• Published 23rd Nov 2016
  • 1,688 Views, 31 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Infinity - Pen Dragon

Peter Parker had brought peace to Equestria, but he's unaware that a threat far greater than anything he has ever faced is approaching....

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Chapter One- It Begins

Author's Note:

Okay this story has taken quite sometime to write and thanks to FrostTheWolf he has been a huge help as of late so give him a special thanks and Bad Dragon for helping me out. Almost forgot, but MetalJrock2299 has recently started to help. Now this is a small team, but I'm proud of my team so give them a huge thanks. Also you may have noticed but I've adapted to a new writing style and I have to say it's pretty good:twilightsmile:

Edits will be made in the future.

So without further ado Spiders and Magic: Infinity:pinkiehappy:

Chapter One- It Begins

The night descended on three figures who were strolling through Canterlot. They were heading towards the museum where one of the most powerful artifacts in the universe was placed. Ever since Nova Corps was destroyed, it was thought to have been lost with it's destruction. Yet, by some stroke of misfortune, it survived and managed to have made it's way to Equestria.

One of the figures turned to the other. “Are you sure it’s here?”

“Of course it is! Our sources say that the artifact is here in this location.” The head of the group answered, pointing at an old museum.

“In that case let’s just get this over with and get it to the master. You know, he has been looking for this for years now.” One of them explained, only causing the head of the group to grunt in response.

“Tell us something we don’t know Solar! Now then, let’s get inside already.” Soon a purple aura formed around the hoof of the leader as a portal leading inside the museum opened beside it’s walls.

When the three entered the museum two security ponies turned around the corners to see the intruders. “Hey, how did you three get in-” Before guard could his was shot by a inferno blast from Solar’s hoof. They could only chuckle as the second guard stood in place, frightened as sweat dripped from his forehead. Soon the largest of the three walked up to him, grabbed him and threw him with all his might into the wall.

“Well done, Tidus. For someone who can only use hooves in a fight, that wasn’t half bad,” Solar complemented the massive brute who still hid under his cloak. “Hey Lucian, are you sure it’s here in this dump? I mean, we’ve searched this rock for two months now! Mainly because we had to… adjust to our recent change!” Solar explained, only to receive a light chuckle from him.

“Don’t worry about it, because the tracer is picking up on a strong energy source in the building,” Lucian said as they headed towards the exhibit room.

“I can’t believe that these primitives were able to get their hooves on the artifact,” Tidus said.

“Well if I had to guess… Nova Corps must have thought that we wouldn’t be able to track it here. In a sense, it wasn’t a bad strategy considering that not many knew about this world.” But he had a feeling that there was more to it than meets the eye.

“Well, whatever. Let’s just get that stupid orb and get the hell outta here.” Solar said, only for Lucian to roll his eyes at his little brother. But after searching the room for a few minutes they soon spotted what they were looking for and headed towards it, seeing that it was surrounded by beams of red light.

“Patience, my brothers. After all, our master will be pleased that we managed to have acquired the Orb.” Lucian’s hooves began to glow as it took form of a dark mystical claw tearing through the glass as he reached in to grab the artifact, without triggering the alarms. Once he had it in his possession he could only chuckle as he placed it in his bag. “Now then, let’s return to the ship and deliver the package to-”

Before he could finish a stream of webbing wrapped around his bag and pulled it from his possession as he fell to the ground on his back. Tidus and Solar looked around to see what had tripped their brother. Tidus looked around the corner of a statue only to have his legs caught in webbing as he is pulled into the air and kicked in the face.

“You know, you guys would be better off stealing bits from a wishing well then doing this.” A Unicorn wearing a white and black suit with a spider insignia over his chest, stood a few feet from the trio. Lucian stood up on his hooves growling at this stranger, he was obviously different from the guards they dealt with moments ago.

“Who the hell are you?!” Solar asked, as he shot a ball of flames at this new foe, who easily dodged it with a flip into the air as he fired webbing from his wrists at Solar’s face.

“Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-mane,” He replied, shooting multiple strands of webbing at the trio, who dodged them as best they could, but the webs shot through their robes, tearing small holes in them as they dodged his webs.

“Gah! So much for keeping a low profile, boys I think it’s time we ditched these ridiculous robes!” Lucian said, ripping off his robe forcefully, revealing a unicorn wearing a black trench coat with a white skull mask painted with red streaks, wielding two sets of gauntlets with double blades coming out. Solar did the same, he was wearing his a black suit as the rest of his body was consumed in flames. As for Tidus he was wearing a similar suit, but with no sleeves as his entire body was soon solidify with metal.

