• Published 21st Nov 2016
  • 11,591 Views, 603 Comments

Yugioh EQG - Banshee531

A young antisocial teen receives a deck of Duel Monster cards and is thrust into an amazing adventure. How will he fair when the fate of the world rest on his shoulders.

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Turn 16, Advance of Technology pt2

It was the first round of the Shooting Star Micro Tournament and Flash had suddenly found himself in hot water. Sure he had his best card out, but his opponent Gizmo had summoned a monster that was way more powerful then anything Flash's deck had.

"Now that my Technobot has reached his ultimate form" Gizmo said, "there's nothing you can do to stop me from defeating you."

"Don't count me out just yet Gizmo" Flash said, "me and my monsters are ready for anything you throw at us."

Celestia: This has been one roller coaster of a Duel. But now that Gizmo has his number one monster out on the field, it might be the end of Flash's time here and the Micro Tournament.

"It looks like the crowd has already decided a winner, hey Flash" Gizmo said.

"This Duel is far from over" Flash replied. "You may have the strongest monster on the field, but that doesn't guarantee you the win. My monsters work better when their together, as a team.

"Is that so" Gizmo said, "then why don't we test that theory. I activate LV7's special ability, to let me discard a card and destroy every monster on your field with fewer ATK points the what I discarded."

"ALL OF THEM" Flash and the girls yelled.

"I discard my Perfect Machine King to destroy every monster with less than twenty seven hundred points" Gizmo said, as he discarded a card from his hand. Suddenly slots in the machines arms, legs and shoulders opened revealing multiple lazor cannons which fired into the air. Everyone watched as the blasts flew into the sky and exploded like fireworks, which suddenly began flying downwards towards Flash and his monsters like hundreds of little meteors.

Flash knew he had to find a way to stop his monsters from getting destroyed, when suddenly he noticed a card on one of the buildings in a window frame. "My only chance, Flash Heart" he pointed at the window and his monster flew towards it in an attempt for Flash to grab it, which he did by holding onto the edge of his monsters shoulder. Flash snatched up the Action Card, "got yeah" he said but his excitement quickly turned to dread when he saw the card wasn't an Action Spell, but and Action Trap named Short Circuit. Suddenly he felt himself get shocked by the card as it vanished.

Flash: 3500
Gizmo: 3650

"You fool" Gizmo said, "Action Cards are a mixed blessing. They can either help you or destroy you, and you just wasted your time." The meteors continued the descent towards Flash, getting closer every second.

Flash Heart grabbed Flash and placed him on the ground before shielding him as the blasts finally struck, destroying both him and Lucidum. "No guys" Flash called seeing them be destroyed.

Celestia: And just like that Flash's monsters are gone. Is anyone else getting a déjà vu feeling? Only this time Flash Heart Dragon won't be around to save Flash.

"With your field completely empty, my LV7 is free to attack and decimate your life points." The giant robot raised its fist and threw it at Flash.

"I activate my face down" Flash said, "your not the only one with a Defence Draw Trap Gizmo." His face down flipped up, as a force field appeared around him which the robots attack bounced off. "Now I get to draw one card" Flash did so.

"I end my turn" Gizmo said.

"My draw" Flash did so and smiled seeing what he drew, along with the card he had got thanks to his Trap. "I'm resetting the Pendulum Scale, with Scale four Magna Fight Gladio" the steampunk swordsmen appeared in the empty light pillar. "Now i can once again cut through space time and carve the arc of victory, to summon monsters levelled five and six." the portal formed above him, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a beam of light shot out and hit the ground.

"Snap to it, Lumino Jaw Dragon." (A2300/D1600/L5/P5)

"Why's he playing that card in ATK mode?" Applebloom asked.

"He must be intending to destroy Technobot with it somehow" Twilight replied.

"First of since Lumino Jaw Dragon was special summoned, I can return all your Spell and Trap cards from the field to the bottom of your deck." The dragon flapped its wings and caused Machina Armoured Unit to return to his deck.

"Now if he destroys LV7, Gizmo won't be able to summon a new monster to take its place" Rainbow cheered.

