

For some reason my alerts page didn't notify me of your replies.

You want my crazy theories? Well, for starters I'm thinking that under that bandage Blood Eyes has either normal griffin eyes the same color as canon Gilda or two scars identical to Penumbra's. And, either way, she's not really an albino.

Also, I'm assuming that Luna only stayed down because her magic healing wasn't enough to remove the sign from her brain, so she reanimated after it was removed, but that's not really much of a stretch from the evidence we've gotten.

Also, it's interesting that Rainbow Dash and Applejack don't exist in this timeline, even though Twilight clearly travelled back to before they were born so it's not like they'd still be dead. And Malllus still has her apple cutie mark instead of one for, as would be more appropriate, earthbending (by the way I like the idea that mixing Twilight's super-magical essence with Applejack and Rainbow Dash created uniquely magically gifted versions of their race). This leads me to wonder if when she says she used their essence she doesn't just mean their DNA or physical make up but that she used something (perhaps a modification of that destiny swap spell she completed in the Season 3 finale-- it depends on whether or not that episode is canon for this fic) to usurp their very destinies.

EDIT: Also, until Blood Eyes brought it up and I googled "Malus" I kept thinking she'd named neo-Applejack a variant of "Malleus" or hammer. Which I think had to do with her incredible physical power, use as an elite warrior, and her thoughts about being a tool.


Man I love hearing theories.

Well, I won't deny that Blood Eyes isn't exactly a normal gryphon.

Other people have guess the same about Luna's death.

Are you sure that's what Spectra and Malus really are? Penumbra claims that they're a mix of alicorn and normal pony, but she's lied before. Or maybe she's only telling half the truth?

Yeah, it took me ages ot think of good names for all of them.

Oh I'm sure she's leaving stuff out. I was just thinking mixing them with her own living divine essence made the most sense-- I suppose she could have done something crazy like taken dead Celestia and dead Luna and mixed them with dead Applejack and dead Rainbow Dash then brought them to life... somehow ala Frankenstein. Though that wouldn't explain Luna being alive now. Heck, until Luna returned from the moon at the right time I was half convinced there hadn't been any real time-travel as opposed to mass memory alterations (ie the Event wasn't twenty years ago, it was a couple and most people's memories of what really happened were erased and they were all convinced Penumbra had been around for decades when she was recent) and I still wasn't sure until Applebloom turned out to still be a filly.

Also, I can't remember where but I'm sure there's somewhere on the Evil Overlord list where it advises against letting minions know you're thinking about killing them and then leaving them unsupervised.

This is very interesting so far! It could use some slower pacing over descriptions (i.e., two or three paragraphs instead of just one), but you've certainly got my attention :twistnerd:


Comment more?

Until this read thru, I never caught that Applejack and Rainbow Dash were alicorns until the 'flashback' scenes near the beginning of chapter one. Specifically, this one:

Twilight shivered as she stared down at the wounded body of her friend. Her PFF would be fine after a day or two, but that didn’t change the way Twilight felt about what was she going to do. Horn glowing, she leaned in closer to touch the appendage against the tip of her friends’ own horn.


:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:I'm so glad someone finally noticed that.


Well, I have been reading this again and again(several times; great story even on a back burner) and I can't believe I never caught that before. Given also the fact that there is no mention of Discord and Penumbra is infused with chaos magic(As well as her created daughters) gives this story a darker tone...

Gives me the shivers and makes me give a hypothesis on what really happened to Celestia and Cadence(and Discord). Only a hypothesis and not one I want to really reveal and spoil a story that may(hopefully) or may not resume. Might also explain the loss of Penumbra's eyes.

I can see the problem you're having with Spitfire. So far she's only reacted to Vinyl and the other Apples.

A suggestion: Either write or read short stories that have Spitfire as a main character to get a feel for her fanon. Then make your own head canon out of it. There isn't a lot of actual canon there to work with there.

Jonshine for writing the line in his own story that in the end inspired this idea.

What was Jonshine's line, and what was the name of his story?

Why is this story on hiatus?


Because the author deems it so at this time.

I would also like the author to resume at some point, however, it is not for us mere mortals to decide.

Yes, I reread it again.



Okay, so I doubt I'll finish this story, which is a shame because I had some cool ideas for it. Anyway, whatever.

For those of you who want some of the mysteries answered (be warned, some serious spoilers are ahead):
This story is a direct sequel to my other story, A Long Journey. So many Equestrians died so suddenly, because they're the people/ponies who died in that story. When Equestria was returned to normal everyone who died in that story stayed dead, and everyone else had their memories born. Due to time travel shenanigans, ponies who hadn't been born yet also died, hence the still births. The souls of some ponies (Spitefire and Vinyl Scratch for example) already existed, but hadn't been born yet, so were moved to the womb of a mother whose foal would be stillborn. That was what was going to be one of the larger twists in this story. I was going to be releasing it at the same time as A Long Journey with the intention of tying them together at the end of the second act with that as one of the story's ultimate reveals.


I still have hope that you will continue this story. :moustache: :ajsmug:

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