“This is where you die, Spider-Mane,” Lucian said, as a purple aura surround his hoof, forming a sphere of energy and launched at him. Of course he dodged it with ease as he swung across the room, bag still in his grasp as more spheres of energy kept firing at him. “Get the Orb… We can’t disappoint the master.”

‘Alright what do these guys want with this Orb? Come on Peter Think? There isn’t much use for this thing hasn’t been opened in years.’

Before he could finish his thoughts his sixth sense started going off as the mighty Tidus threw an old, large, rusty shield at him, but soon leaped into the air and caught the shield with his web and with a swing of his web he fired it right back at Tidus’s face. Angering the stallion as he charged into a pillar where Spider-Mane was, but only succeeded in destroying said pillar and setting off the alarms. Lucian knew they were running out of time and needed to get the Orb now.

“Urgh! Useless, Solar take him out quickly and get the Orb!” Lucian ordered, Solar nodded as he flew into the air, surprising the webslinger as he fired multiple balls of fire from his hooves. Still Spider-Mane was able to dodge them with ease as he swung in the air all around the room, leading the fiery inferno pony into a trap.

“Hope you’re thirsty, because got you a nice cold fountain of Water!” Peter said, tearing the small drinking fountain with his bare hooves as it shot water into the air. Solar saw this and tried evading, but the webslinger had climbed up the side of the wall while he wasn’t looking and kicked him into it. Solar fell to the ground as steam ran off his body, flames dissipating as he coughed up water, before passing out.

“Alright one down… two to go-” Before he could finish Tidus slammed into Spider-mane’s back with full force into the wall. Tidus cracked his neck and the wrists of his hooves as he approached the supposed down Spider-mane or so he thought. The webslinger then shot a stream of web at his face, blinding the mighty steel pony for a moment as he spun his legs around, tripping the pony to the ground. He began webbing Tidus all around till he couldn’t move anymore. “Okay that leaves only one more to take care of.”

His spider sense soon began to go off before he got hit in the back by a dark energy beam coming from Lucian as he slowly trotted up to him. “So you’re him aren’t you? Spider-Man, just wearing a different outfit and… well, different species. Honestly I thought you were dead since out data claims you to be deceased, but now I know that isn’t true. You have all his moves, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. One of the many Avengers that defeated my master almost thirty years ago. Now I get to kill one of Earth's mightiest heros myself.”

Another dark sphere formed around Lucian’s hoof as he was about to fire it, a dim blue light formed around Spider-mane’s horn as the eyes from the mask turned from black to bright blue hue, unleashing a surge of magical energy that sent Lucian flying across the room. With a deep sigh he managed to get up on his hooves. He couldn’t have cut that any closer if it wasn’t for his friend that was in his head. ‘Thanks Dream.’

‘Pfft… if I wasn’t here, then you’d be burnt to a crisp. But I don’t think we’re done just yet,’ They both saw Lucian stand on his hooves quickly, growling behind that mask of his, noticing that his two younger brothers had fallen, only angering the warlock even more. Soon his gauntlets opened up, releasing two double blades on each gauntlet and charged at them. ‘Okay here he come, get ready Peter.’

Before they knew it Lucian attempted to cut them in two, but was able to do a double backflip over him, while shooting from his web shooters. But Lucian countered it by placing a small barrier in front of him, before firing lighting from his hooves this time at them, but thanks to Dream’s magic she placed a similar barrier of her own, before countering with a bolt of magic from Spider-manes horn. Lucian attempted to dodge it, but it barely scratched his shoulder.

This only angered the warlock as he fired the blades from his gauntlet at his foe, but due to Dream’s and Peter’s synchronization they didn’t have their sixth sense and were barely able to dodge them in time. On of the blades from Lucian’s gauntlet’s had cut the side of his waist as they shot a beam of magic at the warlock’s chest plate, burning a bit. While he was distracted Dream began to heal the wound that was cause by the blade as if it didn’t happen in the first place.

Lucian’s pride wouldn’t allow him to fail to the likes of this new adversary as they both began to exchange blows to each other. Even though Lucian wasn’t as fast as the webcrawler he made up for it with his magic and strength, while Peter and Dream kept up the pace as they, blocked every attack he threw at them. Every time he landed a blow, they would either block it or counter it with their own punches. Soon they did a backflip over Lucian and kicked him in the face, before landing perfectly on all fours. Breathing heavily as they began to come up with a new strategy.