"Now Lumino Jaw Dragon, attack Technobot LV7" Flash ordered.

"My Technobot is far superior to your dragon" Gizmo reminded him.

"That would be true if it wasn't for Gladio's Pendulum ability" Flash replied. "Since Lumino Jaw Dragon was Pendulum Summoned while I have a monster Magna in its card name, other than Gladio, I can increase my monsters attack strength by eight hundred points." (A3100/D1600/L5/P5)

"What" Gizmo said in shock.

"Do it Lumino" Flash said as his monster took flight as the pipes around it began to smoke.

Gizmo had his monster look around, in a hope to find an Action Card.

Lumino Jaw Dragon fired its flames at the robot, who quickly threw a punch at a nearby building. The fire struck the robot a second later causing an explosion.

"Gotcha" Flash cheered, but as the smoke cleared his eyes grew wide seeing Technobot was still standing.

Flash: 3500
Gizmo: 3450

"Nice try" Gizmo said, "but I got the Action Spell Miracle. It saved my monster and cut the damage I would have taken in half."

Flash growled, "I end my turn." (A2300/D1600/L5/P5)

"My draw" Gizmo said. "Since you monster is back to its original points I'll have my Technobot attack."

"Why isn't he using the monsters ability?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"Don't forget that ability requires him to discard a monster, whose ATK points are the same or greater than the monster he wants to destroy" Twilight reminded her. "He must not have a monster with twenty three hundred points or more."

"Lumino" Flash waved to his dragon, who flew down as Flash leaped up and onto its back.

Let me guess" Gizmo said, "your going to go looking for an Action card."

"Hey" Flash replied, "if at first you don't succeed then try again." He and his dragon flew through the city, Gizmo hot on his tail. Despite Flash's dragon being significantly faster then the giant robot, Technobot's large size and long strides allowed him to keep up. Suddenly he saw what he was looking for, an Action Card in a window sill. His dragon flapped its wings and created a gust which dislodged the card and sent it floating through the air towards Flash, before another gust of wind hit it sending it flying in another direction.

Technobot held out its hand as a vacuum tube in its palm sucked the Action Card inside.

"Hey" Flash said, "that Action Card is mine."

"Wrong" Gizmo said, "it's mine. Like the rules say the first Duellist to touch the Action Card can use it. Now back to your monsters destruction" the robot raised his fist and with one great punch, he knocked Lumino Jaw Dragon and Flash out of the sky.

Flash: 3100
Gizmo: 3450

Flash cried out as he fell all the way to the ground. Luckily he hadn't been flying to high, so the fall wasn't that far. But it still hurt as he crashed into the ground.

"FLASH" the girls cried out in worry.

"Is he okay?" Fluttershy asked, petrified to hear the answer.

"he's not moving" Rainbow said.

As Flash finally began to pick himself up, Gizmo laughed from within his cockpit. "How does it feel? To be helpless against someone so much bigger than you. Maybe now you know how it feels."

"How what feels?" Flash moaned out once he was on his feet.

"How it feels to be the little guy. The guy everyone just steps on, ignores or pushes out of the way. You'll soon know what it feels like to be like the innocent victims of your bullying."

"Bullying?" the girls asked.

"What the heck are you talking about?" Flash asked.

"Don't try and deny it" Gizmo said, "I've seen your type a hundred times over. The styled hair, the leather jacket and the way you so easily push people around. Bullies never change, no mater what you do."

"But I'm not a bully" Flash tried to defend himself.

"Then what do you call the stunt you pulled on my back in the corridor?" Gizmo asked.

"That's what this is about" Flash said, "that was an accident. It's not like I waited around the corner to slam into you or something."

"Typical" Gizmo said, "try and talk your way out of trouble because someone bigger and stronger showed up. Just like you bullies, being all high and mighty as long as your the biggest fish in the pond. But as soon as a bigger fish shows up you scurry away and hide, like the coward you are.

"Anyone else thing this guy has a few screws loose?" Rainbow asked.

"Sounds like he's had to suffer some pretty bad abuse concerning bullies" Twilight explained. "I guess after experiences like he's had, it can be hard not to see everything in black and white."

