• Published 25th Aug 2017
  • 255 Views, 0 Comments

Peace Overall - Okami1197

With the Dragon War at its end, Dinok Druniik and Cloudy Sky work to return the peace that their predecessors once held across the world

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Rise of the Alphas

Author's Note:

I know it has been a while since I did anything with this universe, but I hope those of you who enjoyed The Forgotten Princess will enjoy this one. It is a direct continuation of it, but unlike the other it does not have humans in it. Enjoy.

Dinok sat on the ground holding Cloudy's limp form. Tears fell from his eyes as he pulled her closer. Time slowed as two astral forms appear near him, "Dinok…." Galic said softly, "It is time for you to take your place as an alpha alicorn."

"Do not fear little one." Terris said with a soothing tone, "Little Cloudy Sky will survive. I shall make her an alpha also."

"Why won't you just end this all now if you two are so powerful?!" Dinok yelled tears falling from his face.

"Because, we have long lost our power to directly interact with individuals with no connection to the astral plane." Galic responded.

"Quiet now Dinok. Let us complete the transfer of power." Terris said, "Your mother and the rest of your family will know what to do once time resumes. This war can only be ended by the alicorns of today."

Before Dinok could respond beams of pure magic shot from the two astral alicorns into him and Cloudy. Once the two figures vanished time resumed. The circle of dragons parted as a large black dragon approached the two new alpha alicorns, "So they finally gave you all their power. Just in time for you to die." the dragon said in a deep gravely voice.

Dinok's horn started to glow as Harbinger grew in size. Harbinger was now longer than Celestia was tall, and its blade was just under half of that, "I don’t think so you monster." Dinok shot a beam straight into the air disintegrating anything that touched it.

The sky became dark and took a red hue as the sun and moon eclipsed, and four loud booms was heard from the direction of the castle. Suddenly four tall alicorns impacted the ground around Dinok and Cloudy, "So." the dragon said, "The family has come together to die." a scream could be heard right before an emerald colored cone shot through the dragons.

"Im sorry, but this time you do not have surprise on your side," Celestia said as she slowly grew a few feet taller and her rainbow mane became fire.

"But we have our subjects behind us," Luna continued as her coat darkened and she grew in height.

"Our family is together," Storm said as her mane became a torrent of lightning.

"And together we are strong!" all the alicorns said in unison forcing the nearby dragons away, all except the large black dragon.

"This is cute." the dragon laughed, "You think that your precious unity will save you. Do the math there is more of us than you. Your ancient behemoth dragon is dead, your subjects are scared and weak, and your family is missing your strongest members because they are dead. Yes their power is in the little ones but they lack the knowledge to use it." lightning cracked through the sky as the large dragon laughed. The six alicorns stared at the dragon in spite.

The land shook causing all land bound participants to look around, "You say we lack the knowledge to use our powers. Galic and Terra were anything but stupid. They gave us all knowledge to fully utilize the power they gave us." Dinok said just before the ground started to split open as an army of demonic creatures came forth, "I have been trying to summon them this whole time, but that is not all I can do." a beam shot from his horn and hit the limp body of Radetel, "He didn't die when your forces downed him. He sat there in pain giving me strength. It was not until Galic unfroze the time that he died. On top of summoning my army I was also preparing a spell to restore his body. I asked him as his soul past me if he would serve us one last time and he agreed." the once lifeless body stood and took to the air letting loose a nightmarish roar.

"How….. You little pest!" the dragon yelled, "You will die fir…" the dragon was interrupted by a pillar of earth hitting him under the chin.

"LEAVE!HIM!ALONE!" Cloudy yelled as she stood, horn blazing, "YOUR TIME ON THIS WORLD IS OVER!" Cloudy grew as her already flowing mane and tail grew in length as the dragon was impacted by numerous pillars. Spikes of rock shot through the dragons wings.

Using his weight, the dragon flung himself from side to side breaking the pillars and spikes. Once free he drew in a long breathe and unleased a torrent of void energy. Before any of the other alicorns could react Void jumped in front of the blast. The void energy flowed into Void Star's body, "Your not the only one who can consume void energy you monster." Void says with his voice laced in venom.

The dragon turned faster than anything his size should be able to, and swings his tail like a bat. Luna jumped in front of his tail and summoned a large midnight-blue shield, "You will not win." Luna growled.

Acting quickly Celestia and Storm jump at the dragon's head. Celestia spinning with two flaming short-swords slashed deep into the dragons nose. Storm came down with circle of lances coated in lightning stabbing the dragons head. The dragon's body went limp before a mist flowed out of the body. The mist laughed, "You cant kill me. I am one with the void."

"Really," Void said, "I can just eat you, and make your powers mine or banish you to the void permanently." his horn started to glow as an opening to the void appeared and tendrils shot out and grabbed the mist pulling it in. The opening closed, "Lets finish this." Void said as he shot into the air after some dragons.

"Dinok stay with Cloudy. You two have to survive this." Lightning said, "Celestia I know that you don’t like me, but let us put the fear of what us alpha alicorns can do into these dragons."

"Agreed sister, but we will have one long talk after this." Celestia responded before the two charged into the fight.

Luna looked at us, "This day will be remembered. So make it something special." she then also join the fight.

Dinok scanned the battle field and watched his army fight, "I can keep this up for much longer Cloudy. All these demons are draining my strength."

"Then stop. We can finish this without them." Cloudy said calmly as she also gazed at the battlefield before them.

The demons started to vanish as the holes in the ground closed, "Now let's hope that we are not over run." no sooner than Dinok finished his sentence, the Equestrian army ran past them back into the fray with renewed spirit, "They really know how to time things don't they."

"It would seem that way wouldn't it." Cloudy said with a slight smile. The battle continued for hours. Once it became obvious that Equestria was wining the dragons started to surrender. Those that did were set free to live their lives while the ones who didn't were put down on the spot. With the victory of the only battle being claimed by Equestria, a very large party was held. It stretched from one corner of Equestria to the other.

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