‘Okay Dream, let me take over again. It’s harder to keep up with him if I don’t have my spider sense.’ Dream acknowledge this and simply sighed in response.

‘Fine… but I was finally able to have some fun. You don’t have any idea how boring it is to just sit in here and do nothing,’ She said, but she obliged and the blue glow from the eyes of the mask turned back to it’s original black color.

‘Don’t worry dream I’m sure more guys like him will show up in the future.’

‘You’re being sarcastic aren’t you?

‘Yes, yes I am,

‘Remind me why I’m friends with you again?’

‘Because you love me,’ But his thoughts were soon interrupted as Lucian stood up from that kick to the face. Breathing heavily as he used his magic to summon his blades again to his gauntlet. With a loud grunt he cracked his neck and other limbs.

“It’s… going to take a lot more… than that to stop me!” Lucian stated as he got into his fighting position, but soon the doors to the front entrance bursted open and over two dozen royal guards came in with spears and shields as they got behind Spider-mane. But soon Solar and Tidus returned to Lucian’s side as the trio began to back up slowly towards a wall.

“There’s nowhere to run! Put your hooves behind your head!” One of the Royal guards demanded, but Lucian could only laugh as his hoof began to glow again. A portal soon opened behind them and they slipped in quickly, but not before Lucian turned towards the Webslinger.

“You may have won this battle, but this war is not over! Our master is coming and he’ll do whatever it takes to claim the power that rightfully belongs to him!” Lucian said, before slipping into the portal, before Spider-Mane could get to him.

“Prince Parker… We will do everything in our power to find these scumbags and bring them to justice!” The Guard said as he turned towards two of his troops to begin searching for clues while the rest went to either clean up the damages that were made or begin their search for the trio that had escaped. “Would you like an escort back to Ponyville my liege?”

“Nah… it’s fine, but actually could you ask Princess Luna to meet me tomorrow at the Castle? I need to talk her tomorrow and send a letter to Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. I think we may have a problem on our hoofs.” he said, pulling out the Orb from Lucian’s satchel.

‘Why go through all the trouble for this? This doesn’t make any sense…’ But his thoughts were soon interrupted by his companion.

‘Peter? I think I may have some answers as to why they seeked out this artifact.’

‘You do?’ Peter asked, Dream simply nodded as she faced him in person within his mind. A women who had a greyish skin tone with black wings and long blue hair, she had purple lipstick and a blue tiara atop of her head and blue slitted eyes, appeared before him.

‘I don’t know much about the artifact itself, but what I can tell you is that this was given to Celestia, before you even arrived here in Equestria. As for who gave it to her… I’m afraid I don’t know… But I think Luna might know who though,’ Dream replied, but even though that information was helpful… He still had questions, but he believed that the answers were with Luna or with his beloved wife, Twilight Sparkle.

‘Well I guess it can’t be helped… I suppose we’ll find out in the morning, but right now I could really go for a glass of milk and cookies.’ He said, only for dream to roll her eyes as she shook her head.

‘You can be so childish sometimes… you know that right?’

‘Hey you’re never too old for milk and cookies!’

‘Fair enough, but first you may want to get that special tea from the shop for Twilight, before it closes,’ She reminded the stallion as he began to panic as he dashed out the front doors to retrive his special tea for his special lady.

Elsewhere in Equestria

Lucian and his brothers managed to have escaped from Spider-mane and those guards that had appeared, hiding at their campsite miles away from Canterlot. But for Lucian it felt like his pride had been shot down. He one of the most powerful and feared warlocks in the universe was bested by a spider freak in a unitard. Not to mention that the webcrawler bested both Tidus and Solar with ease.

“If I had a little more time with Spider-Man than I could have beaten him,” He said aloud, only for Tidus to pat his brother’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry… we may have underestimated him, but next time we’ll be more than ready. After all he’s a weakling and when the three of us work together we’re unstoppable.” Even though he had made his point, Lucian knew that this pony wasn’t like the other warriors he slew on Xandar or on other worlds. He was different.

“And yet he was able to take you and Solar out with ease! We’ll have to take precautions next time when we make another attempt to steal the Orb-” But before he could finish Solar stepped in with annoyance.

“Why are we even doing this?! I say we should just torch the place and leave this stinken rock. The master will understand-” Solar was soon punched in the face, by Lucian who had a look of malice across his face.

