• Published 24th Feb 2017
  • 2,010 Views, 36 Comments

I'm Real - Feeling Grand

A young girl discovers that Rainbow Dash, a cartoon pony, is now real, existing consciously in her TV screen.

  • ...

Chapter 3

I didn't know why my granny was acting so weird... so scary.

I hung around the house, not knowing what to do with myself. I would walk by the door every couple of minutes, trying to spy through the little keyhole but it was impossible to get a clear view into the room.

All I could see was the couch and a bit of the back wooden wall. I groaned out loudly, disappointed in this all.

Had my granny seen Rainbow Dash? Did she not like her? Did she think that Rainbow Dash was dangerous? I knew from watching the show My Little Pony that Rainbow Dash was one of the least dangerous fictional characters to come to life in a TV.

I decided to investigate this further. As it got late that day, the sun setting in the far distance, I waited till my granny had gone into her room for a nap. The moment I heard her door close, I quickly hurried to her handbag that was hanging on a chair in the dining room and scuffled through it with my small hands.

I felt something hard and smooth, cold like metal and I pulled out a batch of keys on a key ring. I smiled delighted at this. But the question quickly zoomed into my mind.

Should I be disobeying my granny?

What if she was trying to protect me? I just couldn't tell why she thought locking away my only friend was protecting me. It wasn't... it was leaving me lonely and afraid in a house that was already spooky enough.

I walked over to the living room and looked around the house for any noise or movement in case my granny caught me. Not a sound, besides snoring in the far distance. Granny's snoring still annoyed me, I stuck out my tongue, not liking that pig like sound.

I quickly shoved each key into the hole at different points in time, seeing which one would fit the lock. Finally I shoved the right one in and I quietly turned it. I could hear the door's metal blockage that was inside the door's handle, slide inwards and making a clunky sound. I pushed opened the door and whispered into the room, quietly.

"R-Rainbow Dash...?"

As I looked in, I gasped, when I saw-

-The television was gone.

I ran over to the cabinet and looked through all it's cupboards, and draws. The small chunky TV was no where to be seen.

Why would granny do this? Why would she take away Rainbow Dash?! My only friend in this wilderness? I had tears rise to my eyes in furious sadness.

They began to dribble down my cheeks, salty tears dropping off my chin and soaking into my dress.

After a few minutes, and when my crying session had come to an end, I locked up the living room and placed the keys back in my granny's hand bag.

That night felt so lonely. Again I found it hard to sleep. Granny had made me dinner of potatoes, with the meat being turkey this time. I hated turkey! That bird made a weird gobble gobble sound and looked gross. It made me think, while I was eating it that I would gobble like the turkey and I really didn't want such a stupid sound coming out of my mouth.

I lay in my bed, the wind howling outside as I could feel rain was lashing down outside. Even though the day had been quite clear from clouds, it had not stopped the blustery wind from blowing them in from over the mountains and because we were basically in a valley, it always seemed to pour down rain around my granny's land.

Though through the slamming sound of the rain hitting the roof and the wind blowing through the trees like a beast.

I heard the same crying...

It seemed fainter now... farther away and I sat up in the dark, whispering to who I hoped it was.

"Rainbow Dash?"

There was no sound, just more crying... I could hear it clearly now. But as I looked around I suddenly realized it wasn't coming from the living room. No. It was coming from above.

I let out a scream as I looked over my head, jumping under my covers. I peeked out in desperate fear to see the monster, but all that was above was a vent.

A vent? That led... to the attic?

I had never been in Granny's attic. Far too scared to make the trip. And why wouldn't I be?

Attics in scary movies always held monsters and serial killers. I was never allowed to watch these films at home, but when I went over to my friends' house, we often spied their older siblings watching horror films. I never slept the nights when I watched a scary movie.

I stood up and climbed onto my nightstand, reaching up to the vent and whispering afraid.

"Rainbow, are you in there...?"


I had tears come to my own eyes when I heard that helpless sorrowful voice. I knew she couldn't hear me, as she seemed to have been saying this word for a while and I whispered.

"I'll help! I will!"

I went to the kitchen, lightning striking in the sky and lighting up the night outside as I got a tall stool from the kitchen and carried it, nervously, to my room.

I placed it against my wall, and climbed onto it. I felt like I was wobbling and that I was a terrible high height. When I looked down to the ground, it was like I was miles away from it when I was only three feet.

I pulled opened the vent and climbed nervously in.

I didn't know what had come over me.

Maybe because I wanted to help my friend. Maybe because this house was already so scary it possibly couldn't get any scarier.

I didn't know why I was climbing through a dusty vent.

It was pitch black in there. But I could see white flickery light in the distance and knew my friend was trapped in the attic for sure now.

I crawled through the tight vent, that I only seemed to manage because of my small size and pushed opened the one that led to the attic.

I climbed slowly out of the tight space to the more open one and could see moonlight was shining through a little rooftop window, letting in scarce light.

I coughed as dust was getting in my mouth. I suddenly felt something on my shoulder, and I yelped, scurrying back as I saw a large spider had crawled onto my back. It didn't look poisonous though, but spiders gave me the heebee jeebees.

I looked around for the white light I had seen and could see it in the distance, covered by a large dirty blanket.