"You sound like you have some level of experience in this?" Rarity asked.

"Back in my old school I used to be picked on as well" Twilight explained. "It was so bad my parents made me transfer to Canterlot High."

"So you know what he's been through" Applejack said.

"Mostly" Twilight replied, "but he's going about it in the wrong way."

"Listen pal" Flash said, "I don't know where you get this assumption about me? But I can assure you that I hate bullies as much as you do."

"Like I'd fall for that" Gizmo said.

"It's true" Flash said, "in fact I used to suffer from bullies just like you did. They'd force me into Duels and threaten my little sister, if I didn't hand over my cards when I lost. It got so bad that I grew to hate Duelling and started distancing myself from my sister. But I've never tried to be a bully like them, in fact I've gone out of my way to try and stop it when I see bullying, that's what got me back into Duelling to begin with."

"Enough of the lies" Gizmo said, "it's time you felt the power of my Technobot."

"Well you'll have to wait until after my turn" Flash said drawing, "once again my Pendulum cards with carve the arc of victory." The portal opened once again, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and once again Lumino Jaw Dragon appeared, powered up by Gladio. (A3100/D1600/L5/P5) "ATTACK" Flash ordered, as his dragon fired its flames again.

"I activate the Action Spell card Miracle" Gizmo said, "once again my monster is safe." The flames struck the robot but it remained standing.

Flash: 3100
Gizmo: 3250

"I'll place one card face down and end my turn" Flash said.

"My draw" Gizmo saw what card he had and smiled. "I sacrifice Jinzo to activate my Technobot's ability" the robots blasters folded out and aimed upwards, before firing. Like before the blasts flew up and exploded, before they came crashing down and destroyed Lumino Jaw Dragon.

Celestia: And once again Flash's field has been emptied.

"Now Technobot attack" Gizmo controlled his monster as it raised its fist and brought it down.

"I Activate my Beacon of Hope Trap card" Flash said, as his face down flew up. "With this I can draw one card, and if it's a monster card I can summon it." He went to his deck and drew, "I summon Starbreak Dragon" his axe wielding dragon appeared in DEF mode. (A1500/D1200/L4)

"Not so fast" Gizmo said, "I activate the Quick-Play Spell card Hacking. It allows me to change the battle position of a monster on the field, and I chose your dragon's. Starbreak stood up as the robots fists crashed into it, causing it to be destroyed.

Flash: 1900
Gizmo: 3250

Flash stood uneasily as he withstood the attack. "My draw" he drew and found he had gotten Aura Spear Dragon, which was useless against Technobot, especially if Gizmo drew a monster strong enough to sacrifice. Flash couldn't take that chance and knew he had only once other choice. "I've gotta find an Action card" he said looking around.

"Even if you do find one what are you hoping for?" Gizmo said. "The odds of one Action card being able to turn this Duel around are slim to none."

"That may be" Flash said, "but that still gives me a chance." He suddenly spotted a card near a construction zone, and began to run.

"I pity you" Gizmo said, "it must be so painful to not have enough brains to see the facts infront of you. If only you would stop and think about the situation."

"That's the difference between you and me Gizmo" Flash said, as he continued to run. "You follow your head, and I respect that, but I follow my gut. Sure it gets me in trouble just as much as it saves me, but it's just who I am. And right now my gut is telling me to grab that Action card."

"Well lets see what your gut tells you to do, once that card is in my hands" Gizmo kicked his robot into high gear, as it rushed towards the construction zone. The only problem was that Flash was already at the area and would definitely get the card before him, so Gizmo used a different method. With on swift jump the Technobot came crashing down, causing the ground to shake and the many girders and steel beams began to rattle.

Flash had almost lost his balance due to the shaking, but got it back in time to see the half built building beginning to rattle. Without a seconds thought he leaped onto the lowest beam, and then leaped up to a higher one. All the while the now unstable structure began to rock from side to side.

"Are you insane?" Gizmo asked.

"Get down from there Flash" Twilight yelled.

"That's to dangerous" Rarity called.