“You know why we can’t do that Brother! The master wanted us to retrieve the Orb first before enslaving the inhabitants on this planet. And that means not drawing attention to ourselves.” He stated clearly as Solar got up on his hooves again.

“Well that plan turned out great! We’ve been here for two months and we turn up with nothing at all. Not to mention those Royal guards are searching for us now and they’ll be sure to add extra security measures to protect that Orb this time,” He ranted, but realized that it was pointless to argue, seeing that he made his point.

“And when has that ever stopped us? We have broken in and out of multiple facilities with ease. Besides these primitives only rely on spears and magic, where we have the superiority in power, and tech. The only one we really need to worry about is that Spider-Mane fellow.”

“You know now that I think about… that’s the stupidest name I have ever heard.” Solar commented only for Lucian and Tidus to roll their eyes. Lucian pulled out his pad from his tent as he looked up the word ‘Avengers’. Going through the list he noticed many names that were on it. Ironman, Captain America, Doctor Strange etc… after a few minutes of searching he found the name Spider-Man and looked at the profile, saying the he was deceased. But he had a feeling that this webcrawler was the same person as the one on his profile,

“We may not have much time considering that the deadline is in a few days, we’ll have to move quickly and find the Orb and bring it to the master. After that we’ll finally be part of our father’s black order." He said with determaination as his eyes burned blazing red.

The Next Day

It was a peaceful morning in Ponyville as Princess Twilight had awoken from her slumber, well rested as she hopped off the bed, but noticed that somepony was missing?

‘Where is Peter? I thought he came home last night?’ She thought to herself, only to hear the sounds of her door opening. There stood Peter Parker, her loving husband and famous hero Spider-mane. He was the embodiment of Order and Harmony was carrying a tray with pancakes, toast, and a cup of tea just for her. Even though he’s a bit weird sometimes that didn’t mean she didn’t love him any less. “Oh, there you are Peter, I thought you’d still be in bed?”

“I just thought I should make… breakfast in bed for the two of us… Since you’ve been busy with work lately,” He said sheepishly as the two of them nuzzled one another.

“Thank you Sweetie, but I thought we ran out of tea after Eris used it for a prank on Rainbow Dash,” She questioned as Peter set the tray down on the side of the bed. He looked back at Twilight with a gentle smile as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hoof.

“Well the thing is Twilight… hehehe,” He laughed, avoiding eye contact with his wife, but knowing her she could tell that he was hiding something.

“Peter… what aren’t you telling me?” she asked, raising a brow as she trotted closer to the stallion, who stepped back slowly.

“Okay you see Twilight… I may have left to Canterlot to get you that special tea you always liked and… but as I was about to get it these crooks broke into Canterlot’s museum to try and steal an artifact for someone they worked for and I managed to stop them-” But before he could finish the Alicorn pressed her hoof over Peter’s mouth as she let out loud sigh.

“Peter you don’t have to hide anything from me. You can trust me,” She said, embracing the unicorn as he returned it gratefully. At least until he received a wing slap to the back of his head, yelping in surprise. “That’s for not telling me where you were going.”

“Ouch… Okay I won’t do it again, but those creeps at the museum wanted to take this artifact for some reason. They didn’t go after anything else… just this,” Peter than pulled out the Orb from last night. Judging by Twilight’s expression, Peter could tell that she had never seen it before either… unless it was in the newspaper articles,

“Hmm… I think I remember Celestia-” But before she could finish, she paused for a brief moment. Remembering her mentor as a single tear rolled down her face as Peter wiped it away with his hoof. It has been six years since Tirek’s defeat and Celestia’s death and it’s still left a heavy impact on the young Princess. “I remember her telling me about it… She said somepony gave it to her for safekeeping.”

“Do you know who gave it to her exactly?” He asked.

“I don’t know… she never did tell me who gave it to her or why? Still why would they go after this? It doesn’t really do much, considering that nopony has ever opened it,” She replied, but Peter had a feeling that a certain Princess might know about it, once gets here later of course.

“Well I think we should probably eat our breakfast first, before we figure out why they wanted to take it? Also I asked Luna to come over when she gets the chance… I figured that she might have some answers.” He said, getting off the bed before they both embraced each other once again.

“Well we better eat this downstairs since we’re both up and about.”

“You betcha, I’m starting to get hungry, ” He replied as his stomach began to growl, causing the mare to giggle as they both headed downstairs to have breakfast with their family