I hurried over to it and pulled it opened, seeing underneath it, Rainbow Dash who looked bruised and battered.

When she saw my face, however, she cried out in sorrowful joy.


"Rainbow! What happened to you?"

"She wouldn't stop pushing the buttons, and when I turned on the TV to stop her, she put me up here." Rainbow said upset and angry. "She said if I didn't behave she'd KILL me."

"W-what?!" I shrieked in terror. The moment I did I could hear lightning strike again outside and light up the room.

When this happened I suddenly noticed all around me... the strangest of things. Televisions... smashed to bits.

I gasped when I saw this... why would Granny have destroyed Granpa's old televisions? I thought she thought he was a genius?

I kept looking around the room, as light from Rainbow's TV showed me the whole area of the attic and I saw machinery, weird old technology... and then something caught my eyes that I could not ignore.

It was a giant metal cage... that seemed to connect to a machinery station. And on the station was a a square large box that seemed to connect by a long electric tube back to the cage's main floor.

I came over to it quietly, and saw an old book. I picked it up and read the cover that said.

William Cabe's patent for creating life from the screen.

I raised my eyebrows up high in wonder and fear of this as I opened the book up and quickly read about how this machinery brought to life whatever what was on his television screens. Not only that... but once the TV was put into that square box and connected to the cage, all one had to do was press the activate button... and...

"What does it say, Anna?" Rainbow asked, her eyes worried and battered and I turned back to look at her. My blue eyes were panicky. I didn't want Rainbow to die. And something told me those other TV's didn't malfunction. No, granny had destroyed them when they had created life out of fictional characters. And she was going to try do the same with this TV.

I hurried over to Rainbow Dash, and with struggle in my step, picked the TV up.

"What are you doing...?" Rainbow asked desperately fast, and I just placed the heavy TV into the box. I pushed it in, and Rainbow looked at me terrified. I ran over to the machine station and slammed my little hand furiously onto the big yellow button.

I felt a small electric shock strike up my arm into my body and throw me back in agony. Suddenly Rainbow started to glitch and becoming shiny from the TV. I gazed my pained eyes up at her, as the TV suddenly burst opened in a white explosions and my eyes opened in terror.

"RAINBOW!" I screamed.

Tears lashed down my face, but I suddenly saw a rainbow light shine in through the giant tube and run into the cage. The cage suddenly had electrical currents of rainbow light bouncing off its metal frames.

I got up on my hurting legs, watching in terror as I watched an electrical being form a blue body, with rainbow hairs sprouting out it's head and forming a rainbow tail as well.

A second later all went dark except the last thing I saw look at me which was bright electrical magenta eyes.

I stood in that pitch blackness, my body trembling and shaking with fear and horror. Until I heard a voice... as clear as day... as real as can be.. say to me.


I looked up, and saw when lightning flashed again from outside and lit up the room... a blue pony with wings... looking at me.

She was as real as day.

I nearly screamed at the sight but I felt Rainbow Dash burst out of the cage and run up to me in the dim light to cover my mouth with her hard furry blue hoof, saying quickly,

"Be quiet."

I stiffened, she felt soft... like she had fur now... but she still had the proportions and height as in the show. She was smaller than me, but not by much, and she could fly.

I noticed this quickly, as to reach my mouth to have stopped the scream, her wings had spread opened into a hover and after I seemed to not make a sound more, she landed with a thud to the ground and stared at me annoyed.

"What did you do?"

"I... I didn't want you to die!" I begged, looking into her large real eyes and Rainbow just looked at me upset.

"I know, I know... but... b-but I don't belong here!"

"But you didn't belong either in the TV!" I said, all teary eyed and Rainbow sighed, adding with a quiet breath out.

"You don't need to remind me of that, kid..."

I could see she still had the bruises on her skin... but they had faded a little. I smiled a little smile at this, tears running down my cheeks and she said to me, as she raised off the ground again and looked for a light to illuminate the room.

"I don't like the darkness..."

"I don't either..." I said with a scared voice, trying to keep close to the flying pegasus. She eventually found a switch and turned it on. A yellow ambient light flicked on and we looked around at the mess that was in the attic. So much machinery and inventions. My grandpa had either been a genius or mad.

Or both.

"What now...?" Rainbow asked me, looking into my eyes, determined to know what she was to do.

"Just... just stay in here... okay?"

"And with crazy lady trying to kill me?" Rainbow spat out, despising that idea and flew over to the window. She tried to push it opened and I panicked.

"R-Rainbow! Don't leave me alone with her."

"What's it like out there...?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking into the lashing rain, and suddenly she seemed to manage to pop the window open by it's hinge. When she felt the rain, she shivered at its touch.

She looked back at me, at my teary eyes and swallowed. She said quietly.

"I can't stay here..."

"You can't leave me alone with her. What if she finds out what I did!"

Rainbow just looked at me, and I knew there was pain in her eyes. She just whispered, hating the words as they left her mouth.

"I... I just... I can't stay here!"

She pushed opened the window fully and I saw her fly into the stormy weather. I ran over to the window, pushing it opened and getting my hair wet as it blew in the wind as I yelled terrified.


She disappeared into the darkness... the last I saw of her in the night being the trail of a rainbow from her speed.