None of the other girls could bare to look, especially when parts of the building began to collapse. But Flash continued to climb upwards, drawing closer to the card and just as he was about to reach it, the whole thing toppled over.

"FLASH" the girls screamed.

Celestia: Oh my.

Everyone remained quiet as the the dust finally cleared, showing the wreckage of the building...but no Flash.

"Oh no" Twilight said, before placing her face in her hands.

"Wait" she heard Rainbow say, "look"

She and the rest all looked back up at the rubble which had begun to shake. Suddenly it exploded as a massive tornado shot out, and standing in the centre of it was Flash.

"What's happening?" Gizmo asked.

"I got the Action Spell Mad Hurricane" Flash explained as the twister disappeared, along with his Pendulum Monsters. "This card returns every card on my field to my deck, and then I can draw the same number of cards" he placed his Pendulum cards in his deck as it shuffled. Flash then drew two new cards.

"Two cards won't save you" Gizmo said.

"Don't be so sure" Flash said, "Because I'm setting the Pendulum Scale with Scale one Magna Caster Lunara and Magna Caster Solaris." The two magicians appeared in the pillar of light, "now I can summon monsters levelled two through seven. Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory" the portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and four beams of light flew out.

"Slice and dice Magna Fighter Lucidum." (A1000/D1000/L3/P2)

"Snap to it Lumino Jaw Dragon. (A2300/D1600/L5/P5)

"Let your aura flow Aura Spear Dragon." (A2000/D100/L4)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"So what if you have four monsters?" Gizmo said, "not one of them can hold a candle to mine." Suddenly his computer began beeping.


"What's going on?" Gizmo asked, before the hood of his canopy opened and his seat ejected sending him flying. Once he 'landed' Gizmo turned back to his monster and saw it was falling through a wormhole, before disappearing into nothing.

"You like it?" Flash asked, "my Flash Heart Dragon's ability activated when he's special summoned. It sent your Technobot to the bottom of your deck."

"That can't be possible" Gizmo said.

"Don't worry" Flash said, "Flash Heart can't attack you directly but my other monsters are happy to do that. Lucidum" the knight leaped at the Duellist and slashed him.

Flash: 1900
Gizmo: 2250

"Now Aura Spear" Flash said, as his dragon took flight and formed his energy spear.

"I need an Action card" Gizmo said, as he spotted one and leaped for it. He took hold of it and the second he did he felt a surge of electricity hit him, the card was a Short Circuit card like the one Flash had grabbed earlier.

Flash: 1900
Gizmo: 1750

Aura Spear Dragon released its attack and it went flying straight at Gizmo, hitting him through the chest and causing him to fall.

Flash: 1900 (Winner)
Gizmo: 0


"He did it" the girls cheered.

Celestia: That was certainly an impressive comeback. I'm looking forward to what young Flash has in store for the next round

As the field dissolved Gizmo got up, only to find Flash standing above him. So this was where the ridicule came, was the first thought that entered Gizmo's head. But instead Flash held out a hand and said, "good game." Gizmo's eyes went wide, but he took the hand and was pulled up.

"Yes indeed" Gizmo said, "you to...good game."

"I know you think I'm a bully" Flash said, "but I want you to know that I'm nothing like that. What happened before, that wasn't me being mean...just me being overeager and clumsy, and I am sorry."

"No I'm sorry Flash" Gizmo replied, "I was wrong about everything I said about you."

"Glad to hear it" Flash said.

"Yes" Gizmo said, "and good luck in the rest of the tournament." With that said, Gizmo turned and left the arena.

Cold turned away from the TV and sighed.

"Not going to watch the other Duels?" Sunset asked.

"I've already seen his next opponent's skills" Cold said, "her technique should be quite tricky for him to overcome."

"He's pretty ballsy I must say" Sunset said, "pulling off that little stunt." She paused the TV on Flash's face, "and he's not bad looking either."

Meanwhile Flash returned to his room and sighed as he slid down the door. He was exhausted and this was only the first match. The rest of the tournament was only going to get harder, and he would need to be ready for anything.

Author's Note:

Any guess on who Flash's next opponent will be? I bet none of you will figure it out.

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