• Published 11th Feb 2017
  • 2,684 Views, 73 Comments

The Thirty-Moon Roommate - Lux

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Chapter 16- The Choice

Chapter 16

The two of you returned to the apartment, not saying a word to each other. There really was nothing more to say after Twilight basically shut down all chances of a relationship with you, and chances were that when she did return to her world she would not ever come back. After all, when one declares their love for another, it was hard to go back to being simply friends. You could somehow feel that your time with Twilight was coming to an end, and although you longed to spend the last few moments with her you felt it was pointless.

You and Twilight ate in relative silence, her only words for a while being a simple thank you. You didn’t feel much like eating, finding yourself simply just watching her and thinking about what could be. Twilight seemed also to think about the past conversation as she poked her food with a lethargic gaze. Finally after a while, she spoke to you.

“I’m… sorry that I spoke to you that way,” she said with a sigh, “I do want love in my life, and I’m really flattered that you think. You’re a great guy, and I enjoy talking with you. It’s just I can’t see this going anywhere else but ending up where we both would end up heartbroken. There’s no telling once I return home if I’d ever be able to back here!”

As you listened to her problem, you couldn’t help but have the same thoughts running through your mind. Surely there had to be something that could ally both yours and Twilight’s concerns. You wanted to be with her more, but time seemed to be ticking away. She also seemed interested in you, but she had her mind fixed on home. She always seemed to think about where she came from even at the very moment you first met her at your apartment door. It was like there was this vast chasm between you two. You could still see and hear each other, but the gap was wide enough that the two of you felt that you could not cross to meet each other. The more that time passed, the wider that chasm seemed. It seemed that there was no way for the two of you to truly be happy together, not unless one of you crossed the gap. You knew Twilight wouldn’t stay with you despite liking you, not when she mentioned being a Princess and afraid for the safety of her kingdom. There was only one way you could see this going, but were you willing to take that step and leave everything behind just on a feeling?

Suddenly the phone rang, piercing the tension between each other. Part of you was not in the mood to talk to anyone but Twilight, but the call could be someone important. Reluctantly, you picked up the phone and brought it towards your face.

“H…hello?” you said.

“Hi,” a familiar voice could be heard on the line, “It’s Trixie. Listen, is Twilight there with you?”

“Yeah, she’s here,” you said looking over at Twilight who at first sat slumped over at the kitchen table, but upon hearing her referenced suddenly made her sit up and take notice.

“Good. Listen, Starlight and I have been going through all of our books, and we realized that opening a portal to Twilight’s world may not be as difficult as we all thought.”

“Really?” you said shocked.

“Think about it: what are we doing when we do a séance?”

“Uh, opening a portal to the world of the dead?”

“Right! Now I know that’s connecting to another layer of existence on this world, but is in the sense crossing over with other magic. So, what if we could modify a séance to connect to Twilight’s world if we all put enough energy into it? I’m sorry that it’s such short notice, but think about what today is.”

“It’s May first…oh, right Beltane. The veil between worlds is thin just like Samhain.”

“Right, and I just checked the Lunar calendar, and tonight there is going to be a full moon. Not just any full moon, but a blue moon, and therefore more energy. So putting these things together…”

“She might be able to go home,” you said finishing Trixie’s sentence.

“I…I can go home?” Twilight said shocked, “I thought I’d have to wait for thirty moons.”

“Trixie and Starlight think they might have a plan to get you home tonight.”

“Tonight? Oh wow. That’s amazing.”

“Alright then,” you said, “Meet you two at the statue in the park by sunset?”

“We’ll be there,” Trixie said before whispering, “If you have anything you want to say to her or any decision to make, you better do it soon. Time is ticking.”

“Right, I will,” you said with a new sense of purpose and determination, “See you at night.”

As the phone went dead, you glanced at the clock on the stove. It was six o’ clock, and soon the sun would set. It was now or never.

“Twilight, do you like me?”

“Uh…yes, I do.”

“No, not as friend. Do you like me as a special someone?”

“I do like you like that. I’ve never felt this way around another person before, not even my crushes in the past. I don’t see how this is relevant through since I’m going home in a few hours. Unless… wait, you not thinking about...”

“Yes, I am,” you said. “You said it yourself, there’s no way we could even remotely get to know each other since we’re in two different worlds. Since you can’t stay here, I see only one way this could go.”

“Do you even hear yourself speaking?” Twilight exclaimed. “You’re talking about this, your whole life, tossed aside like a scrap of paper, and for what?”

“For friendship, and love,” you said.

“No, you can’t do this! You shouldn’t do this! What if you don’t get to my world?”

“It’s the same risk that you happened to you coming here,” you said with a shrug, “and it will be the same risk for both of us leaving here.”

“But you’re risking all this for me? I’m not supposed to put people at risks. I’m not worthy of this attention. I…”

Her words were interrupted as you approached her and gave her a kiss. As you connected with her, you could feel each other’s energies expanding and melding together. Gone were the chaotic flares of power. Now it felt like pure harmony.

“Yes, you are worthy,” you said as your lips separated from hers, “I can feel this is right despite how crazy this all is. I want to be with you, Twilight Sparkle, no matter what. This apartment, these things I’ve collected, they don’t matter when it comes to you. Now, let’s get you home and me to my new home.”